Draw a cuboid: Difference between revisions

From Rosetta Code
Content added Content deleted
m (added a related task.)
(Added X86 Assembly example using 60 bytes.)
Line 3,652: Line 3,652:

=={{header|X86 Assembly}}==
Sixty bytes handles it.
<lang asm> 1 ;DRAWCUBE.ASM
2 ;Assemble with: tasm, tlink /t
3 0000 .model tiny
4 0000 .code
5 .386
6 org 100h
7 ;assume: ax=0000h, bx=0000h, cx=00ff, and
8 ; direction bit is clear (di increments)
9 ; ____
10 =0050 X0 equ 80 ; / /|
11 =0050 Y0 equ 80 ; / / |
12 =0050 wide equ 80 ; X0,Y0 +---+ |
13 =0050 tall equ 80 ; | | |
14 =0028 deep equ 40 ; | | /
15 ; |___|/
17 0100 B0 13 start: mov al, 13h ;set 320x200x8 graphic screen
18 0102 CD 10 int 10h
19 0104 68 A000 push 0A000h ;point es to graphic memory segment
20 0107 07 pop es
22 ;Draw front of cuboid using horizontal lines
23 0108 B3 50 mov bl, tall
24 010A BF C850 mov di, X0+(Y0+tall)*320 ;set pen to lower-left corner
25 010D B0 04 mov al, 4 ;use red ink
26 010F B1 50 dc10: mov cl, wide ;draw horizontal line
27 0111 F3> AA rep stosb ;es:[di++], al; cx--
28 0113 81 EF 0190 sub di, wide+320 ;move up to start of next line
29 0117 4B dec bx ;at top of face?
30 0118 75 F5 jne dc10 ;loop if not
32 011A B3 28 mov bl, deep
33 ;Draw top using horizontal lines
34 011C B0 02 dc20: mov al, 2 ;use green ink
35 011E B1 50 mov cl, wide ;draw horizontal line
36 0120 F3> AA rep stosb ;es:[di++], al; cx--
38 ;Draw side using vertical lines
39 0122 B0 09 mov al, 9 ;use bright blue ink
40 0124 B1 50 mov cl, tall ;draw vertical line
41 0126 AA vl10: stosb ;es:[di++], al
42 0127 81 C7 013F add di, 320-1 ;move down a pixel
43 012B E2 F9 loop vl10
45 012D 81 EF 658F sub di, wide+(tall+1)*320-1 ;move to start of next top line
46 0131 4B dec bx ;at deep limit?
47 0132 75 E8 jne dc20 ;loop if not
49 0134 CD 16 int 16h ;wait for keystroke (ah=0)
50 0136 B8 0003 mov ax, 0003h ;restore normal text-mode screen
51 0139 CD 10 int 10h
52 013B C3 ret ;return to DOS
54 end start


Revision as of 18:28, 22 November 2020

Draw a cuboid
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Draw a   cuboid   with relative dimensions of   2 × 3 × 4.

The cuboid can be represented graphically, or in   ASCII art,   depending on the language capabilities.

To fulfill the criteria of being a cuboid, three faces must be visible.

Either static or rotational projection is acceptable for this task.

Related tasks


ASCII-Art output, one width unit is two characters long ('--'). <lang Ada>with Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Main is

