Flatten a list

From Rosetta Code
Flatten a list
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Write a function to flatten the nesting in an arbitrary list of values. Your program should work on the equivalent of this list:

  [[1], 2, [[3,4], 5], [[[]]], [[[6]]], 7, 8, []]

Where the correct result would be the list:

   [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]

C.f. Tree traversal


<lang ActionScript>function flatten(input:Array):Array { var output:Array = new Array(); for (var i:uint = 0; i < input.length; i++) {

               //typeof returns "object" when applied to arrays. This line recursively evaluates nested arrays,
               // although it may break if the array contains objects that are not arrays.

if (typeof input[i]=="object") { output=output.concat(flatten(input[i])); } else { output.push(input[i]); } } return output; } </lang>


<lang aikido> function flatten (list, result) {

   foreach item list {
       if (typeof(item) == "vector") {
           flatten (item, result)
       } else {
           result.append (item)


var l = [[1], 2, [[3,4], 5], [[[]]], [[[6]]], 7, 8, []] var newl = [] flatten (l, newl)

// print out the nicely formatted result list print ('[') var comma = "" foreach item newl {

   print (comma + item)
   comma = ", "

} println("]")

</lang> Output:

[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]


Works with: ALGOL 68 version Revision 1 - no extensions to language used
Works with: ALGOL 68G version Any - tested with release 1.18.0-9h.tiny
Works with: ELLA ALGOL 68 version Any (with appropriate job cards) - tested with release 1.8-8d

Flattening is built in to all of Algol68's transput routines. The following example also uses widening, where scalars are converted into arrays.

<lang algol68>main:(

 [][][]INT list = ((1), 2, ((3,4), 5), ((())), (((6))), 7, 8, ());
 print((list, new line))

)</lang> Output:

         +1         +2         +3         +4         +5         +6         +7         +8


Works with: AutoHotkey_L

AutoHotkey doesn't have built in list data type. This examples simulates a list in a tree type object and flattens that tree. <lang AutoHotkey>list := object(1, object(1, 1), 2, 2, 3, object(1, object(1, 3, 2, 4) , 2, 5), 4, object(1, object(1, object(1, object()))), 5 , object(1, object(1, 6)), 6, 7, 7, 8, 9, object()) msgbox % objPrint(list) ; (( 1 ) 2 (( 3 4 ) 5 )(((())))(( 6 )) 7 8 ()) msgbox % objPrint(objFlatten(list)) ; ( 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ) return

!r::reload !q::exitapp

objPrint(ast, reserved=0) {

 if !isobject(ast)
   return " " ast " "
 if !reserved
   reserved := object("seen" . &ast, 1)  ; to keep track of unique objects within top object
 enum := ast._newenum()
 while enum[key, value]
   if reserved["seen" . &value]
     continue  ; don't copy repeat objects (circular references)
string .= key . "
" . objPrint(value, reserved)
   string .= objPrint(value, reserved)
 return "(" string ")"


objFlatten(ast) {

 if !isobject(ast)
   return ast
 flat := object() ; flat object
 enum := ast._newenum()
 while enum[key, value]
   if !isobject(value)
     next := objFlatten(value)
     loop % next._MaxIndex()
 return flat



Example in C using a quick and dirty implementation of lists as a singly-linked list of structs.

List header file:

<lang c> // list.h

  1. ifndef __LIST_H__
  2. define __LIST_H__

// A quick and dirty list implementation. // Not recommended for use in production software.

// Types typedef enum {


} ItemType;

typedef struct _Item {

 ItemType type;
 union {
   int number;
   struct {
     struct _Item *head;
     struct _Item *tail;
   } list;
 struct _Item *next;

} Item;

// Functions Item *NewListItem(Item *item1, ...); Item *NewNumberItem(int number); void PrintItem(Item *item); void DeleteItem(Item *item);

void Flatten(Item *item);

  1. endif // __LIST_H__


List functions:

<lang c> // list.c

  1. include <stdarg.h>
  2. include <stdlib.h>
  3. include <stdio.h>
  4. include "list.h"

// Create (malloc) a new number item struct. Item *NewNumberItem(int number) {

 Item *pItem = (Item *)malloc(sizeof(Item));

 pItem->type   = NUMBER;
 pItem->number = number;
 pItem->next   = NULL;

 return pItem;


// Create (malloc) a new list item struct, and (optionally) // populate it with the given list of items. Note, we use // a variable args function for this to make constructing // a new list easier. Make sure to terminate the args list // with a NULL. NewListItem(NULL) creates an empty list. Item *NewListItem(Item *item1, ...) {

 Item *pList = (Item *)malloc(sizeof(Item));
 Item *pItem = item1;
 va_list items;

 pList->type      = LIST;
 pList->list.head = NULL;
 pList->list.tail = NULL;
 pList->next      = NULL;

 // Warning: Not sure this will work
 // on all compilers when item1 is NULL.
 // This example uses MSVC 6.
 va_start(items, item1);
 while(pItem != NULL) 
   if (pList->list.tail != NULL)
     pList->list.tail->next = pItem;
     pList->list.head = pItem;

   pList->list.tail = pItem;
   pItem->next = NULL;

   pItem = va_arg(items, Item *);

 return pList;


