Longest common subsequence

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Longest common subsequence
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

The longest common subsequence (or LCS) of groups A and B is the longest group of elements from A and B that are common between the two groups and in the same order in each group. For example, the sequences "1234" and "1224533324" have an LCS of "1234":


For a string example, consider the sequences "thisisatest" and "testing123testing". An LCS would be "tsitest":


In this puzzle, your code only needs to deal with strings. Write a function which returns an LCS of two strings (case-sensitive). You don't need to show multiple LCS's.

For more information on this problem please see Wikipedia.


Using recursion: <lang ada>with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Test_LCS is

  function LCS (A, B : String) return String is
     if A'Length = 0 or else B'Length = 0 then
        return "";
     elsif A (A'Last) = B (B'Last) then
        return LCS (A (A'First..A'Last - 1), B (B'First..B'Last - 1)) & A (A'Last);
           X : String renames LCS (A, B (B'First..B'Last - 1));
           Y : String renames LCS (A (A'First..A'Last - 1), B);
           if X'Length > Y'Length then
              return X;
              return Y;
           end if;
     end if;
  end LCS;


  Put_Line (LCS ("thisisatest", "testing123testing"));

end Test_LCS;</lang>


Non-recursive solution: <lang ada>with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Test_LCS is

  function LCS (A, B : String) return String is
     L : array (A'First..A'Last + 1, B'First..B'Last + 1) of Natural;
     for I in L'Range (1) loop
        L (I, B'First) := 0;
     end loop;
     for J in L'Range (2) loop
        L (A'First, J) := 0;
     end loop;
     for I in A'Range loop
        for J in B'Range loop
           if A (I) = B (J) then
              L (I + 1, J + 1) := L (I, J) + 1;
              L (I + 1, J + 1) := Natural'Max (L (I + 1, J), L (I, J + 1));
           end if;
        end loop;
     end loop;
        I : Integer := L'Last (1);
        J : Integer := L'Last (2);
        R : String (1..Integer'Max (A'Length, B'Length));
        K : Integer := R'Last;
        while I > L'First (1) and then J > L'First (2) loop
           if L (I, J) = L (I - 1, J) then
              I := I - 1;
           elsif L (I, J) = L (I, J - 1) then
              J := J - 1;
              I := I - 1;
              J := J - 1;
              R (K) := A (I);
              K := K - 1;
           end if;
        end loop;
        return R (K + 1..R'Last);
  end LCS;


  Put_Line (LCS ("thisisatest", "testing123testing"));

end Test_LCS;</lang>



Translation of: Ada
Works with: ALGOL 68 version Standard - no extensions to language used
Works with: ALGOL 68G version Any - tested with release mk15-0.8b.fc9.i386
Works with: ELLA ALGOL 68 version Any (with appropriate job cards) - tested with release 1.8.8d.fc9.i386

<lang algol68>main:(

  PROC lcs = (STRING a, b)STRING:
     IF UPB a = 0 OR UPB b = 0 THEN
     ELIF a [UPB a] = b [UPB b] THEN
        lcs (a [:UPB a - 1], b [:UPB b - 1]) + a [UPB a]
        STRING x = lcs (a, b [:UPB b - 1]);
        STRING y = lcs (a [:UPB a - 1], b);
        IF UPB x > UPB y THEN x ELSE y FI
  END # lcs #;
  print((lcs ("thisisatest", "testing123testing"), new line))




Translation of: Java

using dynamic programming

ahk forum: discussion <lang AutoHotkey>lcs(a,b) { ; Longest Common Subsequence of strings, using Dynamic Programming

  Loop % StrLen(a)+2 {                          ; Initialize
     i := A_Index-1
     Loop % StrLen(b)+2
        j := A_Index-1, len%i%_%j% := 0
  Loop Parse, a                                 ; scan a
     i := A_Index, i1 := i+1, x := A_LoopField
     Loop Parse, b                              ; scan b
        j := A_Index, j1 := j+1, y := A_LoopField
        len%i1%_%j1% := x=y ? len%i%_%j% + 1
        : (u:=len%i1%_%j%) > (v:=len%i%_%j1%) ? u : v
  x := StrLen(a)+1, y := StrLen(b)+1
  While x*y {                                   ; construct solution from lengths
    x1 := x-1, y1 := y-1
    If (len%x%_%y% = len%x1%_%y%)
        x := x1
    Else If  (len%x%_%y% = len%x%_%y1%)
        y := y1
        x := x1, y := y1, t := SubStr(a,x,1) t
  Return t



Works with: QuickBasic version 4.5
Translation of: Java

<lang qbasic>FUNCTION lcs$ (a$, b$)

   IF LEN(a$) = 0 OR LEN(b$) = 0 THEN

lcs$ = ""

   ELSEIF RIGHT$(a$, 1) = RIGHT$(b$, 1) THEN

lcs$ = lcs$(LEFT$(a$, LEN(a$) - 1), LEFT$(b$, LEN(b$) - 1)) + RIGHT$(a$, 1)


x$ = lcs$(a$, LEFT$(b$, LEN(b$) - 1)) y$ = lcs$(LEFT$(a$, LEN(a$) - 1), b$) IF LEN(x$) > LEN(y$) THEN lcs$ = x$ ELSE lcs$ = y$ END IF




<lang bracmat> ( LCS

 =   A a ta B b tb prefix
   .     !arg:(?prefix.@(?A:%?a ?ta).@(?B:%?b ?tb))
       & ( !a:!b&LCS$(!prefix !a.!ta.!tb)
         | LCS$(!prefix.!A.!tb)&LCS$(!prefix.!ta.!B)
     | !prefix:? ([>!max:[?max):?lcs

