Spelling of ordinal numbers

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Spelling of ordinal numbers
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Ordinal numbers   (as used in this Rosetta Code task),   are numbers that describe the   position   of something in a list.

It is this context that ordinal numbers will be used, using an English-spelled name of an ordinal number.

The ordinal numbers are   (at least, one form of them):

  1st  2nd  3rd  4th  5th  6th  7th  ···  99th  100th  ···  1000000000th  ···  etc

sometimes expressed as:

  1st  2nd  3rd  4th  5th  6th  7th  ···  99th  100th  ···  1000000000th  ···

For this task, the following (English-spelled form) will be used:

  first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh ninety-nineth one hundredth one billionth

Furthermore, the American version of numbers will be used here   (as opposed to the British).

2,000,000,000   is two billion,   not   two milliard.


Write a driver and a function (subroutine/routine ···) that returns the English-spelled ordinal version of a specified number   (a positive integer).

Optionally, try to support as many forms of an integer that can be expressed:   123   00123.0   1.23e2   all are forms of the same integer.

Show all output here.

Test cases

Use (at least) the test cases of:

  1  2  3  4  5  11  65  100  101  272  23456  8007006005004003

Related tasks


Factor's math.text.english vocabulary provides the number>text word for converting numbers to written English. It also provides the ordinal-suffix word for getting the suffix for a given number, such as th for 12. The bulk of this code deals with converting the output of number>text to ordinal format. <lang factor>USING: assocs formatting grouping kernel literals locals math math.parser math.text.english qw regexp sequences splitting.extras ; IN: rosetta-code.spelling-ordinal-numbers


! Factor supports the arbitrary use of commas in integer ! literals, as some number systems (e.g. Indian) don't solely ! break numbers up into triplets.

CONSTANT: test-cases qw{

   1 2 3 4 5 11 65 100 101 272 23456 8007006005004003 123
   00123.0 1.23e2 1,2,3 0b1111011 0o173 0x7B 2706/22


CONSTANT: replacements $[

       one    first
       two    second
       three  third
       five   fifth
       eight  eighth
       nine   ninth
       twelve twelfth
   } 2 group


regular-ordinal ( n -- str )
   [ number>text ] [ ordinal-suffix ] bi append ;

! Since Factor's number>text word contains commas and "and", ! strip them out with a regular expression.

text>ordinal-text ( str -- str' ) R/ \sand|,/ "" re-replace ;


number>ordinal-text ( n! -- str )
   n >integer n!
   n number>text " ,-" split* dup last replacements at
   [ [ but-last ] dip suffix "" join ]
   [ drop n regular-ordinal          ] if* text>ordinal-text ;


print-ordinal-pair ( str x -- )
   number>ordinal-text "%16s => %s\n" printf ;


ordinal-text-demo ( -- )
   test-cases [ dup string>number print-ordinal-pair ] each
   "C{ 123 0 }" C{ 123 0 } print-ordinal-pair ;

MAIN: ordinal-text-demo</lang>

               1 => first
               2 => second
               3 => third
               4 => fourth
               5 => fifth
              11 => eleventh
              65 => sixty-fifth
             100 => one hundredth
             101 => one hundred first
             272 => two hundred seventy-second
           23456 => twenty-three thousand four hundred fifty-sixth
8007006005004003 => eight quadrillion seven trillion six billion five million four thousand third
             123 => one hundred twenty-third
         00123.0 => one hundred twenty-third
          1.23e2 => one hundred twenty-third
           1,2,3 => one hundred twenty-third
       0b1111011 => one hundred twenty-third
           0o173 => one hundred twenty-third
            0x7B => one hundred twenty-third
         2706/22 => one hundred twenty-third
      C{ 123 0 } => one hundred twenty-third


