Echo server/AutoHotkey Client: Difference between revisions

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This is a client for [[Echo Server]] written in [[AutoHotkey]].
<lang AutoHotkey>#SingleInstance OFF

Latest revision as of 13:12, 6 February 2010

This is a client for Echo Server written in AutoHotkey.

echoclient.ahk <lang AutoHotkey>#SingleInstance OFF Network_Port = 12321 Network_Address = NewData := false DataReceived = GoSub, Connection_Init loop gosub guisend return

guisend: inputbox, SendText SendData(socket,SendText) SentText = return

Connection_Init: OnExit, ExitSub

socket := ConnectToAddress(Network_Address, Network_Port) if socket = -1


Process, Exist DetectHiddenWindows On ScriptMainWindowId := WinExist("ahk_class AutoHotkey ahk_pid " . ErrorLevel) DetectHiddenWindows Off

NotificationMsg = 0x5556 OnMessage(NotificationMsg, "ReceiveData")

FD_READ = 1 FD_CLOSE = 32 if DllCall("Ws2_32\WSAAsyncSelect", "UInt", socket,

       "UInt", ScriptMainWindowId, "UInt", NotificationMsg, "Int",


   MsgBox % "WSAAsyncSelect() indicated Winsock error "
           . DllCall("Ws2_32\WSAGetLastError")



ConnectToAddress(IPAddress, Port) {

   VarSetCapacity(wsaData, 32)
   result := DllCall("Ws2_32\WSAStartup", "UShort", 0x0002, "UInt", &wsaData)
   if ErrorLevel
       MsgBox % "WSAStartup() could not be called due to error %ErrorLevel%. "
               . "Winsock 2.0 or higher is required."
       return -1
   if result
       MsgBox % "WSAStartup() indicated Winsock error "
               . DllCall("Ws2_32\WSAGetLastError")
       return -1
   AF_INET = 2
   socket := DllCall("Ws2_32\socket", "Int", AF_INET, 
         "Int", SOCK_STREAM, "Int", IPPROTO_TCP)
   if socket = -1
       MsgBox % "socket() indicated Winsock error "
               . DllCall("Ws2_32\WSAGetLastError")
       return -1
   SizeOfSocketAddress = 16
   VarSetCapacity(SocketAddress, SizeOfSocketAddress)
   InsertInteger(2, SocketAddress, 0, AF_INET)
   InsertInteger(DllCall("Ws2_32\htons", "UShort", Port), SocketAddress, 2, 2)
   InsertInteger(DllCall("Ws2_32\inet_addr", "Str", IPAddress),
           SocketAddress, 4, 4)
   if DllCall("Ws2_32\connect", "UInt", socket, 
           "UInt", &SocketAddress, "Int", SizeOfSocketAddress)
       MsgBox % "connect() indicated Winsock error "
               . DllCall("Ws2_32\WSAGetLastError") . "?"
       return -1
   return socket


ReceiveData(wParam, lParam) {

   global DataReceived
   global NewData
   socket := wParam
   ReceivedDataSize = 4096
       VarSetCapacity(ReceivedData, ReceivedDataSize, 0)
       ReceivedDataLength := DllCall("Ws2_32\recv", "UInt", socket, 
             "Str", ReceivedData, "Int", ReceivedDataSize, "Int", 0)
       if ReceivedDataLength = 0
       if ReceivedDataLength = -1
           WinsockError := DllCall("Ws2_32\WSAGetLastError")
           if WinsockError = 10035
               DataReceived = %TempDataReceived%
               NewData := true
               return 1
           if WinsockError <> 10054
               MsgBox % "recv() indicated Winsock error " . WinsockError
       if (A_Index = 1)
           TempDataReceived =
              TempDataReceived = %TempDataReceived%%ReceivedData%
   return 1


SendData(wParam,SendData) {

   socket := wParam
   SendDataSize := VarSetCapacity(SendData)
   SendDataSize += 1
   sendret := DllCall("Ws2_32\send", "UInt", socket, 
         "Str", SendData, "Int", SendDatasize, "Int", 0)


InsertInteger(pInteger, ByRef pDest, pOffset = 0, pSize = 4) {

   Loop %pSize%
       DllCall("RtlFillMemory", "UInt", &pDest + pOffset + A_Index-1, 
             "UInt", 1, "UChar", pInteger >> 8*(A_Index-1) & 0xFF)



   if NewData
       GuiControl, , ReceivedText, %DataReceived%
   NewData := false


ExitSub: DllCall("Ws2_32\WSACleanup") ExitApp</lang>