N-queens problem: Difference between revisions

From Rosetta Code
Content added Content deleted
(→‎{{header|REXX}}: added/changed whitespace and comments, used a "Q" for the queen piece (glyph).)
(→‎{{header|REXX}}: optimized the REXX program to be over 50% faster.)
Line 6,841: Line 6,841:
Logic was added to the REXX program to preserve the color for a black square when a queen is on it.
Logic was added to the REXX program to preserve the color for a black square when a queen is on it.

About half of the REXX code involves presentation of the chessboard and queens.
About half of the REXX code involves presentation (and colorization) of the chessboard and queens.
<lang rexx>/*REXX program places N queens on a NxN chessboard (the 8 queens problem).*/
<lang rexx>/*REXX program places N queens on a NxN chessboard (the 8 queens problem).*/
parse arg N . /*obtain optional argument from the CL.*/
parse arg N . /*obtain optional argument from the CL.*/
Line 6,867: Line 6,867:
say ! translate('┌'a"┐", '┬', "┼") /*display the top rank (of the board).*/
say ! translate('┌'a"┐", '┬', "┼") /*display the top rank (of the board).*/
line = '├'a"┤"; dither='░' /*define a line (bar) for cell boundry.*/
line = '├'a"┤"; dither='░' /*define a line (bar) for cell boundry.*/
bar = '│' ; queen='Q' /*kinds: horizonal, vertical, salad. */
bar = '│' ; queen='Q' /*kinds: horizontal, vertical, salad. */
Bqueen = dither || queen || dither /*glyph befitting a black-square queen.*/
Bqueen = dither || queen || dither /*glyph befitting a black-square queen.*/
Wqueen = ' 'queen" " /* " " " white-square " */
Wqueen = ' 'queen" " /* " " " white-square " */

do r=1 for N; if r\==1 then say ! line; _= /*R≡the rank; F≡file.*/
do rank=1 for N; if rank\==1 then say ! line; _= /*display sep for rank*/
do f=1 for N; black=(f+r)//2 /*is the square black?*/
do file=1 for N; B=(file+rank)//2 /*is the square black?*/
Qgylph=Wqueen; if black then Qgylph=Bqueen /*use a dithered queen*/
Qgylph=Wqueen; if B then Qgylph=Bqueen /*use a dithered queen*/
if @.f.r then _=_ || bar || Qgylph /*use the 3-char symbol for queen piece*/
if @.file.rank then _=_ || bar || Qgylph /*use the 3-char symbol for queen*/
else if black then _=_||bar||copies(dither,3) /*use dithering.*/
else if B then _=_||bar||copies(dither,3) /*use dithering.*/
else _=_||bar||copies(' ', 3) /*use 3 blanks. */
else _=_||bar||copies(' ', 3) /*use 3 blanks. */
end /*f*/ /* [↑] preserve square-ish chessboard.*/
end /*file*/ /* [↑] preserve square-ish chessboard.*/
say ! _ || bar /*show a single rank of the chessboard.*/
say ! _ || bar /*show a single rank of the chessboard.*/
end /*r*/ /*80 cols can view a 19x19 chessboard.*/
end /*rank*/ /*80 cols can view a 19x19 chessboard.*/

say ! translate('└'a"┘", '┴', "┼") /*display the last rank (of the board).*/
say ! translate('└'a"┘", '┴', "┼") /*display the last rank (of the board).*/
Line 6,886: Line 6,886:
noSol: say; say "No solution for" N 'queens.'; say; exit 0
noSol: say; say "No solution for" N 'queens.'; say; exit 0
ok: procedure expose @. N; parse arg f,r; rm=r-1; fm=f-1; fp=f+1
ok: parse arg f,r; rm=r-1; fm=f-1; fp=f+1
do k=1 for rm; if @.f.k then return 0; end
do k=1 for rm; if @.f.k then return 0; end
f=fm; do k=rm by -1 for rm while f\==0; if @.f.k then return 0; f=f-1; end
f=fm; do k=rm by -1 for rm while f\==0; if @.f.k then return 0; f=f-1; end

Revision as of 22:04, 29 November 2015

N-queens problem
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Solve the eight queens puzzle.

You can extend the problem to solve the puzzle with a board of side NxN. For the number of solutions for small values of N, see oeis.org.


360 Assembly

Translation of: FORTRAN

Translated from the Fortran 77 solution. <lang 360asm>* N-QUEENS PROBLEM 04/09/2015

        PRINT NOGEN                  


  • --------------------------------------------------------
  • --------------------------------------------------------
        AIF   (T'&REG EQ 'O').NOREG
        AIF   (T'&TARGET EQ 'O').NODEST


        MVC   &TARGET,=XL12'402120202020202020202020'
        BC    2,*+12                 BYPASS NEGATIVE
        MVI   &TARGET+12,C'-'        INSERT NEGATIVE SIGN
        B     *+8                    BYPASS POSITIVE
        MVI   &TARGET+12,C'+'        INSERT POSITIVE SIGN






        SAVE  (14,12)               SAVE REGISTERS ON ENTRY
        BASR  R12,0                 SET UP MY
        USING *,R12                 BASE REGISTER
        ST    R13,SAVEA+4           ENSURE SAVE AREA


        BH     ELOOPN             if n>l then exit loop
        SR     R8,R8              m=0
        LA     R10,1              i=1
        LR     R5,R9              n
        SLA    R5,1               n*2
        BCTR   R5,0               r=2*n-1

E40 CR R10,R9 if i>n

        BH     E80                then goto e80
        LR     R11,R10            j=i

E50 LR R1,R10 i

        SLA    R1,1               i*2
        LA     R6,A-2(R1)         r6=@a(i)
        LR     R1,R11             j
        SLA    R1,1               j*2
        LA     R7,A-2(R1)         r7=@a(j)
        MVC    Z,0(R6)            z=a(i)
        MVC    Y,0(R7)            y=a(j)
        LR     R3,R10             i
        SH     R3,Y               -y
        AR     R3,R9              p=i-y+n
        LR     R4,R10             i
        AH     R4,Y               +y
        BCTR   R4,0               q=i+y-1
        MVC    0(2,R6),Y          a(i)=y
        MVC    0(2,R7),Z          a(j)=z
        LR     R1,R3              p
        SLA    R1,1               p*2
        LH     R2,U-2(R1)         u(p)
        LTR    R2,R2              if u(p)<>0
        BNE    E60                then goto e60
        LR     R1,R4              q
        AR     R1,R5              q+r
        SLA    R1,1               (q+r)*2
        LH     R2,U-2(R1)         u(q+r)
        C      R2,=F'0'           if u(q+r)<>0
        BNE    E60                then goto e60
        LR     R1,R10             i
        SLA    R1,1               i*2
        STH    R11,S-2(R1)        s(i)=j
        LA     R0,1               r0=1
        LR     R1,R3              p
        SLA    R1,1               p*2
        STH    R0,U-2(R1)         u(p)=1
        LR     R1,R4              q
        AR     R1,R5              q+r
        SLA    R1,1               (q+r)*2
        STH    R0,U-2(R1)         u(q+r)=1
        LA     R10,1(R10)         i=i+1
        B      E40                goto e40

E60 LA R11,1(R11) j=j+1

        CR     R11,R9             if j<=n
        BNH    E50                then goto e50

E70 BCTR R11,0 j=j-1

        CR     R11,R10            if j=i
        BE     E90                goto e90
        LR     R1,R10             i
        SLA    R1,1               i*2
        LA     R6,A-2(R1)         r6=@a(i)
        LR     R1,R11             j
        SLA    R1,1               j*2
        LA     R7,A-2(R1)         r7=@a(j)
        MVC    Z,0(R6)            z=a(i)
        MVC    0(2,R6),0(R7)      a(i)=a(j)
        MVC    0(2,R7),Z          a(j)=z;
        B      E70                goto e70

E80 LA R8,1(R8) m=m+1 E90 BCTR R10,0 i=i-1

        LTR    R10,R10            if i=0
        BZ     ZERO               then goto zero
        LR     R1,R10             i
        SLA    R1,1               i*2
        LH     R2,A-2(R1)         r2=a(i)
        LR     R3,R10             i
        SR     R3,R2              -a(i)
        AR     R3,R9              p=i-a(i)+n
        LR     R4,R10             i
        AR     R4,R2              +a(i)
        BCTR   R4,0               q=i+a(i)-1
        LR     R1,R10             i
        SLA    R1,1               i*2
        LH     R11,S-2(R1)        j=s(i)
        LA     R0,0               r0=0
        LR     R1,R3              p
        SLA    R1,1               p*2
        STH    R0,U-2(R1)         u(p)=0
        LR     R1,R4              q
        AR     R1,R5              q+r
        SLA    R1,1               (q+r)*2
        STH    R0,U-2(R1)         u(q+r)=0
        B      E60                goto e60


        XDECO  R8,PG+12           edit M FROM REG TO PRINT
        PUT    OUTDCB,PG          print buffer/REPLCD XPRNT
        LA     R9,1(R9)           n=n+1
        B      LOOPN              loop do n


        L      R13,SAVEA+4        PREVIOUS SAVE AREA ADDRS
        RETURN (14,12),RC=0       RETURN TO CALLER WITH RC 0


        DC     H'07',H'08',H'09',H'10',H'11',H'12'

U DC 46H'0' S DS 12H Z DS H Y DS H PG DS CL24 buffer

        REGS                      MAKE SURE TO INCLD COPYBOOK JCL 
        END    NQUEENS</lang>
           1           1
           2           0
           3           0
           4           2
           5          10
           6           4
           7          40
           8          92
           9         352
          10         724
          11        2680
          12       14200


<lang ABAP> TYPES: BEGIN OF gty_matrix,

        1  TYPE c,
        2  TYPE c,
        3  TYPE c,
        4  TYPE c,
        5  TYPE c,
        6  TYPE c,
        7  TYPE c,
        8  TYPE c,
        9  TYPE c,
        10 TYPE c,
      END OF gty_matrix,
      gty_t_matrix TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF gty_matrix INITIAL SIZE 8.

DATA: gt_matrix TYPE gty_t_matrix,

     gs_matrix TYPE gty_matrix,
     gv_count  TYPE i VALUE 0,
     gv_solut  TYPE i VALUE 0.


" Filling empty table START-OF-SELECTION.

 DO p_number TIMES.
   APPEND gs_matrix TO gt_matrix.

" Recursive Function

 PERFORM fill_matrix USING gv_count 1 1 CHANGING gt_matrix.
  • &---------------------------------------------------------------------*
  • & Form FILL_MATRIX
  • ----------------------------------------------------------------------*

FORM fill_matrix USING p_count TYPE i

                          p_i     TYPE i
                          p_j     TYPE i
                 CHANGING p_matrix TYPE gty_t_matrix.
 DATA: lv_i      TYPE i,
       lv_j      TYPE i,
       lv_result TYPE c LENGTH 1,
       lt_matrix TYPE gty_t_matrix,
       lv_count  TYPE i,
       lv_value  TYPE c.
 lt_matrix[] = p_matrix[].
 lv_count = p_count.
 lv_i = p_i.
 lv_j = p_j.
 WHILE lv_i LE p_number.
   WHILE lv_j LE p_number.
     CLEAR lv_result.
     PERFORM check_position USING lv_i lv_j CHANGING lv_result lt_matrix.
     IF lv_result NE 'X'.
       MOVE 'X' TO lv_value.
       PERFORM get_position USING lv_i lv_j 'U' CHANGING lv_value lt_matrix.
       ADD 1 TO lv_count.
       IF lv_count EQ p_number.
         PERFORM show_matrix USING lt_matrix.
         PERFORM fill_matrix USING lv_count lv_i lv_j CHANGING lt_matrix.
       lv_value = space.
       PERFORM get_position USING lv_i lv_j 'U' CHANGING lv_value lt_matrix.
       SUBTRACT 1 FROM lv_count.
     ADD 1 TO lv_j.
   ADD 1 TO lv_i.
   lv_j = 1.


  • &---------------------------------------------------------------------*
  • &---------------------------------------------------------------------*

FORM check_position USING value(p_i) TYPE i

                          value(p_j)  TYPE i
                    CHANGING p_result TYPE c
                             p_matrix TYPE gty_t_matrix.
 PERFORM get_position USING p_i p_j 'R' CHANGING p_result p_matrix.
 CHECK p_result NE 'X'.
 PERFORM check_horizontal USING p_i p_j CHANGING p_result p_matrix.
 CHECK p_result NE 'X'.
 PERFORM check_vertical USING p_i p_j CHANGING p_result p_matrix.
 CHECK p_result NE 'X'.
 PERFORM check_diagonals USING p_i p_j CHANGING p_result p_matrix.


  • &---------------------------------------------------------------------*
  • &---------------------------------------------------------------------*

FORM get_position USING value(p_i) TYPE i

                        value(p_j)      TYPE i
                        value(p_action) TYPE c
                     CHANGING p_result  TYPE c
                              p_matrix  TYPE gty_t_matrix.
 FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_lmatrix> TYPE gty_matrix,
                <fs_lfield> TYPE any.
 READ TABLE p_matrix ASSIGNING <fs_lmatrix> INDEX p_i.
 ASSIGN COMPONENT p_j OF STRUCTURE <fs_lmatrix> TO <fs_lfield>.
 CASE p_action.
   WHEN 'U'.
     <fs_lfield> = p_result.
   WHEN 'R'.
     p_result = <fs_lfield>.


  • &---------------------------------------------------------------------*
  • &---------------------------------------------------------------------*

FORM check_horizontal USING value(p_i) TYPE i

                            value(p_j)      TYPE i
                         CHANGING p_result  TYPE c
                                  p_matrix  TYPE gty_t_matrix.
 DATA: lv_j TYPE i,
       ls_matrix TYPE gty_matrix.
 lv_j = 1.
 READ TABLE p_matrix INTO ls_matrix INDEX p_i.
 WHILE lv_j LE p_number.
   ASSIGN COMPONENT lv_j OF STRUCTURE ls_matrix TO <fs>.
   IF <fs> EQ 'X'.
     p_result = 'X'.
   ADD 1 TO lv_j.


  • &---------------------------------------------------------------------*
  • &---------------------------------------------------------------------*

FORM check_vertical USING value(p_i) TYPE i

                          value(p_j)      TYPE i
                       CHANGING p_result  TYPE c
                                p_matrix  TYPE gty_t_matrix.
 DATA: lv_i TYPE i,
       ls_matrix TYPE gty_matrix.
 lv_i = 1.
 WHILE lv_i LE p_number.
   READ TABLE p_matrix INTO ls_matrix INDEX lv_i.
   IF <fs> EQ 'X'.
     p_result = 'X'.
   ADD 1 TO lv_i.


  • &---------------------------------------------------------------------*
  • &---------------------------------------------------------------------*

FORM check_diagonals USING value(p_i) TYPE i

                           value(p_j)      TYPE i
                        CHANGING p_result  TYPE c
                                 p_matrix  TYPE gty_t_matrix.
 DATA: lv_dx TYPE i,
       lv_dy TYPE i.
  • I++ J++ (Up Right)
 lv_dx = 1.
 lv_dy = 1.
 PERFORM check_diagonal USING p_i p_j lv_dx lv_dy CHANGING p_result p_matrix.
 CHECK p_result NE 'X'.
  • I-- J-- (Left Down)
 lv_dx = -1.
 lv_dy = -1.
 PERFORM check_diagonal USING p_i p_j lv_dx lv_dy CHANGING p_result p_matrix.
 CHECK p_result NE 'X'.
  • I++ J-- (Right Down)
 lv_dx = 1.
 lv_dy = -1.
 PERFORM check_diagonal USING p_i p_j lv_dx lv_dy CHANGING p_result p_matrix.
 CHECK p_result NE 'X'.
  • I-- J++ (Left Up)
 lv_dx = -1.
 lv_dy = 1.
 PERFORM check_diagonal USING p_i p_j lv_dx lv_dy CHANGING p_result p_matrix.
 CHECK p_result NE 'X'.


  • &---------------------------------------------------------------------*
  • &---------------------------------------------------------------------*

FORM check_diagonal USING value(p_i) TYPE i

                           value(p_j)      TYPE i
                           value(p_dx)      TYPE i
                           value(p_dy)      TYPE i
                        CHANGING p_result  TYPE c
                                 p_matrix  TYPE gty_t_matrix.
 DATA: lv_i TYPE i,
       lv_j TYPE i,
       ls_matrix TYPE gty_matrix.
 lv_i = p_i.
 lv_j = p_j.
 WHILE 1 EQ 1.
   ADD: p_dx TO lv_i, p_dy TO lv_j.
   IF p_dx EQ 1.
     IF lv_i GT p_number. EXIT. ENDIF.
     IF lv_i LT 1. EXIT. ENDIF.
   IF p_dy EQ 1.
     IF lv_j GT p_number. EXIT. ENDIF.
     IF lv_j LT 1. EXIT. ENDIF.
   READ TABLE p_matrix INTO ls_matrix INDEX lv_i.
   ASSIGN COMPONENT lv_j OF STRUCTURE ls_matrix TO <fs>.
   IF <fs> EQ 'X'.
     p_result = 'X'.


  • &---------------------------------------------------------------------*
  • & Form SHOW_MATRIX
  • ----------------------------------------------------------------------*

FORM show_matrix USING p_matrix TYPE gty_t_matrix.

 DATA: lt_matrix TYPE gty_t_matrix,
       lv_j      TYPE i VALUE 1,
       lv_colum  TYPE string VALUE '-'.
 FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_matrix> TYPE gty_matrix,
                <fs_field>  TYPE c.
 ADD 1 TO gv_solut.
 WRITE:/ 'Solution: ', gv_solut.
 DO p_number TIMES.
   CONCATENATE lv_colum '----' INTO lv_colum.
 LOOP AT p_matrix ASSIGNING <fs_matrix>.
   IF sy-tabix EQ 1.
     WRITE:/ lv_colum.
   WRITE:/ '|'.
   DO p_number TIMES.
     ASSIGN COMPONENT lv_j OF STRUCTURE <fs_matrix> TO <fs_field>.
     IF <fs_field> EQ space.
       WRITE: <fs_field> ,'|'.
       WRITE: <fs_field> COLOR 2 HOTSPOT ON,'|'.
     ADD 1 TO lv_j.
   lv_j = 1.
   WRITE: / lv_colum.
 SKIP 1.



<lang Ada>with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Queens is

  Board : array (1..8, 1..8) of Boolean := (others => (others => False));
  function Test (Row, Column : Integer) return Boolean is
     for J in 1..Column - 1 loop
        if (  Board (Row, J)
           or else
              (Row > J and then Board (Row - J, Column - J))
           or else
              (Row + J <= 8 and then Board (Row + J, Column - J))
           )  then
           return False;
        end if;
     end loop;
     return True;
  end Test;
  function Fill (Column : Integer) return Boolean is
     for Row in Board'Range (1) loop
        if Test (Row, Column) then
           Board (Row, Column) := True;
           if Column = 8 or else Fill (Column + 1) then
              return True;
           end if;
           Board (Row, Column) := False;
        end if;
     end loop;
     return False;
  end Fill;


  if not Fill (1) then
     raise Program_Error;
  end if;
  for I in Board'Range (1) loop
     Put (Integer'Image (9 - I));
     for J in Board'Range (2) loop
        if Board (I, J) then
           Put ("|Q");
        elsif (I + J) mod 2 = 1 then
           Put ("|/");
           Put ("| ");
        end if;
     end loop;
     Put_Line ("|");
  end loop;
  Put_Line ("   A B C D E F G H");

end Queens;</lang>

 8|Q|/| |/| |/| |/|
 7|/| |/| |/| |Q| |
 6| |/| |/|Q|/| |/|
 5|/| |/| |/| |/|Q|
 4| |Q| |/| |/| |/|
 3|/| |/|Q|/| |/| |
 2| |/| |/| |Q| |/|
 1|/| |Q| |/| |/| |
   A B C D E F G H

Alternate solution

Translation of: Fortran

This one only counts solutions, though it's easy to do something else with each one (instead of the M := M + 1; line).

<lang ada>with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;

procedure CountQueens is

   function Queens (N : Integer) return Long_Integer is
       A : array (0 .. N) of Integer;
       U : array (0 .. 2 * N - 1) of Boolean := (others => true);
       V : array (0 .. 2 * N - 1) of Boolean := (others => true);
       M : Long_Integer := 0;
       procedure Sub (I: Integer) is
           K, P, Q: Integer;
           if N = I then
               M := M + 1;
               for J in I .. N - 1 loop
                   P := I + A (J);
                   Q := I + N - 1 - A (J);
                   if U (P) and then V (Q) then
                       U (P) := false;
                       V (Q) := false;
                       K := A (I);
                       A (I) := A (J);
                       A (J) := K;
                       Sub (I + 1);
                       U (P) := true;
                       V (Q) := true;
                       K := A (I);
                       A (I) := A (J);
                       A (J) := K;
                   end if;
               end loop;
           end if;
       end Sub;
       for I in 0 .. N - 1 loop
           A (I) := I;
       end loop;
       Sub (0);
       return M;
   end Queens;


   for N in 1 .. 16 loop
       Put (Integer'Image (N));
       Put (" ");
       Put_Line (Long_Integer'Image (Queens (N)));
   end loop;

end CountQueens;</lang>


Translation of: C
Works with: ALGOL 68 version Standard - no extensions to language used
Works with: ALGOL 68G version Any - tested with release 1.18.0-9h.tiny
Works with: ELLA ALGOL 68 version Any (with appropriate job cards) - tested with release 1.8.8d.fc9.i386

<lang Algol68>INT ofs = 1, # Algol68 normally uses array offset of 1 #

   dim = 8; # dim X dim chess board #

[ofs:dim+ofs-1]INT b;

PROC unsafe = (INT y)BOOL:(

 INT i, t, x;
 x := b[y];
 FOR i TO y - LWB b DO
   t := b[y - i];
   IF t = x THEN break true
   ELIF t = x - i THEN break true
   ELIF t = x + i THEN break true

break true:



INT s := 0;

PROC print board = VOID:(

 INT x, y;
 print((new line, "Solution # ", s+:=1, new line));
     print("|"+(b[y]=x|"Q"|: ODD(x+y)|"/"|" "))
   print(("|", new line))


main: (

 INT y := LWB b;
 b[LWB b] := LWB b - 1;
 FOR i WHILE y >= LWB b DO
 # BREAK # IF b[y] <= UPB b THEN unsafe(y) ELSE FALSE FI 
   IF b[y] <= UPB b  THEN
     IF y < UPB b THEN
       b[y+:=1] := LWB b - 1
       print board



<lang ATS> (* ****** ****** *) // // Solving N-queen puzzle // (* ****** ****** *) // // How to test: // ./queens // How to compile: // patscc -DATS_MEMALLOC_LIBC -o queens queens.dats // (* ****** ****** *) //

  1. include

"share/atspre_staload.hats" //

  1. include

"share/HATS/atspre_staload_libats_ML.hats" // (* ****** ****** *)

fun solutions(N:int) = let // fun show (

 board: list0(int)

) : void = (

 ( list0_reverse(board)
 , lam(n) => ((N).foreach()(lam(i) => print_string(if i = n then " Q" else " _")); print_newline())
 ) ;

) // fun safe (

 i: int, j: int, k: int, xs: list0(int)

) : bool = (

 case+ xs of
 | nil0() => true
 | cons0(x, xs) => x != i && x != j && x != k && safe(i, j+1, k-1, xs)

) // fun loop (

 col: int, xs: list0(int)

) : void = (N).foreach() ( lam(i) => if safe(i, i+1, i-1, xs) then let

 val xs = cons0(i, xs)


 if col = N then show(xs) else loop(col+1, xs)

end // end of [then] ) // in

 loop(1, nil0())

end // end of [solutions]

(* ****** ****** *)

val () = solutions(8)

(* ****** ****** *)

implement main0() = ()

(* ****** ****** *)

(* end of [queens.dats] *) </lang>


Output to formatted Message box

Translation of: C

<lang AutoHotkey>;


MsgBox % funcNQP(5) MsgBox % funcNQP(8)


All variables named Array[???]
Function funcNPQ
nQueens , OutText , qIndex
Function Unsafe
nIndex , Idx , Tmp , Aux
Function PutBoard
Output , QueensN , Stc , xxx , yyy

funcNQP(nQueens) {

 Array[0] := -1
 Local OutText , qIndex := 0
 While ( qIndex >= 0 )
   While ( (Array[%qIndex%] < nQueens) && Unsafe(qIndex) )
   If ( Array[%qIndex%] < nQueens )
     If ( qIndex < nQueens-1 )
       qIndex++  ,  Array[%qIndex%] := -1
 Return OutText



Unsafe(nIndex) {

 Local Idx := 1  ,  Tmp := 0  ,  Aux := Array[%nIndex%]
 While ( Idx <= nIndex )
   Tmp := "Array[" nIndex - Idx "]"
   Tmp := % %Tmp%
   If ( ( Tmp = Aux ) || ( Tmp = Aux-Idx ) || ( Tmp = Aux+Idx ) )
     Return 1
 Return 0



PutBoard(ByRef Output,QueensN) {

 Static Stc = 0
 Local xxx := 0 , yyy := 0
 Output .= "`n`nSolution #" (++Stc) "`n"
 While ( yyy < QueensN )
   xxx := 0
   While ( xxx < QueensN )
     Output .= ( "|" ( ( Array[%yyy%] = xxx ) ? "Q" : "_" ) )  ,  xxx++
   Output .= "|`n"  ,  yyy++


Includes a solution browser GUI

This implementation supports N = 4..12 queens, and will find ALL solutions for each of the different sizes. The screenshot shows the first solution of 10 possible solutions for N = 5 queens.

<lang AutoHotkey>N := 5 Number: ; main entrance for different # of queens

   SI := 1
   Progress b2 w250 zh0 fs9, Calculating all solutions for %N% Queens ...
   Gosub GuiCreate
   Result := SubStr(Queens(N),2)
   Progress Off
   Gui Show,,%N%-Queens
   StringSplit o, Result, `n

Fill: ; show solutions

   GuiControl,,SI, %SI% / %o0%
   Loop Parse, o%SI%, `,
       C := A_Index
       Loop %N%
           GuiControl,,%C%_%A_Index% ; clear fields
       GuiControl,,%C%_%A_LoopField%, r

Return ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------

Queens(N) {  ; Size of the board

   Local c, O                              ; global array r
   r1 := 1, c := 2, r2 := 3, O := ""       ; init: r%c% = row of Queen in column c
   Right:                                  ; move to next column
       If (c = N) {                        ; found solution
           Loop %N%                        ; save row indices of Queens
               O .= (A_Index = 1 ? "`n" : ",") r%A_Index%
           GOTO % --c ? "Down" : "OUT"     ; for ALL solutions
       c++, r%c% := 1                      ; next column, top row
       GoTo % BAD(c) ? "Down" : "Right"
   Down:                                   ; move down to next row
       If (r%c% = N)
           GoTo % --c ? "Down" : "OUT"
       r%c%++                              ; row down
       GoTo % BAD(c) ? "Down" : "Right"
       Return O

} ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------

BAD(c) { ; Check placed Queens against Queen in row r%c%, column c

   Loop % c-1
       If (r%A_Index% = r%c% || ABS(r%A_Index%-r%c%) = c-A_Index)
           Return 1

} ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------

GuiCreate: ; Draw chess board

   Gui Margin, 20, 15
   Gui Font, s16, Marlett
   Loop %N% {
       C := A_Index
       Loop %N% { ; fields
           R := A_Index, X := 40*C-17, Y := 40*R-22
           Gui Add, Progress, x%X% y%Y% w41 h41 Cdddddd, % 100*(R+C & 1) ;% shade fields
           Gui Add, Text, x%X% y%Y% w41 h41 BackGroundTrans Border Center 0x200 v%C%_%R%
   Gui Add, Button, x%x% w43 h25 gBF, 4 ; forth (default)
   Gui Add, Button,xm yp w43 h25 gBF, 3 ; back
   Gui Font, bold, Comic Sans MS
   Gui Add, Text,% "x62 yp hp Center 0x200 vSI w" 40*N-80
   Menu FileMenu, Add, E&xit, GuiClose
   Loop 9
       Menu CalcMenu, Add, % "Calculate " A_Index+3 " Queens", Calculate ;%
   Menu HelpMenu, Add, &About, AboutBox
   Menu MainMenu, Add, &File, :FileMenu
   Menu MainMenu, Add, &Calculate, :CalcMenu
   Menu MainMenu, Add, &Help, :HelpMenu
   Gui Menu, Mainmenu

Return ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------

AboutBox: ; message box with AboutText

   Gui 1: +OwnDialogs
   MsgBox, 64, About N-Queens, Many thanks ...


