Walk a directory/Recursively

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Revision as of 00:08, 8 February 2007 by (talk) (Scala)
Walk a directory/Recursively
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Walk a given directory tree and print files matching a given pattern.

Note: Please be careful when running any code examples found here.


 result = file_search( directory, '*.txt', count=cc )

This will descend down the directory/ies in the variable "directory" (which can be an array) returning an array of strings with the names of the files matching "*.txt" and placing the total number of matches into the variable "cc"


Compiler: javac, JDK 1.4 and up

Done using no pattern. But with end string comparison which gave better results.

import java.io.File;
public class MainEntry {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        walkin(new File("/home/user")); //Replace this with a suitable directory
     * Recursive function to descent into the directory tree and find all the file 
     * that end with ".mp3"
     * @param dir A file object defining the top directory
    public static void walkin(File dir) {
        String pattern = ".mp3";
        File listFile[] = dir.listFiles();
        if(listFile != null) {
            for(int i=0; i<listFile.length; i++) {
                if(listFile[i].isDirectory()) {
                } else {
                    if(listFile[i].getName().endsWith(pattern)) {


Interpreter: Python 2.5

 import fnmatch
 import os
 rootPath = '/'    # Change to a suitable path for your OS
 pattern = '*.mp3' # Any string; Can include any UNIX shell-style wildcards
                   # Includes: *, ?, [seq], [!seq]
 for root, directories, files in os.walk(rootPath):
     for aFile in files:
         if fnmatch.fnmatch(aFile, pattern):
             print os.path.join(root, aFile)

Interpreter: Python 2.5

Libraries: Path

 from path import path
 rootPath = '/'
 pattern = '*.mp3'
 d = path(rootPath)
 for f in d.walkfiles(pattern):
   print f


Pattern matching using regular expressions

 #define a recursive function that will traverse the directory tree
 def printAndDescend(pattern)
   #we keep track of the directories, to be used in the second, recursive part of this function
   Dir['*'].sort.each do |name|
     if File.file?(name) and name[pattern]
     elsif File.directory?(name)
       directories << name
   directories.each do |name|
     #don't descend into . or .. on linux
     Dir.chdir(name){printAndDescend(pattern)} if !Dir.pwd[File.expand_path(name)]
 #print all ruby files

Or use the Find core Module

 require 'find'
 def find_and_print(path, pattern)
   Find.find(path) do |entry|
     if File.file?(entry) and entry[pattern]
       puts entry
 # print all the ruby files
 find_and_print(".", /.+\.rb$/)


This is not implemented in the Scala library. Here is a possible solution, building on class java.io.File and on scala language and library iteration facilities

package io.utils;

import java.io.File
/** A wrapper around file, allowing iteration either on direct children or on directory tree */
class RichFile(file: File) {

  def children = new Iterable[File] {
    def elements = if (file.isDirectory) file.listFiles.elements else Iterator.empty;

  def andTree : Iterable[File] = Seq.single(file) ++ children.flatMap(c => c.andTree)
     // Resuting iterable contains the root item file (as a sequence of a single element : Seq.single(file)
     // Iterable.flatMap : given and a function that maps each item to an Iterable,
     // concat all resulting iterables into a single one. 
  * When object RichFile is imported, method toRichFile will be automatically called 
  * around a file instance when needed. If f is a file, code f.children (resp. f.andTree) will be equivalent to
  * toRichFile(f).children (resp. toRichFile(f).andTree).  So it looks as if methods children and andTree had been
  * added to class File
object RichFile {
  implicit def toRichFile(file: File) = new RichFile(file)

Using it :

package test.io.utils;

import RichFile._; // this makes implicit toRichFile active
import java.io.File;

object Test extends Application {
  File root = new File("/home/user")
  for(val f <- root.andTree) Console.println(f)

 // filtering comes for free
 for(val f <- root.andTree; f.getName.endsWith(".mp3")) Console.println(f)