& 0:?max & :?lcs & LCS$(.thisisatest.testing123testing) & out$(max !max lcs !lcs);</lang>

max 7 lcs t s i t e s t


<lang c>#include <string.h>

  1. include <stdlib.h>
  2. include <stdio.h>
  1. define MAX(A,B) (((A)>(B))? (A) : (B))

char * lcs(const char *a,const char * b) {

   int lena = strlen(a)+1;
   int lenb = strlen(b)+1;
   int bufrlen = 40;
   char bufr[40], *result;
   int i,j;
   const char *x, *y;
   int *la = calloc(lena*lenb, sizeof( int));
   int  **lengths = malloc( lena*sizeof( int*));
   for (i=0; i<lena; i++) lengths[i] = la + i*lenb;
   for (i=0,x=a; *x; i++, x++) {
       for (j=0,y=b; *y; j++,y++ ) {
           if (*x == *y) {
              lengths[i+1][j+1] = lengths[i][j] +1;
           else {
              int ml = MAX(lengths[i+1][j], lengths[i][j+1]);
              lengths[i+1][j+1] = ml;
   result = bufr+bufrlen;
   *--result = '\0';
   i = lena-1; j = lenb-1;
   while ( (i>0) && (j>0) ) {
       if (lengths[i][j] == lengths[i-1][j])  i -= 1;
       else if (lengths[i][j] == lengths[i][j-1]) j-= 1;
       else {

// assert( a[i-1] == b[j-1]);

           *--result = a[i-1];
           i-=1; j-=1;
   free(la); free(lengths);
   return strdup(result);

}</lang> Testing <lang c>int main() {

   printf("%s\n", lcs("thisisatest", "testing123testing")); // tsitest
   return 0;


With recursion

<lang c>#include <stdio.h>

  1. include <stdlib.h>
  2. include <string.h>

char* lcs(char *a, char *b, char *out) { int longest = 0; int match(char *a, char *b, int dep) { if (!a || !b) return 0; if (!*a || !*b) { if (dep <= longest) return 0; out[ longest = dep ] = 0; return 1; }

if (*a == *b) return match(a + 1, b + 1, dep + 1) && (out[dep] = *a);

return match(a + 1, b + 1, dep) + match(strchr(a, *b), b, dep) + match(a, strchr(b, *a), dep); }

return match(a, b, 0) ? out : 0; }

int main() { char buf[128]; printf("%s\n", lcs("thisisatest", "testing123testing", buf)); printf("%p\n", lcs("no", "match", buf)); return 0; }</lang>


<lang csharp>using System;

namespace LCS {

   class Program
       static void Main(string[] args)
           string word1 = "thisisatest";
           string word2 = "testing123testing";
           Console.WriteLine(lcsBack(word1, word2));
       public static string lcsBack(string a, string b)
           string aSub = a.Substring(0, (a.Length - 1 < 0) ? 0 : a.Length - 1);
           string bSub = b.Substring(0, (b.Length - 1 < 0) ? 0 : b.Length - 1);
           if (a.Length == 0 || b.Length == 0)            
               return "";
           else if (a[a.Length - 1] == b[b.Length - 1])
               return lcsBack(aSub, bSub) + a[a.Length - 1];
               string x = lcsBack(a, bSub);
               string y = lcsBack(aSub, b);
               return (x.Length > y.Length) ? x : y;



Translation of: Haskell

<lang Clojure>(defn longest [xs ys] (if (> (count xs) (count ys)) xs ys))

(def lcs

  (fn [seqx seqy]
    (when-let [[x & xs] (seq seqx)]
      (when-let [[y & ys] (seq seqy)]

(if (= x y) (cons x (lcs xs ys)) (longest (lcs seqx ys) (lcs xs seqy))))))))</lang>


<lang coffeescript> lcs = (s1, s2) ->

 len1 = s1.length
 len2 = s2.length
 # Create a virtual matrix that is (len1 + 1) by (len2 + 1), 
 # where m[i][j] is the longest common string using only
 # the first i chars of s1 and first j chars of s2.  The 
 # matrix is virtual, because we only keep the last two rows
 # in memory.
 prior_row = ( for i in [0..len2])
 for i in [0...len1]
   row = []
   for j in [0...len2]
     if s1[i] == s2[j]
       row.push prior_row[j] + s1[i]
       subs1 = row[j]
       subs2 = prior_row[j+1]
       if subs1.length > subs2.length
         row.push subs1
         row.push subs2
   prior_row = row

s1 = "thisisatest" s2 = "testing123testing" console.log lcs(s1, s2)</lang>

Common Lisp

Here's a memoizing/dynamic-programming solution that uses an n × m array where n and m are the lengths of the input arrays. The first return value is a sequence (of the same type as array1) which is the longest common subsequence. The second return value is the length of the longest common subsequence. <lang lisp>(defun longest-common-subsequence (array1 array2)