As with the Kotlin solution, this uses the output of say from the Number_names task. <lang Go>import ( "fmt" "strings" )

func main() { for _, n := range []int64{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 11, 65, 100, 101, 272, 23456, 8007006005004003, } { fmt.Println(sayOrdinal(n)) } }

var irregularOrdinals = map[string]string{ "one": "first", "two": "second", "three": "third", "five": "fifth", "eight": "eighth", "nine": "ninth", "twelve": "twelfth", }

func sayOrdinal(n int64) string { s := say(n) i := strings.LastIndexAny(s, " -") i++ // Now s[:i] is everything upto and including the space or hyphen // and s[i:] is the last word; we modify s[i:] as required. // Since LastIndex returns -1 if there was no space/hyphen, // `i` will be zero and this will still be fine. if x, ok := irregularOrdinals[s[i:]]; ok { s = s[:i] + x } else if s[len(s)-1] == 'y' { s = s[:i] + s[i:len(s)-1] + "ieth" } else { s = s[:i] + s[i:] + "th" } return s }

// Below is a copy of https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Number_names#Go

var small = [...]string{"zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine", "ten", "eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen", "fifteen", "sixteen", "seventeen", "eighteen", "nineteen"} var tens = [...]string{"", "", "twenty", "thirty", "forty", "fifty", "sixty", "seventy", "eighty", "ninety"} var illions = [...]string{"", " thousand", " million", " billion", " trillion", " quadrillion", " quintillion"}

func say(n int64) string { var t string if n < 0 { t = "negative " // Note, for math.MinInt64 this leaves n negative. n = -n } switch { case n < 20: t += small[n] case n < 100: t += tens[n/10] s := n % 10 if s > 0 { t += "-" + small[s] } case n < 1000: t += small[n/100] + " hundred" s := n % 100 if s > 0 { t += " " + say(s) } default: // work right-to-left sx := "" for i := 0; n > 0; i++ { p := n % 1000 n /= 1000 if p > 0 { ix := say(p) + illions[i] if sx != "" { ix += " " + sx } sx = ix } } t += sx } return t }</lang>

one hundredth
one hundred first
two hundred seventy-second
twenty-three thousand four hundred fifty-sixth
eight quadrillion seven trillion six billion five million four thousand third


This makes use of code posted on this site by MichaeLeroy for a similar task at https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Number_names#Julia. The function num2text is used (but not included here) as posted from that location. <lang Julia> const irregular = Dict("one" => "first", "two" => "second", "three" => "third",

                      "five" => "fifth", "nine" => "ninth", "twelve" => "twelfth")

const suffix = "th" const ysuffix = "ieth"

function numtext2ordinal(s)

   lastword = split(s)[end]
   redolast = split(lastword, "-")[end]
   if redolast != lastword
       lastsplit = "-"
       word = redolast
       lastsplit = " "
       word = lastword
   firstpart = reverse(split(reverse(s), lastsplit, limit=2)[end])
   firstpart = (firstpart == word) ? "": firstpart * lastsplit
   if haskey(irregular, word)
       word = irregular[word]
   elseif word[end] == 'y'
       word = word[1:end-1] * ysuffix
       word = word * suffix
   firstpart * word


const testcases = [1 2 3 4 5 11 65 100 101 272 23456 8007006005004003] for n in testcases

   println("$n => $(numtext2ordinal(num2text(n)))")

end </lang>

1 => first
2 => second
3 => third
4 => fourth
5 => fifth
11 => eleventh
65 => sixty-fifth
100 => one hundredth
101 => one hundred and first
272 => two hundred and seventy-second
23456 => twenty-three thousand four hundred and fifty-sixth
8007006005004003 => eight quadrillion seven trillion six billion five million four thousand and third


This makes use of the code at https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Number_names#Kotlin, which I also wrote, and adjusts it to output the corresponding ordinal. Although, for good measure, the program can deal with negative integers, zero and UK-style numbers (the insertion of 'and' at strategic places, no 'milliards' I promise!) none of these are actually tested in line with the task's requirements. <lang scala>// version 1.1.4-3

typealias IAE = IllegalArgumentException

val names = mapOf(

   1 to "one",
   2 to "two",
   3 to "three",
   4 to "four",
   5 to "five",
   6 to "six",
   7 to "seven",
   8 to "eight",
   9 to "nine",
   10 to "ten",
   11 to "eleven",
   12 to "twelve",
   13 to "thirteen",
   14 to "fourteen",
   15 to "fifteen",
   16 to "sixteen",
   17 to "seventeen",
   18 to "eighteen",
   19 to "nineteen",
   20 to "twenty",
   30 to "thirty",
   40 to "forty",
   50 to "fifty",
   60 to "sixty",
   70 to "seventy",
   80 to "eighty",
   90 to "ninety"