// Print out a list on a single line, as in: // [[1],2,[[3,4],5],[[[]]],[[[6]]],7,8,[]] void PrintItem(Item *item) {

 Item *subItem;

 if (item->type == LIST) 
   subItem = item->list.head;
   while (subItem != NULL) 
     if (subItem != item->list.head)
     subItem = subItem->next;
   printf("%d", item->number);


// Delete an item. Recurse if necessary to delete sublists. void DeleteItem(Item *item) {

 Item *subItem;

 if (item->type == LIST) 
   while (item->list.head != NULL) 
     subItem = item->list.head;
     item->list.head = subItem->next;


} </lang>

The Flatten algorithm (with lots comments since this is a one-off lists implementation):

<lang c> // flatten.c

  1. include <stdlib.h>
  2. include "list.h"

void Flatten(Item *item) {

 Item *subItem, *prevItem, *nextItem;

 // Flatten is only meaningful for list items.
 if (item->type == LIST) 
   prevItem = NULL;
   subItem  = item->list.head;

   // Flatten all subitems one at a time.
   while (subItem != NULL) 
     // Again, only list items need to be flattened.
     if (subItem->type == LIST) 
       // Flatten the sublist.

       // If the now-flattened sublist is non-empty, its first item
       // will now be the next item in the parent list. If the sublist
       // is empty, the next item in the parent list will be the item
       // after the sublist.
       if (subItem->list.head != NULL) nextItem = subItem->list.head;
       else                            nextItem = subItem->next;

       // Update the previous item's next pointer (or the parent list's
       // head pointer, if the sublist we are deleting was the first 
       // item in the parent list) so that it no longer points to the 
       // sublist that we are about to delete. It should now point to
       // nextItem, which we determined above.
       if (prevItem != NULL) prevItem->next  = nextItem;
       else                  item->list.head = nextItem;

       // If the sublist was non-empty, then we now need to update
       // our prevItem pointer to point to the last item in the sublist.
       if (subItem->list.tail != NULL) prevItem = subItem->list.tail;

       // If the sublist we are about to delete is the last item in the
       // parent list, we need to update the parent list's tail pointer.
       if (subItem == item->list.tail) item->list.tail = prevItem;

       // Lastly, we need to make sure that prevItem's next pointer
       // points to the item immediately following the doomed sublist.
       if (prevItem != NULL) prevItem->next = subItem->next;

       // Finally, destroy the sublist.

       // Now update the subItem pointer to pick up where we left off
       // in the parent list.
       if (prevItem != NULL) subItem = prevItem->next;
       else                  subItem = NULL;
       // Nothing to do for number items. Just skip past them.
       prevItem = subItem;
       subItem  = subItem->next;

} </lang>

The test program:

<lang c> // main.c

  1. include <stdlib.h>
  2. include <stdio.h>
  3. include <stdarg.h>
  4. include "list.h"

// Short-hand to make list construction somewhat less cumbersome.

  1. define L NewListItem
  2. define N NewNumberItem

int main(int argc, char **argv) {

 Item *list = L( L(N(1),NULL), N(2), L( L(N(3),N(4),NULL), N(5), NULL), 
                 L( L( L(NULL), NULL), NULL), L( L( L(N(6), NULL), NULL), NULL), 
                 N(7), N(8), L(NULL), NULL );

 printf("Original List : ");

 printf("Flattened List: ");

 return 0;

} </lang>


Original List : [[1],2,[[3,4],5],[[[]]],[[[6]]],7,8,[]]
Flattened List: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]


<lang cpp>#include <list>

  1. include <boost/any.hpp>

typedef std::list<boost::any> anylist;

void flatten(std::list<boost::any>& list) {

 typedef anylist::iterator iterator;
 iterator current = list.begin();
 while (current != list.end())
   if (current->type() == typeid(anylist))
     iterator next = current;
     list.splice(next, boost::any_cast<anylist&>(*current));
     next = current;
     current = next;


Use example:

Since C++ currently doesn't have nice syntax for initializing lists, this includes a simple parser to create lists of integers and sublists. Also, there's no standard way to output this type of list, so some output code is added as well. <lang cpp>#include <cctype>

  1. include <iostream>

// ******************* // * the list parser * // *******************

void skipwhite(char const** s) {

 while (**s && std::isspace((unsigned char)**s))


anylist create_anylist_i(char const** s) {

 anylist result;
 if (**s != '[')
   throw "Not a list";
 while (true)
   if (!**s)
     throw "Error";
   else if (**s == ']')
     return result;
   else if (**s == '[')
   else if (std::isdigit((unsigned char)**s))
     int i = 0;
     while (std::isdigit((unsigned char)**s))
       i = 10*i + (**s - '0');
     throw "Error";
   if (**s != ',' && **s != ']')
     throw "Error";
   if (**s == ',')


anylist create_anylist(char const* i) {

 return create_anylist_i(&i);