 (let* ((l1 (length array1))
        (l2 (length array2))
        (results (make-array (list l1 l2) :initial-element nil)))
   (declare (dynamic-extent results))
   (labels ((lcs (start1 start2)
              ;; if either sequence is empty, return (() 0)
              (if (or (eql start1 l1) (eql start2 l2)) (list '() 0)
                ;; otherwise, return any memoized value
                (let ((result (aref results start1 start2)))
                  (if (not (null result)) result
                    ;; otherwise, compute and store a value
                    (setf (aref results start1 start2)
                          (if (eql (aref array1 start1) (aref array2 start2))
                            ;; if they start with the same element,
                            ;; move forward in both sequences
                            (destructuring-bind (seq len)
                                (lcs (1+ start1) (1+ start2))
                              (list (cons (aref array1 start1) seq) (1+ len)))
                            ;; otherwise, move ahead in each separately,
                            ;; and return the better result.
                            (let ((a (lcs (1+ start1) start2))
                                  (b (lcs start1 (1+ start2))))
                              (if (> (second a) (second b))
     (destructuring-bind (seq len) (lcs 0 0)
       (values (coerce seq (type-of array1)) len)))))</lang>

For example,

<lang lisp>(longest-common-subsequence "123456" "1a2b3c")</lang>

produces the two values

<lang lisp>"123" 3</lang>


Both versions don't work correctly with Unicode text.

Recursive version: <lang d>import std.stdio;

T[] lcs(T)(in T[] a, in T[] b) pure nothrow {

   if (!a.length || !b.length) return null;
   if (a[0] == b[0])
       return a[0] ~ lcs(a[1 .. $], b[1 .. $]);
   auto l1 = lcs(a, b[1 .. $]), l2 = lcs(a[1 .. $], b);
   return l1.length > l2.length ? l1 : l2;


void main() {

   writeln(lcs("thisisatest", "testing123testing"));



Faster dynamic programming version (same output): <lang d>import std.stdio, std.algorithm, std.traits, std.exception;

T[] lcs(T)(in T[] a, in T[] b) pure /*nothrow*/ {

 int i, j, m = a.length, n = b.length;
 auto L = new int[][](m + 1, n + 1);
 Unqual!T[] result;
 for (i = 0; i < m; i++)
   for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
     L[i+1][j+1]= a[i]==b[j] ? 1+L[i][j] : max(L[i+1][j],L[i][j+1]);
 while (i > 0 && j > 0)
   if (a[i - 1] == b[j - 1]) {
     result ~= a[i - 1];
   } else
     if (L[i][j - 1] < L[i - 1][j])
 return assumeUnique(result);


void main() {

 writeln(lcs("thisisatest", "testing123testing"));



Works with: Fortran version 95

Using the iso_varying_string module which can be found here (or equivalent module conforming to the ISO/IEC 1539-2:2000 API or to a subset according to the need of this code: char, len, //, extract, ==, =)

<lang fortran>program lcstest

 use iso_varying_string
 implicit none
 type(varying_string) :: s1, s2
 s1 = "thisisatest"
 s2 = "testing123testing"
 print *, char(lcs(s1, s2))
 s1 = "1234"
 s2 = "1224533324"
 print *, char(lcs(s1, s2))


 recursive function lcs(a, b) result(l)
   type(varying_string) :: l
   type(varying_string), intent(in) :: a, b
   type(varying_string) :: x, y
   l = ""
   if ( (len(a) == 0) .or. (len(b) == 0) ) return
   if ( extract(a, len(a), len(a)) == extract(b, len(b), len(b)) ) then
      l = lcs(extract(a, 1, len(a)-1), extract(b, 1, len(b)-1)) // extract(a, len(a), len(a))
      x = lcs(a, extract(b, 1, len(b)-1))
      y = lcs(extract(a, 1, len(a)-1), b)
      if ( len(x) > len(y) ) then
         l = x
         l = y
      end if
   end if
 end function lcs

end program lcstest</lang>


Translation of: Java


Brute force <lang go>func lcs(a, b string) string {

   aLen := len(a)
   bLen := len(b)
   if aLen == 0 || bLen == 0 {
       return ""
   } else if a[aLen-1] == b[bLen-1] {
       return lcs(a[:aLen-1], b[:bLen-1]) + string(a[aLen-1])
   x := lcs(a, b[:bLen-1])
   y := lcs(a[:aLen-1], b)
   if len(x) > len(y) {
       return x
   return y


Dynamic Programming

<lang go>func lcs(a, b string) string {

   aLen := len(a)
   bLen := len(b)
   lengths := make([][]int, aLen+1)
   for i := 0; i <= aLen; i++ {
       lengths[i] = make([]int, bLen+1)
   // row 0 and column 0 are initialized to 0 already
   for i := 0; i < aLen; i++ {
       for j := 0; j < bLen; j++ {
           if a[i] == b[j] {
               lengths[i+1][j+1] = lengths[i][j]+1
           } else if lengths[i+1][j] > lengths[i][j+1] {
               lengths[i+1][j+1] = lengths[i+1][j]
           } else {
               lengths[i+1][j+1] = lengths[i][j+1]
   // read the substring out from the matrix
   s := make([]byte, 0, lengths[aLen][bLen])
   for x, y := aLen, bLen; x != 0 && y != 0; {
       if lengths[x][y] == lengths[x-1][y] {
       } else if lengths[x][y] == lengths[x][y-1] {
       } else {
           s = append(s, a[x-1])
   // reverse string
   r := make([]byte, len(s))
   for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
       r[i] = s[len(s)-1-i]
   return string(r)



The Wikipedia solution translates directly into Haskell, with the only difference that equal characters are added in front:

<lang haskell>longest xs ys = if length xs > length ys then xs else ys

lcs [] _ = [] lcs _ [] = [] lcs (x:xs) (y:ys)

 | x == y    = x : lcs xs ys
 | otherwise = longest (lcs (x:xs) ys) (lcs xs (y:ys))</lang>