Calculate: ; menu handler for calculations

   N := A_ThisMenuItemPos + 3
   Gui Destroy
   GoTo Number ; -------------------------------------------------------------


  SI := mod(SI+o0-2*(A_GuiControl=3), o0) + 1 ; left button text is "3"
  GoTo Fill ; ----------------------------------------------------------------

GuiClose: ExitApp</lang>


The total number of solutions is displayed in the title bar and one solution is displayed. The code could be adapted to display a selected solution or multiple solutions.

<lang bbcbasic> Size% = 8

     Cell% = 32
     VDU 23,22,Size%*Cell%;Size%*Cell%;Cell%,Cell%,16,128+8,5
     *font Arial Unicode MS,16
     GCOL 3,11
     FOR i% = 0 TO Size%-1 STEP 2
       RECTANGLE FILL i%*Cell%*2,0,Cell%*2,Size%*Cell%*2
       RECTANGLE FILL 0,i%*Cell%*2,Size%*Cell%*2,Cell%*2
     num% = FNqueens(Size%, Cell%)
     SYS "SetWindowText", @hwnd%, "Total " + STR$(num%) + " solutions"
     DEF FNqueens(n%, s%)
     LOCAL i%, j%, m%, p%, q%, r%, a%(), b%(), c%()
     DIM a%(n%), b%(n%), c%(4*n%-2)
     FOR i% = 1 TO DIM(a%(),1) : a%(i%) = i% : NEXT
     m% = 0
     i% = 1
     j% = 0
     r% = 2*n%-1
       i% -= 1
       j% += 1
       p% = 0
       q% = -r%
         i% += 1
         c%(p%) = 1
         c%(q%+r%) = 1
         SWAP a%(i%),a%(j%)
         p% = i% - a%(i%) + n%
         q% = i% + a%(i%) - 1
         b%(i%) = j%
         j% = i% + 1
       UNTIL j% > n% OR c%(p%) OR c%(q%+r%)
       IF c%(p%)=0 IF c%(q%+r%)=0 THEN
         IF m% = 0 THEN
           FOR p% = 1 TO n%
             MOVE 2*s%*(a%(p%)-1)+6, 2*s%*p%+6
             PRINT "♛";
         m% += 1
       j% = b%(i%)
       WHILE j% >= n% AND i% <> 0
           SWAP a%(i%), a%(j%)
           j% = j%-1
         UNTIL j% < i%
         i% -= 1
         p% = i% - a%(i%) + n%
         q% = i% + a%(i%) - 1
         j% = b%(i%)
         c%(p%) = 0
         c%(q%+r%) = 0
     UNTIL i% = 0
     = m%</lang>


<lang BCPL>// This can be run using Cintcode BCPL freely available from www.cl.cam.ac.uk/users/mr10.

GET "libhdr.h"

GLOBAL { count:ug; all }

LET try(ld, row, rd) BE TEST row=all

                       THEN count := count + 1
                       ELSE { LET poss = all & ~(ld | row | rd)
                              WHILE poss DO
                              { LET p = poss & -poss
                                poss := poss - p
                                try(ld+p << 1, row+p, rd+p >> 1)

LET start() = VALOF { all := 1

 FOR i = 1 TO 16 DO
 { count := 0
   try(0, 0, 0)
   writef("Number of solutions to %i2-queens is %i7*n", i, count)
   all := 2*all + 1

} </lang> The following is a re-implementation of the algorithm given above but using the MC package that allows machine independent runtime generation of native machine code (currently only available for i386 machines). It runs about 25 times faster that the version given above.

<lang BCPL> GET "libhdr.h" GET "mc.h"


lo=1; hi=16
// Register mnemonics
ld    = mc_a
row   = mc_b
rd    = mc_c
poss  = mc_d
p     = mc_e
count = mc_f


LET start() = VALOF { // Load the dynamic code generation package

 LET mcseg = globin(loadseg("mci386"))
 LET mcb = 0
 UNLESS mcseg DO
 { writef("Trouble with MC package: mci386*n")
   GOTO fin
 // Create an MC instance for hi functions with a data space
 // of 10 words and code space of 40000
 mcb := mcInit(hi, 10, 40000)
 { writef("Unable to create an mci386 instance*n")
   GOTO fin
 mc := 0          // Currently no selected MC instance
 mcK(mc_debug, dlevel) // Set the debugging level
 FOR n = lo TO hi DO
 { mcComment("*n*n// Code for a %nx%n board*n", n, n)
   gencode(n) // Compile the code for an nxn board
 mcF(mc_end) // End of code generation
 writef("Code generation complete*n")
 FOR n = lo TO hi DO
 { LET k = mcCall(n)
   writef("Number of solutions to %i2-queens is %i9*n", n, k)


 IF mc    DO mcClose()
 IF mcseg DO unloadseg(mcseg)  
 writef("*n*nEnd of run*n")


AND gencode(n) BE { LET all = (1<<n) - 1

 mcKKK(mc_entry, n, 3, 0)
 mcRK(mc_mv, ld,    0)
 mcRK(mc_mv, row,   0)
 mcRK(mc_mv, rd,    0)
 mcRK(mc_mv, count, 0)
 cmpltry(1, n, all)        // Compile the outermost call of try
 mcRR(mc_mv, mc_a, count)  // return count


AND cmpltry(i, n, all) BE { LET L = mcNextlab()

 mcComment("*n// Start of code from try(%n, %n, %n)*n", i, n, all)
 mcRR(mc_mv,  poss, ld)         // LET poss = (~(ld | row | rd)) & all
 mcRR(mc_or,  poss, row)
 mcRR(mc_or,  poss, rd)
 mcR (mc_not, poss)
 mcRK(mc_and, poss, all)
 mcRK(mc_cmp, poss, 0)          // IF poss DO
 TEST n-i<=2
 THEN mcJS(mc_jeq, L)           // (use a short jump if near the last row)
 ELSE mcJL(mc_jeq, L)
 TEST i=n
 THEN { // We can place a queen in the final row.
        mcR(mc_inc,  count)     //   count := count+1
 ELSE { // We can place queen(s) in a non final row.
        LET M = mcNextlab()
        mcL (mc_lab,  M)        // { Start of REPEATWHILE loop
        mcRR(mc_mv,   p, poss)  //   LET p = poss & -poss
        mcR (mc_neg,  p)
        mcRR(mc_and,  p, poss)  //   // p is a valid queens position
        mcRR(mc_sub,  poss, p)  //   poss := poss - p

        mcR (mc_push, ld)       //   Save current state
        mcR (mc_push, row)
        mcR (mc_push, rd)
        mcR (mc_push, poss)
                                //   Call try((ld+p)<<1, row+p, (rd+p)>>1)
        mcRR(mc_add,  ld,  p)
        mcRK(mc_lsh,  ld,  1)   //   ld  := (ld+p)<<1
        mcRR(mc_add,  row, p)   //   row := row+p
        mcRR(mc_add,  rd,  p)
        mcRK(mc_rsh,  rd,  1)   //   rd  := (rd+p)>>1
        cmpltry(i+1, n, all)    //   Compile code for row i+1
        mcR (mc_pop,  poss)     //   Restore the state
        mcR (mc_pop,  rd)
        mcR (mc_pop,  row)
        mcR (mc_pop,  ld)
        mcRK(mc_cmp,  poss, 0)
        mcJL(mc_jne, M)         // } REPEATWHILE poss
      mcL(mc_lab, L)
      mcComment("// End   of code from try(%n, %n, %n)*n*n",
                i, n, all)

} </lang>


<lang bracmat>( ( printBoard

   =   board M L x y S R row line
     .   :?board
       & !ups:? [?M
       &   whl
         ' ( !arg:(?x.?y) ?arg
           & !M:?L
           & :?row:?line
           &   whl
             ' ( !L+-1:~<0:?L
               & !x+1:~>!M:?x
               & "---+" !line:?line
               & "   |" !row:?row
           & "---+" !line:?line
           & " Q |" !row:?row
           &   whl
             ' ( !L+-1:~<0:?L
               & "---+" !line:?line
               & "   |" !row:?row
           & "\n|" !row "\n+" !line !board:?board
       & str$("\n+" !line !board)
   ( queens
   =   hor ver up down ups downs a z A Z x y Q
     .   !arg:(?hor.?ver.?ups.?downs.?Q)
       &   !ver
         : (   
             & 1+!solutions:?solutions
             { Comment the line below if you only want a count. }
             & out$(str$("\nsolution " !solutions) printBoard$!Q)
             & ~  { Fail! (and backtrack to find more solutions)}
           |   #%?y
               ( ?z
               &   !hor
                 :   ?A
                     ( ?Z
                     & !x+!y:?up
                     & !x+-1*!y:?down
                     & ~(!ups:? !up ?)
                     & ~(!downs:? !down ?)
                     &   queens
                       $ ( !A !Z
                         . !z
                         . !up !ups
                         . !down !downs
                         . (!x.!y) !Q

& 0:?solutions & 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8:?H:?V {You can edit this line to find solutions for other sizes.} & ( queens$(!H.!V...)

 | out$(found !solutions solutions)




solution 91

|   |   |   |   |   |   |   | Q |
|   |   | Q |   |   |   |   |   |
| Q |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|   |   |   |   |   | Q |   |   |
|   | Q |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|   |   |   |   | Q |   |   |   |
|   |   |   |   |   |   | Q |   |
|   |   |   | Q |   |   |   |   |

solution 92

|   |   |   |   |   |   |   | Q |
|   |   |   | Q |   |   |   |   |
| Q |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|   |   | Q |   |   |   |   |   |
|   |   |   |   |   | Q |   |   |
|   | Q |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|   |   |   |   |   |   | Q |   |
|   |   |   |   | Q |   |   |   |
found 92 solutions


C99, compiled with gcc -std=c99 -Wall. Take one commandline argument: size of board, or default to 8. Shows the board layout for each solution.<lang C>#include <stdio.h>

  1. include <stdlib.h>

int count = 0; void solve(int n, int col, int *hist) { if (col == n) { printf("\nNo. %d\n-----\n", ++count); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++, putchar('\n')) for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) putchar(j == hist[i] ? 'Q' : ((i + j) & 1) ? ' ' : '.');

return; }

  1. define attack(i, j) (hist[j] == i || abs(hist[j] - i) == col - j)

for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < n; i++) { for (j = 0; j < col && !attack(i, j); j++); if (j < col) continue;

hist[col] = i; solve(n, col + 1, hist); } }

int main(int n, char **argv) { if (n <= 1 || (n = atoi(argv[1])) <= 0) n = 8; int hist[n]; solve(n, 0, hist); }</lang>

Similiar to above, but using bits to save board configurations and quite a bit faster:<lang c>#include <stdio.h>

  1. include <stdlib.h>
  2. include <stdint.h>

typedef uint32_t uint; uint full, *qs, count = 0, nn;

void solve(uint d, uint c, uint l, uint r) { uint b, a, *s; if (!d) { count++;

  1. if 0

printf("\nNo. %d\n===========\n", count); for (a = 0; a < nn; a++, putchar('\n')) for (b = 0; b < nn; b++, putchar(' ')) putchar(" -QQ"[((b == qs[a])<<1)|((a + b)&1)]);

  1. endif

return; }

a = (c | (l <<= 1) | (r >>= 1)) & full; if (a != full) for (*(s = qs + --d) = 0, b = 1; b <= full; (*s)++, b <<= 1) if (!(b & a)) solve(d, b|c, b|l, b|r); }

int main(int n, char **argv) { if (n <= 1 || (nn = atoi(argv[1])) <= 0) nn = 8;

qs = calloc(nn, sizeof(int)); full = (1U << nn) - 1;

solve(nn, 0, 0, 0); printf("\nSolutions: %d\n", count); return 0; }</lang> Take that and unwrap the recursion, plus some heavy optimizations, and we have a very fast and very unreadable solution: <lang c>#include <stdio.h>

  1. include <stdlib.h>

typedef unsigned int uint; uint count = 0;

  1. define ulen sizeof(uint) * 8

/* could have defined as int solve(...), but void may have less

  chance to confuse poor optimizer */

void solve(int n) { int cnt = 0; const uint full = -(int)(1 << (ulen - n)); register uint bits, pos, *m, d, e;

uint b0, b1, l[32], r[32], c[32], mm[33] = {0}; n -= 3; /* require second queen to be left of the first queen, so we ever only test half of the possible solutions. This is why we can't handle n=1 here */ for (b0 = 1U << (ulen - n - 3); b0; b0 <<= 1) { for (b1 = b0 << 2; b1; b1 <<= 1) { d = n; /* c: columns occupied by previous queens. l: columns attacked by left diagonals r: by right diagnoals */ c[n] = b0 | b1; l[n] = (b0 << 2) | (b1 << 1); r[n] = (b0 >> 2) | (b1 >> 1);

/* availabe columns on current row. m is stack */ bits = *(m = mm + 1) = full & ~(l[n] | r[n] | c[n]);

while (bits) { /* d: depth, aka row. counting backwards because !d is often faster than d != n */ while (d) { /* pos is right most nonzero bit */ pos = -(int)bits & bits;

/* mark bit used. only put current bits on stack if not zero, so backtracking will skip exhausted rows (because reading stack variable is sloooow compared to registers) */ if ((bits &= ~pos)) *m++ = bits | d;

/* faster than l[d+1] = l[d]... */ e = d--; l[d] = (l[e] | pos) << 1; r[d] = (r[e] | pos) >> 1; c[d] = c[e] | pos;

bits = full & ~(l[d] | r[d] | c[d]);

if (!bits) break; if (!d) { cnt++; break; } } /* Bottom of stack m is a zero'd field acting as sentinel. When saving to stack, left 27 bits are the available columns, while right 5 bits is the depth. Hence solution is limited to size 27 board -- not that it matters in foreseeable future. */ d = (bits = *--m) & 31U; bits &= ~31U; } } } count = cnt * 2; }

int main(int c, char **v) { int nn; if (c <= 1 || (nn = atoi(v[1])) <= 0) nn = 8;

if (nn > 27) { fprintf(stderr, "Value too large, abort\n"); exit(1); }

/* Can't solve size 1 board; might as well skip 2 and 3 */ if (nn < 4) count = nn == 1; else solve(nn);

printf("\nSolutions: %d\n", count); return 0; }</lang>

A slightly cleaned up version of the code above where some optimizations were redundant. This version is also further optimized, and runs about 15% faster than the one above on modern compilers:

<lang c>#include <stdio.h>

  1. define MAXN 31

int nqueens(int n) {

 int q0,q1;
 int cols[MAXN], diagl[MAXN], diagr[MAXN], posibs[MAXN]; // Our backtracking 'stack' 
 int num=0;
 // The top level is two fors, to save one bit of symmetry in the enumeration by forcing second queen to
 // be AFTER the first queen.
 for (q0=0; q0<n-2; q0++) {
   for (q1=q0+2; q1<n; q1++){
     int bit0 = 1<<q0;
     int bit1 = 1<<q1;
     int d=0; // d is our depth in the backtrack stack 
     cols[0] = bit0 | bit1 | (-1<<n); // The -1 here is used to fill all 'coloumn' bits after n ...
     diagl[0]= (bit0<<1 | bit1)<<1;
     diagr[0]= (bit0>>1 | bit1)>>1;
     //  The variable posib contains the bitmask of possibilities we still have to try in a given row ...
     int posib = ~(cols[0] | diagl[0] | diagr[0]);
     while (d >= 0) {
       while(posib) {
         int bit = posib & -posib; // The standard trick for getting the rightmost bit in the mask
         int ncols= cols[d] | bit;
         int ndiagl = (diagl[d] | bit) << 1;
         int ndiagr = (diagr[d] | bit) >> 1;
         int nposib = ~(ncols | ndiagl | ndiagr);
         posib^=bit; // Eliminate the tried possibility.
         // The following is the main additional trick here, as recognizing solution can not be done using stack level (d),
         // since we save the depth+backtrack time at the end of the enumeration loop. However by noticing all coloumns are
         // filled (comparison to -1) we know a solution was reached ...
         // Notice also that avoiding an if on the ncols==-1 comparison is more efficient!
         num += ncols==-1; 
         if (nposib) {
           if (posib) { // This if saves stack depth + backtrack operations when we passed the last possibility in a row.
             posibs[d++] = posib; // Go lower in stack ..
           cols[d] = ncols;
           diagl[d] = ndiagl;
           diagr[d] = ndiagr;
           posib = nposib;
       posib = posibs[--d]; // backtrack ...
 return num*2;


main(int ac , char **av) {

 if(ac != 2) {
   printf("usage: nq n\n");
   return 1;
 int n = atoi(av[1]);
 if(n<1 || n > MAXN) {
   printf("n must be between 2 and 31!\n");
 printf("Number of solution for %d is %d\n",n,nqueens(n));

} </lang>


<lang cpp>// Much shorter than the version below; // uses C++11 threads to parallelize the computation; also uses backtracking // Outputs all solutions for any table size

  1. include <vector>
  2. include <iostream>
  3. include <iomanip>
  4. include <thread>
  5. include <future>

// Print table. 'pos' is a vector of positions – the index in pos is the row, // and the number at that index is the column where the queen is placed. static void print(const std::vector<int> &pos) { // print table header for (int i = 0; i < pos.size(); i++) { std::cout << std::setw(3) << char('a' + i); }

std::cout << '\n';

for (int row = 0; row < pos.size(); row++) { int col = pos[row]; std::cout << row + 1 << std::setw(3 * col + 3) << " # "; std::cout << '\n'; }

std::cout << "\n\n"; }

static bool threatens(int row_a, int col_a, int row_b, int col_b) { return row_a == row_b // same row or col_a == col_b // same column or std::abs(row_a - row_b) == std::abs(col_a - col_b); // diagonal }

// the i-th queen is in the i-th row // we only check rows up to end_idx // so that the same function can be used for backtracking and checking the final solution static bool good(const std::vector<int> &pos, int end_idx) { for (int row_a = 0; row_a < end_idx; row_a++) { for (int row_b = row_a + 1; row_b < end_idx; row_b++) { int col_a = pos[row_a]; int col_b = pos[row_b]; if (threatens(row_a, col_a, row_b, col_b)) { return false; } } }

return true; }

static std::mutex print_count_mutex; // mutex protecting 'n_sols' static int n_sols = 0; // number of solutions

// recursive DFS backtracking solver static void n_queens(std::vector<int> &pos, int index) { // if we have placed a queen in each row (i. e. we are at a leaf of the search tree), check solution and return if (index >= pos.size()) { if (good(pos, index)) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(print_count_mutex); print(pos); n_sols++; }

return; }

// backtracking step if (not good(pos, index)) { return; }

// optimization: the first level of the search tree is parallelized if (index == 0) { std::vector<std::future<void>> fts; for (int col = 0; col < pos.size(); col++) { pos[index] = col; auto ft = std::async(std::launch::async, [=]{ auto cpos(pos); n_queens(cpos, index + 1); }); fts.push_back(std::move(ft)); }

for (const auto &ft : fts) { ft.wait(); } } else { // deeper levels are not for (int col = 0; col < pos.size(); col++) { pos[index] = col; n_queens(pos, index + 1); } } }

int main() { std::vector<int> start(12); // 12: table size n_queens(start, 0); std::cout << n_sols << " solutions found.\n"; return 0; } </lang>


Output for N = 4

  a  b  c  d                                                                                                  
1    #                                                                                                        
2          #                                                                                                  
3 #                                                                                                           
4       #                                                                                                     
  a  b  c  d                                                                                                  
1       #                                                                                                     
2 #                                                                                                           
3          #                                                                                                  
4    #       

<lang cpp> // A straight-forward brute-force C++ version with formatted output, // eschewing obfuscation and C-isms, producing ALL solutions, which // works on any OS with a text terminal. // // Two basic optimizations are applied: // // It uses backtracking to only construct potentially valid solutions. // // It only computes half the solutions by brute -- once we get the // queen halfway across the top row, any remaining solutions must be // reflections of the ones already computed. // // This is a bare-bones example, without any progress feedback or output // formatting controls, which a more complete program might provide. // // Beware that computing anything larger than N=14 might take a while. // (Time gets exponentially worse the higher the number.)

// Copyright 2014 Michael Thomas Greer // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt

  1. include <algorithm>
  2. include <ciso646>
  3. include <iomanip>
  4. include <iostream>
  5. include <set>
  6. include <sstream>
  7. include <stdexcept>
  8. include <string>
  9. include <vector>

// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// struct queens /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // {

 // TYPES -------------------------------------------------------------------
 // A row or column index. (May be signed or unsigned.)
 typedef signed char index_type;
 // A 'solution' is a row --> column lookup of queens on the board.
 // It has lexicographical order and can be transformed with a variety of
 // reflections, which, when properly combined, produce all possible
 // orientations of a solution.
 struct solution_type: std::vector <index_type>
   typedef std::vector <index_type> base_type;
   // constructors  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
   solution_type( std::size_t N          ): base_type( N, -1 ) { }
   solution_type( const solution_type& s ): base_type( s     ) { }
   // compare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
   bool operator < ( const solution_type& s ) const
     auto mm = std::mismatch( begin(), end(), s.begin() );
     return (mm.first != end()) and (*mm.first < *mm.second);
   // transformations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
   void vflip() { std::reverse( begin(), end() ); }
   void hflip() { for (auto& x : *this) x = size() - 1 - x; }
   void transpose()
     solution_type result( size() );
     for (index_type y = 0; (std::size_t)y < size(); y++)
       result[ (*this)[ y ] ] = y;
     swap( result );
 // MEMBER VALUES -----------------------------------------------------------
 const int                N;
 std::set <solution_type> solutions;
 // SOLVER ------------------------------------------------------------------
 queens( int N = 8 ):
   N( (N < 0) ? 0 : N )
   // Row by row we create a potentially valid solution.
   // If a queen can be placed in a valid spot by the time
   // we get to the last row, then we've found a solution.
   solution_type solution( N );
   index_type row = 0;
   while (true)
     // Advance the queen along the row
     ++solution[ row ];
     // (If we get past halfway through the first row, we're done.)
     if ((row == 0) and (solution[ 0 ] > N/2)) break;
     if (solution[ row ] < N)
       // If the queen is in a good spot...
       if (ok( solution, row, solution[ row ] ))
         // ...and we're on the last row
         if (row == N-1)
           // Add the solution we found plus all it's reflections
           s = solution;  solutions.insert( s );
           s.vflip();     solutions.insert( s );
           s.hflip();     solutions.insert( s );
           s.vflip();     solutions.insert( s );
           s.transpose(); solutions.insert( s );
           s.vflip();     solutions.insert( s );
           s.hflip();     solutions.insert( s );
           s.vflip();     solutions.insert( s );
         // otherwise begin marching a queen along the next row
         else solution[ ++row ] = -1;
     // When we get to the end of a row's columns then
     // we need to backup a row and continue from there.
     else --row;
 // HELPER ------------------------------------------------------------------
 // This routine helps the solver by identifying column locations
 // that do not conflict with queens already placed in prior rows.
 bool ok( const solution_type& columns, index_type row, index_type column )
   for (index_type r = 0; r < row; r++)
     index_type c         = columns[ r ];
     index_type delta_row = row - r;
     index_type delta_col = (c < column) ? (column - c) : (c - column);
     if ((c == column) or (delta_row == delta_col))
       return false;
   return true;
 // OUTPUT A SINGLE SOLUTION ------------------------------------------------
 // Formatted as (for example):
 //   d1 b2 g3 c4 f5 h6 e7 a8
 //   Q - - - - - - -
 //   - - - - Q - - -
 //   - - - - - - - Q
 //   - - - - - Q - -
 //   - - Q - - - - -
 //   - - - - - - Q -
 //   - Q - - - - - -
 //   - - - Q - - - -
 operator << ( std::ostream& outs, const queens::solution_type& solution )
   static const char* squares[] = { "- ", "Q " };
   index_type N = solution.size();
   // Display the queen positions
   for (auto n = N; n--; )
     outs << (char)('a' + solution[ n ]) << (N - n) << " ";
   // Display the board
   for (auto queen : solution)
     outs << "\n";
     for (index_type col = 0; col < N; col++)
       outs << squares[ col == queen ];
   return outs;
 // OUTPUT ALL SOLUTIONS ----------------------------------------------------
 // Display "no solutions" or "N solutions" followed by
 // each individual solution, separated by blank lines.
 operator << ( std::ostream& outs, const queens& q )
   if (q.solutions.empty()) outs << "no";
   else                     outs << q.solutions.size();
   outs << " solutions";
   std::size_t n = 1;
   for (auto solution : q.solutions)
     outs << "\n\n#" << n++ << "\n" << solution;
   return outs;


/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// string_to <type> ( x ) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */

template <typename T> T string_to( const std::string& s ) {

 T result;
 std::istringstream ss( s );
 ss >> result;
 if (!ss.eof()) throw std::runtime_error( "to_string(): invalid conversion" );
 return result;


template <typename T, T default_value> T string_to( const std::string& s ) {

 try { return string_to <T> ( s ); }
 catch (...) { return default_value; }


/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// main program /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */

int usage( const std::string& name ) {

 std::cerr <<
   "usage:\n  " << name << " 8\n\n"
   "Solve the N-Queens problem, brute-force,\n"
   "and show all solutions for an 8x8 board.\n\n"
   "(Specify a value other than 8 for the board size you want.)\n";
 return 1;


int main( int argc, char** argv ) {

 signed N =
   (argc < 2) ? 8 :
   (argc > 2) ? 0 : string_to <signed, 0> ( argv[ 1 ] );
 if (N <= 0) return usage( argv[ 0 ] );
 std::cout << queens( N ) << "\n";

} </lang>


for N=4

2 solutions

c1 a2 d3 b4
- Q - -
- - - Q
Q - - -
- - Q -

b1 d2 a3 c4
- - Q -
Q - - -
- - - Q
- Q - -

Alternate version

Windows-only <lang cpp>

  1. include <windows.h>
  2. include <iostream>
  3. include <string>

//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- using namespace std;

//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class point { public:

   int x, y;
   point(){ x = y = 0; }
   void set( int a, int b ){ x = a; y = b; }

}; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class nQueens { public:

   void solve( int c )
       _count = c; int len = ( c + 1 ) * ( c + 1 ); _queens = new bool[len]; memset( _queens, 0, len );

_cl = new bool[c]; memset( _cl, 0, c ); _ln = new bool[c]; memset( _ln, 0, c ); point pt; pt.set( rand() % c, rand() % c ); putQueens( pt, c ); displayBoard(); delete [] _queens; delete [] _ln; delete [] _cl;



   void displayBoard()

system( "cls" ); string t = "+---+", q = "| Q |", s = "| |"; COORD c = { 0, 0 }; HANDLE h = GetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE ); for( int y = 0, cy = 0; y < _count; y++ ) { int yy = y * _count; for( int x = 0; x < _count; x++ ) { SetConsoleCursorPosition( h, c ); cout << t; c.Y++; SetConsoleCursorPosition( h, c ); if( _queens[x + yy] ) cout << q; else cout << s; c.Y++; SetConsoleCursorPosition( h, c ); cout << t; c.Y = cy; c.X += 4; } cy += 2; c.X = 0; c.Y = cy;

   bool checkD( int x, int y, int a, int b )

if( x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= _count || y >= _count ) return true; if( _queens[x + y * _count] ) return false; if( checkD( x + a, y + b, a, b ) ) return true; return false;

   bool check( int x, int y )

if( _ln[y] || _cl[x] ) return false; if( !checkD( x, y, -1, -1 ) ) return false; if( !checkD( x, y, 1, -1 ) ) return false; if( !checkD( x, y, -1, 1 ) ) return false; if( !checkD( x, y, 1, 1 ) ) return false; return true;

   bool putQueens( point pt, int cnt )

int it = _count; while( it ) { if( !cnt ) return true; if( check( pt.x, pt.y ) ) { _queens[pt.x + pt.y * _count] = _cl[pt.x] = _ln[pt.y] = true; point tmp = pt; if( ++tmp.x >= _count ) tmp.x = 0; if( ++tmp.y >= _count ) tmp.y = 0; if( putQueens( tmp, cnt - 1 ) ) return true; _queens[pt.x + pt.y * _count] = _cl[pt.x] = _ln[pt.y] = false; } if( ++pt.x >= _count ) pt.x = 0; it--; } return false;

   int          _count;
   bool*        _queens, *_ln, *_cl;

}; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) {

   nQueens n; int nq;
   while( true )

system( "cls" ); cout << "Enter board size bigger than 3 (0 - 3 to QUIT): "; cin >> nq; if( nq < 4 ) return 0; n.solve( nq ); cout << endl << endl; system( "pause" );

   return  0;

} //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- </lang>

+---+---+---+---+---+   +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+   +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
| Q |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | Q |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | Q |   |   |   |
+---+---+---+---+---+   +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+   +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
|   |   | Q |   |   |   |   | Q |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | Q |   |
+---+---+---+---+---+   +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+   +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
|   |   |   |   | Q |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | Q |   |   |   |   | Q |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
+---+---+---+---+---+   +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+   +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
|   | Q |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | Q |   |   |   |   | Q |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
+---+---+---+---+---+   +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+   +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
|   |   |   | Q |   |   | Q |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | Q |   |   |   |   |   |   |
+---+---+---+---+---+   +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+   +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
                        |   |   | Q |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | Q |
                        +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+   +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
                        |   |   |   |   | Q |   |   |   |   | Q |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
                        +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+   +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
                        |   |   |   |   |   |   | Q |   |   |   |   | Q |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
                        +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+   +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
                                                            |   |   |   |   |   | Q |   |   |   |   |   |
                                                            |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | Q |   |   |
                                                            |   |   |   |   |   |   | Q |   |   |   |   |

Version using Heuristics - explained here: Solution_construction <lang cpp>

  1. include <windows.h>
  2. include <iostream>
  3. include <string>
  4. include <vector>
  5. include <algorithm>

//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- using namespace std;

//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef unsigned int uint;

//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class nQueens_Heuristic { public:

   void solve( uint n ) { makeList( n ); drawBoard( n ); }


   void drawBoard( uint n )

system( "cls" ); string t = "+---+", q = "| Q |", s = "| |"; COORD c = { 0, 0 }; HANDLE h = GetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE ); uint w = 0; for( uint y = 0, cy = 0; y < n; y++ ) { for( uint x = 0; x < n; x++ ) { SetConsoleCursorPosition( h, c ); cout << t; c.Y++; SetConsoleCursorPosition( h, c ); if( x + 1 == solution[w] ) cout << q; else cout << s; c.Y++; SetConsoleCursorPosition( h, c ); cout << t; c.Y = cy; c.X += 4; } cy += 2; c.X = 0; c.Y = cy; w++; } solution.clear(); odd.clear(); evn.clear();

   void makeList( uint n )

uint r = n % 6; for( uint x = 1; x <= n; x++ ) { if( x & 1 ) odd.push_back( x ); else evn.push_back( x ); } if( r == 2 ) { swap( odd[0], odd[1] ); odd.erase( find( odd.begin(), odd.end(), 5 ) ); odd.push_back( 5 ); } else if( r == 3 ) { odd.erase( odd.begin() ); odd.erase( odd.begin() ); odd.push_back( 1 ); odd.push_back( 3 ); evn.erase( evn.begin() ); evn.push_back( 2 ); } vector<uint>::iterator it = evn.begin(); while( it != evn.end() ) { solution.push_back( ( *it ) ); it++; } it = odd.begin(); while( it != odd.end() ) { solution.push_back( ( *it ) ); it++; }

   vector<uint> odd, evn, solution;

}; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) {

   uint n; nQueens_Heuristic nQH;
   while( true )

cout << "Enter board size bigger than 3 (0 - 3 to QUIT): "; cin >> n; if( n < 4 ) return 0; nQH.solve( n ); cout << endl << endl;

   return 0;

} //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- </lang>


<lang csharp>using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text;

namespace NQueens {

   class Program
       const int N = 8;

       static bool Allowed(bool[,] board, int x, int y)
           for (int i=0; i<=x; i++)
               if (board[i,y] || (i <= y && board[x-i,y-i]) || (y+i < N && board[x-i,y+i]))
                   return false;
           return true;

       static bool FindSolution(bool[,] board, int x)
           for (int y = 0; y < N; y++)
               if (Allowed(board, x, y))
                   board[x, y] = true;
                   if (x == N-1 || FindSolution(board, x + 1))
                       return true;
                   board[x, y] = false;
           return false;

       static void Main(string[] args)
           bool[,] board = new bool[N, N];

           if (FindSolution(board, 0))
               for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
                   for (int j = 0; j < N; j++)
                       Console.Write(board[i, j] ? "|Q" : "| ");
               Console.WriteLine("No solution found for n = " + N + ".");




This produces all solutions by essentially a backtracking algorithm. The heart is the extends? function, which takes a partial solution for the first k<size columns and sees if the solution can be extended by adding a queen at row n of column k+1. The extend function takes a list of all partial solutions for k columns and produces a list of all partial solutions for k+1 columns. The final list solutions is calculated by starting with the list of 0-column solutions (obviously this is the list [ [] ], and iterates extend for size times. <lang clojure>(def size 8)

(defn extends? [v n]

 (let [k (count v)]
   (not-any? true?
     (for [i (range k) :let [vi (v i)]]
         (= vi n)  ;check for shared row
         (= (- k i) (Math/abs (- n vi)))))))) ;check for shared diagonal

(defn extend [vs]

 (for [v vs
       n (range 1 (inc size)) :when (extends? v n)]
   (conj v n)))

(def solutions

 (nth (iterate extend [[]]) size))

(doseq [s solutions]

 (println s))

(println (count solutions) "solutions")</lang>


<lang coffeescript>

  1. Unlike traditional N-Queens solutions that use recursion, this
  2. program attempts to more closely model the "human" algorithm.
  3. In this algorithm, the function keeps placing queens on the board
  4. until there is no longer a safe square. If the 8th queen has been
  5. placed, the solution is noted. If fewer than 8th queens have been
  6. placed, then you are at a dead end. In either case, backtracking occurs.
  7. The LAST queen placed on the board gets pulled, then it gets moved
  8. to the next safe square. (We backtrack even after a "good" attempt in
  9. order to get to a new solution.) This backtracking may repeat itself
  10. several times until the original misplaced queen finally is proven to
  11. be a dead end.
  12. Many N-Queens solutions use lazy logic (along with geometry shortcuts)
  13. to determine whether a queen is under attack. In this algorithm, we
  14. are more proactive, essentially updating a sieve every time we lay a
  15. queen down. To make backtracking easier, the sieve uses ref-counts vs.
  16. a simple safe/unsafe boolean.
  17. We precompute the "attack graph" up front, and then we essentially ignore
  18. the geometry of the problem. This approach, while perhaps suboptimal for
  19. queens, probably is more flexible for general "coexistence" problems.

nqueens = (n) ->

 neighbors = precompute_neighbors(n)
 board = []
 num_solutions = 0
 num_backtracks = 0
 queens = []
 pos = 0
 for p in [0...n*n]
   board.push 0
 attack = (pos, delta=1) ->
   for neighbor in neighbors[pos]
     board[neighbor] += delta
 backtrack = ->
   pos = queens.pop()
   attack pos, -1 # unattack queen you just pulled
   pos += 1
   num_backtracks += 1
 # The following loop finds all 92 solutions to 
 # the 8-queens problem (for n=8).
 while true  
   if pos >= n*n
     if queens.length == 0
   # If a square is empty
   if board[pos] == 0
     attack pos
     queens.push pos
     if queens.length == n
       num_solutions += 1
       show_queens queens, n
   pos += 1
 console.log "#{num_solutions} solutions"
 console.log "#{num_backtracks} backtracks"

precompute_neighbors = (n) ->

 # For each board position, build a list of all
 # the board positions that would be under attack if
 # you placed a queen on it.  This assumes a 1d array
 # of squares.
 neighbors = []
 find_neighbors = (pos) ->
   arr = []
   row = Math.floor pos / n
   col = pos % n
   for i in [0...n]
     if i != col
       arr.push row*n + i
       r1 = row + col - i
       r2 = row + i - col
       if 0 <= r1 and r1 < n
         arr.push r1*n + i
       if 0 <= r2 and r2 < n
         arr.push r2*n + i
     if i != row
       arr.push i*n + col
 for pos in [0...n*n]
   neighbors.push find_neighbors(pos) 

show_queens = (queens, n) ->

 # precondition: queens is a sorted array of integers,
 # and each row is represented
 console.log "\n------"
 for q in queens
   col = q % n
   s = 
   for c in [0...n]
     if c == col
       s += "Q "
       s += "* "
   console.log s + "\n"

nqueens(8) </lang>

Common Lisp

<lang lisp>(defun queens (n &optional (m n))

 (if (zerop n)
     (list nil)
     (loop for solution in (queens (1- n) m)
           nconc (loop for new-col from 1 to m
                        when (loop for row from 1 to n
                                    for col in solution
                                    always (/= new-col col (+ col row) (- col row)))
                        collect (cons new-col solution)))))

(defun print-solution (solution)

 (loop for queen-col in solution
       do (loop for col from 1 to (length solution)
                 do (write-char (if (= col queen-col) #\Q #\.)))

(defun print-queens (n)

 (mapc #'print-solution (queens n)))</lang>

Alternate solution

Translation of Fortran 77 <lang lisp>(defun queens1 (n)

   (let ((a (make-array n))
         (s (make-array n))
         (u (make-array (list (- (* 4 n) 2)) :initial-element t))
         y z (i 0) j p q (r (1- (* 2 n))) (m 0))
       (dotimes (i n) (setf (aref a i) i))
           (if (>= i n) (go L5))
           (setf j i)
           (setf y (aref a j) z (aref a i))
           (setf p (+ (- i y) n -1) q (+ i y))
           (setf (aref a i) y (aref a j) z)
           (when (and (aref u p) (aref u (+ q r))) 
               (setf (aref s i) j (aref u p) nil (aref u (+ q r)) nil)
               (incf i)
               (go L1))
           (incf j)
           (if (< j n) (go L2))
           (decf j)
           (if (= j i) (go L6))
           (rotatef (aref a i) (aref a j))
           (go L4)
           (incf m)
           (decf i)
           (if (minusp i) (go L7))
           (setf p (+ (- i (aref a i)) n -1) q (+ i (aref a i)) j (aref s i))
           (setf (aref u p) t (aref u (+ q r)) t)
           (go L3)

> (loop for n from 1 to 14 collect (cons n (queens1 n))) ((1 . 1) (2 . 0) (3 . 0) (4 . 2) (5 . 10) (6 . 4) (7 . 40) (8 . 92) (9 . 352)

(10 . 724) (11 . 2680) (12 . 14200) (13 . 73712) (14 . 365596))</lang>

As in Fortran, the iterative function above is equivalent to the recursive function below:

<lang lisp>(defun queens2 (n)

   (let ((a (make-array n))
         (u (make-array (+ n n -1) :initial-element t))
         (v (make-array (+ n n -1) :initial-element t))
         (m 0))
       (dotimes (i n) (setf (aref a i) i))
       (labels ((sub (i)
           (if (= i n)
               ;(push (copy-seq a) s)
               (incf m)
               (loop for k from i below n do
                   (let ((p (+ i (aref a k)))
                         (q (+ (- i (aref a k)) n -1)))
                       (when (and (aref u p) (aref v q))
                           (setf (aref u p) nil (aref v q) nil)
                           (rotatef (aref a i) (aref a k))
                           (sub (1+ i))
                           (setf (aref u p) t (aref v q) t)
                           (rotatef (aref a i) (aref a k))))))))
           (sub 0))


Three different ways of attacking the same problem. All copied from A Catalog of Design Patterns in FLP <lang curry> -- 8-queens implementation with the Constrained Constructor pattern -- Sergio Antoy -- Fri Jul 13 07:05:32 PDT 2001

-- Place 8 queens on a chessboard so that no queen can capture -- (and be captured by) any other queen.

-- Non-deterministic choice operator

infixl 0 ! X ! _ = X _ ! Y = Y

-- A solution is represented by a list of integers. -- The i-th integer in the list is the column of the board -- in which the queen in the i-th row is placed. -- Rows and columns are numbered from 1 to 8. -- For example, [4,2,7,3,6,8,5,1] is a solution where the -- the queen in row 1 is in column 4, etc. -- Any solution must be a permutation of [1,2,...,8].

-- The state of a queen is its position, row and column, on the board. -- Operation column is a particularly simple instance -- of a Constrained Constructor pattern. -- When it is invoked, it produces only valid states.

column = 1 ! 2 ! 3 ! 4 ! 5 ! 6 ! 7 ! 8

-- A path of the puzzle is a sequence of successive placements of -- queens on the board. It is not explicitly defined as a type. -- A path is a potential solution in the making.

-- Constrained Constructor on a path -- Any path must be valid, i.e., any column must be in the range 1..8 -- and different from any other column in the path. -- Furthermore, the path must be safe for the queens. -- No queen in a path may capture any other queen in the path. -- Operation makePath add column n to path c or fails.

makePath c n | valid c && safe c 1 = n:c

   where valid c | n =:= column = uniq c
            where uniq [] = True
                  uniq (c:cs) = n /= c && uniq cs
         safe [] _ = True
         safe (c:cs) k = abs (n-c) /= k && safe cs (k+1)
            where abs x = if x < 0 then -x else x

-- extend the path argument till all the queens are on the board -- see the Incremental Solution pattern

extend p = if (length p == 8)

            then p
            else extend (makePath p x)
     where x free

-- solve the puzzle

main = extend [] </lang>

Another approach from the same source.

<lang curry> -- N-queens puzzle implemented with "Distinct Choices" pattern -- Sergio Antoy -- Tue Sep 4 13:16:20 PDT 2001 -- updated: Mon Sep 23 15:22:15 PDT 2002

import Integer

queens x | y =:= permute x & void (capture y) = y where y free

capture y = let l1,l2,l3,y1,y2 free in

 l1 ++ [y1] ++ l2 ++ [y2] ++ l3 =:= y & abs (y1-y2) =:= length l2 + 1

-- negation as failure (implemented by encapsulated search): void c = (findall \_->c) =:= []

-- How does this permutation algorithm work? -- Only the elements [0,1,...,n-1] can be permuted. -- The reason is that each element is used as an index in a list. -- A list, called store, of free variables of length n is created. -- Then, the n iterations described below are executed. -- At the i-th iteration, an element, say s, -- of the initial list is non-deterministically selected. -- This element is used as index in the store. -- The s-th variable of the store is unified with i. -- At the end of the iterations, the elements of the store -- are a permutation of [0,1,...,n-1], i.e., the elements -- are unique since two iterations cannot select the same index.

permute n = result n

  where result n = if n==0 then [] else pick n store : result (n-1)
        pick i store | store !! k =:= i = k where k = range n
        range n | n > 0 = range (n-1) ! (n-1)
        store = free

-- end </lang>

Yet another approach, also from the same source.

<lang curry> -- 8-queens implementation with both the Constrained Constructor -- and the Fused Generate and Test patterns. -- Sergio Antoy -- Fri Jul 13 07:05:32 PDT 2001

-- Place 8 queens on a chessboard so that no queen can capture -- (and be captured by) any other queen.

-- Non-deterministic choice operator

infixl 0 ! X ! _ = X _ ! Y = Y

-- A solution is represented by a list of integers. -- The i-th integer in the list is the column of the board -- in which the queen in the i-th row is placed. -- Rows and columns are numbered from 1 to 8. -- For example, [4,2,7,3,6,8,5,1] is a solution where the -- the queen in row 1 is in column 4, etc. -- Any solution must be a permutation of [1,2,...,8].

-- The state of a queen is its position, row and column, on the board. -- Operation column is a particularly simple instance -- of a Constrained Constructor pattern. -- When it is invoked, it produces only valid states.

column = 1 ! 2 ! 3 ! 4 ! 5 ! 6 ! 7 ! 8

-- A path of the puzzle is a sequence of successive placements of -- queens on the board. It is not explicitly defined as a type. -- A path is a potential solution in the making.

-- Constrained Constructor on a path -- Any path must be valid, i.e., any column must be in the range 1..8 -- and different from any other column in the path. -- Furthermore, the path must be safe for the queens. -- No queen in a path may capture any other queen in the path. -- Operation makePath add column n to path c or fails.

makePath c n | valid c && safe c 1 = n:c

   where valid c | n =:= column = uniq c
            where uniq [] = True
                  uniq (c:cs) = n /= c && uniq cs
         safe [] _ = True
         safe (c:cs) k = abs (n-c) /= k && safe cs (k+1)
            where abs x = if x < 0 then -x else x

-- extend the path argument till all the queens are on the board -- see the Incremental Solution pattern

extend p = if (length p == 8)

            then p
            else extend (makePath p x)
     where x free

-- solve the puzzle

main = extend [] </lang> Mainly webpakcs, uses constraint-solver. <lang curry>import CLPFD import Findall

queens n qs =

   qs =:= [_ | _ <- [1..n]]
 & domain qs 1 (length qs)
 & allDifferent qs
 & allSafe qs
 & labeling [FirstFail] qs

allSafe [] = success allSafe (q:qs) = safe q qs 1 & allSafe qs

safe :: Int -> [Int] -> Int -> Success safe _ [] _ = success safe q (q1:qs) p = q /=# q1+#p & q /=# q1-#p & safe q qs (p+#1)

-- oneSolution = unpack $ queens 8 -- allSolutions = findall $ queens 8</lang>


Short Version

This high-level version uses the second solution of the Permutations task. <lang d>void main() {

   import std.stdio, std.algorithm, std.range, permutations2;
   enum n = 8;
   n.iota.array.permutations.filter!(p =>
       n.iota.map!(i => p[i] + i).array.sort().uniq.count == n &&
       n.iota.map!(i => p[i] - i).array.sort().uniq.count == n)



Intermediate Version

This version shows all the solutions.

Translation of: C

<lang d>enum side = 8; __gshared int[side] board;

bool isUnsafe(in int y) nothrow @nogc {

   immutable int x = board[y];
   foreach (immutable i; 1 .. y + 1) {
       immutable int t = board[y - i];
       if (t == x || t == x - i || t == x + i)
           return true;
   return false;


void showBoard() nothrow @nogc {

   import core.stdc.stdio;
   static int s = 1;
   printf("\nSolution #%d:\n", s++);
   foreach (immutable y; 0 .. side) {
       foreach (immutable x; 0 .. side)
           putchar(board[y] == x ? 'Q' : '.');


void main() nothrow @nogc {

   int y = 0;
   board[0] = -1;
   while (y >= 0) {
       do {
       } while (board[y] < side && y.isUnsafe);
       if (board[y] < side) {
           if (y < (side - 1))
               board[++y] = -1;
       } else


Solution #1:


Solution #91:

Solution #92:

Fast Version

Translation of: C

<lang d>ulong nQueens(in uint nn) pure nothrow @nogc @safe in {

   assert(nn > 0 && nn <= 27,
          "'side' value must be in 1 .. 27.");

} body {

   if (nn < 4)
       return nn == 1;
   enum uint ulen = uint.sizeof * 8;
   immutable uint full = uint.max - ((1 << (ulen - nn)) - 1);
   immutable n = nn - 3;
   typeof(return) count;
   uint[32] l=void, r=void, c=void;
   uint[33] mm; // mm and mmi are a stack.
   // Require second queen to be left of the first queen, so
   // we ever only test half of the possible solutions. This
   // is why we can't handle n=1 here.
   for (uint b0 = 1U << (ulen - n - 3); b0; b0 <<= 1) {
       for (uint b1 = b0 << 2; b1; b1 <<= 1) {
           uint d = n;
           // c: columns occupied by previous queens.
           c[n] = b0 | b1;
           // l: columns attacked by left diagonals.
           l[n] = (b0 << 2) | (b1 << 1);
           // r: by right diagnoals.
           r[n] = (b0 >> 2) | (b1 >> 1);
           // Availabe columns on current row.
           uint bits = full & ~(l[n] | r[n] | c[n]);
           uint mmi = 1;
           mm[mmi] = bits;
           while (bits) {
               // d: depth, aka row. counting backwards.
               // Because !d is often faster than d != n.
               while (d) {
                   // immutable uint pos = 1U << bits.bsf; // Slower.
                   immutable uint pos = -int(bits) & bits;
                   // Mark bit used. Only put current bits on
                   // stack if not zero, so backtracking will
                   // skip exhausted rows (because reading stack
                   // variable is slow compared to registers).
                   bits &= ~pos;
                   if (bits) {
                       mm[mmi] = bits | d;
                   l[d] = (l[d + 1] | pos) << 1;
                   r[d] = (r[d + 1] | pos) >> 1;
                   c[d] =  c[d + 1] | pos;
                   bits = full & ~(l[d] | r[d] | c[d]);
                   if (!bits)
                   if (!d) {
               // Bottom of stack m is a zero'd field acting as
               // sentinel.  When saving to stack, left 27 bits
               // are the available columns, while right 5 bits
               // is the depth. Hence solution is limited to size
               // 27 board -- not that it matters in foreseeable
               // future.
               bits = mm[mmi];
               d = bits & 31U;
               bits &= ~31U;
   return count * 2;


void main(in string[] args) {

   import std.stdio, std.conv;
   immutable uint side = (args.length >= 2) ? args[1].to!uint : 8;
   writefln("N-queens(%d) = %d solutions.", side, side.nQueens);


N-queens(8) = 92 solutions.

With side = 17:

N-queens(17) = 95815104 solutions.

Run-time for side = 17 compiled with ldc2 is about 49.5 seconds.

N-queens(19) = 4968057848 solutions.


<lang dart>/** Return true if queen placement q[n] does not conflict with other queens q[0] through q[n-1]

  • /

isConsistent(List q, int n) {

 for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
   if (q[i] == q[n]) {
     return false; // Same column
   if ((q[i] - q[n]) == (n - i)) {
     return false; // Same major diagonal
   if ((q[n] - q[i]) == (n - i)) {
     return false; // Same minor diagonal
 return true;


/** Print out N-by-N placement of queens from permutation q in ASCII.

  • /

printQueens(List q) {

 int N = q.length;
 for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
   StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
   for (int j=0; j<N; j++) {
     if (q[i] == j) {
       sb.write("Q ");
     } else {
       sb.write("* ");


/** Try all permutations using backtracking

  • /

enumerate(int N) {

 var a = new List(N);
 _enumerate(a, 0);


_enumerate(List q, int n) {

 if (n == q.length) {
 } else {
   for (int i = 0; i < q.length; i++) {
     q[n] = i;
     if (isConsistent(q, n)){
       _enumerate(q, n+1);


void main() {



* Q * * 
* * * Q 
Q * * * 
* * Q * 

* * Q * 
Q * * * 
* * * Q 
* Q * * 


<lang Eiffel> class QUEENS

create make

feature {NONE} counter: INTEGER

place_queens(board: ARRAY[INTEGER]; level: INTEGER) local i, j: INTEGER safe: BOOLEAN do if level > board.count then counter := counter + 1 else from i := 1 until i > board.count loop safe := True from j := 1 until j = level or not safe loop if (board[j] = i) or (j - level = i - board[j]) or (j - level = board[j] - i) then safe := False end j := j + 1 end if safe then board[level] := i place_queens(board, level + 1) end i := i + 1 end end end

feature possible_positions_of_n_queens(n: INTEGER): INTEGER local board: ARRAY[INTEGER] do create board.make_filled (0, 1, n) counter := 0 place_queens(board, 1) Result := counter end

make local n: INTEGER do io.put_string ("Please enter the number of queens: ") io.read_integer n := io.last_integer print("%NPossible number of placings: " + possible_positions_of_n_queens(n).out + "%N") end end </lang>

Please enter the number of queens: 1
Possible number of placings: 1

Please enter the number of queens: 2
Possible number of placings: 0

Please enter the number of queens: 3
Possible number of placings: 0

Please enter the number of queens: 4
Possible number of placings: 2

Please enter the number of queens: 5
Possible number of placings: 10

Please enter the number of queens: 6
Possible number of placings: 4

Please enter the number of queens: 7
Possible number of placings: 40

Please enter the number of queens: 8
Possible number of placings: 92

Please enter the number of queens: 9
Possible number of placings: 352

Please enter the number of queens: 10
Possible number of placings: 724


Translation of: Ruby

<lang elixir>defmodule RC do

 def queen(n) do
   add = Tuple.duplicate(true, 2*n-1)
   sub = Tuple.duplicate(true, 2*n-1)
   solve(n, [], add, sub)
 def solve(n, row, _, _) when n <= length(row) do
 def solve(n, row, add, sub) do
   Enum.map(Enum.to_list(0..n-1) -- row, fn x ->
     iadd = x + (len = length(row))
     isub = if (y = x-len) < 0, do: y + 2*n - 1, else: y
     if elem(add, iadd) and elem(sub, isub) do
       solve(n, [x|row], put_elem(add,iadd,false), put_elem(sub,isub,false))
   end) |> Enum.sum
 def print(n, row) do
   IO.puts frame = "+-" <> String.duplicate("--", n) <> "+"
   Enum.each(row, fn x ->
     line = Enum.map_join(0..n-1, fn i -> if x==i, do: "Q ", else: ". " end)
     IO.puts "| #{line}|"
   IO.puts frame


Enum.each(1..6, fn n ->

 IO.puts " #{n} Queen : #{RC.queen(n)}"


| Q |
 1 Queen : 1
 2 Queen : 0
 3 Queen : 0
| . . Q . |
| Q . . . |
| . . . Q |
| . Q . . |
| . Q . . |
| . . . Q |
| Q . . . |
| . . Q . |
 4 Queen : 2
| . . . Q . |
| . Q . . . |
| . . . . Q |
| . . Q . . |
| Q . . . . |
| . . Q . . |
| . . . . Q |
| . Q . . . |
| . . . Q . |
| Q . . . . |
| . . . . Q |
| . . Q . . |
| Q . . . . |
| . . . Q . |
| . Q . . . |
| . . . Q . |
| Q . . . . |
| . . Q . . |
| . . . . Q |
| . Q . . . |
| . . . . Q |
| . Q . . . |
| . . . Q . |
| Q . . . . |
| . . Q . . |
| Q . . . . |
| . . . Q . |
| . Q . . . |
| . . . . Q |
| . . Q . . |
| . Q . . . |
| . . . . Q |
| . . Q . . |
| Q . . . . |
| . . . Q . |
| Q . . . . |
| . . Q . . |
| . . . . Q |
| . Q . . . |
| . . . Q . |
| . . Q . . |
| Q . . . . |
| . . . Q . |
| . Q . . . |
| . . . . Q |
| . Q . . . |
| . . . Q . |
| Q . . . . |
| . . Q . . |
| . . . . Q |
 5 Queen : 10
| . . . . Q . |
| . . Q . . . |
| Q . . . . . |
| . . . . . Q |
| . . . Q . . |
| . Q . . . . |
| . . . Q . . |
| Q . . . . . |
| . . . . Q . |
| . Q . . . . |
| . . . . . Q |
| . . Q . . . |
| . . Q . . . |
| . . . . . Q |
| . Q . . . . |
| . . . . Q . |
| Q . . . . . |
| . . . Q . . |
| . Q . . . . |
| . . . Q . . |
| . . . . . Q |
| Q . . . . . |
| . . Q . . . |
| . . . . Q . |
 6 Queen : 4


Instead of spawning a new process to search for each possible solution I backtrack. <lang Erlang> -module( n_queens ).

