Roots of a cubic polynomial

From Rosetta Code
Revision as of 07:36, 28 November 2023 by Petelomax (talk | contribs) (→‎{{header|Phix}}: added translation of raku)
Roots of a cubic polynomial is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.

Find all eigenvalues of a real 3x3 matrix and estimate their errors.

See Wikipedia Cubic equation. [1] Example.

a*x**3 + b*x**2 + c*x + d = 0

matrix: [[1,-1,0], [0,1,-1],[0,0,1]]

polynomial: [a,b,c,d] =[1, -3,+3, -1]

roots: [1,1,1]

matrix: [[1,-1,0], [0,1,-1],[0,0,1]]

polynomial: [a,b,c,d] =[1, -3,+3, -1]

roots: [1,1,1]


Translation of: Wren

Note the seven functions matrix_trace() ... root_poly() are straightforward translations of code from matrix.wren and math.wren, and are not tested beyond matching the output here. There is also some rather suspicious use of reverse() in eigenvalues(), which kinda brute-forces it to work.

with javascript_semantics
function matrix_trace(sequence m)
    atom res = 0
    for i=1 to length(m) do
        res += m[i,i]
    end for
    return res
end function

function matrix_minor(sequence m, integer x, y)
    integer l = length(m)-1
    sequence res = repeat(repeat(0,l),l)
    for i=1 to l do
        integer ri = i+(i>=x)
        for j=1 to l do
            integer rj = j+(j>=y)
            res[i,j] = m[ri,rj]
        end for
    end for
    return res
end function

function matrix_determinant(sequence m)
    // Returns the determinant of the current instance 
    // provided it's square, using Laplace expansion.
    integer l = length(m)
    if l=1 then return m[1,1] end if
    if l=2 then return m[2,2]*m[1,1]-m[1,2]*m[2,1] end if
    integer sgn = 1
    atom det = 0
    for i=1 to l do
        sequence mm = matrix_minor(m,1,i)
        det += sgn*m[1,i]*matrix_determinant(mm)
        sgn = -sgn
    end for
    return det
end function

function cofactors(sequence m)
    integer l = length(m)
    sequence res = repeat(repeat(0,l),l)
    for i=1 to l do
        for j=1 to l do
            sequence mm = matrix_minor(m,i,j)
            atom d = matrix_determinant(mm)
            res[i,j] = d*power(-1,i+j)
        end for
    end for
    return res
end function

function eval_poly(sequence coefs, atom x)
    atom res = coefs[1]
    for i=2 to length(coefs) do res = res*x + coefs[i] end for
    return res
end function

function diff_poly(sequence coefs)
    // Returns the coefficients of a polynomial following differentiation.
    // Polynomials are represented as described in 'eval_poly' above(!).
    integer c = length(coefs)-1
    if c=0 then return {0} end if
    sequence deriv = repeat(0,c)
    for i=1 to c do deriv[i] = (c-i+1) * coefs[i] end for
    return deriv
end function

function root_poly(sequence coefs, atom guess=0.001, tol=1e-15, maxIter=100, mult=1)
    integer deg = length(coefs)-1
    if deg=0 then return null end if
    if deg=1 then return -coefs[2]/coefs[1] end if
    if deg=2 and coefs[2]*coefs[2] - 4*coefs[1]*coefs[3] < 0 then return null end if
    if eval_poly(coefs, 0)=0 then return 0 end if
    sequence deriv = diff_poly(coefs)
    atom eps = 0.001,
          x0 = guess
    for iter=1 to maxIter do
        atom den = eval_poly(deriv, x0)
        if den=0 then
            x0 = iff(x0>=0 ? x0 + eps : x0 - eps)
            atom num = eval_poly(coefs, x0),
                  x1 = x0 - num/den * mult
            if abs(x1-x0)<=tol then
                atom r = round(x1)
                if abs(r-x1)<=eps and eval_poly(coefs, r)=0 then return r end if
                return x1
            end if
            x0 = x1
        end if
    end for
    x0 = round(x0)
    if eval_poly(coefs, x0)=0 then return x0 end if
    return null
end function

function poly_div(sequence num,den)
    sequence curr = trim_tail(num,0),
            right = trim_tail(den,0),
              res = {}
    integer base = length(curr)-length(right)
    while base>=0 do
        atom r = curr[-1] / right[-1]
        res &= r
        curr = curr[1..-2]
        for i=1 to length(right)-1 do
            curr[base+i] -= r * right[i]
        end for
        base -= 1
    end while
    return res
end function

