Rosetta Code/Rank languages by popularity

From Rosetta Code
Rosetta Code/Rank languages by popularity
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Sort most popular programming languages based in number of members in Rosetta Code categorys (from


1. 246 - Programming_Tasks 
2. 203 - Python 
3. 201 - Ada 
4. 188 - OCaml 
5. 171 - Perl 
6. 169 - Java 
7. 168 - Haskell 
8. 157 - C 
9. 141 - Forth 
10. 140 - Ruby 


<python>import urllib import re

def key1(x):

   return int(x.split()[0])

test = [] a = urllib.urlopen("") a ="\n")

a = [i for i in a if 'members' in i]

del a[0] del a[-1]

for i in a:

   test.append(re.findall("\(.* members\)",i)[0].split()[0].replace("(",) + " - "+\
   re.findall('Category:.*" ',i)[0].replace('"',).split(":")[1])

c = 1

for i in sorted(test, key=key1, reverse=True):

   print "%s. %s" % (c, i)
   c += 1</python>