  type Char_Matrix is
    array (Positive range <>, Positive range <>) of Character;
  function Create_Cuboid
    (Width, Height, Depth : Positive)
     return                 Char_Matrix
     Result : Char_Matrix (1 .. Height + Depth + 3,
        1 .. 2 * Width + Depth + 3) := (others => (others => ' '));
     -- points
     Result (1, 1)                                      := '+';
     Result (Height + 2, 1)                             := '+';
     Result (1, 2 * Width + 2)                          := '+';
     Result (Height + 2, 2 * Width + 2)                 := '+';
     Result (Height + Depth + 3, Depth + 2)             := '+';
     Result (Depth + 2, 2 * Width + Depth + 3)          := '+';
     Result (Height + Depth + 3, 2 * Width + Depth + 3) := '+';
     -- width lines
     for I in 1 .. 2 * Width loop
        Result (1, I + 1)                          := '-';
        Result (Height + 2, I + 1)                 := '-';
        Result (Height + Depth + 3, Depth + I + 2) := '-';
     end loop;
     -- height lines
     for I in 1 .. Height loop
        Result (I + 1, 1)                             := '|';
        Result (I + 1, 2 * Width + 2)                 := '|';
        Result (Depth + I + 2, 2 * Width + Depth + 3) := '|';
     end loop;
     -- depth lines
     for I in 1 .. Depth loop
        Result (Height + 2 + I, 1 + I)             := '/';
        Result (1 + I, 2 * Width + 2 + I)          := '/';
        Result (Height + 2 + I, 2 * Width + 2 + I) := '/';
     end loop;
     return Result;
  end Create_Cuboid;
  procedure Print_Cuboid (Width, Height, Depth : Positive) is
     Cuboid : Char_Matrix := Create_Cuboid (Width, Height, Depth);
     for Row in reverse Cuboid'Range (1) loop
        for Col in Cuboid'Range (2) loop
           Ada.Text_IO.Put (Cuboid (Row, Col));
        end loop;
     end loop;
  end Print_Cuboid;


  Print_Cuboid (2, 3, 4);

end Main;</lang>

    /    /|
   /    / |
  /    /  |
 /    /   +
+----+   / 
|    |  /  
|    | /   
|    |/    


Library: GDIP

Some portions of code from Gdip examples.

<lang AutoHotkey>Angle := 45 C := 0.01745329252 W := 200 H := 300 L := 400 LX := L * Cos(Angle * C), LY := L * Sin(Angle * C)

If !pToken := Gdip_Startup() {

  MsgBox, 48, gdiplus error!, Gdiplus failed to start. Please ensure you have gdiplus on your system

} OnExit, Exit

A := 50, B := 650, WinWidth := 700, WinHeight := 700 TopX := (A_ScreenWidth - WinWidth) //2, TopY := (A_ScreenHeight - WinHeight) //2

Gui, 1: -Caption +E0x80000 +LastFound +AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow +OwnDialogs Gui, 1: Show, NA hwnd1 := WinExist(), hbm := CreateDIBSection(WinWidth, WinHeight), hdc := CreateCompatibleDC() , obm := SelectObject(hdc, hbm), G := Gdip_GraphicsFromHDC(hdc), Gdip_SetSmoothingMode(G, 4)

Points := A "," B "|" A+W "," B "|" A+W "," B-H "|" A "," B-H , DrawFace(Points, 0xff0066ff, G)

Points := A+W "," B "|" A+W+LX "," B-LY "|" A+W+LX "," B-LY-H "|" A+W "," B-H , DrawFace(Points, 0xff00d400, G)

Points := A "," B-H "|" A+W "," B-H "|" A+W+LX "," B-LY-H "|" A+LX "," B-LY-H , DrawFace(Points, 0xffd40055, G)

UpdateLayeredWindow(hwnd1, hdc, TopX, TopY, WinWidth, WinHeight)

SelectObject(hdc, obm), DeleteObject(hbm), DeleteDC(hdc) , Gdip_DeleteGraphics(G) return

DrawFace(Points, Color, G) { pBrush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid(Color) , Gdip_FillPolygon(G, pBrush, Points, 1) , Gdip_DeleteBrush(pBrush) return }

Esc:: Exit: Gdip_Shutdown(pToken) ExitApp</lang>


<lang AWK>

  1. syntax: GAWK -f DRAW_A_CUBOID.AWK [-v x=?] [-v y=?] [-v z=?]
  2. example: GAWK -f DRAW_A_CUBOID.AWK -v x=12 -v y=4 -v z=6
  3. converted from VBSCRIPT


