Draw a pixel

From Rosetta Code
Revision as of 16:09, 13 August 2020 by PureFox (talk | contribs) (Added Wren)
Draw a pixel
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Create a window and draw a pixel in it, subject to the following:

  1.  the window is 320 x 240
  2.  the color of the pixel must be red (255,0,0)
  3.  the position of the pixel is x = 100, y = 100


Library: SDLAda

<lang Ada>with SDL.Video.Windows.Makers; with SDL.Video.Renderers.Makers; with SDL.Events.Events;

procedure Draw_A_Pixel is

  Width   : constant := 320;
  Height  : constant := 200;
  Window   : SDL.Video.Windows.Window;
  Renderer : SDL.Video.Renderers.Renderer;
  procedure Wait is
     use type SDL.Events.Event_Types;
     Event : SDL.Events.Events.Events;
        while SDL.Events.Events.Poll (Event) loop
           if Event.Common.Event_Type = SDL.Events.Quit then
           end if;
        end loop;
        delay 0.100;
     end loop;
  end Wait;


  if not SDL.Initialise (Flags => SDL.Enable_Screen) then
  end if;
  SDL.Video.Windows.Makers.Create (Win      => Window,
                                   Title    => "Draw a pixel",
                                   Position => SDL.Natural_Coordinates'(X => 10, Y => 10),
                                   Size     => SDL.Positive_Sizes'(Width, Height),
                                   Flags    => 0);
  SDL.Video.Renderers.Makers.Create (Renderer, Window.Get_Surface);
  Renderer.Set_Draw_Colour ((0, 0, 0, 255));
  Renderer.Fill (Rectangle => (0, 0, Width, Height));
  Renderer.Set_Draw_Colour ((255, 0, 0, 255));
  Renderer.Draw (Point => (100, 100));

end Draw_A_Pixel;</lang>

ARM Assembly

Works with: as version Raspberry Pi

<lang ARM Assembly>

/* ARM assembly Raspberry PI */ /* program dpixel.s */

/* compile with as */ /* link with gcc and options -lX11 -L/usr/lpp/X11/lib */

/********************************************/ /*Constantes */ /********************************************/ .equ STDOUT, 1 @ Linux output console .equ EXIT, 1 @ Linux syscall .equ WRITE, 4 @ Linux syscall /* constantes X11 */ .equ KeyPressed, 2 .equ ButtonPress, 4 .equ MotionNotify, 6 .equ EnterNotify, 7 .equ LeaveNotify, 8 .equ Expose, 12 .equ ClientMessage, 33 .equ KeyPressMask, 1 .equ ButtonPressMask, 4 .equ ButtonReleaseMask, 8 .equ ExposureMask, 1<<15 .equ StructureNotifyMask, 1<<17 .equ EnterWindowMask, 1<<4 .equ LeaveWindowMask, 1<<5 .equ ConfigureNotify, 22

/*******************************************/ /* DONNEES INITIALISEES */ /*******************************************/ .data szWindowName: .asciz "Windows Raspberry" szRetourligne: .asciz "\n" szMessDebutPgm: .asciz "Program start. \n" szMessErreur: .asciz "Server X not found.\n" szMessErrfen: .asciz "Can not create window.\n" szMessErreurX11: .asciz "Error call function X11. \n" szMessErrGc: .asciz "Can not create graphics context.\n" szTitreFenRed: .asciz "Pi" szTexte1: .asciz "<- red pixel is here !!" .equ LGTEXTE1, . - szTexte1 szTexte2: .asciz "Press q for close window or clic X in system menu." .equ LGTEXTE2, . - szTexte2 szLibDW: .asciz "WM_DELETE_WINDOW" @ special label for correct close error

/*************************************************/ szMessErr: .ascii "Error code hexa : " sHexa: .space 9,' '

        .ascii "  decimal :  "

sDeci: .space 15,' '

        .asciz "\n"

/*******************************************/ /* DONNEES NON INITIALISEES */ /*******************************************/ .bss .align 4 ptDisplay: .skip 4 @ pointer display ptEcranDef: .skip 4 @ pointer screen default ptFenetre: .skip 4 @ pointer window ptGC: .skip 4 @ pointer graphic context ptGC1: .skip 4 @ pointer graphic context1 key: .skip 4 @ key code wmDeleteMessage: .skip 8 @ ident close message event: .skip 400 @ TODO event size ?? PrpNomFenetre: .skip 100 @ window name proprety buffer: .skip 500 iWhite: .skip 4 @ rgb code for white pixel iBlack: .skip 4 @ rgb code for black pixel /**********************************************/ /* -- Code section */ /**********************************************/ .text .global main

