Pell's equation

From Rosetta Code
Revision as of 21:30, 19 June 2019 by rosettacode>Gerard Schildberger (added an alias for the equation name.)
Pell's equation
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Pell's equation   (also called the Pell–Fermat equation)   is a Diophantine equation of the form:

x2 - ny2   =   1

with integer solutions for   x   and   y,   where   n   is a given non-square positive integer.

Task requirements
  •   find the smallest solution in positive integers to Pell's equation for   n = {61, 109, 181, 277}.

See also


Translation of: Sidef

<lang csharp>using System; using System.Numerics;

static class Program {

   static void Fun(ref BigInteger a, ref BigInteger b, int c)
       BigInteger t = a; a = b; b = b * c + t;
   static void SolvePell(int n, ref BigInteger a, ref BigInteger b)
       int x = (int)Math.Sqrt(n), y = x, z = 1, r = x << 1;
       BigInteger e1 = 1, e2 = 0, f1 = 0, f2 = 1;
       while (true)
           y = r * z - y; z = (n - y * y) / z; r = (x + y) / z;
           Fun(ref e1, ref e2, r); Fun(ref f1, ref f2, r); a = f2; b = e2; Fun(ref b, ref a, x);
           if (a * a - n * b * b == 1) return;
   static void Main()
       BigInteger x, y; foreach (int n in new[] { 61, 109, 181, 277 })
           SolvePell(n, ref x, ref y);
           Console.WriteLine("x^2 - {0,3} * y^2 = 1 for x = {1,27:n0} and y = {2,25:n0}", n, x, y);


x^2 -  61 * y^2 = 1 for x =               1,766,319,049 and y =               226,153,980
x^2 - 109 * y^2 = 1 for x =         158,070,671,986,249 and y =        15,140,424,455,100
x^2 - 181 * y^2 = 1 for x =   2,469,645,423,824,185,801 and y =   183,567,298,683,461,940
x^2 - 277 * y^2 = 1 for x = 159,150,073,798,980,475,849 and y = 9,562,401,173,878,027,020


Translation of: Visual Basic .NET

for n = 277 the result is wrong, I do not know if you can represent such large numbers in FreeBasic! <lang freebasic> Sub Fun(Byref a As LongInt, Byref b As LongInt, c As Integer)

   Dim As LongInt t
   t = a : a = b : b = b * c + t

End Sub

Sub SolvePell(n As Integer, Byref a As LongInt, Byref b As LongInt)

   Dim As Integer z, r
   Dim As LongInt x, y, e1, e2, f1, f2
   x = Sqr(n) : y = x : z  = 1 : r  = 2 * x
   e1 = 1 : e2 = 0 : f1 = 0 : f2 = 1
   While True
       y = r * z - y : z = (n - y * y) / z : r = (x + y) / z
       Fun(e1, e2, r) : Fun(f1, f2, r) : a = f2 : b = e2 : Fun(b, a, x)
       If a * a - n * b * b = 1 Then Exit Sub

End Sub

Dim As Integer i Dim As LongInt x, y Dim As Integer n(0 To 3) = {61, 109, 181, 277} For i = 0 To 3 n In {61, 109, 181, 277}

   SolvePell(n(i), x, y)
   Print Using "x^2 - ### * y^2 = 1 for x = ##################### and y = #####################"; n(i); x; y

Next i </lang>

x^2 -  61 * y^2 = 1 for x =            1766319049 and y =             226153980
x^2 - 109 * y^2 = 1 for x =       158070671986249 and y =        15140424455100
x^2 - 181 * y^2 = 1 for x =   2469645423824185801 and y =    183567298683461940
x^2 - 277 * y^2 = 1 for x =  -6870622864405488695 and y =  -8884342899831524596


