Help:Adding a new programming example

From Rosetta Code
Revision as of 19:51, 10 June 2007 by rosettacode>Crc (Reverted due to spam)

So you want to contribute code, eh? If you've used wikis before, it's actually very easy. If not, then you'll need a few pointers to get started.

Every page is editable (almost)

Almost every page in the wiki is editable. Even this page is editable. (See that tab at the top labeled "edit"?)

To edit a wiki, you need only click that "edit" tab, make changes in the text field on the resulting page, and click Submit. Really, though we'd rather you clicked Preview first, and then clicked submit once you were satisfied with how it looks.


To add your own programming example, you must navigate to the programming task to which you wish to add a solution to. Once you find your task, go ahead and click the Edit button, and make your changes.


Formatting a wiki is easy once you've done it, but you have to get used to it, especially if you're used to working with HTML. If your browser has JavaScript enabled, there will be a little formatting bar above your editing area. Try clicking on the buttons in that bar.

Before you go

In order to maintain the readability, searchability and browsability of Rosetta Code, we need you to follow certain formatting rules. Please ensure that your contributed code conforms to one of these programming example prototypes.

Now, why don't you wander over to the Sandbox and apply what you've learned?