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(→‎{{header|Common Lisp}}: note should have usocket)
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=={{header|Common Lisp}}==
=={{header|Common Lisp}}==

[[Category:Common Lisp examples needing attention]]<!-- There should be a example. -->

Sockets is not a standard part of Common Lisp but many implementations have support for this. The following example {{works with|CLISP}}
Sockets is not a standard part of Common Lisp but many implementations have support for this. The following example {{works with|CLISP}}
<lang lisp>(defvar *clients* '()
<lang lisp>(defvar *clients* '()

Revision as of 19:27, 4 July 2009

Echo server
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Create a network service that sits on TCP port 12321, which accepts connections on that port, and which echoes complete lines (using a carriage-return/line-feed sequence as line separator) back to clients. No error handling is required. For the purposes of testing, it is only necessary to support connections from localhost ( Logging of connection information to standard output is recommended.

The implementation must be able to handle simultaneous connections from multiple clients. A multi-threaded solution may be used.

The implementation must not stop responding to other clients if one client sends a partial line or stops reading responses.


echoserver.ahk, modified from script by zed gecko. <lang AutoHotkey>#SingleInstance Force Network_Port = 12321 Network_Address =

NewData := false DataReceived = Gosub Connection_Init return

Connection_Init: OnExit, ExitSub socket := PrepareForIncomingConnection(Network_Address, Network_Port) if socket = -1


Process, Exist DetectHiddenWindows On ScriptMainWindowId := WinExist("ahk_class AutoHotkey ahk_pid " . ErrorLevel) DetectHiddenWindows Off

NotificationMsg = 0x5555 OnMessage(NotificationMsg, "ReceiveData")

ExitMsg = 0x6666 OnMessage(ExitMsg, "ExitData")


if DllCall("Ws2_32\WSAAsyncSelect", "UInt", socket, "UInt", ScriptMainWindowId, "UInt", ExitMsg, "Int", FD_CLOSE) { msgbox, closed }

if DllCall("Ws2_32\WSAAsyncSelect", "UInt", socket, "UInt", ScriptMainWindowId, "UInt", NotificationMsg, "Int", FD_READ|FD_CONNECT) {

 MsgBox % "WSAAsyncSelect() indicated Winsock error " . DllCall("Ws2_32\WSAGetLastError")
 DllCall("Ws2_32\WSAAsyncSelect", "UInt", socket, "UInt", ScriptMainWindowId, "UInt", ExitMsg, "Int", FD_CLOSE)


SetTimer, NewConnectionCheck, 500 return

PrepareForIncomingConnection(IPAddress, Port) {

   VarSetCapacity(wsaData, 32)
   result := DllCall("Ws2_32\WSAStartup", "UShort", 0x0002, "UInt", &wsaData)
   if ErrorLevel
       MsgBox WSAStartup() could not be called due to error %ErrorLevel%. Winsock 2.0 or higher is required.
       return -1
   if result
       MsgBox % "WSAStartup() indicated Winsock error " . DllCall("Ws2_32\WSAGetLastError")
       return -1
   AF_INET = 2
   socket := DllCall("Ws2_32\socket", "Int", AF_INET, "Int", SOCK_STREAM, "Int", IPPROTO_TCP)
   if socket = -1
       MsgBox % "socket() indicated Winsock error " . DllCall("Ws2_32\WSAGetLastError")
       return -1
   SizeOfSocketAddress = 16
   VarSetCapacity(SocketAddress, SizeOfSocketAddress)
   InsertInteger(2, SocketAddress, 0, AF_INET)
   InsertInteger(DllCall("Ws2_32\htons", "UShort", Port), SocketAddress, 2, 2)
   InsertInteger(DllCall("Ws2_32\inet_addr", "Str", IPAddress), SocketAddress, 4, 4)
   if DllCall("Ws2_32\bind", "UInt", socket, "UInt", &SocketAddress, "Int", SizeOfSocketAddress)
       MsgBox % "bind() indicated Winsock error " . DllCall("Ws2_32\WSAGetLastError") . "?"
       return -1
   if DllCall("Ws2_32\listen", "UInt", socket, "UInt", "SOMAXCONN")
       MsgBox % "LISTEN() indicated Winsock error " . DllCall("Ws2_32\WSAGetLastError") . "?"
       return -1
   return socket


