Numerical integration/Adaptive Simpson's method

From Rosetta Code
Revision as of 15:23, 16 May 2023 by Chemoelectric (talk | contribs) (Reordered the text and said you can use the pseudocode (which I myself did for the ATS example).)
Numerical integration/Adaptive Simpson's method is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.

Lyness's (1969) Modified Adaptive Simpson's method (doi:10.1145/321526.321537) is a numerical quadrature method that recursively bisects the interval until the precision is high enough.

Write an implementation of quadrature by adaptive Simpson’s method. Use the implementation to estimate the definite integral of sin(x) from 0 to 1. Show your output.

You can use the following pseudocode, which includes Lyness's modifications 1, 2, and 3.

Pseudocode: Simpson's method, adaptive
; Lyness's ASR, Modifications 1, 2, 3
procedure _quad_asr_simpsons(f, a, fa, b, fb)
    m := (a + b) / 2
    fm := f(m)
    h := b - a
    return multiple [m, fm, (h / 6) * (f(a) + 4*fm + f(b))]

procedure _quad_asr(f, a, fa, b, fb, tol, whole, m, fm, depth)
    lm, flm, left  := _quad_asr_simpsons(f, a, fa, m, fm)
    rm, frm, right := _quad_asr_simpsons(f, m, fm, b, fb)
    delta := left + right - whole
    tol' := tol / 2
    if depth <= 0 or tol' == tol or abs(delta) <= 15 * tol:
        return left + right + delta / 15
        return _quad_asr(f, a, fa, m, fm, tol', left , lm, flm, depth - 1) +
               _quad_asr(f, m, fm, b, fb, tol', right, rm, frm, depth - 1)

procedure quad_asr(f, a, b, tol, depth)
   fa := f(a)
   fb := f(b)
   m, fm, whole := _quad_asr_simpsons(f, a, fa, b, fb)
   return _quad_asr(f, a, fa, b, fb, tol, whole, m, fm, depth)


Translation of: Python
T Triple
   Float m, fm, simp
   F (m, fm, simp)
      .m = m
      .fm = fm
      .simp = simp

F _quad_simpsons_mem(f, Float a, fa, b, fb)
     Evaluates Simpson's Rule, also returning m and f(m) to reuse.
   V m = a + (b - a) / 2
   V fm = f(m)
   V simp = abs(b - a) / 6 * (fa + 4 * fm + fb)
   R Triple(m, fm, simp)

F _quad_asr(f, Float a, fa, b, fb, eps, whole, m, fm) -> Float
     Efficient recursive implementation of adaptive Simpson's rule.
     Function values at the start, middle, end of the intervals are retained.
   V lt = _quad_simpsons_mem(f, a, fa, m, fm)
   V rt = _quad_simpsons_mem(f, m, fm, b, fb)
   V delta = lt.simp + rt.simp - whole
   R (I (abs(delta) <= eps * 15) {lt.simp + rt.simp + delta / 15}
      E _quad_asr(f, a, fa, m, fm, eps / 2, lt.simp, lt.m,
      + _quad_asr(f, m, fm, b, fb, eps / 2, rt.simp, rt.m,

F quad_asr(f, Float a, b, eps) -> Float
     Integrate f from a to b using ASR with max error of eps.
   V fa = f(a)
   V fb = f(b)
   V t = _quad_simpsons_mem(f, a, fa, b, fb)
   R _quad_asr(f, a, fa, b, fb, eps, t.simp, t.m,

V (a, b) = (0.0, 1.0)
V sinx = quad_asr(x -> sin(x), a, b, 1e-09)
print(‘Simpson's integration of sine from #. to #. = #.’.format(a, b, sinx))
Simpson's integration of sine from 0 to 1 = 0.459697694


(* Adaptive Simpson quadrature was, I believe, one of the subjects in
   my undergraduate numerical analysis coursework (in the middle
   1980s). It is most likely the first recursive quadrature method to
   have been published, and it is very easy to write a program that
   does it. *)

#include "share/atspre_staload.hats"

(* The interface is a template function, for any of the floating-point
   types. *)
extern fn {tk : tkind}
          (* f is an ordinary function (compiled to a C function, as
             opposed to a closure with an environment), with no effect
             restrictions. I make it a function rather than a closure
             so we can use ordinary C functions for "f". I could have
             written "-<1>" or just "->" instead of "-<fun1>" *)
          (f     : g0float tk -<fun1> g0float tk,
           a     : g0float tk,
           b     : g0float tk,
           tol   : g0float tk,  (* Tolerance. *)
           depth : intGte 0) (* The maximum depth of recursion. *)
    (* The type of the return value is "g0float tk", or in other words
       (for purposes of this example program) any of the
       floating-point types "float", "double", or "ldouble" (long
       double), corresponding to the floating-point types of standard
       C. A plain colon means there are no effect restrictions. Had I
       written ":<1>" or ":<fun1>" instead, it would have meant the
       same thing. *)
    : g0float tk

(* The implementation will be for any floating-point type (although it
   can be overridden, either generally or for a specific type). *)
implement {tk}
quadrature_by_adaptive_simpson (f, a, b, tol, depth) =
    (* Some shorthands. Sometimes you will see typedefs written
       instead as "stadef", which is a more general notation. *)
    typedef real = g0float tk
    typedef real_func = real -> real