// ************************* // * printing nested lists * // *************************

void print_list(anylist const& list);

void print_item(boost::any const& a) {

 if (a.type() == typeid(int))
   std::cout << boost::any_cast<int>(a);
 else if (a.type() == typeid(anylist))
   print_list(boost::any_cast<anylist const&>(a));
   std::cout << "???";


void print_list(anylist const& list) {

 std::cout << '[';
 anylist::const_iterator iter = list.begin();
 while (iter != list.end())
   if (iter != list.end())
     std::cout << ", ";
 std::cout << ']';


// *************************** // * The actual test program * // ***************************

int main() {

 anylist list =
   create_anylist("[[1], 2, [[3,4], 5], [[[]]], [[[6]]], 7, 8, []]");
 std::cout << "\n";
 std::cout << "\n";

}</lang> The output of this program is

[[1], 2, [[3, 4], 5], [[[]]], [[[6]]], 7, 8, []]
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]


Works with: C# version 3+

Actual Workhorse code <lang csharp> using System; using System.Collections; using System.Linq;

namespace RosettaCodeTasks { static class FlattenList { public static ArrayList Flatten(this ArrayList List) { ArrayList NewList = new ArrayList ( );

NewList.AddRange ( List );

while ( NewList.OfType<ArrayList> ( ).Count ( ) > 0 ) { int index = NewList.IndexOf ( NewList.OfType<ArrayList> ( ).ElementAt ( 0 ) ); ArrayList Temp = (ArrayList)NewList[index]; NewList.RemoveAt ( index ); NewList.InsertRange ( index, Temp ); }

return NewList; } } } </lang>

Method showing population of arraylist and usage of flatten method <lang csharp> using System; using System.Collections;

namespace RosettaCodeTasks { class Program { static void Main ( string[ ] args ) {

ArrayList Parent = new ArrayList ( ); Parent.Add ( new ArrayList ( ) ); ((ArrayList)Parent[0]).Add ( 1 ); Parent.Add ( 2 ); Parent.Add ( new ArrayList ( ) ); ( (ArrayList)Parent[2] ).Add ( new ArrayList ( ) ); ( (ArrayList)( (ArrayList)Parent[2] )[0] ).Add ( 3 ); ( (ArrayList)( (ArrayList)Parent[2] )[0] ).Add ( 4 ); ( (ArrayList)Parent[2] ).Add ( 5 ); Parent.Add ( new ArrayList ( ) ); ( (ArrayList)Parent[3] ).Add ( new ArrayList ( ) ); ( (ArrayList)( (ArrayList)Parent[3] )[0] ).Add ( new ArrayList ( ) ); Parent.Add ( new ArrayList ( ) ); ( (ArrayList)Parent[4] ).Add ( new ArrayList ( ) ); ( (ArrayList)( (ArrayList)Parent[4] )[0] ).Add ( new ArrayList ( ) );

( (ArrayList)( (ArrayList)( (ArrayList)( (ArrayList)Parent[4] )[0] )[0] ) ).Add ( 6 ); Parent.Add ( 7 ); Parent.Add ( 8 ); Parent.Add ( new ArrayList ( ) );

foreach ( Object o in Parent.Flatten ( ) ) { Console.WriteLine ( o.ToString ( ) ); } }

} }



The following returns a lazy sequence of the flattened data structure. <lang lisp>(defn flatten [coll]

   (when-let [s  (seq coll)]
     (if (coll? (first s))
       (concat (flatten (first s)) (flatten (rest s)))
       (cons (first s) (flatten (rest s)))))))</lang>

An alternative approach (from clojure.contrib.seq-utils).

<lang lisp>(defn flatten [x]

 (filter (complement sequential?)
         (rest (tree-seq sequential? seq x))))</lang>

Common Lisp

<lang lisp>(defun flatten (tree)

 (let ((result '()))
   (labels ((scan (item)
              (if (listp item)
                (map nil #'scan item)
                (push item result))))
     (scan tree))
   (nreverse result)))</lang>

While this is a common homework problem in Common Lisp, it should be noted that it is typically a mistake to use it in a realistic program; it is almost always easier to rewrite the program such that it does not generate the deeply-nested lists in the first place. In particular, note that flattening means that none of the values stored in the nested-list-structure can be a list (a cons or nil) itself. For example, producing and flattening a tree of boolean values would not do the right thing, since false = nil, a list.


There are many ways to implement this in D. This version minimizes heap activity using a tagged union. A similar object-oriented version too is possible.