ReceiveData(wParam, lParam) {

   global DataReceived
   global NewData
   global mydata
   global ConnectionList
   socket := wParam
   ReceivedDataSize = 4096
       VarSetCapacity(ReceivedData, ReceivedDataSize, 0)
       ReceivedDataLength := DllCall("Ws2_32\recv", "UInt", socket, "Str", ReceivedData, "Int", ReceivedDataSize, "Int", 0)

if ReceivedDataLength = 0

  StringReplace, ConnectionList, ConnectionList, %socket%`n
  DllCall("Ws2_32\closesocket", "UInt", socket)

       if ReceivedDataLength = -1
           WinsockError := DllCall("Ws2_32\WSAGetLastError")
           if WinsockError = 10035
               DataReceived = %TempDataReceived%
               NewData := true
               return 1
           if WinsockError <> 10054
               MsgBox % "recv() indicated Winsock error " . WinsockError
               StringReplace, ConnectionList, ConnectionList, %socket%`n
               DllCall("Ws2_32\closesocket", "UInt", socket)


  mydata := ReceivedData
  gosub myreceive

if (A_Index = 1)

           TempDataReceived =
       TempDataReceived = %TempDataReceived%%ReceivedData%
   return 1


ExitData(wParam, lParam) {

   global ConnectionList
   socket := wParam
   ReceivedDataSize = 16
   VarSetCapacity(ReceivedData, ReceivedDataSize, 0)
   ReceivedDataLength := DllCall("Ws2_32\recv", "UInt", socket, "Str", ReceivedData, "Int", ReceivedDataSize, "Int", 0)
   StringReplace, ConnectionList, ConnectionList, %socket%`n
   DllCall("Ws2_32\closesocket", "UInt", socket)
   return 1


SendData(wParam,SendData) {

   SendDataSize := VarSetCapacity(SendData)
   SendDataSize += 1
   Loop, parse, wParam, `n
       If A_LoopField =
       socket := A_LoopField
       sendret := DllCall("Ws2_32\send", "UInt", socket, "Str", SendData, "Int", SendDatasize, "Int", 0)


InsertInteger(pInteger, ByRef pDest, pOffset = 0, pSize = 4) {

   Loop %pSize%
       DllCall("RtlFillMemory", "UInt", &pDest + pOffset + A_Index-1, "UInt", 1, "UChar", pInteger >> 8*(A_Index-1) & 0xFF)


NewConnectionCheck: ConnectionCheck := DllCall("Ws2_32\accept", "UInt", socket, "UInt", &SocketAddress, "Int", SizeOfSocketAddress) if ConnectionCheck > 1

   ConnectionList = %ConnectionList%%ConnectionCheck%`n


SendProcedure: If ConnectionList <> {

   SendText = %A_Hour%:%A_Min%:%A_Sec%

} Return


TrayTip, server, %mydata%, ,16

GuiClose: ExitSub: DllCall("Ws2_32\WSACleanup") ExitApp</lang> echoclient.ahk <lang AutoHotkey>#SingleInstance OFF Network_Port = 12321 Network_Address = NewData := false DataReceived = GoSub, Connection_Init loop gosub guisend return

guisend: inputbox, SendText SendData(socket,SendText) SentText = return

Connection_Init: OnExit, ExitSub

socket := ConnectToAddress(Network_Address, Network_Port) if socket = -1


Process, Exist DetectHiddenWindows On ScriptMainWindowId := WinExist("ahk_class AutoHotkey ahk_pid " . ErrorLevel) DetectHiddenWindows Off

NotificationMsg = 0x5556 OnMessage(NotificationMsg, "ReceiveData")

FD_READ = 1 FD_CLOSE = 32 if DllCall("Ws2_32\WSAAsyncSelect", "UInt", socket, "UInt", ScriptMainWindowId, "UInt", NotificationMsg, "Int", FD_READ|FD_CLOSE) {

   MsgBox % "WSAAsyncSelect() indicated Winsock error " . DllCall("Ws2_32\WSAGetLastError")



