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Line 746: Line 746:

The above implementation solves the 'inner problem' of Canny Edge Detection fully in the J language, with no external dependencies. Standard libraries provide necessary additional support including interfaces to image file formats and graphic displays.
The above implementation solves the 'inner problem' of Canny Edge Detection in the J, with no external dependencies. Standard libraries provide additional support including interfaces to image file formats and graphic displays.
Image file libraries for different image formats import into and export from a generalized data structure, an array of pixels with three or four color channels. The following code invokes these standard libraries, and also converts between the import format and the monochromatic representation used here for edge detection.
Image file libraries for different image formats import into and export from a generalized data structure, an array of pixels with three or four color channels. The following code invokes these standard libraries, and also converts between the import format and the monochromatic representation used here for edge detection.
<lang J>
<lang J>



NB. viewers
NB. viewers

require'viewmat plot'
view =: (16b010101*i.256)&viewmat
view =: (16b010101*i.256)&viewmat
splot =: 'surface;mesh 0'&plot

NB. image file importers/exporters

NB. image file importers
require'png jpeg bmp'
require'png jpeg bmp'

NB. image =: readjpeg 'camille.jpg'
NB. sample images
NB. image =: readbmp 'chess.bmp'
NB. image =: readbmp 'chess.bmp'
NB. image =: readpng 'boat1.png'
NB. image =: readpng 'boat1.png'
Line 767: Line 772:
NB. image =: readjpeg 'lena.jpg'
NB. image =: readjpeg 'lena.jpg'
NB. from,
NB. from,
NB> distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
NB. distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
image =: readpng 'bird.png'
image =: readpng 'bird.png'

NB. select (or combine) from color channels
NB. select or combine from color channels
NB. if original image is grayscale, take any color channel
NB. if original image is grayscale, take any color channel
red =: <. image % 65538
red =: <. image % 65538
Line 780: Line 785:

edges =: canny image
edges =: canny image
view 1-edges
viewmat 1000 connect edges

Revision as of 17:40, 29 June 2015

Canny edge detector
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Task: Write a program that performs so-called canny edge detection on an image.

A possible algorithm consists of the following steps:

  1. Noise reduction. May be performed by Gaussian filter.
  2. Compute intensity gradient (matrices and ) and its magnitude .
    May be performed by convolution of an image with Sobel operators.
  3. Non-maximum suppression. For each pixel compute the orientation of intensity gradient vector: . Transform angle to one of four directions: 0, 45, 90, 135 degrees. Compute new array : if
    where is the current pixel, and are the two neighbour pixels in the direction of gradient, then , otherwise . Nonzero pixels in resulting array correspond to local maxima of in direction .
  4. Tracing edges with hysteresis. At this stage two thresholds for the values of are introduced: and . Starting from pixels with find all paths of pixels with and put them to the resulting image.


The following program reads an 8 bits per pixel grayscale BMP file and saves the result to `out.bmp'. Compile with `-lm'. <lang c>#include <stdint.h>

  1. include <stdio.h>
  2. include <stdlib.h>
  3. include <float.h>
  4. include <math.h>
  5. include <string.h>
  6. include <stdbool.h>
  7. include <assert.h>
  1. define MAX_BRIGHTNESS 255

// C99 doesn't define M_PI (GNU-C99 does)

  1. define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846264338327


* Loading part taken from
* BMP info:
* Note: the magic number has been removed from the bmpfile_header_t
* structure since it causes alignment problems
*     bmpfile_magic_t should be written/read first
* followed by the
*     bmpfile_header_t
* [this avoids compiler-specific alignment pragmas etc.]

typedef struct {

   uint8_t magic[2];

} bmpfile_magic_t;

typedef struct {

   uint32_t filesz;
   uint16_t creator1;
   uint16_t creator2;
   uint32_t bmp_offset;

} bmpfile_header_t;

typedef struct {

   uint32_t header_sz;
   int32_t  width;
   int32_t  height;
   uint16_t nplanes;
   uint16_t bitspp;
   uint32_t compress_type;
   uint32_t bmp_bytesz;
   int32_t  hres;
   int32_t  vres;
   uint32_t ncolors;
   uint32_t nimpcolors;

