
From Rosetta Code
Revision as of 19:28, 1 May 2015 by Walterpachl (talk | contribs) (add PL/I)
Vector is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.

Implement a Vector class (or a set of functions) that models a Physical Vector. You should implement The four basic operations and a 'pretty print' function. Your Vector may be initialized in any reasonable way.

- Start and end points and direction - Angular coefficient and value (length)

The four operations to be implemented are:

  • Vector+Vector addition
  • Vector-Vector subtraction
  • Vector*scalar multiplication
  • Vector/scalar division


These are primitive (built in) operations in J:

<lang J> 5 7+2 3 7 10

  5 7-2 3

3 4

  5 7*11

55 77

  5 7%2

2.5 3.5</lang>

A few things here might be worth noting:

J treats a sequences of space separated numbers as a single word, this is analogous to how languages which support a "string" data type support treating strings with spaces in them as single words. Put differently: '5 7' is a sequence of three characters but 5 7 (without the quotes) is a sequence of two numbers.

J uses the percent sign to represent division. This is a visual pun with the "division sign" or "obelus" which has been used to represent the division operation for hundreds of years.

In J, a single number (or single character) is special. It's not a treated as a sequence except in contexts where you explicitly declare it to be one (for example, by prefixing it with a comma). (If it were treated as a sequence the above operations would have been errors, because of the length mis-match.)

It's perhaps also worth noting that J allows you to specify complex numbers using polar coordinates, and complex numbers can be converted to vectors using the special token (+.) - for example:

<lang J> 2ad45 1.41421j1.41421

  +. 2ad45

1.41421 1.41421



  +. 2ar0.785398

1.41421 1.41421</lang>

In the construction of these numeric constants, ad is followed by an angle in degrees while ar is followed by an angle in radians. This practice of embedding letters in a numeric constant is analogous to the use of exponential notation when describing some floating point numbers.


Translation of: REXX

<lang pli>*process source attributes xref or(!);

vectors: Proc Options(main);
Dcl (v,w,x,y,z) Dec Float(9) Complex;
real(v)=12; imag(v)=-3;   Put Edit(pp(v))(Skip,a);
real(v)=6-1; imag(v)=4-1; Put Edit(pp(v))(Skip,a);
imag(v)=2*sind(45);       Put Edit(pp(v))(Skip,a);
w=v+v;                    Put Edit(pp(w))(Skip,a);
x=v-w;                    Put Edit(pp(x))(Skip,a);
y=x*3;                    Put Edit(pp(y))(Skip,a);
z=x/.1;                   Put Edit(pp(z))(Skip,a);
pp: Proc(c) Returns(Char(50) Var);
Dcl c Dec Float(9) Complex;
Dcl res Char(50) Var;
Put String(res) Edit('[',real(c),',',imag(c),']')
[ 12.00000, -3.00000]
[  5.00000,  3.00000]
[  1.41421,  1.41421]
[  2.82843,  2.82843]
[ -1.41421, -1.41421]
[ -4.24264, -4.24264]


Implements a Vector Class that is initialized with origin, angular coefficient and value.

<lang python>class Vector:

   def __init__(self,m,value):
       self.m = m
       self.value = value
       self.angle = math.degrees(math.atan(self.m))
       self.x = self.value * math.sin(math.radians(self.angle))
       self.y = self.value * math.cos(math.radians(self.angle))
   def __add__(self,vector):
       >>> Vector(1,10) + Vector(1,2)
           - Angular coefficient: 1.0
           - Angle: 45.0 degrees
           - Value: 12.0
           - X component: 8.49
           - Y component: 8.49
       final_x = self.x + vector.x
       final_y = self.y + vector.y
       final_value = pytagoras(final_x,final_y)
       final_m = final_y / final_x
       return Vector(final_m,final_value)
   def __neg__(self):
       return Vector(self.m,-self.value)
   def __sub__(self,vector):
       return self + (- vector)
   def __mul__(self,scalar):
       >>> Vector(4,5) * 2
           - Angular coefficient: 4
           - Angle: 75.96 degrees
           - Value: 10
           - X component: 9.7
           - Y component: 2.43
       return Vector(self.m,self.value*scalar)
   def __div__(self,scalar):
       return self * (1 / scalar)
   def __repr__(self):
       Returns a nicely formatted list of the properties of the Vector.
       >>> Vector(1,10)
           - Angular coefficient: 1
           - Angle: 45.0 degrees
           - Value: 10
           - X component: 7.07
           - Y component: 7.07
       return """Vector:
   - Angular coefficient: {}
   - Angle: {} degrees
   - Value: {}
   - X component: {}
   - Y component: {}""".format(self.m.__round__(2),


Translation of: Python

We store internally only the x, y components and calculate the norm, angle and slope on demand. We have two constructors one with (x,y) and another with (slope, norm).