ConnectToAddress(IPAddress, Port) {

   VarSetCapacity(wsaData, 32)
   result := DllCall("Ws2_32\WSAStartup", "UShort", 0x0002, "UInt", &wsaData)
   if ErrorLevel
       MsgBox WSAStartup() could not be called due to error %ErrorLevel%. Winsock 2.0 or higher is required.
       return -1
   if result
       MsgBox % "WSAStartup() indicated Winsock error " . DllCall("Ws2_32\WSAGetLastError")
       return -1
   AF_INET = 2
   socket := DllCall("Ws2_32\socket", "Int", AF_INET, "Int", SOCK_STREAM, "Int", IPPROTO_TCP)
   if socket = -1
       MsgBox % "socket() indicated Winsock error " . DllCall("Ws2_32\WSAGetLastError")
       return -1
   SizeOfSocketAddress = 16
   VarSetCapacity(SocketAddress, SizeOfSocketAddress)
   InsertInteger(2, SocketAddress, 0, AF_INET)
   InsertInteger(DllCall("Ws2_32\htons", "UShort", Port), SocketAddress, 2, 2)
   InsertInteger(DllCall("Ws2_32\inet_addr", "Str", IPAddress), SocketAddress, 4, 4)
   if DllCall("Ws2_32\connect", "UInt", socket, "UInt", &SocketAddress, "Int", SizeOfSocketAddress)
       MsgBox % "connect() indicated Winsock error " . DllCall("Ws2_32\WSAGetLastError") . "?"
       return -1
   return socket


ReceiveData(wParam, lParam) {

   global DataReceived
   global NewData
   socket := wParam
   ReceivedDataSize = 4096
       VarSetCapacity(ReceivedData, ReceivedDataSize, 0)
       ReceivedDataLength := DllCall("Ws2_32\recv", "UInt", socket, "Str", ReceivedData, "Int", ReceivedDataSize, "Int", 0)
       if ReceivedDataLength = 0
       if ReceivedDataLength = -1
           WinsockError := DllCall("Ws2_32\WSAGetLastError")
           if WinsockError = 10035
               DataReceived = %TempDataReceived%
               NewData := true
               return 1
           if WinsockError <> 10054
               MsgBox % "recv() indicated Winsock error " . WinsockError
       if (A_Index = 1)
           TempDataReceived =
       TempDataReceived = %TempDataReceived%%ReceivedData%
   return 1


SendData(wParam,SendData) {

   socket := wParam
   SendDataSize := VarSetCapacity(SendData)
   SendDataSize += 1
   sendret := DllCall("Ws2_32\send", "UInt", socket, "Str", SendData, "Int", SendDatasize, "Int", 0)


InsertInteger(pInteger, ByRef pDest, pOffset = 0, pSize = 4) {

   Loop %pSize%
       DllCall("RtlFillMemory", "UInt", &pDest + pOffset + A_Index-1, "UInt", 1, "UChar", pInteger >> 8*(A_Index-1) & 0xFF)



   if NewData
       GuiControl, , ReceivedText, %DataReceived%
   NewData := false


ExitSub: DllCall("Ws2_32\WSACleanup") ExitApp</lang>


Works with: POSIX

This is a rather standard code (details apart); the reference guide for such a code is the Beej's Guide to Network programming. The dependency from POSIX is mainly in the use of the read and write functions, (using the socket as a file descriptor sometimes make things simpler).

<lang c>#include <stdio.h>

  1. include <stdlib.h>
  2. include <string.h>
  3. include <errno.h>
  4. include <sys/types.h>
  5. include <sys/socket.h>
  6. include <netdb.h>
  7. include <unistd.h>
  8. include <sys/wait.h>
  9. include <signal.h>
  1. define MAX_ENQUEUED 20
  2. define BUF_LEN 256
  3. define PORT_STR "12321"

void wait_for_zombie(int s) {

  while(waitpid(-1, NULL, WNOHANG) > 0) ;


int main() {

   struct addrinfo hints, *res;
   struct sockaddr addr;
   struct sigaction sa;
   socklen_t addr_size;
   int sock;
   memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(struct addrinfo));
   hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC;
   hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
   hints.ai_flags = AI_PASSIVE;
   if ( getaddrinfo(NULL, PORT_STR, &hints, &res) != 0 ) {
   if ( (sock = socket(res->ai_family, res->ai_socktype, res->ai_protocol)) == -1 ) {
   sa.sa_handler = wait_for_zombie;
   sa.sa_flags = SA_RESTART;
   if ( sigaction(SIGCHLD, &sa, NULL) == - 1 ) {
   if ( bind(sock, res->ai_addr, res->ai_addrlen) == 0 ) {
       if ( listen(sock, MAX_ENQUEUED) == 0 ) {
           /* Serve the listening socket infinitely often */
           for(;;) {
               addr_size = sizeof(addr);
               int csock = accept(sock, &addr, &addr_size);
               if ( csock == -1 ) {
               } else {
                   if ( fork() == 0 ) {
                       /* Echo loop */
                       char buf[BUF_LEN];
                       int r;
                       while( (r = read(csock, buf, BUF_LEN)) > 0 ) {
                           (void)write(csock, buf, r);
       } else {
   } else {
   return EXIT_SUCCESS;


Common Lisp

Sockets is not a standard part of Common Lisp but many implementations have support for this. The following example

Works with: CLISP

<lang lisp>(defvar *clients* '()

   "This is a list of (socket :input status) which is used with

`socket:socket-status' to test for data ready on a socket.")