} bitmap_info_header_t;

typedef struct {

   uint8_t r;
   uint8_t g;
   uint8_t b;
   uint8_t nothing;

} rgb_t;

// Use short int instead `unsigned char' so that we can // store negative values. typedef short int pixel_t;

pixel_t *load_bmp(const char *filename,

                 bitmap_info_header_t *bitmapInfoHeader)


   FILE *filePtr = fopen(filename, "rb");
   if (filePtr == NULL) {
       return NULL;
   bmpfile_magic_t mag;
   if (fread(&mag, sizeof(bmpfile_magic_t), 1, filePtr) != 1) {
       return NULL;
   // verify that this is a bmp file by check bitmap id
   // warning: dereferencing type-punned pointer will break
   // strict-aliasing rules [-Wstrict-aliasing]
   if (*((uint16_t*)mag.magic) != 0x4D42) {
       fprintf(stderr, "Not a BMP file: magic=%c%c\n",
               mag.magic[0], mag.magic[1]);
       return NULL;
   bmpfile_header_t bitmapFileHeader; // our bitmap file header
   // read the bitmap file header
   if (fread(&bitmapFileHeader, sizeof(bmpfile_header_t),
             1, filePtr) != 1) {
       return NULL;
   // read the bitmap info header
   if (fread(bitmapInfoHeader, sizeof(bitmap_info_header_t),
             1, filePtr) != 1) {
       return NULL;
   if (bitmapInfoHeader->compress_type != 0)
       fprintf(stderr, "Warning, compression is not supported.\n");
   // move file point to the beginning of bitmap data
   if (fseek(filePtr, bitmapFileHeader.bmp_offset, SEEK_SET)) {
       return NULL;
   // allocate enough memory for the bitmap image data
   pixel_t *bitmapImage = malloc(bitmapInfoHeader->bmp_bytesz *
   // verify memory allocation
   if (bitmapImage == NULL) {
       return NULL;
   // read in the bitmap image data
   size_t pad, count=0;
   unsigned char c;
   pad = 4*ceil(bitmapInfoHeader->bitspp*bitmapInfoHeader->width/32.) - bitmapInfoHeader->width;
   for(size_t i=0; i<bitmapInfoHeader->height; i++){

for(size_t j=0; j<bitmapInfoHeader->width; j++){ if (fread(&c, sizeof(unsigned char), 1, filePtr) != 1) { fclose(filePtr); return NULL; } bitmapImage[count++] = (pixel_t) c; } fseek(filePtr, pad, SEEK_CUR);

   // If we were using unsigned char as pixel_t, then:
   // fread(bitmapImage, 1, bitmapInfoHeader->bmp_bytesz, filePtr);
   // close file and return bitmap image data
   return bitmapImage;


// Return: true on error. bool save_bmp(const char *filename, const bitmap_info_header_t *bmp_ih,

             const pixel_t *data)


   FILE* filePtr = fopen(filename, "wb");
   if (filePtr == NULL)
       return true;
   bmpfile_magic_t mag = Template:0x42, 0x4d;
   if (fwrite(&mag, sizeof(bmpfile_magic_t), 1, filePtr) != 1) {
       return true;
   const uint32_t offset = sizeof(bmpfile_magic_t) +
                           sizeof(bmpfile_header_t) +
                           sizeof(bitmap_info_header_t) +
                           ((1U << bmp_ih->bitspp) * 4);
   const bmpfile_header_t bmp_fh = {
       .filesz = offset + bmp_ih->bmp_bytesz,
       .creator1 = 0,
       .creator2 = 0,
       .bmp_offset = offset
   if (fwrite(&bmp_fh, sizeof(bmpfile_header_t), 1, filePtr) != 1) {
       return true;
   if (fwrite(bmp_ih, sizeof(bitmap_info_header_t), 1, filePtr) != 1) {
       return true;
   // Palette
   for (size_t i = 0; i < (1U << bmp_ih->bitspp); i++) {
       const rgb_t color = {(uint8_t)i, (uint8_t)i, (uint8_t)i};
       if (fwrite(&color, sizeof(rgb_t), 1, filePtr) != 1) {
           return true;
   // We use int instead of uchar, so we can't write img
   // in 1 call any more.
   // fwrite(data, 1, bmp_ih->bmp_bytesz, filePtr);
   // Padding:
   size_t pad = 4*ceil(bmp_ih->bitspp*bmp_ih->width/32.) - bmp_ih->width;
   unsigned char c;
   for(size_t i=0; i < bmp_ih->height; i++) {