Memoization (aka dynamic programming) of that uses zip to make both the index and the character available: <lang haskell>import Data.Array

lcs xs ys = a!(0,0) where

 n = length xs
 m = length ys
 a = array ((0,0),(n,m)) $ l1 ++ l2 ++ l3
 l1 = [((i,m),[]) | i <- [0..n]]
 l2 = [((n,j),[]) | j <- [0..m]]
 l3 = [((i,j), f x y i j) | (x,i) <- zip xs [0..], (y,j) <- zip ys [0..]]
 f x y i j 
   | x == y    = x : a!(i+1,j+1)
   | otherwise = longest (a!(i,j+1)) (a!(i+1,j))</lang>

Both solutions work of course not only with strings, but also with any other list. Example: <lang haskell>*Main> lcs "thisisatest" "testing123testing" "tsitest"</lang>

Icon and Unicon

This solution is a modified variant of the recursive solution. The modifications include (a) deleting all characters not common to both strings and (b) stripping off common prefixes and suffixes in a single step.

Uses deletec from strings

<lang Icon>procedure main() LCSTEST("thisisatest","testing123testing") LCSTEST("","x") LCSTEST("x","x") LCSTEST("beginning-middle-ending","beginning-diddle-dum-ending") end

link strings

procedure LCSTEST(a,b) #: helper to show inputs and results write("lcs( ",image(a),", ",image(b)," ) = ",image(res := lcs(a,b))) return res end

procedure lcs(a,b) #: return longest common sub-sequence of characters (modified recursive method) local i,x,y local c,nc

  if *(a|b) = 0 then return ""                               # done if either string is empty
  if a == b then return a                                    # done if equal
  if *(a ++ b -- (c := a ** b)) > 0 then {                   # find all characters not in common
     a := deletec(a,nc := ~c)                                # .. remove
     b := deletec(b,nc)                                      # .. remove
     }                                                       # only unequal strings and shared characters beyond
  i := 0 ; while a[i+1] == b[i+1] do i +:=1                  # find common prefix ...
  if *(x := a[1+:i]) > 0  then                               # if any 
     return x || lcs(a[i+1:0],b[i+1:0])                      # ... remove and process remainder
  i := 0 ; while a[-(i+1)] == b[-(i+1)] do i +:=1            # find common suffix ...
  if *(y := a[0-:i]) > 0 then                                # if any   
     return lcs(a[1:-i],b[1:-i]) || y                        # ... remove and process remainder
  return if *(x := lcs(a,b[1:-1])) > *(y := lcs(a[1:-1],b)) then x else y  # divide, discard, and keep longest


lcs( "thisisatest", "testing123testing" ) = "tsitest"
lcs( "", "x" ) = ""
lcs( "x", "x" ) = "x"
lcs( "beginning-middle-ending", "beginning-diddle-dum-ending" ) = "beginning-iddle-ending"


<lang j>lcs=: dyad define

|.x{~ 0{"1 cullOne^:_ (\:~~ +/@|:) 4$.$. x =/ y

) cullOne=: verb define

if. (#y) = First0=.0(= i. 1:) 1,*./|: 2 >/\ y 
do. y  else. y #~ 0 First0}(#y)#1  end.




This is not a particularly fast algorithm, but it gets the job done eventually. The speed is a result of many recursive function calls. <lang java>public static String lcs(String a, String b){

   int aLen = a.length();
   int bLen = b.length();
   if(aLen == 0 || bLen == 0){
       return "";
   }else if(a.charAt(aLen-1) == b.charAt(bLen-1)){
       return lcs(a.substring(0,aLen-1),b.substring(0,bLen-1))
           + a.charAt(aLen-1);
       String x = lcs(a, b.substring(0,bLen-1));
       String y = lcs(a.substring(0,aLen-1), b);
       return (x.length() > y.length()) ? x : y;


Dynamic Programming

<lang java>public static String lcs(String a, String b) {

   int[][] lengths = new int[a.length()+1][b.length()+1];
   // row 0 and column 0 are initialized to 0 already
   for (int i = 0; i < a.length(); i++)
       for (int j = 0; j < b.length(); j++)
           if (a.charAt(i) == b.charAt(j))
               lengths[i+1][j+1] = lengths[i][j] + 1;
               lengths[i+1][j+1] =
                   Math.max(lengths[i+1][j], lengths[i][j+1]);
   // read the substring out from the matrix
   StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
   for (int x = a.length(), y = b.length();
        x != 0 && y != 0; ) {
       if (lengths[x][y] == lengths[x-1][y])
       else if (lengths[x][y] == lengths[x][y-1])
       else {
           assert a.charAt(x-1) == b.charAt(y-1);
   return sb.reverse().toString();




Translation of: Java

This is more or less a translation of the recursive Java version above. <lang javascript>function lcs(a, b) {

 var aSub = a.substr(0, a.length-1);
 var bSub = b.substr(0, b.length-1);
 if (a.length == 0 || b.length == 0) {
   return "";
 } else if (a.charAt(a.length-1) == b.charAt(b.length-1)) {
   return lcs(aSub, bSub) + a.charAt(a.length-1);
 } else {
   var x = lcs(a, bSub);
   var y = lcs(aSub, b);
   return (x.length > y.length) ? x : y;