(defun echo-server (port)

   "Listen on `port' for new client connections and for data arriving on

any existing client connections"

   (let ((server (socket:socket-server port)))
       (format t "Echo service listening on port ~a:~d~%"
           (socket:socket-server-host server)
           (socket:socket-server-port server))
               (when (socket:socket-status server 0 1)
                   (echo-accept-client (socket:socket-accept server 
                                           :external-format :dos
                                           :buffered t)))
               (when *clients*
                   (socket:socket-status *clients* 0 1)
                   (mapcar #'(lambda (client)
                                 (when (eq :input (cddr client))
                                     (echo-service-client (car client)))
                                 (when (eq :eof (cddr client))
                                     (echo-close-client (car client)))) *clients*)))
           (socket-server-close server))))

(defun echo-accept-client (socket)

   "Accept a new client connection and add it to the watch list."
       (host port) (socket:socket-stream-peer socket)
       (format t "Connect from ~a:~d~%" host port))
   (push (list socket :input nil) *clients*))

(defun echo-service-client (socket)

   (let ((line (read-line socket nil nil)))
       (princ line socket)
       (finish-output socket)))

(defun echo-close-client (socket)

   "Close a client connection and remove it from the watch list."
       (host port) (socket:socket-stream-peer socket)
       (format t "Closing connection from ~a:~d~%" host port))
   (close socket)
   (setq *clients* (remove socket *clients* :key #'car)))

(echo-server 12321) </lang>


Works with: Python version 2.3 or above

<lang python>import SocketServer

HOST = "localhost" PORT = 12321

  1. this server uses ThreadingMixIn - one thread per connection
  2. replace with ForkMixIn to spawn a new process per connection

class EchoServer(SocketServer.ThreadingMixIn, SocketServer.TCPServer):

   # no need to override anything - default behavior is just fine

class EchoRequestHandler(SocketServer.StreamRequestHandler):

   Handles one connection to the client.
   def handle(self):
       print "connection from %s" % self.client_address[0]
       while True:
           line = self.rfile.readline()
           if not line: break
           print "%s wrote: %s" % (self.client_address[0], line.rstrip())
       print "%s disconnected" % self.client_address[0]

  1. Create the server

server = EchoServer((HOST, PORT), EchoRequestHandler)

  1. Activate the server; this will keep running until you
  2. interrupt the program with Ctrl-C

print "server listening on %s:%s" % server.server_address server.serve_forever()</lang>


Note: largely untested: may not handle multiple simultaneously connections well. <lang ruby>require 'socket' server ='localhost', 12321) while (session = server.accept)

 client_port, client_host = session.peeraddr[1..2]
 puts "activity from #{client_host}:#{client_port}"
 line = session.gets
 if line.nil?



<lang tcl># How to handle an incoming new connection proc acceptEcho {chan host port} {

   puts "opened connection from $host:$port"
   fconfigure $chan -blocking 0 -buffering line -translation crlf
   fileevent $chan readable [list echo $chan $host $port]


  1. How to handle an incoming message on a connection

proc echo {chan host port} {

   if {[gets $chan line] >= 0} {
       puts $chan $line
   } elseif {[eof $chan]} {
       close $chan
       puts "closed connection from $host:$port"
   # Other conditions causing a short read need no action


  1. Make the server socket and wait for connections

socket -server acceptEcho -myaddr localhost 12321 vwait forever</lang>

Alternative version

A more succinct version (though one harder to adapt to other kinds of services, but closer to the standard unix echo daemon since it has no line-buffering) is to use an asynchronous binary copy. <lang tcl># How to handle an incoming new connection proc acceptEcho {chan host port} {

   puts "opened connection from $host:$port"
   fconfigure $chan -translation binary -buffering none
   fcopy $chan $chan -command [list done $chan $host $port]


  1. Called to finalize the connection

proc done {chan host port args} {

   puts "closed connection from $host:$port"
   close $chan


  1. Make the server socket and wait for connections

socket -server acceptEcho -myaddr localhost 12321 vwait forever</lang>