Greatest common divisor: Difference between revisions

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m (→‎{{header|K}}: Fix highlight)
(New entry for Greatest Common Divisor in FutureBASIC, demonstrating ease of building a full, interactive application in FB.)
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_gcd( abs(a), abs(b) )</syntaxhighlight>
_gcd( abs(a), abs(b) )</syntaxhighlight>

This is a nearly-trivial 6-line function, so we've dressed it up a bit to show how easily FutureBASIC builds a full, interactive application. In FB, when you complete your code and hit RUN, the built app can open in as little as 3 seconds.
[[New_app_in_finder.png ]]
It also appears in the dock, where you can run it again with a single click.
The running app looks like this—we added a button to generate random examples to
process, and an interactive design that instantly responds to each change in an input field.

[[Running app.png]]


begin enum 1 // Object tags
end enum

void local fn BuildMacInterface //15-line GUI
window 1, @"Greatest Common Divisor", ( 0, 0, 380, 130 ), NSWindowStyleMaskTitled + NSWindowStyleMaskClosable
textfield _fldA,,, ( 20, 89, 156, 21 )
ControlSetAlignment( _fldA, NSTextAlignmentRight )
ControlSetFormat( _fldA, @"0123456789", Yes, 18, 0 )
textfield _fldB,,, ( 20, 57, 156, 24 )
ControlSetAlignment( _fldB, NSTextAlignmentRight )
ControlSetFormat( _fldB, @"0123456789", Yes, 18, 0 )
textlabel _ansA, @"= ", ( 182, 91, 185, 16 )
textlabel _ansB, @"= ", ( 182, 62, 185, 16 )
button _rand,,,@"Random demo", ( 129, 13, 122, 32 )
menu 1,,, @"File" : menu 1,0,, @"Close", @"w" : MenuItemSetAction(1,0,@"performClose:")
editmenu 2
WindowMakeFirstResponder( 1, _fldA )
end fn

local fn GCD( a as long, b as long ) as long //the requested function
while b
long c = a mod b
a = b : b = c
end fn = a

void local fn DoDialog( ev as Long, tag as long ) //This makes it interactive
long a, b, c
select ev
case _textFieldDidchange //Find GCD of edit fields' contents
a = fn ControlIntegerValue( _fldA )
b = fn ControlIntegerValue( _fldB )
if a + b == 0 then textlabel _ansA, @"=" : textlabel _ansB, @"=" : exit fn
c = fn GCD( a, b )
textlabel _ansA, fn stringwithformat(@"= %ld x %ld", c, a / c )
textlabel _ansB, fn stringwithformat(@"= %ld x %ld", c, b / c )
case _btnclick //Fill edit fields with random content, then process
select tag
case _rand
c = rnd(65536)
textfield _fldA,,str( c * rnd(65536) )
textfield _fldB,,str( c * rnd(65536) )
fn DoDialog( _textFieldDidchange, 0 )
end select
case _windowWillClose : end
end select
end fn

fn BuildMacInterface
on dialog fn doDialog

[[GCD of 814997010 and 4644003.png]] [[GCD of 1234567890 and 9876543210.png]] [[GCD of 51015 and 15051.png]] [[GCD of 1881 and 8118.png]] [[GCD of 42426466 and 2445968527.png ]] [[GCD of 123 and empty field.png]]