Dynamic Programming

This version runs in O(mn) time and consumes O(mn) space. Factoring out loop edge cases could get a small constant time improvement, and it's fairly trivial to edit the final loop to produce a full diff in addition to the lcs. <lang javascript>function lcs(x,y){ var s,i,j,m,n, lcs=[],row=[],c=[], left,diag,latch; //make sure shorter string is the column string if(m<n){s=x;x=y;y=s;} m = x.length; n = y.length; //build the c-table for(j=0;j<n;row[j++]=0); for(i=0;i<m;i++){ c[i] = row = row.slice(); for(diag=0,j=0;j<n;j++,diag=latch){ latch=row[j]; if(x[i] == y[j]){row[j] = diag+1;} else{ left = row[j-1]||0; if(left>row[j]){row[j] = left;} } } } i--,j--; //row[j] now contains the length of the lcs //recover the lcs from the table while(i>-1&&j>-1){ switch(c[i][j]){ default: j--; lcs.unshift(x[i]); case (i&&c[i-1][j]): i--; continue; case (j&&c[i][j-1]): j--; } } return lcs.join(); }</lang> The final loop can be modified to concatenate maximal common substrings rather than individual characters: <lang javascript> var t=i; while(i>-1&&j>-1){ switch(c[i][j]){ default:i--,j--; continue; case (i&&c[i-1][j]): if(t!==i){lcs.unshift(x.substring(i+1,t+1));} t=--i; continue; case (j&&c[i][j-1]): j--; if(t!==i){lcs.unshift(x.substring(i+1,t+1));} t=i; } } if(t!==i){lcs.unshift(x.substring(i+1,t+1));}</lang>

Greedy Algorithm

This is a bit harder to understand, but is significantly faster and less memory intensive than the dynamic programming version, in exchange for giving up the ability to re-use the table to find alternate solutions and greater complexity in generating diffs. Note that this implementation uses a binary buffer for additional efficiency gains, but it's simple to transform to use string or array concatenation; <lang javascript>function lcs_greedy(x,y){ var symbols = {}, r=0,p=0,p1,L=0,idx, m=x.length,n=y.length, S = new Buffer(m<n?n:m); p1 = popsym(0); for(i=0;i < m;i++){ p = (r===p)?p1:popsym(i); p1 = popsym(i+1); idx=(p > p1)?(i++,p1):p; if(idx===n){p=popsym(i);} else{ r=idx; S[L++]=x.charCodeAt(i); } } return S.toString('utf8',0,L);

function popsym(index){ var s = x[index], pos = symbols[s]+1; pos = y.indexOf(s,pos>r?pos:r); if(pos===-1){pos=n;} symbols[s]=pos; return pos; } }</lang>

This implementation works on both words and lists. <lang logo>to longest :s :t

 output ifelse greater? count :s count :t [:s] [:t]

end to lcs :s :t

 if empty? :s [output :s]
 if empty? :t [output :t]
 if equal? first :s first :t [output combine  first :s  lcs bf :s bf :t]
 output longest lcs :s bf :t  lcs bf :s :t



<lang lua>function LCS( a, b )

   if #a == 0 or #b == 0 then 
       return "" 
   elseif string.sub( a, -1, -1 ) == string.sub( b, -1, -1 ) then
       return LCS( string.sub( a, 1, -2 ), string.sub( b, 1, -2 ) ) .. string.sub( a, -1, -1 )  
       local a_sub = LCS( a, string.sub( b, 1, -2 ) )
       local b_sub = LCS( string.sub( a, 1, -2 ), b )
       if #a_sub > #b_sub then
           return a_sub
           return b_sub


print( LCS( "thisisatest", "testing123testing" ) )</lang>


<lang M4>define(`set2d',`define(`$1[$2][$3]',`$4')') define(`get2d',`defn($1[$2][$3])') define(`tryboth',

  `pushdef(`x',lcs(`$1',substr(`$2',1),`$1 $2'))`'pushdef(`y',
        lcs(substr(`$1',1),`$2',`$1 $2'))`'ifelse(eval(len(x)>len(y)),1,






lcs(`thisisatest',`testing123testing')</lang> Note: the caching (set2d/get2d) obscures the code even more than usual, but is necessary in order to get the second test to run in a reasonable amount of time.


A built-in function can do this for us: <lang Mathematica>a = "thisisatest"; b = "testing123testing"; LongestCommonSequence[a, b]</lang> gives: <lang Mathematica>tsitest</lang> Note that Mathematica also has a built-in function called LongestCommonSubsequence[a,b]:

finds the longest contiguous subsequence of elements common to the strings or lists a and b.

which would give "test" as the result for LongestCommonSubsequence[a, b].

The description for LongestCommonSequence[a,b] is:

finds the longest sequence of contiguous or disjoint elements common to the strings or lists a and b.