function poly(sequence si)
    -- display helper
    string r = ""
    for t=length(si) to 1 by -1 do
        integer sit = si[t]
        if sit!=0 then
            if sit=1 and t>1 then
                r &= iff(r=""? "":" + ")
            elsif sit=-1 and t>1 then
                r &= iff(r=""?"-":" - ")
                if r!="" then
                    r &= iff(sit<0?" - ":" + ")
                    sit = abs(sit)
                end if
                r &= sprintf("%d",sit)
            end if
            r &= iff(t>1?"x"&iff(t>2?sprintf("^%d",t-1):""):"")
        end if
    end for
    if r="" then r="0" end if
    return r
end function

function eigenvalues(sequence m)
    // find the characteristic polynomial
    sequence cp = {1,
          roots = repeat(0,3),
           errs = repeat(0,3)
    // find first root
    roots[1] = root_poly(cp)
    errs[1] = eval_poly(cp, roots[1])
    // divide out to get quadratic
    // aside: no idea why reverse helps...
    sequence den = {-roots[1],1},
             num = poly_div(reverse(cp),den)
    // find second root
    roots[2] = root_poly(num)
    errs[2] = eval_poly(cp, roots[2])
    // divide out to get linear
    den = {-roots[2], 1}
    num = reverse(poly_div(reverse(num),den))
    // find third root
    roots[3] = -num[1]
    errs[3] = eval_poly(cp, roots[3])
    string pm = ppf(m,{pp_Nest,1,pp_Indent,8,pp_IntFmt,"%2d"})
    return {pm, poly(reverse(cp)), roots, errs}
end function

constant tests = {{{ 1, -1,  0},
                   { 0,  1,  1},
                   { 0,  0,  1}},
                  {{-2, -4,  2},
                   {-2,  1,  2},
                   { 4,  2,  5}}}
constant fmt = """
Matrix: %s
characteristic polynomial: %s
eigenvalues: %v
errors: %v


for m in tests do
end for
Matrix: {{ 1,-1, 0},
         { 0, 1, 1},
         { 0, 0, 1}}

characteristic polynomial: x^3 - 3x^2 + 3x - 1
eigenvalues: {1,1,1}
errors: {0,0,0}

Matrix: {{-2,-4, 2},
         {-2, 1, 2},
         { 4, 2, 5}}

characteristic polynomial: x^3 - 4x^2 - 27x + 90
eigenvalues: {3,-5,6}
errors: {0,0,0}

Translation of: Raku

Note the "wrentest" gives eigenvalues of {6,3,-5}...

with javascript_semantics

function polynomial(sequence t)
    atom a = 1,                                 // create characteristic polynomial
         b = -(t[1,1] + t[2,2] + t[3,3]),                   // = -trace
         c = ( t[1,1]*t[2,2] + t[2,2]*t[3,3] + t[3,3]*t[1,1] )
             -(t[2,3]*t[3,2] + t[3,1]*t[1,3] + t[1,2]*t[2,1] ),
         d = - t[1,1] * t[2,2] * t[3,3]
             - t[1,2] * t[2,3] * t[3,1]
             - t[1,3] * t[2,1] * t[3,2]
             + t[1,1] * t[3,2] * t[2,3]
             + t[1,2] * t[2,1] * t[3,3]
             + t[1,3] * t[2,2] * t[3,1];                    // = -determinant
    return {a, b, c, d}
end function

function reduction(sequence poly)
    atom {a, b, c, d} = poly,
         b3 = power(b,3),
         b2 = power(b,2),
         a3 = power(a,3),
         a2 = power(a,2),
         delta = 18*a*b*c*d - 4*b3*d + b2*power(c,2) - 4*a*power(c,3) - 27*a2*power(d,2),
         p = (3*a*c - b2) / (3*a2),
         q = (2*b3 - 9*a*b*c + 27*a2*d) / (27*a3),
         d0 = b2 - 3*a*c,
         d1 = 2*b3 - 9*a*b*c + 27*a2*d;
    return { delta, p, q, d0, d1 }
end function

include complex.e

function horner(object x, atom a, b, c, d ) // cubic polynomial using horner's method
    if complex(x) then
        complexn r = 0
        for f in {a,b,c,d} do
            r = complex_add(complex_mul(r,x),f)
        end for
        return r
    end if
    return ((a*x + b)*x + c)*x + d
end function

