Audio overlap loop: Difference between revisions

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Using the popular [ snack] ([ wiki]) extension for audio support, the following presents a GUI to control echo production.

This uses a couple of interesting Tcl features:

* GUI widgets bound to global variables
* playback runs in a coroutine to provide asynchrony with yield
* <tt>lock_play</tt> provides a "transaction"-style control structure similar to "with" in [Python] or (with-*) in [Lisp]

As a bonus, two playback methods are provided - <tt>run</tt> and <tt>mix</tt>, which exercise different capabilities of snack (playing multiple sounds at once vs programmable filters).
Notice that <tt>run</tt> disabled buttons only until the last echo has started, while <tt>mix</tt> does so until the entire playback (cropped to sound level 0) is completed.
Either of these may be desirable in different circumstances, so both are left as an example.

<lang Tcl>package require Tk
package require snack

# variables bound to GUI:
set filename "sample.wav"
set nreps 5
set delay 200
set decay 0.9

# initial snack objects:
snack::sound wav -load sample.wav
snack::sound mixed ;# used by [run]
snack::sound out ;# used by [mix]

snack::sound hush -rate [wav cget -rate] -channels [wav cget -channels]
hush length [wav length]

proc make_gui {} {
grid [label .l0 -text "Filename:"] [button .b0 -textvariable ::filename -command choose_file] -sticky nsew
grid [label .l1 -text "Repetitions"] [entry .e1 -textvariable ::nreps] -sticky nsew
grid [label .l2 -text "Pause"] [entry .e2 -textvariable ::delay] -sticky nsew
grid [label .l3 -text "Decay"] [entry .e3 -textvariable ::decay] -sticky nsew
grid [frame .b] - ;# "-" for colspan
grid [
button -text "Play" -command {coroutine runner run}
] [
button .b.mix -text "Premix" -command {coroutine runner mix}
] [
button .b.stop -text "Stop" -command stop -state disabled
] [
button .b.exit -text "Exit" -command exit
] -sticky nsew

# snack wraps tk_getOpenFile with suitable options to load supported audio files
proc choose_file {} {
global filename
set fn [snack::getOpenFile -initialfile $filename]
if {$fn eq ""} return
wav read [set filename $fn]

# disable play and enable stop for the duration of $script
proc lock_play {script} { configure -state disabled
.b.mix configure -state disabled
.b.stop configure -state normal
try {
uplevel 1 $script
} finally { configure -state normal
.b.mix configure -state normal
.b.stop configure -state disabled

# play by starting each echo as a distinct sound
proc run {} {
global nreps delay decay
lock_play {
mixed copy wav
mixed play
for {set i 1} {$i < $nreps} {incr i} {
yieldto after $delay [list catch [info coroutine]] ;# delay without blocking the event loop
;# [catch] in case the coroutine has been killed
mixed mix hush -prescaling $decay ;# scale and mix with silence to fade
mixed play

# play using snack::filter to create the echo
proc mix {} {
global nreps delay decay
lock_play {
out copy wav
set args {} ;# for snack::filter echo
for {set i 1} {$i < $nreps} {incr i} {
lappend args [expr {$delay * $i}] [expr {$decay ** $i}]
set filter [snack::filter echo 1 1 {*}$args]
out filter $filter
$filter destroy
yieldto out play -command [info coroutine] ;# return to this proc only when playback completed

# stop playback
proc stop {} {
lock_play {
foreach s {wav mixed out} {
$s stop ;# stop all sounds that may be playing
catch {rename runner {}} ;# kill the coroutine if it exists


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