main: @ entry of program

   ldr r0,iAdrszMessDebutPgm   @
   bl affichageMess            @ display start message on console linux
   /* attention r6  pointer display*/
   /* attention r8  pointer graphic context   */
   /* attention r9 ident window  */
   /*    OPEN SERVER X11        */
   mov r0,#0
   bl XOpenDisplay             @ open X server
   cmp r0,#0                   @ error ?
   beq erreurServeur
   ldr r1,iAdrptDisplay
   str r0,[r1]                 @ store display address 
   mov r6,r0                   @ and in register r6
   ldr r2,[r0,#+132]           @ load default_screen
   ldr r1,iAdrptEcranDef
   str r2,[r1]                 @ store default_screen
   mov r2,r0
   ldr r0,[r2,#+140]           @ load pointer screen list
   ldr r5,[r0,#+52]            @ load value white pixel
   ldr r4,iAdrWhite            @ and store in memory
   str r5,[r4]
   ldr r3,[r0,#+56]            @ load value black pixel
   ldr r4,iAdrBlack            @ and store in memory
   str r3,[r4]
   ldr r4,[r0,#+28]            @ load bits par pixel
   ldr r1,[r0,#+8]             @ load root windows
   /* CREATE WINDOW          */
   mov r0,r6                   @ address display
   mov r2,#0                   @ window position X
   mov r3,#0                   @ window position Y
   mov r8,#0                   @ for stack alignement
   push {r8}
   push {r3}                   @  background  = black pixel
   push {r5}                   @  border = white pixel
   mov r8,#2                   @  border size
   push {r8}
   mov r8,#240                 @ hauteur
   push {r8}
   mov r8,#320                 @ largeur 
   push {r8}   
   bl XCreateSimpleWindow
   add sp,#24                  @ stack alignement  6 push (4 bytes * 6)
   cmp r0,#0                   @ error ?
   beq erreurF
   ldr r1,iAdrptFenetre
   str r0,[r1]                 @ store window address in memory
   mov r9,r0                   @ and in register r9
   /* add window property       */
   mov r0,r6                   @ display address
   mov r1,r9                   @ window address
   ldr r2,iAdrszWindowName     @ window name
   ldr r3,iAdrszTitreFenRed    @ window name reduced
   mov r4,#0
   push {r4}                   @ parameters not use
   push {r4}
   push {r4}
   push {r4}
   bl XSetStandardProperties
   add sp,sp,#16               @ stack alignement for 4 push
   /* for correction window close error  */
   mov r0,r6                   @ display address
   ldr r1,iAdrszLibDW          @ atom address
   mov r2,#1                   @ False  créate atom if not exists
   bl XInternAtom
   cmp r0,#0                   @ error X11 ?
   ble erreurX11
   ldr r1,iAdrwmDeleteMessage  @ recept address
   str r0,[r1]
   mov r2,r1                   @ return address
   mov r0,r6                   @ display address
   mov r1,r9                   @ window address
   mov r3,#1                   @ number of protocols
   bl XSetWMProtocols
   cmp r0,#0                   @ error X11 ?
   ble erreurX11
   /*  create graphic context        */
   mov r0,r6                   @ display address
   mov r1,r9                   @ window address
   mov r2,#0                   @ not use for simply context
   mov r3,#0
   bl XCreateGC
   cmp r0,#0                   @ error ?
   beq erreurGC
   ldr r1,iAdrptGC
   str r0,[r1]                 @ store address graphic context
   mov r8,r0                   @ and in r8
   @ create other GC
   mov r0,r6                   @ display address
   mov r1,r9                   @ window address
   mov r2,#0                   @ not use for simply context
   mov r3,#0
   bl XCreateGC
   cmp r0,#0                   @ error ?
   beq erreurGC
   ldr r1,iAdrptGC1
   str r0,[r1]                 @ store address graphic context 1
   mov r1,r0
   mov r0,r6
   mov r2,#0xFF0000            @ color red
   bl XSetForeground
   cmp r0,#0
   beq erreurGC
   /* modif window background  */
   mov r0,r6                   @ display address
   mov r1,r9                   @ window address
   ldr r2,iGris1               @ background color
   bl XSetWindowBackground   
   cmp r0,#0                   @ error ?
   ble erreurX11
   /* OUF!! window display    */
   mov r0,r6                   @ display address
   mov r1,r9                   @ window address
   bl XMapWindow
   /* Write text1 in the window */
   mov r0,r6                   @ display address
   mov r1,r9                   @ window address
   mov r2,r8                   @ address graphic context
   mov r3,#105                 @ position x 
   sub sp,#4                   @ stack alignement
   mov r4,#LGTEXTE1  - 1       @ size string 
   push {r4}                   @ on the stack
   ldr r4,iAdrszTexte1         @ string address
   push {r4}
   mov r4,#105                 @ position y 
   push {r4}
   bl XDrawString
   add sp,sp,#16               @ stack alignement 3 push and 1 stack alignement
   cmp r0,#0                   @ error ?
   blt erreurX11
   /* Write text2 in the window */
   mov r0,r6                   @ display address
   mov r1,r9                   @ window address
   mov r2,r8                   @ address graphic context
   mov r3,#10                  @ position x 
   sub sp,#4                   @ stack alignement
   mov r4,#LGTEXTE2  - 1       @ size string 
   push {r4}                   @ on the stack
   ldr r4,iAdrszTexte2         @ string address
   push {r4}
   mov r4,#200                 @ position y 
   push {r4}
   bl XDrawString
   add sp,sp,#16               @ stack alignement 3 push and 1 stack alignement
   cmp r0,#0                   @ error ?
   blt erreurX11
   /* draw pixel                           */
   mov r0,r6                   @ display address
   mov r1,r9                   @ window address
   ldr r2,iAdrptGC1
   ldr r2,[r2]                 @  address graphic context 1
   mov r3,#100                 @ position x
   sub sp,sp,#4                @ stack alignement
   mov r4,#100                 @ position y
   push {r4}                   @ on the stack
   bl XDrawPoint
   add sp,sp,#8                @ stack alignement 1 push and 1 stack alignement
   cmp r0,#0                   @ error ?
   blt erreurX11
   /* Autorisations            */
   mov r0,r6                   @ display address
   mov r1,r9                   @ window address
   ldr r2,iFenetreMask         @ autorisation mask
   bl XSelectInput
   cmp r0,#0                   @ error ?
   ble erreurX11
   /* Events loop              */


   mov r0,r6                   @ display address
   ldr r1,iAdrevent            @ events address
   bl XNextEvent               @ event ?
   ldr r0,iAdrevent
   ldr r0,[r0]                 @ code event
   cmp r0,#KeyPressed          @ key ?
   bne 2f
   ldr r0,iAdrevent            @ yes read key in buffer
   ldr r1,iAdrbuffer
   mov r2,#255
   ldr r3,iAdrkey
   mov r4,#0
   push {r4}                   @ stack alignement
   push {r4}
   bl XLookupString 
   add sp,#8                   @ stack alignement 2 push
   cmp r0,#1                   @ is character key ?
   bne 2f
   ldr r0,iAdrbuffer           @ yes -> load first buffer character
   ldrb r0,[r0]
   cmp r0,#0x71                @ character q for quit
   beq 5f                      @ yes -> end
   b 4f


   /*                                  */
   /* for example  clic mouse button   */
   cmp r0,#ButtonPress         @ clic mouse buton
   bne 3f
   ldr r0,iAdrevent
   ldr r1,[r0,#+32]            @ position X mouse clic
   ldr r2,[r0,#+36]            @ position Y
   @ etc for eventuel use
   b 4f


   cmp r0,#ClientMessage       @ code for close window within error
   bne 4f
   ldr r0,iAdrevent
   ldr r1,[r0,#+28]            @ code message address 
   ldr r2,iAdrwmDeleteMessage  @ equal code window créate ???
   ldr r2,[r2]
   cmp r1,r2
   beq 5f                      @ yes -> end window 

