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Continued fraction/Arithmetic/G(matrix ng, continued fraction n1, continued fraction n2): Difference between revisions

Line 6,124:
484/49 / 22/7 is {0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0} [9; 1, 7, 6] [3; 7] gives [3; 7]
√2 * √2 = [1; 0, 1]
This Haskell follows the Mercury, in using infinitely long lazy lists to represent continued fractions. There are two kinds of terms: "infinite" and "finite integer".
<syntaxhighlight lang="Haskell">
data Term = InfiniteTerm | IntegerTerm Integer
type ContinuedFraction = [Term] -- The list should be infinitely long.
type NG8 = (Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer,
Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer)
cf2string (cf :: ContinuedFraction) =
loop 0 "[" cf
where loop i s lst =
case lst of {
(InfiniteTerm : _) -> s ++ "]" ;
(IntegerTerm value : tail) ->
(if i == 20 then
s ++ ",...]"
let {
sepStr =
case i of {
0 -> "";
1 -> ";";
_ -> ","
termStr = show value;
s1 = s ++ sepStr ++ termStr
in loop (i + 1) s1 tail)
repeatingTerm (term :: Term) =
term : repeatingTerm term
infiniteContinuedFraction = repeatingTerm InfiniteTerm
i2cf (i :: Integer) =
-- Continued fraction representing an integer.
IntegerTerm i : infiniteContinuedFraction
r2cf (n :: Integer) (d :: Integer) =
-- Continued fraction representing a rational number.
let (q, r) = divMod n d in
(if r == 0 then
(IntegerTerm q : infiniteContinuedFraction)
(IntegerTerm q : r2cf d r))
add_cf = apply_ng8 (0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)
sub_cf = apply_ng8 (0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)
mul_cf = apply_ng8 (1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)
div_cf = apply_ng8 (0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0)
(ng :: NG8)
(x :: ContinuedFraction)
(y :: ContinuedFraction) =
let (a12, a1, a2, a, b12, b1, b2, b) = ng in
if iseqz [b12, b1, b2, b] then
infiniteContinuedFraction -- No more finite terms to output.
else if iseqz [b2, b] then
let (ng1, x1, y1) = absorb_x_term ng x y in
apply_ng8 ng1 x1 y1
else if atLeastOne_iseqz [b2, b] then
let (ng1, x1, y1) = absorb_y_term ng x y in
apply_ng8 ng1 x1 y1
else if iseqz [b1] then
let (ng1, x1, y1) = absorb_x_term ng x y in
apply_ng8 ng1 x1 y1
let {
(q12, r12) = maybeDivide a12 b12;
(q1, r1) = maybeDivide a1 b1;
(q2, r2) = maybeDivide a2 b2;
(q, r) = maybeDivide a b
if not (iseqz [b12]) && q == q12 && q == q1 && q == q2 then
-- Output a term.
(if integerExceedsInfinitizingThreshold q then
let new_ng = (b12, b1, b2, b, r12, r1, r2, r) in
(IntegerTerm q : apply_ng8 new_ng x y))
-- Put a1, a2, and a over a common denominator and compare
-- some magnitudes.
let {
n1 = a1 * b2 * b;
n2 = a2 * b1 * b;
n = a * b1 * b2
(if abs (n1 - n) > abs (n2 - n) then
let (ng1, x1, y1) = absorb_x_term ng x y in
apply_ng8 ng1 x1 y1
let (ng1, x1, y1) = absorb_y_term ng x y in
apply_ng8 ng1 x1 y1)
-- then (absorb_x_term(NG, NG1, X, X1, Y, Y1),
-- CF = apply_ng8(NG1, X1, Y1))
-- else (absorb_y_term(NG, NG1, X, X1, Y, Y1),
-- CF = apply_ng8(NG1, X1, Y1)))
-- ))
-- )).
((a12, a1, a2, a, b12, b1, b2, b) :: NG8)
(x :: ContinuedFraction)
(y :: ContinuedFraction) =
case x of {
(IntegerTerm n : xtail) -> (
let new_ng = (a2 + (a12 * n), a + (a1 * n), a12, a1,
b2 + (b12 * n), b + (b1 * n), b12, b1) in
if (ng8ExceedsProcessingThreshold new_ng) then
-- Pretend we have reached an infinite term.
((a12, a1, a12, a1, b12, b1, b12, b1),
infiniteContinuedFraction, y)
(new_ng, xtail, y)
(InfiniteTerm : _) ->
((a12, a1, a12, a1, b12, b1, b12, b1),
infiniteContinuedFraction, y)
((a12, a1, a2, a, b12, b1, b2, b) :: NG8)
(x :: ContinuedFraction)
(y :: ContinuedFraction) =
case y of {
(IntegerTerm n : ytail) -> (
let new_ng = (a1 + (a12 * n), a12, a + (a2 * n), a2,
b1 + (b12 * n), b12, b + (b2 * n), b2) in
if (ng8ExceedsProcessingThreshold new_ng) then
-- Pretend we have reached an infinite term.