The example has been modified so it

Works with: D version 2

the same way as it

Works with: D version 1


Library: tango

<lang d>version(Tango) {

 import tango.io.Stdout;
 import tango.io.device.Array;
 import tango.io.stream.Format;

} else {

 import std.stdio : writeln;
 import std.conv : to;


struct TreeList(T) {

   alias TreeList!(T) MyT;
   bool isArr = true; // contains an arr on default
   union {
       MyT[] arr;
       T data;
   static MyT opCall(Types...)(Types items) {
       MyT result;
       foreach (i, el; items)
           static if (is(Types[i] == T)) {
               MyT item;
               item.isArr = false;
               item.data = el;
               result.arr ~= item;
           } else
               result.arr ~= el;

           return result;

   // this is better as a general free function
   MyT flatten() {
       MyT result;

       if (this.isArr) {
           foreach (el; this.arr)
               result.arr ~= el.flatten().arr;
       } else {
           version (D_Version2) {
               result.arr ~= this;

           } else {
               result.arr ~= *this;

       return result;

   version(Tango) {
       char[] toString() {
           auto bf = new Array(1024);
           auto f = new FormatOutput!(char) (bf);
           if (isArr) {
           } else {
           return cast(char[])bf.slice;

   version (D_Version2) {
       string toString() {
           if (isArr) return to!(string)(arr, "[", ", ", "]");
           else return to!(string)(data);


void main() {

   alias TreeList!(int) L; // 12 bytes if T is int
   auto list = L(L(1), 2, L(L(3,4), 5), L(L(L())), L(L(L(6))), 7, 8, L());

   version (Tango) {
       Stdout (list).newline;
       Stdout (list.flatten()).newline;

   } else {

}</lang> Output:

[[1], 2, [[3, 4], 5], [[[]]], [[[6]]], 7, 8, []]
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]


<lang e>def flatten(nested) {

   def flat := [].diverge()
   def recur(x) {
       switch (x) {
           match list :List { for elem in list { recur(elem) } }
           match other      { flat.push(other) }
   return flat.snapshot()


<lang e>? flatten([[1], 2, [[3,4], 5], [[[]]], [[[6]]], 7, 8, []])

  1. value: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]</lang>


There's a standard function (lists:flatten/2) that does it more efficiently, but this is the cleanest implementation you could have; <lang Erlang>flatten([]) -> []; flatten([H|T]) -> flatten(H) ++ flatten(T); flatten(H) -> [H].</lang>


   USE: sequences.deep
   ( scratchpad ) { { 1 } 2 { { 3 4 } 5 } { { { } } } { { { 6 } } } 7 8 { } } flatten .
   { 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 }


List.flatten() is a Groovy built-in that returns a flattened copy of the source list:

<lang groovy>assert [[1], 2, [[3,4], 5], [[[]]], [[[6]]], 7, 8, []].flatten() == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]</lang>


In Haskell we have to interpret this structure as an algebraic data type.

<lang Haskell>import Data.Tree

-- [[1], 2, [[3,4], 5], [[[]]], [[[6]]], 7, 8, []] -- implemented as multiway tree:

-- Data.Tree represents trees where nodes have values too, unlike the trees in our problem. -- so we use a list as that value, where a node will have an empty list value, -- and a leaf will have a one-element list value and no subtrees list :: Tree [Int] list = Node [] [

               Node [] [Node [1] []],
               Node [2] [],
               Node [] [
                        Node [] [ Node [3] [],Node [4] []],
                        Node [5] []
               Node [] [Node [] [Node [] []]],
               Node [] [Node [] [Node [6] []]],
               Node [7] [],
               Node [8] [],
               Node [] []

flattenList = concat.flatten</lang> Flattening the list:

*Main> flattenList list

Alternately: <lang haskell>data Tree a = Leaf a | Node [Tree a]

flatten :: Tree a -> [a] flatten (Leaf x) = [x] flatten (Node xs) = concatMap flatten xs

main = print $ flatten $ Node [Node [Leaf 1],

                              Leaf 2,
                              Node [Node [Leaf 3, Leaf 4], Leaf 5],
                              Node [Node [Node []]],
                              Node [Node [Node [Leaf 6]]],
                              Leaf 7,
                              Leaf 8,
                              Node []]

-- output: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]</lang>

Yet another choice, custom data structure, efficient lazy flattening:

<lang haskell>data NestedList a = NList [NestedList a] | Entry a

flatten :: NestedList a -> [a] flatten nl = flatten' nl []

   -- By passing through a list which the results will be preprended to we allow efficient lazy evaluation
   flatten' :: NestedList a -> [a] -> [a]
   flatten' (Entry a) cont = a:cont
   flatten' (NList entries) cont = foldr flatten' cont entries

example :: NestedList Int example = NList [ NList [Entry 1], Entry 2, NList [NList [Entry 3, Entry 4], Entry 5], NList [NList [NList []]], NList [ NList [ NList [Entry 6]]], Entry 7, Entry 8, NList []]

main :: IO () main = print $ flatten example

-- output [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]</lang>

Icon and Unicon


The following procedure solves the task using a string representation of nested lists and cares not if the list is well formed or not. <lang Icon>link strings # for compress,deletec,pretrim

procedure sflatten(s) # uninteresting string solution return pretrim(trim(compress(deletec(s,'[ ]'),',') ,','),',') end</lang>

The solution uses several procedures from strings in the IPL

This procedure is more in the spirit of the task handling actual lists rather than representations. It uses a recursive approach using some of the built-in list manipulation functions and operators. <lang Icon>procedure flatten(L) # in the spirt of the problem a structure local l,x

l := [] every x := !L do

  if type(x) == "list" then l |||:= flatten(x)
  else put(l,x)

return l end</lang>

Finally a demo routine to drive these and a helper to show how it works. <lang Icon>procedure main() write(sflatten(" [[1], 2, [[3,4], 5], [[[]]], [[[6]]], 7, 8, []]")) writelist(flatten( [[1], 2, [[3,4], 5], [[[]]], [[[6]]], 7, 8, []])) end

procedure writelist(L) writes("[") every writes(" ",image(!L)) write(" ]") return end</lang>


This Icon solution works in Unicon.