function solution(atom a, b, /*c*/, /*d*/, delta, p, q, d0, d1)
    sequence x
    if abs(delta)<1e-12 then        // multiple real roots
        if abs(p)<1e-12 then        // triple equal real roots
            x = {0,0,0}
        else                        // double real root
            atom x23 = -3*q/(2*p)
            x = {3*q/p, x23, x23}
        end if
    elsif delta > 0 then            // three distinct real roots
        x = {}
        for i=1 to 3 do
            x &= 2*sqrt(-p/3) * cos(arccos(sqrt(-3/p)*3*q/(2*p))/3 - 2*PI*(i-1)/3)
        end for
    else // delta < 0               // one real root and two complex conjugate roots
        complexn g
        if d0=0 and d1<0 then
            g = -power(-d1,1/3)
        elsif d0<0 and d1=0 then
            g = -sqrt(-d0)
            complex s = complex_sqrt(power(d1,2) - 4*power(d0,3)),
                   g1 = complex_power(complex_div(complex_add(d1,s),2),1/3),
                   g2 = complex_power(complex_div(complex_sub(d1,s),2),1/3)
            g = iff(g1={0,0} ? g2 : g1)
        end if
        complex z = complex_mul(g,complex_div(complex_add(-1,complex_sqrt(-3)),2)),
                x1 = complex_mul(-1/3,complex_add(g,complex_div(d0,g))),
                x2 = complex_mul(-1/3,complex_add(z,complex_div(d0,z)))
        x = {x1,x2,complex_conjugate(x2)}
        for i=1 to 3 do
            x[i] = complex_sub(x[i],(1/3)*b/a)
        end for
        return x
    end if
    for i=1 to 3 do
        x[i] -= (1/3)*b/a
    end for
    return x
end function

function spectrum(sequence m)
    sequence poly = polynomial(m)
    atom {a, b, c, d} = poly,
         {delta, p, q, d0, d1} = reduction(poly);
    sequence s = solution(a, b, c, d, delta, p, q, d0, d1 ),
             e = apply(true,horner,{s,a,b,c,d})
    return {s, e}
end function

constant r = 1/sqrt(2),
         m = {{"triple",   {{ 1, -1,  0}, { 0,  1, -1}, { 0,  0,  1}}},
              {"wrentest", {{-2, -4,  2}, {-2,  1,  2}, { 4,  2,  5}}},
              {"double",   {{ 2,  0,  0}, { 0, -1,  0}, { 0,  0, -1}}},
              {"distinct", {{ 2,  0,  0}, { 0,  3,  4}, { 0,  4,  9}}},
              {"rotation", {{ 1,  0,  0}, { 0,  r, -r}, { 0,  r,  r}}}}
for i,pair in m do
    {string desc, sequence t} = pair
    printf(1," %d:  %8s matrix: %v\n",{i,desc,t})
    sequence poly = polynomial(t),
           reduct = reduction(poly),
            {s,e} = spectrum(t)
    printf(1,"          polynomial: %v\n",{poly})
    printf(1,"           reduction: %v\n",{reduct})
    printf(1,"         eigenvalues: %v\n",{s})
    printf(1,"              errors: %v\n",{e})
end for
 1:    triple matrix: {{1,-1,0},{0,1,-1},{0,0,1}}
          polynomial: {1,-3,3,-1}
           reduction: {0,0,0,0,0}
         eigenvalues: {1,1,1}
              errors: {0,0,0}
 2:  wrentest matrix: {{-2,-4,2},{-2,1,2},{4,2,5}}
          polynomial: {1,-4,-27,90}
           reduction: {69696,-32.33333333,49.25925926,97,1330}
         eigenvalues: {6,3.0,-5.0}
              errors: {0,-4.263256414e-14,-1.705302566e-13}
 3:    double matrix: {{2,0,0},{0,-1,0},{0,0,-1}}
          polynomial: {1,0,-3,-2}
           reduction: {0,-3,-2,9,-54}
         eigenvalues: {2,-1,-1}
              errors: {0,0,0}
 4:  distinct matrix: {{2,0,0},{0,3,4},{0,4,9}}
          polynomial: {1,-14,35,-22}
           reduction: {8100,-30.33333333,-61.92592593,91,-1672}
         eigenvalues: {11,2.0,1.0}
              errors: {0,1.065814103e-14,-1.77635684e-14}
 5:  rotation matrix: {{1,0,0},{0,0.7071067812,-0.7071067812},{0,0.7071067812,0.7071067812}}
          polynomial: {1,-2.414213562,2.414213562,-1.0}
           reduction: {-0.686291501,0.4714045208,-0.0994922778,-1.414213562,-2.686291501}
         eigenvalues: {{1.0,0},{0.7071067812,-0.7071067812},{0.7071067812,0.7071067812}}
              errors: {{-2.22044605e-16,0},{-3.330669073e-16,-3.885780587e-16},{-3.330669073e-16,3.885780587e-16}}