    (* In ATS, you can nest functions inside functions to whatever
       depth you like. *)
    _quad_asr_simpsons (f  : real_func,
                        a  : real,
                        fa : real,
                        b  : real,
                        fb : real)
        (* The return type is an unboxed 3-tuple of floating point
           numbers. It will be passed around as a C struct. Usually
           one can leave out the "@" sign, but I like to include it. A
           BOXED tuple (allocated as a struct in the heap, and passed
           around as a pointer) would be written '() instead of @() *)
        : @(real, real, real) =
        (* The type of 0.5 must be casted to type "real" (= "g0float
           tk"). Here I will do that rather explicitly, using a
           macro. Typically it is possible to let the ATS compiler
           infer which type-to-type cast is necessary. See further
           below where I write "g0i2f" to do the casts from integer to
           floating-point type. *)
        macdef one_half = g0float2float<double_kind,tk> 0.5

        val m = one_half * (a + b)
        val fm = f(m)
        val h = b - a
        @(m, fm, (h / g0i2f 6) * (f(a) + (g0i2f 4 * fm) + f(b)))

    (* _quad_asr is a recursive function, so I must write "fun"
       instead of "fn". *)
    _quad_asr {depth : nat}
              (* "depth" is a hypothetical natural number, used only
                 during typechecking. The notations below mean that,
                 on each call to _quad_asr, the value that is of type
                 "int depth" will have to be proven to decrease
                 without passing zero. If this is indeed so, then the
                 function is guaranteed to terminate (unless it would
                 run out of stack space, etc.). *)
              (f     : real_func,
               a     : real,
               fa    : real,
               b     : real,
               fb    : real,
               tol   : real,
               whole : real,
               m     : real,
               fm    : real,
               depth : int depth) : g0float tk =
        (* Saying "and" here means that the computations should be
           performed as if at the same time, and perhaps even at the
           same time. In this case that is not necessary, although
           perhaps it is good as documentation. In some instances it
           is REALLY what you want. *)
        val @(lm, flm, left) = _quad_asr_simpsons (f, a, fa, m, fm)
        and @(rm, frm, right) = _quad_asr_simpsons (f, m, fm, b, fb)

        val delta = left + right - whole
        and tol_ = g0f2f 0.5 * tol
        (* I test the value of "depth" first, so the typechecker can
           know that, in later branches, the value of depth is greater
           than zero, and thus can be decremented. (The ATS compiler
           will otherwise refuse to let you subtract 1.) I could have
           tested "depth" at the same time as the later tests, by
           using "+" instead of "||" to mean OR, but why that is so is
           getting too technical for this example. *)
        if depth = 0 then
          left + right + (delta / g0i2f 15)
        else if tol_ = tol || abs (delta) <= g0i2f 15 * tol then
          left + right + (delta / g0i2f 15)
            val left_val = _quad_asr (f, a, fa, m, fm, tol_, left,
                                      lm, flm, depth - 1)
            and right_val = _quad_asr (f, m, fm, b, fb, tol_, right,
                                       rm, frm, depth - 1)
            left_val + right_val

    (* Here is an alternative to writing "and". Programmers in
       languages such as Python will recognize the technique: *)
    val @(fa, fb) = @(f(a), f(b))

    val @(m, fm, whole) = _quad_asr_simpsons (f, a, fa, b, fb)
    _quad_asr (f, a, fa, b, fb, tol, whole, m, fm, depth)

(* We can compile an instance of the template, AND make that instance
   available to BOTH ATS and C. The
   ="ext#quadrature_by_adaptive_simpson_double" tells the compiler to
   use "quadrature_by_adaptive_simpson_double" as the name of the C
   function, rather than some mangled version of that name. *)
extern fn
quadrature_by_adaptive_simpson_double :
  (* The following means "of the same type as
     'quadrature_by_adaptive_simpson' instantiated for the 'double'
     floating-point type". Here it serves simply as a convenient
     shorthand.  *)
  $d2ctype (quadrature_by_adaptive_simpson<double_kind>)
    = "ext#quadrature_by_adaptive_simpson_double"
quadrature_by_adaptive_simpson_double (f, a, b, tol, depth) =
  quadrature_by_adaptive_simpson<double_kind> (f, a, b, tol, depth)

(* Let us call quadrature_by_adaptive_simpson_double from C rather
   than from ATS, simply to demonstrate the process. *)

#include <math.h>

double quadrature_by_adaptive_simpson_double (void *f,
                                              double a, double b,
                                              double tol, int depth);
double integral_of_sine_from_0_to_1 (double tol, int depth);

integral_of_sine_from_0_to_1 (double tol, int depth)
      ((void *) sin, 0, 1, tol, depth);


(* A "main" that reads no command-line arguments. It must return an
   exit status. *)
main () =
    val tol = 1e-9
    val depth = 1000

    (* One of the ways to make the foreign function call to C. *)
    val result1 = $extfcall (double, "integral_of_sine_from_0_to_1",
                             tol, depth)
    val () = println! ("estimate of ∫ sin x dx from 0 to 1, ",
                       "by call to the C interface: ", result1)

