
From Rosetta Code

Create a simple version of the board game: Mastermind.

It must be possible to:

  • choose the number of colors will be used in the game(2 - 20)
  • choose the color code length(4 - 10)
  • choose the maximum number of guesses the player has (7 - 20)
  • choose whether or not will be repeated colors in the code

The game should display all the player guesses and the results of that guess.

Display(just an idea.):

Feature Graphic Version Text Version
Player guess Colored circles Alphabet letters
Correct color & position Black circle X
Correct color White circle O
None Gray circle -

A text version example: 1: ADEF - XXO-
Translates to:
first guess;
the four colors(ADEF);
result: two correct colors and spot, one correct color/wrong spot one color is not in the code.

Happy coding!