for(size_t j=0; j < bmp_ih->width; j++) { c = (unsigned char) data[j + bmp_ih->width*i]; if (fwrite(&c, sizeof(char), 1, filePtr) != 1) { fclose(filePtr); return true; } } c = 0; for(size_t j=0; j<pad; j++) if (fwrite(&c, sizeof(char), 1, filePtr) != 1) { fclose(filePtr); return true; }

   return false;


// if normalize is true, map pixels to range 0..MAX_BRIGHTNESS void convolution(const pixel_t *in, pixel_t *out, const float *kernel,

                const int nx, const int ny, const int kn,
                const bool normalize)


   assert(kn % 2 == 1);
   assert(nx > kn && ny > kn);
   const int khalf = kn / 2;
   float min = FLT_MAX, max = -FLT_MAX;
   if (normalize)
       for (int m = khalf; m < nx - khalf; m++)
           for (int n = khalf; n < ny - khalf; n++) {
               float pixel = 0.0;
               size_t c = 0;
               for (int j = -khalf; j <= khalf; j++)
                   for (int i = -khalf; i <= khalf; i++) {
                       pixel += in[(n - j) * nx + m - i] * kernel[c];
               if (pixel < min)
                   min = pixel;
               if (pixel > max)
                   max = pixel;
   for (int m = khalf; m < nx - khalf; m++)
       for (int n = khalf; n < ny - khalf; n++) {
           float pixel = 0.0;
           size_t c = 0;
           for (int j = -khalf; j <= khalf; j++)
               for (int i = -khalf; i <= khalf; i++) {
                   pixel += in[(n - j) * nx + m - i] * kernel[c];
           if (normalize)
               pixel = MAX_BRIGHTNESS * (pixel - min) / (max - min);
           out[n * nx + m] = (pixel_t)pixel;



* gaussianFilter:
* determine size of kernel (odd #)
* 0.0 <= sigma < 0.5 : 3
* 0.5 <= sigma < 1.0 : 5
* 1.0 <= sigma < 1.5 : 7
* 1.5 <= sigma < 2.0 : 9
* 2.0 <= sigma < 2.5 : 11
* 2.5 <= sigma < 3.0 : 13 ...
* kernelSize = 2 * int(2*sigma) + 3;

void gaussian_filter(const pixel_t *in, pixel_t *out,

                    const int nx, const int ny, const float sigma)


   const int n = 2 * (int)(2 * sigma) + 3;
   const float mean = (float)floor(n / 2.0);
   float kernel[n * n]; // variable length array
   fprintf(stderr, "gaussian_filter: kernel size %d, sigma=%g\n",
           n, sigma);
   size_t c = 0;
   for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
       for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
           kernel[c] = exp(-0.5 * (pow((i - mean) / sigma, 2.0) +
                                   pow((j - mean) / sigma, 2.0)))
                       / (2 * M_PI * sigma * sigma);
   convolution(in, out, kernel, nx, ny, n, true);



* Links:
* Note: T1 and T2 are lower and upper thresholds.

pixel_t *canny_edge_detection(const pixel_t *in,

                             const bitmap_info_header_t *bmp_ih,
                             const int tmin, const int tmax,
                             const float sigma)


