Resistor mesh

From Rosetta Code
Revision as of 03:49, 31 July 2012 by rosettacode>Gerard Schildberger (→‎{{header|REXX}}: added the REXX language. -- ~~~~)
Resistor mesh is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.

Given 10 × 10 grid nodes interconnected by 1Ω resistors as shown, find the resistance between point A and B.

See also [[1]]


Translation of: C

<lang Ada>with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure ResistMesh is

  H, W : constant Positive := 10;
  rowA, colA : constant Positive := 2; -- row/col indexed from 1
  rowB : constant Positive := 7;
  colB : constant Positive := 8;
  type Ntype is (A, B, Free);
  type Vtype is digits 15;
  type Node is record
     volt : Vtype := 0.0;
     name : Ntype := Free;
  end record;
  type NodeMesh is array (Positive range <>, Positive range <>) of Node;
  package IIO is new Ada.Text_IO.Float_IO (Vtype);
  mesh, dmesh : NodeMesh (1 .. H, 1 .. W);
  curA, curB, diff : Vtype;
  procedure set_AB (mesh : in out NodeMesh) is begin
     mesh (rowA, colA).volt :=  1.0;  mesh (rowA, colA).name := A;
     mesh (rowB, colB).volt := -1.0;  mesh (rowB, colB).name := B;
  end set_AB;
  function sides (i : Positive; j : Positive) return Vtype is
     s : Integer := 0;
     if i /= 1 and i /= H then s := s + 2; else s := s + 1; end if;
     if j /= 1 and j /= W then s := s + 2; else s := s + 1; end if;
     return Vtype (s);
  end sides;
  procedure calc_diff (mesh : NodeMesh; dmesh : out NodeMesh;
     total : out Vtype)  is
     n : Natural;
     v : Vtype := 0.0;
     total := 0.0;
     for i in Positive range 1 .. H loop
        for j in Positive range 1 .. W loop
           n := 0;    v := 0.0;
           if  i /= 1 then v := v + mesh (i - 1, j).volt; n := n + 1; end if;
           if j /= 1 then  v := v + mesh (i, j - 1).volt; n := n + 1; end if;
           if i < H then v := v + mesh (i + 1, j).volt; n := n + 1; end if;
           if j < W then v := v + mesh (i, j + 1).volt; n := n + 1; end if;
           v := mesh (i, j).volt - v / Vtype (n);
           dmesh (i, j).volt := v;
           if mesh (i, j).name = Free then total := total + v ** 2; end if;
        end loop;
     end loop;
  end calc_diff;


     set_AB (mesh);
     calc_diff (mesh, dmesh, diff);
     exit when diff < 1.0e-40;
     for i in Positive range 1 .. H loop
        for j in Positive range 1 .. W loop
           mesh (i, j).volt := mesh (i, j).volt - dmesh (i, j).volt;
        end loop;
     end loop;
  end loop;
  curA := dmesh (rowA, colA).volt * sides (rowA, colA);
  curB := dmesh (rowB, colB).volt * sides (rowB, colB);
  diff := 4.0 / (curA - curB);
  IIO.Put (diff, Exp => 0); New_Line;

end ResistMesh;</lang>



<lang c>#include <stdio.h>

  1. include <stdlib.h>
  1. define S 10

typedef struct { double v; int fixed; } node;

  1. define each(i, x) for(i = 0; i < x; i++)

node **alloc2(int w, int h) { int i; node **a = calloc(1, sizeof(node*)*h + sizeof(node)*w*h); each(i, h) a[i] = i ? a[i-1] + w : (node*)(a + h); return a; }

void set_boundary(node **m) { m[1][1].fixed = 1; m[1][1].v = 1; m[6][7].fixed = -1; m[6][7].v = -1; }

double calc_diff(node **m, node **d, int w, int h) { int i, j, n; double v, total = 0; each(i, h) each(j, w) { v = 0; n = 0; if (i) v += m[i-1][j].v, n++; if (j) v += m[i][j-1].v, n++; if (i+1 < h) v += m[i+1][j].v, n++; if (j+1 < w) v += m[i][j+1].v, n++;

d[i][j].v = v = m[i][j].v - v / n; if (!m[i][j].fixed) total += v * v; } return total; }

double iter(node **m, int w, int h) { node **d = alloc2(w, h); int i, j; double diff = 1e10; double cur[] = {0, 0, 0};

while (diff > 1e-24) { set_boundary(m); diff = calc_diff(m, d, w, h); each(i,h) each(j, w) m[i][j].v -= d[i][j].v; }

each(i, h) each(j, w) cur[ m[i][j].fixed + 1 ] += d[i][j].v * (!!i + !!j + (i < h-1) + (j < w -1));

free(d); return (cur[2] - cur[0])/2; }

int main() { node **mesh = alloc2(S, S); printf("R = %g\n", 2 / iter(mesh, S, S)); return 0; }</lang>


