Strip block comments

From Rosetta Code
Revision as of 23:57, 6 March 2012 by (talk) (free(s) pointer to prevent memory leak)
Strip block comments
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

A block comment begins with a beginning delimiter and ends with a ending delimiter, including the delimiters. These delimiters are often multi-character sequences.

Task: Strip block comments from program text (of a programming language much like classic C). Your demos should at least handle simple, non-nested and multiline block comment delimiters. The beginning delimiter is the two-character sequence “/*” and the ending delimiter is “*/”.

Sample text for stripping:

   * Some comments
   * longer comments here that we can parse.
   * Rahoo 
   function subroutine() {
    a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;
   /*/ <-- tricky comments */

    * Another comment.
    function something() {

Extra credit: Ensure that the stripping code is not hard-coded to the particular delimiters described above, but instead allows the caller to specify them. (If your language supports them, optional parameters may be useful for this.)

C.f: Strip comments from a string


strip.adb: <lang Ada>with Ada.Strings.Fixed; with Ada.Strings.Unbounded; with Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Command_Line;

procedure Strip is

  use Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
  procedure Print_Usage is
     Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Usage:");
     Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("   strip <file> [<opening> [<closing>]]");
     Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("      file: file to strip");
     Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("      opening: string for opening comment");
     Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("      closing: string for closing comment");
  end Print_Usage;
  Opening_Pattern : Unbounded_String := To_Unbounded_String ("/*");
  Closing_Pattern : Unbounded_String := To_Unbounded_String ("*/");
  Inside_Comment  : Boolean          := False;
  function Strip_Comments (From : String) return String is
     use Ada.Strings.Fixed;
     Opening_Index : Natural;
     Closing_Index : Natural;
     Start_Index   : Natural := From'First;
     if Inside_Comment then
        Start_Index :=
           Index (Source => From, Pattern => To_String (Closing_Pattern));
        if Start_Index < From'First then
           return "";
        end if;
        Inside_Comment := False;
        Start_Index    := Start_Index + Length (Closing_Pattern);
     end if;
     Opening_Index :=
          (Source  => From,
           Pattern => To_String (Opening_Pattern),
           From    => Start_Index);
     if Opening_Index < From'First then
        return From (Start_Index .. From'Last);
        Closing_Index :=
             (Source  => From,
              Pattern => To_String (Closing_Pattern),
              From    => Opening_Index + Length (Opening_Pattern));
        if Closing_Index > 0 then
           return From (Start_Index .. Opening_Index - 1) &
                     (From (
              Closing_Index + Length (Closing_Pattern) .. From'Last));
           Inside_Comment := True;
           return From (Start_Index .. Opening_Index - 1);
        end if;
     end if;
  end Strip_Comments;
  File : Ada.Text_IO.File_Type;


  if Ada.Command_Line.Argument_Count < 1
    or else Ada.Command_Line.Argument_Count > 3
  end if;
  if Ada.Command_Line.Argument_Count > 1 then
     Opening_Pattern := To_Unbounded_String (Ada.Command_Line.Argument (2));
     if Ada.Command_Line.Argument_Count > 2 then
        Closing_Pattern :=
           To_Unbounded_String (Ada.Command_Line.Argument (3));
        Closing_Pattern := Opening_Pattern;
     end if;
  end if;
    (File => File,
     Mode => Ada.Text_IO.In_File,
     Name => Ada.Command_Line.Argument (1));
  while not Ada.Text_IO.End_Of_File (File => File) loop
        Line : constant String := Ada.Text_IO.Get_Line (File);
        Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Strip_Comments (Line));
  end loop;
  Ada.Text_IO.Close (File => File);

end Strip;</lang> output:


   function subroutine() {
    a =  b + c ;


    function something() {


<lang C>#include <stdio.h>

  1. include <string.h>
  2. include <stdlib.h>

char *ca = "/*", *cb = "*/"; int al = 2, bl = 2;

char *loadfile(char *s) {

   FILE *f = fopen(s, "rb");
   int l;
   if (f != NULL) {

fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); l = ftell(f); s = malloc(l+1); rewind(f); if (s) fread(s, 1, l, f); fclose(f);

   return s;


void stripcomments(char *s) {

   char *a, *b;
   int len = strlen(s) + 1;
   while ((a = strstr(s, ca)) != NULL) {

b = strstr(a+al, cb); if (b == NULL) break; b += bl; memmove(a, b, len-(b-a));



int main(int argc, char **argv) {

   char *s = "input.txt";
   if (argc >= 2)

s = argv[1];

   s = loadfile(s);
   if (argc == 4) {

al = strlen(ca = argv[2]); bl = strlen(cb = argv[3]);

   return 0;



