Ramanujan's constant

From Rosetta Code
Revision as of 08:59, 25 April 2019 by Trizen (talk | contribs) (Added Sidef)
Ramanujan's constant is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.

Calculate Ramanujan's constant (as described on the OEIS site) with at least 32 digits of precision, by the method of your choice. Optionally, if using the ๐‘’**(ฯ€*โˆšx) approach, show that when evaulated with the last four Heegner numbers the result is almost an integer.

Perl 6

To generate a high-precision value for Ramanujan's constant, code is borrowed from three other Rosettacode tasks (with some modifications) for performing calculations of the value of ฯ€, Euler's number, and integer roots. Additional custom routines for exponentiation are used to ensure all computations are done with rationals, specifically FatRats (rational numbers stored with arbitrary size numerator and denominator). The module Rat::Precise makes it simple to display these to a configurable precision. <lang perl6>use Rat::Precise;

  1. set the degree of precision for calculations

constant D = 54; constant d = 15;

  1. two versions of exponentiation where base and exponent are both FatRat

multi infix:<**> (FatRat $base, FatRat $exp where * >= 1 --> FatRat) {

   2 R** $base**($exp/2);


multi infix:<**> (FatRat $base, FatRat $exp where * < 1 --> FatRat) {

   constant ฮต = 10**-D;
   my $low  = 0.FatRat;
   my $high = 1.FatRat;
   my $mid  = $high / 2;
   my $acc  = my $sqr = sqrt($base);
   while (abs($mid - $exp) > ฮต) {
     $sqr = sqrt($sqr);
     if ($mid <= $exp) { $low  = $mid; $acc *=   $sqr }
     else              { $high = $mid; $acc *= 1/$sqr }
     $mid = ($low + $high) / 2;
   $acc.substr(0, D).FatRat;


  1. calculation of ฯ€

sub ฯ€ (--> FatRat) {

   my ($a, $n) = 1, 1;
   my $g = sqrt 1/2.FatRat;
   my $z = .25;
   my $pi;
   for ^d {
       given [ ($a + $g)/2, sqrt $a * $g ] {
           $z -= (.[0] - $a)**2 * $n;
           $n += $n;
           ($a, $g) = @$_;
           $pi = ($a ** 2 / $z).substr: 0, 2 + D;


multi sqrt(FatRat $r --> FatRat) {

   FatRat.new: sqrt($r.nude[0] * 10**(D*2) div $r.nude[1]), 10**D;


  1. integer roots

multi sqrt(Int $n) {

   my $guess = 10**($n.chars div 2);
   my $iterator = { ( $^x + $n div ($^x) ) div 2 };
   my $endpoint = { $^x == $^y|$^z };
   min ($guess, $iterator โ€ฆ $endpoint)[*-1, *-2];


  1. 'cosmetic' cover to upgrade input to FatRat sqrt

sub prefix:<โˆš> (Int $n) { sqrt($n.FatRat) }

  1. calculation of ๐‘’

sub postfix:<!> (Int $n) { (constant f = 1, |[\*] 1..*)[$n] } sub ๐‘’ (--> FatRat) { sum map { FatRat.new(1,.!) }, ^D }

  1. inputs, and their difference, formatted decimal-aligned

sub format ($a,$b) {

   sub pad ($s) { ' ' x ((34 - d - 1) - ($s.split(/\./)[0]).chars) }
   my $c = $b.precise(d, :z);
   my $d = ($a-$b).precise(d, :z);
   join "\n",
       (sprintf "%11s {pad($a)}%s\n", 'Int', $a) ~
       (sprintf "%11s {pad($c)}%s\n", 'Heegner', $c) ~
       (sprintf "%11s {pad($d)}%s\n", 'Difference', $d)


  1. override built-in definitions

constant ฯ€ = &ฯ€(); constant ๐‘’ = &๐‘’();

my $Ramanujan = ๐‘’**(ฯ€*โˆš163); say "Ramanujan's constant to 32 decimal places:\nActual: " ~

   "262537412640768743.99999999999925007259719818568888\n" ~
   "Calculated: ", $Ramanujan.precise(32, :z), "\n";

say "Heegner numbers yielding 'almost' integers"; for 19, 96, 43, 960, 67, 5280, 163, 640320 -> $heegner, $x {

   my $almost = ๐‘’**(ฯ€*โˆš$heegner);
   my $exact  = $x**3 + 744;
   say format($exact, $almost);


Ramanujan's constant to 32 decimal places:
Actual:     262537412640768743.99999999999925007259719818568888
Calculated: 262537412640768743.99999999999925007259719818568888

Heegner numbers yielding 'almost' integers
        Int             885480
    Heegner             885479.777680154319498
 Difference                  0.222319845680502

        Int          884736744
    Heegner          884736743.999777466034907
 Difference                  0.000222533965093

        Int       147197952744
    Heegner       147197952743.999998662454225
 Difference                  0.000001337545775

        Int 262537412640768744
    Heegner 262537412640768743.999999999999250
 Difference                  0.000000000000750


<lang ruby>func ramanujan_const(x, decimals=32) {

   local Num!PREC = *"#{4*round((Num.pi*โˆšx)/log(2) + decimals)}"
   Num.e**(Num.pi * โˆšx) -> round(-decimals).to_s


var decimals = 100 printf("Ramanujan's constant to #{decimals} decimals:\n%s\n\n",

    ramanujan_const(163, decimals))

say "Heegner numbers yielding 'almost' integers:" [19, 96, 43, 960, 67, 5280, 163, 640320].each_slice(2, {|h,x|

   var c = ramanujan_const(h, 32)
   var n = (x**3 + 744)
   printf("%3s: %51s โ‰ˆ %18s (diff: %s)\n", h, c, n, n-Num(c))


Ramanujan's constant to 100 decimals:

Heegner numbers yielding 'almost' integers:
 19:             885479.77768015431949753789348171962682 โ‰ˆ             885480 (diff: 0.22231984568050246210651828037318)
 43:          884736743.99977746603490666193746207858538 โ‰ˆ          884736744 (diff: 0.00022253396509333806253792141462)
 67:       147197952743.99999866245422450682926131257863 โ‰ˆ       147197952744 (diff: 0.00000133754577549317073868742137)
163: 262537412640768743.99999999999925007259719818568888 โ‰ˆ 262537412640768744 (diff: 0.00000000000074992740280181431112)