Translation of: C

<lang d>import std.stdio, std.traits;

enum Node.FP differenceThreshold = 1e-40;

struct Node {

   alias real FP;
   enum Fixed : size_t { free = 0, A = 1, B = 2 }
   FP voltage = 0.0;
   private Fixed fixed__ =;
   this(in FP v, in Fixed f) pure nothrow {
       this.voltage = v;
       this.fixed__ = f;
   @property Fixed fixed() const pure nothrow { return fixed__; }


Node.FP iter(size_t w, size_t h)(ref Node[w][h] m) pure nothrow {

   static void enforceBoundaryConditions(size_t w, size_t h)
                                        (ref Node[w][h] m)
   pure nothrow {
       m[1][1].voltage = 1.0;
       m[6][7].voltage = -1.0;
   static Node.FP calcDifference(size_t w, size_t h)
                                (in ref Node[w][h] m,
                                 ref Node[w][h] d) pure nothrow {
       Node.FP total = 0.0;
       foreach (i; 0 .. h)
           foreach (j; 0 .. w) {
               Node.FP v = 0.0;
               size_t n;
               if (i != 0)  { v += m[i-1][j].voltage; n++; }
               if (j != 0)  { v += m[i][j-1].voltage; n++; }
               if (i < h-1) { v += m[i+1][j].voltage; n++; }
               if (j < w-1) { v += m[i][j+1].voltage; n++; }
               v = m[i][j].voltage - v / n;
               d[i][j].voltage = v;
               if (m[i][j].fixed ==
                   total += v ^^ 2;
       return total;
   Node[w][h] difference;
   while (true) {
       if (calcDifference(m, difference) < differenceThreshold)
       foreach (i, const(Node[]) di; difference)
           foreach (j, ref const(Node) dij; di)
               m[i][j].voltage -= dij.voltage;
   Node.FP[EnumMembers!(Node.Fixed).length] cur = 0.0;
   foreach (i, const(Node[]) di; difference)
       foreach (j, ref const(Node) dij; di)
           cur[m[i][j].fixed] += dij.voltage *
               (!!i + !!j + (i < h-1) + (j < w-1));
   return (cur[Node.Fixed.A] - cur[Node.Fixed.B]) / 2.0;


void main() {

   enum size_t w = 10,
               h = w;
   Node[w][h] mesh;
   // Set A and B Nodes.
   mesh[1][1] = Node( 1.0, Node.Fixed.A);
   mesh[6][7] = Node(-1.0, Node.Fixed.B);
   writefln("R = %.19f", 2 / iter(mesh));


R = 1.6089912417307296556


Translation of: C

<lang perl>use strict;

my ($w, $h) = (9, 9); my @v = map([ (0) x ($w + 1) ], 0 .. $h); # voltage my @f = map([ (0) x ($w + 1) ], 0 .. $h); # fixed condition my @d = map([ (0) x ($w + 1) ], 0 .. $h); # diff

my @n; # neighbors for my $i (0 .. $h) { push @{$n[$i][$_]}, [$i, $_ - 1] for 1 .. $w; push @{$n[$i][$_]}, [$i, $_ + 1] for 0 .. $w - 1; } for my $j (0 .. $w) { push @{$n[$_][$j]}, [$_ - 1, $j] for 1 .. $h; push @{$n[$_][$j]}, [$_ + 1, $j] for 0 .. $h - 1; }

sub set_boundary { $f[1][1] = 1; $f[6][7] = -1; $v[1][1] = 1; $v[6][7] = -1; }

sub calc_diff { my $total_diff; for my $i (0 .. $h) { for my $j (0 .. $w) { my ($p, $v) = $n[$i][$j]; $v += $v[$_->[0]][$_->[1]] for @$p; $d[$i][$j] = $v = $v[$i][$j] - $v / scalar(@$p); $total_diff += $v * $v unless $f[$i][$j]; } } $total_diff; }

sub iter { my $diff = 1; while ($diff > 1e-24) { # 1e-24 is overkill (12 digits of precision) set_boundary(); $diff = calc_diff(); print "error^2: $diff\r"; for my $i (0 .. $h) { for my $j (0 .. $w) { $v[$i][$j] -= $d[$i][$j]; } } } print "\n";

my @current = (0) x 3; for my $i (0 .. $h) { for my $j (0 .. $w) { $current[ $f[$i][$j] ] += $d[$i][$j] * scalar(@{$n[$i][$j]}); } } return ($current[1] - $current[-1]) / 2; }