Specify an input file via the first command line argument, and optionally specify comment opening and closing delimiters with the next two args, or defaults of /* and */ are assumed.


   function subroutine() {
    a =  b + c ;

    function something() {


<lang cpp>#include <string>

  1. include <iostream>
  2. include <iterator>
  3. include <fstream>
  4. include <boost/regex.hpp>

int main( ) {

   std::ifstream codeFile( "samplecode.txt" ) ;
   if ( codeFile ) {
      boost::regex commentre( "/\\*.*?\\*/" ) ;//comment start and end, and as few characters in between as possible
      std::string my_erase( "" ) ;             //erase them
      std::string stripped ;
      std::string code( (std::istreambuf_iterator<char>( codeFile ) ) ,

std::istreambuf_iterator<char>( ) ) ;

      codeFile.close( ) ;
      stripped = boost::regex_replace( code , commentre , my_erase ) ;
      std::cout << "Code unstripped:\n" << stripped << std::endl ;
      return 0 ;
   else {
      std::cout << "Could not find code file!" << std::endl ;
      return 1 ;

}</lang> Output:

Code unstripped:

   function subroutine() {
    a =  b + c ;

    function something() {


<lang Csharp>using System;

   class Program
       private static string BlockCommentStrip(string commentStart, string commentEnd, string sampleText)
           while (sampleText.IndexOf(commentStart) > -1 && sampleText.IndexOf(commentEnd, sampleText.IndexOf(commentStart) + commentStart.Length) > -1)
               int start = sampleText.IndexOf(commentStart);
               int end = sampleText.IndexOf(commentEnd, start + commentStart.Length);
               sampleText = sampleText.Remove(
                   (end + commentEnd.Length) - start
           return sampleText;


<lang Clojure>(defn comment-strip [txt & args]

 (let [args (conj {:delim ["/*" "*/"]} (apply hash-map args)) ; This is the standard way of doing keyword/optional arguments in Clojure

[opener closer] (:delim args)]

   (loop [out "", txt txt, delim-count 0] ; delim-count is needed to handle nested comments
     (let [[hdtxt resttxt] (split-at (count opener) txt)] ; This splits "/* blah blah */" into hdtxt="/*" and restxt="blah blah */"	

(printf "hdtxt=%8s resttxt=%8s out=%8s txt=%16s delim-count=%s\n" (apply str hdtxt) (apply str resttxt) out (apply str txt) delim-count) (cond (empty? hdtxt) (str out (apply str txt)) (= (apply str hdtxt) opener) (recur out resttxt (inc delim-count)) (= (apply str hdtxt) closer) (recur out resttxt (dec delim-count)) (= delim-count 0)(recur (str out (first txt)) (rest txt) delim-count) true (recur out (rest txt) delim-count))))))</lang>

