Numbers whose binary and ternary digit sums are prime

From Rosetta Code
Numbers whose binary and ternary digit sums are prime is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.
Show numbers which binary and ternary digit sum are prime, where n < 200


Works with: Factor version 0.99 2021-02-05

<lang factor>USING: combinators combinators.short-circuit formatting io lists lists.lazy math math.parser math.primes sequences ;

dsum ( n base -- sum ) >base [ digit> ] map-sum ;
dprime? ( n base -- ? ) dsum prime? ;
23prime? ( n -- ? ) { [ 2 dprime? ] [ 3 dprime? ] } 1&& ;
l23primes ( -- list ) 1 lfrom [ 23prime? ] lfilter ;
23prime. ( n -- )
       [ ]
       [ >bin ]
       [ 2 dsum ]
       [ 3 >base ]
       [ 3 dsum ]
   } cleave
   "%-8d %-9s %-6d %-7s %d\n" printf ;

"Base 10 Base 2 (sum) Base 3 (sum)" print l23primes [ 200 < ] lwhile [ 23prime. ] leach</lang>

Base 10  Base 2    (sum)  Base 3  (sum)
5        101       2      12      3
6        110       2      20      2
7        111       3      21      3
10       1010      2      101     2
11       1011      3      102     3
12       1100      2      110     2
13       1101      3      111     3
17       10001     2      122     5
18       10010     2      200     2
19       10011     3      201     3
21       10101     3      210     3
25       11001     3      221     5
28       11100     3      1001    2
31       11111     5      1011    3
33       100001    2      1020    3
35       100011    3      1022    5
36       100100    2      1100    2
37       100101    3      1101    3
41       101001    3      1112    5
47       101111    5      1202    5
49       110001    3      1211    5
55       110111    5      2001    3
59       111011    5      2012    5
61       111101    5      2021    5
65       1000001   2      2102    5
67       1000011   3      2111    5
69       1000101   3      2120    5
73       1001001   3      2201    5
79       1001111   5      2221    7
82       1010010   3      10001   2
84       1010100   3      10010   2
87       1010111   5      10020   3
91       1011011   5      10101   3
93       1011101   5      10110   3
97       1100001   3      10121   5
103      1100111   5      10211   5
107      1101011   5      10222   7
109      1101101   5      11001   3
115      1110011   5      11021   5
117      1110101   5      11100   3
121      1111001   5      11111   5
127      1111111   7      11201   5
129      10000001  2      11210   5
131      10000011  3      11212   7
133      10000101  3      11221   7
137      10001001  3      12002   5
143      10001111  5      12022   7
145      10010001  3      12101   5
151      10010111  5      12121   7
155      10011011  5      12202   7
157      10011101  5      12211   7
162      10100010  3      20000   2
167      10100111  5      20012   5
171      10101011  5      20100   3
173      10101101  5      20102   5
179      10110011  5      20122   7
181      10110101  5      20201   5
185      10111001  5      20212   7
191      10111111  7      21002   5
193      11000001  3      21011   5
199      11000111  5      21101   5


function to_base(atom n, integer base)
    string result = ""
    while true do
        result &= remainder(n,base)
        n = floor(n/base)
        if n=0 then exit end if
    end while
    return result
end function

function prime23(integer n)
    return is_prime(sum(to_base(n,2)))
       and is_prime(sum(to_base(n,3)))
end function

sequence res = filter(tagset(199),prime23)
printf(1,"%d numbers found: %V\n",{length(res),shorten(res,"",5)})
61 numbers found: {5,6,7,10,11,"...",181,185,191,193,199}


<lang ring> load "stdlib.ring"

see "working..." + nl

decList = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15] baseList = ["0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","A","B","C","D","E","F"]

limit = 200

for n = 1 to limit

   strBin = decimaltobase(n,2)
   strTer = decimaltobase(n,3)
   sumBin = 0
   for m = 1 to len(strBin)
       sumBin = sumBin + number(strBin[m])
   sumTer = 0
   for m = 1 to len(strTer)
       sumTer = sumTer + number(strTer[m])
   if isprime(sumBin) and isprime(sumTer)
      see "{" + n + "," + strBin + ":" + sumBin + "," + strTer + ":" + sumTer + "}" + nl


see "done..." + nl

func decimaltobase(nr,base)

    binList = [] 
    binary = 0
    remainder = 1
    while(nr != 0)
         remainder = nr % base
         ind = find(decList,remainder)
         rem = baseList[ind]
         nr = floor(nr/base) 
    binlist = reverse(binList)
    binList = list2str(binList)
    binList = substr(binList,nl,"")  
    return binList