<lang ioke>iik> [[1], 2, [[3,4], 5], [[[]]], [[[6]]], 7, 8, []] flatten [[1], 2, [[3,4], 5], [[[]]], [[[6]]], 7, 8, []] flatten +> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]</lang>


Solution: <lang j>flatten =: [: ; <S:0</lang>

The primitive ; removes one level of nesting.

<S:0 takes an arbitrarily nested list and puts everything one level deep.

[: is glue, here.

We do not use ; by itself because it requires that all of the contents be the same type and nested items have a different type from unnested items.

We do not use ]S:0 (which puts everything zero levels deep) because it assembles its results as items of a list, which means that short items will be padded to be equal to the largest items, and that is not what we want here.

Example: <lang j> NB. create and display nested noun li

  ]li =.  (<1) ; 2; ((<3; 4); 5) ; ((<a:)) ; ((<(<6))) ; 7; 8; <a:</lang>

<lang text>┌───┬─┬───────────┬────┬─────┬─┬─┬──┐ │┌─┐│2│┌───────┬─┐│┌──┐│┌───┐│7│8│┌┐│ ││1││ ││┌─────┐│5│││┌┐│││┌─┐││ │ ││││ │└─┘│ │││┌─┬─┐││ │││││││││6│││ │ │└┘│ │ │ ││││3│4│││ │││└┘│││└─┘││ │ │ │ │ │ │││└─┴─┘││ ││└──┘│└───┘│ │ │ │ │ │ ││└─────┘│ ││ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │└───────┴─┘│ │ │ │ │ │ └───┴─┴───────────┴────┴─────┴─┴─┴──┘</lang>

(Note: if you are not seeing rectangular boxes here, that is because your browser either does not support line drawing characters or is using line drawing characters from a different font than your numeric characters.)

<lang j> flatten li 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8</lang>

Alternative Solution:
The previous solution can be generalized to flatten the nesting and shape for a list of arbitrary values that include arrays of any rank: <lang j>flatten2 =: [: ; <@,S:0</lang>

Example: <lang j> ]li2 =. (<1) ; 2; ((<3;4); 5 + i.3 4) ; ((<a:)) ; ((<(<17))) ; 18; 19; <a:</lang> <lang text>┌───┬─┬─────────────────────┬────┬──────┬──┬──┬──┐ │┌─┐│2│┌───────┬───────────┐│┌──┐│┌────┐│18│19│┌┐│ ││1││ ││┌─────┐│ 5 6 7 8│││┌┐│││┌──┐││ │ ││││ │└─┘│ │││┌─┬─┐││ 9 10 11 12│││││││││17│││ │ │└┘│ │ │ ││││3│4│││13 14 15 16│││└┘│││└──┘││ │ │ │ │ │ │││└─┴─┘││ ││└──┘│└────┘│ │ │ │ │ │ ││└─────┘│ ││ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │└───────┴───────────┘│ │ │ │ │ │ └───┴─┴─────────────────────┴────┴──────┴──┴──┴──┘</lang> <lang j> flatten2 li 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

  flatten2 li2

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19</lang>


Works with: Java version 1.5+

<lang java5>import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List;

public class Flatten {

   public static List<Object> flatten(List<Object> flatList, Object[] array) {
       for (Object item : array) {
           if (item instanceof Object[]) {
               flatten(flatList, (Object[]) item);
           } else {
       return flatList;
   private static Object[] a(Object... o) {
       return o;
   public static void main(String[] args) {
       Object[] array = a(a(1), 2, a(a(3, 4), 5), a(a(a())), a(a(a(6))), 7, 8, a());
       System.out.println(flatten(new ArrayList<Object>(), array));

}</lang> Output:

[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]


Library: Prototype
Works with: a browser

<lang javascript><script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/prototype.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript">

  var a = [[1], 2, [[3,4], 5], [[[]]], [[[6]]], 7, 8, []];



"); a.each(function(e){document.write("

" + e + " " + typeof(e) + "


  var f = a.flatten();



"); f.each(function(e){document.write("

" + e + " " + typeof(e) + "


</script></lang> output:


