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Unlike the ATS and C implementations upon which this Fortran code is based, there is no garbage collector. The memory management is tricky, and if you find bugs in it, please feel free to fix them.

(Fortran standards allow garbage collection, but the NAG compiler is the only Fortran compiler I know of that offers garbage collection as an option. I am using GNU Fortran.)

<syntaxhighlight lang="fortran">

module continued_fractions
! Continued fractions with memoization.

implicit none

public :: cf_generator_proc_t
public :: cf_generator_t
public :: cf_t

public :: cf_generator_make
public :: cf_make
public :: cf_generator_make_from_cf

public :: cf_get_at

public :: cf2string_max_terms
public :: cf2string_default_max_terms
public :: cf2string
public :: default_max_terms

integer :: default_max_terms = 20

subroutine cf_generator_proc_t (env, term_exists, term)
class(*), intent(inout) :: env
logical, intent(out) :: term_exists
integer, intent(out) :: term
end subroutine cf_generator_proc_t
end interface

type :: cf_generator_t
procedure(cf_generator_proc_t), pointer, nopass :: proc
class(*), pointer :: env
integer :: refcount = 0
final :: cf_generator_t_finalize
procedure :: cf_generator_t_refcount_incr
procedure :: cf_generator_t_refcount_decr
end type cf_generator_t

type :: cf_memo_t
integer, pointer :: storage(:)
integer :: refcount = 0
final :: cf_memo_t_finalize
procedure :: cf_memo_t_refcount_incr
procedure :: cf_memo_t_refcount_decr
end type cf_memo_t

type :: cf_t
logical :: terminated
integer :: m
integer :: n
class(cf_memo_t), pointer :: memo
class(cf_generator_t), pointer :: gen
final :: cf_t_finalize
end type cf_t

interface cf2string
! Overload the name "cf2string".
module procedure cf2string_max_terms
module procedure cf2string_default_max_terms
end interface

type :: cf_generator_from_cf_env_t
class(cf_t), pointer :: cf
integer :: i
end type cf_generator_from_cf_env_t


subroutine cf_generator_make (gen, proc, env)
type(cf_generator_t), intent(out), pointer :: gen
subroutine proc (env, term_exists, term)
class(*), intent(inout) :: env
logical, intent(out) :: term_exists
integer, intent(out) :: term
end subroutine proc
end interface
class(*), pointer, intent(inout) :: env

allocate (gen)
gen%proc => proc
gen%env => env
end subroutine cf_generator_make

subroutine cf_generator_t_refcount_incr (gen)
class(cf_generator_t), intent(inout) :: gen
gen%refcount = gen%refcount + 1
end subroutine cf_generator_t_refcount_incr

subroutine cf_generator_t_refcount_decr (gen)
class(cf_generator_t), intent(inout) :: gen
gen%refcount = gen%refcount - 1
end subroutine cf_generator_t_refcount_decr

subroutine cf_generator_t_finalize (gen)
type(cf_generator_t), intent(inout) :: gen
deallocate (gen%env)
end subroutine cf_generator_t_finalize

subroutine cf_memo_t_refcount_incr (memo)
class(cf_memo_t), intent(inout) :: memo
memo%refcount = memo%refcount + 1
end subroutine cf_memo_t_refcount_incr

subroutine cf_memo_t_refcount_decr (memo)
class(cf_memo_t), intent(inout) :: memo
memo%refcount = memo%refcount - 1
end subroutine cf_memo_t_refcount_decr

subroutine cf_memo_t_finalize (memo)
type(cf_memo_t), intent(inout) :: memo
deallocate (memo%storage)
end subroutine cf_memo_t_finalize

subroutine cf_make (cf, gen)
type(cf_t), pointer, intent(out) :: cf
type(cf_generator_t), pointer, intent(inout) :: gen

integer, parameter :: start_size = 8

allocate (cf)
allocate (cf%memo)
allocate (cf%memo%storage(0 : start_size - 1))
cf%terminated = .false.
cf%m = 0
cf%n = start_size
cf%gen => gen

call cf%memo%cf_memo_t_refcount_incr
call cf%gen%cf_generator_t_refcount_incr
end subroutine cf_make

subroutine cf_t_finalize (cf)
type(cf_t), intent(inout) :: cf

call cf%memo%cf_memo_t_refcount_decr
if (cf%memo%refcount == 0) deallocate (cf%memo)