4: @ loop for other event

   b 1b
   /* Close window -> free ressources */


   mov r0,r6                  @ display address
   ldr r1,iAdrptGC
   ldr r1,[r1]                @ load context graphic address 
   bl XFreeGC
   cmp r0,#0
   blt erreurX11
   mov r0,r6                  @ display address 
   mov r1,r9                  @ window address
   bl XDestroyWindow
   cmp r0,#0
   blt erreurX11
   mov r0,r6                  @ display address
   bl XCloseDisplay
   cmp r0,#0
   blt erreurX11
   mov r0,#0                  @ return code OK
   b 100f

erreurF: @ create error window but possible not necessary. Display error by server

   ldr r1,iAdrszMessErrfen
   bl   displayError
   mov r0,#1                  @ return error code
   b 100f

erreurGC: @ error create graphic context

   ldr r1,iAdrszMessErrGc
   bl   displayError
   mov r0,#1
   b 100f

erreurX11: @ erreur X11

   ldr r1,iAdrszMessErreurX11
   bl   displayError
   mov r0,#1
   b 100f

erreurServeur: @ error no found X11 server see doc putty and Xming

   ldr r1,iAdrszMessErreur
   bl   displayError
   mov r0,#1
   b 100f

100: @ standard end of the program

   mov r7, #EXIT
   svc 0 

iFenetreMask: .int KeyPressMask|ButtonPressMask|StructureNotifyMask iGris1: .int 0xFFA0A0A0 iAdrWhite: .int iWhite iAdrBlack: .int iBlack iAdrptDisplay: .int ptDisplay iAdrptEcranDef: .int ptEcranDef iAdrptFenetre: .int ptFenetre iAdrptGC: .int ptGC iAdrptGC1: .int ptGC1 iAdrevent: .int event iAdrbuffer: .int buffer iAdrkey: .int key iAdrszLibDW: .int szLibDW iAdrszMessDebutPgm: .int szMessDebutPgm iAdrszMessErreurX11: .int szMessErreurX11 iAdrszMessErrGc: .int szMessErrGc iAdrszMessErreur: .int szMessErreur iAdrszMessErrfen: .int szMessErrfen iAdrszWindowName: .int szWindowName iAdrszTitreFenRed: .int szTitreFenRed iAdrszTexte1: .int szTexte1 iAdrszTexte2: .int szTexte2 iAdrPrpNomFenetre: .int PrpNomFenetre iAdrwmDeleteMessage: .int wmDeleteMessage

/******************************************************************/ /* display text with size calculation */ /******************************************************************/ /* r0 contains the address of the message */ affichageMess:

   push {r0,r1,r2,r7,lr}                   @ save  registres
   mov r2,#0                               @ counter length 

1: @ loop length calculation

   ldrb r1,[r0,r2]                         @ read octet start position + index 
   cmp r1,#0                               @ if 0 its over 
   addne r2,r2,#1                          @ else add 1 in the length 
   bne 1b                                  @ and loop 
                                           @ so here r2 contains the length of the message 
   mov r1,r0                               @ address message in r1 
   mov r0,#STDOUT                          @ code to write to the standard output Linux 
   mov r7, #WRITE                          @ code call system "write" 
   svc #0                                  @ call systeme 
   pop {r0,r1,r2,r7,lr}                    @ restaur registers
   bx lr                                   @ return

/***************************************************/ /* display error message */ /***************************************************/ /* r0 contains error code r1 : message address */ displayError:

   push {r0-r2,lr}                         @ save registers
   mov r2,r0                               @ save error code
   mov r0,r1
   bl affichageMess
   mov r0,r2                               @ error code
   ldr r1,iAdrsHexa
   bl conversion16                         @ conversion hexa
   mov r0,r2                               @ error code
   ldr r1,iAdrsDeci                        @ result address
   bl conversion10                         @ conversion decimale
   ldr r0,iAdrszMessErr                    @ display error message
   bl affichageMess


   pop {r0-r2,lr}                          @ restaur registers
   bx lr                                   @ return 

iAdrszMessErr: .int szMessErr iAdrsHexa: .int sHexa iAdrsDeci: .int sDeci /******************************************************************/ /* Converting a register to hexadecimal */ /******************************************************************/ /* r0 contains value and r1 address area */ conversion16:

   push {r1-r4,lr}                                    @ save registers
   mov r2,#28                                         @ start bit position
   mov r4,#0xF0000000                                 @ mask
   mov r3,r0                                          @ save entry value

1: @ start loop

   and r0,r3,r4                                       @value register and mask
   lsr r0,r2                                          @ move right 
   cmp r0,#10                                         @ compare value
   addlt r0,#48                                       @ <10  ->digit	
   addge r0,#55                                       @ >10  ->letter A-F
   strb r0,[r1],#1                                    @ store digit on area and + 1 in area address
   lsr r4,#4                                          @ shift mask 4 positions
   subs r2,#4                                         @  counter bits - 4 <= zero  ?
   bge 1b                                             @  no -> loop


   pop {r1-r4,lr}                                     @ restaur registers 
   bx lr                                              @return

/******************************************************************/ /* Converting a register to a decimal unsigned */ /******************************************************************/ /* r0 contains value and r1 address area */ /* r0 return size of result (no zero final in area) */ /* area size => 11 bytes */ .equ LGZONECAL, 10 conversion10:

   push {r1-r4,lr}                                 @ save registers 
   mov r3,r1
   mov r2,#LGZONECAL

1: @ start loop

   bl divisionpar10U                               @ unsigned  r0 <- dividende. quotient ->r0 reste -> r1
   add r1,#48                                      @ digit
   strb r1,[r3,r2]                                 @ store digit on area
   cmp r0,#0                                       @ stop if quotient = 0 
   subne r2,#1                                     @ else previous position
   bne 1b                                          @ and loop
                                                   @ and move digit from left of area
   mov r4,#0


   ldrb r1,[r3,r2]
   strb r1,[r3,r4]
   add r2,#1
   add r4,#1
   cmp r2,#LGZONECAL
   ble 2b
                                                     @ and move spaces in end on area
   mov r0,r4                                         @ result length 
   mov r1,#' '                                       @ space


   strb r1,[r3,r4]                                   @ store space in area
   add r4,#1                                         @ next position
   cmp r4,#LGZONECAL
   ble 3b                                            @ loop if r4 <= area size


   pop {r1-r4,lr}                                    @ restaur registres 
   bx lr                                             @return