    (* Another way to make a foreign function call. *)
    extern fn sin : double -> double = "mac#sin"

    (* Calling the same compiled function, but this time from ATS
       instead of C. *)
    val result2 =
        (sin, 0.0, 1.0, tol, depth)
    val () = println! ("estimate of ∫ sin x dx from 0 to 1, ",
                       "by call to a compiled function: ", result2)

    (* Using the template function directly, with single precision
       numbers. *)
    extern fn sinf : float -> float = "mac#sinf"
    val result3 =
        (sinf, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1e-5f, depth)
    val () = println! ("estimate of ∫ sin x dx from 0 to 1, ",
                       "by call to the template: ", result3)
    0                           (* Exit status. *)
$ patscc -std=gnu2x -g -O2 adaptive_simpson_draft_task.dats -lm && ./a.out
estimate of ∫ sin x dx from 0 to 1, by call to the C interface: 0.459698
estimate of ∫ sin x dx from 0 to 1, by call to a compiled function: 0.459698
estimate of ∫ sin x dx from 0 to 1, by call to the template: 0.459698


Translation of: zkl
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

typedef struct { double m; double fm; double simp; } triple;

/* "structured" adaptive version, translated from Racket */
triple _quad_simpsons_mem(double (*f)(double), double a, double fa, double b, double fb) {
    // Evaluates Simpson's Rule, also returning m and f(m) to reuse.
    double m = (a + b) / 2;
    double fm = f(m);
    double simp = fabs(b - a) / 6 * (fa + 4*fm + fb);
    triple t = {m, fm, simp};
    return t;

double _quad_asr(double (*f)(double), double a, double fa, double b, double fb, double eps, double whole, double m, double fm) {
    // Efficient recursive implementation of adaptive Simpson's rule.
    // Function values at the start, middle, end of the intervals are retained.
    triple lt = _quad_simpsons_mem(f, a, fa, m, fm);
    triple rt = _quad_simpsons_mem(f, m, fm, b, fb);
    double delta = lt.simp + rt.simp - whole;
    if (fabs(delta) <= eps * 15) return lt.simp + rt.simp + delta/15;
    return _quad_asr(f, a, fa, m, fm, eps/2, lt.simp, lt.m, +
           _quad_asr(f, m, fm, b, fb, eps/2, rt.simp, rt.m,;

double quad_asr(double (*f)(double), double a, double b, double eps) {
    // Integrate f from a to b using ASR with max error of eps.
    double fa = f(a);
    double fb = f(b);
    triple t = _quad_simpsons_mem(f, a, fa, b, fb);
    return _quad_asr(f, a, fa, b, fb, eps, t.simp, t.m,;

int main(){
    double a = 0.0, b = 1.0;
    double sinx = quad_asr(sin, a, b, 1e-09);
    printf("Simpson's integration of sine from %g to %g = %f\n", a, b, sinx);
    return 0;
Simpson's integration of sine from 0 to 1 = 0.459698


Translation of: Julia
USING: formatting kernel locals math math.functions math.ranges
sequences ;
IN: rosetta-code.simpsons

:: simps ( f a b n -- x )
    n even?
    [ n "n must be even; %d was given" sprintf throw ] unless
    b a - n / :> h
    1 n 2 <range> 2 n 1 - 2 <range>
    [ [ a + h * f call ] map-sum ] bi@ [ 4 ] [ 2 ] bi*
    [ * ] 2bi@ a b [ f call ] bi@ + + + h 3 / * ; inline

[ sin ] 0 1 100 simps
"Simpson's rule integration of sin from 0 to 1 is: %u\n" printf
Simpson's rule integration of sin from 0 to 1 is: 0.4596976941573994


Like the zkl entry, this is also a translation of the Python code in the Wikipedia article.

package main

import (

type F = func(float64) float64

/* "structured" adaptive version, translated from Racket */
func quadSimpsonsMem(f F, a, fa, b, fb float64) (m, fm, simp float64) {
    // Evaluates Simpson's Rule, also returning m and f(m) to reuse.
    m = (a + b) / 2
    fm = f(m)
    simp = math.Abs(b-a) / 6 * (fa + 4*fm + fb)

func quadAsrRec(f F, a, fa, b, fb, eps, whole, m, fm float64) float64 {
    // Efficient recursive implementation of adaptive Simpson's rule.
    // Function values at the start, middle, end of the intervals are retained.
    lm, flm, left := quadSimpsonsMem(f, a, fa, m, fm)
    rm, frm, right := quadSimpsonsMem(f, m, fm, b, fb)
    delta := left + right - whole
    if math.Abs(delta) <= eps*15 {
        return left + right + delta/15
    return quadAsrRec(f, a, fa, m, fm, eps/2, left, lm, flm) +
        quadAsrRec(f, m, fm, b, fb, eps/2, right, rm, frm)

func quadAsr(f F, a, b, eps float64) float64 {
    // Integrate f from a to b using ASR with max error of eps.
    fa, fb := f(a), f(b)
    m, fm, whole := quadSimpsonsMem(f, a, fa, b, fb)
    return quadAsrRec(f, a, fa, b, fb, eps, whole, m, fm)

func main() {
    a, b := 0.0, 1.0
    sinx := quadAsr(math.Sin, a, b, 1e-09)
    fmt.Printf("Simpson's integration of sine from %g to %g = %f\n", a, b, sinx)   
Simpson's integration of sine from 0 to 1 = 0.459698