Complex results on the last entry are just shown as {real,imag} pairs.


(as recovered from pdf uploads)

my \r = 1/sqrt(2);
my Pair @m = [[
      triple       => [[ 1, -1,  0], [ 0,  1, -1], [ 0,  0,  1] ],
      double       => [[ 2,  0,  0], [ 0, -1,  0], [ 0,  0, -1] ],
      distinct     => [[ 2,  0,  0], [ 0,  3,  4], [ 0,  4,  9] ],
      rotation     => [[ 1,  0,  0], [ 0,  r, -r], [ 0,  r,  r] ],
for ^@m {
   my Pair $pair = @m[$_];                  print "\n  {1+$_}:  {$pair.key} ";
   my @t = $pair.value.[];                  say 'matrix: 	  ', @t.raku;
   my @poly = polynomial( @t );             say 'polynomial:  ', @poly.raku;
   my @reduction = reduction( |@poly );     say 'reduction :  ', @reduction.raku;
   my ( $s, $e ) = spectrum( @t );          say 'eigenvalues: ', @$s.raku;
                                            say 'errors: 	  ', @$e.raku;
sub horner( \x, \a, \b, \c, \d ) {          # cubic polynomial using horner's method
    ((a * x + b) * x + c) * x + d
sub polynomial( @t ) {
    my \a = 1;                                  # create characteristic polynomial
    my \b = -(@t[0;0] + @t[1;1] + @t[2;2]);                     # = -trace
    my \c = ( @t[0;0]*@t[1;1] + @t[1;1]*@t[2;2] + @t[2;2]*@t[0;0] )
            -(@t[1;2]*@t[2;1] + @t[2;0]*@t[0;2] + @t[0;1]*@t[1;0] );
    my \d = - @t[0;0] * @t[1;1] * @t[2;2]
            - @t[0;1] * @t[1;2] * @t[2;0]
            - @t[0;2] * @t[1;0] * @t[2;1]
            + @t[0;0] * @t[2;1] * @t[1;2]
            + @t[0;1] * @t[1;0] * @t[2;2]
            + @t[0;2] * @t[1;1] * @t[2;0];                  # = -determinant
    return [ a, b, c, d]>>.narrow;
sub reduction( \a, \b, \c, \d ) {
    my \delta = 18 * a * b * c * d - 4 * b **3 * d + b**2 * c**2 - 4 * a * c**3 - 27 * a**2 * d**2;
    my \p = (3 * a * c - b * b) / (3 * a * a);
    my \q = (2 * b ** 3 - 9 * a * b * c + 27 * a ** 2 * d) / (27 * a ** 3);
    my \d0 = b*b - 3 * a * c;
    my \d1 = 2*b**3 - 9*a*b*c + 27 * a**2 * d;
    return [ delta, p, q, d0, d1 ];
sub solution( \a, \b, \c, \d, \delta, \p, \q, \d0, \d1 ) {
    my @x;
    if abs(delta) =~= 0 {           # say " multiple real roots ", p.raku ;
        if abs(p) =~= 0 {           # say " triple equal real roots: ";;
            @x[$_] = 0 for ^3;
        else {                      # say ' double real root:';
            @x[0] = 3 * q / p;
            @x[1] = -3 * q /(2 * p);
            @x[2] = @x[1];
    elsif delta > 0 {               # say " three distinct real roots:";
        @x[$_] = 2*sqrt(-p/3) * cos( acos( sqrt( -3 / p ) * 3 * q /( 2 * p ) )/3 - 2*pi * $_/ 3 ) for ^3;
    else {      # delta < 0;        say " one real root and two complex conjugate roots:";
        my $g = do {
            if d0 == 0 and d1 < 0 {
            elsif d0 < 0 and d1 == 0 {
            else {
                my \s = Complex( d1**2 - 4 * d0**3 ).sqrt;
                my \g1 = (( d1 + s )/2)**;
                my \g2 = (( d1 - s )/2)**;
                g1 == 0 ?? g2 !! g1
        my Complex $z = $g * ( -1 + Complex(-3).sqrt )/2;
        @x[0] = - * ( $g + d0 / $g );
        @x[1] = - * ( $z + d0 / $z );
        @x[2] = @x[1].conj;
    @x[$_] -=  * b / a for ^3;
    return @x;
sub spectrum( @mat ) {
    my ( \a, \b, \c, \d )         = polynomial( @mat );
    my (\delta, \p, \q, \d0, \d1) = reduction( a, b, c, d );
    my @s = solution( a, b, c, d, delta, p, q, d0, d1 )>>.narrow;
    my @e = { horner( $_, a, b, c, d ) })>>.narrow;
    return ( @s, @e );
 1:  triple matrix: [[1, -1, 0], [0, 1, -1], [0, 0, 1]]
polynomial:  [1, -3, 3, -1]
reduction :  [0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0]
eigenvalues: [1, 1, 1]
errors:      [0, 0, 0]