1 object
2 number
3,4,5 object
6 object
7 number
8 number


1 number
2 number
3 number
4 number
5 number
6 number
7 number
8 number


<lang lua>function flatten(list)

 if type(list) ~= "table" then return {list} end
 local flat_list = {}
 for _, elem in ipairs(list) do
   for _, val in ipairs(flatten(elem)) do
     flat_list[#flat_list + 1] = val
 return flat_list


test_list = {{1}, 2, {{3,4}, 5}, {{{}}}, {{{6}}}, 7, 8, {}}

print(table.concat(flatten(test_list), ","))</lang>

<lang logo>to flatten :l

 if not list? :l [output :l]
 if empty? :l [output []]
 output sentence flatten first :l flatten butfirst :l


using a template iterator (map combining results into a sentence)

to flatten :l

 output map.se [ifelse or not list? ? empty? ? [?] [flatten ?]] :l


make "a [[1] 2 [[3 4] 5] [[[]]] [[[6]]] 7 8 []] show flatten :a</lang>


<lang Mathematica>Flatten@{{1}, 2, {{3, 4}, 5}, {{{}}}, {{{6}}}, 7, 8, {}}</lang>


Works with: Cocoa


Works with: GNUstep

<lang objc>#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

@interface NSArray (FlattenExt) -(NSArray *)flatten; @end

@implementation NSArray (FlattenExt) -(NSArray *)flatten {

 NSMutableArray *r = [NSMutableArray new];
 NSEnumerator *en = [self objectEnumerator];
 id o;
 while ( (o = [en nextObject]) ) {
   if ( [o isKindOfClass: [NSArray class]] ) {
     [r addObjectsFromArray: [o flatten]];
   } else {
     if ( o != [NSNull null] ) 

[r addObject: o];

 return [NSArray arrayWithArray: r];

} @end

int main() {

 NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
 NSArray *p = [NSArray 

arrayWithObjects: [NSArray arrayWithObjects: [NSNumber numberWithInt: 1], nil], [NSNumber numberWithInt: 2], [NSArray arrayWithObjects: [NSArray arrayWithObjects: [NSNumber numberWithInt: 3], [NSNumber numberWithInt: 4], nil], [NSNumber numberWithInt: 5], nil], [NSArray arrayWithObjects: [NSArray arrayWithObjects: [NSArray arrayWithObject: [NSNull null]], nil], nil], [NSArray arrayWithObjects: [NSArray arrayWithObjects: [NSArray arrayWithObjects: [NSNumber numberWithInt: 6], nil], nil], nil], [NSNumber numberWithInt: 7], [NSNumber numberWithInt: 8], [NSArray arrayWithObject: [NSNull null]], nil];

 NSArray *f = [p flatten];
 NSEnumerator *e = [f objectEnumerator];
 id o;
 while( (o = [e nextObject]) )
   NSLog(@"%d", [o intValue]);

 [pool drain];
 return 0;


An alternative solution

Works with: Cocoa

<lang objc2>#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

@interface NSArray (FlattenExt) @property (nonatomic, readonly) NSArray *flattened; @end

@implementation NSArray (FlattenExt) -(NSArray *) flattened {

   NSMutableArray *flattened = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:self.count];
   for (id object in self) {
       if ([object isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]])
           [flattened addObjectsFromArray:((NSArray *)object).flattened];
       else if (object != [NSNull null])
           [flattened addObject:object];
   return [flattened autorelease];

} @end

int main(int argc, char **argv) {

   NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
   NSArray *unflattened = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:[NSArray arrayWithObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:1]],
                          [NSNumber numberWithInteger:2],
                          [NSArray arrayWithObjects:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:3], [NSNumber numberWithInteger:4], nil],
                          [NSNumber numberWithInteger:5], nil],
                          [NSArray arrayWithObject:[NSArray arrayWithObject:[NSArray arrayWithObject:[NSNull null]]]],
                          [NSArray arrayWithObject:[NSArray arrayWithObject:[NSArray arrayWithObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:6]]]],
                          [NSNumber numberWithInteger:7],
                          [NSNumber numberWithInteger:8],
                          [NSArray arrayWithObject:[NSNull null]], nil];
   for (id object in unflattened.flattened)
       NSLog(@"%d", [object integerValue]);
   [pool drain];
   return 0;



<lang ocaml># let flatten = List.concat ;; val flatten : 'a list list -> 'a list = <fun>

  1. let li = [[1]; 2; [[3;4]; 5]; [[[]]]; [[[6]]]; 7; 8; []] ;;

Error: This expression has type int but is here used with type int list

  1. (* use another data which can be accepted by the type system *)
 flatten [[1]; [2; 3; 4]; []; [5; 6]; [7]; [8]] ;;

- : int list = [1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8]</lang>

Since OCaml is statically typed, it is not possible to have a value that could be both a list and a non-list. Instead, we can use an algebraic datatype:

<lang ocaml># type 'a tree = Leaf of 'a | Node of 'a tree list ;; type 'a tree = Leaf of 'a | Node of 'a tree list

  1. let rec flatten = function
    Leaf x -> [x]
  | Node xs -> List.concat (List.map flatten xs) ;;

val flatten : 'a tree -> 'a list = <fun>

  1. flatten (Node [Node [Leaf 1]; Leaf 2; Node [Node [Leaf 3; Leaf 4]; Leaf 5]; Node [Node [Node []]]; Node [Node [Node [Leaf 6]]]; Leaf 7; Leaf 8; Node []]) ;;

