Magic squares of singly even order

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Revision as of 19:31, 6 October 2016 by Frisian (talk | contribs) (→‎{{header|FreeBASIC}}: removed redundant code)
Magic squares of singly even order
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

A magic square is an NxN square matrix whose numbers consist of consecutive numbers arranged so that the sum of each row and column, and both diagonals are equal to the same sum (which is called the magic number or magic constant).

A magic square of singly even order has a size that is a multiple of 4, plus 2 (e.g. 6, 10, 14). This means that the subsquares have an odd size, which plays a role in the construction.


Create a magic square of 6 x 6.

Related tasks
See also


<lang cpp>

  1. include <iostream>
  2. include <sstream>
  3. include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

class magicSqr { public:

   magicSqr() { sqr = 0; }
   ~magicSqr() { if( sqr ) delete [] sqr; }

   void create( int d ) {
       if( sqr ) delete [] sqr;
       if( d & 1 ) d++;
       while( d % 4 == 0 ) { d += 2; }
       sz = d;
       sqr = new int[sz * sz];
       memset( sqr, 0, sz * sz * sizeof( int ) );
   void display() {
       cout << "Singly Even Magic Square: " << sz << " x " << sz << "\n";
       cout << "It's Magic Sum is: " << magicNumber() << "\n\n";
       ostringstream cvr; cvr << sz * sz;
       int l = cvr.str().size();

       for( int y = 0; y < sz; y++ ) {
           int yy = y * sz;
           for( int x = 0; x < sz; x++ ) {
               cout << setw( l + 2 ) << sqr[yy + x];
           cout << "\n";
       cout << "\n\n";


   void siamese( int from, int to ) {
       int oneSide = to - from, curCol = oneSide / 2, curRow = 0, count = oneSide * oneSide, s = 1;
       while( count > 0 ) {
           bool done = false;
           while ( false == done ) {
               if( curCol >= oneSide ) curCol = 0;
               if( curRow < 0 ) curRow = oneSide - 1;
               done = true;
               if( sqr[curCol + sz * curRow] != 0 ) {
                   curCol -= 1; curRow += 2;
                   if( curCol < 0 ) curCol = oneSide - 1;
                   if( curRow >= oneSide ) curRow -= oneSide;
                   done = false;
           sqr[curCol + sz * curRow] = s;
           s++; count--; curCol++; curRow--;
   void fillSqr() {
       int n = sz / 2, ns = n * sz, size = sz * sz, add1 = size / 2, add3 = size / 4, add2 = 3 * add3;
       siamese( 0, n );
       for( int r = 0; r < n; r++ ) {
           int row = r * sz;
           for( int c = n; c < sz; c++ ) {
               int m = sqr[c - n + row];
               sqr[c + row] = m + add1;
               sqr[c + row + ns] = m + add3;
               sqr[c - n + row + ns] = m + add2;
       int lc = ( sz - 2 ) / 4, co = sz - ( lc - 1 ); 
       for( int r = 0; r < n; r++ ) {
           int row = r * sz;    
           for( int c = co; c < sz; c++ ) {    
               sqr[c + row] -= add3;
               sqr[c + row + ns] += add3;
       for( int r = 0; r < n; r++ ) {
           int row = r * sz;    
           for( int c = 0; c < lc; c++ ) {
               int cc = c;
               if( r == lc ) cc++;
               sqr[cc + row] += add2;
               sqr[cc + row + ns] -= add2;
   int magicNumber() { return sz * ( ( sz * sz ) + 1 ) / 2; }

   void inc( int& a ) { if( ++a == sz ) a = 0; }

   void dec( int& a ) { if( --a < 0 ) a = sz - 1; }

   bool checkPos( int x, int y ) { return( isInside( x ) && isInside( y ) && !sqr[sz * y + x] ); }

   bool isInside( int s ) { return ( s < sz && s > -1 ); }

   int* sqr;
   int sz;

}; int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) {

   magicSqr s; s.create( 6 );
   return 0;

} </lang>

Singly Even Magic Square: 6 x 6
It's Magic Sum is: 111

  35   1   6  26  19  24
   3  32   7  21  23  25
  31   9   2  22  27  20
   8  28  33  17  10  15
  30   5  34  12  14  16
   4  36  29  13  18  11