Typically one would choose the library implementation:


   NB. integrate returns definite integral and estimated digits of accuracy
   1&o. integrate 0 1
0.459698 9

   NB. adapt implements adaptive Simpson's rule, however recomputes some integrands
   1&o. adapt 0 1 1e_9

Note'expected answer computed by j'


    translated from c

mp=: +/ .*  NB. matrix product

NB. Evaluates Simpson's Rule, also returning m and f(m) to reuse.
uquad_simpsons_mem=: adverb define
 'a fa b fb'=. y
 em=. a ([ + [: -: -~) b
 fm=. u em
 simp=. ((| b - a) % 6) * 1 4 1 mp fa , fm , fb
 em, fm, simp

Simp=: 1 :'2{m'
Fm=: 1 :'1{m'
M=: 1 :'0{m'

NB. Efficient recursive implementation of adaptive Simpson's rule.	    
NB. Function values at the start, middle, end of the intervals are retained.
uquad_asr=: adverb define
 'a fa b fb eps whole em fm'=. y
 lt=. u uquad_simpsons_mem(a, fa, em, fm)
 rt=. u uquad_simpsons_mem(em, fm, b, fb)
 delta=. lt Simp + rt Simp - whole
 if. (| delta) <: eps * 15 do.
  lt Simp + rt Simp + delta % 15
  (a, fa, em, fm, (-: eps), lt Simp, lt M, lt Fm) +&(u uquad_asr) (em, fm, b, fb, (-: eps), rt Simp, rt M, rt Fm)

NB. Integrate u from a to b using ASR with max error of eps.
quad_asr=: adverb define
 'a b eps'=. y
 fa=. u a
 fb=. u b
 t=. u uquad_simpsons_mem a, fa, b, fb
 u uquad_asr a, fa, b, fb, eps, t Simp, t M, t Fm
   echo 'Simpson''s integration of sine from 0 to 1 = ' , ": 1&o. quad_asr 0 1 1e_9
Simpson's integration of sine from 0 to 1 = 0.459698


import java.util.function.Function;

public class NumericalIntegrationAdaptiveSimpsons {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Function<Double,Double> f = x -> sin(x);
        System.out.printf("integrate sin(x), x = 0 .. Pi = %2.12f.  Function calls = %d%n", quadratureAdaptiveSimpsons(f, 0, Math.PI, 1e-8), functionCount);
        functionCount = 0;
        System.out.printf("integrate sin(x), x = 0 .. 1 = %2.12f.  Function calls = %d%n", quadratureAdaptiveSimpsons(f, 0, 1, 1e-8), functionCount);
    private static double quadratureAdaptiveSimpsons(Function<Double,Double> function, double a, double b, double error) {
        double fa = function.apply(a);
        double fb = function.apply(b);
        Triple t =  quadratureAdaptiveSimpsonsOne(function, a, fa, b ,fb);
        return quadratureAdaptiveSimpsonsRecursive(function, a, fa, b, fb, error, t.s, t.x, t.fx);
    private static double quadratureAdaptiveSimpsonsRecursive(Function<Double,Double> function, double a, double fa, double b, double fb, double error, double whole, double m, double fm) {
        Triple left  = quadratureAdaptiveSimpsonsOne(function, a, fa, m, fm);
        Triple right = quadratureAdaptiveSimpsonsOne(function, m, fm, b, fb);
        double delta = left.s + right.s - whole;
        if ( Math.abs(delta) <= 15*error ) {
            return left.s + right.s + delta / 15;
        return quadratureAdaptiveSimpsonsRecursive(function, a, fa, m, fm, error/2, left.s, left.x, left.fx) +
               quadratureAdaptiveSimpsonsRecursive(function, m, fm, b, fb, error/2, right.s, right.x, right.fx);
    private static Triple quadratureAdaptiveSimpsonsOne(Function<Double,Double> function, double a, double fa, double b, double fb) {
        double m = (a + b) / 2;
        double fm = function.apply(m);
        return new Triple(m, fm, Math.abs(b-a) / 6 * (fa + 4*fm + fb));
    private static class Triple {
        double x, fx, s;
        private Triple(double m, double fm, double s) {
            this.x = m;
            this.fx = fm;
            this.s = s;
    private static int functionCount = 0;
    private static double sin(double x) {
        return Math.sin(x);
integrate sin(x), x = 0 .. Pi = 1.999999999998.  Function calls = 121
integrate sin(x), x = 0 .. 1 = 0.459697694131.  Function calls = 33