((a12, a12, a2, a2, b12, b12, b2, b2),
x, infiniteContinuedFraction)
(new_ng, x, ytail)
(InfiniteTerm : _) ->
((a12, a12, a2, a2, b12, b12, b2, b2),
x, infiniteContinuedFraction)
ng8ExceedsProcessingThreshold (a12, a1, a2, a,
b12, b1, b2, b) =
(integerExceedsProcessingThreshold a12 ||
integerExceedsProcessingThreshold a1 ||
integerExceedsProcessingThreshold a2 ||
integerExceedsProcessingThreshold a ||
integerExceedsProcessingThreshold b12 ||
integerExceedsProcessingThreshold b1 ||
integerExceedsProcessingThreshold b2 ||
integerExceedsProcessingThreshold b)
integerExceedsProcessingThreshold i =
abs i >= 2 ^ 512
integerExceedsInfinitizingThreshold i =
abs i >= 2 ^ 64
maybeDivide a b =
if b == 0
then (0, 0)
else divMod a b
iseqz [] = True
iseqz (head : tail) = head == 0 && iseqz tail
atLeastOne_iseqz [] = False
atLeastOne_iseqz (head : tail) = head == 0 || atLeastOne_iseqz tail
zero = i2cf 0
one = i2cf 1
two = i2cf 2
three = i2cf 3
four = i2cf 4
one_fourth = r2cf 1 4
one_third = r2cf 1 3
one_half = r2cf 1 2
two_thirds = r2cf 2 3
three_fourths = r2cf 3 4
goldenRatio = repeatingTerm (IntegerTerm 1)
silverRatio = repeatingTerm (IntegerTerm 2)
sqrt2 = IntegerTerm 1 : silverRatio
sqrt5 = IntegerTerm 2 : repeatingTerm (IntegerTerm 4)
padLeft n s
| length s < n = replicate (n - length s) ' ' ++ s
| otherwise = s
padRight n s
| length s < n = s ++ replicate (n - length s) ' '
| otherwise = s
show_cf (expression, cf, note) =
let exprStr = padLeft 19 expression in
do { putStr exprStr;
putStr " => ";
if note == "" then
putStrLn (cf2string cf)
let cfStr = padRight 48 (cf2string cf) in
do { putStr cfStr;
putStrLn note }
thirteen_elevenths = r2cf 13 11
twentytwo_sevenths = r2cf 22 7
main = do {
show_cf ("golden ratio", goldenRatio, "(1 + sqrt(5))/2");
show_cf ("silver ratio", silverRatio, "(1 + sqrt(2))");
show_cf ("sqrt(2)", sqrt2, "from the module");
show_cf ("sqrt(2)", silverRatio `sub_cf` one,
"from the silver ratio");
show_cf ("sqrt(5)", sqrt5, "from the module");
show_cf ("sqrt(5)", (two `mul_cf` goldenRatio) `sub_cf` one,
"from the golden ratio");
show_cf ("13/11", thirteen_elevenths, "");
show_cf ("22/7", twentytwo_sevenths, "approximately pi");
show_cf ("13/11 + 1/2", thirteen_elevenths `add_cf` one_half, "");
show_cf ("22/7 + 1/2", twentytwo_sevenths `add_cf` one_half, "");
show_cf ("(22/7) * 1/2", twentytwo_sevenths `mul_cf` one_half, "");
show_cf ("(22/7) / 2", twentytwo_sevenths `div_cf` two, "");
show_cf ("sqrt(2) + sqrt(2)", sqrt2 `add_cf` sqrt2, "");
show_cf ("sqrt(2) - sqrt(2)", sqrt2 `sub_cf` sqrt2, "");
show_cf ("sqrt(2) * sqrt(2)", sqrt2 `mul_cf` sqrt2, "");
show_cf ("sqrt(2) / sqrt(2)", sqrt2 `div_cf` sqrt2, "");
return ()
<pre>$ ghc continued_fraction_task.hs && ./continued_fraction_task
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( continued_fraction_task.hs, continued_fraction_task.o )
Linking continued_fraction_task ...
golden ratio => [1;1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,...] (1 + sqrt(5))/2
silver ratio => [2;2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,...] (1 + sqrt(2))
sqrt(2) => [1;2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,...] from the module
sqrt(2) => [1;2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,...] from the silver ratio
sqrt(5) => [2;4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,...] from the module
sqrt(5) => [2;4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,...] from the golden ratio
13/11 => [1;5,2]
22/7 => [3;7] approximately pi
13/11 + 1/2 => [1;1,2,7]
22/7 + 1/2 => [3;1,1,1,4]
(22/7) * 1/2 => [1;1,1,3]
(22/7) / 2 => [1;1,1,3]
sqrt(2) + sqrt(2) => [2;1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,...]
sqrt(2) - sqrt(2) => [0]
sqrt(2) * sqrt(2) => [2]
sqrt(2) / sqrt(2) => [1]


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