-export( [display/1, solve/1, task/0] ).

display( Board ) -> %% Queens are in the positions in the Board list. %% Top left corner is {1, 1}, Bottom right is {N, N}. There is a queen in the max column. N = lists:max( [X || {X, _Y} <- Board] ), [display_row(Y, N, Board) || Y <- lists:seq(1, N)].

solve( N ) ->

   Positions = [{X, Y} || X <- lists:seq(1, N), Y <- lists:seq(1, N)],
   bt( N, Positions, [] )
   _:{ok, Board} -> Board

task() ->

   task( 4 ),
   task( 8 ).

bt( N, Positions, Board ) -> bt_reject( is_not_allowed_queen_placement(N, Board), N, Positions, Board ).

bt_accept( true, _N, _Positions, Board ) -> erlang:throw( {ok, Board} ); bt_accept( false, N, Positions, Board ) -> bt_loop( N, Positions, [], Board ).

bt_loop( _N, [], _Rejects, _Board ) -> failed; bt_loop( N, [Position | T], Rejects, Board ) -> bt( N, T ++ Rejects, [Position | Board] ), bt_loop( N, T, [Position | Rejects], Board ).

bt_reject( true, _N, _Positions, _Board ) -> backtrack; bt_reject( false, N, Positions, Board ) -> bt_accept( is_all_queens(N, Board), N, Positions, Board ).

diagonals( N, {X, Y} ) -> D1 = diagonals( N, X + 1, fun diagonals_add1/1, Y + 1, fun diagonals_add1/1 ), D2 = diagonals( N, X + 1, fun diagonals_add1/1, Y - 1, fun diagonals_subtract1/1 ), D3 = diagonals( N, X - 1, fun diagonals_subtract1/1, Y + 1, fun diagonals_add1/1 ), D4 = diagonals( N, X - 1, fun diagonals_subtract1/1, Y - 1, fun diagonals_subtract1/1 ), D1 ++ D2 ++ D3 ++ D4.

diagonals( _N, 0, _Change_x, _Y, _Change_y ) -> []; diagonals( _N, _X, _Change_x, 0, _Change_y ) -> []; diagonals( N, X, _Change_x, _Y, _Change_y ) when X > N -> []; diagonals( N, _X, _Change_x, Y, _Change_y ) when Y > N -> []; diagonals( N, X, Change_x, Y, Change_y ) -> [{X, Y} | diagonals( N, Change_x(X), Change_x, Change_y(Y), Change_y )].

diagonals_add1( N ) -> N + 1.

diagonals_subtract1( N ) -> N - 1.

display_row( Row, N, Board ) -> [io:fwrite("~s", [display_queen(X, Row, Board)]) || X <- lists:seq(1, N)], io:nl().

display_queen( X, Y, Board ) -> display_queen( lists:member({X, Y}, Board) ). display_queen( true ) -> " Q"; display_queen( false ) -> " .".

is_all_queens( N, Board ) -> N =:= erlang:length( Board ).

is_diagonal( _N, [] ) -> false; is_diagonal( N, [Position | T] ) -> Diagonals = diagonals( N, Position ), T =/= (T -- Diagonals) orelse is_diagonal( N, T ).

is_not_allowed_queen_placement( N, Board ) -> Pieces = erlang:length( Board ), {Xs, Ys} = lists:unzip( Board ), Pieces =/= erlang:length( lists:usort(Xs) ) orelse Pieces =/= erlang:length( lists:usort(Ys) ) orelse is_diagonal( N, Board ).

task( N ) ->

   io:fwrite( "N = ~p. One solution.~n", [N] ),
   Board = solve( N ),
   display( Board ).


22> n_queens:task().
N = 4. One solution.
 . . Q .
 Q . . .
 . . . Q
 . Q . .
N = 8. One solution.
 Q . . . . . . .
 . . . . . . Q .
 . . . . Q . . .
 . . . . . . . Q
 . Q . . . . . .
 . . . Q . . . .
 . . . . . Q . .
 . . Q . . . . .


<lang> !------------------------------------------------ ! QUEENS.R : solve queens problem on a NxN board !------------------------------------------------


DIM COL%[15]


 PRINT("Board dimension ";)
     PRINT("Illegal dimension!!")
     END FOR
         END WHILE
             END WHILE
         END IF
             END WHILE
         END IF
         END IF
       END WHILE
           IF CURCOLNBR%=N%
               FOR I%=1 TO N%
               END FOR
           END IF
       END IF
     PRINT("Search completed")
     UNTIL CH$<>""

END PROGRAM </lang> Note: The program prints solutions one per line. This version works well for the PC and the C-64. For PC only you can omit the % integer-type specificator with a !$INTEGER pragma directive.


<lang factor>USING: kernel sequences math math.combinatorics formatting io locals ; IN: queens

/= ( x y -- ? ) = not ; inline
safe? ( board q -- ? )
   [let  q board nth :> x
     q iota [
        x swap
        [ board nth ] keep
        q swap -
          [ + /= ]
          [ - /= ] 3bi and
     ] all?
   ] ;
solution? ( board -- ? )
   dup length iota [ dupd safe? ] all? nip ;
queens ( n -- l )
   iota all-permutations [ solution? ] filter ;
.queens ( n -- )
     [ 1 + "%d " printf ] each nl
   ] each ;</lang>


<lang forth>variable solutions variable nodes

bits ( n -- mask ) 1 swap lshift 1- ;
lowBit ( mask -- bit ) dup negate and ;
lowBit- ( mask -- bits ) dup 1- and ;
next3 ( dl dr f files -- dl dr f dl' dr' f' )
 invert >r
 2 pick r@ and 2* 1+
 2 pick r@ and 2/
 2 pick r> and ;
try ( dl dr f -- )
 dup if
   1 nodes +!
   dup 2over and and
   begin ?dup while
     dup >r lowBit next3 recurse r> lowBit-
 else 1 solutions +! then
 drop 2drop ;
queens ( n -- )
 0 solutions ! 0 nodes !
 -1 -1 rot bits try
 solutions @ . ." solutions, " nodes @ . ." nodes" ;

8 queens \ 92 solutions, 1965 nodes</lang>


Works with: Fortran version 95 and later

Using a back tracking method to find one solution <lang fortran>program Nqueens

 implicit none
 integer, parameter :: n = 8  ! size of board
 integer :: file = 1, rank = 1, queens = 0
 integer :: i
 logical :: board(n,n) = .false.
 do while (queens < n)
   board(file, rank) = .true.
   if(is_safe(board, file, rank)) then
     queens = queens + 1
     file = 1
     rank = rank + 1
     board(file, rank) = .false.
     file = file + 1
     do while(file > n)
        rank = rank - 1
        if (rank < 1) then
          write(*, "(a,i0)") "No solution for n = ", n
        end if  
        do i = 1, n
          if (board(i, rank)) then
            file = i
            board(file, rank) = .false.
            queens = queens - 1
            file = i + 1
          end if
        end do
      end do
   end if
 end do
 call Printboard(board)


function is_safe(board, file, rank)

 logical :: is_safe
 logical, intent(in) :: board(:,:)
 integer, intent(in) :: file, rank
 integer :: i, f, r
 is_safe = .true.
 do i = rank-1, 1, -1
   if(board(file, i)) then
     is_safe = .false.
   end if
 end do
 f = file - 1
 r = rank - 1
 do while(f > 0 .and. r > 0)
   if(board(f, r)) then
     is_safe = .false.
   end if
   f = f - 1
   r = r - 1
 end do
 f = file + 1
 r = rank - 1
 do while(f <= n .and. r > 0)
   if(board(f, r)) then
     is_safe = .false.
   end if
   f = f + 1
   r = r - 1
 end do

end function

subroutine Printboard(board)

 logical, intent(in) :: board(:,:)
 character(n*4+1) :: line
 integer :: f, r
 write(*, "(a, i0)") "n = ", n
 line = repeat("+---", n) // "+"
 do r = 1, n
   write(*, "(a)") line
   do f = 1, n
     write(*, "(a)", advance="no") "|"
     if(board(f, r)) then
       write(*, "(a)", advance="no") " Q "
     else if(mod(f+r, 2) == 0) then
       write(*, "(a)", advance="no") "   "
       write(*, "(a)", advance="no") "###"
     end if
   end do
   write(*, "(a)") "|"
 end do
 write(*, "(a)") line

end subroutine end program</lang>


for 8, 16 and 32 queens

n = 8
| Q |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|
|###|   |###|   | Q |   |###|   |
|   |###|   |###|   |###|   | Q |
|###|   |###|   |###| Q |###|   |
|   |###| Q |###|   |###|   |###|
|###|   |###|   |###|   | Q |   |
|   | Q |   |###|   |###|   |###|
|###|   |###| Q |###|   |###|   |

n = 16
| Q |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|
|###|   | Q |   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |
|   |###|   |###| Q |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|
|###| Q |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |
|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###| Q |###|   |###|
|###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   | Q |   |###|   |###|   |###|   |
|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   | Q |   |###|
|###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###| Q |###|   |###|   |
|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###| Q |###|
|###|   |###|   |###| Q |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |
|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   | Q |
|###|   |###|   |###|   | Q |   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |
|   |###|   | Q |   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|
|###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   | Q |   |###|   |###|   |
|   |###|   |###|   |###|   | Q |   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|
|###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###| Q |###|   |###|   |###|   |

n = 32
| Q |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|
|###|   | Q |   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |
|   |###|   |###| Q |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|
|###| Q |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |
|   |###|   | Q |   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|
|###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   | Q |   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |
|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###| Q |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|
|###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   | Q |   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |
|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###| Q |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|
|###|   |###|   |###| Q |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |
|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   | Q |   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|
|###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###| Q |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |
|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   | Q |   |###|   |###|   |###|
|###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###| Q |###|   |
|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###| Q |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|
|###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   | Q |   |
|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   | Q |   |###|   |###|
|###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###| Q |
|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###| Q |###|   |###|   |###|
|###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   | Q |   |###|   |
|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   | Q |   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|
|###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   | Q |   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |
|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   | Q |   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|
|###|   |###|   |###|   |###| Q |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |
|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###| Q |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|
|###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###| Q |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |
|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###| Q |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|
|###|   |###|   |###|   | Q |   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |
|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   | Q |   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|
|###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   | Q |   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |
|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   | Q |   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|
|###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###| Q |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |###|   |

Alternate Fortran 77 solution

<lang fortran>C This one implements depth-first backtracking. C See the 2nd program for Scheme on the "Permutations" page for the C main idea. C As is, the program only prints the number of n-queens configurations. C To print also the configurations, uncomment the line after label 80.

     program queens
     implicit integer(a-z)
     dimension a(l),s(l),u(4*l-2)
     do 10 i=1,l
  10 a(i)=i
     do 20 i=1,4*l-2
  20 u(i)=0
     do 110 n=1,l
     go to 40
  30 s(i)=j
  40 if(i.gt.n) go to 80
  50 z=a(i)
     if((u(p).eq.0).and.(u(q+r).eq.0)) goto 30
  60 j=j+1
     if(j.le.n) go to 50
  70 j=j-1
     if(j.eq.i) go to 90
     go to 70
  80 m=m+1

C print *,(a(k),k=1,n)

  90 i=i-1
     if(i.eq.0) go to 100
     go to 60
 100 print *,n,m
 110 continue

C Output C 1 1 C 2 0 C 3 0 C 4 2 C 5 10 C 6 4 C 7 40 C 8 92 C 9 352 C 10 724 C 11 2680 C 12 14200 C 13 73712 C 14 365596 C 15 2279184 C 16 14772512 C 17 95815104 C 18 666090624 </lang>

<lang fortran>!The preceding program implements recursion using arrays, since Fortran 77 does not allow recursive !functions. The same algorithm is much easier to follow in Fortran 90, using the RECURSIVE keyword. !Like previously, the program only counts solutions. It's pretty straightforward to adapt it to print !them too: one has to replace the 'm = m + 1' instruction with a PRINT statement.

function numq(n)

   implicit none
   integer :: i, n, m, a(n), numq
   logical :: up(2*n - 1), down(2*n - 1)
   do i = 1, n
       a(i) = i
   end do
   up = .true.
   down = .true.
   m = 0
   call sub(1)
   numq = m


   recursive subroutine sub(i)
       integer :: i, j, k, p, q, s
       do k = i, n
           j = a(k)
           p = i + j - 1
           q = i - j + n
           if(up(p) .and. down(q)) then
               if(i == n) then
                   m = m + 1
                   up(p) = .false.
                   down(q) = .false.
                   s = a(i)
                   a(i) = a(k)
                   a(k) = s
                   call sub(i + 1)
                   up(p) = .true.
                   down(q) = .true.
                   s = a(i)
                   a(i) = a(k)
                   a(k) = s
               end if
           end if
       end do
   end subroutine

end function

program queens

   implicit none
   integer :: numq, n, m
   do n = 4, 16
       m = numq(n)
       print *, n, m
   end do

end program</lang>

Alternate Fortran 95 solution with OpenMP

This code is useful mainly for counting solutions. Here we use the same algorithm as with Fortran 77, with an optimization: because of symmetry of the chess board, computations are divided by two. The remaining is parallelized with OpenMP. The loop is done on the valid combinations of queens in the first two columns. The original algorithm is slightly changed to start backtracking from column three.

If using GCC, compile with gfortran -O2 -fopenmp queens.f90. With Absoft Pro Fortran, af90 -O2 -openmp queens.f90, and with Intel Fortran, ifort /fast /openmp queens.f90.

With some versions of GCC the function OMP_GET_WTIME is not known, which seems to be a bug. Then it's enough to comment out the two calls, and the program won't display timings.

<lang fortran>program queens

   use omp_lib
   implicit none
   integer, parameter :: long = selected_int_kind(17)
   integer, parameter :: l = 18
   integer :: n, i, j, a(l*l, 2), k, p, q
   integer(long) :: s, b(l*l)
   real(kind(1d0)) :: t1, t2
   do n = 6, l
       k = 0
       p = n/2
       q = mod(n, 2)*(p + 1)
       do i = 1, n
           do j = 1, n
               if ((abs(i - j) > 1) .and. ((i <= p) .or. ((i == q) .and. (j < i)))) then
                   k = k + 1
                   a(k, 1) = i
                   a(k, 2) = j
               end if
           end do
       end do
       s = 0
       t1 = omp_get_wtime()
       !$omp parallel do schedule(dynamic)
       do i = 1, k
           b(i) = pqueens(n, a(i, 1), a(i, 2))
       end do
       !$omp end parallel do
       t2 = omp_get_wtime()
       print "(I4, I12, F12.3)", n, 2*sum(b(1:k)), t2 - t1
   end do


   function pqueens(n, k1, k2) result(m)
       implicit none
       integer(long) :: m
       integer, intent(in) :: n, k1, k2
       integer, parameter :: l = 20
       integer :: a(l), s(l), u(4*l - 2)
       integer :: i, j, y, z, p, q, r
       do i = 1, n
           a(i) = i
       end do
       do i = 1, 4*n - 2
           u(i) = 0
       end do
       m = 0
       r = 2*n - 1
       if (k1 == k2) return
       p = 1 - k1 + n
       q = 1 + k1 - 1
       if ((u(p) /= 0) .or. (u(q + r) /= 0)) return
       u(p) = 1
       u(q + r) = 1
       z = a(1)
       a(1) = a(k1)
       a(k1) = z
       p = 2 - k2 + n
       q = 2 + k2 - 1
       if ((u(p) /= 0) .or. (u(q + r) /= 0)) return
       u(p) = 1
       u(q + r) = 1
       if (k2 /= 1) then
           z = a(2)
           a(2) = a(k2)
           a(k2) = z
           z = a(2)
           a(2) = a(k1)
           a(k1) = z
       end if
       i = 3
       go to 40
    30 s(i) = j
       u(p) = 1
       u(q + r) = 1
       i = i + 1
    40 if (i > n) go to 80

       j = i
    50 z = a(i)
       y = a(j)
       p = i - y + n
       q = i + y - 1
       a(i) = y
       a(j) = z
       if ((u(p) == 0) .and. (u(q + r) == 0)) go to 30
    60 j = j + 1
       if (j <= n) go to 50
    70 j = j - 1
       if (j == i) go to 90
       z = a(i)
       a(i) = a(j)
       a(j) = z
       go to 70
       !valid queens position found
    80 m = m + 1
    90 i = i - 1
       if (i == 2) return
       p = i - a(i) + n
       q = i + a(i) - 1
       j = s(i)
       u(p) = 0
       u(q + r) = 0
       go to 60
   end function

end program</lang>


Translation of Fortran 77. See also alternate Python implementation. One function to return the number of solutions, another to return the list of permutations.

<lang gap>NrQueens := function(n)

   local a, up, down, m, sub;
   a := [1 .. n];
   up := ListWithIdenticalEntries(2*n - 1, true);
   down := ListWithIdenticalEntries(2*n - 1, true);
   m := 0;
   sub := function(i)
       local j, k, p, q;
       for k in [i .. n] do
           j := a[k];
           p := i + j - 1;
           q := i - j + n;
           if up[p] and down[q] then
               if i = n then
                   m := m + 1;
                   up[p] := false;
                   down[q] := false;
                   a[k] := a[i];
                   a[i] := j;
                   sub(i + 1);
                   up[p] := true;
                   down[q] := true;
                   a[i] := a[k];
                   a[k] := j;
   return m;


Queens := function(n)

   local a, up, down, v, sub;
   a := [1 .. n];
   up := ListWithIdenticalEntries(2*n - 1, true);
   down := ListWithIdenticalEntries(2*n - 1, true);
   v := [];
   sub := function(i)
       local j, k, p, q;
       for k in [i .. n] do
           j := a[k];
           p := i + j - 1;
           q := i - j + n;
           if up[p] and down[q] then
               if i = n then
                   Add(v, ShallowCopy(a));
                   up[p] := false;
                   down[q] := false;
                   a[k] := a[i];
                   a[i] := j;
                   sub(i + 1);
                   up[p] := true;
                   down[q] := true;
                   a[i] := a[k];
                   a[k] := j;
   return v;


NrQueens(8); a := Queens(8);; PrintArray(PermutationMat(PermList(a[1]), 8));

[ [ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],

 [  0,  0,  0,  0,  1,  0,  0,  0 ],
 [  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  1 ],
 [  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  1,  0,  0 ],
 [  0,  0,  1,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0 ],
 [  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  1,  0 ],
 [  0,  1,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0 ],
 [  0,  0,  0,  1,  0,  0,  0,  0 ] ]</lang>


<lang go>// A fairly literal translation of the example program on the referenced // WP page. Well, it happened to be the example program the day I completed // the task. It seems from the WP history that there has been some churn // in the posted example program. The example program of the day was in // Pascal and was credited to Niklaus Wirth, from his "Algorithms + // Data Structures = Programs." package main

import "fmt"

var (

   i int
   q bool
   a [9]bool
   b [17]bool
   c [15]bool // offset by 7 relative to the Pascal version
   x [9]int


func try(i int) {

   for j := 1; ; j++ {
       q = false
       if a[j] && b[i+j] && c[i-j+7] {
           x[i] = j
           a[j] = false
           b[i+j] = false
           c[i-j+7] = false
           if i < 8 {
               try(i + 1)
               if !q {
                   a[j] = true
                   b[i+j] = true
                   c[i-j+7] = true
           } else {
               q = true
       if q || j == 8 {


func main() {

   for i := 1; i <= 8; i++ {
       a[i] = true
   for i := 2; i <= 16; i++ {
       b[i] = true
   for i := 0; i <= 14; i++ {
       c[i] = true
   if q {
       for i := 1; i <= 8; i++ {
           fmt.Println(i, x[i])


1 1
2 5
3 8
4 6
5 3
6 7
7 2
8 4


Distinct Solutions

This solver starts with the N! distinct solutions to the N-Rooks problem and then keeps only the candidates in which all Queens are mutually diagonal-safe. <lang groovy>def listOrder = { a, b ->

   def k = [a.size(), b.size()].min()
   def i = (0..<k).find { a[it] != b[it] }
   (i != null) ? a[i] <=> b[i] : a.size() <=> b.size()


def orderedPermutations = { list ->

   def n = list.size()


def diagonalSafe = { list ->

   def n = list.size()
   n == 1 || (0..<(n-1)).every{ i ->
       ((i+1)..<n).every{ j ->
           !([list[i]+j-i, list[i]+i-j].contains(list[j]))


def queensDistinctSolutions = { n ->

   // each permutation is an N-Rooks solution
   orderedPermutations((0..<n)).findAll (diagonalSafe)


Unique Solutions

Unique solutions are equivalence classes of distinct solutions, factoring out all reflections and rotations of a given solution. See the Wikipedia page for more details. <lang groovy>class Reflect {

   public static final diag = { list ->
       final n = list.size()
       def tList = [0] * n
       (0..<n).each { tList[list[it]] = it }
   public static final vert = { list ->
   public static final horiz = { list ->
       final n = list.size()
       list.collect { n - it - 1 }


enum Rotations {

   r90([Reflect.vert, Reflect.diag]),
   r180([Reflect.vert, Reflect.diag, Reflect.vert, Reflect.diag]),
   r270([Reflect.diag, Reflect.vert]);
   private final List operations
   private Rotations(List ops) {
       operations = ops ?: []
   public static void eliminateDups(primary, solutions) {
       (r0..r270).each { rot -> rot.eliminateDuplicates(primary, solutions) }
   private void eliminateDuplicates(primary, solutions) {
       def rotated = [] + primary
       operations.each { rotated = it(rotated) }
       solutions.removeAll([rotated, Reflect.vert(rotated)])


def queensUniqueSolutions = { start ->

   assert start instanceof Number || start instanceof List
   def qus = (start instanceof Number) \
               ? queensDistinctSolutions(start) \
               : [] + start
   for (def i = 0; i < qus.size()-1; i++) {
       Rotations.eliminateDups(qus[i], qus[(i+1)..<(qus.size())])


Test and Results

This script tests both distinct and unique solution lists. <lang groovy>(1..9).each { n ->

   def qds = queensDistinctSolutions(n)
   def qus = queensUniqueSolutions(qds)
   println ([boardSize:n, "number of distinct solutions":qds.size(), "number of unique solutions":qus.size()])
   if(n < 9) { qus.each { println it } }
   else { println "first:${qus[0]}"; println "last:${qus[-1]}" }


Interpreting the Results:

Each individual result is given as a list of N numbers. Each number represents a column number within the list-indexed row. So, the following 4-queens solution:

[1, 3, 0, 2]

should be interpreted as follows:

row 0 has a queen in column 1
row 1 has a queen in column 3
row 2 has a queen in column 0
row 3 has a queen in column 2

In other words, this:

|///| Q |///|   |
 --- --- --- --- 
|   |///|   |/Q/|
 --- --- --- --- 
|/Q/|   |///|   |
 --- --- --- --- 
|   |///| Q |///|


[boardSize:1, number of distinct solutions:1, number of unique solutions:1]

[boardSize:2, number of distinct solutions:0, number of unique solutions:0]

[boardSize:3, number of distinct solutions:0, number of unique solutions:0]

[boardSize:4, number of distinct solutions:2, number of unique solutions:1]
[1, 3, 0, 2]

[boardSize:5, number of distinct solutions:10, number of unique solutions:2]
[0, 2, 4, 1, 3]
[1, 4, 2, 0, 3]

[boardSize:6, number of distinct solutions:4, number of unique solutions:1]
[1, 3, 5, 0, 2, 4]

[boardSize:7, number of distinct solutions:40, number of unique solutions:6]
[0, 2, 4, 6, 1, 3, 5]
[0, 3, 6, 2, 5, 1, 4]
[1, 3, 0, 6, 4, 2, 5]
[1, 4, 0, 3, 6, 2, 5]
[1, 4, 6, 3, 0, 2, 5]
[1, 5, 2, 6, 3, 0, 4]

[boardSize:8, number of distinct solutions:92, number of unique solutions:12]
[0, 4, 7, 5, 2, 6, 1, 3]
[0, 5, 7, 2, 6, 3, 1, 4]
[1, 3, 5, 7, 2, 0, 6, 4]
[1, 4, 6, 0, 2, 7, 5, 3]
[1, 4, 6, 3, 0, 7, 5, 2]
[1, 5, 0, 6, 3, 7, 2, 4]
[1, 5, 7, 2, 0, 3, 6, 4]
[1, 6, 2, 5, 7, 4, 0, 3]
[1, 6, 4, 7, 0, 3, 5, 2]
[2, 4, 1, 7, 0, 6, 3, 5]
[2, 4, 7, 3, 0, 6, 1, 5]
[2, 5, 1, 4, 7, 0, 6, 3]

[boardSize:9, number of distinct solutions:352, number of unique solutions:46]
first:[0, 2, 5, 7, 1, 3, 8, 6, 4]
last:[3, 1, 6, 8, 0, 7, 4, 2, 5]


<lang haskell>import Control.Monad import Data.List

-- given n, "queens n" solves the n-queens problem, returning a list of all the -- safe arrangements. each solution is a list of the columns where the queens are -- located for each row queens :: Int -> Int queens n = map fst $ foldM oneMoreQueen ([],[1..n]) [1..n] where

 -- foldM :: (Monad m) => (a -> b -> m a) -> a -> [b] -> m a
 -- foldM folds (from left to right) in the list monad, which is convenient for 
 -- "nondeterminstically" finding "all possible solutions" of something. the 
 -- initial value [] corresponds to the only safe arrangement of queens in 0 rows
 -- given a safe arrangement y of queens in the first i rows, and a list of 
 -- possible choices, "oneMoreQueen y _" returns a list of all the safe 
 -- arrangements of queens in the first (i+1) rows along with remaining choices 
 oneMoreQueen (y,d) _ = [(x:y, delete x d) | x <- d, safe x]  where
   -- "safe x" tests whether a queen at column x is safe from previous queens
   safe x = and [x /= c + n && x /= c - n | (n,c) <- zip [1..] y]

-- prints what the board looks like for a solution; with an extra newline printSolution y = do

    let n = length y
    mapM_ (\x -> putStrLn [if z == x then 'Q' else '.' | z <- [1..n]]) y
    putStrLn ""

-- prints all the solutions for 6 queens main = mapM_ printSolution $ queens 6</lang>

If you just want one solution, simply take the head of the result of queens n; since Haskell is lazy, it will only do as much work as needed to find one solution and stop.

Alternative version

<lang haskell>import Control.Monad (foldM) import Data.List ((\\))

main :: IO () main = mapM_ print $ queens 8

queens :: Int -> Int queens n = foldM f [] [1..n]

     f qs _ = [q:qs | q <- [1..n] \\ qs, q `notDiag` qs]
     q `notDiag` qs = and [abs (q - qi) /= i | (qi,i) <- qs `zip` [1..]]</lang>

Using permutations

This version uses permutations to generate unique horizontal and vertical position for each queen. Thus, we only need to check diagonals. However, it is less efficient than the previous version because it does not prune out prefixes that are found to be unsuitable. <lang haskell>import Data.List (nub, permutations)

-- checks if queens are on the same diagonal -- with [0..] we place each queen on her own row check f = length . nub . zipWith f [0..]