Originally from Modesto Mas,

function simps(f::Function, a::Number, b::Number, n::Number)
    iseven(n) || throw("n must be even, and $n was given")
    h = (b-a)/n
    s = f(a) + f(b)
    s += 4 * sum(f.(a .+ collect(1:2:n) .* h))
    s += 2 * sum(f.(a .+ collect(2:2:n-1) .* h))
    h/3 * s

println("Simpson's rule integration of sin from 0 to 1 is: ",  simps(sin, 0.0, 1.0, 100))
Simpson's rule integration of sin from 0 to 1 is: 0.45969769415739936


Translation of: Go
// Version 1.2.71

import kotlin.math.abs
import kotlin.math.sin

typealias F = (Double) -> Double
typealias T = Triple<Double, Double, Double>

/* "structured" adaptive version, translated from Racket */
fun quadSimpsonsMem(f: F, a: Double, fa: Double, b: Double, fb: Double): T {
    // Evaluates Simpson's Rule, also returning m and f(m) to reuse
    val m = (a + b) / 2
    val fm = f(m)
    val simp = abs(b - a) / 6 * (fa + 4 * fm + fb)
    return T(m, fm, simp)

fun quadAsrRec(f: F, a: Double, fa: Double, b: Double, fb: Double,
    eps: Double, whole: Double, m: Double, fm: Double): Double {
    // Efficient recursive implementation of adaptive Simpson's rule.
    // Function values at the start, middle, end of the intervals are retained. 
    val (lm, flm, left) = quadSimpsonsMem(f, a, fa, m, fm)
    val (rm, frm, right) = quadSimpsonsMem(f, m, fm, b, fb)
    val delta = left + right - whole
    if (abs(delta) <= eps * 15)  return left + right + delta / 15
    return quadAsrRec(f, a, fa, m, fm, eps / 2, left, lm, flm) +
        quadAsrRec(f, m, fm, b, fb, eps / 2, right, rm, frm)

fun quadAsr(f: F, a: Double, b: Double, eps: Double): Double {
    // Integrate f from a to b using ASR with max error of eps.
    val fa = f(a)
    val fb = f(b)
    val (m, fm, whole) = quadSimpsonsMem(f, a, fa, b, fb)
    return quadAsrRec(f, a, fa, b, fb, eps, whole, m, fm)

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val a = 0.0
    val b = 1.0
    val sinx = quadAsr(::sin, a, b, 1.0e-09)
    println("Simpson's integration of sine from $a to $b = ${"%6f".format(sinx)}")
Simpson's integration of sine from 0.0 to 1.0 = 0.459698


1) using the sin's primitive -cos(x)

01 sin(x) = {- {cos 0} {cos 1}} 
-> 0.45969769413186023   // will be the reference value

2) using the adaptative simpson method

{def adasimp

 {def adasimp.calc
  {lambda {:fun :a :fa :b :fb}
   {let { {:delta {- :b :a}}
          {:m {/ {+ :a :b} 2}}
          {:fa :fa} {:fb :fb}
          {:fm {:fun {/ {+ :a :b} 2}}}
        } { :m :fm {/ {* {abs :delta} {+ :fa {* 4 :fm} :fb}} 6}} }}}

 {def adasimp.rec
  {lambda {:fun :a :fa :b :fb :eps :mfs}
   {let { {:fun :fun}
          {:a :a} {:fa :fa} {:b :b} {:fb :fb}
          {:eps :eps} {:mfs :mfs}
          {:left  {adasimp.calc :fun :a :fa {A.get 0 :mfs} {A.get 1 :mfs}}}
          {:right {adasimp.calc :fun {A.get 0 :mfs} {A.get 1 :mfs} :b :fb}}
        } {let { {:fun :fun}
                 {:a :a} {:fa :fa} {:b :b} {:fb :fb}
                 {:eps :eps} {:mfs :mfs}
                 {:left :left} {:right :right}
                 {:delta {+ {A.get 2 :left}
                            {A.get 2 :right}
                         {- {A.get 2 :mfs}}}}
               } {if {<= {abs :delta} {* :eps 15}}
                  then {+ {A.get 2 :left}
                          {A.get 2 :right}
                          {/ :delta 15}}
                  else {+ {adasimp.rec :fun :a :fa 
                                       {A.get 0 :mfs} {A.get 1 :mfs}
                                       {/ :eps 2} :left }
                          {adasimp.rec :fun 
                                       {A.get 0 :mfs} {A.get 1 :mfs}
                                       :b :fb {/ :eps 2} :right }}} }}}}
 {lambda {:fun :a :b :eps}
  {adasimp.rec :fun :a {:fun :a} :b {:fun :b} :eps 
               {adasimp.calc :fun :a {:fun :a} :b {:fun :b}}} }}
-> adasimp

{adasimp sin 0 1 1.0e-11}
-> 0.45969769413186023  
  (0.45969769413186023)  // reference value


Direct translation of Python code from Wikipedia entry.