I added this note because the name of this article suggests LongestCommonSubsequence does the job, however LongestCommonSubsequence performs the puzzle-description.



from Haskell <lang ocaml>let longest xs ys = if List.length xs > List.length ys then xs else ys

let rec lcs a b = match a, b with

  [], _
| _, []        -> []
| x::xs, y::ys ->
   if x = y then
     x :: lcs xs ys
     longest (lcs a ys) (lcs xs b)</lang>

Dynamic programming

<lang ocaml>let lcs xs' ys' =

 let xs = Array.of_list xs'
 and ys = Array.of_list ys' in
 let n = Array.length xs
 and m = Array.length ys in
 let a = Array.make_matrix (n+1) (m+1) [] in
 for i = n-1 downto 0 do
   for j = m-1 downto 0 do
     a.(i).(j) <- if xs.(i) = ys.(j) then
                    xs.(i) :: a.(i+1).(j+1)
                    longest a.(i).(j+1) a.(i+1).(j)

Because both solutions only work with lists, here are some functions to convert to and from strings: <lang ocaml>let list_of_string str =

 let result = ref [] in
 String.iter (fun x -> result := x :: !result)
 List.rev !result

let string_of_list lst =

 let result = String.create (List.length lst) in
 ignore (List.fold_left (fun i x -> result.[i] <- x; i+1) 0 lst);

Both solutions work. Example:

# string_of_list (lcs (list_of_string "thisisatest")
                      (list_of_string "testing123testing"));;
- : string = "tsitest"


Translation of: Haskell

Recursive solution: <lang oz>declare

 fun {LCS Xs Ys}
    case [Xs Ys]
    of [nil _]                   then nil
    [] [_ nil]                   then nil
    [] [X|Xr  Y|Yr] andthen X==Y then X|{LCS Xr Yr}
    [] [_|Xr  _|Yr]              then {Longest {LCS Xs Yr} {LCS Xr Ys}}
 fun {Longest Xs Ys}
    if {Length Xs} > {Length Ys} then Xs else Ys end


 {System.showInfo {LCS "thisisatest" "testing123testing"}}</lang>


Translation of: Fortran

<lang pascal>Program LongestCommonSubsequence(output);

function lcs(a, b: string): string;

   x, y: string;
   lenga, lengb: integer;
   lenga := length(a);
   lengb := length(b);
   lcs := ;
   if (lenga >  0) and (lengb >  0) then
     if a[lenga] =  b[lengb] then
       lcs := lcs(copy(a, 1, lenga-1), copy(b, 1, lengb-1)) + a[lenga]
       x := lcs(a, copy(b, 1, lengb-1));
       y := lcs(copy(a, 1, lenga-1), b);
       if length(x) > length(y) then
         lcs := x
         lcs := y;


 s1, s2: string;


 s1 := 'thisisatest';
 s2 := 'testing123testing';
 writeln (lcs(s1, s2));
 s1 := '1234';
 s2 := '1224533324';
 writeln (lcs(s1, s2));


:> ./LongestCommonSequence


<lang perl>use Algorithm::Diff qw/ LCS /;

my @a = split //, 'thisisatest'; my @b = split //, 'testing123testing';

print LCS( \@a, \@b );</lang>

Perl 6


This solution is similar to the Haskell one. It is slow. <lang perl6>sub lcs(Str $xstr, Str $ystr) {

   return "" unless $xstr & $ystr;
   my ($x, $xs, $y, $ys) = $xstr.substr(0, 1), $xstr.substr(1), $ystr.substr(0, 1), $ystr.substr(1);
   return $x eq $y
       ?? $x ~ lcs($xs, $ys)
       !! max({ $^a.chars }, lcs($xstr, $ys), lcs($xs, $ystr) );


say lcs("thisisatest", "testing123testing");</lang>

Dynamic Programming

Translation of: Java

<lang perl6> sub lcs(Str $xstr, Str $ystr) {

   my ($xlen, $ylen) = ($xstr, $ystr)>>.chars;
   my @lengths = map {[(0) xx ($ylen+1)]}, 0..$xlen;
   for $xstr.comb.kv -> $i, $x {
       for $ystr.comb.kv -> $j, $y {
           @lengths[$i+1][$j+1] = $x eq $y ?? @lengths[$i][$j]+1 !! (@lengths[$i+1][$j], @lengths[$i][$j+1]).max;
   my @x = $xstr.comb;
   my ($x, $y) = ($xlen, $ylen);
   my $result = "";
   while $x != 0 && $y != 0 {
       if @lengths[$x][$y] == @lengths[$x-1][$y] {
       elsif @lengths[$x][$y] == @lengths[$x][$y-1] {
       else {
           $result = @x[$x-1] ~ $result;
   return $result;


say lcs("thisisatest", "testing123testing");</lang>


<lang PicoLisp>(de commonSequences (A B)

  (when A
        (when (member (car A) B)
           (mapcar '((L) (cons (car A) L))
              (cons NIL (commonSequences (cdr A) (cdr @))) ) )
        (commonSequences (cdr A) B) ) ) )

(maxi length

     (chop "thisisatest")
     (chop "testing123testing") ) )</lang>
-> ("t" "s" "i" "t" "e" "s" "t")


Recursive Version

First version: <lang Prolog>test :-

   time(lcs("thisisatest", "testing123testing", Lcs)),

lcs([ H|L1],[ H|L2],[H|Lcs]) :- !,



   lcs(    L1 ,[H2|L2],Lcs1),
   lcs([H1|L1],    L2 ,Lcs2),


longest(L1,L2,Longest) :-

   ((Length1 > Length2) -> Longest = L1; Longest = L2).</lang>

Second version, with memorization: <lang Prolog>%declare that we will add lcs_db facts during runtime

- dynamic lcs_db/3.

test :-

   retractall(lcs_db(_,_,_)), %clear the database of known results
   time(lcs("thisisatest", "testing123testing", Lcs)),