Translation of: Java

<lang d> import std.exception; import std.stdio;

void main() {

   int n = 6;
   foreach (row; magicSquareSinglyEven(n)) {
       foreach (x; row) {
           writef("%2s ", x);
   writeln("\nMagic constant: ", (n * n + 1) * n / 2);


int[][] magicSquareOdd(const int n) {

   enforce(n >= 3 && n % 2 != 0, "Base must be odd and >2");
   int value = 0;
   int gridSize = n * n;
   int c = n / 2;
   int r = 0;
   int[][] result = new int[][](n, n);
   while(++value <= gridSize) {
       result[r][c] = value;
       if (r == 0) {
           if (c == n - 1) {
           } else {
               r = n - 1;
       } else if (c == n - 1) {
           c = 0;
       } else if (result[r - 1][c + 1] == 0) {
       } else {
   return result;


int[][] magicSquareSinglyEven(const int n) {

   enforce(n >= 6 && (n - 2) % 4 == 0, "Base must be a positive multiple of four plus 2");
   int size = n * n;
   int halfN = n / 2;
   int subSquareSize = size / 4;
   int[][] subSquare = magicSquareOdd(halfN);
   int[] quadrantFactors = [0, 2, 3, 1];
   int[][] result = new int[][](n, n);
   for (int r = 0; r < n; r++) {
       for (int c = 0; c < n; c++) {
           int quadrant = (r / halfN) * 2 + (c / halfN);
           result[r][c] = subSquare[r % halfN][c % halfN];
           result[r][c] += quadrantFactors[quadrant] * subSquareSize;
   int nColsLeft = halfN / 2;
   int nColsRight = nColsLeft - 1;
   for (int r = 0; r < halfN; r++) {
       for (int c = 0; c < n; c++) {
           if (c < nColsLeft || c >= n - nColsRight
               || (c == nColsLeft && r == nColsLeft)) {
               if (c == 0 && r == nColsLeft) {
               int tmp = result[r][c];
               result[r][c] = result[r + halfN][c];
               result[r + halfN][c] = tmp;
   return result;

} </lang>


wp:Conway's LUX method for magic squares: <lang elixir>defmodule Magic_square do

 @lux  %{ L: [4, 1, 2, 3], U: [1, 4, 2, 3], X: [1, 4, 3, 2] }
 def singly_even(n) when rem(n-2,4)!=0, do: raise ArgumentError, "must be even, but not divisible by 4."
 def singly_even(2), do: raise ArgumentError, "2x2 magic square not possible."
 def singly_even(n) do
   n2 = div(n, 2)
   oms = odd_magic_square(n2)
   mat = make_lux_matrix(n2)
   square = synthesis(n2, oms, mat)
   IO.puts to_string(n, square)
 defp odd_magic_square(m) do       # zero beginning, it is 4 multiples.
   for i <- 0..m-1, j <- 0..m-1, into: %{},
       do: {{i,j}, (m*(rem(i+j+1+div(m,2),m)) + rem(i+2*j-5+2*m, m)) * 4}
 defp make_lux_matrix(m) do
   center = div(m, 2)
   lux = List.duplicate(:L, center+1) ++ [:U] ++ List.duplicate(:X, m-center-2)
   (for {x,i} <- Enum.with_index(lux), j <- 0..m-1, into: %{}, do: {{i,j}, x})
   |> Map.put({center,   center}, :U)
   |> Map.put({center+1, center}, :L)
 defp synthesis(m, oms, mat) do
   range = 0..m-1
   Enum.reduce(range, [], fn i,acc ->
     {row0, row1} = Enum.reduce(range, {[],[]}, fn j,{r0,r1} ->
                      x = oms[{i,j}]
                      [lux0, lux1, lux2, lux3] = @lux[mat[{i,j}]]
                      {[x+lux0, x+lux1 | r0], [x+lux2, x+lux3 | r1]}
     [row0, row1 | acc]
 defp to_string(n, square) do
   format = String.duplicate("~#{length(to_char_list(n*n))}w ", n) <> "\n"
   Enum.map_join(square, fn row ->
     :io_lib.format(format, row)



 5  8 36 33 13 16
 6  7 34 35 14 15
28 25 17 20 12  9
26 27 18 19 10 11
24 21  4  1 32 29
22 23  2  3 30 31


<lang freebasic>' version 18-03-2016 ' compile with: fbc -s console ' singly even magic square 6, 10, 14, 18...