call cf%gen%cf_generator_t_refcount_decr
if (cf%gen%refcount == 0) deallocate (cf%gen)
end subroutine cf_t_finalize

subroutine cf_generator_make_from_cf (gen, cf)
! TAKE NOTE: deallocating gen DOES NOT deallocate cf. (Most likely
! you would not want it to do so.)
type(cf_generator_t), intent(out), pointer :: gen
type(cf_t), pointer, intent(inout) :: cf

type(cf_generator_from_cf_env_t), pointer :: env
class(*), pointer :: p

allocate (env)
env%cf => cf
env%i = 0

p => env
call cf_generator_make (gen, cf_generator_from_cf_proc, p)
end subroutine cf_generator_make_from_cf

subroutine cf_generator_from_cf_proc (env, term_exists, term)
class(*), intent(inout) :: env
logical, intent(out) :: term_exists
integer, intent(out) :: term

select type (env)
class is (cf_generator_from_cf_env_t)
call cf_get_at (env%cf, env%i, term_exists, term)
env%i = env%i + 1
end select
end subroutine cf_generator_from_cf_proc

subroutine cf_get_more_terms (cf, needed)
class(cf_t), intent(inout) :: cf
integer, intent(in) :: needed

integer :: term_count
logical :: done

logical :: term_exists
integer :: term

term_count = cf%m
done = .false.
do while (.not. done)
if (term_count == needed) then
cf%m = needed
done = .true.
call cf%gen%proc (cf%gen%env, term_exists, term)
if (term_exists) then
cf%memo%storage(term_count) = term
term_count = term_count + 1
cf%terminated = .true.
cf%m = term_count
done = .true.
end if
end if
end do
end subroutine cf_get_more_terms

subroutine cf_update (cf, needed)
class(cf_t), intent(inout) :: cf
integer, intent(in) :: needed

integer, pointer :: storage1(:)
integer :: i

if (cf%terminated .or. needed <= cf%m) then
else if (needed <= cf%n) then
call cf_get_more_terms (cf, needed)
! Provide twice the needed storage.
cf%n = 2 * needed
allocate (storage1(0:cf%n - 1))
storage1(0:cf%m) = cf%memo%storage(0:cf%m)
deallocate (cf%memo%storage)
cf%memo%storage => storage1
call cf_get_more_terms (cf, needed)
end if
end subroutine cf_update

subroutine cf_get_at (cf, i, term_exists, term)
class(cf_t), intent(inout) :: cf
integer, intent(in) :: i
logical, intent(out) :: term_exists
integer, intent(out) :: term

call cf_update (cf, i + 1)
term_exists = (i < cf%m)
if (term_exists) term = cf%memo%storage(i)
end subroutine cf_get_at

function cf2string_max_terms (cf, max_terms) result (s)
class(cf_t), intent(inout) :: cf
integer, intent(in) :: max_terms
character(len = :), allocatable :: s

integer :: sep
integer :: i, j
logical :: done

logical :: term_exists
integer :: term

character(len = 100) :: buf

s = "["
sep = 0
i = 0
done = .false.
do while (.not. done)
if (i == max_terms) then
s = s // ",...]"
done = .true.
call cf_get_at (cf, i, term_exists, term)
if (term_exists) then
select case (sep)
sep = 1
s = s // ";"
sep = 2
s = s // ","
end select

write (buf, '(I100)') term
j = 1
do while (buf(j:j) == ' ')
j = j + 1
end do
s = s // buf(j:100)

i = i + 1
s = s // "]"
done = .true.
end if
end if
end do
end function cf2string_max_terms

function cf2string_default_max_terms (cf) result (s)
class(cf_t), intent(inout) :: cf
character(len = :), allocatable :: s
s = cf2string_max_terms (cf, default_max_terms)
end function cf2string_default_max_terms

end module continued_fractions


module continued_fractions_r2cf
! Rational numbers.

use, non_intrinsic :: continued_fractions

implicit none

public :: r2cf_generator_make
public :: r2cf_make

type :: r2cf_generator_env_t
integer :: n, d
end type r2cf_generator_env_t


subroutine r2cf_generator_make (gen, n, d)
type(cf_generator_t), pointer, intent(out) :: gen
integer, intent(in) :: n, d

type(r2cf_generator_env_t), pointer :: env
class(*), pointer :: p

allocate (env)
env%n = n
env%d = d

p => env
call cf_generator_make (gen, r2cf_generator_proc, p)
end subroutine r2cf_generator_make

subroutine r2cf_generator_proc (env, term_exists, term)
class(*), intent(inout) :: env
logical, intent(out) :: term_exists
integer, intent(out) :: term

integer :: q, r

select type (env)
class is (r2cf_generator_env_t)
term_exists = (env%d /= 0)
if (term_exists) then