user> (comment-strip "This /* is */ some /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text")
hdtxt=      Th resttxt=is /* is */ some /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text out=         txt=This /* is */ some /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text delim-count=0
hdtxt=      hi resttxt=s /* is */ some /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text out=       T txt=his /* is */ some /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text delim-count=0
hdtxt=      is resttxt= /* is */ some /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text out=      Th txt=is /* is */ some /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text delim-count=0
hdtxt=      s  resttxt=/* is */ some /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text out=     Thi txt=s /* is */ some /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text delim-count=0
hdtxt=       / resttxt=* is */ some /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text out=    This txt= /* is */ some /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text delim-count=0
hdtxt=      /* resttxt= is */ some /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text out=   This  txt=/* is */ some /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text delim-count=0
hdtxt=       i resttxt=s */ some /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text out=   This  txt= is */ some /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text delim-count=1
hdtxt=      is resttxt= */ some /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text out=   This  txt=is */ some /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text delim-count=1
hdtxt=      s  resttxt=*/ some /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text out=   This  txt=s */ some /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text delim-count=1
hdtxt=       * resttxt=/ some /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text out=   This  txt= */ some /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text delim-count=1
hdtxt=      */ resttxt= some /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text out=   This  txt=*/ some /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text delim-count=1
hdtxt=       s resttxt=ome /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text out=   This  txt= some /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text delim-count=0
hdtxt=      so resttxt=me /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text out=  This   txt=some /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text delim-count=0
hdtxt=      om resttxt=e /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text out= This  s txt=ome /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text delim-count=0
hdtxt=      me resttxt= /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text out=This  so txt=me /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text delim-count=0
hdtxt=      e  resttxt=/* /* /* */ funny */ */ text out=This  som txt=e /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text delim-count=0
hdtxt=       / resttxt=* /* /* */ funny */ */ text out=This  some txt= /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text delim-count=0
hdtxt=      /* resttxt= /* /* */ funny */ */ text out=This  some  txt=/* /* /* */ funny */ */ text delim-count=0
hdtxt=       / resttxt=* /* */ funny */ */ text out=This  some  txt= /* /* */ funny */ */ text delim-count=1
hdtxt=      /* resttxt= /* */ funny */ */ text out=This  some  txt=/* /* */ funny */ */ text delim-count=1
hdtxt=       / resttxt=* */ funny */ */ text out=This  some  txt= /* */ funny */ */ text delim-count=2
hdtxt=      /* resttxt= */ funny */ */ text out=This  some  txt=/* */ funny */ */ text delim-count=2
hdtxt=       * resttxt=/ funny */ */ text out=This  some  txt= */ funny */ */ text delim-count=3
hdtxt=      */ resttxt= funny */ */ text out=This  some  txt=*/ funny */ */ text delim-count=3
hdtxt=       f resttxt=unny */ */ text out=This  some  txt= funny */ */ text delim-count=2
hdtxt=      fu resttxt=nny */ */ text out=This  some  txt=funny */ */ text delim-count=2
hdtxt=      un resttxt=ny */ */ text out=This  some  txt= unny */ */ text delim-count=2
hdtxt=      nn resttxt=y */ */ text out=This  some  txt=  nny */ */ text delim-count=2
hdtxt=      ny resttxt= */ */ text out=This  some  txt=   ny */ */ text delim-count=2
hdtxt=      y  resttxt=*/ */ text out=This  some  txt=    y */ */ text delim-count=2
hdtxt=       * resttxt=/ */ text out=This  some  txt=      */ */ text delim-count=2
hdtxt=      */ resttxt= */ text out=This  some  txt=      */ */ text delim-count=2
hdtxt=       * resttxt=  / text out=This  some  txt=         */ text delim-count=1
hdtxt=      */ resttxt=    text out=This  some  txt=         */ text delim-count=1
hdtxt=       t resttxt=     ext out=This  some  txt=            text delim-count=0
hdtxt=      te resttxt=      xt out=This  some   txt=            text delim-count=0
hdtxt=      ex resttxt=       t out=This  some  t txt=             ext delim-count=0
hdtxt=      xt resttxt=         out=This  some  te txt=              xt delim-count=0
hdtxt=       t resttxt=         out=This  some  tex txt=               t delim-count=0
hdtxt=         resttxt=         out=This  some  text txt=                 delim-count=0
"This  some  text"


<lang d>import std.stdio ; import std.regexp, std.algorithm ;

string[] sepComment(string s, string cpat[] ...) {

   assert(cpat.length == 2,
       "sepComment : 2 pattern arguments for comment begin & end") ;
   string[] res = new string[](2) ;
   int p = 0, q = 0 /* cursors */, ic = 0 ;     // inside comment?
   int[] plen = new int[](2) ;                  // this's for handling /*/
   bool advCursor() {
       auto m =[p..$], cpat[ic]) ;
       if(m is null) return false ;
       plen[ic] = max(0, plen[ic], m[0].length) ;
       q = p + m.pre.length ;                   // got comment head
       if(ic) { q += m[0].length  ;    }        // or comment tail
       if(std.regexp.find(m[0], "\n|\r") != -1) // special adjust for \n\r
           q-- ;
       return true ;
   while(true) {
       if(!advCursor()) break ;
       res[ic] ~= s[p..q] ;                     // save slice of result
       if( ic && (q - p < plen[0] + plen[1])) { // this handle /*/ pattern
           p = q ;
           if(!advCursor()) break ;
           res[ic] ~= s[p..q] ;                 // save result again
       p = q ;                                  // advance cursor
       ic = 1 - ic ;                            // toggle search type
       throw new Exception("Mismatched Comment") ;
   res[ic] ~= s[p..$] ;                         // save rest(non-comment)
   return res ;