Sub Err_msg(msg As String)

   Print msg
   Beep : Sleep 5000, 1 : Exit Sub

End Sub

Sub se_magicsq(n As UInteger, filename As String = "")

   ' filename <> "" then save square in a file
   ' filename can contain directory name
   ' if filename exist it will be overwriten, no error checking
   If n < 6 Then
       Err_msg( "Error: n is to small")
       Exit Sub
   End If
   If ((n -2) Mod 4) <> 0 Then
       Err_msg "Error: not possible to make singly" + _
                " even magic square size " + Str(n)
       Exit Sub
   End If
   Dim As UInteger sq(1 To n, 1 To n)
   Dim As UInteger magic_sum = n * (n ^ 2 +1) \ 2
   Dim As UInteger sq_d_2 = n \ 2, q2 = sq_d_2 ^ 2
   Dim As UInteger l = (n -2) \ 4
   Dim As UInteger x = sq_d_2 \ 2 + 1, y = 1, nr = 1
   Dim As String frmt = String(Len(Str(n * n)) +1, "#")
   ' fill pattern A C
   '              D B
   ' main loop for creating magic square in section A
   ' the value for B,C and D is derived from A
   ' uses the FreeBASIC odd order magic square routine
       If sq(x, y) = 0 Then
           sq(x         , y         ) = nr          ' A
           sq(x + sq_d_2, y + sq_d_2) = nr + q2     ' B
           sq(x + sq_d_2, y         ) = nr + q2 * 2 ' C
           sq(x         , y + sq_d_2) = nr + q2 * 3 ' D
           If nr Mod sq_d_2 = 0 Then
               y += 1
               x += 1 : y -= 1
           End If
           nr += 1
       End If
       If x > sq_d_2 Then
           x = 1
           Do While sq(x,y) <> 0
               x += 1
       End If
       If y < 1 Then
           y = sq_d_2
           Do While sq(x,y) <> 0
               y -= 1
       End If
   Loop Until nr > q2

   ' swap left side
   For y = 1 To sq_d_2
       For x = 1 To l
           Swap sq(x, y), sq(x,y + sq_d_2)
   ' make indent
   y = (sq_d_2 \ 2) +1
   Swap sq(1, y), sq(1, y + sq_d_2) ' was swapped, restore to orignal value
   Swap sq(l +1, y), sq(l +1, y + sq_d_2)
   ' swap right side
   For y = 1 To sq_d_2
       For x = n - l +2 To n
           Swap sq(x, y), sq(x,y + sq_d_2)
   ' check columms and rows
   For y = 1 To n
       nr = 0 : l  = 0
       For x = 1 To n
           nr += sq(x,y)
           l  += sq(y,x)
       If nr <> magic_sum Or l <> magic_sum Then
           Err_msg "Error: value <> magic_sum"
           Exit Sub
       End If
   ' check diagonals
   nr = 0 : l = 0
   For x = 1 To n
       nr += sq(x, x)
       l  += sq(n - x +1, n - x +1)
   If nr <> magic_sum Or l <> magic_sum Then
       Err_msg "Error: value <> magic_sum"
       Exit Sub
   End If
   ' printing square's on screen bigger when
   ' n > 19 results in a wrapping of the line
   Print "Single even magic square size: "; n; "*"; n
   Print "The magic sum = "; magic_sum
   For y = 1 To n
       For x = 1 To n
           Print Using frmt; sq(x, y);
   ' output magic square to a file with the name provided
   If filename <> "" Then
       nr = FreeFile
       Open filename For Output As #nr
       Print #nr, "Single even magic square size: "; n; "*"; n
       Print #nr, "The magic sum = "; magic_sum
       Print #nr,
       For y = 1 To n
           For x = 1 To n
               Print #nr, Using frmt; sq(x,y);
           Print #nr,
       Close #nr
   End If

End Sub

' ------=< MAIN >=------

se_magicsq(6, "magicse6.txt") : Print

' empty keyboard buffer While Inkey <> "" : Wend Print : Print "hit any key to end program" Sleep End</lang>

Single even magic square size: 6*6
The magic sum = 111

 35  1  6 26 19 24
  3 32  7 21 23 25
 31  9  2 22 27 20
  8 28 33 17 10 15
 30  5 34 12 14 16
  4 36 29 13 18 11