/***************************************************/ /* division par 10 unsigned */ /***************************************************/ /* r0 dividende */ /* r0 quotient */ /* r1 remainder */ divisionpar10U:

   push {r2,r3,r4, lr}
   mov r4,r0                                          @ save value
   ldr r3,iMagicNumber                                @ r3 <- magic_number    raspberry 1 2
   umull r1, r2, r3, r0                               @ r1<- Lower32Bits(r1*r0) r2<- Upper32Bits(r1*r0) 
   mov r0, r2, LSR #3                                 @ r2 <- r2 >> shift 3
   add r2,r0,r0, lsl #2                               @ r2 <- r0 * 5 
   sub r1,r4,r2, lsl #1                               @ r1 <- r4 - (r2 * 2)  = r4 - (r0 * 10)
   pop {r2,r3,r4,lr}
   bx lr                                              @ leave function 

iMagicNumber: .int 0xCCCCCCCD /***************************************************/ /* integer division unsigned */ /***************************************************/ division:

   /* r0 contains dividend */
   /* r1 contains divisor */
   /* r2 returns quotient */
   /* r3 returns remainder */
   push {r4, lr}
   mov r2, #0                                         @ init quotient
   mov r3, #0                                         @ init remainder
   mov r4, #32                                        @ init counter bits
   b 2f

1: @ loop

   movs r0, r0, LSL #1                               @ r0 <- r0 << 1 updating cpsr (sets C if 31st bit of r0 was 1)
   adc r3, r3, r3                                     @ r3 <- r3 + r3 + C. This is equivalent to r3 ? (r3 << 1) + C 
   cmp r3, r1                                         @ compute r3 - r1 and update cpsr 
   subhs r3, r3, r1                                  @ if r3 >= r1 (C=1) then r3 <- r3 - r1 
   adc r2, r2, r2                                     @ r2 <- r2 + r2 + C. This is equivalent to r2 <- (r2 << 1) + C 


   subs r4, r4, #1                                   @ r4 <- r4 - 1 
   bpl 1b                                            @ if r4 >= 0 (N=0) then loop
   pop {r4, lr}
   bx lr



It seems that the program should be this. And the BASIC256 tutorial programs work on my ubuntu system. This program neither draws the pixel nor resizes the window. Can't see anything when I plot many spots. Oh well. I've tried the rgb(255,0,0) function as well as the fastgraphics/refresh statements. <lang BASIC256> rem http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Draw_a_pixel

graphsize 320, 240 color red plot 100, 100 </lang>


<lang bbcbasic> VDU 23, 22, 320; 240; 8, 8, 8, 0, 18, 0, 1, 25, 69, 100; 100;</lang>


Requires the WinBGIm library. <lang C>

  1. include<graphics.h>

int main() { initwindow(320,240,"Red Pixel");



return 0; } </lang>

Commodore BASIC

Example 1: Commodore 64

There are no graphics commands in Commodore 64 BASIC. High resolution (hires) graphics are programmed by directly manipulating the hardware registers and memory.

The Commodore 64 hires bitmap is 320×200, subdivided into 8×8 cells starting at the top left and moving right. Each cell is addressed top to bottom by 8 bytes. Each byte controls a horizontal row of 8 bits. This requires calculation on the programmer's part to translate X,Y coordinates into a specific memory address/value combination (lines 30 through 60).

<lang gwbasic>10 REM PLOT A RED PIXEL AT 100,100 20 REM INITIALIZE BITMAP MODE 21 POKE 53280,0:PRINT CHR$(147);"CLEARING BITMAP... PLEASE WAIT..." 22 BASE=8192:FOR I=BASE TO BASE+7999:POKE I,0:NEXT 23 PRINT CHR$(147); 24 POKE 53272,PEEK(53272) OR 8:REM SET BITMAP MEMORY AT 8192 ($2000) 25 POKE 53265,PEEK(53265) OR 32:REM ENTER BITMAP MODE 26 REM PLOT PIXEL 30 X=100:Y=100 40 MEM=BASE+INT(Y/8)*320+INT(X/8)*8+(Y AND 7) 50 PX=7-(X AND 7) 60 POKE MEM,PEEK(MEM) OR 2^PX 65 REM WAIT FOR KEYPRESS 70 GET K$:IF K$="" THEN 70 75 REM CLEAR PIXEL, RETURN TO TEXT MODE 80 POKE MEM,0:POKE 53265,PEEK(53265) AND 223:POKE 53272,PEEK(53272) AND 247 90 POKE 53280,14:POKE 53281,6:POKE 646,14:END</lang>

Example 2: Commodore Plus 4 and 128 <lang gwbasic>10 COLOR 0,1:COLOR 1,3: REM SET BORDER TO BLACK AND PIXEL COLOR TO RED 15 GRAPHIC 1,1 : REM ENTER BITMAP GRAPHICS MODE AND CLEAR SCREEN 20 DRAW 1,100,100 : REM PLOT PIXEL AT 100,100 30 GET K$:IF K$="" THEN 30 40 GRAPHIC 0,1 : REM RETURN TO TEXT MODE</lang>


Library: Windows
Library: Messages
Library: SysUtils

Console version using windows api, thanks for RRUZ ([1]) <lang Delphi> program Draw_a_pixel;


{$R *.res}




 Msg: TMSG;
 LWndClass: TWndClass;
 hMainHandle: HWND;

procedure Paint(Handle: hWnd); forward;

procedure ReleaseResources; begin



function WindowProc(hWnd, Msg: Longint; wParam: wParam; lParam: lParam): Longint; stdcall; begin

 case Msg of
 Result := DefWindowProc(hWnd, Msg, wParam, lParam);


procedure CreateWin(W, H: Integer); begin

 LWndClass.hInstance := hInstance;
 with LWndClass do
   lpszClassName := 'OneRedPixel';
   hIcon := LoadIcon(hInstance, 'MAINICON');
   lpfnWndProc := @WindowProc;
   hbrBackground := COLOR_BTNFACE + 1;
   hCursor := LoadCursor(0, IDC_ARROW);
 hMainHandle := CreateWindow(LWndClass.lpszClassName,
   'Draw a red pixel on (100,100)', WS_CAPTION or WS_MINIMIZEBOX or WS_SYSMENU
   or WS_VISIBLE, ((GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN) - W) div 2), ((GetSystemMetrics
   (SM_CYSCREEN) - H) div 2), W, H, 0, 0, hInstance, nil);


procedure ShowModal; begin

 while GetMessage(Msg, 0, 0, 0) do


procedure Paint(Handle: hWnd); var

 Dc: HDC;


 Dc := BeginPaint(Handle, ps);
 // Fill bg with white
 FillRect(Dc, ps.rcPaint, CreateSolidBrush($FFFFFF));
 // Do the magic
 SetPixel(Dc, 100, 100, $FF);
 EndPaint(Handle, ps);