   const int nx = bmp_ih->width;
   const int ny = bmp_ih->height;
   pixel_t *G = calloc(nx * ny * sizeof(pixel_t), 1);
   pixel_t *after_Gx = calloc(nx * ny * sizeof(pixel_t), 1);
   pixel_t *after_Gy = calloc(nx * ny * sizeof(pixel_t), 1);
   pixel_t *nms = calloc(nx * ny * sizeof(pixel_t), 1);
   pixel_t *out = malloc(bmp_ih->bmp_bytesz * sizeof(pixel_t));
   if (G == NULL || after_Gx == NULL || after_Gy == NULL ||
       nms == NULL || out == NULL) {
       fprintf(stderr, "canny_edge_detection:"
               " Failed memory allocation(s).\n");
   gaussian_filter(in, out, nx, ny, sigma);
   const float Gx[] = {-1, 0, 1,
                       -2, 0, 2,
                       -1, 0, 1};
   convolution(out, after_Gx, Gx, nx, ny, 3, false);
   const float Gy[] = { 1, 2, 1,
                        0, 0, 0,
   convolution(out, after_Gy, Gy, nx, ny, 3, false);
   for (int i = 1; i < nx - 1; i++)
       for (int j = 1; j < ny - 1; j++) {
           const int c = i + nx * j;
           // G[c] = abs(after_Gx[c]) + abs(after_Gy[c]);
           G[c] = (pixel_t)hypot(after_Gx[c], after_Gy[c]);
   // Non-maximum suppression, straightforward implementation.
   for (int i = 1; i < nx - 1; i++)
       for (int j = 1; j < ny - 1; j++) {
           const int c = i + nx * j;
           const int nn = c - nx;
           const int ss = c + nx;
           const int ww = c + 1;
           const int ee = c - 1;
           const int nw = nn + 1;
           const int ne = nn - 1;
           const int sw = ss + 1;
           const int se = ss - 1;
           const float dir = (float)(fmod(atan2(after_Gy[c],
                                                after_Gx[c]) + M_PI,
                                          M_PI) / M_PI) * 8;
           if (((dir <= 1 || dir > 7) && G[c] > G[ee] &&
                G[c] > G[ww]) || // 0 deg
               ((dir > 1 && dir <= 3) && G[c] > G[nw] &&
                G[c] > G[se]) || // 45 deg
               ((dir > 3 && dir <= 5) && G[c] > G[nn] &&
                G[c] > G[ss]) || // 90 deg
               ((dir > 5 && dir <= 7) && G[c] > G[ne] &&
                G[c] > G[sw]))   // 135 deg
               nms[c] = G[c];
               nms[c] = 0;
   // Reuse array
   // used as a stack. nx*ny/2 elements should be enough.
   int *edges = (int*) after_Gy;
   memset(out, 0, sizeof(pixel_t) * nx * ny);
   memset(edges, 0, sizeof(pixel_t) * nx * ny);
   // Tracing edges with hysteresis . Non-recursive implementation.
   size_t c = 1;
   for (int j = 1; j < ny - 1; j++)
       for (int i = 1; i < nx - 1; i++) {
           if (nms[c] >= tmax && out[c] == 0) { // trace edges
               out[c] = MAX_BRIGHTNESS;
               int nedges = 1;
               edges[0] = c;
               do {
                   const int t = edges[nedges];
                   int nbs[8]; // neighbours
                   nbs[0] = t - nx;     // nn
                   nbs[1] = t + nx;     // ss
                   nbs[2] = t + 1;      // ww
                   nbs[3] = t - 1;      // ee
                   nbs[4] = nbs[0] + 1; // nw
                   nbs[5] = nbs[0] - 1; // ne
                   nbs[6] = nbs[1] + 1; // sw
                   nbs[7] = nbs[1] - 1; // se
                   for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++)
                       if (nms[nbs[k]] >= tmin && out[nbs[k]] == 0) {
                           out[nbs[k]] = MAX_BRIGHTNESS;
                           edges[nedges] = nbs[k];
               } while (nedges > 0);
   return out;


int main(const int argc, const char ** const argv) {

   if (argc < 2) {
       printf("Usage: %s image.bmp\n", argv[0]);
       return 1;
   static bitmap_info_header_t ih;
   const pixel_t *in_bitmap_data = load_bmp(argv[1], &ih);
   if (in_bitmap_data == NULL) {
       fprintf(stderr, "main: BMP image not loaded.\n");
       return 1;
   printf("Info: %d x %d x %d\n", ih.width, ih.height, ih.bitspp);
   const pixel_t *out_bitmap_data =
       canny_edge_detection(in_bitmap_data, &ih, 45, 50, 1.0f);
   if (out_bitmap_data == NULL) {
       fprintf(stderr, "main: failed canny_edge_detection.\n");
       return 1;
   if (save_bmp("out.bmp", &ih, out_bitmap_data)) {
       fprintf(stderr, "main: BMP image not saved.\n");
       return 1;
   return 0;