void main() {

   string s = `  /**
  * Some comments
  * longer comments here that we can parse.
  * Rahoo
  function subroutine() {
   a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;
  /*/ <-- tricky comments */
   * Another comment.
   function something() {
   }` ;
   writefln("==original:\n%s", s) ;
   auto t = sepComment(s, `/\*`, `\*/`) ;
   writefln("==comment stripped:\n%s\n==stripped comment:\n%s", t[0], t[1]) ;
   s = "apples, pears # and bananas

apples, pears ; and bananas " ; // test for line comment

   writefln("==original:\n%s", s) ;
   t = sepComment(s, `#|;`, `[\n\r]|$`) ;
   writefln("==comment stripped:\n%s\n==stripped comment:\n%s", t[0], t[1]) ;

}</lang> part of output:

==comment stripped:

   function subroutine() {
    a =  b + c ;

    function something() {
==stripped comment:
   * Some comments
   * longer comments here that we can parse.
   * Rahoo
   *//* inline comment *//*/ <-- tricky comments *//**
    * Another comment.


For the extra credit: No optional parameters in Go, but documented below is an efficient technique for letting the caller specify the delimiters. <lang go>package main

import (



// idiomatic to name a function newX that allocates an object, initializes it, // and returns it ready to use. the object in this case is a closure. func newStripper(start, end string) func(string) string {

   // default to c-style block comments
   if start == "" || end == "" {
       start, end = "/*", "*/"
   // closes on variables start, end.
   return func(source string) string {
       for {
           cs := strings.Index(source, start)
           if cs < 0 {
           ce := strings.Index(source[cs+2:], end)
           if ce < 0 {
           source = source[:cs] + source[cs+ce+4:]
       return source


func main() {

   // idiomatic is that zero values indicate to use meaningful defaults
   stripC := newStripper("", "")
   // strip function now defined and can be called any number of times
   // without respecifying delimiters
   fmt.Println(stripC(`  /**
  * Some comments
  * longer comments here that we can parse.
  * Rahoo
  function subroutine() {
   a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;
  /*/ <-- tricky comments */
   * Another comment.
   function something() {



<lang groovy>def code = """

  * Some comments
  * longer comments here that we can parse.
  * Rahoo
  function subroutine() {
   a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;
  /*/ <-- tricky comments */
   * Another comment.
   function something() {


println ((code =~ "(?:/\\*(?:[^*]|(?:\\*+[^*/]))*\\*+/)|(?://.*)").replaceAll())</lang>


Comment delimiters can be changed by calling stripComments with different start and end parameters. <lang Haskell>import Data.List

stripComments :: String -> String -> String -> String stripComments start end = notComment

   where notComment :: String -> String
         notComment "" = ""
         notComment xs
           | start `isPrefixOf` xs = inComment $ drop (length start) xs
           | otherwise             = head xs:(notComment $ tail xs)
         inComment :: String -> String
         inComment "" = ""
         inComment xs
           | end `isPrefixOf` xs = notComment $ drop (length end) xs
           | otherwise           = inComment $ tail xs

main = interact (stripComments "/*" "*/")</lang> Output:

   function subroutine() {
    a =  b + c ;

    function something() {

Icon and Unicon

If one is willing to concede that the program file will fit in memory, then the following code works: <lang Icon>procedure main()

  every (unstripped := "") ||:= !&input || "\n"   # Load file as one string


procedure stripBlockComment(s1,s2,s3) #: strip comments between s2-s3 from s1

  result := ""
  s1 ? {
     while result ||:= tab(find(s2)) do {
        tab(find(s3)|0)   # or end of string 
     return result || tab(0)

end</lang> Otherwise, the following handles an arbitrary length input: <lang Icon>procedure main()

  every writes(stripBlockComment(!&input,"/*","*/"))


procedure stripBlockComment(s,s2,s3)

   static inC          # non-null when inside comment
   (s||"\n") ?  while not pos(0) do {
           if /inC then 
               if inC := 1(tab(find(s2))\1, move(*s2)) then suspend inC
               else return tab(0)
           else if (tab(find(s3))\1,move(*s3)) then inC := &null
           else fail