Translation of: Sidef

<lang go>package main

import (



var big1 = new(big.Int).SetUint64(1)

func solvePell(nn uint64) (*big.Int, *big.Int) {

   n := new(big.Int).SetUint64(nn)
   x := new(big.Int).Set(n)
   y := new(big.Int).Set(x)
   z := new(big.Int).SetUint64(1)
   r := new(big.Int).Lsh(x, 1)
   e1 := new(big.Int).SetUint64(1)
   e2 := new(big.Int)
   f1 := new(big.Int)
   f2 := new(big.Int).SetUint64(1)
   t := new(big.Int)
   u := new(big.Int)
   a := new(big.Int)
   b := new(big.Int)
   for {
       t.Mul(r, z)
       y.Sub(t, y)
       t.Mul(y, y)
       t.Sub(n, t)
       z.Quo(t, z)
       t.Add(x, y)
       r.Quo(t, z)
       t.Mul(r, e2)
       e2.Add(t, u)
       t.Mul(r, f2)
       f2.Add(t, u)
       t.Mul(x, f2)
       a.Add(e2, t)
       t.Mul(a, a)
       u.Mul(n, b)
       u.Mul(u, b)
       t.Sub(t, u)
       if t.Cmp(big1) == 0 {
           return a, b


func main() {

   ns := []uint64{61, 109, 181, 277}
   for _, n := range ns {
       x, y := solvePell(n)
       fmt.Printf("x^2 - %3d*y^2 = 1 for x = %-21s and y = %s\n", n, x, y)


x^2 -  61*y^2 = 1 for x = 1766319049            and y = 226153980
x^2 - 109*y^2 = 1 for x = 158070671986249       and y = 15140424455100
x^2 - 181*y^2 = 1 for x = 2469645423824185801   and y = 183567298683461940
x^2 - 277*y^2 = 1 for x = 159150073798980475849 and y = 9562401173878027020


Translation of: C#

<lang julia>function pell(n)

   x = BigInt(floor(sqrt(n)))
   y, z, r = x, BigInt(1), x << 1
   e1, e2, f1, f2 = BigInt(1), BigInt(0), BigInt(0), BigInt(1)
   while true
       y = r * z - y
       z = div(n - y * y, z)
       r = div(x + y, z)
       e1, e2 = e2, e2 * r + e1
       f1, f2 = f2, f2 * r + f1
       a, b = f2, e2
       b, a = a, a * x + b
       if a * a - n * b * b == 1
           return a, b


for target in BigInt[61, 109, 181, 277]

   x, y = pell(target)
   println("x\u00b2 - $target", "y\u00b2 = 1 for x = $x and y = $y")



x² - 61y² = 1 for x = 1766319049 and y = 226153980
x² - 109y² = 1 for x = 158070671986249 and y = 15140424455100
x² - 181y² = 1 for x = 2469645423824185801 and y = 183567298683461940
x² - 277y² = 1 for x = 159150073798980475849 and y = 9562401173878027020


<lang perl>sub solve_pell {

   my ($n) = @_;
   use bigint try => 'GMP';
   my $x = int(sqrt($n));
   my $y = $x;
   my $z = 1;
   my $r = 2 * $x;
   my ($e1, $e2) = (1, 0);
   my ($f1, $f2) = (0, 1);
   for (; ;) {
       $y = $r * $z - $y;
       $z = int(($n - $y * $y) / $z);
       $r = int(($x + $y) / $z);
       ($e1, $e2) = ($e2, $r * $e2 + $e1);
       ($f1, $f2) = ($f2, $r * $f2 + $f1);
       my $A = $e2 + $x * $f2;
       my $B = $f2;
       if ($A**2 - $n * $B**2 == 1) {
           return ($A, $B);


foreach my $n (61, 109, 181, 277) {

   my ($x, $y) = solve_pell($n);
   printf("x^2 - %3d*y^2 = 1 for x = %-21s and y = %s\n", $n, $x, $y);


x^2 -  61*y^2 = 1 for x = 1766319049            and y = 226153980
x^2 - 109*y^2 = 1 for x = 158070671986249       and y = 15140424455100
x^2 - 181*y^2 = 1 for x = 2469645423824185801   and y = 183567298683461940
x^2 - 277*y^2 = 1 for x = 159150073798980475849 and y = 9562401173878027020