Translation of: C

This version retains some of the style of the original C version. This code is faster than the C version, even with the DMD compiler. This version loads and saves PGM images, using the module of the Grayscale image Task. <lang d>import core.stdc.stdio, std.math, std.typecons, std.string, std.conv,

      std.algorithm, std.ascii, std.array, bitmap, grayscale_image;

enum maxBrightness = 255;

alias Pixel = short; alias IntT = typeof(size_t.init.signed);

// If normalize is true, map pixels to range 0...maxBrightness. void convolution(bool normalize)(in Pixel[] inp, Pixel[] outp,

                                in float[] kernel,
                                in IntT nx, in IntT ny, in IntT kn)

pure nothrow @nogc in {

   assert(kernel.length == kn ^^ 2);
   assert(kn % 2 == 1);
   assert(nx > kn && ny > kn);
   assert(inp.length == outp.length);

} body {

   //immutable IntT kn = sqrti(kernel.length);
   immutable IntT khalf = kn / 2;
   static if (normalize) {
       float pMin = float.max, pMax = -float.max;
       foreach (immutable m; khalf .. nx - khalf) {
           foreach (immutable n; khalf .. ny - khalf) {
               float pixel = 0.0;
               size_t c;
               foreach (immutable j; -khalf .. khalf + 1) {
                   foreach (immutable i; -khalf .. khalf + 1) {
                       pixel += inp[(n - j) * nx + m - i] * kernel[c];
               if (pixel < pMin) pMin = pixel;
               if (pixel > pMax) pMax = pixel;
   foreach (immutable m; khalf .. nx - khalf) {
       foreach (immutable n; khalf .. ny - khalf) {
           float pixel = 0.0;
           size_t c;
           foreach (immutable j; -khalf .. khalf + 1) {
               foreach (immutable i; -khalf .. khalf + 1) {
                   pixel += inp[(n - j) * nx + m - i] * kernel[c];
           static if (normalize)
               pixel = maxBrightness * (pixel - pMin) / (pMax - pMin);
           outp[n * nx + m] = cast(Pixel)pixel;


void gaussianFilter(in Pixel[] inp, Pixel[] outp,

                   in IntT nx, in IntT ny, in float sigma)

pure nothrow in {

   assert(inp.length == outp.length);

} body {

   immutable IntT n = 2 * cast(IntT)(2 * sigma) + 3;
   immutable float mean = floor(n / 2.0);
   auto kernel = new float[n * n];
   debug fprintf(stderr,
                 "gaussianFilter: kernel size %d, sigma=%g\n",
                 n, sigma);
   size_t c;
   foreach (immutable i; 0 .. n) {
       foreach (immutable j; 0 .. n) {
           kernel[c] = exp(-0.5 * (((i - mean) / sigma) ^^ 2 +
                                   ((j - mean) / sigma) ^^ 2))
                       / (2 * PI * sigma * sigma);
   convolution!true(inp, outp, kernel, nx, ny, n);


Image!Pixel cannyEdgeDetection(in Image!Pixel inp,

                              in IntT tMin, in IntT tMax,
                              in float sigma)

pure nothrow in {

   assert(inp !is null);