<lang java>public class MagicSquareSinglyEven {

   public static void main(String[] args) {
       int n = 6;
       for (int[] row : magicSquareSinglyEven(n)) {
           for (int x : row)
               System.out.printf("%2s ", x);
       System.out.printf("\nMagic constant: %d ", (n * n + 1) * n / 2);
   public static int[][] magicSquareOdd(final int n) {
       if (n < 3 || n % 2 == 0)
           throw new IllegalArgumentException("base must be odd and > 2");
       int value = 0;
       int gridSize = n * n;
       int c = n / 2, r = 0;
       int[][] result = new int[n][n];
       while (++value <= gridSize) {
           result[r][c] = value;
           if (r == 0) {
               if (c == n - 1) {
               } else {
                   r = n - 1;
           } else if (c == n - 1) {
               c = 0;
           } else if (result[r - 1][c + 1] == 0) {
           } else {
       return result;
   static int[][] magicSquareSinglyEven(final int n) {
       if (n < 6 || (n - 2) % 4 != 0)
           throw new IllegalArgumentException("base must be a positive "
                   + "multiple of 4 plus 2");
       int size = n * n;
       int halfN = n / 2;
       int subSquareSize = size / 4;
       int[][] subSquare = magicSquareOdd(halfN);
       int[] quadrantFactors = {0, 2, 3, 1};
       int[][] result = new int[n][n];
       for (int r = 0; r < n; r++) {
           for (int c = 0; c < n; c++) {
               int quadrant = (r / halfN) * 2 + (c / halfN);
               result[r][c] = subSquare[r % halfN][c % halfN];
               result[r][c] += quadrantFactors[quadrant] * subSquareSize;
       int nColsLeft = halfN / 2;
       int nColsRight = nColsLeft - 1;
       for (int r = 0; r < halfN; r++)
           for (int c = 0; c < n; c++) {
               if (c < nColsLeft || c >= n - nColsRight
                       || (c == nColsLeft && r == nColsLeft)) {
                   if (c == 0 && r == nColsLeft)
                   int tmp = result[r][c];
                   result[r][c] = result[r + halfN][c];
                   result[r + halfN][c] = tmp;
       return result;


35  1  6 26 19 24 
 3 32  7 21 23 25 
31  9  2 22 27 20 
 8 28 33 17 10 15 
30  5 34 12 14 16 
 4 36 29 13 18 11 

Magic constant: 111

Perl 6

See Magic squares/Perl 6 for a general magic square generator.


With a parameter of 6:

35  1  6 26 19 24
 3 32  7 21 23 25
31  9  2 22 27 20
 8 28 33 17 10 15
30  5 34 12 14 16
 4 36 29 13 18 11

The magic number is 111

With a parameter of 10:

 92  99   1   8  15  67  74  51  58  40
 98  80   7  14  16  73  55  57  64  41
  4  81  88  20  22  54  56  63  70  47
 85  87  19  21   3  60  62  69  71  28
 86  93  25   2   9  61  68  75  52  34
 17  24  76  83  90  42  49  26  33  65
 23   5  82  89  91  48  30  32  39  66
 79   6  13  95  97  29  31  38  45  72
 10  12  94  96  78  35  37  44  46  53
 11  18 100  77  84  36  43  50  27  59

The magic number is 505


<lang ruby>def odd_magic_square(n){|i|{|j| n*((i+j+1+n/2)%n) + ((i+2*j-5)%n) + 1} }


def single_even_magic_square(n)

 raise ArgumentError, "must be even, but not divisible by 4." unless (n-2) % 4 == 0
 raise ArgumentError, "2x2 magic square not possible." if n == 2
 order = (n-2)/4
 odd_square = odd_magic_square(n/2)
 to_add = (0..3).map{|f| f*n*n/4}
 quarts ={|f|{|row|{|el| el+f}} }
 sq = []
 quarts[0].zip(quarts[2]){|d1,d2| sq << [d1,d2].flatten}
 quarts[3].zip(quarts[1]){|d1,d2| sq << [d1,d2].flatten}
 sq = sq.transpose
 order.times{|i| sq[i].rotate!(n/2)}
 swap(sq[0][order], sq[0][-order-1])
 swap(sq[order][order], sq[order][-order-1])
 (order-1).times{|i| sq[-(i+1)].rotate!(n/2)}


def swap(a,b)

 a,b = b,a


def randomize(square)



def to_string(square)

 n = square.size
 fmt = "%#{(n*n).to_s.size + 1}d" * n
 square.inject(""){|str,row| str << fmt % row << "\n"}


puts to_string(single_even_magic_square(6))</lang>

 23  7  5 21 30 25
 18 29 36 13  4 11
 14 34 32 12  3 16
 19  6  1 26 35 24
 27  2  9 22 31 20
 10 33 28 17  8 15