% check if the result is known lcs(L1,L2,Lcs) :-


lcs([ H|L1],[ H|L2],[H|Lcs]) :- !,


lcs([H1|L1],[H2|L2],Lcs) :-

   lcs(    L1 ,[H2|L2],Lcs1),
   lcs([H1|L1],    L2 ,Lcs2),


longest(L1,L2,Longest) :-

   ((Length1 > Length2) -> Longest = L1; Longest = L2).</lang>

Example for "beginning-middle-ending" and "beginning-diddle-dum-ending"
First version : <lang Prolog>?- time(lcs("beginning-middle-ending","beginning-diddle-dum-ending", Lcs)),writef('%s', [Lcs]). % 10,875,184 inferences, 1.840 CPU in 1.996 seconds (92% CPU, 5910426 Lips) beginning-iddle-ending</lang> Second version which is much faster : <lang Prolog>?- time(lcs("beginning-middle-ending","beginning-diddle-dum-ending", Lcs)),writef('%s', [Lcs]). % 2,376 inferences, 0.010 CPU in 0.003 seconds (300% CPU, 237600 Lips) beginning-iddle-ending</lang>


Translation of: Basic

<lang PureBasic>Procedure.s lcs(a$, b$)

 Protected x$ , lcs$
 If Len(a$) = 0 Or Len(b$) = 0 
   lcs$ = ""
 ElseIf Right(a$, 1) = Right(b$, 1) 
   lcs$ = lcs(Left(a$, Len(a$) - 1), Left(b$, Len(b$) - 1)) + Right(a$, 1)
   x$ = lcs(a$, Left(b$, Len(b$) - 1))
   y$ = lcs(Left(a$, Len(a$) - 1), b$)
   If Len(x$) > Len(y$) 
     lcs$ = x$
     lcs$ = y$
 ProcedureReturn lcs$

EndProcedure OpenConsole() PrintN( lcs("thisisatest", "testing123testing")) PrintN("Press any key to exit"): Repeat: Until Inkey() <> ""</lang>



This solution is similar to the Haskell one. It is slow. <lang python>def lcs(xstr, ystr):

   >>> lcs('thisisatest', 'testing123testing')
   if not xstr or not ystr:
       return ""
   x, xs, y, ys = xstr[0], xstr[1:], ystr[0], ystr[1:]
   if x == y:
       return x + lcs(xs, ys)
       return max(lcs(xstr, ys), lcs(xs, ystr), key=len)</lang>

Test it: <lang python>if __name__=="__main__":

   import doctest; doctest.testmod()</lang>

Dynamic Programming

Translation of: Java

<lang python>def lcs(a, b):

   lengths = [[0 for j in range(len(b)+1)] for i in range(len(a)+1)]
   # row 0 and column 0 are initialized to 0 already
   for i, x in enumerate(a):
       for j, y in enumerate(b):
           if x == y:
               lengths[i+1][j+1] = lengths[i][j] + 1
               lengths[i+1][j+1] = \
                   max(lengths[i+1][j], lengths[i][j+1])
   # read the substring out from the matrix
   result = ""
   x, y = len(a), len(b)
   while x != 0 and y != 0:
       if lengths[x][y] == lengths[x-1][y]:
           x -= 1
       elif lengths[x][y] == lengths[x][y-1]:
           y -= 1
           assert a[x-1] == b[y-1]
           result = a[x-1] + result
           x -= 1
           y -= 1
   return result</lang>


<lang rexx>/*REXX program to test LCS subroutine. */

parse arg aaa bbb . /*get two arguments (strings). */ say 'string A='aaa /*echo string A to screen. */ say 'string B='bbb /*echo string B to screen. */ say ' LCS='lcs(aaa,bbb) /*tell Longest Common Sequence. */ exit /* - - - */

/*-------------------------------------LCS subroutine-------------------*/ lcs: procedure; parse arg a,b,z /*Longest Common Subsequence. */

                              /*reduce recursions by removing the ...  */
                              /*chars in  A  not in  B, and vice-versa.*/

if z== then return lcs(lcs(a,b,0),lcs(b,a,0),9) j=length(a) if z==0 then do /*special invocation to shrink the string*/

              do j=1 for j
              _=substr(a,j,1); if pos(_,b)\==0 then z=z||_
            return substr(z,2)

k=length(b) if j==0 | k==0 then return /*Either string null? Bupkis. */ _=substr(a,j,1) if _==substr(b,k,1) then return lcs(substr(a,1,j-1),substr(b,1,k-1),9)_ x=lcs(a,substr(b,1,k-1),9) y=lcs(substr(a,1,j-1),b,9) if length(x)>length(y) then return x

                           return y


Output with input “1234 1224533324”:
string A=1234
string B=1224533324
Output with input “thisisatest testing123testing”:
string A=thisisatest
string B=testing123testing



This solution is similar to the Haskell one. It is slow.

Works with: Ruby version 1.9

<lang ruby>=begin irb(main):001:0> lcs('thisisatest', 'testing123testing') => "tsitest" =end def lcs(xstr, ystr)

   return "" if xstr.empty? || ystr.empty?
   x, xs, y, ys = xstr[0..0], xstr[1..-1], ystr[0..0], ystr[1..-1]
   if x == y
       x + lcs(xs, ys)
       [lcs(xstr, ys), lcs(xs, ystr)].max_by {|x| x.size}


Dynamic Programming

Translation of: Java

<lang ruby>def lcs(a, b)

   lengths = Array.new(a.size+1) { Array.new(b.size+1) { 0 } }
   # row 0 and column 0 are initialized to 0 already
   a.split().each_with_index { |x, i|
       b.split().each_with_index { |y, j|
           if x == y
               lengths[i+1][j+1] = lengths[i][j] + 1
               lengths[i+1][j+1] = \
                   [lengths[i+1][j], lengths[i][j+1]].max
   # read the substring out from the matrix
   result = ""
   x, y = a.size, b.size
   while x != 0 and y != 0
       if lengths[x][y] == lengths[x-1][y]
           x -= 1
       elsif lengths[x][y] == lengths[x][y-1]
           y -= 1
           # assert a[x-1] == b[y-1]
           result << a[x-1]
           x -= 1
           y -= 1