import math, sugar

type Func = float -> float

func quadSimpsonsMem(f: Func; a, fa, b, fb: float): tuple[m, fm, val: float] =
  ## Evaluates the Simpson's Rule, also returning m and f(m) to reuse
  result.m = (a + b) / 2 = f(result.m)
  result.val = abs(b - a) * (fa + 4 * + fb) / 6

func quadAsr(f: Func; a, fa, b, fb, eps, whole, m, fm: float): float =
  ## Efficient recursive implementation of adaptive Simpson's rule.
  ## Function values at the start, middle, end of the intervals are retained.
  let (lm, flm, left) = f.quadSimpsonsMem(a, fa, m, fm)
  let (rm, frm, right) = f.quadSimpsonsMem(m, fm, b, fb)
  let delta = left + right - whole
  result = if abs(delta) <= 15 * eps:
             left + right + delta / 15
             f.quadAsr(a, fa, m, fm, eps / 2, left, lm, flm) +
             f.quadAsr(m, fm, b, fb, eps / 2, right, rm, frm)

func quadAsr(f: Func; a, b, eps: float): float =
  ## Integrate f from a to b using Adaptive Simpson's Rule with max error of eps.
  let fa = f(a)
  let fb = f(b)
  let (m, fm, whole) = f.quadSimpsonsMem(a, fa, b, fb)
  result = f.quadAsr(a, fa, b, fb, eps, whole, m, fm)

echo "Simpson's integration of sine from 0 to 1 = ", sin.quadAsr(0, 1, 1e-9)
Simpson's integration of sine from 0 to 1 = 0.4596976941317859


Translation of: Raku
use strict;
use warnings;

sub adaptive_Simpson_quadrature {
    my($f, $left, $right, $eps) = @_;
    my $lf = eval "$f($left)";
    my $rf = eval "$f($right)";
    my ($mid, $midf, $whole) = Simpson_quadrature_mid($f, $left, $lf, $right, $rf);
    return recursive_Simpsons_asr($f, $left, $lf, $right, $rf, $eps, $whole, $mid, $midf);

    sub Simpson_quadrature_mid {
        my($g, $l, $lf, $r, $rf) = @_;
        my $mid = ($l + $r) / 2;
        my $midf = eval "$g($mid)";
        ($mid, $midf, abs($r - $l) / 6 * ($lf + 4 * $midf + $rf))

    sub recursive_Simpsons_asr {
        my($h, $a, $fa, $b, $fb, $eps, $whole, $m, $fm) = @_;
        my ($lm, $flm, $left)  = Simpson_quadrature_mid($h, $a, $fa, $m, $fm);
        my ($rm, $frm, $right) = Simpson_quadrature_mid($h, $m, $fm, $b, $fb);
        my $delta = $left + $right - $whole;
        abs($delta) <= 15 * $eps
            ? $left + $right + $delta / 15
            : recursive_Simpsons_asr($h, $a, $fa, $m, $fm, $eps/2, $left,  $lm, $flm) +
              recursive_Simpsons_asr($h, $m, $fm, $b, $fb, $eps/2, $right, $rm, $frm)

my ($a, $b) = (0, 1);
my $sin = adaptive_Simpson_quadrature('sin', $a, $b, 1e-9);
printf "Simpson's integration of sine from $a to $b = %.9f", $sin
Simpson's integration of sine from 0 to 1 = 0.459697694


Translation of: Go
with javascript_semantics 
function quadSimpsonsMem(integer f, atom a, fa, b, fb)
    -- Evaluates Simpson's Rule, also returning m and f(m) to reuse.
    atom m = (a + b) / 2,
         fm = f(m),
         simp = abs(b-a) / 6 * (fa + 4*fm + fb)
    return {m, fm, simp}
end function
function quadAsrRec(integer f, atom a, fa, b, fb, eps, whole, m, fm)
    -- Efficient recursive implementation of adaptive Simpson's rule.
    -- Function values at the start, middle, end of the intervals are retained.
    atom {lm, flm, left} := quadSimpsonsMem(f, a, fa, m, fm),
         {rm, frm, rght} := quadSimpsonsMem(f, m, fm, b, fb),
         delta := left + rght - whole
    if abs(delta) <= eps*15 then
        return left + rght + delta/15
    end if
    return quadAsrRec(f, a, fa, m, fm, eps/2, left, lm, flm) +
           quadAsrRec(f, m, fm, b, fb, eps/2, rght, rm, frm)
end function
function quadAsr(integer f, atom a, b, eps)
    -- Integrate f from a to b using ASR with max error of eps.
    atom fa := f(a),
         fb := f(b),
         {m, fm, whole} := quadSimpsonsMem(f, a, fa, b, fb)
    return quadAsrRec(f, a, fa, b, fb, eps, whole, m, fm)
end function
-- we need a mini wrapper to get a routine_id for sin()
-- (because sin() is implemented in low-level assembly)
function _sin(atom a)
    return sin(a)
end function 
atom a := 0.0, b := 1.0,
     sinx := quadAsr(_sin, a, b, 1e-09)
printf(1,"Simpson's integration of sine from %g to %g = %f\n", {a, b, sinx})
Simpson's integration of sine from 0 to 1 = 0.459698