LUX method

wp:Conway's LUX method for magic squares <lang ruby>class Magic_square

 attr_reader :square
 LUX = { L: [[4, 1], [2, 3]], U: [[1, 4], [2, 3]], X: [[1, 4], [3, 2]] }
 def initialize(n)
   raise ArgumentError, "must be even, but not divisible by 4." unless (n-2) % 4 == 0
   raise ArgumentError, "2x2 magic square not possible." if n == 2
   @n = n
   oms = odd_magic_square(n/2)
   mat = make_lux_matrix(n/2)
   @square = synthesize(oms, mat)
   puts to_s
 def odd_magic_square(n)       # zero beginning, it is 4 multiples.{|i|{|j| (n*((i+j+1+n/2)%n) + ((i+2*j-5)%n)) * 4} }
 def make_lux_matrix(n)
   center = n / 2
   lux = [*[:L]*(center+1), :U, *[:X]*(n-center-2)]
   matrix ={|x|, x)}
   matrix[center][center] = :U
   matrix[center+1][center] = :L
 def synthesize(oms, mat)
   range = 0...@n/2
   range.inject([]) do |matrix,i|
     row = [[], []]
     range.each do |j|
       x = oms[i][j]
       LUX[mat[i][j]].each_with_index{|lux,k| row[k] <<{|y| x+y}}
     matrix << row[0].flatten << row[1].flatten
 def to_s
   format = "%#{(@n*@n).to_s.size}d " * @n + "\n"{|row| format % row}.join


sq =</lang>

32 29  4  1 24 21 
30 31  2  3 22 23 
12  9 17 20 28 25 
10 11 18 19 26 27 
13 16 36 33  5  8 
14 15 34 35  6  7 


Translation of: Java

<lang zkl>class MagicSquareSinglyEven{

  fcn init(n){ var result=magicSquareSinglyEven(n) }
  fcn toString{
     sink,n:=Sink(String),result.len();  // num collumns
     fmt:="%2s ";
     foreach row in (result)
        { sink.write(row.apply('wrap(n){ fmt.fmt(n) }).concat(),"\n") }
     sink.write("\nMagic constant: %d".fmt((n*n + 1)*n/2));
  fcn magicSquareOdd(n){
     if (n<3 or n%2==0) throw(Exception.ValueError("base must be odd and > 2"));
     value,gridSize,c,r:=0, n*n, n/2, 0;
     result:=n.pump(List(),n.pump(List(),0).copy);  // array[n,n] of zero


result[r][c]=value; if(r==0){ if(c==n-1) r+=1;

           else{ r=n-1; c+=1; }

} else if(c==n-1){ r-=1; c=0; } else if(result[r-1][c+1]==0){ r-=1; c+=1; } else r+=1;

  fcn magicSquareSinglyEven(n){
     if (n<6 or (n-2)%4!=0)

throw(Exception.ValueError("base must be a positive multiple of 4 +2"));

     size,halfN,subSquareSize:=n*n,  n/2, size/4;
     quadrantFactors:=T(0, 2, 3, 1);
     result:=n.pump(List(),n.pump(List(),0).copy);  // array[n,n] of zero
     foreach r,c in (n,n){
        quadrant:=(r/halfN)*2 + (c/halfN);

result[r][c]=subSquare[r%halfN][c%halfN]; result[r][c]+=quadrantFactors[quadrant]*subSquareSize;

     nColsLeft,nColsRight:=halfN/2, nColsLeft-1;
     foreach r,c in (halfN,n){
        if ( c<nColsLeft or c>=(n-nColsRight) or 
             (c==nColsLeft and r==nColsLeft) ){

if(c==0 and r==nColsLeft) continue; tmp:=result[r][c]; result[r][c]=result[r+halfN][c]; result[r+halfN][c]=tmp; }


}</lang> <lang zkl>MagicSquareSinglyEven(6).println();</lang>

35  1  6 26 19 24 
 3 32  7 21 23 25 
31  9  2 22 27 20 
 8 28 33 17 10 15 
30  5 34 12 14 16 
 4 36 29 13 18 11 

Magic constant: 111