-- filters out results where 2 or more queens are on the same diagonal -- with [0..n-1] we place each queeen on her own column generate n = filter (\x -> check (+) x == n && check (-) x == n) $ permutations [0..n-1]

-- 8 is for "8 queens" main = print $ generate 8</lang>


<lang heron>module NQueens {

   inherits {
   fields {
       n : Int = 4;
       sols : List = new List();
   methods {
       PosToString(row : Int, col : Int) : String {
           return "row " + row.ToString() + ", col " + col.ToString();
       AddQueen(b : Board, row : Int, col : Int)
           if (!b.TryAddQueen(row, col))
           if (row < n - 1)
               foreach (i in 0..n-1)
                  AddQueen(new Board(b), row + 1, i);
       Main() {
           foreach (i in 0..n-1)
               AddQueen(new Board(), 0, i);
           foreach (b in sols) {
           WriteLine("Found " + sols.Count().ToString() + " solutions");


class Board {

   fields {
       rows = new List();
   methods {
       Constructor() {
           foreach (r in 0..n-1) {
               var col = new List();
               foreach (c in 0..n-1)
       Constructor(b : Board) {
           foreach (r in 0..n-1)
               foreach (c in 0..n-1)
                   SetSpaceOccupied(r, c, b.SpaceOccupied(r, c));
       SpaceOccupied(row : Int, col : Int) : Bool {
           return rows[row][col];
       SetSpaceOccupied(row : Int, col : Int, b : Bool)  {
           rows[row][col] = b;
       ValidPos(row : Int, col : Int) : Bool {
           return ((row >= 0) && (row < n)) && ((col >= 0) && (col < n)); 
       VectorOccupied(row : Int, col : Int, rowDir : Int, colDir : Int) : Bool {
           var nextRow = row + rowDir;
           var nextCol = col + colDir;
           if (!ValidPos(nextRow, nextCol)) 
               return false;
           if (SpaceOccupied(nextRow, nextCol)) 
               return true;
           return VectorOccupied(nextRow, nextCol, rowDir, colDir);
       TryAddQueen(row : Int, col : Int) : Bool {
           foreach (rowDir in -1..1)
               foreach (colDir in -1..1)
                   if (rowDir != 0 || colDir != 0)
                       if (VectorOccupied(row, col, rowDir, colDir))
                           return false;
           SetSpaceOccupied(row, col, true);
           return true;
       Output() {
           foreach (row in 0..n-1) {
               foreach (col in 0..n-1) {
                   if (SpaceOccupied(row, col)) {
                   else {


Icon and Unicon

Here's a solution to the n = 8 case: <lang icon>procedure main()

   write(q(1), " ", q(2), " ", q(3), " ", q(4), " ", q(5), " ", q(6), " ", q(7), " ", q(8))


procedure q(c)

   static udiag, ddiag, row
   initial {
       udiag := list(15, 0)
       ddiag := list(15, 0)
       row := list(8, 0)
   every 0 = row[r := 1 to 8] = ddiag[r + c - 1] = udiag[8 + r - c] do   # test if free
       suspend row[r] <- ddiag[r + c - 1] <- udiag[8 + r - c] <- r       # place and yield



  • Solution assumes attempting to place 8 queens on a standard chessboard, and is a simplification of a program in the The Icon Programming Library (IPL) which is in the public domain.
  • There are 15 left-side-down-diagonals and 15 left-side-up-diagonals represented in the lists. An unfilled row or diagonal has value 0, otherwise the row number is stored to indicate placement.
  • The numeric equality operator =, like all the comparators in Icon, yields the right argument as its solution, or fails. The chain of 0 = A = B = C therefore tests each of A B and C for equality with 0; these semantics read very naturally.
  • every drives the chain of = tests to yield every possible result; the iterable component is the generator 1 to 8 which is progressively stored into r and will be backtracked if any of the equality tests fail. If all the placements are zero, the chain of equalities suceeds, and the suspend is invoked for that iteration.
  • <- is the "reversible assignment" operator. It restores the original value and fails if it is resumed by backtracking. The suspend will use it to temporarily consume the placements and then it will yield the value of the chosen row r.
  • procedure q() attempts to place the c-th column queen into row 1 to 8 in turn, suspending only if that queen can be placed at [c,r]
  • As the calls to q() are evaluated in main, each one will suspend a possible row, thereby allowing the next q(n) in main to be evaluated. If any of the q() fails to yield a row for the nth queen (or runs out of solutions) the previous, suspended calls to q() are backtracked progressively. If the final q(8) yields a row, the write() will be called with the row positions of each queen. Note that even the final q(8) will be suspended along with the other 7 calls to q(). Unless the write() is driven to produce more solutions (see next point) the suspended procedures will be closed at the "end of statement" ie after the write has "succeeded".
  • If you want to derive all possible solutions, main() can be embellished with the every keyword:

<lang icon> procedure main()

   every write(q(1), " ", q(2), " ", q(3), " ", q(4), " ", q(5), " ", q(6), " ", q(7), " ", q(8))

end </lang> This drives the backtracking to find more solutions.

The following is a general N-queens solution, adapted from a solution placed into the public domain by Peter A. Bigot in 1990. The program produces a solution for a specified value of N. The comment explains how to modify the program to produce all solutions for a given N. <lang icon>global n, rw, dd, ud

procedure main(args)

   n := integer(args[1]) | 8
   rw := list(n)
   dd := list(2*n-1)
   ud := list(2*n-1)


procedure solvequeen(c)

   if (c > n) then return show()
   else suspend placequeen(c) & solvequeen(c+1)


procedure placequeen(c)

   suspend (/rw[r := 1 to n] <- /dd[r+c-1] <- /ud[n+r-c] <- c)


procedure show()

   static count, line, border
   initial {
       count := 0
       line := repl("|   ",n) || "|"
       border := repl("----",n) || "-"
   write("solution: ", count+:=1)
   write("  ", border)
   every line[4*(!rw - 1) + 3] <- "Q" do {
       write("  ", line)
       write("  ", border)
   return      # Comment out to see all possible solutions


A sample run for N = 6:

->nq 6
solution: 1
  |   |   |   | Q |   |   |
  | Q |   |   |   |   |   |
  |   |   |   |   | Q |   |
  |   | Q |   |   |   |   |
  |   |   |   |   |   | Q |
  |   |   | Q |   |   |   |


Two solutions are in the IPL queens and genqueen.


This is one of several J solutions shown and explained on this J wiki page

<lang j>perm =: ! A.&i. ] NB. all permutations of integers 0 to y comb2 =: (, #: I.@,@(</)&i.)~ NB. all size 2 combinations of integers 0 to y mask =: [ */@:~:&(|@-/) { queenst=: comb2 (] #"1~ mask)&.|: perm</lang>

Note that the Roger Hui's approach (used here) matches the description attributed to Raymond Hettinger (in the Python implementation). (Both were posted years ago: 2008 for Hui's version which was used here, and 2009 for Hettinger's.)

Example use:

<lang j> $queenst 8 92 8</lang>

92 distinct solutions for an 8 by 8 board.

<lang j> {.queenst 8 0 4 7 5 2 6 1 3</lang>

One of the solutions. Position indicates row number, the integer indicates column number (0..7) for each queen -- though of course you could just as validly think of that the other way around.


<lang java>public class NQueens {

 private static int[] b = new int[8];
 private static int s = 0;
 static boolean unsafe(int y) {
   int x = b[y];
   for (int i = 1; i <= y; i++) {
     int t = b[y - i];
     if (t == x ||
         t == x - i ||
         t == x + i) {
       return true;
   return false;
 public static void putboard() {
   System.out.println("\n\nSolution " + (++s));
   for (int y = 0; y < 8; y++) {
     for (int x = 0; x < 8; x++) {
       System.out.print((b[y] == x) ? "|Q" : "|_");
 public static void main(String[] args) {
   int y = 0;
   b[0] = -1;
   while (y >= 0) {
     do {
     } while ((b[y] < 8) && unsafe(y));
     if (b[y] < 8) {
       if (y < 7) {
         b[++y] = -1;
       } else {
     } else {



Algorithm uses recursive Backtracking. Checks for correct position on subfields, whichs saves a lot position checks. Needs 15.720 position checks for a 8x8 field. <lang javascript> function queenPuzzle(rows, columns) {

   if (rows <= 0) {
       return [[]];
   } else {
       return addQueen(rows - 1, columns);


function addQueen(newRow, columns, prevSolution) {

   var newSolutions = [];
   var prev = queenPuzzle(newRow, columns);
   for (var i = 0; i < prev.length; i++) {
       var solution = prev[i];
       for (var newColumn = 0; newColumn < columns; newColumn++) {
           if (!hasConflict(newRow, newColumn, solution))
   return newSolutions;


function hasConflict(newRow, newColumn, solution) {

   for (var i = 0; i < newRow; i++) {
       if (solution[i]     == newColumn          ||
           solution[i] + i == newColumn + newRow || 
           solution[i] - i == newColumn - newRow) {
               return true;
   return false;


console.log(queenPuzzle(8,8)); </lang>


Single Solution

Works with: jq version 1.4

This section presents a function for finding a single solution using the formulae for explicit solutions at Eight Queens Puzzle. <lang jq>def single_solution_queens(n):

 def q: "♛";
 def init(k): reduce range(0;k) as $i ([]; . + ["."]);
 def matrix(k): init(k) as $row | reduce range(0;k) as $i ([]; . + [$row]);
 def place(stream; i; j):
   # jq indexing is based on offsets but we are using the 1-based formulae:
   reduce stream as $s (.; setpath([-1+($s|i), -1+($s|j)]; q) );
 def even(k): 
   if ((k-2) % 6) != 0 then
        place( range(1; 1+(k/2));         .; 2*. )
      | place( range(1; 1+(k/2)); (k/2) + .; 2*. -1 )
   else place( range(1; 1+(k/2));         .; 1 + ((2*. + (k/2) - 3) % k))  
      | place( range(1; 1+(n/2)); n + 1 - .; n - ((2*. + (n/2) - 3) % n))  
 matrix(n)                          # the chess board
 | if (n % 2) == 0 then even(n)
   else even(n-1) | .[n-1][n-1] = q
  1. Example:

def pp: reduce .[] as $row

 ("";  reduce $row[] as $x (.; . + $x) + "\n");

single_solution_queens(8) | pp</lang>


$ jq -M -n -r -f n-queens-single-solution.jq <lang sh>...♛.... .....♛.. .......♛ .♛...... ......♛. ♛....... ..♛..... ....♛...</lang>

Generate-and-test counter

Works with: jq version 1.4

Part 1: Generic functions <lang jq># permutations of 0 .. (n-1) def permutations(n):

 # Given a single array, generate a stream by inserting n at different positions:
 def insert(m;n):
    if m >= 0 then (.[0:m] + [n] + .[m:]), insert(m-1;n) else empty end;
 if n==0 then []
 elif n == 1 then [1]
   permutations(n-1) | insert(n-1; n)

def count(g): reduce g as $i (0; .+1);</lang> Part 2: n-queens <lang jq>def queens(n):

 def sums:
 . as $board
 | [ range(0;length) | . + $board[.]]
 | unique | length;
 def differences:
 . as $board
 | [ range(0;length) | . - $board[.]]
 | unique | length;
 def allowable:
   length as $n
   | sums == $n and differences == $n;
 count( permutations(n) | select(allowable) );

</lang> Example: <lang jq>queens(8)</lang>


Liberty BASIC

Program uses permutation generator (stores all permutations) and solves tasks 4x4 to 9x9. It prints all the solutions. <lang lb> 'N queens '>10 would not work due to way permutations used 'anyway, 10 doesn't fit in memory Input "Input N for N queens puzzle (4..9) ";N if N<4 or N>9 then print "N out of range - quitting": end

ABC$= " " dash$ = "" for i = 0 to N-1

   ABC$=ABC$+" "+chr$(asc("a")+i)
   dash$ = dash$+"--"


dim q(N) t0=time$("ms")

fact = 1 for i = 1 to N

   fact = fact*i


dim anagram$(fact) global nPerms print "Filling permutations array" t0=time$("ms")

   res$=permutation$("", left$("0123456789", N))

t1=time$("ms") print "Created all possible permutations ";t1-t0

t0=time$("ms") 'actually fact = nPerms for k=1 to nPerms

   for i=0 to N-1
       'print q(i);
   fail = 0
   for i=0 to N-1
       for j=i+1 to N-1
           'check rows are different
           if q(i)=q(j) then fail = 1: exit for
           'check diagonals are different
           if i+q(i)=j+q(j) then fail = 1: exit for
           'check other diagonals are different
           if i-q(i)=j-q(j) then fail = 1: exit for
       if fail then exit for
   if not(fail) then
       print " ";dash$
           for i=0 to N-1
               print N-i; space$(2*q(i));" *"
       print " ";dash$
       print ABC$
   end if


t1=time$("ms") print "Time taken ";t1-t0 print "Number of solutions ";num

'---------------------------------- 'from 'http://babek.info/libertybasicfiles/lbnews/nl124/wordgames.htm 'Programming a Word Game by Janet Terra, 'The Liberty Basic Newsletter - Issue #124 - September 2004 Function permutation$(pre$, post$) 'Note the variable nPerms must first be stated as a global variable.

   lgth = Len(post$)
   If lgth < 2 Then
       nPerms = nPerms + 1
       anagram$(nPerms) = pre$;post$
       For i = 1 To lgth
       Next i
   End If

End Function


Locomotive Basic

Uses the heuristic from the Wikipedia article to get one solution.

<lang locobasic>10 mode 1:defint a-z 20 while n<4:input "How many queens (N>=4)";n:wend 30 dim q(n),e(n),o(n) 40 r=n mod 6 50 if r<>2 and r<>3 then gosub 320:goto 220 60 for i=1 to int(n/2) 70 e(i)=2*i 80 next 90 for i=1 to round(n/2) 100 o(i)=2*i-1 110 next 120 if r=2 then gosub 410 130 if r=3 then gosub 460 140 s=1 150 for i=1 to n 160 if e(i)>0 then q(s)=e(i):s=s+1 170 next 180 for i=1 to n 190 if o(i)>0 then q(s)=o(i):s=s+1 200 next 210 ' print board 220 cls 230 for i=1 to n 240 locate i,26-q(i):print chr$(238); 250 locate i,24-n :print chr$(96+i); 260 locate n+1,26-i :print i; 270 next 280 locate 1,1 290 call &bb06 300 end 310 ' the simple case 320 p=1 330 for i=1 to n 340 if i mod 2=0 then q(p)=i:p=p+1 350 next 360 for i=1 to n 370 if i mod 2 then q(p)=i:p=p+1 380 next 390 return 400 ' edit list when remainder is 2 410 for i=1 to n 420 if o(i)=3 then o(i)=1 else if o(i)=1 then o(i)=3 430 if o(i)=5 then o(i)=-1 else if o(i)=0 then o(i)=5:return 440 next 450 ' edit list when remainder is 3 460 for i=1 to n 470 if e(i)=2 then e(i)=-1 else if e(i)=0 then e(i)=2:goto 500 480 next 490 ' edit list some more 500 for i=1 to n 510 if o(i)=1 or o(i)=3 then o(i)=-1 else if o(i)=0 then o(i)=1:o(i+1)=3:return 520 next</lang>

<lang logo>to try :files :diag1 :diag2 :tried

 if :files = 0 [make "solutions :solutions+1  show :tried  stop]
 localmake "safe (bitand :files :diag1 :diag2)
 until [:safe = 0] [
   localmake "f bitnot bitand :safe minus :safe
   try bitand :files :f  ashift bitand :diag1 :f -1  (ashift bitand :diag2 :f 1)+1  fput bitnot :f :tried
   localmake "safe bitand :safe :safe-1


to queens :n

 make "solutions 0
 try (lshift 1 :n)-1 -1 -1 []
 output :solutions


print queens 8  ; 92</lang>


<lang Lua>N = 8

board = {} for i = 1, N do

   board[i] = {}
   for j = 1, N do

board[i][j] = false



function Allowed( x, y )

   for i = 1, x-1 do

if ( board[i][y] ) or ( i <= y and board[x-i][y-i] ) or ( y+i <= N and board[x-i][y+i] ) then

 	    return false 


   return true


function Find_Solution( x )

   for y = 1, N do

if Allowed( x, y ) then

 	    board[x][y] = true 

if x == N or Find_Solution( x+1 ) then return true end board[x][y] = false end

   return false


if Find_Solution( 1 ) then

   for i = 1, N do
	for j = 1, N do
 	    if board[i][j] then 

io.write( "|Q" ) else io.write( "| " ) end end print( "|" )



   print( string.format( "No solution for %d queens.\n", N ) )

end </lang>


This code recurses through the possibilities, using the "safe" method to check if the current set is allowed. The recursive method has the advantage that finding all possibilities is about as hard (code-wise, not computation-wise) as finding just one. <lang Mathematica>safe[q_List, n_] :=

With[{l = Length@q}, 
 Length@Union@q == Length@Union[q + Range@l] == 
  Length@Union[q - Range@l] == l]

nQueen[q_List: {}, n_] :=

If[safe[q, n], 
 If[Length[q] == n, {q}, 
  Cases[nQueen[Append[q, #], n] & /@ Range[n], 
   Except[{Null} | {}], {2}]], Null]</lang>

This returns a list of valid permutations by giving the queen's column number for each row. It can be displayed in a list of chess-board tables like this: <lang Mathematica>matrixView[n_] :=

    SparseArray[MapIndexed[{#, First@#2} -> "Q" &, #], {n, n}, "."], 
   Frame -> All] & /@ nQueen[n]

matrixView[6] // OutputForm</lang>

{.   .   .   Q   .   ., .   .   .   .   Q   ., .   Q   .   .   .   ., .   .   Q   .   .   .}

 Q   .   .   .   .   .  .   .   Q   .   .   .  .   .   .   Q   .   .  .   .   .   .   .   Q

 .   .   .   .   Q   .  Q   .   .   .   .   .  .   .   .   .   .   Q  .   Q   .   .   .   .

 .   Q   .   .   .   .  .   .   .   .   .   Q  Q   .   .   .   .   .  .   .   .   .   Q   .

 .   .   .   .   .   Q  .   .   .   Q   .   .  .   .   Q   .   .   .  Q   .   .   .   .   .

 .   .   Q   .   .   .  .   Q   .   .   .   .  .   .   .   .   Q   .  .   .   .   Q   .   .

Alternate Solution This solution uses Permutations and subsets, also prints out a board representation.

<lang Mathematica>n=8;cnt=1;per=Permutations[Range[n],{n}];(* All Permutations of length n *) Do[perq=Partition[Riffle[Reverse[Range[n]],perq],2],{q,1,Length[per]}];(* Riffled in the reverse of [range n] partitioned into pairs*) Do[w=Subsets[pert,{2}];(* This is a full subset of the previous set of pairs taken 2 at a time *) tot=0; Do[y=Abs[wq,1,1-wq,2,1];x=Abs[wq,1,2-wq,2,2];If[x==y,tot++],{q,1,Length[w]}];(* x and y are the abs values of x1-y1 and x2-y2 if equal they are on same diagonal *) If[tot==0,g=Grid[Table[" ",{n},{n}],Alignment->Center,Frame->All,Spacings->{1.2,1}];(* If no clashing diagonals setup an array and print the permutation and the grid*) Do[g[[1,pert,w,1,pert,w,2]]="Q",{w,1,n}]; Print[cnt," ",pert," ",g];cnt++],{t,1,Length[per]}]</lang>

Alternative Solution using Linear Programming:

<lang Mathematica> dispSol[sol_] := sol /. {1 -> "Q" , 0 -> "-"} // Grid

solveNqueens[n_] :=

Module[{c, m, b, vars}, c = cqueens[n]; m = mqueens[n]; 
 vars = mqueens2[n]; b = bqueens[Length[m]]; 
 Partition[LinearProgramming[c, m, b, vars, Integers], n]]

cqueens[n_] := Table[-1, {i, n^2}]

bqueens[l_] := Table[{1, -1}, {i, l}]

mqueens2[n_] := Table[{0, 1}, {i, n^2}]

mqueens[n_] :=

Module[{t, t2, t3, t4}, t = mqueensh[n]; t2 = Append[t, mqueensv[n]];
  t3 = Append[t2, mqueensd[n]]; t4 = Append[t3, mqueensdm[n]]; 
 Partition[Flatten[t4], n^2]]

mqueensh[n_] :=

Module[{t}, t = Table[0, {i, n}, {j, n^2}]; 
 For[i = 1, i <= n, i++, 
  For[j = 1, j <= n, j++, ti, ((i - 1)*n) + j = 1]]; t]

mqueensv[n_] :=

Module[{t}, t = Table[0, {i, n}, {j, n^2}]; 
 For[i = 1, i <= n, i++, 
  For[j = 1, j <= n, j++, tj, ((i - 1)*n) + j = 1]]; t]

mqueensd[n_] :=

Module[{t}, t = Table[0, {i, (2*n) - 1}, {j, n^2}]; 
 For[k = 2, k <= 2 n, k++, 
  For[i = 1, i <= n, i++, 
   For[j = 1, j <= n, j++, 
    If[i + j == k, tk - 1, ((i - 1)*n) + j = 1]]]]; t]

mqueensdm[n_] :=

Module[{t}, t = Table[0, {i, Sum[1, {i, 1 - n, n - 1}]}, {j, n^2}]; 
 For[k = 1 - n, k <= n - 1, k++, 
  For[i = 1, i <= n, i++, 
   For[j = 1, j <= n, j++, 
    If[i == j - k, tk + n, ((i - 1)*n) + j = 1]]]]; t]

solveNqueens[8] // dispSol </lang>

-	-	-	-	Q	-	-	-
-	Q	-	-	-	-	-	-
-	-	-	-	-	Q	-	-
Q	-	-	-	-	-	-	-
-	-	-	-	-	-	Q	-
-	-	-	Q	-	-	-	-
-	-	-	-	-	-	-	Q
-	-	Q	-	-	-	-	-


<lang maxima>/* translation of Fortran 77, return solutions as permutations */

queens(n) := block([a, i, j, m, p, q, r, s, u, v, w, y, z], a: makelist(i, i, 1, n), s: a*0, u: makelist(0, i, 1, 4*n - 2), m: 0, i: 1, r: 2*n - 1, w: [ ], go(L40), L30, s[i]: j, u[p]: 1, u[q + r]: 1, i: i + 1, L40, if i > n then go(L80), j: i, L50, z: a[i], y: a[j], p: i - y + n, q: i + y - 1, a[i]: y, a[j]: z, if u[p] = 0 and u[q + r] = 0 then go(L30), L60, j: j + 1, if j <= n then go(L50), L70, j: j - 1, if j = i then go(L90), z: a[i], a[i]: a[j], a[j]: z, go(L70), L80, m: m + 1, w: endcons(copylist(a), w), L90, i: i - 1, if i = 0 then go(L100), p: i - a[i] + n, q: i + a[i] - 1, j: s[i], u[p]: 0, u[q + r]: 0, go(L60), L100, w)$

queens(8); /* [[1, 5, 8, 6, 3, 7, 2, 4],

              [1, 6, 8, 3, 7, 4, 2, 5],
              ...]] */

length(%); /* 92 */</lang>


<lang MUMPS>Queens New count,flip,row,sol Set sol=0 For row(1)=1:1:4 Do try(2)  ; Not 8, the other 4 are symmetric... ; ; Remove symmetric solutions Set sol="" For Set sol=$Order(sol(sol)) Quit:sol="" Do . New xx,yy . Kill sol($Translate(sol,12345678,87654321)) ; Vertical flip . Kill sol($Reverse(sol)) ; Horizontal flip . Set flip="--------" for xx=1:1:8 Do  ; Flip over top left to bottom right diagonal . . New nx,ny . . Set yy=$Extract(sol,xx),nx=8+1-xx,ny=8+1-yy . . Set $Extract(flip,ny)=nx . . Quit . Kill sol(flip) . Set flip="--------" for xx=1:1:8 Do  ; Flip over top right to bottom left diagonal . . New nx,ny . . Set yy=$Extract(sol,xx),nx=xx,ny=yy . . Set $Extract(flip,ny)=nx . . Quit . Kill sol(flip) . Quit ; ; Display remaining solutions Set count=0,sol="" For Set sol=$Order(sol(sol)) Quit:sol="" Do Quit:sol="" . New s1,s2,s3,txt,x,y . Set s1=sol,s2=$Order(sol(s1)),s3="" Set:s2'="" s3=$Order(sol(s2)) . Set txt="+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+" . Write !," ",txt Write:s2'="" " ",txt Write:s3'="" " ",txt . For y=8:-1:1 Do . . Write !,y," |" . . For x=1:1:8 Write $Select($Extract(s1,x)=y:" Q",x+y#2:" ",1:"##"),"|" . . If s2'="" Write " |" . . If s2'="" For x=1:1:8 Write $Select($Extract(s2,x)=y:" Q",x+y#2:" ",1:"##"),"|" . . If s3'="" Write " |" . . If s3'="" For x=1:1:8 Write $Select($Extract(s3,x)=y:" Q",x+y#2:" ",1:"##"),"|" . . Write !," ",txt Write:s2'="" " ",txt Write:s3'="" " ",txt . . Quit . Set txt=" A B C D E F G H" . Write !," ",txt Write:s2'="" " ",txt Write:s3'="" " ",txt Write ! . Set sol=s3 . Quit Quit try(col) New ok,pcol If col>8 Do Quit . New out,x . Set out="" For x=1:1:8 Set out=out_row(x) . Set sol(out)=1 . Quit For row(col)=1:1:8 Do . Set ok=1 . For pcol=1:1:col-1 If row(pcol)=row(col) Set ok=0 Quit . Quit:'ok . For pcol=1:1:col-1 If col-pcol=$Translate(row(pcol)-row(col),"-") Set ok=0 Quit . Quit:'ok . Do try(col+1) . Quit Quit Do Queens </lang>

<lang MUMPS>

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+

8 | |##| Q|##| |##| |##| | |##| Q|##| |##| |##| | |##| | Q| |##| |##|

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+

7 |##| |##| |##| Q|##| | |##| |##| | Q| |##| | |##| |##| |##| | Q| |

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+

6 | |##| | Q| |##| |##| | | Q| |##| |##| |##| | |##| Q|##| |##| |##|

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+

5 |##| Q|##| |##| |##| | |##| |##| |##| |##| Q| |##| |##| |##| |##| Q|

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+

4 | |##| |##| |##| | Q| | |##| |##| | Q| |##| | | Q| |##| |##| |##|

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+

3 |##| |##| | Q| |##| | |##| |##| Q|##| |##| | |##| |##| | Q| |##| |

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+

2 | |##| |##| |##| Q|##| | |##| |##| |##| Q|##| | Q|##| |##| |##| |##|

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+

1 | Q| |##| |##| |##| | | Q| |##| |##| |##| | |##| |##| |##| Q|##| |

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H    A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H    A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+

8 | |##| |##| | Q| |##| | |##| |##| | Q| |##| | |##| |##| | Q| |##|

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+

7 |##| | Q| |##| |##| | |##| | Q| |##| |##| | |##| |##| Q|##| |##| |

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+

6 | |##| |##| |##| Q|##| | |##| |##| |##| Q|##| | | Q| |##| |##| |##|

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+

5 |##| Q|##| |##| |##| | |##| Q|##| |##| |##| | |##| |##| |##| |##| Q|

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+

4 | |##| |##| |##| | Q| | |##| | Q| |##| |##| | |##| |##| Q|##| |##|

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+

3 |##| |##| | Q| |##| | |##| |##| |##| |##| Q| |##| |##| |##| | Q| |

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+

2 | Q|##| |##| |##| |##| | Q|##| |##| |##| |##| | Q|##| |##| |##| |##|

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+

1 |##| |##| Q|##| |##| | |##| |##| | Q| |##| | |##| | Q| |##| |##| |

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H    A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H    A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+

8 | |##| Q|##| |##| |##| | |##| |##| Q|##| |##| | |##| | Q| |##| |##|

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+

7 |##| |##| |##| | Q| | |##| Q|##| |##| |##| | |##| Q|##| |##| |##| |

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+

6 | | Q| |##| |##| |##| | |##| | Q| |##| |##| | |##| |##| |##| Q|##|

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+

5 |##| |##| |##| |##| Q| |##| |##| |##| Q|##| | |##| | Q| |##| |##| |

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+

4 | |##| |##| | Q| |##| | |##| |##| |##| | Q| | |##| |##| | Q| |##|

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+

3 |##| |##| Q|##| |##| | |##| | Q| |##| |##| | |##| |##| |##| |##| Q|

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+

2 | Q|##| |##| |##| |##| | Q|##| |##| |##| |##| | Q|##| |##| |##| |##|

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+

1 |##| |##| | Q| |##| | |##| |##| |##| | Q| | |##| |##| | Q| |##| |

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H    A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H    A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+