#! python3


    $ python3 /tmp/
    Simpson's integration of sine from 0.0 to 1.0 = 0.4596976941317858

    expected answer computed by j  


    translated from c

import math

import collections
triple = collections.namedtuple('triple', 'm fm simp')

def _quad_simpsons_mem(f: callable, a: float , fa: float, b: float, fb: float)->tuple:
        Evaluates Simpson's Rule, also returning m and f(m) to reuse.
    m = a + (b - a) / 2
    fm = f(m)
    simp = abs(b - a) / 6 * (fa + 4*fm + fb)
    return triple(m, fm, simp,)
def _quad_asr(f: callable, a: float, fa: float, b: float, fb: float, eps: float, whole: float, m: float, fm: float)->float:
    	Efficient recursive implementation of adaptive Simpson's rule.
    	Function values at the start, middle, end of the intervals are retained.
    lt = _quad_simpsons_mem(f, a, fa, m, fm)
    rt = _quad_simpsons_mem(f, m, fm, b, fb)
    delta = lt.simp + rt.simp - whole
    return (lt.simp + rt.simp + delta/15
        if (abs(delta) <= eps * 15) else
            _quad_asr(f, a, fa, m, fm, eps/2, lt.simp, lt.m, +
            _quad_asr(f, m, fm, b, fb, eps/2, rt.simp, rt.m,

def quad_asr(f: callable, a: float, b: float, eps: float)->float:
        Integrate f from a to b using ASR with max error of eps.
    fa = f(a)
    fb = f(b)
    t = _quad_simpsons_mem(f, a, fa, b, fb)
    return _quad_asr(f, a, fa, b, fb, eps, t.simp, t.m,

def main():
    (a, b,) = (0.0, 1.0,)
    sinx = quad_asr(math.sin, a, b, 1e-09);
    print("Simpson's integration of sine from {} to {} = {}\n".format(a, b, sinx))



(formerly Perl 6)

Works with: Rakudo version 2018.10

Fairly direct translation of the Python code.

sub adaptive-Simpson-quadrature(&f, $left, $right, \ε = 1e-9) {
    my $lf = f($left);
    my $rf = f($right);
    my ($mid, $midf, $whole) = Simpson-quadrature-mid(&f, $left, $lf, $right, $rf);
    return recursive-Simpsons-asr(&f, $left, $lf, $right, $rf, ε, $whole, $mid, $midf);

    sub Simpson-quadrature-mid(&g, $l, $lf, $r, $rf){
        my $mid = ($l + $r) / 2;
        my $midf = g($mid);
        ($mid, $midf, ($r - $l).abs / 6 * ($lf + 4 * $midf + $rf))

    sub recursive-Simpsons-asr(&h, $a, $fa, $b, $fb, $eps, $whole, $m, $fm){
        my ($lm, $flm, $left)  = Simpson-quadrature-mid(&h, $a, $fa, $m, $fm);
        my ($rm, $frm, $right) = Simpson-quadrature-mid(&h, $m, $fm, $b, $fb);
        my $delta = $left + $right - $whole;
        $delta.abs <= 15 * $eps
            ?? $left + $right + $delta / 15
            !! recursive-Simpsons-asr(&h, $a, $fa, $m, $fm, $eps/2, $left,  $lm, $flm) +
               recursive-Simpsons-asr(&h, $m, $fm, $b, $fb, $eps/2, $right, $rm, $frm)

my ($a, $b) = 0e0, 1e0;
my $sin = adaptive-Simpson-quadrature(&sin, $a, $b, 1e-9).round(10**-9);;
say "Simpson's integration of sine from $a to $b = $sin";
Simpson's integration of sine from 0 to 1 = 0.459697694


Translation of: Go
/*REXX program performs numerical integration using adaptive Simpson's method.          */
numeric digits length( pi() )  -  length(.)      /*use # of digits in pi for precision. */
a= 0;     b= 1;       f= 'SIN'                   /*define values for  A,  B,  and  F.   */
sinx= quadAsr('SIN',a,b,"1e" || (-digits() + 1) )
say "Simpson's integration of sine from "      a     ' to '      b      ' = '       sinx
exit                                             /*stick a fork in it,  we're all done. */
pi:       pi= 3.14159265358979323846;  return pi /*pi  has  twenty-one  decimal digits. */
r2r:      return arg(1)  //  (pi() *2)           /*normalize radians ──► a unit circle, */
quadSimp: procedure; parse arg f,a,fa,b,fb;   m= (a+b) / 2;     interpret  'fm='   f"(m)"
          simp= abs(b-a) / 6 * (fa + 4*fm + fb);    return  m  fm  simp
quadAsr:  procedure; parse arg f,a,b,eps;                       interpret  'fa='   f"(a)"
                                                                interpret  'fb='   f"(b)"
          parse value  quadSimp(f,a,fa,b,fb)   with   m  fm  whole
          return quadAsrR(f,a,fa,b,fb,eps,whole,m,fm)
quadAsrR: procedure; parse arg f,a,fa,b,fb,eps,whole,m,fm;      frac= digits() * 3 / 4
          parse value   quadSimp(f,a,fa,m,fm)   with  lm  flm  left
          parse value   quadSimp(f,m,fm,b,fb)   with  rm  frm  right
          $= left + right - whole                                     /*calculate delta.*/
          if abs($)<=eps*frac  then return left + right + $/frac
          return quadAsrR(f,a,fa,m,fm,eps/2, left,lm,flm) + ,
sin:      procedure; parse arg x;   x= r2r(x);   numeric fuzz min(5, max(1, digits() -3) )
          if x=pi*.5           then return 1;       if x==pi * 1.5  then return -1
          if abs(x)=pi | x=0   then return 0
                                           #= x;    _= x;    q= x*x
            do k=2  by 2  until p=#;    p= #;       _= - _ * q / (k * (k+1) );    #= # + _
            end   /*k*/
          return #
output   when using the default inputs:
Simpson's integration of sine from  0  to  1  =  0.459697694131860282602