<lang j>strip=:#~1 0 _1*./@:(|."0 1)2>4{"1(5;(0,"0~".;._2]0 :0);'/*'i.a.)&;:

 1 0 0
 0 2 0
 2 3 2
 0 2 2

)</lang> Example data: <lang j>example=: 0 :0

  * Some comments
  * longer comments here that we can parse.
  * Rahoo 
  function subroutine() {
   a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;
  /*/ <-- tricky comments */
   * Another comment.
   function something() {

)</lang> Example use: <lang j> strip example

  function subroutine() {
   a =  b + c ;

   function something() {

Here is a version which allows the delimiters to be passed as an optional left argument as a pair of strings: <lang j>stripp=:3 :0

 ('/*';'*/') stripp y
 'open close'=. x
 marks=. (+./(-i._1+#open,close)|."0 1 open E. y) - close E.&.|. y
 y #~  -. (+._1&|.) (1 <. 0 >. +)/\.&.|. marks



<lang java>import*;

public class StripBlockComments{

   public static String readFile(String filename) {

BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename)); try { StringBuilder fileContents = new StringBuilder(); char[] buffer = new char[4096]; while (, 0, 4096) > 0) { fileContents.append(buffer); } return fileContents.toString(); } finally { reader.close(); }

   public static String stripComments(String beginToken, String endToken,

String input) { StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder(); while (true) { int begin = input.indexOf(beginToken); int end = input.indexOf(endToken, begin+beginToken.length()); if (begin == -1 || end == -1) { output.append(input); return output.toString(); } output.append(input.substring(0, begin)); input = input.substring(end + endToken.length()); }

   public static void main(String[] args) {

if (args.length < 3) { System.out.println("Usage: BeginToken EndToken FileToProcess"); System.exit(1); }

String begin = args[0]; String end = args[1]; String input = args[2];

try { System.out.println(stripComments(begin, end, readFile(input))); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); }



Liberty BASIC

<lang lb>global CRLF$ CRLF$ =chr$( 13) +chr$( 10)

sample$ =" /**"+CRLF$+_ " * Some comments"+CRLF$+_ " * longer comments here that we can parse."+CRLF$+_ " *"+CRLF$+_ " * Rahoo "+CRLF$+_ " */"+CRLF$+_ " function subroutine() {"+CRLF$+_ " a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;"+CRLF$+_ " }"+CRLF$+_ " /*/ <-- tricky comments */"+CRLF$+_ ""+CRLF$+_ " /**"+CRLF$+_ " * Another comment."+CRLF$+_ " */"+CRLF$+_ " function something() {"+CRLF$+_ " }"+CRLF$

startDelim$ ="/*" finishDelim$ ="*/"

print "________________________________" print sample$ print "________________________________" print blockStripped$( sample$, startDelim$, finishDelim$) print "________________________________"


function blockStripped$( in$, s$, f$)

   for i =1 to len( in$) -len( s$)
       if mid$( in$, i, len( s$)) =s$ then
           i =i +len( s$)
               if mid$( in$, i, 2) =CRLF$ then blockStripped$ =blockStripped$ +CRLF$
               i =i +1
           loop until ( mid$( in$, i, len( f$)) =f$) or ( i =len( in$) -len( f$))
           i =i +len( f$) -1
           blockStripped$ =blockStripped$ +mid$( in$, i, 1)
       end if
   next i

end function</lang>

function subroutine() {
a = b + c ;

function something() {



It is assumed, that the code is in the file "Text1.txt". <lang lua>filename = "Text1.txt"

fp = filename, "r" ) str = fp:read( "*all" ) fp:close()

stripped = string.gsub( str, "/%*.-%*/", "" ) print( stripped )</lang>


<lang Mathematica>StringReplace[a,"/*"~~Shortest[___]~~"*/" -> ""]


  function subroutine() {
   a =  b + c ;

   function something() {

MATLAB / Octave

<lang Matlab>function str = stripblockcomment(str,startmarker,endmarker)

     ix1 = strfind(str, startmarker);
     if isempty(ix1) return; end;
     ix2 = strfind(str(ix1+length(startmarker):end),endmarker);
     if isempty(ix2) 
        str = str(1:ix1(1)-1);
        str = [str(1:ix1(1)-1),str(ix1(1)+ix2(1)+length(endmarker)+1:end)];

end;</lang> Output:

>>t = '  /**\n   * Some comments\n   * longer comments here that we can parse.\n   *\n   * Rahoo \n   */\n   function subroutine() {\n    a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;\n   }\n   /*/ <-- tricky comments */\n\n   /**\n    * Another comment.\n    */\n    function something() {\n    }\n'
   * Some comments
   * longer comments here that we can parse.
   * Rahoo 
   function subroutine() {
    a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;
   /*/ <-- tricky comments */

    * Another comment.
    function something() {
   function subroutine() {
    a =  b + c ;

    function something() {


<lang Perl>#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict ; use warnings ;

open( FH , "<" , "samplecode.txt" ) or die "Can't open file!$!\n" ; my $code = "" ; {

  local $/ ;
  $code = <FH> ; #slurp mode

} close FH ; $code =~ s,/\*.*?\*/,,sg ; print $code . "\n" ;</lang> Output:

function subroutine() {
    a =  b + c ;

    function something() {

Perl 6

<lang perl6>sample().split(/ '/*' .+? '*/' /).print;

sub sample { ' /**

   * Some comments
   * longer comments here that we can parse.
   * Rahoo
   function subroutine() {
    a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;
   /*/ <-- tricky comments */
    * Another comment.
   function something() {

'}</lang> Output:

    function subroutine() {
     a =  b + c ;

    function something() {


<lang PicoLisp>(in "sample.txt"

  (while (echo "/*")
     (out "/dev/null" (echo "*/")) ) )</lang>


   function subroutine() {
    a =  b + c ;

    function something() {


<lang PL/I>/* A program to remove comments from text. */ strip: procedure options (main); /* 8/1/2011 */

  declare text character (80) varying;
  declare (j, k) fixed binary;
  on endfile (sysin) stop;
  do forever;
     get edit (text) (L);
     do until (k = 0);
        k = index(text, '/*');
        if k > 0 then /* we have a start of comment. */
              /* Look for end of comment. */
              j = index(text, '*/', k+2);
              if j > 0 then
                    text = substr(text, 1, k-1) ||
                           substr(text, j+2, length(text)-(j+2)+1);
                 do; /* The comment continues onto the next line. */
                    put skip list ( substr(text, 1, k-1) );

more: get edit (text) (L);

                    j = index(text, '*/');
                    if j = 0 then do; put skip; go to more; end;
                    text = substr(text, j+2, length(text) - (j+2) + 1);
     put skip list (text);

end strip;</lang>


Solution using regular expressions. A procedure to stripBlocks() procedure is defined that will strip comments between any two delimeters. <lang PureBasic>Procedure.s escapeChars(text.s)

 Static specialChars.s = "[\^$.|?*+()"
 Protected output.s, nextChar.s, i, countChar = Len(text)
 For i = 1 To countChar
   nextChar = Mid(text, i, 1)
   If FindString(specialChars, nextChar, 1)
     output + "\" + nextChar
     output + nextChar
 ProcedureReturn output


Procedure.s stripBlocks(text.s, first.s, last.s)

 Protected delimter_1.s = escapeChars(first), delimter_2.s = escapeChars(last)
 Protected expNum = CreateRegularExpression(#PB_Any, delimter_1 + ".*?" + delimter_2, #PB_RegularExpression_DotAll)
 Protected output.s = ReplaceRegularExpression(expNum, text, "")
 ProcedureReturn output


Define source.s source.s = " /**" + #CRLF$ source.s + " * Some comments" + #CRLF$ source.s + " * longer comments here that we can parse." + #CRLF$ source.s + " *" + #CRLF$ source.s + " * Rahoo " + #CRLF$ source.s + " */" + #CRLF$ source.s + " function subroutine() {" + #CRLF$ source.s + " a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;" + #CRLF$ source.s + " }" + #CRLF$ source.s + " /*/ <-- tricky comments */" + #CRLF$ source.s + "" + #CRLF$ source.s + " /**" + #CRLF$ source.s + " * Another comment." + #CRLF$ source.s + " */" + #CRLF$ source.s + " function something() {" + #CRLF$ source.s + " }" + #CRLF$

If OpenConsole()