) val bigNames = mapOf(

   1_000L to "thousand",
   1_000_000L to "million",
   1_000_000_000L to "billion",
   1_000_000_000_000L to "trillion",
   1_000_000_000_000_000L to "quadrillion",
   1_000_000_000_000_000_000L to "quintillion"


val irregOrdinals = mapOf(

   "one" to "first",
   "two" to "second",
   "three" to "third",
   "five" to "fifth",
   "eight" to "eighth",
   "nine" to "ninth",
   "twelve" to "twelfth"


fun String.toOrdinal(): String {

   val splits = this.split(' ', '-')
   var last = splits[splits.lastIndex]
   return if (irregOrdinals.containsKey(last)) this.dropLast(last.length) + irregOrdinals[last]!!
          else if (last.endsWith("y")) this.dropLast(1) + "ieth"
          else this + "th"


fun numToOrdinalText(n: Long, uk: Boolean = false): String {

   if (n == 0L) return "zeroth"  // or alternatively 'zeroeth'
   val neg = n < 0L
   val maxNeg = n == Long.MIN_VALUE
   var nn = if (maxNeg) -(n + 1) else if (neg) -n else n
   val digits3 = IntArray(7)
   for (i in 0..6) {  // split number into groups of 3 digits from the right
       digits3[i] = (nn % 1000).toInt()
       nn /= 1000

   fun threeDigitsToText(number: Int) : String {
       val sb = StringBuilder()
       if (number == 0) return ""
       val hundreds = number / 100
       val remainder = number % 100
       if (hundreds > 0) {
           sb.append(names[hundreds], " hundred")
           if (remainder > 0) sb.append(if (uk) " and " else " ")
       if (remainder > 0) {
           val tens = remainder / 10
           val units = remainder % 10
           if (tens > 1) {
               sb.append(names[tens * 10])
               if (units > 0) sb.append("-", names[units])
           else sb.append(names[remainder])
       return sb.toString()

   val strings = Array<String>(7) { threeDigitsToText(digits3[it]) }
   var text = strings[0]
   var andNeeded = uk && digits3[0] in 1..99
   var big = 1000L
   for (i in 1..6) {
       if (digits3[i] > 0) {
           var text2 = strings[i] + " " + bigNames[big]
           if (text.length > 0) {
               text2 += if (andNeeded) " and " else ", "
               andNeeded = false
           else andNeeded = uk && digits3[i] in 1..99
           text = text2 + text
       big *= 1000
   if (maxNeg) text = text.dropLast(5) + "eight"
   if (neg) text = "minus " + text
   return text.toOrdinal()


fun numToOrdinalText(s: String, uk: Boolean = false): String {

   val d = s.toDoubleOrNull() ?: throw IAE("String is not numeric") 
   if (d !in Long.MIN_VALUE.toDouble() .. Long.MAX_VALUE.toDouble())
       throw IAE("Double is outside the range of a Long Integer")
   val n = d.toLong()
   if (n.toDouble() != d) throw IAE("String does not represent a Long Integer")
   return numToOrdinalText(n, uk)


fun main(args: Array<String>) {

   val la = longArrayOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 11, 65, 100, 101, 272, 23456, 8007006005004003)
   println("Using US representation:")
   for (i in la) println("${"%16d".format(i)} = ${numToOrdinalText(i)}")
   val sa = arrayOf("123", "00123.0", "1.23e2")
   for (s in sa) println("${"%16s".format(s)} = ${numToOrdinalText(s)}")


Using US representation:
               1 = first
               2 = second
               3 = third
               4 = fourth
               5 = fifth
              11 = eleventh
              65 = sixty-fifth
             100 = one hundredth
             101 = one hundred first
             272 = two hundred seventy-second
           23456 = twenty-three thousand, four hundred fifty-sixth
8007006005004003 = eight quadrillion, seven trillion, six billion, five million, four thousand, third
             123 = one hundred twenty-third
         00123.0 = one hundred twenty-third
          1.23e2 = one hundred twenty-third