Translation of: Raku
func adaptive_Simpson_quadrature(f, left, right, ε = 1e-9) {

    func quadrature_mid(l, lf, r, rf) {
        var mid = (l+r)/2
        var midf = f(mid)
        (mid, midf, abs(r-l)/6 * (lf + 4*midf + rf))

    func recursive_asr(a, fa, b, fb, ε, whole, m, fm) {
        var (lm, flm, left)  = quadrature_mid(a, fa, m, fm)
        var (rm, frm, right) = quadrature_mid(m, fm, b, fb)
        var Δ = (left + right - whole)
        abs(Δ) <= 15*ε
            ? (left + right + Δ/15)
            : (__FUNC__(a, fa, m, fm, ε/2, left,  lm, flm) +
               __FUNC__(m, fm, b, fb, ε/2, right, rm, frm))

    var (lf = f(left), rf = f(right))
    var (mid, midf, whole) = quadrature_mid(left, lf, right, rf)
    recursive_asr(left, lf, right, rf, ε, whole, mid, midf)

var (a = 0, b = 1)
var area = adaptive_Simpson_quadrature({ .sin }, a, b, 1e-15).round(-15)
say "Simpson's integration of sine from #{a} to #{b}#{area}"
Simpson's integration of sine from 0 to 1 ≈ 0.45969769413186


Translation of: Go
Library: Wren-fmt
import "/fmt" for Fmt

/* "structured" adaptive version, translated from Racket */
var quadSimpsonMem = { |f, a, fa, b, fb|
    // Evaluates Simpson's Rule, also returning m and to reuse.
    var m = (a + b) / 2
    var fm =
    var simp = (b - a).abs / 6 * (fa + 4*fm + fb)
    return [m, fm, simp]

var quadAsrRec // recursive
quadAsrRec = { |f, a, fa, b, fb, eps, whole, m, fm|
    // Efficient recursive implementation of adaptive Simpson's rule.
    // Function values at the start, middle, end of the intervals are retained.
    var r1 =, a, fa, m, fm)
    var r2 =, m, fm, b, fb)
    var lm    = r1[0]
    var flm   = r1[1]
    var left  = r1[2]
    var rm    = r2[0]
    var frm   = r2[1]
    var right = r2[2]
    var delta = left + right - whole
    if (delta.abs < eps * 15) return left + right + delta/15
    return, a, fa, m, fm, eps/2, left, lm, flm) +
 , m, fm, b, fb, eps/2, right, rm, frm)

var quadAsr = { |f, a, b, eps|
    // Integrate f from a to b using ASR with max error of eps.
    var fa =
    var fb =
    var r =, a, fa, b, fb)
    var m     = r[0]
    var fm    = r[1]
    var whole = r[2]
    return, a, fa, b, fb, eps, whole, m, fm)

var a = 0
var b = 1
var sinx = { |x| x.sin }, a, b, 1e-09)
Fmt.print("Simpson's integration of sine from $d to $d = $f", a, b, sinx)
Simpson's integration of sine from 0 to 1 = 0.459698


Translation of: Python
# "structured" adaptive version, translated from Racket
fcn _quad_simpsons_mem(f, a,fa, b,fb){
   #Evaluates the Simpson's Rule, also returning m and f(m) to reuse"""
   m,fm := (a + b)/2, f(m);
   return(m,fm, (b - a).abs()/6*(fa + fm*4 + fb));
fcn _quad_asr(f, a,fa, b,fb, eps, whole, m,fm){
  # Efficient recursive implementation of adaptive Simpson's rule.
  # Function values at the start, middle, end of the intervals are retained.

   lm,flm,left  := _quad_simpsons_mem(f, a,fa, m,fm);
   rm,frm,right := _quad_simpsons_mem(f, m,fm, b,fb);
   delta:=left + right - whole;
   if(delta.abs() <= eps*15) return(left + right + delta/15);
   _quad_asr(f, a,fa, m,fm, eps/2, left , lm,flm) +
   _quad_asr(f, m,fm, b,fb, eps/2, right, rm,frm)
fcn quad_asr(f,a,b,eps){
   #Integrate f from a to b using Adaptive Simpson's Rule with max error of eps
   fa,fb      := f(a),f(b);
   m,fm,whole := _quad_simpsons_mem(f, a,fa, b,fb);
   _quad_asr(f, a,fa, b,fb, eps,whole,m,fm);
sinx:=quad_asr((1.0).sin.unbind(), 0.0, 1.0, 1e-09);
println("Simpson's integration of sine from 1 to 2 = ",sinx);
Simpson's integration of sine from 1 to 2 = 0.459698