} body {

   immutable IntT nx = inp.nx.signed;
   immutable IntT ny = inp.ny.signed;
   auto outp = new Pixel[nx * ny];
   gaussianFilter(inp.image, outp, nx, ny, sigma);
   static immutable float[] Gx = [-1, 0, 1,
                                  -2, 0, 2,
                                  -1, 0, 1];
   auto after_Gx = new Pixel[nx * ny];
   convolution!false(outp, after_Gx, Gx, nx, ny, 3);
   static immutable float[] Gy = [ 1, 2, 1,
                                   0, 0, 0,
   auto after_Gy = new Pixel[nx * ny];
   convolution!false(outp, after_Gy, Gy, nx, ny, 3);
   auto G = new Pixel[nx * ny];
   foreach (i; 1 .. nx - 1)
       foreach (j; 1 .. ny - 1) {
           immutable size_t c = i + nx * j;
           G[c] = cast(Pixel)hypot(after_Gx[c], after_Gy[c]);
   // Non-maximum suppression, straightforward implementation.
   auto nms = new Pixel[nx * ny];
   foreach (immutable i; 1 .. nx - 1)
       foreach (immutable j; 1 .. ny - 1) {
           immutable IntT c = i + nx * j,
                          nn = c - nx,
                          ss = c + nx,
                          ww = c + 1,
                          ee = c - 1,
                          nw = nn + 1,
                          ne = nn - 1,
                          sw = ss + 1,
                          se = ss - 1;
           immutable aux = atan2(double(after_Gy[c]),
                                 double(after_Gx[c])) + PI;
           immutable float dir = float((aux % PI) / PI) * 8;
           if (((dir <= 1 || dir > 7) && G[c] > G[ee] &&
                G[c] > G[ww]) || // 0 deg.
               ((dir > 1 && dir <= 3) && G[c] > G[nw] &&
                G[c] > G[se]) || // 45 deg.
               ((dir > 3 && dir <= 5) && G[c] > G[nn] &&
                G[c] > G[ss]) || // 90 deg.
               ((dir > 5 && dir <= 7) && G[c] > G[ne] &&
                G[c] > G[sw]))   // 135 deg.
               nms[c] = G[c];
               nms[c] = 0;
   // Reuse array used as a stack. nx*ny/2 elements should be enough.
   IntT[] edges = (cast(IntT*)after_Gy.ptr)[0 .. after_Gy.length / 2];
   outp[] = Pixel.init;
   edges[] = 0;
   // Tracing edges with hysteresis. Non-recursive implementation.
   size_t c = 1;
   foreach (immutable j; 1 .. ny - 1) {
       foreach (immutable i; 1 .. nx - 1) {
           if (nms[c] >= tMax && outp[c] == 0) { // Trace edges.
               outp[c] = maxBrightness;
               IntT nedges = 1;
               edges[0] = c;
               do {
                   immutable IntT t = edges[nedges];
                   immutable IntT[8] neighbours = [
                       t - nx,      // nn
                       t + nx,      // ss
                       t + 1,       // ww
                       t - 1,       // ee
                       t - nx + 1,  // nw
                       t - nx - 1,  // ne
                       t + nx + 1,  // sw
                       t + nx - 1]; // se
                   foreach (immutable n; neighbours)
                       if (nms[n] >= tMin && outp[n] == 0) {
                           outp[n] = maxBrightness;
                           edges[nedges] = n;
               } while (nedges > 0);
   return Image!Pixel.fromData(outp, nx, ny);


void main(in string[] args) {

   immutable fileName = (args.length == 2) ? args[1] : "lena.pgm";
   Image!Pixel imIn;
   imIn = imIn.loadPGM(fileName);
   printf("Image size: %d x %d\n", imIn.nx, imIn.ny);
   imIn.cannyEdgeDetection(45, 50, 1.0f).savePGM("lena_canny.pgm");



The image is represented as a 2D array of pixels, with first and second axes representing down and right respectively. Array elements represent monochromatic intensity values as integers ranging from 0 (black) to 255 (white). Intensity gradient fields are similarly structured. Gradient values are vectors, and are represented here as complex numbers, with real and imaginary components representing down and right respectively. Edge and non-edge points are represented as zeros and ones respectively. Edges are sets of connected points. Edge points are considered to be connected if within a 3-by-3 region (or if they are connected to a common third edge point). Edges are represented as points having a common unique identifier. <lang J> NB. 2D convolution, filtering, ...

convolve =: 4 : 'x apply (($x) partition y)' partition =: 4 : '2 0 3 1 |: ((1{x) ([+\]) (2 0 1|: ((0{x) ([+\]) y)))' apply =: 4 : '+/"1 (+/"2 (x *"2 y))' addborder =: (0&,@|:@|.)^:4 normalize =: ]%+/@, resample =: 4 : '|: (1{-x)(+/%#)\ |: (0{-x)(+/%#)\ y' crop =: 4 : 0

  'h w h0 w0' =: x
  |: w{. w0}. |: h{. h0}. y

) max3x3 =: 3 : '(1{1{y>0) * (>./,y)'"2 attach =: 3 : 'max3x3 (3 3 partition (addborder y))' unique =: 3 : 'y*i.$y' connect =: 4 : 'attach^:x unique y'

canny =: 3 : 0

  image0 =: y

NB. Step 1 - gaussian smoothing

  NB. Gaussian kernel (from Wikipedia article)
  gaussianKernel =. 159 % 5 5$2 4 5 4 2 4 9 12 9 4 5 12 15 12 5 4 9 12 9 4 2 4 5 4 2
  image1 =: gaussianKernel convolve image0