 CreateWin(320, 240);






Uses Windows Forms <lang fsharp>open System.Windows.Forms open System.Drawing

let f = new Form() f.Size <- new Size(320,240) f.Paint.Add(fun e -> e.Graphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.Red, 100, 100 ,1,1)) Application.Run(f)</lang>


<lang factor>USING: accessors arrays images images.testing images.viewer kernel literals math sequences ; IN: rosetta-code.draw-pixel

draw-pixel ( -- )
   B{ 255 0 0 } 100 100 <rgb-image> 320 240 [ 2array >>dim ]
   [ * ] 2bi [ { 0 0 0 } ] replicate B{ } concat-as >>bitmap
   [ set-pixel-at ] keep image-window ;

MAIN: draw-pixel</lang>


<lang freebasic>' version 27-06-2018 ' compile with: fbc -s console ' or: fbc -s gui

Screen 13 ' Screen 18: 320x200, 8bit colordepth 'ScreenRes 320, 200, 24 ' Screenres: 320x200, 24bit colordepth

If ScreenPtr = 0 Then

   Print "Error setting video mode!"

End If

Dim As UInteger depth, x = 100, y = 100

' what is color depth ScreenInfo ,,depth

If depth = 8 Then

   PSet(x, y), 40   ' palette, index 40 = RGB(255, 0, 0)


   PSet(x, y), RGB(255, 0, 0) ' red

End If

' empty keyboard buffer While Inkey <> "" : Wend WindowTitle IIf(depth = 8, "Palette","True Color") + ", hit any key to end program" Sleep End</lang>


The resolution of the Game Boy's screen is only 160×144, so the window requirement is out, but the pixel is easy. Also, GB BASIC doesn't support displaying the color red, so the Game Boy's grayscale equivalent, dark gray, is used instead: <lang GB BASIC>10 color 1 20 point 100,100</lang>


<lang GML>draw_point(100, 100);</lang>


<lang go>package main

import (



func main() {

   rect := image.Rect(0, 0, 320, 240)
   img := image.NewRGBA(rect)
   // Use green background, say.
   green := color.RGBA{0, 255, 0, 255}
   draw.Draw(img, rect, &image.Uniform{green}, image.ZP, draw.Src)
   // Set color of pixel at (100, 100) to red
   red := color.RGBA{255, 0, 0, 255}
   img.Set(100, 100, red)
   // Check it worked.
   cmap := map[color.Color]string{green: "green", red: "red"}
   c1 := img.At(0, 0)
   c2 := img.At(100, 100)
   fmt.Println("The color of the pixel at (  0,   0) is", cmap[c1], "\b.")
   fmt.Println("The color of the pixel at (100, 100) is", cmap[c2], "\b.")


The color of the pixel at (  0,   0) is green.
The color of the pixel at (100, 100) is red.

Create a PNG image?

<lang go>package main

import ( "image" "image/color" "image/draw" "image/png" "os" )

func main() { // Create a 320 x 240 image img := image.NewRGBA(image.Rect(0, 0, 320, 240)) // fill img in white draw.Draw(img, img.Bounds(), &image.Uniform{color.RGBA{0, 0, 0, 0}}, image.ZP, draw.Src) // Draw a red dot at (100, 100) img.Set(100, 100, color.RGBA{255, 0, 0, 255}) // Save to new.png w, _ := os.OpenFile("new.png", os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE, 0600) defer w.Close() png.Encode(w, img) } </lang> GUI "window" rather than an image?

<lang go>package main

// first run" go get github.com/zserge/webview" // simple GUI "window" import "github.com/zserge/webview"

func main() { // Open wikipedia in a 320*240 resizable window webview.Open("Minimal webview example", "https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page", 320, 240, true) }</lang>

Icon and Unicon

<lang unicon>#

  1. draw-pixel.icn

procedure main()

  &window := open("pixel", "g", "size=320,240")
  DrawPoint(100, 100)



<lang IS-BASIC>100 SET VIDEO X 40:SET VIDEO Y 26:SET VIDEO MODE 5:SET VIDEO COLOR 0 110 OPEN #101:"video:" 120 DISPLAY #101:AT 1 FROM 1 TO 26 130 SET PALETTE BLACK,RED 140 PLOT 100,100</lang>


<lang J>require 'gl2' coinsert 'jgl2' wd'pc Rosetta closeok;cc task isidraw; set task wh 320 200;pshow' glpaint glpixel 100 100 [ glpen 1 1 [ glrgb 255 0 0 [ glclear </lang>


Basic Implementation via subclass of JFrame: <lang Java>import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Graphics; import javax.swing.JFrame;

public class DrawAPixel extends JFrame{ public DrawAPixel() { super("Red Pixel"); setSize(320, 240); setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); setVisible(true); } @Override public void paint(Graphics g) { g.setColor(new Color(255, 0, 0)); g.drawRect(100, 100, 1, 1); } public static void main(String[] args) { new DrawAPixel(); } } </lang> Advanced Implementation via subclass of JPanel (more powerful especially while repainting): <lang Java>import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JPanel;

public class DrawAPixel extends JPanel{ private BufferedImage puffer; private JFrame window; private Graphics g; public DrawAPixel() { window = new JFrame("Red Pixel"); window.setSize(320, 240); window.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); window.setLayout(null); setBounds(0, 0, 320, 240); window.add(this); window.setVisible(true); } @Override public void paint(Graphics gr) { if(g == null) { puffer = (BufferedImage) createImage(getWidth(), getHeight()); g = puffer.getGraphics(); } g.setColor(new Color(255, 0, 0)); g.drawRect(100, 100, 1, 1); gr.drawImage(puffer, 0, 0, this); } public static void main(String[] args) { new DrawAPixel(); } } </lang>


<lang julia>using Gtk, Graphics

const can = @GtkCanvas() const win = GtkWindow(can, "Draw a Pixel", 320, 240)

draw(can) do widget

   ctx = getgc(can)
   set_source_rgb(ctx, 255, 0, 0)
   move_to(ctx, 100, 100)
   line_to(ctx, 101,100)


show(can) const cond = Condition() endit(w) = notify(cond) signal_connect(endit, win, :destroy) wait(cond) </lang>


This task seems very similar to the Bitmap task and so therefore is the code to accomplish it. <lang scala>// Version 1.2.41

import java.awt.Color import java.awt.Graphics import java.awt.image.BufferedImage

class BasicBitmapStorage(width: Int, height: Int) {

   val image = BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR)
   fun fill(c: Color) {
       val g = image.graphics
       g.color = c
       g.fillRect(0, 0, image.width, image.height)
   fun setPixel(x: Int, y: Int, c: Color) = image.setRGB(x, y, c.getRGB())
   fun getPixel(x: Int, y: Int) = Color(image.getRGB(x, y))


fun main(args: Array<String>) {

   val bbs = BasicBitmapStorage(320, 240)
   with (bbs) {
       fill(Color.white) // say
       setPixel(100, 100, Color.red)
       // check it worked
       val c = getPixel(100, 100)
       print("The color of the pixel at (100, 100) is ")
       println(if (c == Color.red) "red" else "white")


The color of the pixel at (100, 100) is red


The luasdl2 library is required.