  2:  double matrix: [[2, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0], [0, 0, -1]]
polynomial:  [1, 0, -3, -2]
reduction :  [0, -3.0, -2.0, 9, -54]
eigenvalues: [2, -1, -1]
errors:      [0, 0, 0]

  3:  distinct matrix: [[2, 0, 0], [0, 3, 4], [0, 4, 9]]
polynomial:  [1, -14, 35, -22]
reduction :  [8100, <-91/3>, <-1672/27>, 91, -1672]
eigenvalues: [11, 2, 0.9999999999999991e0]
errors:      [0, 0, -1.0658141036401503e-14]

  4: rotation matrix: [[1, 0, 0], [0, 0.7071067811865475e0, -0.7071067811865475e0], [0, 0.7071067811865475e0, 0.7071067811865475e0]]
polynomial:  [1, -2.414213562373095e0, 2.414213562373095e0, -0.9999999999999998e0]
reduction :  [-0.6862915010152442e0, 0.4714045207910316e0, -0.0994922778153789e0, -1.414213562373095e0, -2.68629150101523e0]
eigenvalues: [0.9999999999999992e0, <0.7071067811865478-0.7071067811865472i>, <0.7071067811865478+0.7071067811865472i>]
errors:      [0, <-3.3306690738754696e-16-3.885780586188048e-16i>, <-3.3306690738754696e-16+3.885780586188048e-16i>]


Works with: HP version 49
[[1 -1 0][0 1 -1][0 0 1]] TASK
2: 'X^3-3*X^2+3*X-1'
1: [1 1 1]

If the characteristic polynomial is not needed, the EGVL function directly returns the eigenvalues as a vector.


Library: Wren-matrix
Library: Wren-math
Library: Wren-complex
Library: Wren-fmt

The eigenvalues of a 3 x 3 matrix will be the roots of its characteristic polynomial.

We borrow code from the Polynomial_long_division#Wren task to divide out this cubic polynomial after the first root is found and then code from the Roots_of_a_quadratic_function#Wren task to solve the resulting quadratic polynomial which may have complex roots. Note that the former code assumes that polynomials are presented starting from the lowest order term and all other functions used here from the highest order term. It is therefore necessary to reverse the order of terms when switching between the two.

import "./matrix" for Matrix
import "./math" for Math
import "./complex" for Complex
import "./fmt" for Fmt

class Polynom {
    // assumes factors start from lowest order term
    construct new(factors) {
        _factors = factors.toList

    factors { _factors.toList }

    /(divisor) {
        var curr = canonical().factors
        var right = divisor.canonical().factors
        var result = []
        var base = curr.count - right.count
        while (base >= 0) {
            var res = curr[-1] / right[-1]
            curr = curr[0...-1]
            for (i in 0...right.count-1) {
                curr[base + i] = curr[base + i] - res * right[i]
            base = base - 1
        var quot =[-1..0])
        var rem =
        return [quot, rem]

    canonical() {
        if (_factors[-1] != 0) return this
        var newLen = factors.count
        while (newLen > 0) {
            if (_factors[newLen-1] != 0) return[0...newLen])
            newLen = newLen - 1

