Rosetta Code/Run examples: Difference between revisions

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(Liberty BASIC entry)
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More credit: also test if the output of a solution compares to a given result. The expected output should be loaded from a file with the name of the task. (This way all implementations can share the same set of files, and anyone can add more files. In the future the content of these files could be stored directly in a section of the task on Rosetta Code itself.)
More credit: also test if the output of a solution compares to a given result. The expected output should be loaded from a file with the name of the task. (This way all implementations can share the same set of files, and anyone can add more files. In the future the content of these files could be stored directly in a section of the task on Rosetta Code itself.)

=={{header|Liberty BASIC}}==
<lang lb>
' ********************************************************************
' ** **
' ** parseAndRun.bas v26b tenochtitlanuk November 2012 **
' ** **
' ** select a LB solution from RC site & run it locally **
' ** **
' ********************************************************************
'retrieve proper temporary path and filename to save downloaded HTML:
Source$ = GetTempFileName$("htm")

' Download main RC LB page which has current tasks on it. Save as 'source.html'
' run "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" 'testing routine
print " Fetching current RC page of completed Liberty BASIC RC solutions."
'result = DownloadToFile( "", "E:\source.html")
result = DownloadToFile( "", Source$)

if result <>0 then print "Error downloading LB solved tasks.": end else print: print " Displaying solved tasks.": print

' Load source into a string. Go through and save in a 2D array all topic titles
' and the appropriate web addresses to find them.
'open "E:\source.html" for input as #f
open Source$ for input as #f
html$ = input$( #f, lof( #f))
close #f
kill Source$ 'remove temp file

dim solutions$( 500, 2)

global count
count =1
first =0
last =0
reading =0

' The first topic is the '100 doors' so skip all html jump ref's earlier than this.
r$ =getHtmlSection$( html$, first, last)
if instr( r$, "/") then exit do ' We've read all LB solved tasks.
if r$ ="wiki/100_doors" then reading =1

if reading =1 then ' we can start recording path & name
solutions$( count, 1) ="" +r$ +"#Liberty_BASIC"

special =instr( r$, "%2B"): if special <>0 then r$ =left$( r$, special -1) +"+" +mid$( r$, special +3)
special =instr( r$, "%27"): if special <>0 then r$ =left$( r$, special -1) +"'" +mid$( r$, special +3)
special =instr( r$, "%C3%A8"): if special <>0 then r$ =left$( r$, special -1) +chr$( 232) +mid$( r$, special +6)
solutions$( count, 0) =mid$( r$, 6) ' we want the bit beyond '/wiki/'
if instr( solutions$( count, 0), "/") then
newName$ =""
for ii =1 to len( solutions$( count, 0) )
n$ =mid$( solutions$( count, 0), ii, 1)
if n$ ="/" then n$ ="_"
newName$ =newName$ +n$
next ii
solutions$( count, 0) =newName$
end if
print count, solutions$( count, 0)'; tab( 60); solutions$( count, 1)
count =count +1
end if
loop until 0
print: print count -1; " tasks solved in LB."

'input " Choose task # "; R ' Choose a page to try.
for R =1 to 283
print " Choosing a task at random viz #"; R; " out of "; count -1; " completed in LB."
print " Task is "; chr$( 34); solutions$( R, 0); chr$( 34)

'********************run "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe " +solutions$( R, 1)

' Fetch the RC task page with all the sol'ns including LB one.
print " Downloading the page for this task."
result = DownloadToFile( solutions$( R, 1), "rx.html")

if result <>0 then print "Error downloading.": end

print " Now finding the LB section of the html code." ' Now finding the appropriate LB section on this topic.

open "rx.html" for input as #r
L =lof( #r)
print " Length of source html of this topic's page is "; L
t$ =input$( #r, L)
close #r

preamble$ =">Liberty BASIC</a></span></h2>" +chr$( 10)

lP =len( preamble$)
print " Finding the preamble string at ";
beg =instr( t$, preamble$)' +len( preamble$)
print beg

lookFor$ ="source" +chr$( 34) +">"
beg =instr( t$, lookFor$, beg) ' get to start of BASIC code.
beg =beg +len( lookFor$)

print " Found LB section at "; beg;

fin =instr( t$, "</pre>", beg)
print " and ending at "; fin

print " Chopping off unwanted earlier & later sections of html source."
t$ =mid$( t$, beg, fin -beg) ' discard earlier & later parts of html code.

open solutions$( R, 0) +".txt" for output as #LbText
#LbText t$;
close #LbText

L =len( t$)

print " Relevant html code LB section being parsed for LB BASIC code."