<lang lua>local SDL = require "SDL"

local ret = SDL.init { SDL.flags.Video } local window = SDL.createWindow { title = "Pixel", height = 320, width = 240 }

local renderer = SDL.createRenderer(window, 0, 0)

renderer:clear() renderer:setDrawColor(0xFF0000) renderer:drawPoint({x = 100,y = 100}) renderer:present()

SDL.delay(5000) </lang>

M2000 Interpreter

Version 2

M2000 Console used for text and graphics too. So for this version we plot a pixel in console and in a form (a window above console). Form is open as modal, but console is something different, so we can show or hide it.

All forms are above console (for any kind, modal or not modal form), and we can hide console using Title statement. So in this example we hide/show console (behind form window) by clicking the form. In any state of showing console, when we close form and Interpreter need to input from console (like in prompt state), console state get visible.

There is also a PSet statement for pixel drawing (from 9.5 version). Just replace the module call to PlotPixel with Pset.

<lang M2000 Interpreter>

Module CheckIt {

     Module PlotPixel (a as single, b as single) {
           Move a*TwipsX, b*TwipsX
           Draw TwipsX, TwipsY
     Cls 5,0  \\ clear console with Magenta (5) and set split  screen from 0 (no split screen)
     Pen #55FF77 {
           PlotPixel 1000, 200
     Wait 1000
     Title "", 1
     Declare DrawPixelForm Form
     With DrawPixelForm, "Title", "Draw a Pixel at 100,100"
     Layer DrawPixelForm {
           \\ 12 for 12pt fonts
           \\ use ; to center window
           Window 12, 320*twipsx, 240*twipsy;
           Cls #333333
           Pen Color(255,0,0) {
                 PlotPixel 100, 100
     \\ code to show/hide console clicking form
     \\ console shown behind form
     Function DrawPixelForm.Click {
           Title "Rosetta Code Example", abs(k)
           if k then show
     Method DrawPixelForm, "Show", 1
     Declare DrawPixelForm Nothing

} CheckIt </lang> OutPut


Library: rapid

<lang nim>import rapid/gfx


 window = initRWindow()
   .size(320, 240)
   .title("Rosetta Code - draw a pixel")
 surface = window.openGfx()


 draw ctx, step:
   ctx.point((100.0, 100.0, rgb(255, 0, 0)))
   discard step # Prevent unused variable warnings
 update step:
   discard step</lang>


With basic module XYplane, the size of the drawing plane cannot be set. Tested with OBNC.

<lang Oberon>MODULE pixel;


BEGIN XYplane.Open; XYplane.Dot(100, 100, XYplane.draw); REPEAT UNTIL XYplane.Key() = "q" END pixel. </lang>


Library: SDL2

<lang objeck>use Game.SDL2; use Game.Framework;

class DrawPixel {

 @framework : GameFramework;
 function : Main(args : String[]) ~ Nil {
 New() {
   @framework := GameFramework->New(320, 240, "RGB");
   @framework->SetClearColor(Color->New(0, 0, 0));
 method : Run() ~ Nil {
   if(@framework->IsOk()) {
     e := @framework->GetEvent();
     quit := false;
     while(<>quit) {
       while(e->Poll() <> 0) {
         if(e->GetType() = EventType->SDL_QUIT) {
           quit := true;
       @framework->GetRenderer()->SetDrawColor(255, 0, 0, 255);
       @framework->GetRenderer()->DrawPoint(100, 100);  
   else {
     "--- Error Initializing Game Environment ---"->ErrorLine();
   leaving {

} </lang>


Using the Graphics library provided with the standard OCaml distribution:

<lang ocaml>module G = Graphics

let () =

 G.open_graph "";
 G.resize_window 320 240;
 G.set_color G.red;
 G.plot 100 100;
 ignore (G.read_key ())</lang>

run with:

$ ocaml graphics.cma draw_a_pixel.ml
Library: OCamlSDL2

<lang ocaml>open Sdl

let () =

 let width, height = (320, 240) in
 Sdl.init [`VIDEO];
 let window, renderer =
   Render.create_window_and_renderer ~width ~height ~flags:[]
 let rgb = (255, 0, 0) and a = 255 in
 Render.set_draw_color renderer ~rgb ~a;
 Render.draw_point renderer (100, 100);
 Render.render_present renderer;
 Timer.delay 3000;
 Sdl.quit ()</lang>

run with:

$ ocaml -I $(ocamlfind query sdl2) sdl2.cma draw_a_pixel.ml


Library: OpenGL

<lang scheme> (import (lib gl)) (import (OpenGL version-1-0))


(glClearColor 0.3 0.3 0.3 1) (glOrtho 0 320 0 240 0 1)

draw loop

(gl:set-renderer (lambda (mouse)

  (glBegin GL_POINTS)
  (glColor3f 255 0 0)
  (glVertex2f 100 100)



Library: Gtk3

<lang perl>use Gtk3 '-init';

my $window = Gtk3::Window->new(); $window->set_default_size(320, 240); $window->set_border_width(10); $window->set_title("Draw a Pixel"); $window->set_app_paintable(TRUE);

my $da = Gtk3::DrawingArea->new(); $da->signal_connect('draw' => \&draw_in_drawingarea); $window->add($da); $window->show_all();


sub draw_in_drawingarea {

 my ($widget, $cr, $data) = @_;
 $cr->set_source_rgb(1, 0, 0);
 $cr->rectangle( 100, 100, 1, 1);