 PrintN("--- source ---")
 PrintN("--- source with block comments between '/*' and '*/' removed ---")
 PrintN(stripBlocks(source, "/*", "*/"))
 PrintN("--- source with block comments between '*' and '*' removed ---")
 PrintN(stripBlocks(source, "*", "*"))
 Print(#CRLF$ + #CRLF$ + "Press ENTER to exit"): Input()

EndIf</lang> Sample output:

--- source ---
   * Some comments
   * longer comments here that we can parse.
   * Rahoo
   function subroutine() {
    a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;
   /*/ <-- tricky comments */

    * Another comment.
    function something() {

--- source with block comments between '/*' and '*/' removed ---

   function subroutine() {
    a =  b + c ;

    function something() {

--- source with block comments between '*' and '*' removed ---
    longer comments here that we can parse.
    inline comment / <-- tricky comments  Another comment.
    function something() {


The code has comment delimeters as an argument and will also strip nested block comments. <lang python>def _commentstripper(txt, delim):

   'Strips first nest of block comments'
   deliml, delimr = delim
   out = 
   if deliml in txt:
       indx = txt.index(deliml)
       out += txt[:indx]
       txt = txt[indx+len(deliml):]
       txt = _commentstripper(txt, delim)
       assert delimr in txt, 'Cannot find closing comment delimiter in ' + txt
       indx = txt.index(delimr)
       out += txt[(indx+len(delimr)):]
       out = txt
   return out

def commentstripper(txt, delim=('/*', '*/')):

   'Strips nests of block comments'
   deliml, delimr = delim
   while deliml in txt:
       txt = _commentstripper(txt, delim)
   return txt</lang>
Tests and sample output

<lang python>def test():

   sample =   /**
  * Some comments
  * longer comments here that we can parse.
  * Rahoo 
  function subroutine() {
   a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;
  /*/ <-- tricky comments */
   * Another comment.
   function something() {
   sample =   /**
  * Some comments
  * longer comments here that we can parse.
  * Rahoo 
  function subroutine() {
   a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;
  /*/ <-- tricky comments */
   * Another comment.
   function something() {

if __name__ == '__main__':

   function subroutine() {
    a =  b + c ;

    function something() {

    function something() {


<lang ruby>def remove_comments!(str, comment_start='/*', comment_end='*/')

 while start_idx = str.index(comment_start) 
   end_idx = str.index(comment_end, start_idx + comment_start.length) + comment_end.length - 1
   str[start_idx .. end_idx] = "" 


def remove_comments(str, comment_start='/*', comment_end='*/')

 remove_comments!(str.dup, comment_start, comment_end)


example = <<END_OF_STRING

  * Some comments
  * longer comments here that we can parse.
  * Rahoo 
  function subroutine() {
   a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;
  /*/ <-- tricky comments */
   * Another comment.
   function something() {


puts remove_comments example</lang> outputs

   function subroutine() {
    a =  b + c ;

    function something() {


The function replace2 can be used to replace unnested comments.

<lang seed7>$ include "seed7_05.s7i";

const proc: main is func

   const string: stri is "\
       \  /**\n\
       \   * Some comments\n\
       \   * longer comments here that we can parse.\n\
       \   *\n\
       \   * Rahoo\n\
       \   */\n\
       \   function subroutine() {\n\
       \    a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;\n\
       \   }\n\
       \   /*/ <-- tricky comments */\n\
       \   /**\n\
       \    * Another comment.\n\
       \    */\n\
       \    function something() {\n\
       \    }";
   writeln(replace2(stri, "/*", "*/", " "));
 end func;</lang>


   function subroutine() {
    a =   b + c ;

    function something() {


<lang tcl>proc stripBlockComment {string {openDelimiter "/*"} {closeDelimiter "*/"}} {

   # Convert the delimiters to REs by backslashing all non-alnum characters
   set openAsRE [regsub -all {\W} $openDelimiter {\\&}]
   set closeAsRE [regsub -all {\W} $closeDelimiter {\\&}]
   # Now remove the blocks using a dynamic non-greedy regular expression
   regsub -all "$openAsRE.*?$closeAsRE" $string ""

}</lang> Demonstration code: <lang tcl>puts [stripBlockComment " /**

  * Some comments
  * longer comments here that we can parse.
  * Rahoo 
  function subroutine() {
   a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;
  /*/ <-- tricky comments */
   * Another comment.
   function something() {

"]</lang> Output:

   function subroutine() {
    a =  b + c ;

    function something() {