// assumes real coefficients, highest to lowest order
var quadratic = { |a, b, c|
    var d = b*b - 4*a*c
    if (d == 0) {
        // single real root
        var root = -b/(a*2)
        return [root, root]
    if (d > 0) {
        // two real roots
        var sr = d.sqrt
        d = (b < 0) ? sr - b : -sr - b
        return [d/(2*a), 2*c/d]
    // two complex roots
    var den = 1 / (2*a)
    var t1 =*den, 0)
    var t2 =, (-d).sqrt * den)
    return [t1+t2, t1-t2]

// same assumption as quadratic but 'x' can be real or complex.
var evalPoly = { |coefs, x|
    var c = coefs.count
    if (c == 1) return coefs[0]
    var sum = coefs[0]
    for (i in 1...c) sum = x * sum + coefs[i]
    return sum

var eigenvalues = { |m|
    var roots = []
    var errs  = []
    // find the characteristic polynomial
    var cp = List.filled(4, 0)
    cp[0] = 1
    cp[1] = -m.trace
    cp[2] = m.cofactors.trace
    cp[3] = -m.det
    // find first root
    errs.add(, roots[0]))
    // divide out to get quadratic
    var num =[-1..0])
    var den =[-roots[0], 1])
    var qdr = (num/den)[0]
    // find second and third roots
    var coefs = qdr.factors[-1..0]
    roots = roots +[0], coefs[1], coefs[2])
    errs.add(, roots[1]))
    errs.add(, roots[2]))
    return [cp, roots, errs]

var v = 0.70710678118655
var arrs = [
        [ 1, -1,  0],
        [ 0,  1,  1],
        [ 0,  0,  1]
        [-2, -4,  2],
        [-2,  1,  2],
        [ 4,  2,  5]
        [ 1, -1,  0],
        [ 0,  1, -1],
        [ 0,  0,  1]
        [ 2,  0,  0],
        [ 0, -1,  0],
        [ 0,  0, -1]
        [ 2,  0,  0],
        [ 0,  3,  4],
        [ 0,  4,  9]
        [ 1,  0,  0],
        [ 0,  v, -v],
        [ 0,  v,  v]

for (i in 0...arrs.count) {
    var m =[i])
    System.print("For matrix:")
    if (i < arrs.count-1) Fmt.mprint(m, 2, 0) else Fmt.mprint(m, 17, 14)
    var eigs =
    Fmt.print("\nwhose characteristic polynomial is:")
    Fmt.pprint("$n", eigs[0], "", "x")
    Fmt.print("\nIts eigenvalues are: $n", eigs[1])
    Fmt.print("and the corresponding errors are: $n\n", eigs[2])
For matrix:
| 1 -1  0|
| 0  1  1|
| 0  0  1|

whose characteristic polynomial is:
x³ - 3x² + 3x - 1

Its eigenvalues are: [1, 1, 1]
and the corresponding errors are: [0, 0, 0]

For matrix:
|-2 -4  2|
|-2  1  2|
| 4  2  5|

whose characteristic polynomial is:
x³ - 4x² - 27x + 90

Its eigenvalues are: [3, 6, -5]
and the corresponding errors are: [0, 0, 0]

For matrix:
| 1 -1  0|
| 0  1 -1|
| 0  0  1|

whose characteristic polynomial is:
x³ - 3x² + 3x - 1

Its eigenvalues are: [1, 1, 1]
and the corresponding errors are: [0, 0, 0]

For matrix:
| 2  0  0|
| 0 -1  0|
| 0  0 -1|

whose characteristic polynomial is:
x³ - 3x - 2

Its eigenvalues are: [-1, 2, -1]
and the corresponding errors are: [0, 0, 0]

For matrix:
| 2  0  0|
| 0  3  4|
| 0  4  9|

whose characteristic polynomial is:
x³ - 14x² + 35x - 22

Its eigenvalues are: [1, 11, 2]
and the corresponding errors are: [0, 0, 0]

For matrix:
| 1.00000000000000  0.00000000000000  0.00000000000000|
| 0.00000000000000  0.70710678118655 -0.70710678118655|
| 0.00000000000000  0.70710678118655  0.70710678118655|

whose characteristic polynomial is:
x³ - 2.4142135623731x² + 2.4142135623731x - 1

Its eigenvalues are: [1, 0.70710678118655 + 0.70710678118655i, 0.70710678118655 - 0.70710678118655i]
and the corresponding errors are: [0, 0 + 0i, 0 + 0i]