Doubly-linked list/Element definition: Difference between revisions

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Line 367: Line 367:
2 fwd_pointer handle(Node);
2 fwd_pointer handle(Node);

P = NEW(: Node :); /* Creates a node, and lets P point at it. */
P = NEW(: Node :); /* Creates a node, and lets P point at it. */
get (value); /* Read in a value. */
get (P => value); /* Reads in a value to the node we just created. */
P => value; /* Assigns a value to the node we just created. */

/* Assuming that back_pointer and fwd_pointer point at other nodes,*/
/* Assuming that back_pointer and fwd_pointer point at other nodes, */
/* we can say ... */
/* we can say ... */
P = P => fwd_pointer; /* P now points at the next node. */
P = P => fwd_pointer; /* P now points at the next node. */
P = P => back_pointer; /* P now points at the previous node. */
P = P => back_pointer; /* P now points at the previous node. */

Revision as of 00:28, 24 February 2010

Doubly-linked list/Element definition
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Define the data structure for a doubly-linked list element. The element should include a data member to hold its value and pointers to both the next element in the list and the previous element in the list. The pointers should be mutable.


<lang ada>type Link; type Link_Access is access Link; type Link is record

 Next : Link_Access := null;
 Prev : Link_Access := null;
 Data : Integer;

end record;</lang> Using generics, the specification might look like this: <lang ada>generic

  type Element_Type is private;

package Linked_List is

  type List_Type is limited private;

... private

  type List_Element;
  type List_Element_Ptr is access list_element;
  type List_Element is

Prev : List_Element_Ptr; Data : Element_Type; Next : List_Element_Ptr;

     end record;
  type List_Type is

Head  : List_Element_Ptr; -- Pointer to first element. Tail  : List_Element_Ptr; -- Pointer to last element. Cursor  : List_Element_Ptr; -- Pointer to cursor element. Count  : Natural := 0; -- Number of items in list. Traversing  : Boolean := False; -- True when in a traversal.

     end record;

end Linked_List;</lang> In Ada 2005 this example can be written without declaration of an access type: <lang ada>type Link is limited record

  Next : not null access Link := Link'Unchecked_Access;
  Prev : not null access Link := Link'Unchecked_Access;
  Data : Integer;

end record;</lang> Here the list element is created already pointing to itself, so that no further initialization is required. The type of the element is marked as limited indicating that such elements have referential semantics and cannot be copied.

Ada's standard container library includes a generic doubly linked list. The structure of the link element is private.


<lang algol68>MODE LINK = STRUCT (

 REF LINK prev,
 REF LINK next,
 DATA value


MODE DATA = STRUCT(INT year elected, STRING name);

LINK previous, incumbent, elect; previous := (NIL, incumbent, DATA(1993, "Clinton")); incumbent:= (previous, elect,DATA(2001, "Bush" )); elect  := (incumbent, NIL, DATA(2008, "Obama" ));

REF LINK node := previous; WHILE REF LINK(node) ISNT NIL DO

 printf(($dddd": "g"; "$,value OF node));
 node := next OF node

OD; print((newline));

node := elect; WHILE REF LINK(node) ISNT NIL DO

 printf(($dddd": "g"; "$,value OF node));
 node := prev OF node

OD; print((newline))</lang> Output:<lang algol68>1993: Clinton; 2001: Bush; 2008: Obama; 2008: Obama; 2001: Bush; 1993: Clinton;</lang>


<lang AutoHotkey>a_prev = 0 a = 1 a_next = b b_prev = a b = 2 b_next = 0</lang>


<lang c>struct link {

 struct link *next;
 struct link *prev;
 int data;



<lang csharp>class Link {

   public int item;
   public Link next;
   public Link prev;


Common Lisp

<lang lisp>(defstruct dlist head tail) (defstruct dlink content prev next)</lang>

See the functions on the Doubly-Linked List page for the usage of these structures.


<lang d>struct Node(T) {

 Node* next, prev;
 T data;



This does no type-checking, under the assumption that it is being used by a containing doubly-linked list object which enforces that invariant along with others such as that element.getNext().getPrev() == element. See Doubly-Linked List#E for an actual implementation (which uses slightly more elaborate nodes than this).