8 | | Q| |##| |##| |##| | |##| | Q| |##| |##| | |##| | Q| |##| |##|

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+

7 |##| |##| |##| | Q| | |##| |##| |##| Q|##| | |##| |##| |##| | Q| |

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+

6 | |##| Q|##| |##| |##| | |##| |##| |##| | Q| | |##| |##| Q|##| |##|

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+

5 |##| |##| |##| Q|##| | |##| Q|##| |##| |##| | |##| Q|##| |##| |##| |

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+

4 | |##| |##| |##| | Q| | |##| |##| |##| Q|##| | |##| |##| | Q| |##|

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+

3 |##| |##| | Q| |##| | | Q| |##| |##| |##| | | Q| |##| |##| |##| |

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+

2 | Q|##| |##| |##| |##| | |##| Q|##| |##| |##| | |##| Q|##| |##| |##|

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+

1 |##| |##| Q|##| |##| | |##| |##| | Q| |##| | |##| |##| |##| |##| Q|

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H    A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H    A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+

8 | |##| Q|##| |##| |##| | |##| |##| Q|##| |##| | |##| |##| Q|##| |##|

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+

7 |##| |##| |##| Q|##| | |##| |##| |##| | Q| | |##| |##| |##| | Q| |

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+

6 | |##| |##| |##| | Q| | | Q| |##| |##| |##| | | Q| |##| |##| |##|

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+

5 |##| Q|##| |##| |##| | |##| |##| Q|##| |##| | |##| |##| |##| Q|##| |

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+

4 | |##| | Q| |##| |##| | |##| |##| |##| | Q| | |##| Q|##| |##| |##|

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+

3 | Q| |##| |##| |##| | | Q| |##| |##| |##| | | Q| |##| |##| |##| |

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+

2 | |##| |##| |##| Q|##| | |##| Q|##| |##| |##| | |##| | Q| |##| |##|

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+

1 |##| |##| | Q| |##| | |##| |##| |##| Q|##| | |##| |##| |##| |##| Q|

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H    A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H    A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+

8 | |##| Q|##| |##| |##| | |##| Q|##| |##| |##| | |##| | Q| |##| |##|

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+

7 |##| |##| |##| Q|##| | |##| |##| |##| | Q| | |##| Q|##| |##| |##| |

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+

6 | | Q| |##| |##| |##| | | Q| |##| |##| |##| | |##| |##| |##| | Q|

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+

5 |##| |##| | Q| |##| | |##| |##| |##| |##| Q| |##| |##| | Q| |##| |

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+

4 | |##| |##| |##| | Q| | |##| |##| Q|##| |##| | |##| |##| |##| Q|##|

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+

3 | Q| |##| |##| |##| | | Q| |##| |##| |##| | | Q| |##| |##| |##| |

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+

2 | |##| |##| |##| Q|##| | |##| | Q| |##| |##| | |##| Q|##| |##| |##|

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+

1 |##| |##| Q|##| |##| | |##| |##| |##| Q|##| | |##| |##| |##| Q|##| |

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H    A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H    A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+

8 | |##| | Q| |##| |##| | | Q| |##| |##| |##| | |##| | Q| |##| |##|

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+

7 |##| Q|##| |##| |##| | |##| |##| Q|##| |##| | |##| |##| |##| |##| Q|

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+

6 | |##| |##| Q|##| |##| | |##| |##| | Q| |##| | |##| |##| Q|##| |##|

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+

5 |##| |##| |##| |##| Q| |##| |##| |##| |##| Q| |##| | Q| |##| |##| |

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+

4 | |##| |##| | Q| |##| | |##| Q|##| |##| |##| | Q|##| |##| |##| |##|

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+

3 | Q| |##| |##| |##| | | Q| |##| |##| |##| | |##| |##| |##| | Q| |

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+

2 | |##| Q|##| |##| |##| | |##| |##| |##| Q|##| | | Q| |##| |##| |##|

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+

1 |##| |##| |##| | Q| | |##| |##| | Q| |##| | |##| |##| |##| Q|##| |

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H    A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H    A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+

8 | |##| |##| | Q| |##| | |##| Q|##| |##| |##| | |##| Q|##| |##| |##|

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+

7 |##| | Q| |##| |##| | |##| |##| | Q| |##| | |##| |##| |##| |##| Q|

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+

6 | |##| |##| Q|##| |##| | |##| |##| |##| | Q| | |##| | Q| |##| |##|

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+

5 |##| |##| |##| |##| Q| |##| |##| Q|##| |##| | |##| |##| |##| | Q| |

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+

4 | Q|##| |##| |##| |##| | Q|##| |##| |##| |##| | Q|##| |##| |##| |##|

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+

3 |##| |##| Q|##| |##| | |##| |##| |##| | Q| | |##| |##| |##| Q|##| |

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+

2 | | Q| |##| |##| |##| | | Q| |##| |##| |##| | | Q| |##| |##| |##|

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+

1 |##| |##| |##| | Q| | |##| |##| |##| Q|##| | |##| |##| | Q| |##| |

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H    A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H    A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+

8 | |##| |##| | Q| |##| | |##| Q|##| |##| |##| | |##| | Q| |##| |##|

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+

7 |##| |##| |##| |##| Q| |##| |##| | Q| |##| | |##| Q|##| |##| |##| |

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+

6 | | Q| |##| |##| |##| | | Q| |##| |##| |##| | |##| |##| |##| | Q|

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+

5 |##| |##| Q|##| |##| | |##| |##| |##| |##| Q| |##| |##| |##| Q|##| |

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+

4 | Q|##| |##| |##| |##| | Q|##| |##| |##| |##| | Q|##| |##| |##| |##|

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+

3 |##| |##| |##| | Q| | |##| |##| |##| | Q| | |##| | Q| |##| |##| |

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+

2 | |##| |##| Q|##| |##| | |##| | Q| |##| |##| | |##| |##| Q|##| |##|

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+

1 |##| | Q| |##| |##| | |##| |##| |##| Q|##| | |##| |##| |##| | Q| |

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H    A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H    A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+

8 | |##| |##| |##| | Q| | | Q| |##| |##| |##| | | Q| |##| |##| |##|

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+

7 |##| Q|##| |##| |##| | |##| |##| |##| | Q| | |##| |##| | Q| |##| |

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+

6 | |##| |##| Q|##| |##| | |##| |##| Q|##| |##| | |##| |##| |##| Q|##|

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+

5 |##| | Q| |##| |##| | |##| |##| |##| |##| Q| |##| |##| Q|##| |##| |

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+

4 | Q|##| |##| |##| |##| | Q|##| |##| |##| |##| | Q|##| |##| |##| |##|

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+

3 |##| |##| |##| | Q| | |##| |##| Q|##| |##| | |##| |##| |##| |##| Q|

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+

2 | |##| | Q| |##| |##| | |##| |##| | Q| |##| | |##| |##| | Q| |##|

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+

1 |##| |##| |##| Q|##| | |##| | Q| |##| |##| | |##| | Q| |##| |##| |

 +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H    A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H    A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H


8 | | Q| |##| |##| |##|


7 |##| |##| |##| Q|##| |


6 | |##| |##| |##| | Q|


5 |##| | Q| |##| |##| |


4 | Q|##| |##| |##| |##|


3 |##| |##| Q|##| |##| |


2 | |##| |##| |##| Q|##|


1 |##| |##| | Q| |##| |

A B C D E F G H</lang>


<lang nim>const boardSize = 8

proc underAttack(col, queens): bool =

 if col in queens: return true
 for i, x in queens:
   if abs(col - x) == queens.len - i:
     return true
 return false

proc solve(n): auto =

 result = newSeq[seq[int]]()
 var newSolutions = newSeq[seq[int]]()
 for row in 1..n:
   for solution in result:
     for i in 1..boardSize:
       if not underAttack(i, solution):
         newSolutions.add(solution & i)
   swap result, newSolutions

for answer in solve(boardSize):

 for i, x in answer:
   if i > 0: stdout.write ", "
   stdout.write "(",i,", ",x,")"</lang>


Translation of: Java

<lang objeck>bundle Default {

 class NQueens {
   b : static : Int[];
   s : static : Int;
   function : Main(args : String[]) ~ Nil {
     b := Int->New[8];
     s := 0;
     y := 0;
     b[0] := -1;
     while (y >= 0) {
       do {
       while((b[y] < 8) & Unsafe(y));
       if(b[y] < 8) {
         if (y < 7) {
           b[y + 1] := -1;
           y += 1;
         else {
       else {
   function : Unsafe(y : Int) ~ Bool {
     x := b[y];
     for(i := 1; i <= y; i+=1;) {
       t := b[y - i];
       if(t = x | t = x - i | t = x + i) {
         return true;
     return false;
   function : PutBoard() ~ Nil {
     IO.Console->Print("\n\nSolution ")->PrintLine(s + 1);
     s += 1;
     for(y := 0; y < 8; y+=1;) {
       for(x := 0; x < 8; x+=1;) {
         IO.Console->Print((b[y] = x) ? "|Q" : "|_");

} </lang>


Library: FaCiLe

<lang ocaml>(* Authors: Nicolas Barnier, Pascal Brisset

  Copyright 2004 CENA. All rights reserved.
  This code is distributed under the terms of the GNU LGPL *)

open Facile open Easy

(* Print a solution *) let print queens =

 let n = Array.length queens in
 if n <= 10 then (* Pretty printing *)
   for i = 0 to n - 1 do
     let c = Fd.int_value queens.(i) in (* queens.(i) is bound *)
     for j = 0 to n - 1 do
       Printf.printf "%c " (if j = c then '*' else '-')
     print_newline ()
 else (* Short print *)
   for i = 0 to n-1 do
     Printf.printf "line %d : col %a\n" i Fd.fprint queens.(i)
 flush stdout;

(* Solve the n-queens problem *) let queens n =

 (* n decision variables in 0..n-1 *)
 let queens = Fd.array n 0 (n-1) in
 (* 2n auxiliary variables for diagonals *)
 let shift op = Array.mapi (fun i qi -> Arith.e2fd (op (fd2e qi) (i2e i))) queens in
 let diag1 = shift (+~) and diag2 = shift (-~) in
 (* Global constraints *)
 Cstr.post (Alldiff.cstr queens);
 Cstr.post (Alldiff.cstr diag1);
 Cstr.post (Alldiff.cstr diag2);
 (* Heuristic Min Size, Min Value *)
 let h a = (Var.Attr.size a, Var.Attr.min a) in
 let min_min = Goals.Array.choose_index (fun a1 a2 -> h a1 < h a2) in
 (* Search goal *)
 let labeling = Goals.Array.forall ~select:min_min Goals.indomain in
 (* Solve *)
 let bt = ref 0 in
 if Goals.solve ~control:(fun b -> bt := b) (labeling queens) then begin
   Printf.printf "%d backtracks\n" !bt;
   print queens
 end else
   prerr_endline "No solution"

let _ =

 if Array.length Sys.argv <> 2
 then raise (Failure "Usage: queens <nb of queens>");
 Gc.set ({(Gc.get ()) with Gc.space_overhead = 500}); (* May help except with an underRAMed system *)
 queens (int_of_string Sys.argv.(1));;</lang>

A stand-alone OCaml solution

<lang ocaml>let solutions n =

 let show board =
   let pr v =
     for i = 1 to n do
       print_string (if i=v then " q" else " _");
     print_newline() in
   List.iter pr board;
   print_newline() in
 let rec safe i j k = function
   | [] -> true
   | h::t -> h<>i && h<>j && h<>k && safe i (j+1) (k-1) t in
 let rec loop col p =
   for i = 1 to n
     if safe i (i+1) (i-1) p then
       let p' = i::p in
       if col = n then show p'
       else loop (col+1) p'
   done in
 loop 1 [] in

let n =

 if Array.length Sys.argv > 1
 then int_of_string Sys.argv.(1)
 else 8 in

solutions n</lang>

$ ocaml queens.ml 6
 _ _ _ _ q _
 _ _ q _ _ _
 q _ _ _ _ _
 _ _ _ _ _ q
 _ _ _ q _ _
 _ q _ _ _ _

 _ _ _ q _ _
 q _ _ _ _ _
 _ _ _ _ q _
 _ q _ _ _ _
 _ _ _ _ _ q
 _ _ q _ _ _

 _ _ q _ _ _
 _ _ _ _ _ q
 _ q _ _ _ _
 _ _ _ _ q _
 q _ _ _ _ _
 _ _ _ q _ _

 _ q _ _ _ _
 _ _ _ q _ _
 _ _ _ _ _ q
 q _ _ _ _ _
 _ _ q _ _ _
 _ _ _ _ q _


A pretty naive solution, using constraint programming: <lang oz>declare

 fun {Queens N}
    proc {$ Board}
       %% a board is a N-tuple of rows
       Board = {MakeTuple queens N}
       for Y in 1..N  do
          %% a row is a N-tuple of values in [0,1]
          %% (0: no queen, 1: queen)
          Board.Y = {FD.tuple row N 0#1}
       {ForAll {Rows Board} SumIs1}
       {ForAll {Columns Board} SumIs1}
       %% for every two points on a diagonal
       for [X1#Y1 X2#Y2] in {DiagonalPairs N} do
          %$ at most one of them has a queen
          Board.Y1.X1 + Board.Y2.X2 =<: 1
       %% enumerate all such boards
       {FD.distribute naive {FlatBoard Board}}
 fun {Rows Board}
    {Record.toList Board}
 fun {Columns Board}
    for X in {Arity Board.1} collect:C1 do
        for Y in {Arity Board} collect:C2 do
           {C2 Board.Y.X}
 proc {SumIs1 Xs}
    {FD.sum Xs '=:' 1}
 fun {DiagonalPairs N}
    proc {Coords Root}
       [X1#Y1 X2#Y2] = Root
       X1::1#N Y1::1#N
       X2::1#N Y2::1#N
       %% (X1,Y1) and (X2,Y2) are on a diagonal if {Abs X2-X1} = {Abs Y2-Y1}
       {FD.distance X2 X1 '=:' Diff}
       {FD.distance Y2 Y1 '=:' Diff}
       %% enumerate all such coordinates
       {FD.distribute naive [X1 Y1 X2 Y2]}
    {SearchAll Coords}
 fun {FlatBoard Board}
    {Flatten {Record.toList {Record.map Board Record.toList}}}
 Solutions = {SearchAll {Queens 8}}


 {Length Solutions} = 92 %% assert
 {Inspect {List.take Solutions 3}}</lang>

There is a more concise and much more efficient solution in the Mozart documentation.


<lang pascal>program queens;

const l=16;

var i,j,k,m,n,p,q,r,y,z: integer;

   a,s: array[1..l] of integer;
   u: array[1..4*l-2] of integer;

label L3,L4,L5,L6,L7,L8,L9,L10;


  for i:=1 to l do a[i]:=i;
  for i:=1 to 4*l-2 do u[i]:=0;
  for n:=1 to l do
     goto L4;




     if i>n then goto L8;


     if (u[p]=0) and (u[q+r]=0) then goto L3;


     if j<=n then goto L5;


     if j=i then goto L9;
     goto L7;


     { uncomment the following to print solutions }
     { write(n,' ',m,':');
     for k:=1 to n do write(' ',a[k]);
     writeln; }


     if i=0 then goto L10;
     goto L6;


     writeln(n,' ',m);


{ 1 1

 2 0
 3 0
 4 2
 5 10
 6 4
 7 40
 8 92
 9 352
10 724
11 2680
12 14200
13 73712
14 365596
15 2279184
16 14772512 }</lang>


Using Rekusion and Nikolaus Wirth is much faster. Ok , this http://rosettacode.org/wiki/N-queens_problem#Fast_Version is nearly 4 times faster, but uses sysmmetry (50% less to search for) :


  If row< n then 
    For each free column (in Freecol[row..n] )
      Take free column
      check diagonals
      IF free then
        swap freecol to used column, move to next  row -> recurse(row+1)
    Solution found

<lang pascal>program NQueens; {$IFDEF FPC}



 {$Apptype console}



 sysutils;// TDatetime


 nmax = 17;

type {$IFNDEF FPC}

 NativeInt = longInt;


 //ala Nikolaus Wirth  A-1  = H - 8
 //diagonal left  (A1) to rigth (H8)
 tLR_diagonale = array[-nmax-1..nmax-1] of char;
 //diagonal right (A8) to left (H1)
 tRL_diagonale = array[0..2*nmax-2] of char;
 //up to Col are the used Cols, after that the unused
 tFreeCol = array[0..nmax-1] of nativeInt;


 //Using pChar, cause it is implicit an array
 //It is always set to
 //@LR_diagonale[row] ,@RL_diagonale[row]
 pLR,pRL : pChar;
 FreeCol : tFreeCol;
 n : nativeInt;
 gblCount : nativeUInt;
 T0,T1 : TdateTime;

procedure Solution; var

 i : NativeInt;

begin // Take's a lot of time under DOS/Win32

 If gblCount AND $FFF = 0 then
 // IF n< 9 then
 IF n < 0 then
    For i := 1 to n do


procedure SetQueen(Row:nativeInt); var

 i,Col : nativeInt;

begin IF row <= n then

 For i := row to n do
   Col := FreeCol[i];
   //check diagonals occupied
   If (ORD(pLR[-Col]) AND ORD(pRL[Col]))<>0 then
     //a "free" position is found
     //mark it
     pRL[ Col]:=#0;      //RL_Diagonale[ Row +Col] := 0;
     pLR[-Col]:=#0;      //LR_Diagonale[ Row -Col] := 0;
     //swap FreeRow[Row<->i]
     FreeCol[i] := FreeCol[Row];
     //next row
     FreeCol[Row] := Col;
     // check next row
     FreeCol[Row] := FreeCol[i];
     FreeCol[i] := Col;
     pRL[ Col]:=#1;


 //solution ist found



 For i := 0 to nmax-1 do
   FreeCol[i] := i;
 //diagonals filled with True = #1 , something <>0
 For n := 1 to nMax do
   t0 := time;
   gblCount := 0;
   t1:= time;
   WriteLn(n:6,gblCount:12,FormatDateTime(' NN:SS.ZZZ',T1-t0),' secs');


{output: i3 4330 3.5 Ghz FPC 2.6.4
     1           1  00:00.000 secs
     2           0  00:00.000 secs
     3           0  00:00.000 secs
     4           2  00:00.000 secs
     5          10  00:00.000 secs
     6           4  00:00.000 secs
     7          40  00:00.000 secs
     8          92  00:00.000 secs
     9         352  00:00.000 secs
    10         724  00:00.001 secs
    11        2680  00:00.004 secs
    12       14200  00:00.019 secs
    13       73712  00:00.104 secs
    14      365596  00:00.610 secs
    15     2279184  00:03.837 secs
    16    14772512  00:25.684 secs
    17    95815104  03:00.950 secs=180.98 secs


<lang perl>my ($board_size, @occupied, @past, @solutions);

sub try_column {

       my ($depth, @diag) = shift;
       if ($depth == $board_size) {
               push @solutions, "@past\n";
       # @diag: marks cells diagonally attackable by any previous queens.
       #        Here it's pre-allocated to double size just so we don't need
       #        to worry about negative indices.
       $#diag = 2 * $board_size;
       for (0 .. $#past) {
               $diag[ $past[$_] + $depth - $_ ] = 1;
               $diag[ $past[$_] - $depth + $_ ] = 1;
       for my $row (0 .. $board_size - 1) {
               next if $occupied[$row] || $diag[$row];
               # @past:     row numbers of previous queens
               # @occupied: rows already used. This gets inherited by each
               #            recursion so we don't need to repeatedly look them up
               push @past, $row;
               $occupied[$row] = 1;
               try_column($depth + 1);
               # clean up, for next recursion
               $occupied[$row] = 0;
               pop @past;


$board_size = 12; # takes a minute or so, 14,200 solutions try_column(0);

local $" = "\n"; print @solutions; print "total ", scalar(@solutions), " solutions\n";</lang>

Perl 6

Works with: rakudo version 2015-11-29

Neither pretty nor efficient, a simple backtracking solution

<lang perl6>sub MAIN(\N = 8) {

   sub collision(@field, $row) {
       for ^$row -> $i {
           my $distance = @field[$i] - @field[$row];
           return True if $distance == any(0, $row - $i, $i - $row);
   sub search(@field, $row) {
       return @field if $row == N;
       for ^N -> $i {
           @field[$row] = $i;
           return search(@field, $row + 1) || next
               unless collision(@field, $row);
   for 0 .. N / 2 {
       if search [$_], 1 -> @f {
           say @f;


[0 4 7 5 2 6 1 3]


Probably not a great solution given this is one of my first forays into PHP. First solves the n rooks problem and then finds solutions for n-queens, disregarding any rotations/reflections. Checked up to n=10.

<lang PHP> <html> <head> <title> n x n Queen solving program </title> </head> <body> <?php

echo "

n x n Queen solving program


//Get the size of the board $boardX = $_POST['boardX']; $boardY = $_POST['boardX'];

// Function to rotate a board 90 degrees function rotateBoard($p, $boardX) { $a=0; while ($a < count($p)) { $b = strlen(decbin($p[$a]))-1; $tmp[$b] = 1 << ($boardX - $a - 1); ++$a; } ksort($tmp); return $tmp; }

// This function will find rotations of a solution function findRotation($p, $boardX,$solutions){ $tmp = rotateBoard($p,$boardX); // Rotated 90 if (in_array($tmp,$solutions)) {} else {$solutions[] = $tmp;}

$tmp = rotateBoard($tmp,$boardX); // Rotated 180 if (in_array($tmp,$solutions)){} else {$solutions[] = $tmp;}

$tmp = rotateBoard($tmp,$boardX); // Rotated 270 if (in_array($tmp,$solutions)){} else {$solutions[] = $tmp;}

// Reflected $tmp = array_reverse($p); if (in_array($tmp,$solutions)){} else {$solutions[] = $tmp;}

$tmp = rotateBoard($tmp,$boardX); // Reflected and Rotated 90 if (in_array($tmp,$solutions)){} else {$solutions[] = $tmp;}

$tmp = rotateBoard($tmp,$boardX); // Reflected and Rotated 180 if (in_array($tmp,$solutions)){} else {$solutions[] = $tmp;}

$tmp = rotateBoard($tmp,$boardX); // Reflected and Rotated 270 if (in_array($tmp,$solutions)){} else {$solutions[] = $tmp;} return $solutions; }

// This is a function which will render the board function renderBoard($p,$boardX) { $img = '';

echo "

"; for ($y = 0; $y < $boardX; ++$y) { echo ''; for ($x = 0; $x < $boardX; ++$x){ if (($x+$y) & 1) { $cellCol = '#9C661F';} else {$cellCol = '#FCE6C9';} if ($p[$y] == 1 << $x) { echo "";} else { echo "";}


echo ''; } echo '
<img width=30 height=30 src='".$img."'>



//This function allows me to generate the next order of rows. function pc_next_permutation($p) { $size = count($p) - 1; // slide down the array looking for where we're smaller than the next guy

for ($i = $size - 1; $p[$i] >= $p[$i+1]; --$i) { }

// if this doesn't occur, we've finished our permutations // the array is reversed: (1, 2, 3, 4) => (4, 3, 2, 1) if ($i == -1) { return false; }

// slide down the array looking for a bigger number than what we found before for ($j = $size; $p[$j] <= $p[$i]; --$j) { } // swap them $tmp = $p[$i]; $p[$i] = $p[$j]; $p[$j] = $tmp; // now reverse the elements in between by swapping the ends for (++$i, $j = $size; $i < $j; ++$i, --$j) { $tmp = $p[$i]; $p[$i] = $p[$j]; $p[$j] = $tmp; } return $p; }

//This function needs to check the current state to see if there are any function checkBoard($p,$boardX) { $a = 0; //this is the row being checked while ($a < count($p)) { $b = 1; while ($b < ($boardX - $a)){ $x = $p[$a+$b] << $b; $y = $p[$a+$b] >> $b; if ($p[$a] == $x | $p[$a] == $y) { return false;} ++$b; } ++$a; } return true; }

if (isset($_POST['process']) && isset($_POST['boardX'])) { //Within here is the code that needs to be run if process is clicked.

//First I need to create the different possible rows for ($x = 0; $x < $boardX; ++$x){ $row[$x] = 1 << $x; }

//Now I need to create all the possible orders of rows, will be equal to [boardY]! $solcount = 0; $solutions = array(); while ($row != false) { if (checkBoard($row,$boardX)){ if(!in_array($row,$solutions)){ $solutions[] = $row; renderBoard($row,$boardX); $solutions = findRotation($row,$boardX,$solutions); ++$solcount; }

} $row = pc_next_permutation($row);

} echo "

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspRows/Columns: ".$boardX."
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspUnique Solutions: ".$solcount."
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspTotal Solutions: ".count($solutions)." - Note: This includes symmetrical solutions
"; //print_r($solutions); }

//This code collects the starting parameters echo <<<_END <form name="input" action="queens.php" method="post"> &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspNumber of columns/rows <select name="boardX" /> <option value="1">One</option> <option value="2">Two</option> <option value="3">Three</option> <option value="4" >Four</option> <option value="5">Five</option> <option value="6">Six</option> <option value="7">Seven</option> <option value="8" selected="selected">Eight</option> <option value="9">Nine</option> <option value="10">Ten</option> </select>

   <input type="hidden" name="process" value="yes" />

&nbsp<input type="submit" value="Process" /> </form>


?> </body> </html></lang>


Calling 'permute'

<lang PicoLisp>(load "@lib/simul.l") # for 'permute'

(de queens (N)

  (let (R (range 1 N)  Cnt 0)
     (for L (permute (range 1 N))
           (= N  # from the Python solution
              (length (uniq (mapcar + L R)))
              (length (uniq (mapcar - L R))) )
           (inc 'Cnt) ) )
     Cnt ) )</lang>

Permuting inline

This alternative version does not first pre-generate all permutations with 'permute', but creates them recursively. Also, it directly checks for duplicates, instead of calling 'uniq' and 'length'. This is much faster. <lang PicoLisp>(de queens (N)

  (let (R (range 1 N)  L (copy R)  X L  Cnt 0)
     (recur (X)  # Permute
        (if (cdr X)
           (do (length X)
              (recurse (cdr X))
              (rot X) )
              (seek  # Direct check for duplicates
                 '((L) (member (car L) (cdr L)))
                 (mapcar + L R) )
                 '((L) (member (car L) (cdr L)))
                 (mapcar - L R) )
              (inc 'Cnt) ) ) )
     Cnt ) )</lang>

for both cases

: (queens 8)
-> 92


<lang powerbasic> defint a-z

  option base 1
  input "n=",n
  dim a(n), s(n), u(4*n-2)
  for i=1 to n: a(i)=i: next
  for i=1 to 4*n-2: u(i)=0: next
  goto 20

10 s(i)=j

  incr i

20 if i>n goto 60


30 z=a(i)

  if u(p)=0 and u(q+r)=0 goto 10

40 incr j

  if j<=n goto 30

50 decr j

  if j=i goto 70
  swap a(i),a(j)
  goto 50

60 incr m

  for k=1 to n: print a(k);: next: print

70 decr i

  if i=0 goto 80
  goto 40

80 print m</lang>


The code for these samples is taken from [1].

Solution #1: <lang Prolog>solution([]).

solution([X/Y|Others]) :-

member(Y, [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]),
noattack(X/Y, Others).


noattack(X/Y,[X1/Y1|Others]) :-

Y =\= Y1,
Y1 - Y =\= X1 - X,
Y1 - Y =\= X - X1,


member(Item,[First|Rest]) :-



Solution #2: <lang Prolog>solution(Queens) :-

permutation([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8], Queens),


permutation([Head|Tail],PermList) :-



del(Item,[First|List],[First|List1]) :-



safe([Queen|Others]) :-



noattack(Y,[Y1|Ylist],Xdist) :-

Dist1 is Xdist + 1,

Solution #3: <lang Prolog>solution(Ylist) :-



sol([Y|Ylist],[X|Dx1],Dy,Du,Dv) :-

U is X-Y,
V is X+Y,
sol(Ylist,Dx1, Dy1,Du1,Dv1).


del(Item,[First|List],[First|List1]) :-



  ?- findall(S, solution(S), LS), length(LS,N), write(N).