- : int list = [1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8]</lang>


Oz has a standard library function "Flatten": <lang oz>{Show {Flatten [[1] 2 [[3 4] 5] nil [[[6]]] 7 8 nil]}}</lang> A simple, non-optimized implementation could look like this: <lang oz>fun {Flatten2 Xs}

  case Xs of nil then nil
  [] X|Xr then
     {Append {Flatten2 X} {Flatten2 Xr}}
  else [Xs]

end </lang>


<lang perl>sub flatten {

   map { ref eq 'ARRAY' ? flatten(@$_) : $_ } @_


my @lst = ([1], 2, [[3,4], 5], [[[]]], [[[6]]], 7, 8, []); print flatten(@lst), "\n";</lang>

Perl 6

Works with: Rakudo version #22 "Thousand Oaks"

<lang perl6>multi flatten (@a) { map { flatten $^x }, @a } multi flatten ($x) { $x }</lang>


<lang php>/* Note: This code is only for PHP 4.

  It won't work on PHP 5 due to the change in behavior of array_merge(). */

while (array_filter($lst, 'is_array'))

   $lst = call_user_func_array('array_merge', $lst);</lang>

Explanation: while $lst has any elements which are themselves arrays (i.e. $lst is not flat), we merge the elements all together (in PHP 4, array_merge() treated non-array arguments as if they were 1-element arrays; PHP 5 array_merge() no longer allows non-array arguments.), thus flattening the top level of any embedded arrays. Repeat this process until the array is flat.


<lang php><?php function flatten($ary) {

   $result = array();
   foreach ($ary as $x) {
       if (is_array($x))
           // append flatten($x) onto $result
           array_splice($result, count($result), 0, flatten($x));
           $result[] = $x;
   return $result;


$lst = array(array(1), 2, array(array(3, 4), 5), array(array(array())), array(array(array(6))), 7, 8, array()); var_dump(flatten($lst)); ?></lang>


Function flat is iterative and flattens the array in-place. <lang php><?php function flat(&$ary) { // argument must be by reference or array will just be copied

   for ($i = 0; $i < count($ary); $i++) {
       while (is_array($ary[$i])) {
           array_splice($ary, $i, 1, $ary[$i]);


$lst = array(array(1), 2, array(array(3, 4), 5), array(array(array())), array(array(array(6))), 7, 8, array()); flat($lst); var_dump($lst); ?></lang>


<lang PicoLisp>(de flatten (X)

  (make                               # Build a list
     (recur (X)                       # recursively over 'X'
        (if (atom X)
           (link X)                   # Put atoms into the result
           (mapc recurse X) ) ) ) )   # or recurse on sub-lists</lang>

or a more succint way using fish:

<lang PicoLisp>(de flatten (X)

  (fish atom X) )</lang>


<lang PL/I> list = translate (list, ' ', '[]' ); list = '[' || list || ']'; </lang>


<lang Prolog> flatten([], []). flatten(E, [E]) :- atom(E). flatten([E|T], F) :-

 flatten(E, Ef),
 flatten(T, Tf),
 append(Ef, Tf, F), !.



<lang PureBasic>Structure RCList

 List A.RCList()


Procedure Flatten(List A.RCList())

 While NextElement(A())
   With A()
     If \Value
       While NextElement(\A())
         If \A()\Value: A()\Value=\A()\Value: EndIf
     While ListSize(\A()): DeleteElement(\A()): Wend
     If Not \Value: DeleteElement(A()): EndIf

EndProcedure</lang> Set up the MD-List & test the Flattening procedure. <lang PureBasic>;- Set up two lists, one multi dimensional and one 1-D. NewList A.RCList()

- Create a deep list

With A()

 AddElement(A()):  AddElement(\A()): AddElement(\A()): \A()\Value=1
 AddElement(A()):                     A()\Value=2
 AddElement(A()):  AddElement(\A()): \A()\Value=3
 AddElement(\A()):                   \A()\Value=4
 AddElement(A()):  AddElement(\A()): \A()\Value=5
 AddElement(A()):  AddElement(\A()): AddElement(\A()): AddElement(\A())
 AddElement(A()):  AddElement(\A()): AddElement(\A()): \A()\Value=6
 AddElement(A()):                     A()\Value=7
 AddElement(A()):                     A()\Value=8
 AddElement(A()):  AddElement(\A()): AddElement(\A())



- Present the result

If OpenConsole()

 Print("Flatten: [")
 ForEach A()
   If ListIndex(A())<(ListSize(A())-1)
     Print(", ")
 Print(#CRLF$+"Press ENTER to quit"): Input()


Flatten: [1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]



Function flatten is recursive and preserves its argument: <lang python>>>> def flatten(lst): return sum( ([x] if not isinstance(x, list) else flatten(x) for x in lst), [] )

>>> lst = [[1], 2, [[3,4], 5], [[[]]], [[[6]]], 7, 8, []] >>> flatten(lst) [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]</lang>


Function flat is iterative and flattens the list in-place. It follows the Python idiom of returning None when acting in-place: <lang python>>>> def flat(lst):

   while i<len(lst):
       while True:
               lst[i:i+1] = lst[i]
           except (TypeError, IndexError):
       i += 1

>>> lst = [[1], 2, [[3,4], 5], [[[]]], [[[6]]], 7, 8, []] >>> flat(lst) >>> lst [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]</lang>


This method shows a solution using Python generators.

flatten is a generator that yields the non-list values of its input in order. In this case, the generator is converted back to a list before printing.