print "R = @{[2 / iter()]}\n";</lang>

Perl 6

Translation of: c

<lang perl6>my $S = 10;

my @fixed;

sub allocmesh ($w, $h) {

   gather for ^$h {

take [0 xx $w];



sub force-fixed(@f) {

   @f[1][1] =  1;
   @f[6][7] = -1;


sub force-v(@v) {

   @v[1][1] =  1;
   @v[6][7] = -1;


sub calc_diff(@v, @d, Int $w, Int $h) {

   my $total = 0;
   for ^$h X ^$w -> $i, $j {
       my @neighbors = grep *.defined, @v[$i-1][$j], @v[$i][$j-1], @v[$i+1][$j], @v[$i][$j+1];
       my $v = [+] @neighbors;
       @d[$i][$j] = $v = @v[$i][$j] - $v / +@neighbors;
       $total += $v * $v unless @fixed[$i][$j];
   return $total;


sub iter(@v, Int $w, Int $h) {

   my @d = allocmesh($w, $h);
   my $diff = 1e10;
   my @cur = 0, 0, 0;
   while $diff > 1e-24 {
       $diff = calc_diff(@v, @d, $w, $h);
       for ^$h X ^$w -> $i, $j {
           @v[$i][$j] -= @d[$i][$j];
   for ^$h X ^$w -> $i, $j {
       @cur[ @fixed[$i][$j] + 1 ]
           += @d[$i][$j] * (?$i + ?$j + ($i < $h - 1) + ($j < $w - 1));
   return (@cur[2] - @cur[0]) / 2;


my @mesh = allocmesh($S, $S);

@fixed = allocmesh($S, $S); force-fixed(@fixed);

say 2 / iter(@mesh, $S, $S);</lang>



Translation of: D

<lang python>DIFF_THRESHOLD = 1e-40

class Fixed:

   FREE = 0
   A = 1
   B = 2

class Node:

   __slots__ = ["voltage", "fixed"]
   def __init__(self, v=0.0, f=Fixed.FREE):
       self.voltage = v
       self.fixed = f

def set_boundary(m):

   m[1][1] = Node( 1.0, Fixed.A)
   m[6][7] = Node(-1.0, Fixed.B)

def calc_difference(m, d):

   h = len(m)
   w = len(m[0])
   total = 0.0
   for i in xrange(h):
       for j in xrange(w):
           v = 0.0
           n = 0
           if i != 0:  v += m[i-1][j].voltage; n += 1
           if j != 0:  v += m[i][j-1].voltage; n += 1
           if i < h-1: v += m[i+1][j].voltage; n += 1
           if j < w-1: v += m[i][j+1].voltage; n += 1
           v = m[i][j].voltage - v / n
           d[i][j].voltage = v
           if m[i][j].fixed == Fixed.FREE:
               total += v ** 2
   return total

def iter(m):

   h = len(m)
   w = len(m[0])
   difference = [[Node() for j in xrange(w)] for i in xrange(h)]
   while True:
       set_boundary(m) # Enforce boundary conditions.
       if calc_difference(m, difference) < DIFF_THRESHOLD:
       for i, di in enumerate(difference):
           for j, dij in enumerate(di):
               m[i][j].voltage -= dij.voltage
   cur = [0.0] * 3
   for i, di in enumerate(difference):
       for j, dij in enumerate(di):
           cur[m[i][j].fixed] += (dij.voltage *
               (bool(i) + bool(j) + (i < h-1) + (j < w-1)))
   return (cur[Fixed.A] - cur[Fixed.B]) / 2.0

def main():

   w = h = 10
   mesh = [[Node() for j in xrange(w)] for i in xrange(h)]
   print "R = %.16f" % (2 / iter(mesh))


R = 1.6089912417307286


This version allows specification of the grid size and the location of the A & B points. <lang rexx>/*REXX pgm calculates resistance between any 2 points on a resister grid*/ numeric digits 20 /*use moderate digits (precision)*/ minVal=(1'e-'||(digits()*2))/1 /*calculate the threshold min val*/ if 1=='f1'x then ohms='ohms' /*EBCDIC machine? Use 'ohms'. */

           else ohms='ea'x            /* ASCII machine?    Use Greek Ω.*/

parse arg wide high Arow Acol Brow Bcol . say 'minVal = ' format(minVal,,,,0)  ; say say 'resistor mesh is of size: ' wide "wide, " high 'high.'  ; say say 'point A is at (row,col): ' Arow","Acol say 'point B is at (row,col): ' Brow","Bcol  ; say @.=0; cell.=1