<lang Phix>include pGUI.e

cdCanvas cdcanvas

function redraw_cb(Ihandle /*ih*/, integer /*posx*/, integer /*posy*/)

   cdCanvasPixel(cdcanvas, 100, 100, CD_RED) 
   return IUP_DEFAULT

end function

function map_cb(Ihandle ih)

   cdcanvas = cdCreateCanvas(CD_IUP, ih)
   return IUP_DEFAULT

end function

procedure main()

   Ihandle canvas = IupCanvas(NULL)
   IupSetAttribute(canvas, "RASTERSIZE", "320x240")
   IupSetCallback(canvas, "MAP_CB", Icallback("map_cb"))
   Ihandle dlg = IupDialog(canvas)
   IupSetAttribute(dlg, "TITLE", "Draw a pixel")
   IupSetCallback(canvas, "ACTION", Icallback("redraw_cb"))

end procedure



A static-mode sketch containing setting one pixel on the canvas pixels array:

<lang Processing>size(320, 240); set(100, 100, color(255,0,0));</lang>

The same sketch in active mode sketch is:

<lang Processing>void setup() {

 size(320, 240);
 set(100, 100, color(255,0,0));


Or a pixel can be manipulated through loading and modifying the pixels array. The formula to access a pixel is x + y * image width.

<lang Processing>void setup() {

 size(320, 240);
 pixels[width*100 + 100] = color(255,0,0);


Processing can also draw a dot on the canvas using the `point()` command will also draw a dot on the canvas...

<lang Processing>size(320, 240); stroke(color(255,0,0)); point(100, 100);</lang>

...however, whether a point corresponds to a single pixel on the screen may depend on device-specific factors such as `pixelDensity()`, render features such as 2D / 3D mode or `smooth()`, or style settings such as `strokeWidth()` or `strokeCap()`.


<lang PureBasic>

 If OpenWindow(0, 0, 0, 320, 240, "Rosetta Code Draw A Pixel in PureBasic")
   If CreateImage(0, 320, 240) And StartDrawing(ImageOutput(0))
         Plot(100, 100,RGB(255,0,0))
     ImageGadget(0, 0, 0, 320, 240, ImageID(0))
     Event = WaitWindowEvent()
   Until Event = #PB_Event_CloseWindow



Works with: Python version 2.7.14
Library: PIL

<lang Python>from PIL import Image

img = Image.new('RGB', (320, 240)) pixels = img.load() pixels[100,100] = (255,0,0) img.show() </lang>


<lang qbasic>' http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Draw_a_pixel ' This program can run in QBASIC, QuickBASIC, gw-BASIC (adding line numbers) and VB-DOS SCREEN 1 COLOR , 0 PSET (100, 100), 2 END </lang>


<lang racket>#lang racket (require racket/draw) (let ((b (make-object bitmap% 320 240)))

 (send b set-argb-pixels 100 100 1 1 (bytes 255 0 0 255))


(formerly Perl 6)

Works with: Rakudo version 2018.05

Really? Draw a single pixel? Sigh.

<lang perl6>use GTK::Simple; use GTK::Simple::DrawingArea; use Cairo;

my $app = GTK::Simple::App.new(:title('Draw a Pixel')); my $da = GTK::Simple::DrawingArea.new; gtk_simple_use_cairo;

$app.set-content( $da ); $app.border-width = 5; $da.size-request(320,240);

sub rect-do( $d, $ctx ) {

   given $ctx {
       .rgb(1, 0, 0);
       .rectangle(100, 100, 1, 1);


my $ctx = $da.add-draw-handler( &rect-do ); $app.run;</lang>


This REXX version only works for:

  •   PC/REXX
  •   Personal/REXX

<lang rexx>/*REXX program displays (draws) a pixel at a specified screen location in the color red.*/ parse upper version !ver . !pcrexx= 'REXX/PERSONAL'==!ver | 'REXX/PC'==!ver /*obtain the REXX interpreter version. */ parse arg x y txt CC . /*obtain optional arguments from the CL*/ if x== | x=="," then x= 100 /*Not specified? Then use the default.*/ if y== | y=="," then y= 100 /* " " " " " " */ if CC== | CC="," then CC= 4 /* " " " " " " */ if txt== | txt="," then tzt= '·' /* " " " " " " */

if ¬!pcrexx then do; say; say "***error*** PC/REXX[interpreter] isn't being used."; say

                     exit 23

call scrWrite x,y,txt,,,CC /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */</lang>


<lang ring># Project  : Draw a pixel

load "guilib.ring"

new qapp {

      win1 = new qwidget() {
                 setwindowtitle("Drawing Pixels")
                 label1 = new qlabel(win1) {
                 new qpushbutton(win1) {


func draw()

       p1 = new qpicture()
       color = new qcolor() {
       pen = new qpen() {
       new qpainter() {
              label1 { setpicture(p1) show() }</lang>

Output image: Draw a pixel


We can technically draw a pixel through the use of Sprites.

One of the requirements (fixed screen resolution) could not be met. <lang robotic> . "Set the sprite's reference character located at the" . "upper-left corner of the board (char 0)" set "SPR0_REFX" to 0 set "SPR0_REFY" to 0

. "Offset that reference by 256, leading to the first character" . "in the extended character set" set "SPR0_OFFSET" to 256

. "Set the width and height of the sprite" set "SPR0_WIDTH" to 1 set "SPR0_HEIGHT" to 1

. "Unbound the sprite, removing the grid restriction" set "SPR0_UNBOUND" to 1

. "Mark the sprite for display on the overlay (this may not be necessary)" set "SPR0_OVERLAY" to 1

set "xPos" to 100 set "yPos" to 100

. "Display the sprite at the given location" put c0c Sprite p00 at "('xPos')" "('yPos')" </lang>

I highly recommend you check out this tutorial for the usage of Sprites in order to get a better understanding of all this.