Alternative version

Uses non-ISO predicates between/3 and select/3 (available in SWI Prolog and GNU Prolog). <lang prolog>:- initialization(main).

queens(N,Qs) :- bagof(X, between(1,N,X), Xs), place(Xs,[],Qs).

place(Xs,Qs,Res) :-

   Xs = [] -> Res = Qs
 ; select(Q,Xs,Ys), not_diag(Q,Qs,1), place(Ys,[Q|Qs],Res)

not_diag(_, [] , _). not_diag(Q, [Qh|Qs], D) :-

    abs(Q - Qh) =\= D, D1 is D + 1, not_diag(Q,Qs,D1).

main :- findall(Qs, (queens(8,Qs), write(Qs), nl), _), halt.</lang> Runs in: time: 0.02 memory: 68352

Alternative Solution

Uses backtracking- a highly efficient mechanism in Prolog to find all solutions.

Works with: SWI Prolog version version 6.2.6 by Jan Wielemaker, University of Amsterdam

<lang prolog>% 8 queens problem. % q(Row) represents a queen, allocated one per row. No rows ever clash. % The columns are chosen iteratively from available columns held in a % list, reduced with each allocation, so we need never check verticals. % For diagonals, we check prior to allocation whether each newly placed % queen will clash with any of the prior placements. This prevents % most invalid permutations from ever being attempted. can_place(_, []) :- !.  % success for empty board can_place(q(R,C),Board) :- % check diagonals against allocated queens member(q(Ra,Ca), Board), abs(Ra-R) =:= abs(Ca-C), !, fail. can_place(_,_).  % succeed if no diagonals failed

queens([], [], Board, Board).  % found a solution queens([q(R)|Queens], Columns, Board, Solution) :- nth0(_,Columns,C,Free), can_place(q(R,C),Board), % find all solutions queens(Queens,Free,[q(R,C)|Board], Solution).  % recursively

queens :-

 findall(q(N), between(0,7,N), Queens), findall(N, between(0,7,N), Columns),
 findall(B, queens(Queens, Columns, [], B), Boards),     % backtrack over all
 length(Boards, Len), writef('%w solutions:\n', [Len]),  % Output solutions
 member(R,Boards), reverse(R,Board), writef('  - %w\n', [Board]), fail.


?- queens.
92 solutions:
  - [q(0,0),q(1,4),q(2,7),q(3,5),q(4,2),q(5,6),q(6,1),q(7,3)]
  - [q(0,0),q(1,5),q(2,7),q(3,2),q(4,6),q(5,3),q(6,1),q(7,4)]
  - [q(0,0),q(1,6),q(2,3),q(3,5),q(4,7),q(5,1),q(6,4),q(7,2)]
  - [q(0,0),q(1,6),q(2,4),q(3,7),q(4,1),q(5,3),q(6,5),q(7,2)]
  - [q(0,7),q(1,1),q(2,4),q(3,2),q(4,0),q(5,6),q(6,3),q(7,5)]
  - [q(0,7),q(1,2),q(2,0),q(3,5),q(4,1),q(5,4),q(6,6),q(7,3)]
  - [q(0,7),q(1,3),q(2,0),q(3,2),q(4,5),q(5,1),q(6,6),q(7,4)]


A recursive approach is taken. A queen is placed in an unused column for each new row. An array keeps track if a queen has already been placed in a given column so that no duplicate columns result. That handles the Rook attacks. Bishop attacks are handled by checking the diagonal alignments of each new placement against the previously placed queens and if an attack is possible the solution backtracks. The solutions are kept track of in a global variable and the routine queens(n) is called with the required number of queens specified. <lang PureBasic>Global solutions

Procedure showBoard(Array queenCol(1))

 Protected row, column, n = ArraySize(queenCol())
 PrintN(" Solution " + Str(solutions))
 For row = 0 To n
   For column = 0 To n
     If queenCol(row) = column
       Print("| ")


Macro advanceIfPossible()

 x + 1
 While x <= n And columns(x): x + 1: Wend
 If x > n
   ProcedureReturn #False ;backtrack


Procedure placeQueens(Array queenCol(1), Array columns(1), row = 0)

 Protected n = ArraySize(queenCol())
 If row > n
   solutions + 1
   ProcedureReturn #False ;backtrack
 Protected x, queen, passed
 While columns(x): x + 1: Wend
 ;place a new queen in one of the available columns
   passed = #True
   For queen = 0 To row - 1
     If ((queenCol(queen) - x) = (queen - row)) Or ((queenCol(queen) - x) = -(queen - row))
       passed = #False
       Break ;ForNext loop
   If passed
     queenCol(row) = x: columns(x) = 1
     If Not placeQueens(queenCol(), columns(), row + 1)
       columns(x) = 0


Procedure queens(n)

 If n > 0
   Dim queenCol(n - 1)
   Dim columns(n - 1)
   placeQueens(queenCol(), columns()) 


If OpenConsole()

 Define i
 For i = 1 To 12
   solutions = 0
   PrintN(#CRLF$ + Str(solutions) + " solutions found for " + Str(i) + "-queens.")
 Print(#CRLF$ + "Press ENTER to exit")

EndIf</lang> Sample output showing the last solution (all are actually displayed) for 1 - 12 queens:

 Solution 1

1 solutions found for 1-queens. {Press ENTER}

0 solutions found for 2-queens. {Press ENTER}

0 solutions found for 3-queens. {Press ENTER}

 Solution 2
| | |Q| |
|Q| | | |
| | | |Q|
| |Q| | |

2 solutions found for 4-queens. {Press ENTER}

 Solution 10
| | | | |Q|
| | |Q| | |
|Q| | | | |
| | | |Q| |
| |Q| | | |

10 solutions found for 5-queens. {Press ENTER}

 Solution 4
| | | | |Q| |
| | |Q| | | |
|Q| | | | | |
| | | | | |Q|
| | | |Q| | |
| |Q| | | | |

4 solutions found for 6-queens. {Press ENTER}

 Solution 40
| | | | | | |Q|
| | | | |Q| | |
| | |Q| | | | |
|Q| | | | | | |
| | | | | |Q| |
| | | |Q| | | |
| |Q| | | | | |

40 solutions found for 7-queens. {Press ENTER}

 Solution 92
| | | | | | | |Q|
| | | |Q| | | | |
|Q| | | | | | | |
| | |Q| | | | | |
| | | | | |Q| | |
| |Q| | | | | | |
| | | | | | |Q| |
| | | | |Q| | | |

92 solutions found for 8-queens. {Press ENTER}

 Solution 352
| | | | | | | | |Q|
| | | | | | |Q| | |
| | | |Q| | | | | |
| |Q| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |Q| |
| | | | | |Q| | | |
|Q| | | | | | | | |
| | |Q| | | | | | |
| | | | |Q| | | | |

352 solutions found for 9-queens. {Press ENTER}

 Solution 724
| | | | | | | | | |Q|
| | | | | | | |Q| | |
| | | | |Q| | | | | |
| | |Q| | | | | | | |
|Q| | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | |Q| | | | |
| |Q| | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |Q| |
| | | | | | |Q| | | |
| | | |Q| | | | | | |

724 solutions found for 10-queens. {Press ENTER}

 Solution 2680
| | | | | | | | | | |Q|
| | | | | | | | |Q| | |
| | | | | | |Q| | | | |
| | | | |Q| | | | | | |
| | |Q| | | | | | | | |
|Q| | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | |Q| |
| | | | | | | |Q| | | |
| | | | | |Q| | | | | |
| | | |Q| | | | | | | |
| |Q| | | | | | | | | |

2680 solutions found for 11-queens. {Press ENTER}

 Solution 14200
| | | | | | | | | | | |Q|
| | | | | | | | | |Q| | |
| | | | | | | |Q| | | | |
| | | | |Q| | | | | | | |
| | |Q| | | | | | | | | |
|Q| | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | |Q| | | | | |
| |Q| | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | |Q| |
| | | | | |Q| | | | | | |
| | | |Q| | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |Q| | | |

14200 solutions found for 12-queens. {Press ENTER}


Python: Raymond Hettingers permutations based solution

This solution, originally by Raymond Hettinger for demonstrating the power of the itertools module, generates all solutions.

<lang python>from itertools import permutations

n = 8 cols = range(n) for vec in permutations(cols):

   if n == len(set(vec[i]+i for i in cols)) \
        == len(set(vec[i]-i for i in cols)):
       print ( vec )</lang>

The output is presented in vector form (each number represents the column position of a queen on consecutive rows). The vector can be pretty printed by substituting a call to board instead of print, with the same argument, and where board is pre-defined as: <lang python>def board(vec):

   print ("\n".join('.' * i + 'Q' + '.' * (n-i-1) for i in vec) + "\n===\n")</lang>

Raymond's description is:

With the solution represented as a vector with one queen in each row, we don't have to check to see if two queens are on the same row. By using a permutation generator, we know that no value in the vector is repeated, so we don't have to check to see if two queens are on the same column. Since rook moves don't need to be checked, we only need to check bishop moves.
The technique for checking the diagonals is to add or subtract the column number from each entry, so any two entries on the same diagonal will have the same value (in other words, the sum or difference is unique for each diagonal). Now all we have to do is make sure that the diagonals for each of the eight queens are distinct. So, we put them in a set (which eliminates duplicates) and check that the set length is eight (no duplicates were removed).
Any permutation with non-overlapping diagonals is a solution. So, we print it and continue checking other permutations.

One disadvantage with this solution is that we can't simply "skip" all the permutations that start with a certain prefix, after discovering that that prefix is incompatible. For example, it is easy to verify that no permutation of the form (1,2,...) could ever be a solution, but since we don't have control over the generation of the permutations, we can't just tell it to "skip" all the ones that start with (1,2).

Python: Alternative Solution

Works with: Python version 2.6, 3.x

<lang python># From: http://wiki.python.org/moin/SimplePrograms, with permission from the author, Steve Howell BOARD_SIZE = 8

def under_attack(col, queens):

   return col in queens or \
          any(abs(col - x) == len(queens)-i for i,x in enumerate(queens))

def solve(n):

   solutions = [[]]
   for row in range(n):
       solutions = [solution+[i+1]
                      for solution in solutions
                      for i in range(BOARD_SIZE)
                      if not under_attack(i+1, solution)]
   return solutions

for answer in solve(BOARD_SIZE): print(list(enumerate(answer, start=1)))</lang>

Python: Simple Backtracking Solution

A surprisingly simple change to the above code (changing the list comprehension to a generator expression) produces a backtracking solution:

Works with: Python version 2.6, 3.x

<lang python>BOARD_SIZE = 8

def under_attack(col, queens):

   return col in queens or \
          any(abs(col - x) == len(queens)-i for i,x in enumerate(queens))

def solve(n):

   solutions = [[]]
   for row in range(n):
       solutions = (solution+[i+1]
                      for solution in solutions # first for clause is evaluated immediately,
                                                # so "solutions" is correctly captured
                      for i in range(BOARD_SIZE)
                      if not under_attack(i+1, solution))
   return solutions

answers = solve(BOARD_SIZE) first_answer = next(answers) print(list(enumerate(first_answer, start=1)))</lang>

Python: backtracking on permutations

Queens positions on a n x n board are encoded as permutations of [0, 1, ..., n]. The algorithms consists in building a permutation from left to right, by swapping elements of the initial [0, 1, ..., n], recursively calling itself unless the current position is not possible. The test is done by checking only diagonals, since rows/columns have by definition of a permutation, only one queen.

This is initially a translation of the Fortran 77 solution.

The solutions are returned as a generator, using the "yield from" functionality of Python 3.3, described in PEP-380.

<lang python>def queens(n):

   a = list(range(n))
   up = [True]*(2*n - 1)
   down = [True]*(2*n - 1)
   def sub(i):
       if i == n:
           yield tuple(a)
           for k in range(i, n):
               j = a[k]
               p = i + j
               q = i - j + n - 1
               if up[p] and down[q]:
                   up[p] = down[q] = False
                   a[i], a[k] = a[k], a[i]
                   yield from sub(i + 1)
                   up[p] = down[q] = True
                   a[i], a[k] = a[k], a[i]
   yield from sub(0)
  1. Count solutions for n=8:

sum(1 for p in queens(8)) 92</lang>

The preceding function does not enumerate solutions in lexicographic order, see Permutations#Recursive implementation for an explanation. The following does, but is almost 50% slower, because the exchange is always made (otherwise the loop to shift the array a by one place would not work).

However, it may be interesting to look at the first solution in lexicographic order: for growing n, and apart from a +1 offset, it gets closer and closer to the sequence A065188 at OEIS. The first n for which the first solutions differ is n=26.

<lang python>def queens_lex(n):

   a = list(range(n))
   up = [True]*(2*n - 1)
   down = [True]*(2*n - 1)
   def sub(i):
       if i == n:
           yield tuple(a)
           for k in range(i, n):
               a[i], a[k] = a[k], a[i]
               j = a[i]
               p = i + j
               q = i - j + n - 1
               if up[p] and down[q]:
                   up[p] = down[q] = False
                   yield from sub(i + 1)
                   up[p] = down[q] = True
           x = a[i]
           for k in range(i + 1, n):
               a[k - 1] = a[k]
           a[n - 1] = x
   yield from sub(0)

next(queens(31)) (0, 2, 4, 1, 3, 8, 10, 12, 14, 6, 17, 21, 26, 28, 25, 27, 24, 30, 7, 5, 29, 15, 13, 11, 9, 18, 22, 19, 23, 16, 20)

next(queens_lex(31)) (0, 2, 4, 1, 3, 8, 10, 12, 14, 5, 17, 22, 25, 27, 30, 24, 26, 29, 6, 16, 28, 13, 9, 7, 19, 11, 15, 18, 21, 23, 20)

  1. Compare to A065188
  2. 1, 3, 5, 2, 4, 9, 11, 13, 15, 6, 8, 19, 7, 22, 10, 25, 27, 29, 31, 12, 14, 35, 37, ...</lang>


<lang r># Brute force, see the "Permutations" page for the next.perm function safe <- function(p) { n <- length(p) for(i in 1:(n-1)) { for(j in (i+1):n) { if(abs(p[j] - p[i]) == abs(j - i)) return(FALSE) } } return(TRUE) }

queens <- function(n) { p <- 1:n k <- 0 while(!is.null(p)) { if(safe(p)) { cat(p,"\n") k <- k + 1 } p <- next.perm(p) } return(k) }


  1. 1 5 8 6 3 7 2 4
  2. ...
  3. 92</lang>


Backtracking algorithm; returns one solution

<lang racket>

  1. lang racket

(struct Q (x y) #:transparent)

returns true if given q1 and q2 do not conflict

(define (safe? q1 q2)

 (match* (q1 q2)
   [((Q x1 y1) (Q x2 y2))
    (not (or (= x1 x2) (= y1 y2)
             (= (abs (- x1 x2)) (abs (- y1 y2)))))]))
returns true if given q doesn't conflict with anything in given list of qs

(define (safe-lst? q qs) (for/and ([q2 qs]) (safe? q q2)))

(define (nqueens n)

 ;; qs is partial solution; x y is current position to try
 (let loop ([qs null] [x 0] [y 0])
   (cond [(= (length qs) n) qs]          ; found a solution
         [(>= x n) (loop qs 0 (add1 y))] ; go to next row
         [(>= y n) #f]                   ; current solution is invalid
          (define q (Q x y))
          (if (safe-lst? q qs) ; is current position safe?
              (or (loop (cons q qs) 0 (add1 y)) ; optimistically place a queen
                                                ; (and move pos to next row)
                  (loop qs (add1 x) y))  ; backtrack if it fails
              (loop qs (add1 x) y))])))

(nqueens 8)

=> (list (Q 3 7) (Q 1 6) (Q 6 5) (Q 2 4) (Q 5 3) (Q 7 2) (Q 4 1) (Q 0 0))


Show result with "How to Design Programs" GUI. <lang racket> (require htdp/show-queen)

(define (show-nqueens n)

 (define qs (time (nqueens n)))
  (for/list ([row n])
    (for/list ([col n])
      (if (member (Q row col) qs) #t #f)))))

(show-nqueens 8) </lang>

When hovering mouse, GUI also displays conflicts for potential additional queens.

Lazy-style solution, ie, generate all solutions, then filter out invalid ones. Computes all solutions.

<lang racket>

  1. lang racket

(struct Q (x y) #:transparent)

(define-syntax-rule (lcons x y) (cons x (lazy y)))

(define (lazy-filter p? lst)

 (define flst (force lst))
 (if (null? flst) '()
     (let ([x (car flst)])
       (if (p? x)
           (lcons x (lazy-filter p? (cdr flst)))
           (lazy-filter p? (cdr flst))))))

(define (lazy-foldr f base lst)

 (define flst (force lst))
 (if (null? flst) base
     (f (car flst) (lazy (lazy-foldr f base (cdr flst))))))

(define (tails lst)

 (if (null? lst) '(())
     (cons lst (tails (cdr lst)))))

(define (safe? q1 q2)

 (match* (q1 q2)
   [((Q x1 y1) (Q x2 y2))
    (not (or (= x1 x2) (= y1 y2)
             (= (abs (- x1 x2)) (abs (- y1 y2)))))]))

(define (safe-lst? lst)

 (or (null? lst)
     (let ([q1 (car lst)])
       (for/and ([q2 (cdr lst)]) (safe? q1 q2)))))

(define (valid? lst) (andmap safe-lst? (tails lst)))

(define (nqueens n)

 (define all-possible-solutions
   (for/fold ([qss-so-far '(())]) ([row (in-range n)])
      (λ (qs new-qss)
        (append (for/list ([col (in-range n)]) (cons (Q row col) qs))
      '() qss-so-far)))
 (lazy-filter valid? all-possible-solutions))


Taking the first solution does not compute the other solutions:

<lang racket> (car (nqueens 8))

=> (list (Q 7 3) (Q 6 1) (Q 5 6) (Q 4 2) (Q 3 5) (Q 2 7) (Q 1 4) (Q 0 0))


Computing all solutions is also possible:

<lang racket> (define (force-and-print qs)

 (define forced (force qs))
 (unless (null? forced)
   (printf "~v\n" (car forced))
   (force-and-print (cdr forced))))

(force-and-print (nqueens 8))

(list (Q 7 3) (Q 6 1) (Q 5 6) (Q 4 2) (Q 3 5) (Q 2 7) (Q 1 4) (Q 0 0))
(list (Q 7 4) (Q 6 1) (Q 5 3) (Q 4 6) (Q 3 2) (Q 2 7) (Q 1 5) (Q 0 0))
(list (Q 7 2) (Q 6 4) (Q 5 1) (Q 4 7) (Q 3 5) (Q 2 3) (Q 1 6) (Q 0 0))
(list (Q 7 2) (Q 6 5) (Q 5 3) (Q 4 1) (Q 3 7) (Q 2 4) (Q 1 6) (Q 0 0))


(list (Q 7 5) (Q 6 3) (Q 5 6) (Q 4 0) (Q 3 2) (Q 2 4) (Q 1 1) (Q 0 7))
(list (Q 7 3) (Q 6 6) (Q 5 4) (Q 4 1) (Q 3 5) (Q 2 0) (Q 1 2) (Q 0 7))
(list (Q 7 4) (Q 6 6) (Q 5 1) (Q 4 5) (Q 3 2) (Q 2 0) (Q 1 3) (Q 0 7))


Logic borrowed from the Ruby example <lang racket>

  1. lang racket

(define (remove x lst)

 (for/list ([i (in-range (length lst))]
            #:when (not (= x i)))
   (list-ref lst i)))

(define (switch-pairs lst)

 (cond [(null? lst) '()]
       [(null? (cdr lst)) (list '() (car lst))]
       [else (append (list (cadr lst) (car lst))
                     (switch-pairs (cddr lst)))]))

(define (switch-places a1 a2 lst)

 (for/list ([i (length lst)])
   (list-ref lst (cond [(= a1 i) a2] [(= a2 i) a1] [else i]))))

(define (position-queens n)

 (cond [(= 1 n) (list (list 1))]
       [(> 4 n) #f]
       [else (possible-queens n)]))

(define (possible-queens n)

 (define rem (remainder n 12))
 (define lst (build-list n add1))
 (define evens (filter even? lst))
 (define odds (filter odd? lst))
 (cond [(or (= rem 9) (= rem 3)) (case3or9 evens odds)]
       [(= rem 8) (case8 evens odds)]
       [(= rem 2) (case2 evens odds)]
       [else (append evens odds)]))

(define (case3or9 evens odds)

 (for/fold ([acum (append (cdr evens) (list (car evens)) odds)])
           ([i (in-list '(1 3))])
   (append (remove (list-ref acum i) acum) (list i))))

(define (case8 evens odds)

 (append evens (switch-pairs odds)))

(define (case2 evens odds)

 (define nums (append evens odds))
 (define idx (map (λ(i) (list-ref nums i)) '(1 3 5)))
 (append (remove (caddr idx)
                 (switch-places (car idx) (cadr idx) nums))

(define (queens n)

 (define position-numbers (position-queens n))
 (define positions-on-board
   (for/list ([i n]) (cons i (sub1 (list-ref position-numbers i)))))
 (for/list ([x n])
   (for/list ([y n])
     (if (member (cons x y) positions-on-board) "Q" "."))))

(define (print-queens n)

 (for ([x (queens n)]) (displayln (string-join x))))



<lang Rascal>import Prelude;

public set[list[int]] Nqueens(int n){ cols = upTill(n); result = {}; for (vector <- permutations(cols)){ if (n == size({vector[j] + j |j <- cols}) && n == size({vector[j] - j |j <- cols})) result += vector;} return result; }</lang>


The logic was borrowed from the Fortran example and modified for speed;   the display of the chessboard was
also changed to allow for the aspect ratio of display terminals to make the chessboard appear square.

Logic was added to the REXX program to preserve the color for a black square when a queen is on it.

About half of the REXX code involves presentation (and colorization) of the chessboard and queens. <lang rexx>/*REXX program places N queens on a NxN chessboard (the 8 queens problem).*/ parse arg N . /*obtain optional argument from the CL.*/ if N== | N==',' then N=8 /*Not specified: Then use the default.*/ if N<1 then call noSol /*display a message, the board is bad. */ rank=1; file=1; #=0 /*starting rank&file; #≡number queens.*/ @.=0;  !=left(, 9* (N<18)) /*define empty board; set indentation.*/

 do  while #<N;       @.file.rank=1   /*keep placing queens until we're done.*/
 if ok(file,rank)  then do;   #=#+1   /*Queen not being attacked? Then eureka*/
                        file=1        /*use another attempt at another file. */
                        rank=rank+1   /*and also bump the rank counter.      */
                        iterate       /*go and try another queen placement.  */
                        end           /* [↑]  found a good queen placement.  */
 @.file.rank=0                        /*It isn't safe.  So remove this queen.*/
 file=file+1                          /*So, try the next (higher) file.      */
             do  while file>N;   rank=rank-1;       if rank==0  then call noSol
               do j=1  for N;    if \@.j.rank  then iterate       /*occupied?*/
               file=j;  @.file.rank=0;   #=#-1;     file=j+1;   leave  /*j*/
               end  /*j*/
             end    /*while file>N*/
 end                /*while    #<N*/

say 'A solution for' N "queens:"; a = substr( copies("┼───", N) ,2); say say ! translate('┌'a"┐", '┬', "┼") /*display the top rank (of the board).*/ line = '├'a"┤"; dither='░' /*define a line (bar) for cell boundry.*/ bar = '│'  ; queen='Q' /*kinds: horizontal, vertical, salad. */ Bqueen = dither || queen || dither /*glyph befitting a black-square queen.*/ Wqueen = ' 'queen" " /* " " " white-square " */

 do   rank=1  for N;  if rank\==1  then say ! line; _= /*display sep for rank*/
   do file=1  for N;  B=(file+rank)//2                 /*is the square black?*/
   Qgylph=Wqueen;   if  B  then Qgylph=Bqueen          /*use a dithered queen*/
   if @.file.rank then _=_ || bar || Qgylph /*use the 3-char symbol for queen*/
                  else if B then _=_||bar||copies(dither,3)  /*use dithering.*/
                            else _=_||bar||copies(' ',   3)  /*use 3 blanks. */
   end   /*file*/                     /* [↑]  preserve square-ish chessboard.*/
 say ! _ || bar                       /*show a single rank of the chessboard.*/
 end     /*rank*/                     /*80 cols  can view a 19x19 chessboard.*/

say ! translate('└'a"┘", '┴', "┼") /*display the last rank (of the board).*/ exit 1 /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */ /*────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ noSol: say; say "No solution for" N 'queens.'; say; exit 0 /*────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ ok: parse arg f,r; rm=r-1; fm=f-1; fp=f+1

           do k=1        for rm;             if @.f.k then return 0;        end
     f=fm; do k=rm by -1 for rm while f\==0; if @.f.k then return 0; f=f-1; end
     f=fp; do k=rm by -1 for rm while f <=N; if @.f.k then return 0; f=f+1; end
   return 1                           /* [↑]      is the queen under attack? */</lang>

output   when using the default of an 8x8 chessboard:

A solution for 8 queens:

          │ Q │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│
          │░░░│   │░░░│   │░Q░│   │░░░│   │
          │   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░Q░│
          │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│ Q │░░░│   │
          │   │░░░│ Q │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│
          │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░Q░│   │
          │   │░Q░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│
          │░░░│   │░░░│ Q │░░░│   │░░░│   │

output   when using the input of: 20

A solution for 20 queens:

 │ Q │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│
 │░░░│   │░Q░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │
 │   │░░░│   │░░░│ Q │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│
 │░░░│ Q │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │
 │   │░░░│   │░Q░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│
 │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░Q░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │
 │   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│ Q │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│
 │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│ Q │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │
 │   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░Q░│   │░░░│
 │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│ Q │
 │   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│ Q │░░░│   │░░░│
 │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░Q░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │
 │   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░Q░│   │░░░│   │░░░│
 │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░Q░│   │
 │   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░Q░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│
 │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│ Q │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │
 │   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│ Q │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│
 │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│ Q │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │
 │   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░Q░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│
 │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░Q░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │░░░│   │


This implements the heuristics found on the wikipedia page to return just one solution <lang ruby># 1. Divide n by 12. Remember the remainder (n is 8 for the eight queens

  1. puzzle).
  2. 2. Write a list of the even numbers from 2 to n in order.
  3. 3. If the remainder is 3 or 9, move 2 to the end of the list.
  4. 4. Append the odd numbers from 1 to n in order, but, if the remainder is 8,
  5. switch pairs (i.e. 3, 1, 7, 5, 11, 9, …).
  6. 5. If the remainder is 2, switch the places of 1 and 3, then move 5 to the
  7. end of the list.
  8. 6. If the remainder is 3 or 9, move 1 and 3 to the end of the list.
  9. 7. Place the first-column queen in the row with the first number in the
  10. list, place the second-column queen in the row with the second number in
  11. the list, etc.

def n_queens(n)

 if n == 1
   return "Q"
 elsif n < 4
   puts "no solutions for n=#{n}"
   return ""
 evens = (2..n).step(2).to_a
 odds = (1..n).step(2).to_a
 rem = n % 12  # (1)
 nums = evens  # (2)
 nums.push(nums.shift) if rem == 3 or rem == 9  # (3)
 # (4)
 if rem == 8
   odds = odds.each_slice(2).inject([]) {|ary, (a,b)| ary += [b,a]}
 # (5)
 if rem == 2
   idx = []
   [1,3,5].each {|i| idx[i] = nums.index(i)}
   nums[idx[1]], nums[idx[3]] = nums[idx[3]], nums[idx[1]]
 # (6)
 if rem == 3 or rem == 9
   [1,3].each do |i|
     nums.slice!( nums.index(i) )
 # (7)
 board = Array.new(n) {Array.new(n) {"."}}
 n.times {|i| board[i][nums[i] - 1] = "Q"}
 board.inject("") {|str, row| str << row.join(" ") << "\n"}


(1 .. 15).each {|n| puts "n=#{n}"; puts n_queens(n); puts}</lang>


no solutions for n=2

no solutions for n=3

. Q . .
. . . Q
Q . . .
. . Q .