Adding zero to the input forces a numeric conversion (any identity operation would suffice). <lang perl>use Lingua::EN::Numbers 'num2en_ordinal';

printf "%16s : %s\n", $_, num2en_ordinal(0+$_) for

   <1 2 3 4 5 11 65 100 101 272 23456 8007006005004003 123 00123.0 '00123.0' 1.23e2 '1.23e2'>;</lang>
               1 : first
               2 : second
               3 : third
               4 : fourth
               5 : fifth
              11 : eleventh
              65 : sixty-fifth
             100 : one hundredth
             101 : one hundred and first
             272 : two hundred and seventy-second
           23456 : twenty-three thousand four hundred and fifty-sixth
8007006005004003 : eight quadrillion, seven trillion, six billion, five million, four thousand and third
             123 : one hundred and twenty-third
         00123.0 : one hundred and twenty-third
         00123.0 : one hundred and twenty-third
          1.23e2 : one hundred and twenty-third
          1.23e2 : one hundred and twenty-third

Perl 6

Works with: Rakudo version 2017.08

This would be pretty simple to implement from scratch; it would be straightforward to do a minor modification of the Number names task code. Much simpler to just use the Lingua::EN::Numbers::Cardinal module from the Perl 6 ecosystem though. It easily handles ordinal numbers even though that is not its primary focus.

We need to be slightly careful of terminology. In Perl 6, 123, 00123.0, & 1.23e2 are not all integers. They are respectively an Int (integer), a Rat (rational number) and a Num (floating point number). For this task it doesn't much matter as the ordinal routine coerces its argument to an Int, but to Perl 6 they are different things. We can further abuse allomorphic types for some somewhat non-intuitive results as well.

Note that the different integer forms of 123 are evaluated on use, not on assignment. They can be passed around in parameters, but until they are used numerically, they retain their stringy characteristics.

It is not really clear what is meant by "Write a driver and a function...". Well, the function part is clear enough; driver not so much. Perhaps this will suffice.

<lang perl6>use Lingua::EN::Numbers::Cardinal;

printf( "\%16s : %s\n", $_, ordinal($_) ) for

  1. Required tests

|<1 2 3 4 5 11 65 100 101 272 23456 8007006005004003>,

  1. Optional tests

|<123 00123.0 1.23e2 123+0i 0b1111011 0o173 0x7B 861/7>;</lang>

               1 : first
               2 : second
               3 : third
               4 : fourth
               5 : fifth
              11 : eleventh
              65 : sixty-fifth
             100 : one hundredth
             101 : one hundred first
             272 : two hundred seventy-second
           23456 : twenty-three thousand, four hundred fifty-sixth
8007006005004003 : eight quadrillion, seven trillion, six billion, five million, four thousand third
             123 : one hundred twenty-third
         00123.0 : one hundred twenty-third
          1.23e2 : one hundred twenty-third
          123+0i : one hundred twenty-third
       0b1111011 : one hundred twenty-third
           0o173 : one hundred twenty-third
            0x7B : one hundred twenty-third
           861/7 : one hundred twenty-third


<lang Phix>include demo\rosetta\number_names.exw

constant {irregs,ordinals} = columnize({{"one","first"},


function ordinal(string s)

   integer i
   for i=length(s) to 1 by -1 do
       integer ch = s[i]
       if ch=' ' or ch='-' then exit end if
   end for
   integer k = find(s[i+1..$],irregs)
   if k then
       s = s[1..i]&ordinals[k]
   elsif s[$]='y' then
       s[$..$] = "ieth"
       s &= "th"
   end if
   return s

end function

constant tests = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 11, 65, 100, 101, 272, 23456, 8007006005004003,

                 123, 00123.0, 1.23e2, 0b1111011, 0o173, 0x7B, 861/7}

for i=1 to length(tests) do


end for</lang>

one hundredth
one hundred and first
two hundred and seventy-second
twenty-three thousand, four hundred and fifty-sixth
eight quadrillion, seven trillion, six billion, five million, four thousand, and third
one hundred and twenty-third
one hundred and twenty-third
one hundred and twenty-third
one hundred and twenty-third
one hundred and twenty-third
one hundred and twenty-third
one hundred and twenty-third