Perl 6

Works with: Rakudo version 2018.12
Translation of: Perl

<lang perl6>use Lingua::EN::Numbers;

sub pell (Int $n) {

   my $y = my $x = Int(sqrt $n);
   my $z = 1;
   my $r = 2 * $x;
   my ($e1, $e2) = (1, 0);
   my ($f1, $f2) = (0, 1);
   loop {
       $y = $r * $z - $y;
       $z = Int(($n - $y²) / $z);
       $r = Int(($x + $y) / $z);
       ($e1, $e2) = ($e2, $r * $e2 + $e1);
       ($f1, $f2) = ($f2, $r * $f2 + $f1);
       my $A = $e2 + $x * $f2;
       my $B = $f2;
       if ($A² - $n * $B² == 1) {
           return ($A, $B);


for 61, 109, 181, 277, 8941 -> $n {

   next if $n.sqrt.narrow ~~ Int;
   my ($x, $y) = pell($n);
   printf "x² - %sy² = 1 for:\n\tx = %s\n\ty = %s\n\n", $n, |($x, $y)».,


x² - 61y² = 1 for:
	x = 1,766,319,049
	y = 226,153,980

x² - 109y² = 1 for:
	x = 158,070,671,986,249
	y = 15,140,424,455,100

x² - 181y² = 1 for:
	x = 2,469,645,423,824,185,801
	y = 183,567,298,683,461,940

x² - 277y² = 1 for:
	x = 159,150,073,798,980,475,849
	y = 9,562,401,173,878,027,020

x² - 8941y² = 1 for:
	x = 2,565,007,112,872,132,129,669,406,439,503,954,211,359,492,684,749,762,901,360,167,370,740,763,715,001,557,789,090,674,216,330,243,703,833,040,774,221,628,256,858,633,287,876,949,448,689,668,281,446,637,464,359,482,677,366,420,261,407,112,316,649,010,675,881,349,744,201
	y = 27,126,610,172,119,035,540,864,542,981,075,550,089,190,381,938,849,116,323,732,855,930,990,771,728,447,597,698,969,628,164,719,475,714,805,646,913,222,890,277,024,408,337,458,564,351,161,990,641,948,210,581,361,708,373,955,113,191,451,102,494,265,278,824,127,994,180


Translation of: C#
Translation of: Go
Library: mpfr

This now ignores the nonsquare part of the task spec, returning {1,0}. <lang Phix>include mpfr.e

procedure fun(mpz a,b,t, integer c) -- {a,b} = {b,c*b+a} (and t gets trashed)


end procedure

function SolvePell(integer n) integer x = floor(sqrt(n)), y = x, z = 1, r = x*2 mpz e1 = mpz_init(1), e2 = mpz_init(),

   f1 = mpz_init(),  f2 = mpz_init(1),
   t = mpz_init(0),   u = mpz_init(),
   a = mpz_init(1),   b = mpz_init(0)
   if x*x!=n then 
       while mpz_cmp_si(t,1)!=0 do
           y = r*z - y
           z = floor((n-y*y)/z)
           r = floor((x+y)/z)
           fun(e1,e2,t,r)          -- {e1,e2} = {e2,r*e2+e1}
           fun(f1,f2,t,r)          -- {f1,f2} = {f2,r*r2+f1}
           fun(b,a,t,x)            -- {b,a} = {f2,x*f2+e2}
           mpz_sub(t,t,u)          -- t = a^2-n*b^2
       end while
   end if
   return {a, b}

end function

sequence ns = {4, 61, 109, 181, 277, 8941} for i=1 to length(ns) do

   integer n = ns[i]
   mpz {x, y} = SolvePell(n)
   string xs = mpz_get_str(x,comma_fill:=true),
          ys = mpz_get_str(y,comma_fill:=true)
   printf(1,"x^2 - %3d*y^2 = 1 for x = %27s and y = %25s\n", {n, xs, ys})

end for</lang>

x^2 -   4*y^2 = 1 for x =                           1 and y =                         0
x^2 -  61*y^2 = 1 for x =               1,766,319,049 and y =               226,153,980
x^2 - 109*y^2 = 1 for x =         158,070,671,986,249 and y =        15,140,424,455,100
x^2 - 181*y^2 = 1 for x =   2,469,645,423,824,185,801 and y =   183,567,298,683,461,940
x^2 - 277*y^2 = 1 for x = 159,150,073,798,980,475,849 and y = 9,562,401,173,878,027,020
x^2 - 8941*y^2 = 1 for x = 2,565,007,112,872,132,129,669,406,439,503,954,211,359,492,684,749,762,
                  and y = 27,126,610,172,119,035,540,864,542,981,075,550,089,190,381,938,849,116,


