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See [[RCSNUSP/D]].
See [[RCSNUSP/F Sharp]].
This is the "modular" version. Perhaps I'll get around to bloated later. Allows infinite size data space to the left and right of the original data pointer. I originally mistook the meaning of ',' and had the user input an arbitrary number which I would place on the tape, but after looking at the sample multiplication program, realized that I was supposed to input the ascii value of the single key entered. Still, it seems like a good command to allow for reading an arbitrary value so I arbitrarily allocated '~' as the command for that purpose.
<lang fsharp>open System
open System.Collections.Generic
type IP (p:(int*int), d:(int*int), dim1, dim2) =
let mutable _p = p
let mutable _d = d
let mutable _fValid = true
member this.dim1 = dim1
member this.dim2 = dim2
member this.x = fst this.pos
member this.y = snd this.pos
member this.dx = fst this.dir
member this.dy = snd this.dir
member this.pos with get() = _p
and set newp = _p <- newp
member this.dir with get() = _d
and set newd = _d <- newd
member this.Clone() = new IP((this.x, this.y), (this.dx, this.dy), dim1, dim2)
member this.Invalidate() = _fValid <- false
member this.SetTo(ip : IP) = this.pos <- ip.pos; this.dir <- ip.dir
member this.Advance() =
this.pos <- ((fst this.pos) + (fst this.dir), (snd this.pos) + (snd this.dir))
member this.Valid() =
_fValid && this.x >= 0 && this.x < dim2 && this.y >= 0 && this.y < dim2
member this.Reflect(c) =
match c with
| '/' -> this.dir <- (-this.dy, -this.dx)
| '\\' -> this.dir <- (this.dy, this.dx)
| _ -> ignore()
let RCSNUSP (pgmStr : string) =
let StringToPgm (str : string) =
let stringsPre =
str.Trim([|'\n'; '\r'|]).Split([|'\n'|])
|> Seq.map (fun s -> s.Trim([|'\n'; '\r'|]))
let maxLen =
|> Seq.map (fun s -> s.Length)
|> Seq.max
let strings =
|> Seq.map (fun s -> s.PadRight(maxLen))
|> Seq.map (fun s -> s.Trim([|'\n'; '\r'|]).ToCharArray())
|> array2D
let pgm = StringToPgm pgmStr
let ptr = ref 0 // Pointer into input
let stk = new Stack<IP>() // Instruction stack
let input = ref (Array.create 100 0)
let LocateStart pgm =
let fFound = ref false
let s1 =
seq {
for i = 0 to ((Array2D.length1 pgm)-1) do
for j = 0 to ((Array2D.length2 pgm)-1) do
yield (pgm.[i,j], (j, i)) }
|> Seq.skipWhile (fun (c, _) -> fFound := !fFound || (c = '$'); not !fFound)
|> Seq.truncate 1
|> Seq.toArray
if not !fFound then
|> Seq.head
|> snd
let ip = new IP(LocateStart pgm, (1, 0), Array2D.length1 pgm, Array2D.length2 pgm) // Instruction Pointer
let InputNumber() =
let mutable fValid = false
let mutable num = 0
printfn "Enter a valid number"
fValid <- Int32.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), &num);
while not fValid do
printfn "Invalid input. Please enter a valid number"
fValid <- Int32.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), &num);
let InputAscii() =
printfn "Enter an ascii character"
let chOut = (Console.ReadKey().KeyChar)
printfn ""
int chOut
let MovePtr fRight =
if fRight then
ptr := !ptr + 1
if !ptr >= (!input).Length then
Array.Resize(input, (!input).Length + 20)
ptr := !ptr - 1
if !ptr < 0 then
let newInput = Array.create ((!input).Length + 20) 0
Array.ConstrainedCopy(!input, 0, newInput, 20, (!input).Length)
ptr := 19
let interpretCmd() =
//if @"><+-.,;/\?!@#".Contains(pgm.[ip.y, ip.x].ToString()) then
// printfn "TapePos: %d; TapeVal: %d; Pos (%d, %d) : %c" !ptr (!input).[!ptr] ip.x ip.y pgm.[ip.y, ip.x]
// Console.ReadKey() |> ignore
match pgm.[ip.y, ip.x] with
| '>' -> MovePtr true; ip.Advance()
| '<' -> MovePtr false; ip.Advance()
| '+' -> (!input).[!ptr] <- (!input).[!ptr] + 1; ip.Advance()
| '-' -> (!input).[!ptr] <- (!input).[!ptr] - 1; ip.Advance()
| '.' -> printf "%c" (char (!input).[!ptr]); ip.Advance()
| ',' -> (!input).[!ptr] <- InputAscii(); ip.Advance()
| '~' -> (!input).[!ptr] <- InputNumber(); ip.Advance()
| '/' | '\\' -> ip.Reflect(pgm.[ip.y, ip.x]); ip.Advance()
| '?' -> ip.Advance(); if (!input).[!ptr] = 0 then ip.Advance()
| '!' -> ip.Advance(); ip.Advance()
| '@' -> stk.Push(ip.Clone()); ip.Advance()
| '#' -> if stk.Count = 0 then
| _ -> ip.Advance()
while ip.Valid() do
interpretCmd() |> ignore
Example inputs:
<lang fsharp>let p1 = @"
read two characters ,>,==\ * /=================== ATOI ----------\
convert to integers /=/@</@=/ * // /===== ITOA ++++++++++\ /----------/
multiply @ \=!\=========/ // /++++++++++/ \----------\
convert back !/@!\============/ \++++++++++\ /----------/
and print the result \/ \.# * /++++++++++/ \--------#
/====================/ * \++++++++#
| /-<+>\ #/?=<<<<\!>>>>\ />>+<+<-\
| #\?===/! BMOV1 =====\ \->>>>+/ // /======== BSPL2 !\======?/#
| /->+<\ /===|=========== FMOV4 =/ // /<<+>+>-\
| #\?===/! FMOV1 =|===|==============\ /====/ /====== FSPL2 !\======?/#
| /==|===|==============|==|=======/
| * * *|* | * | * * * * * * *|* | * * * /+<-\
| * />@/<@/>>@/>>===\ /====>>\@<\@<\ * /==== ADD2 !\>=?/<#
\===== MUL2 =?/>@\==<#<<<==\ \!\<<<<@\>>>>-?/\ * // /-\
* \\ \/@========|======</ * // /== ZERO !\?/#
* * * \\* * * * | * * * * | * * * * *// //
\\ | \==========/ //
// Should print out multiplication of two input ascii values
RCSNUSP p1 |> ignore
printfn ""
printfn "Next three should all yield 48"
printfn "value = %d" (RCSNUSP @"
printfn "value = %d" (RCSNUSP @"
printfn "value = %d" (RCSNUSP @"6=@@@+@+++++#")

Revision as of 21:15, 27 December 2009

Execute SNUSP
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.
Execute SNUSP is an implementation of SNUSP. Other implementations of SNUSP.

RCSNUSP is a set of SNUSP compilers and interpreters written for Rosetta Code in a variety of languages. Below are links to each of the versions of RCSNUSP.

An implementation need only properly implement the Core SNUSP instructions ('$', '\', '/', '+', '-', '<', '>', ',', '.', '!', and '?'). Modular SNUSP ('#', '@') and Bloated SNUSP (':', ';', '%', and '&') are also allowed, but not required. Any extra characters that you implement should be noted in the description of your implementation. Any cell size is allowed, EOF support is optional, as is whether you have bounded or unbounded memory.






See RCSNUSP/F Sharp.


See RCSNUSP/Haskell.




See RCSNUSP/JavaScript.