! The direction in which to round the quotient is
! arbitrary. We will round it towards negative infinity.
r = modulo (env%n, env%d)
q = (env%n - r) / env%d

env%n = env%d
env%d = r

term = q
end if
end select
end subroutine r2cf_generator_proc

subroutine r2cf_make (cf, n, d)
type(cf_t), pointer, intent(out) :: cf
integer, intent(in) :: n, d

type(cf_generator_t), pointer :: gen

allocate (gen)
call r2cf_generator_make (gen, n, d)
call cf_make (cf, gen)
end subroutine r2cf_make

end module continued_fractions_r2cf


module continued_fractions_sqrt2
! The square root of two.

use, non_intrinsic :: continued_fractions

implicit none

public :: sqrt2_generator_make
public :: sqrt2_make

type :: sqrt2_generator_env_t
integer :: term
end type sqrt2_generator_env_t


subroutine sqrt2_generator_make (gen)
type(cf_generator_t), pointer, intent(out) :: gen

type(sqrt2_generator_env_t), pointer :: env
class(*), pointer :: p

allocate (env)
env%term = 1

p => env
call cf_generator_make (gen, sqrt2_generator_proc, p)
end subroutine sqrt2_generator_make

subroutine sqrt2_generator_proc (env, term_exists, term)
class(*), intent(inout) :: env
logical, intent(out) :: term_exists
integer, intent(out) :: term

select type (env)
class is (sqrt2_generator_env_t)
term_exists = .true.
term = env%term
env%term = 2
end select
end subroutine sqrt2_generator_proc

subroutine sqrt2_make (cf)
type(cf_t), pointer, intent(out) :: cf

type(cf_generator_t), pointer :: gen

allocate (gen)
call sqrt2_generator_make (gen)
call cf_make (cf, gen)
end subroutine sqrt2_make

end module continued_fractions_sqrt2


module continued_fractions_hfunc
! Homographic functions of cf_t objects.

use, non_intrinsic :: continued_fractions

implicit none

public :: hfunc_make

type :: hfunc_generator_env_t
integer :: a1, a, b1, b
class(cf_generator_t), allocatable :: source_gen
end type hfunc_generator_env_t


subroutine hfunc_generator_make (gen, a1, a, b1, b, source_gen)
type(cf_generator_t), pointer, intent(out) :: gen
integer, intent(in) :: a1, a, b1, b
type(cf_generator_t), pointer, intent(inout) :: source_gen

type(hfunc_generator_env_t), pointer :: env
class(*), pointer :: p

allocate (env)
env%a1 = a1
env%a = a
env%b1 = b1
env%b = b
env%source_gen = source_gen

p => env
call cf_generator_make (gen, hfunc_generator_proc, p)
end subroutine hfunc_generator_make

subroutine hfunc_generator_proc (env, term_exists, term)
class(*), intent(inout) :: env
logical, intent(out) :: term_exists
integer, intent(out) :: term

integer :: q1, q
logical :: done

select type (env)
class is (hfunc_generator_env_t)

done = .false.
do while (.not. done)
if (env%b1 == 0 .and. env%b == 0) then
term_exists = .false.
done = .true.
else if (env%b1 /= 0 .and. env%b /= 0) then

! Because I feel like it, let us round quotients
! towards negative infinity.
q1 = (env%a1 - modulo (env%a1, env%b1)) / env%b1
q = (env%a - modulo (env%a, env%b)) / env%b

if (q1 == q) then
integer :: a1, a, b1, b
a1 = env%a1
a = env%a
b1 = env%b1
b = env%b
env%a1 = b1
env%a = b
env%b1 = a1 - (b1 * q)
env%b = a - (b * q)
end block
term_exists = .true.
term = q
done = .true.
end if
end if

if (.not. done) then
call env%source_gen%proc (env%source_gen%env, term_exists, term)
if (term_exists) then
integer :: a1, a, b1, b
a1 = env%a1
a = env%a
b1 = env%b1
b = env%b
env%a1 = a + (a1 * term)
env%a = a1
env%b1 = b + (b1 * term)
env%b = b1
end block
env%a = env%a1
env%b = env%b1
end if
end if
end do