<lang REXX>/*REXX programs spells out ordinal numbers (in English, using the American system). */ numeric digits 3000 /*just in case the user uses gihugic #s*/ parse arg n /*obtain optional arguments from the CL*/

if n= | n="," then n= 1 2 3 4 5 11 65 100 101 272 23456 8007006005004003

pgmOpts= 'ordinal quiet' /*define options needed for $SPELL#.REX*/

    do j=1  for words(n)                        /*process each of the specified numbers*/
    x=word(n, j)                                /*obtain a number from the input list. */
    os=$spell#(x  pgmOpts)                      /*invoke REXX routine to spell ordinal#*/
    say right(x, max(20, length(x) ) )      ' spelled ordinal number ───► '      os
    end   /*j*/</lang>
output   when using the default inputs:
                   1  spelled ordinal number ───►  first
                   2  spelled ordinal number ───►  second
                   3  spelled ordinal number ───►  third
                   4  spelled ordinal number ───►  fourth
                   5  spelled ordinal number ───►  fifth
                  11  spelled ordinal number ───►  eleventh
                  65  spelled ordinal number ───►  sixty-fifth
                 100  spelled ordinal number ───►  one hundredth
                 101  spelled ordinal number ───►  one hundred first
                 272  spelled ordinal number ───►  two hundred seventy-second
               23456  spelled ordinal number ───►  twenty-three thousand four hundred fifty-sixth
    8007006005004003  spelled ordinal number ───►  eight quadrillion seven trillion six billion five million four thousand third

The   $SPELL#.REX   routine can be found here   ───►   $SPELL#.REX.


<lang zkl>fcn nth(n,th=True){

  var [const]
    nms1000=T("thousand","million","billion","trillion","quadrillion"); // 3,6,9,12,15
  if     (n<0)  String("negative ",nth(-n,th));
  else if(n<10) th and nmsth[n] or nms1[n];
  else if(n<20) th and nms10th[n-10] or nms10[n-10];
  else if(n<10) th and nmsth[n] or nms1[n];
  else if(n<100){
     m,txt := n%10,nms20[n/10-2];
     if(m) String(txt,dash(n%10,"-",th));
     else  String(txt[0,-1],"ieth");
  else if(n<1000) String(nms1[n/100]," hundred",dash(n%100," ",th));
     n=n.toInt();   // yuck, only here to handle floats, 1.23-->"first"
     ds:=(n.numDigits()-1)/3*3; // 1e3->3, 1e4-->3, 1e5-->3, 1e6-->6, 1e7-->6
     z:=(10).pow(ds);  // 1234-->1000, 12345-->10000
     thou:=ds/3 - 1;	// 1000-->0, 10000-->0, 2,000,000-->1
     nnn,ys := n/z, n%z;
     String((if(nnn<10) nms1[nnn] else nth(nnn,False)),

" ",nms1000[thou], if(ys==0) "th" else String(" ",nth(ys,th)));


} fcn dash(n,d,th){ if(n) String(d,nth(n,th)) else (th and "th" or "") }</lang> <lang zkl>testNs:=L(1,2,3,4,5,11,65,100,101,272,23456,8007006005004003,


foreach n in (testNs){

  if(n.isType(Float)) println("%16.2f --> %s".fmt(n,nth(n)));
  else		       println("%16d --> %s".fmt(n,nth(n)));


               1 --> first
               2 --> second
               3 --> third
               4 --> fourth
               5 --> fifth
              11 --> eleventh
              65 --> sixty-fifth
             100 --> one hundredth
             101 --> one hundred first
             272 --> two hundred seventy-second
           23456 --> twenty-three thousand four hundred fifty-sixth
8007006005004003 --> eight quadrillion seven trillion six billion five million four thousand third
             123 --> one hundred twenty-third
          123.00 --> one hundred twenty-third
          123.00 --> one hundred twenty-third