<lang python>>>> def flatten(lst):

    for x in lst:
        if isinstance(x, list):
            for x in flatten(x):
                yield x
            yield x

>>>lst = [[1], 2, [[3,4], 5], [[[]]], [[[6]]], 7, 8, []] >>>print list(flatten(lst)) [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]</lang>


<lang R>x <- list(list(1), 2, list(list(3, 4), 5), list(list(list())), list(list(list(6))), 7, 8, list())



<lang rebol> flatten: func [

   "Flatten the block in place."
   block [any-block!]


   parse block [
       any [block: any-block! (change/part block first block 1) :block | skip]
   head block

] </lang>


>> flatten [[1] 2 [[3 4] 5] [[[]]] [[[6]]] 7 8 []]
== [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8]


flatten is a built-in method of Arrays <lang ruby>flat = [[1], 2, [[3,4], 5], [[[]]], [[[6]]], 7, 8, []].flatten p flat # => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]</lang>


<lang scala>def flatList(l: List[_]): List[Any] = l match {

 case Nil => Nil
 case (head: List[_]) :: tail => flatList(head) ::: flatList(tail)
 case head :: tail => head :: flatList(tail)



scala> List(List(1), 2, List(List(3, 4), 5), List(List(List())), List(List(List(6))), 7, 8, List())
res10: List[Any] = List(List(1), 2, List(List(3, 4), 5), List(List(List())), List(List(List(6))), 7, 8, List())

scala> flatList(res10)
res12: List[Any] = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)


<lang scheme>> (define (flatten x)

   (cond ((null? x) '())
         ((not (pair? x)) (list x))
         (else (append (flatten (car x))
                       (flatten (cdr x))))))

> (flatten '((1) 2 ((3 4) 5) ((())) (((6))) 7 8 ())) (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8)</lang>


<lang slate>s@(Sequence traits) flatten [

 [| :out | s flattenOn: out] writingAs: s


s@(Sequence traits) flattenOn: w@(WriteStream traits) [

 s do: [| :value |
   (value is: s)
     ifTrue: [value flattenOn: w]
     ifFalse: [w nextPut: value]].



Works with: GNU Smalltalk

<lang smalltalk>OrderedCollection extend [

 flatten [ |f|
   f := OrderedCollection new.
   self do: [ :i |
     i isNumber
       ifTrue: [ f add: i ]
       ifFalse: [ |t|
         t := (OrderedCollection withAll: i) flatten.
         f addAll: t
   ^ f


|list| list := OrderedCollection

         withAll: { {1} . 2 . { {3 . 4} . 5 } .
                    {{{}}} . {{{6}}} . 7 . 8 . {} }.

(list flatten) printNl.</lang>


<lang suneido>ob = [[1], 2, [[3,4], 5], [[[]]], [[[6]]], 7, 8, []] ob.Flatten()</lang>


#(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)


<lang tcl>proc flatten list {

   for {set old {}} {$old ne $list} {} {
       set old $list
       set list [join $list]
   return $list


puts [flatten {{1} 2 {{3 4} 5} {{{}}} {{{6}}} 7 8 {}}]

  1. ===> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8</lang>

Note that because lists are not syntactically distinct from strings, it is probably a mistake to use this procedure with real (especially non-numeric) data. Also note that there are no parentheses around the outside of the list when printed; this is just a feature of how Tcl regards lists, and the value is a proper list (it can be indexed into with lindex, iterated over with foreach, etc.)

Another implementation that's slightly more terse:

<lang tcl>proc flatten {data} {

   while { $data != [set data [join $data]] } { }
   return $data

} puts [flatten {{1} 2 {{3 4} 5} {{{}}} {{{6}}} 7 8 {}}]

  1. ===> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8</lang>


There is no nesting of lists or other data structures in TI-89 BASIC, short of using variable names as pointers.


<lang trith>[[1] 2 [[3 4] 5] [[[]]] [[[6]]] 7 8 []] flatten</lang>


Working on embedded arrays as that's about the closest we get to lists.


<lang vb> class flattener dim separator

sub class_initialize separator = "," end sub

private function makeflat( a ) dim i dim res for i = lbound( a ) to ubound( a ) if isarray( a( i ) ) then res = res & makeflat( a( i ) ) else res = res & a( i ) & separator end if next makeflat = res end function

public function flatten( a ) dim res res = makeflat( a ) res = left( res, len( res ) - len(separator)) res = split( res, separator ) flatten = res end function

public property let itemSeparator( c ) separator = c end property end class </lang>


<lang vb> dim flat set flat = new flattener flat.itemSeparator = "~" wscript.echo join( flat.flatten( array( array( 1 ),2,array(array(3,4),5),array(array(array())),array(array(array(6))),7,8,array())), "!") </lang>


<lang vb> 1!2!3!4!5!6!7!8 </lang>