<lang rexx>/*REXX program to solve Pell's equation for the smallest solution of positive integers. */ numeric digits 2200 /*ensure enough decimal digs for answer*/ parse arg $ /*obtain optional arguments from the CL*/ if $== | $=="," then $= 61 109 181 277 /*Not specified? Then use the defaults*/ d= 22 /*used for aligning the output numbers.*/

    do j=1  for words($);    #= word($, j)      /*process all the numbers in the list. */
    parse value   pells(#)   with   x  y        /*extract the two values of  X  and  Y.*/
    say 'x^2 -'right(#,max(4,length(#))) "* y^2 == 1  when x="right(x, max(d,length(x))),
                                                     ' and y='right(y, max(d,length(y)))
    end   /*j*/

exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */ /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ floor: procedure; parse arg x; _= x % 1; return _ - (x < 0) * (x \= _) /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ iSqrt: procedure; parse arg x; r= 0; q= 1; do while q<=x; q= q * 4; end

        do  while q>1; q= q%4; _= x-r-q; r= r%2; if _>=0  then do; x= _; r= r+q; end; end
      return r                                  /*R:  is the integer square root of X. */

/*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ pells: procedure; parse arg n; x= iSqrt(n); y=x /*obtain arg; obtain integer sqrt of N*/

      parse value  1 0   with   e1 e2  1  f2 f1 /*assign values for: E1, E2, and F2, F1*/
      z= 1;        r= x + x
                                        do  until ( (e2 + x*f2)**2  -  n*f2*f2)  ==  1
                                        y= r*z   -   y
                                        z= floor( (n - y*y) / z)
                                        r= floor( (x + y  ) / z)
                                        parse value  e2   r*e2  +  e1     with    e1  e2
                                        parse value  f2   r*f2  +  f1     with    f1  f2
                                        end   /*until*/
      return e2  +  x * f2     f2</lang>
output   when using the default inputs:
x^2 -  61 * y^2 == 1  when x=            1766319049  and y=             226153980
x^2 - 109 * y^2 == 1  when x=       158070671986249  and y=        15140424455100
x^2 - 181 * y^2 == 1  when x=   2469645423824185801  and y=    183567298683461940
x^2 - 277 * y^2 == 1  when x= 159150073798980475849  and y=   9562401173878027020


Translation of: Sidef

<lang ruby>def solve_pell(n)

 x = Integer.sqrt(n)
 y = x
 z = 1
 r = 2*x
 e1, e2 = 1, 0
 f1, f2 = 0, 1
 loop do
   y = r*z - y
   z = (n - y*y) / z
   r = (x + y) / z
   e1, e2 = e2, r*e2 + e1
   f1, f2 = f2, r*f2 + f1
   a,  b  = e2 + x*f2, f2
   break a, b if a*a - n*b*b == 1


[61, 109, 181, 277].each {|n| puts "x*x - %3s*y*y = 1 for x = %-21s and y = %s" % [n, *solve_pell(n)]} </lang>

x*x -  61*y*y = 1 for x = 1766319049            and y = 226153980
x*x - 109*y*y = 1 for x = 158070671986249       and y = 15140424455100
x*x - 181*y*y = 1 for x = 2469645423824185801   and y = 183567298683461940
x*x - 277*y*y = 1 for x = 159150073798980475849 and y = 9562401173878027020