                do until $<=minVal;   $=0;   v=0
                @.Arow.Acol = +1 ;        cell.Arow.Acol = 0
                @.Brow.Bcol = -1 ;        cell.Brow.Bcol = 0
                     do i  =1 for high;   im=i-1;   ip=i+1
                       do j=1 for wide;   jm=j-1;   jp=j+1;    n=0;   v=0
                       if i\==1  then do;;   n=n+1;   end
                       if j\==1  then do;;   n=n+1;   end
                       if i<high then do;   v=v+@.ip.j;   n=n+1;   end
                       if j<wide then do;;   n=n+1;   end
                       v=@.i.j-v/n;   #.i.j=v;   if cell.i.j then $=$+v*v
                       end   /*j*/
                     end     /*i*/
                               do r  =1 for High
                                 do c=1 for Wide;   @.r.c = @.r.c - #.r.c
                                 end   /*r*/
                               end     /*c*/
                end                    /*until $<=minVal*/

Acur = #.Arow.Acol * sides(Arow,Acol) Bcur = #.Brow.Bcol * sides(Brow,Bcol) say 'resistance between point A and point B is: ' 4/(Acur-Bcur) ohms exit /*stick a fork in it, we're done.*/ /*──────────────────────────────────sides subroutine────────-───────────*/ sides: parse arg i,j;  !=0; if i\==1 & i\==high then  !=!+2

                                                       else  !=!+1
                                  if j\==1 & j\==wide  then  !=!+2
                                                       else  !=!+1

return !</lang> output when using the input of: 10 10 2 2 7 8

minVal =  1E-40

resistor mesh is of size:  10 wide,  10 high.

point A is at (row,col):  2,2
point B is at (row,col):  7,8

resistance between point A and point B is:  1.6089912417307296559 Ω


Translation of: C

<lang tcl>package require Tcl 8.6; # Or 8.5 with the TclOO package

  1. This code is structured as a class with a little trivial DSL parser so it is
  2. easy to change what problem is being worked on.

oo::class create ResistorMesh {

   variable forcePoints V fixed w h
   constructor {boundaryConditions} {

foreach {op condition} $boundaryConditions { switch $op { size { lassign $condition w h set fixed [lrepeat $h [lrepeat $w 0]] set V [lrepeat $h [lrepeat $w 0.0]] } fixed { lassign $condition j i v lset fixed $i $j [incr ctr] lappend forcePoints $j $i $v } } }

   method CalculateDifferences {*dV} {

upvar 1 ${*dV} dV set error 0.0 for {set i 0} {$i < $h} {incr i} { for {set j 0} {$j < $w} {incr j} { set v 0.0 set n 0 if {$i} { set v [expr {$v + [lindex $V [expr {$i-1}] $j]}] incr n } if {$j} { set v [expr {$v + [lindex $V $i [expr {$j-1}]]}] incr n } if {$i+1 < $h} { set v [expr {$v + [lindex $V [expr {$i+1}] $j]}] incr n } if {$j+1 < $w} { set v [expr {$v + [lindex $V $i [expr {$j+1}]]}] incr n } lset dV $i $j [set v [expr {[lindex $V $i $j] - $v/$n}]] if {![lindex $fixed $i $j]} { set error [expr {$error + $v**2}] } } } return $error

   method FindCurrentFixpoint {epsilon} {

set dV [lrepeat $h [lrepeat $w 0.0]] set current {0.0 0.0 0.0} while true { # Enforce the boundary conditions foreach {j i v} $forcePoints { lset V $i $j $v } # Compute the differences and the error set error [my CalculateDifferences dV] # Apply the differences for {set i 0} {$i < $h} {incr i} { for {set j 0} {$j < $w} {incr j} { lset V $i $j [expr { [lindex $V $i $j] - [lindex $dV $i $j]}] } } # Done if the error is small enough if {$error < $epsilon} break } # Compute the currents from the error for {set i 0} {$i < $h} {incr i} { for {set j 0} {$j < $w} {incr j} { lset current [lindex $fixed $i $j] [expr { [lindex $current [lindex $fixed $i $j]] + [lindex $dV $i $j] * (!!$i+!!$j+($i<$h-1)+($j<$w-1))}] } } # Compute the actual current flowing between source and sink return [expr {([lindex $current 1] - [lindex $current 2]) / 2.0}]

   # Public entry point
   method solveForResistance Template:Epsilon 1e-24 {

set voltageDifference [expr { [lindex $forcePoints 2] - [lindex $forcePoints 5]}] expr {$voltageDifference / [my FindCurrentFixpoint $epsilon]}


}</lang> Setting up and solving this particular problem: <lang tcl>ResistorMesh create mesh {

   size  {10 10}
   fixed {1 1  1.0}
   fixed {6 7 -1.0}

} puts [format "R = %.12g" [mesh solveForResistance]]</lang>

R = 1.60899124173