' Read the rest of the LB code section to </pre> section ..
LB$ =""
j =1

print " Dropping html tags & translating html entities."
print " LB code follows."

nxtChr$ =mid$( t$, j, 1)
select case ' _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
case ( nxtChr$ =chr$( 10)) or ( nxtChr$ =chr$( 13))
j =L
print "End reached- CRLF"

case nxtChr$ ="<" ' we've found a html tag. Omit.
'print " Starting a tag with a <";
item$ ="<"
do ' keep looking until find a '>' or finish...
j =j +1
nxtChr$ =mid$( t$, j, 1)
item$ =item$ +nxtChr$
loop until nxtChr$ =">"
'print " Closing a tag with a >."
if item$ ="</pre>" then j =L ' end reached
if item$ ="<br />" then LB$ =LB$ +chr$( 10) ' code for CRLF
if item$ ="<br/>" then LB$ =LB$ +chr$( 10) ' code for CRLF, now
if j <>L then j =j +1

case nxtChr$ ="&" ' we've found an html entity.
' replace with plain-text equivalents.
'print " html entity starting with & ";
select case ' ..............................................................................
case mid$( t$, j+1, 5) ="quot;"
LB$ =LB$ +chr$( 34): j =j +6 ' &guot; "
case mid$( t$, j+1, 3) ="gt;"
LB$ =LB$ +">": j =j +4 ' > >
case mid$( t$, j+1, 3) ="lt;"
LB$ =LB$ +"<": j =j +4 ' < <
case right$( mid$( t$, j, 5), 1) =";"
v =val( mid$( t$, j +2, 2)): j =j +5 ' 2-digit character-code
if v =39 then LB$ =LB$ +chr$( 39) else LB$ =LB$ +chr$( v) ' eg ' ( 40,41) '()
case right$( mid$( t$, j, 6), 1) =";" ' 3-digit character-code
v =val( mid$( t$, j +2, 3))
if v =160 then v =32 'print "Hard space!" ' convert hard- to soft-space.
j =j +6: LB$ =LB$ +chr$( v)
end select ' ..............................................................................
'print " and finishing with ;"
case else ' not an html entity nor a tag. Use as-is unless it's the final hard-space plus semi-colon..
if mid$( t$, j +1, 5) ="#160;" and mid$( t$, j +5, 6) ="</pre>" then j =L else LB$ =LB$ +nxtChr$: j =j +1

end select ' _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
loop until j >= fin -beg -4

print: print LB$

open solutions$( R, 0) +".bas" for output as #LB
#LB LB$;
close #LB

print " Done"

timer 5000, [on2]
timer 0

' Run with LB.
' *************************************run chr$( 34) +"C:\Program Files\Liberty BASIC v4.04\liberty.exe" +chr$( 34) +" -R E:\" +solutions$( R, 0) +".bas"
next R
' **************************************************************
Function DownloadToFile( urlfile$, localfile$)
open "URLmon" for dll as #url
calldll #url, "URLDownloadToFileA",_
0 as long,_ 'null
urlfile$ as ptr,_ 'url to download
localfile$ as ptr,_ 'save file name
0 as long,_ 'reserved, must be 0
0 as long,_ 'callback address, can be 0
DownloadToFile as ulong '0=success
close #url
end function

function getHtmlSection$( string$, byref first, last)
a =instr( string$, "<a href=" +chr$( 34), first)
if a =0 then getHtmlSection$ =" Sorry! html link not found": exit function
b =instr( string$, chr$( 34), a +9)
getHtmlSection$ =mid$( string$, a +10, b -a -10)
first =b +1
' Reset value of "first" so that in the next call to
' getHtmlSection$( the next html link can be found
end function

function GetTempFileName$(prefix$)
TempFile$ = space$(256)+chr$(0)

calldll #kernel32, "GetTempFileNameA",_
TempPath$ as ptr,_ 'directory for temp file
prefix$ as ptr,_ 'desired prefix for temp filename
0 as ulong,_ '0=file created,nonzero=you must create file
TempFile$ as ptr,_ 'string buffer to hold qualified path and filename
result as ulong 'nonzero=success

'TempFile$ holds complete path and filename info
GetTempFileName$ = TempFile$
end function

Function GetTempPath$()
CallDLL #kernel32, "GetTempPathA",_
0 as long,_
_NULL as long,_
length as long

buf$ = space$(length)

CallDLL #kernel32, "GetTempPathA",_
length as long,_
buf$ as ptr,_
ret as long

GetTempPath$ = buf$
End Function

=={{header|Run BASIC}}==
=={{header|Run BASIC}}==