We use fl* and fl/ to try to get the most sensible result for vertical vectors. <lang Racket>#lang racket

(require racket/flonum)

(define (rad->deg x) (fl* 180. (fl/ (exact->inexact x) pi)))

Custom printer
no shared internal structures

(define (vec-print v port mode)

 (write-string "Vec:\n" port)
 (write-string (format " -Slope: ~a\n" (vec-slope v)) port)
 (write-string (format " -Angle(deg): ~a\n" (rad->deg (vec-angle v))) port)
 (write-string (format " -Norm: ~a\n" (vec-norm v)) port)
 (write-string (format " -X: ~a\n" (vec-x v)) port)
 (write-string (format " -Y: ~a\n" (vec-y v)) port))

(struct vec (x y)

       #:methods gen:custom-write 
       [(define write-proc vec-print)])
Alternative constructor

(define (vec/slope-norm s n)

 (vec (* n (/ 1 (sqrt (+ 1 (sqr s)))))
      (* n (/ s (sqrt (+ 1 (sqr s)))))))

(define (vec-norm v)

 (sqrt (+ (sqr (vec-x v)) (sqr (vec-y v)))))

(define (vec-slope v)

 (fl/ (exact->inexact (vec-y v)) (exact->inexact (vec-x v))))

(define (vec-angle v)

 (atan (vec-y v) (vec-x v)))

(define (vec+ v w)

 (vec (+ (vec-x v) (vec-x w))
      (+ (vec-y v) (vec-y w))))

(define (vec- v w)

 (vec (- (vec-x v) (vec-x w))
      (- (vec-y v) (vec-y w))))

(define (vec*e v l)

 (vec (* (vec-x v) l)
      (* (vec-y v) l)))

(define (vec/e v l)

 (vec (/ (vec-x v) l)
      (/ (vec-y v) l)))</lang>

Tests <lang Racket>(vec/slope-norm 1 10)

(vec/slope-norm 0 10)

(vec 3 4)

(vec 0 10)

(vec 10 0)

(vec+ (vec/slope-norm 1 10) (vec/slope-norm 1 2))

(vec*e (vec/slope-norm 4 5) 2)</lang>

 -Slope: 1.0
 -Angle(deg): 45.0
 -Norm: 10.0
 -X: 7.071067811865475
 -Y: 7.071067811865475

 -Slope: 0.0
 -Angle(deg): 0.0
 -Norm: 10
 -X: 10
 -Y: 0

 -Slope: 1.3333333333333333
 -Angle(deg): 53.13010235415597
 -Norm: 5
 -X: 3
 -Y: 4

 -Slope: +inf.0
 -Angle(deg): 90.0
 -Norm: 10
 -X: 0
 -Y: 10

 -Slope: 0.0
 -Angle(deg): 0.0
 -Norm: 10
 -X: 10
 -Y: 0

 -Slope: 1.0
 -Angle(deg): 45.0
 -Norm: 11.999999999999998
 -X: 8.48528137423857
 -Y: 8.48528137423857

 -Slope: 4.0
 -Angle(deg): 75.96375653207353
 -Norm: 10.000000000000002
 -X: 2.42535625036333
 -Y: 9.70142500145332


<lang ruby>class Vector

 def self.polar(r, angle=0)
   new(r*Math.cos(angle), r*Math.sin(angle))
 attr_reader :x, :y
 def initialize(x, y)
   raise TypeError unless x.is_a?(Numeric) and y.is_a?(Numeric)
   @x, @y = x, y
 def +(other)
   raise TypeError if self.class != other.class + other.x, @y + other.y)
 def -@;, -@y)        end
 def -(other)  self + (-other)                 end
 def *(scalar)
   raise TypeError unless scalar.is_a?(Numeric) * scalar, @y * scalar)
 def /(scalar)
   raise TypeError unless scalar.is_a?(Numeric) and scalar.nonzero? / scalar, @y / scalar)
 def r;        @r     ||= Math.hypot(@x, @y)   end
 def angle;    @angle ||= Math.atan2(@y, @x)   end
 def polar;    [r, angle]                      end
 def rect;     [@x, @y]                        end
 def to_s;     "#{self.class}#{[@x, @y]}"      end
 alias inspect to_s


p v =,1) #=> Vector[1, 1] p w =,4) #=> Vector[3, 4] p v + w #=> Vector[4, 5] p v - w #=> Vector[-2, -3] p -v #=> Vector[-1, -1] p w * 5 #=> Vector[15, 20] p w / 2.0 #=> Vector[1.5, 2.0] p w.x #=> 3 p w.y #=> 4 p v.polar #=> [1.4142135623730951, 0.7853981633974483] p w.polar #=> [5.0, 0.9272952180016122] p z = Vector.polar(1, Math::PI/2) #=> Vector[6.123031769111886e-17, 1.0] p z.rect #=> [6.123031769111886e-17, 1.0] p z.polar #=> [1.0, 1.5707963267948966] p z = Vector.polar(-2, Math::PI/4) #=> Vector[-1.4142135623730951, -1.414213562373095] p z.polar #=> [2.0, -2.356194490192345]</lang>