NB. Step 2 - gradient

  gradientKernel =. 3 3$0 _1 0 0j_1 0 0j1 0 1 0
  image2 =: gradientKernel convolve image1

NB. Step 3 - edge detection

  NB. find the octant (eighth of circle) in which the gradient lies
  octant =: 3 : '4|(>.(_0.5+((4%(o. 1))*(12&o. y))))'
  NB. test pattern <(i:6)(4 : 'octant (x j. y)')"0/(i:6)
  NB. is this gradient greater than [the projection of] a neighbor?
  greaterThan =: 4 : ' (9 o.((x|.y)%y))<1'
  NB. is this gradient the greatest of immmediate colinear neighbore?
  greatestOf =: 4 : '(x greaterThan y) *. ((-x) greaterThan y)'
  NB. relative address of neighbor, in context of gradient direction
  krnl =: 4 2 $ _1  0, _1 _1,  0 _1, 1 _1
  og =: octant image2
  NB. mask for maximum gradient colinear with gradient
  ok0 =: (0=og) *. 0{krnl greatestOf image2
  ok1 =: (1=og) *. 1{krnl greatestOf image2
  ok2 =: (2=og) *. 2{krnl greatestOf image2
  ok3 =: (3=og) *. 3{krnl greatestOf image2
  image3 =: image2 *. (ok0 +. ok1 +. ok2 +. ok3)

NB. Step 4 - Weak edge suppression

  NB. weak, strong threshholds
  threshholds =. 1e14 1e15
  nearbyKernel =: 3 3 $ 4 1 4 # 1 0 1
  magnitude =. 10&o. image3
  weak   =. magnitude > 0{threshholds
  strong =. magnitude > 1{threshholds
  strongs =. addborder (nearbyKernel convolve strong) > 0
  image4 =: strong +. (weak *. strongs)

NB. Detect the edges (sets of connected points)

  image5 =: 1000 connect image4

)</lang> The above implementation solves the 'inner problem' of Canny Edge Detection in the J, with no external dependencies. Standard libraries provide additional support including interfaces to image file formats and graphic displays. Image file libraries for different image formats import into and export from a generalized data structure, an array of pixels with three or four color channels. The following code invokes these standard libraries, and also converts between the import format and the monochromatic representation used here for edge detection. <lang J>

File:Image0 j.jpg
File:Image1 j.jpg
File:Image2 j.jpg
File:Image3 j.jpg
File:Image4 j.jpg
File:Image5 j.jpg


NB. viewers require'viewmat' view =: (16b010101*i.256)&viewmat

NB. image file importers require'png jpeg bmp'

NB. sample images NB. image =: readbmp 'chess.bmp' NB. image =: readpng 'boat1.png' NB. image =: readpng 'valve.png' NB. image =: readjpeg 'lena.jpg' NB. from, NB. distributed under the GNU LGPL license.

   image =: readpng 'bird.png'

NB. select or combine from color channels NB. if original image is grayscale, take any color channel red =: <. image % 65538 green =: 256 | <. image % 256 blue =: 256 | image image =: blue

NB. detect the edges

edges =: canny image </lang>


This example is untested. Please check that it's correct, debug it as necessary, and remove this message.

<lang Mathematica>Export["out.bmp", EdgeDetect[Import[InputString[]]]];</lang> Mathematica uses canny edge detection by default. This seems so cheaty next to all of these giant answers...


Library: crimp

<lang tcl>package require crimp package require crimp::pgm

proc readPGM {filename} {

   set f [open $filename rb]
   set data [read $f]
   close $f
   return [crimp read pgm $data]

} proc writePGM {filename image} {

   crimp write 2file pgm-raw $filename $image


proc cannyFilterFile {{inputFile "lena.pgm"} {outputFile "lena_canny.pgm"}} {

   writePGM $outputFile [crimp filter canny sobel [readPGM $inputFile]]

} cannyFilterFile {*}$argv</lang>