Works with: Ruby version 2.6.6
Library: gtk3

<lang ruby>require 'gtk3'

Width, Height = 320, 240 PosX, PosY = 100, 100

window = Gtk::Window.new window.set_default_size(Width, Height) window.title = 'Draw a pixel'

window.signal_connect(:draw) do |widget, context|

 # paint out bg with white
 # context.set_source_rgb(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
 # context.paint(1.0)
 # draw a rectangle
 context.set_source_rgb(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
 context.fill do
   context.rectangle(PosX, PosY, 1, 1)


window.signal_connect(:destroy) { Gtk.main_quit }

window.show Gtk.main </lang>


Library: piston_window
Library: image
Output Image:


<lang rust>extern crate piston_window; extern crate image;

use piston_window::*;

fn main() {

   let (width, height) = (320, 240);
   let mut window: PistonWindow =
       WindowSettings::new("Red Pixel", [width, height])
   // Since we cant manipulate pixels directly, we need to manipulate the pixels on a canvas.
   // Only issue is that sub-pixels exist (which is probably why the red pixel looks like a smear on the output image)
   let mut canvas = image::ImageBuffer::new(width, height);
   canvas.put_pixel(100, 100, image::Rgba([0xff, 0, 0, 0xff]));
   // Transform into a texture so piston can use it.
   let texture: G2dTexture = Texture::from_image(
       &mut window.factory,
   // The window event loop.
   while let Some(event) = window.next() {
       window.draw_2d(&event, |context, graphics| {
           clear([1.0; 4], graphics);

} </lang>


Scala idiom

A more Scalesque version could be with the use of its idiom:


Best experienced in your browser with Scastie (remote JVM). <lang scala>import java.awt.image.BufferedImage import java.awt.Color import scala.language.reflectiveCalls

object RgbBitmap extends App {

 class RgbBitmap(val dim: (Int, Int)) {
   def width = dim._1
   def height = dim._2
   private val image = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR)
   def apply(x: Int, y: Int) = new Color(image.getRGB(x, y))
   def update(x: Int, y: Int, c: Color) = image.setRGB(x, y, c.getRGB)
   def fill(c: Color) = {
     val g = image.getGraphics
     g.fillRect(0, 0, width, height)
 object RgbBitmap {
   def apply(width: Int, height: Int) = new RgbBitmap(width, height)
 /** Even Javanese style testing is still possible.
 private val img0 = new RgbBitmap(50, 60) { // Wrappers to enable adhoc Javanese style
   def getPixel(x: Int, y: Int) = this(x, y)
   def setPixel(x: Int, y: Int, c: Color) = this(x, y) = c
 img0.setPixel(5, 6, Color.BLUE)
 // Testing in Java style
 assert(img0.getPixel(0, 1) == Color.CYAN)
 assert(img0.getPixel(5, 6) == Color.BLUE)
 assert(img0.width == 50)
 assert(img0.height == 60)
 println("Tests successfully completed with no errors found.")



I almost said that the 320x240 requirement was not going to happen. Then I realised the 3DS bottom screen is exactly 320x240. <lang smilebasic>XSCREEN 3 DISPLAY 1 GPSET 100, 100, RGB(255, 0, 0) WAIT 60</lang>

Standard ML

Works with PolyML <lang Standard ML>open XWindows ; open Motif ;

val imgWindow = fn () =>

 val shell  =  XtAppInitialise      ""    "demo" "top" [] [ XmNwidth 320, XmNheight 240 ] ;
 val main   =  XmCreateMainWindow   shell    "main"       [ XmNmappedWhenManaged true ]   ;
 val canvas =  XmCreateDrawingArea  main   "drawarea"     [ XmNwidth 320, XmNheight 240 ] ;
 val usegc  =  DefaultGC (XtDisplay canvas) ;
 val put    =  fn (w,s,t) => ( XSetForeground usegc 0xff0000 ;
                               XDrawPoint (XtWindow canvas) usegc ( XPoint {x=100,y=100} ) ; t);


  XtSetCallbacks   canvas [ (XmNexposeCallback , put) ] XmNarmCallback ;
  XtManageChild    canvas ;
  XtManageChild    main ; 
  XtRealizeWidget  shell 

end;</lang> call

imgWindow () ;


Works with: Tcl version 8.5

Library: Tk

<lang tcl>package require Tcl 8.5 package require Tk

pack [canvas .c -width 320 -height 240 -bg #fff] -anchor nw .c create rectangle 100 100 100 100 -fill #f00 -outline ""</lang>


Word <lang vb>Sub draw()

   Dim sh As Shape, sl As Shape
   Set sh = ActiveDocument.Shapes.AddCanvas(100, 100, 320, 240)
   Set sl = sh.CanvasItems.AddLine(100, 100, 101, 100)
   sl.Line.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(Red:=255, Green:=0, Blue:=0)

End Sub</lang>

Wee Basic

Since the resolution of the Nintendo DS's bottom screen is only 256×192 (the same applies to the top screen), the window requirement is out, but the pixel is easy: <lang Wee Basic>keyhide plot 0 100,100,5 end</lang>


Library: DOME

<lang ecmascript>import "dome" for Window import "graphics" for Canvas, Color

var Checked = false

class Game {

   static init() {
       Window.title = "Draw a pixel"
       Window.resize(320, 240)
       Canvas.resize(320, 240)
   static update() {}
   static draw(dt) {
       var red = Color.rgb(255, 0, 0)
       Canvas.pset(100, 100, red)
       // check it worked
       if (!Checked) {
           var col = Canvas.pget(100, 100)
           System.print("The color of the pixel at (100, 100) is %(getRGB(col))")
           Checked = true
   static getRGB(col) { "{%(col.r), %(col.g), %(col.b)}" }


$ ./dome draw_pixel.wren
The color of the pixel at (100, 100) is {255, 0, 0}

X86 Assembly

This doesn't quite meet the requirements, but it shows how little code is needed to draw a pixel on an IBM-PC VGA screen. The executable program is a mere 32 bytes long. The "window" in this case is 320x200. Palette register 28 hex is set to bright red by the BIOS at boot-up time. About half the code is used to wait for a keystroke before returning to the OS, so the pixel can be seen. Borland's tasm and tlink /t were used to create an executable .com file. <lang X86>

       .model  tiny
       org     100h

start: mov ax, 0013h ;set 320x200x8 graphic screen

       int     10h
       push    0A000h          ;point to graphic memory segment
       pop     es
       mov     byte ptr es:[320*100+100], 28h  ;draw bright red pixel
       mov     ah, 0           ;wait for keystroke
       int     16h
       mov     ax, 0003h       ;restore normal text mode screen
       int     10h
       ret                     ;return to OS
       end     start



This is all that's required to plot a pixel on the Raspberry Pi version of XPL0. It can do tens of millions of them per second. (FB = Frame Buffer.) <lang XPL0>[SetFB(320, 240, 24); Point(100, 100, $FF0000)]</lang>

ZX Spectrum Basic

The ZX Spectrum screen is only 256x224 (unless you're running one of the games like Starion or Dark Star which used scary machine code timing tricks to draw on the border), meaning the window requirement is out, but the pixel is easy: <lang zxbasic>PLOT INK 2;100,100</lang>