<lang ruby>func solve_pell(n) {

   var x = n.isqrt
   var y = x
   var z = 1
   var r = 2*x
   var (e1, e2) = (1, 0)
   var (f1, f2) = (0, 1)
   loop {
       y = (r*z - y)
       z = floor((n - y*y) / z)
       r = floor((x + y) / z)
       (e1, e2) = (e2, r*e2 + e1)
       (f1, f2) = (f2, r*f2 + f1)
       var A = (e2 + x*f2)
       var B = f2
       if (A**2 - n*B**2 == 1) {
           return (A, B)


for n in [61, 109, 181, 277] {

   var (x, y) = solve_pell(n)
   printf("x^2 - %3d*y^2 = 1 for x = %-21s and y = %s\n", n, x, y)


x^2 -  61*y^2 = 1 for x = 1766319049            and y = 226153980
x^2 - 109*y^2 = 1 for x = 158070671986249       and y = 15140424455100
x^2 - 181*y^2 = 1 for x = 2469645423824185801   and y = 183567298683461940
x^2 - 277*y^2 = 1 for x = 159150073798980475849 and y = 9562401173878027020

Visual Basic .NET

Translation of: Sidef

<lang vbnet>Imports System.Numerics

Module Module1

   Sub Fun(ByRef a As BigInteger, ByRef b As BigInteger, c As Integer)
       Dim t As BigInteger = a : a = b : b = b * c + t
   End Sub
   Sub SolvePell(n As Integer, ByRef a As BigInteger, ByRef b As BigInteger)
       Dim x As Integer = Math.Sqrt(n), y As Integer = x, z As Integer = 1, r As Integer = x << 1,
           e1 As BigInteger = 1, e2 As BigInteger = 0, f1 As BigInteger = 0, f2 As BigInteger = 1
       While True
           y = r * z - y : z = (n - y * y) / z : r = (x + y) / z
           Fun(e1, e2, r) : Fun(f1, f2, r) : a = f2 : b = e2 : Fun(b, a, x)
           If a * a - n * b * b = 1 Then Exit Sub
       End While
   End Sub
   Sub Main()
       Dim x As BigInteger, y As BigInteger
       For Each n As Integer In {61, 109, 181, 277}
           SolvePell(n, x, y)
           Console.WriteLine("x^2 - {0,3} * y^2 = 1 for x = {1,27:n0} and y = {2,25:n0}", n, x, y)
   End Sub

End Module</lang>

x^2 -  61 * y^2 = 1 for x =               1,766,319,049 and y =               226,153,980
x^2 - 109 * y^2 = 1 for x =         158,070,671,986,249 and y =        15,140,424,455,100
x^2 - 181 * y^2 = 1 for x =   2,469,645,423,824,185,801 and y =   183,567,298,683,461,940
x^2 - 277 * y^2 = 1 for x = 159,150,073,798,980,475,849 and y = 9,562,401,173,878,027,020


Library: GMP

GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library

Translation of: Perl6

<lang zkl>var [const] BI=Import("zklBigNum"); // libGMP

fcn solve_pell(n){

  x,y,z,r := BI(n).root(2),  x.copy(),  BI(1),  x*2;
  e1,e2, f1,f2 := BI(1), BI(0),  BI(0), BI(1);
  reg t;	// a,b = c,d is a=c; b=d
  do(30_000){  // throttle this in case of screw up
     y,z,r = (r*z - y),  (n - y*y)/z,  (x + y)/z;

     t,e2,e1 = e2,  r*e2 + e1,  t;
     t,f2,f1 = f2,  r*f2 + f1,  t;
     A,B := e2 + x*f2, f2;
     if (A*A - B*B*n == 1) return(A,B);

}</lang> <lang zkl>foreach n in (T(61, 109, 181, 277)){

  println("x^2 - %3d*y^2 = 1 for x = %-21d and y = %d".fmt(n,x,y));


x^2 -  61*y^2 = 1 for x = 1766319049            and y = 226153980
x^2 - 109*y^2 = 1 for x = 158070671986249       and y = 15140424455100
x^2 - 181*y^2 = 1 for x = 2469645423824185801   and y = 183567298683461940
x^2 - 277*y^2 = 1 for x = 159150073798980475849 and y = 9562401173878027020