. Q . . .
. . . Q .
Q . . . .
. . Q . .
. . . . Q

. Q . . . .
. . . Q . .
. . . . . Q
Q . . . . .
. . Q . . .
. . . . Q .

. Q . . . . .
. . . Q . . .
. . . . . Q .
Q . . . . . .
. . Q . . . .
. . . . Q . .
. . . . . . Q

. Q . . . . . .
. . . Q . . . .
. . . . . Q . .
. . . . . . . Q
. . Q . . . . .
Q . . . . . . .
. . . . . . Q .
. . . . Q . . .

. . . Q . . . . .
. . . . . Q . . .
. . . . . . . Q .
. Q . . . . . . .
. . . . Q . . . .
. . . . . . Q . .
. . . . . . . . Q
Q . . . . . . . .
. . Q . . . . . .

. Q . . . . . . . .
. . . Q . . . . . .
. . . . . Q . . . .
. . . . . . . Q . .
. . . . . . . . . Q
Q . . . . . . . . .
. . Q . . . . . . .
. . . . Q . . . . .
. . . . . . Q . . .
. . . . . . . . Q .

. Q . . . . . . . . .
. . . Q . . . . . . .
. . . . . Q . . . . .
. . . . . . . Q . . .
. . . . . . . . . Q .
Q . . . . . . . . . .
. . Q . . . . . . . .
. . . . Q . . . . . .
. . . . . . Q . . . .
. . . . . . . . Q . .
. . . . . . . . . . Q

. Q . . . . . . . . . .
. . . Q . . . . . . . .
. . . . . Q . . . . . .
. . . . . . . Q . . . .
. . . . . . . . . Q . .
. . . . . . . . . . . Q
Q . . . . . . . . . . .
. . Q . . . . . . . . .
. . . . Q . . . . . . .
. . . . . . Q . . . . .
. . . . . . . . Q . . .
. . . . . . . . . . Q .

. Q . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . Q . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . Q . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . Q . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . Q . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . Q .
Q . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . Q . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . Q . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . Q . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . Q . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . Q . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . Q

. Q . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . Q . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . Q . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . Q . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . Q . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . Q . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . Q
. . Q . . . . . . . . . . .
Q . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . Q . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . Q . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . Q . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . Q .
. . . . Q . . . . . . . . .

. . . Q . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . Q . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . Q . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . Q . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . Q . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . Q .
. Q . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . Q . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . Q . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . Q . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . Q . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . Q . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q
Q . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . Q . . . . . . . . . . . .

Alternate solution

If there is not specification, it outputs all solutions. <lang ruby>class Queen

 def initialize(num=8)
   @num = num
 def solve(out=true)
   @out   = out
   @row   = *0...@num
   @frame = "+-" + "--" * @num + "+"
   @count = 0
   add = Array.new(2 * @num - 1, true)
   sub = Array.new(2 * @num - 1, true)
   _solve([], add, sub)
 def _solve(row, add, sub)
   y = row.size
   if y == @num
     print_out(row) if @out
     @count += 1
     (@row-row).each do |x|
       next unless add[x+y] and sub[x-y]
       add[x+y] = sub[x-y] = false
       _solve(row+[x], add, sub)
       add[x+y] = sub[x-y] = true
 def print_out(row)
   puts @frame
   row.each do |i|
     line = @num.times.map {|j| j==i ? "Q " : ". "}.join
     puts "| #{line}|"
   puts @frame


Example: <lang ruby>(1..6).each do |n|

 puzzle = Queen.new(n)
 puts " #{n} Queen : #{puzzle.solve}"


(7..12).each do |n|

 puzzle = Queen.new(n)
 puts " #{n} Queen : #{puzzle.solve(false)}"   # no display


| Q |
 1 Queen : 1
 2 Queen : 0
 3 Queen : 0
| . Q . . |
| . . . Q |
| Q . . . |
| . . Q . |
| . . Q . |
| Q . . . |
| . . . Q |
| . Q . . |
 4 Queen : 2
| Q . . . . |
| . . Q . . |
| . . . . Q |
| . Q . . . |
| . . . Q . |
| Q . . . . |
| . . . Q . |
| . Q . . . |
| . . . . Q |
| . . Q . . |
| . Q . . . |
| . . . Q . |
| Q . . . . |
| . . Q . . |
| . . . . Q |
| . Q . . . |
| . . . . Q |
| . . Q . . |
| Q . . . . |
| . . . Q . |
| . . Q . . |
| Q . . . . |
| . . . Q . |
| . Q . . . |
| . . . . Q |
| . . Q . . |
| . . . . Q |
| . Q . . . |
| . . . Q . |
| Q . . . . |
| . . . Q . |
| Q . . . . |
| . . Q . . |
| . . . . Q |
| . Q . . . |
| . . . Q . |
| . Q . . . |
| . . . . Q |
| . . Q . . |
| Q . . . . |
| . . . . Q |
| . Q . . . |
| . . . Q . |
| Q . . . . |
| . . Q . . |
| . . . . Q |
| . . Q . . |
| Q . . . . |
| . . . Q . |
| . Q . . . |
 5 Queen : 10
| . Q . . . . |
| . . . Q . . |
| . . . . . Q |
| Q . . . . . |
| . . Q . . . |
| . . . . Q . |
| . . Q . . . |
| . . . . . Q |
| . Q . . . . |
| . . . . Q . |
| Q . . . . . |
| . . . Q . . |
| . . . Q . . |
| Q . . . . . |
| . . . . Q . |
| . Q . . . . |
| . . . . . Q |
| . . Q . . . |
| . . . . Q . |
| . . Q . . . |
| Q . . . . . |
| . . . . . Q |
| . . . Q . . |
| . Q . . . . |
 6 Queen : 4
 7 Queen : 40
 8 Queen : 92
 9 Queen : 352
 10 Queen : 724
 11 Queen : 2680
 12 Queen : 14200


<lang runbasic>[loop] input "How many queens (N>=4)";n if n < 4 then

print "Must be greater than 4"
goto [loop]

end if

dim plot$(100,100) dim q(n+20) dim e(n+20) dim o(n+20) r=n mod 6 if r<>2 and r<>3 then

 gosub [samp]
 goto [shoBoard]

end if for i=1 to int(n/2)

 e(i) = 2 * i

next for i=1 to int((n/2)+.5)

o(i) = 2 *i-1

next if r = 2 then gosub [edt2] if r = 3 then gosub [edt3] s = 1 for i=1 to n

 if e(i)>0 then 
   q(s) = e(i)
   s    = s+1
 end if

next for i=1 to n

 if o(i) > 0 then 
   q(s) = o(i)
   s    = s + 1
 end if

next ' print board [shoBoard] cls for i = 1 to n

 plot$(i,26-q(i)) = "*"
 plot$(i,24-n)    = chr$(96+i)
 plot$(n+1,26-i)  = str$(i)

next i for ii = 1 to 100

for jj = 1 to 100
 print left$(plot$(jj,ii)+" ",1);
next jj

print next ii end

' the simple case [samp] p = 1 for i = 1 to n

 if i mod 2=0 then 
   q(p) = i
   p    = p + 1
 end if

next i for i = 1 to n

 if i mod 2 then 
   q(p) = i
   p    = p + 1
 end if

next return ' edit list when remainder is 2 [edt2] for i=1 to n

 if o(i) = 3 then 
   o(i) = 1 
   if o(i)=1 then o(i) = 3
 end if
 if o(i) = 5 then 
   o(i)= o(i) -1 
   if o(i) = 0 then 
     o(i) = 5
   end if
 end if


' edit list when remainder is 3 [edt3] for i = 1 to n

 if e(i) = 2 then 
   e(i)  = e(i)-1 
   if e(i) = 0 then 
     e(i) = 2
     goto [more]
   end if
 end if

next i ' edit list some more [more] for i = 1 to n

 if (o(i)=1 or o(i)=3) then 
   o(i) = o(i)-1 
   if o(i) = 0 then 
     o(i)   = 1
     o(i+1) = 3
   end if
 end if


   *    8                                                                                           
  *     6                                                                                           
 *    * 4                                                                                           
    *   3                                                                                           
*       2                                                                                           
     *  1


<lang rust>const N: usize = 8;

fn try(mut board: &mut [[bool; N]; N], row: usize, mut count: &mut i64) {

  if row == N {
      *count += 1;
      for r in board.iter() {
          println!("{}", r.iter().map(|&x| if x {"x"} else {"."}.to_string()).collect::<Vec<String>>().join(" "))
  for i in 0..N {
      let mut ok: bool = true;
      for j in 0..row {
          if board[j][i]
              || i+j >= row && board[j][i+j-row]
              || i+row < N+j && board[j][i+row-j]
          { ok = false }
      if ok {
          board[row][i] = true;
          try(&mut board, row+1, &mut count);
          board[row][i] = false;


fn main() {

  let mut board: [[bool; N]; N] = [[false; N]; N];
  let mut count: i64 = 0;
  try (&mut board, 0, &mut count);
  println!("Found {} solutions", count)



<lang sas>/* Store all 92 permutations in a SAS dataset. Translation of Fortran 77 */ data queens; array a{8} p1-p8; array s{8}; array u{30}; n=8; do i=1 to n; a(i)=i; end; do i=1 to 4*n-2; u(i)=0; end; m=0; i=1; r=2*n-1; goto L40; L30: s(i)=j; u(p)=1; u(q+r)=1; i=i+1; L40: if i>n then goto L80; j=i; L50: z=a(i); y=a(j); p=i-y+n; q=i+y-1; a(i)=y; a(j)=z; if u(p)=0 and u(q+r)=0 then goto L30; L60: j=j+1; if j<=n then goto L50; L70: j=j-1; if j=i then goto L90; z=a(i); a(i)=a(j); a(j)=z; goto L70; L80: m=m+1; output; L90: i=i-1; if i=0 then goto L100; p=i-a(i)+n; q=i+a(i)-1; j=s(i); u(p)=0; u(q+r)=0; goto L60; L100: put n m; keep p1-p8; run;</lang>


The algorithm below is lazy. It returns an iterator, and each solution is computed as you ask for the next element of the iterator. If you ask for one element, it will only compute one solution.

The test for legal moves is a bit redundant, as the algorithm can never generate two positions in the same row.

<lang scala>case class Pos(row: Int, column: Int) {

 def sameRow(p: Pos) = row == p.row
 def sameColumn(p: Pos) = column == p.column
 def sameDiag(p: Pos) = (p.column - column).abs == (p.row - row).abs
 def illegal(p: Pos) = sameRow(p) || sameColumn(p) || sameDiag(p)
 def legal(p: Pos) = !illegal(p)


def rowSet(size: Int, row: Int) = Iterator.tabulate(size)(column => Pos(row, column))

def expand(solutions: Iterator[List[Pos]], size: Int, row: Int) =

 for {
   solution <- solutions
   pos <- rowSet(size, row)
   if solution forall (_ legal pos)
 } yield pos :: solution

def seed(size: Int) = rowSet(size, 0) map (sol => List(sol))

def solve(size: Int) = (1 until size).foldLeft(seed(size)) (expand(_, size, _))</lang>


<lang seed7>$ include "seed7_05.s7i";

var array integer: board is 8 times 0; var integer: solutionNum is 0;

const func boolean: safe (in integer: y) is func

   var boolean: safe is TRUE;
   var integer: i is 1;
   while i < y and safe do
     safe := board[y - i] <> board[y] and
             board[y - i] <> board[y] - i and
             board[y - i] <> board[y] + i;
   end while;
 end func;

const proc: putBoard is func

   var integer: y is 0;
   writeln("Solution " <& solutionNum);
   for y range 1 to 8 do
     writeln("|_" mult pred(board[y]) <& "|Q" <& "|_" mult (8 - board[y]) <& "|");
   end for;
 end func;

const proc: main is func

   var integer: y is 1;
   while y >= 1 do
     until board[y] > 8 or safe(y);
     if board[y] <= 8 then
       if y < 8 then
         board[y] := 0;
       end if;
     end if;
   end while;
 end func;</lang>


<lang SNOBOL4>

  • N queens problem
  • Set N to the desired number. The program prints out all solution boards.

N = 5 NM1 = N - 1; NP1 = N + 1; NSZ = N * NP1; &STLIMIT = 10 ** 9; &ANCHOR = 1 DEFINE('SOLVE(B)I')

  • This pattern tests if the first queen attacks any of the others:

TEST = BREAK('Q') 'Q' (ARBNO(LEN(N) '-') LEN(N) 'Q' + | ARBNO(LEN(NP1) '-') LEN(NP1) 'Q' + | ARBNO(LEN(NM1) '-') LEN(NM1) 'Q') P = LEN(NM1) . X LEN(1); L = 'Q' DUPL('-',NM1) ' ' SOLVE()  :(END) SOLVE EQ(SIZE(B),NSZ) :S(PRINT)

  • Add another row with a queen:


  • Try queen in next square:



This is somewhat a transliteration of the "shortened" C++ code above.

<lang sparkling>let print_table = function (pos) { pos.foreach(function (_, i) { stdout.printf(" %c", 'a' + i); });


pos.foreach(function (col, row) { stdout.printf("%d", row + 1); stdout.printf("%s #\n", range(col).reduce("", function (s, t) { return s .. " "; })); });

stdout.write("\n\n"); };

let threatens = function (row_a, col_a, row_b, col_b) { return row_a == row_b or col_a == col_b or abs(row_a - row_b) == abs(col_a - col_b); };

let good = function(pos, end_idx) { return pos.all(function (col_a, row_a) { return range(row_a + 1, end_idx).all(function (row_b) { let col_b = pos[row_b]; return not threatens(row_a, col_a, row_b, col_b); }); }); };

// Returns number of solutions let n_queens = function (pos, index) { if index >= pos.length { if good(pos, index) { print_table(pos); return 1; }

return 0; }

if not good(pos, index) { return 0; }

return pos.map(function (_, col) { pos[index] = col; return n_queens(pos, index + 1); }).reduce(0, function (a, b) { return a + b; }); };

stdout.printf("%d solutions\n", n_queens(range(8), 0));</lang>


This implementation, which solves the problem for n=8, makes use of Common Table Expressions and has been tested with SQLite (>=3.8.3) and Postgres (please note the related comment in the code). It might be compatible with other SQL dialects as well. A gist with the SQL file and a Python script that runs it using SQLite is available on Github: https://gist.github.com/adewes/5e5397b693eb50e67f07


 positions(i) as (
   i+1 FROM positions WHERE i < 63
 solutions(board, n_queens) AS (
   SELECT '----------------------------------------------------------------', cast(0 AS bigint) 
     FROM positions
     substr(board, 1, i) || '*' || substr(board, i+2),n_queens + 1 as n_queens
     FROM positions AS ps, solutions 
   WHERE n_queens < 8
     AND substr(board,1,i) != '*'
       SELECT 1 FROM positions WHERE
         substr(board,i+1,1) = '*' AND
               i % 8 = ps.i %8 OR
               cast(i / 8 AS INT) = cast(ps.i / 8 AS INT) OR
               cast(i / 8 AS INT) + (i % 8) = cast(ps.i / 8 AS INT) + (ps.i % 8) OR
               cast(i / 8 AS INT) - (i % 8) = cast(ps.i / 8 AS INT) - (ps.i % 8)
       LIMIT 1
  ORDER BY n_queens DESC -- remove this when using Postgres (they don't support ORDER BY in CTEs)

SELECT board,n_queens FROM solutions WHERE n_queens = 8;


Standard ML

This implementation uses failure continuations for backtracking. <lang Standard ML> (*

* val threat : (int * int) -> (int * int) -> bool
* Returns true iff the queens at the given positions threaten each other

fun threat (x, y) (x', y') =

 x = x' orelse y = y' orelse abs(x - x') = abs(y - y');


* val conflict : (int * int) -> (int * int) list -> bool
* Returns true if there exists a conflict with the position and the list of queens.

fun conflict pos = List.exists (threat pos);


* val addqueen : (int * int * (int * int) list * (unit -> (int * int) list option)) -> (int * int) list option
* Returns either NONE in the case that no solution exists or SOME(l) where l is a list of positions making up the solution.

fun addqueen(i, n, qs, fc) =

   fun try j =
     if j > n then fc()
     else if (conflict (i, j) qs) then try (j + 1)
     else if i = n then SOME((i, j)::qs)
     else addqueen(i + 1, n, (i,j)::qs, fn() => try (j + 1))
   try 1


* val queens : int -> (int * int) list option
* Given the board dimension n, returns a solution for the n-queens problem.

fun queens(n) = addqueen(1, n, [], fn () => NONE);

(* SOME [(8,4),(7,2),(6,7),(5,3),(4,6),(3,8),(2,5),(1,1)] *) queens(8);

(* NONE *) queens(2); </lang>


Create a random board configuration, with the 8-queens as a constraint <lang SystemVerilog>program N_queens;

 parameter SIZE_LOG2 = 3;
 parameter SIZE = 1 << SIZE_LOG2;
 `define ABS_DIFF(a,b) (a>b?a-b:b-a)
 class board;
   rand bit [SIZE_LOG2-1:0] row[SIZE];
   constraint rook_moves {
     foreach (row[i]) foreach (row[j]) if (i < j) {
       row[i] != row[j];
   constraint diagonal_moves {
     foreach (row[i]) foreach (row[j]) if (i < j) {
       `ABS_DIFF(row[i], row[j]) != `ABS_DIFF(i,j);
   function void next;
     foreach (row[i]) begin
       automatic bit [SIZE-1:0] x = 1 << row[i];
       $display( "  %b", x );
 board b = new;
 initial repeat(1) b.next;

endprogram </lang>


This solution is based on the C version on wikipedia. By default it solves the 8-queen case; to solve for any other number, pass N as an extra argument on the script's command line (see the example for the N=6 case, which has anomalously few solutions).

Works with: Tcl version 8.5

<lang tcl>package require Tcl 8.5

proc unsafe {y} {

   global b
   set x [lindex $b $y]
   for {set i 1} {$i <= $y} {incr i} {

set t [lindex $b [expr {$y - $i}]] if {$t==$x || $t==$x-$i || $t==$x+$i} { return 1 }

   return 0


proc putboard {} {

   global b s N
   puts "\n\nSolution #[incr s]"
   for {set y 0} {$y < $N} {incr y} {

for {set x 0} {$x < $N} {incr x} { puts -nonewline [expr {[lindex $b $y] == $x ? "|Q" : "|_"}] } puts "|"



proc main {n} {

   global b N
   set N $n
   set b [lrepeat $N 0]
   set y 0
   lset b 0 -1
   while {$y >= 0} {

lset b $y [expr {[lindex $b $y] + 1}] while {[lindex $b $y] < $N && [unsafe $y]} { lset b $y [expr {[lindex $b $y] + 1}] } if {[lindex $b $y] >= $N} { incr y -1 } elseif {$y < $N-1} { lset b [incr y] -1; } else { putboard }



main [expr {$argc ? int(0+[lindex $argv 0]) : 8}]</lang>

$ tclsh8.5 8queens.tcl 6

Solution #1

Solution #2

Solution #3

Solution #4


This is invoked as a command line application by queens -n, where n is a number greater than 3. Multiple solutions may be reported but reflections and rotations thereof are omitted. <lang Ursala>#import std

  1. import nat

remove_reflections = ^D(length@ht,~&); ~&K2hlPS+ * ^lrNCCs/~&r difference*D remove_rotations = ~&K2hlrS2S+ * num; ~&srlXSsPNCCs

  1. executable <'par',>
  2. optimize+

queens =

%np+~command.options.&h.keyword.&iNC; -+

  ~&iNC+ file$[contents: --<>+ mat` *+ %nP*=*],
  remove_rotations+ remove_reflections+ ~&rSSs+ nleq-<&l*rFlhthPXPSPS,
  ~&i&& ~&lNrNCXX; ~&rr->rl ^/~&l ~&lrrhrSiF4E?/~&rrlPlCrtPX @r ^|/~& ^|T\~& -+
     -<&l^|*DlrTS/~& ~&iiDlSzyCK9hlPNNXXtCS,
     ^jrX/~& @rZK20lrpblPOlrEkPK13lhPK2 ~&i&& nleq$-&lh+-,
  ^/~&NNXS+iota -<&l+ ~&plll2llr2lrPrNCCCCNXS*=irSxPSp+ ^H/block iota; *iiK0 ^/~& sum+-</lang>

The output shows one solution on each line. A solution is reported as a sequence of numbers with the -th number being the index of the occupied row in the -th column.

$ queens -4                     
2 3 0 1                         
$ queens -5                     
0 2 1 3 4                       
2 4 3 0 1
1 3 2 4 0
$ queens 6
4 3 0 2 1 5


Copied from http://www.cs.bu.edu/~hwxi/Xanadu/Examples/ <lang Xanadu> int abs(i: int) {

   if (i >= 0) return i; else return -i;


unit print_dots(n: int) {

 while (n > 0) { print_string("."); n = n - 1; }


{size:int | 0 < size} unit print_board (board[size]: int, size: int(size)) {

 var: int n, row;;
 invariant: [i:nat] (row: int(i))
 for (row = 0; row < size; row = row + 1) {
   n = board[row];
   print_dots(size - n);


{size:int, j:int | 0 <= j < size} bool test (j: int(j), board[size]: int) {

 var: int diff, i, qi, qj;;
 qj = board[j];
 invariant: [i:nat] (i: int(i))
 for (i = 0; i < j; i = i + 1) {
   qi = board[i]; diff = abs (qi - qj);
   if (diff == 0) { return false; } 
   else { if (diff == j - i) return false; }
 return true;


{size:int | 0 < size} nat queen(size: int(size)) {

 var: int board[], next, row; nat count;;
 count = 0; row = 0; board = alloc(size, 0);
 invariant: [n:nat | n < size] (row: int(n))
 while (true) {
   next = board[row]; next = next + 1;
   if (next > size) {
     if (row == 0) break; else { board[row] = 0; row = row - 1; }
   } else {
     board[row] = next;
     if (test(row, board)) {
       row = row + 1;
       if (row == size) {
         count = count + 1;

print_board(board, size);

         row = row - 1;
 return count;


int main () {

 return queen (8);



Below simple stylesheet does produce this output (either by XSLT processors saxon-6.5.5, xsltproc, xalan, or any of the big5 browsers): <lang> 15863724 16837425 ... 88 lines omitted ... 83162574 84136275 </lang>

You can view the results directly in your browser (Chrome/FF/IE/Opera/Safari) here: [[2]]

This stylesheet is in category XSLT because it makes use or EXSLT [[3]] exslt:node-set() extension function not available in XSLT 1.0

It is extracted from a bigger solution described in this blog posting: [[4]]

  • determine all 500 n-queens solutions for 4<=n<=9
  • determine distict solutions and totals
  • display solutions graphically nicely
  • with references to external .gif images [[5]]
  • with internal "data:..." .gif images [[6]]

This is the initial part of a screenshot from browser output:

Here is stylesheet 8-queens.xsl.xml which produces the (simple) output by having itself as input: [[7]] <lang xml>

<?xml-stylesheet href="#" type="text/xsl"?>

<!DOCTYPE xsl:stylesheet [

 <!ENTITY N "8"> 


<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"

 exclude-result-prefixes="n-queens exslt"


 <xsl:output omit-xml-declaration="yes"/>

 <xsl:template match="/xsl:stylesheet">
   <xsl:variable name="row0">
     <xsl:call-template name="n-queens:row">
       <xsl:with-param name="n" select="&N;"/>
   <xsl:variable name="row" select="exslt:node-set($row0)"/>
   <xsl:variable name="rows0">
     <xsl:for-each select="$row/*">
       <r><xsl:copy-of select="$row"/></r>
   <xsl:variable name="rows" select="exslt:node-set($rows0)"/>


    <!-- determine all solutions of $N queens problem -->
    <xsl:call-template name="n-queens:search">
      <xsl:with-param name="b" select="$rows/*"/>



 <xsl:template name="n-queens:search">    
   <xsl:param name="b"/>  
   <xsl:param name="s"/>  
   <xsl:if test="not($b)"> 
     <xsl:value-of select="$s"/><xsl:text>
   <xsl:for-each select="$b[1]/*">
     <xsl:variable name="sieved0">
       <xsl:call-template name="n-queens:sieve">
         <xsl:with-param name="c" select="."/>
         <xsl:with-param name="b" select="$b[position()>1]"/>
     <xsl:variable name="sieved" select="exslt:node-set($sieved0)"/>
     <xsl:call-template name="n-queens:search">
       <xsl:with-param name="b" select="$sieved/*"/>
       <xsl:with-param name="s" select="concat($s, .)"/>
 <xsl:template name="n-queens:sieve">    
   <xsl:param name="c"/>  
   <xsl:param name="b"/>  
   <xsl:for-each select="$b">
     <xsl:variable name="r" select="position()"/>
     <r><xsl:copy-of select="*[. != $c][. - $r != $c][. + $r != $c]"/></r>
 <xsl:template name="n-queens:row">    
   <xsl:param name="n"/>
   <xsl:if test="$n>0">
     <xsl:call-template name="n-queens:row">
       <xsl:with-param name="n" select="$n - 1"/>
     <f><xsl:value-of select="$n"/></f>

<msxsl:script xmlns:msxsl="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xslt"

             language="JScript" implements-prefix="exslt"


 this['node-set'] = function (x) {
   return x;


</xsl:stylesheet> </lang>


<lang XPL0>def N=8; \board size (NxN) int R, C; \row and column of board char B(N,N); \board include c:\cxpl\codes;

proc Try; \Try adding a queen to the board int R; \row, for each level of recursion

   func Okay;
   \Returns 'true' if no row, column, or diagonal from square R,C has a queen
   int I;
   [for I:= 0 to N-1 do
       [if B(I,C) then return false;                   \row is occupied
       if B(R,I) then return false;                    \column is occupied
       if R+I<N & C+I<N then
               if B(R+I, C+I) then return false;       \diagonal down right
       if R-I>=0 & C-I>=0 then
               if B(R-I, C-I) then return false;       \diagonal up left
       if R-I>=0 & C+I<N then
               if B(R-I, C+I) then return false;       \diagonal up right
       if R+I<N & C-I>=0 then
               if B(R+I, C-I) then return false;       \diagonal down left
   return true;
   ]; \Okay

[ \Try if C>=N then

       [for R:= 0 to N-1 do                            \display solution
           [ChOut(0, ^ ); \(avoids scrolling up a color)
           for C:= 0 to N-1 do
               [Attrib(if (R|C)&1 then $0F else $4F);  \checkerboard pattern
               ChOut(6, if B(R,C) then $F2 else ^ );   \cute queen symbol
               ChOut(6, if B(R,C) then $F3 else ^ );
       exit;                                           \one solution is enough

for R:= 0 to N-1 do

   [if Okay(R,C) then          \a queen can be placed here
       [B(R,C):= true;         \ so do it
       C:= C+1;                \move to next column
       Try;                    \ and try from there
       C:= C-1;                \didn't work: backup
       B(R,C):= false;         \undo queen placement

]; \Try

[for R:= 0 to N-1 do \clear the board

   for C:= 0 to N-1 do
       B(R,C):= false;

C:= 0; \start at left column Try; ]</lang>


Modified from a Haskell version (if I remember correctly) <lang zkl>fcn isAttacked([(x,y)],a,b) // explode list (x,y) into args x & y

  { (x==a or y==b or x+y==a+b or x-y==a-b) }

fcn isSafe(a,b,qs){(not qs.filter1(isAttacked,a,b))} // stop at first attack fcn queensN(N=8,row=1,queens=T){ // T is read only list

  qs := [1..N].filter(isSafe.fpM("101",row,queens))  // fpM makes r&q first & third args
  if (row == N) return(qs);
  return(qs.apply(self.fcn.fp(N,row+1)).flatten());  // recurse

}</lang> <lang zkl>queens := queensN(4); println(queens.len()," solution(s):"); queens.apply2(Console.println); --> 2 solution(s): L(L(1,2),L(2,4),L(3,1),L(4,3)) L(L(1,3),L(2,1),L(3,4),L(4,2))</lang>