<lang e>def makeElement(var value, var next, var prev) {

   def element {
       to setValue(v) { value := v }
       to getValue() { return value }
       to setNext(n) { next := n }
       to getNext() { return next }
       to setPrev(p) { prev := p }
       to getPrev() { return prev }     
   return element



In ISO Fortran 95 or later: <lang fortran>type node

  real :: data
  type(node), pointer :: next => null(), previous => null()

end type node ! ! . . . . ! type( node ), target :: head</lang>


Haskell in general doesn't have mutability so the following 'mutator' functions use lazy evaluation instead.

Note that unlike naive pointer manipulation which could corrupt the doubly-linked list, updateLeft and updateRight will always yield a well-formed data structure.

<lang haskell> data DList a = Leaf | Node (DList a) a (DList a)

updateLeft _ Leaf = Leaf updateLeft Leaf (Node _ v r) = Node Leaf v r updateLeft new@(Node nl _ _) (Node _ v r) = current

   where current = Node prev v r
         prev = updateLeft nl new

updateRight _ Leaf = Leaf updateRight Leaf (Node l v _) = Node l v Leaf updateRight new@(Node _ _ nr) (Node l v _) = current

   where current = Node l v next
         next = updateRight nr new



Works with: Java version 1.5+

<lang java>public class Node<T> {

  private T element;
  private Node<T> next, prev;
  public Node<T>(){
     next = prev = element = null;
  public Node<T>(Node<T> n, Node<T> p, T elem){
     next = n;
     prev = p;
     element = elem;
  public void setNext(Node<T> n){
     next = n;
  public Node<T> getNext(){
     return next;
  public void setElem(T elem){
     element = elem;
  public T getElem(){
     return element;
  public void setNext(Node<T> n){
     next = n;
  public Node<T> setPrev(Node<T> p){
     prev = p;
  public getPrev(){
     return prev;


For use with Java 1.4 and below, delete all "<T>"s and replace T's with "Object".


Inherits from LinkedList (see Singly-Linked_List_(element)#JavaScript) <lang javascript>function DoublyLinkedList(value, next, prev) {

   this._value = value;
   this._next = next;
   this._prev = prev;

} // from LinkedList, inherit: value(), next(), traverse(), print() DoublyLinkedList.prototype = new LinkedList();

DoublyLinkedList.prototype.prev = function() {

   if (arguments.length == 1) 
       this._prev = arguments[0];
       return this._prev;


function createDoublyLinkedListFromArray(ary) {

   var node, prev, head = new DoublyLinkedList(ary[0], null, null);
   prev = head;
   for (var i = 1; i < ary.length; i++) {
       node = new DoublyLinkedList(ary[i], null, prev);;
       prev = node;
   return head;


var head = createDoublyLinkedListFromArray([10,20,30,40]);</lang>



<lang ocaml>type 'a dlink = {

 mutable data: 'a;
 mutable next: 'a dlink option;
 mutable prev: 'a dlink option;


let dlink_of_list li =

 let rec aux prev_dlink = function
   | [] -> prev_dlink
   | hd::tl ->
       let dlink = {
         data = hd;
         prev = None;
         next = prev_dlink }
       begin match prev_dlink with
       | None -> ()
       | Some prev_dlink ->
           prev_dlink.prev <- Some dlink
       aux (Some dlink) tl
 aux None (List.rev li)

let list_of_dlink =

 let rec aux acc = function
 | None -> List.rev acc
 | Some{ data = d;
         prev = _;
         next = next } -> aux (d::acc) next
 aux []

let iter_forward_dlink f =

 let rec aux = function
 | None -> ()
 | Some{ data = d;
         prev = _;
         next = next } -> f d; aux next

<lang ocaml># let dl = dlink_of_list [1;2;3;4;5] in

 iter_forward_dlink (Printf.printf "%d\n") dl ;;

1 2 3 4 5 - : unit = ()</lang>


The previous implementation is the strict equivalent of the other examples of this page and its task, but in regular OCaml these kind of imperative structures can be advantageously replaced by a functional equivalent, that can be use in the same area, which is to have a list of elements and be able to point to one of these. We can use this type:

<lang ocaml>type 'a nav_list = 'a list * 'a * 'a list</lang>

The middle element is the pointed item, and the two lists are the previous and the following items. Here are the associated functions: <lang ocaml>let nav_list_of_list = function

 | hd::tl -> [], hd, tl
 | [] -> invalid_arg "empty list"

let current = function

 | _, item, _ -> item

let next = function

 | prev, item, next::next_tl ->
     item::prev, next, next_tl
 | _ ->
     failwith "end of nav_list reached"

let prev = function

 | prev::prev_tl, item, next ->
     prev_tl, prev, item::next
 | _ ->
     failwith "begin of nav_list reached"</lang>

<lang ocaml># let nl = nav_list_of_list [1;2;3;4;5] ;; val nl : 'a list * int * int list = ([], 1, [2; 3; 4; 5])

  1. let nl = next nl ;;

val nl : int list * int * int list = ([1], 2, [3; 4; 5])

  1. let nl = next nl ;;

val nl : int list * int * int list = ([2; 1], 3, [4; 5])

  1. current nl ;;

- : int = 3</lang>


We show how to create a new node as a record value. <lang oz>fun {CreateNewNode Value}

  node(prev:{NewCell _}

next:{NewCell _} value:Value) end</lang> Note: this is for illustrative purposes only. In a real Oz program, you would use one of the existing data types.


<lang pascal>type link_ptr = ^link;

    data_ptr = ^data; (* presumes that type 'data' is defined above *)
    link = record
             prev: link_ptr;
             next: link_ptr;
             data: data_ptr;


<lang perl>my %node = (

    data => 'say what',
    next => \%foo_node,
    prev => \%bar_node,

); $node{next} = \%quux_node; # mutable</lang>


<lang PL/I> define structure

  1 Node,
     2 value        fixed decimal,
     2 back_pointer handle(Node),
     2 fwd_pointer  handle(Node);

P = NEW(: Node :); /* Creates a node, and lets P point at it. */ get (P => value); /* Reads in a value to the node we just created. */

/* Assuming that back_pointer and fwd_pointer point at other nodes, */ /* we can say ... */ P = P => fwd_pointer; /* P now points at the next node. */ ... P = P => back_pointer; /* P now points at the previous node. */ </lang>


<lang pop11>uses objectclass; define :class Link;

   slot next = [];
   slot prev = [];
   slot data = [];



<lang python>class Node(object):

    def __init__(self, data = None, prev = None, next = None):
        self.prev = prev = next = data
    def __str__(self):
        return str(
    def __repr__(self):
        return repr(
    def iter_forward(self):
        c = self
        while c != None:
            yield c
            c =
    def iter_backward(self):
        c = self
        while c != None:
            yield c
            c = c.prev</lang>


Extending Singly-Linked List (element)#Ruby <lang ruby>class DListNode < ListNode

 attr_accessor :prev
 # accessors :succ and :value are inherited
 def initialize(value, prev=nil, succ=nil)
   @value = value
   @prev = prev
   @prev.succ = self if prev
   @succ = succ
   @succ.prev = self if succ
 def self.from_values(*ary)
   ary << (f = ary.pop)! {|i| new i }
   ary.inject(f) {|p, c| p.succ = c; c.prev = p; c }


list = DListNode.from_values 1,2,3,4</lang>


Generally, this task should be accomplished in Tcl using list. Here we take an approach that's more comparable with the other examples on this page.
Works with: Tcl version 8.6

<lang tcl>oo::class create List {

   variable content next prev
   constructor {value {list ""}} {
       set content $value
       set next $list
       set prev ""
       if {$next ne ""} {
           $next previous [self]
   method value args {
       set content {*}$args
   method next args {
       set next {*}$args
   method previous args {
       set prev {*}$args


Visual Basic .NET

<lang vbnet>Public Class Node(Of T)

  Public Value As T
  Public [Next] As Node(Of T)
  Public Previous As Node(Of T)

End Class</lang>