end select

end subroutine hfunc_generator_proc

subroutine hfunc_make (cf, a1, a, b1, b, source_cf)
type(cf_t), pointer, intent(out) :: cf
integer, intent(in) :: a1, a, b1, b
type(cf_t), pointer, intent(inout) :: source_cf

type(cf_generator_t), pointer :: gen
class(cf_generator_t), pointer :: source_gen

call cf_generator_make_from_cf (source_gen, source_cf)
call hfunc_generator_make (gen, a1, a, b1, b, source_gen)
call cf_make (cf, gen)
end subroutine hfunc_make

end module continued_fractions_hfunc


program univariate_continued_fraction_task

use, non_intrinsic :: continued_fractions
use, non_intrinsic :: continued_fractions_r2cf
use, non_intrinsic :: continued_fractions_sqrt2
use, non_intrinsic :: continued_fractions_hfunc

implicit none

type(cf_t), pointer :: cf_13_11
type(cf_t), pointer :: cf_22_7
type(cf_t), pointer :: cf_sqrt2

type(cf_t), pointer :: cf_13_11_add_1_2
type(cf_t), pointer :: cf_22_7_add_1_2
type(cf_t), pointer :: cf_22_7_div_4
type(cf_t), pointer :: cf_sqrt2_div_2
type(cf_t), pointer :: cf_1_div_sqrt2
type(cf_t), pointer :: cf_one_way
type(cf_t), pointer :: cf_another_way

call r2cf_make (cf_13_11, 13, 11)
call r2cf_make (cf_22_7, 22, 7)
call sqrt2_make (cf_sqrt2)

call hfunc_make (cf_13_11_add_1_2, 2, 1, 0, 2, cf_13_11)
call hfunc_make (cf_22_7_add_1_2, 2, 1, 0, 2, cf_22_7)
call hfunc_make (cf_22_7_div_4, 1, 0, 0, 4, cf_22_7)
call hfunc_make (cf_sqrt2_div_2, 1, 0, 0, 2, cf_sqrt2)
call hfunc_make (cf_1_div_sqrt2, 0, 1, 1, 0, cf_sqrt2)
call hfunc_make (cf_one_way, 1, 2, 0, 4, cf_sqrt2)
call hfunc_make (cf_another_way, 1, 1, 0, 2, cf_1_div_sqrt2)

write (*, '("13/11 => ", A)') cf2string (cf_13_11)
write (*, '("22/7 => ", A)') cf2string (cf_22_7)
write (*, '("sqrt(2) => ", A)') cf2string (cf_sqrt2)

write (*, '("13/11 + 1/2 => ", A)') cf2string (cf_13_11_add_1_2)
write (*, '("22/7 + 1/2 => ", A)') cf2string (cf_22_7_add_1_2)
write (*, '("(22/7)/4 => ", A)') cf2string (cf_22_7_div_4)
write (*, '("sqrt(2)/2 => ", A)') cf2string (cf_sqrt2_div_2)
write (*, '("1/sqrt(2) => ", A)') cf2string (cf_1_div_sqrt2)
write (*, '("(2 + sqrt(2))/4 => ", A)') cf2string (cf_one_way)
write (*, '("(1 + 1/sqrt(2))/2 => ", A)') cf2string (cf_another_way)

deallocate (cf_13_11)
deallocate (cf_22_7)
deallocate (cf_sqrt2)
deallocate (cf_13_11_add_1_2)
deallocate (cf_22_7_add_1_2)
deallocate (cf_22_7_div_4)
deallocate (cf_sqrt2_div_2)
deallocate (cf_1_div_sqrt2)
deallocate (cf_one_way)
deallocate (cf_another_way)

end program univariate_continued_fraction_task


<pre>$ gfortran -g -std=f2018 univariate_continued_fraction_task.f90 && ./a.out
13/11 => [1;5,2]
22/7 => [3;7]
sqrt(2) => [1;2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,...]
13/11 + 1/2 => [1;1,2,7]
22/7 + 1/2 => [3;1,1,1,4]
(22/7)/4 => [0;1,3,1,2]
sqrt(2)/2 => [0;1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,...]
1/sqrt(2) => [0;1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,...]
(2 + sqrt(2))/4 => [0;1,5,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,...]
(1 + 1/sqrt(2))/2 => [0;1,5,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,...]</pre>