Recursive; Also works on tuples (vectors) <lang setl> op .longest(a, b);

     return if #a > #b then a else b end;
   end .longest;
   procedure lcs(a, b);
     if exists empty in {a, b} | #empty = 0 then
       return empty;
     elseif a(1) = b(1) then
       return a(1) + lcs(a(2..), b(2..));
       return lcs(a(2..), b) .longest lcs(a, b(2..));
   end lcs;</lang>


We define this on the Sequence type since there is nothing string-specific about the concept.


Translation of: Java

<lang slate>s1@(Sequence traits) longestCommonSubsequenceWith: s2@(Sequence traits) [

 s1 isEmpty \/ s2 isEmpty ifTrue: [^ {}].
 s1 last = s2 last
   ifTrue: [(s1 allButLast longestCommonSubsequenceWith: s2 allButLast) copyWith: s1 last]
   ifFalse: [| x y |
             x: (s1 longestCommonSubsequenceWith: s2 allButLast).
             y: (s1 allButLast longestCommonSubsequenceWith: s2).
             x length > y length ifTrue: [x] ifFalse: [y]]


Dynamic Programming

Translation of: Ruby

<lang slate>s1@(Sequence traits) longestCommonSubsequenceWith: s2@(Sequence traits) [| lengths |

 lengths: (ArrayMD newWithDimensions: {s1 length `cache. s2 length `cache} defaultElement: 0).
 s1 doWithIndex: [| :elem1 :index1 |
   s2 doWithIndex: [| :elem2 :index2 |
     elem1 = elem2
       ifTrue: [lengths at: {index1 + 1. index2 + 1} put: (lengths at: {index1. index2}) + 1]
       ifFalse: [lengths at: {index1 + 1. index2 + 1} put:
         ((lengths at: {index1 + 1. index2}) max: (lengths at: {index1. index2 + 1}))]]].
 ([| :result index1 index2 |
  index1: s1 length.
  index2: s2 length.
  [index1 isPositive /\ index2 isPositive]
      [(lengths at: {index1. index2}) = (lengths at: {index1 - 1. index2})
         ifTrue: [index1: index1 - 1]
         ifFalse: [(lengths at: {index1. index2}) = (lengths at: {index1. index2 - 1})]
           ifTrue: [index2: index2 - 1]
           ifFalse: ["assert: (s1 at: index1 - 1) = (s2 at: index2 - 1)."
                     result nextPut: (s1 at: index1 - 1).
                     index1: index1 - 1.
                     index2: index2 - 1]]
  ] writingAs: s1) reverse




Translation of: Java

<lang tcl>proc r_lcs {a b} {

   if {$a eq "" || $b eq ""} {return ""}
   set a_ [string range $a 1 end]
   set b_ [string range $b 1 end]
   if {[set c [string index $a 0]] eq [string index $b 0]} {
       return "$c[r_lcs $a_ $b_]"
   } else {
       set x [r_lcs $a $b_]
       set y [r_lcs $a_ $b]
       return [expr {[string length $x] > [string length $y] ? $x :$y}]



Translation of: Java
Works with: Tcl version 8.5

<lang tcl>package require Tcl 8.5 namespace import ::tcl::mathop::+ namespace import ::tcl::mathop::- namespace import ::tcl::mathfunc::max

proc d_lcs {a b} {

   set la [string length $a]
   set lb [string length $b]
   set lengths [lrepeat [+ $la 1] [lrepeat [+ $lb 1] 0]]
   for {set i 0} {$i < $la} {incr i} {
       for {set j 0} {$j < $lb} {incr j} {
           if {[string index $a $i] eq [string index $b $j]} {
               lset lengths [+ $i 1] [+ $j 1] [+ [lindex $lengths $i $j] 1]
           } else {
               lset lengths [+ $i 1] [+ $j 1] [max [lindex $lengths [+ $i 1] $j] [lindex $lengths $i [+ $j 1]]]
   set result ""
   set x $la
   set y $lb
   while {$x >0 && $x > 0} {
       if {[lindex $lengths $x $y] == [lindex $lengths [- $x 1] $y]} {
           incr x -1
       } elseif {[lindex $lengths $x $y] == [lindex $lengths $x [- $y 1]]} {
           incr y -1
       } else {
           if {[set c [string index $a [- $x 1]]] ne [string index $b [- $y 1]]} {
               error "assertion failed: a.charAt(x-1) == b.charAt(y-1)"
           append result $c
           incr x -1
           incr y -1
   return [string reverse $result]


Performance Comparison

<lang tcl>% time {d_lcs thisisatest testing123testing} 10 637.5 microseconds per iteration % time {r_lcs thisisatest testing123testing} 10 1275566.8 microseconds per iteration</lang>


This uses the same recursive algorithm as in the Haskell example, and works on lists of any type. <lang Ursala>#import std

lcs = ~&alrB^& ~&E?abh/~&alh2fabt2RC @faltPrXlrtPXXPW leql?/~&r ~&l</lang> test program: <lang Ursala>#cast %s

example = lcs('thisisatest','testing123testing')</lang>