   exit (errors == 0) ? 0 : 1

} function draw_cuboid(nx,ny,nz, esf,i,i_max,j,j_max,lx,ly,lz) {

   esf = errors # errors so far
   if (nx !~ /^[0-9]+$/ || nx <= 0) { error(nx,ny,nz,1) }
   if (ny !~ /^[0-9]+$/ || ny <= 0) { error(nx,ny,nz,2) }
   if (nz !~ /^[0-9]+$/ || nz <= 0) { error(nx,ny,nz,3) }
   if (errors > esf) { return }
   lx = x * nx
   ly = y * ny
   lz = z * nz
  1. define the array size
   i_max = ly + lz
   j_max = lx + ly
   delete arr
   printf("%s %s %s (%d rows x %d columns)\n",nx,ny,nz,i_max+1,j_max+1)
  1. draw lines
   for (i=0; i<=nz-1; i++) { draw_line(lx,0,z*i,"-") }
   for (i=0; i<=ny; i++)   { draw_line(lx,y*i,lz+y*i,"-") }
   for (i=0; i<=nx-1; i++) { draw_line(lz,x*i,0,"|") }
   for (i=0; i<=ny; i++)   { draw_line(lz,lx+y*i,y*i,"|") }
   for (i=0; i<=nz-1; i++) { draw_line(ly,lx,z*i,"/") }
   for (i=0; i<=nx; i++)   { draw_line(ly,x*i,lz,"/") }
  1. output the cuboid
   for (i=i_max; i>=0; i--) {
     for (j=0; j<=j_max; j++) {

} function draw_line(n,x,y,c, dx,dy,i,xi,yi) {

   if      (c == "-") { dx = 1 ; dy = 0 }
   else if (c == "|") { dx = 0 ; dy = 1 }
   else if (c == "/") { dx = 1 ; dy = 1 }
   for (i=0; i<=n; i++) {
     xi = x + i * dx
     yi = y + i * dy
     arr[yi,xi] = (arr[yi,xi] ~ /^ ?$/) ? c : "+"

} function error(x,y,z,arg) {

   printf("error: '%s,%s,%s' argument %d is invalid\n",x,y,z,arg)

} function init_sides() {

  1. to change the defaults on the command line use: -v x=? -v y=? -v z=?
   if (x+0 < 2) { x = 6 } # top
   if (y+0 < 2) { y = 2 } # right
   if (z+0 < 2) { z = 3 } # front

} </lang>

2 3 4 (19 rows x 19 columns)
     /     /     /|
    +-----+-----+ |
   /     /     /| +
  +-----+-----+ |/|
 /     /     /| + |
+-----+-----+ |/| +
|     |     | + |/|
|     |     |/| + |
+-----+-----+ |/| +
|     |     | + |/|
|     |     |/| + |
+-----+-----+ |/| +
|     |     | + |/
|     |     |/| +
+-----+-----+ |/
|     |     | +
|     |     |/
1 1 1 (6 rows x 9 columns)
 /     /|
+-----+ |
|     | +
|     |/
6 2 1 (8 rows x 41 columns)
   /     /     /     /     /     /     /|
  +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ |
 /     /     /     /     /     /     /| +
+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ |/
|     |     |     |     |     |     | +
|     |     |     |     |     |     |/


Uses BBC BASIC's native parallelogram plot. <lang bbcbasic> ORIGIN 100, 100

     PROCcuboid(200, 300, 400)
     DEF PROCcuboid(x, y, z)
     MOVE 0, 0 : MOVE 0, y
     GCOL 1 : PLOT 117, x, y
     GCOL 2 : PLOT 117, x + z * 0.4, y + z * 0.4
     GCOL 4 : PLOT 117, x + z * 0.4, z * 0.4




Given a width, height, and depth, this produces an approximate isometric representation of the shape using ASCII art.

<lang befunge>" :htdiW">:#,_>&>00p" :thgieH">:#,_>&>:10p0" :htpeD">:#,_$>&>:20p55+,+:1`*:vv v\-*`0:-g01\++*`\0:-\-1g01:\-*`0:-g02\+*`\0:-\-1g02<:::::<\g3`\g01:\1\+55\1-1_v >":"\1\:20g\`!3g:30p\00g2*\::20g\`\20g1-\`+1+3g\1\30g\:20g-::0\`\2*1+*-\48*\:^v /\_ @_\#!:!#$>#$_\#!:,#-\#1 <+1\<*84g02"_"+1*2g00+551$<</lang>

Width:  2
Height: 3
Depth:  4

   /    /\
  /    /::\
 /    /::::\


In brlcad, we use the rpp (rectangular parallelepiped) primitive to create the cuboid. This defines the cuboid area using the parameters xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax

<lang brlcad>opendb cuboid.g y # Create a database to hold our shapes units cm # Set the unit of measure in cuboid.s rpp 0 2 0 3 0 4 # Create a 2 x 3 x 4 cuboid named cuboid.s</lang>


Code works fine but only '.' and ':' characters show up on the cuboid. <lang c>

  1. include <stdio.h>
  2. include <stdlib.h>
  3. include <math.h>

const char *shades = ".:!*oe&#%@";

void vsub(double *v1, double *v2, double *s) { s[0] = v1[0] - v2[0]; s[1] = v1[1] - v2[1]; s[2] = v1[2] - v2[2]; }

double normalize(double * v) {

       double len = sqrt(v[0]*v[0] + v[1]*v[1] + v[2]*v[2]);
       v[0] /= len; v[1] /= len; v[2] /= len;

return len; }

double dot(double *x, double *y) {

       return x[0]*y[0] + x[1]*y[1] + x[2]*y[2];


double * cross(double x[3], double y[3], double s[3]) { s[0] = x[1] * y[2] - x[2] * y[1]; s[1] = x[2] * y[0] - x[0] * y[2]; s[2] = x[0] * y[1] - x[1] * y[0]; return s; }

double* madd(double *x, double *y, double d, double *r) { r[0] = x[0] + y[0] * d; r[1] = x[1] + y[1] * d; r[2] = x[2] + y[2] * d; return r; }

double v000[] = { -4, -3, -2 }; double v100[] = { 4, -3, -2 }; double v010[] = { -4, 3, -2 }; double v110[] = { 4, 3, -2 }; double v001[] = { -4, -3, 2 }; double v101[] = { 4, -3, 2 }; double v011[] = { -4, 3, 2 }; double v111[] = { 4, 3, 2 };

typedef struct { double * v[4]; double norm[3]; } face_t;

face_t f[] = { { { v000, v010, v110, v100 }, { 0, 0, -1 } }, { { v001, v011, v111, v101 }, { 0, 0, 1 } }, { { v000, v010, v011, v001 }, { -1, 0, 0 } }, { { v100, v110, v111, v101 }, { 1, 0, 0 } }, { { v000, v100, v101, v001 }, { 0, -1, 0 } }, { { v010, v110, v111, v011 }, { 0, 1, 0 } }, };

int in_range(double x, double x0, double x1) { return (x - x0) * (x - x1) <= 0; }

int face_hit(face_t *face, double src[3], double dir[3], double hit[3], double *d) { int i; double dist; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) if (face->norm[i]) dist = (face->v[0][i] - src[i]) / dir[i];

madd(src, dir, dist, hit); *d = fabs(dot(dir, face->norm) * dist);

if (face->norm[0]) { return in_range(hit[1], face->v[0][1], face->v[2][1]) && in_range(hit[2], face->v[0][2], face->v[2][2]); } else if (face->norm[1]) { return in_range(hit[0], face->v[0][0], face->v[2][0]) && in_range(hit[2], face->v[0][2], face->v[2][2]); } else if (face->norm[2]) { return in_range(hit[0], face->v[0][0], face->v[2][0]) && in_range(hit[1], face->v[0][1], face->v[2][1]); } return 0; }

int main() { int i, j, k; double eye[3] = { 7, 7, 6 }; double dir[3] = { -1, -1, -1 }, orig[3] = {0, 0, 0}; double hit[3], dx[3], dy[3] = {0, 0, 1}, proj[3]; double d, *norm, dbest, b; double light[3] = { 6, 8, 6 }, ldist[3], decay, strength = 10;

	normalize(cross(eye, dy, dx));

normalize(cross(eye, dx, dy));

for (i = -10; i <= 17; i++) { for (j = -35; j < 35; j++) { vsub(orig, orig, proj); madd(madd(proj, dx, j / 6., proj), dy, i/3., proj); vsub(proj, eye, dir); dbest = 1e100; norm = 0; for (k = 0; k < 6; k++) { if (!face_hit(f + k, eye, dir, hit, &d)) continue; if (dbest > d) { dbest = d; norm = f[k].norm; } }

if (!norm) { putchar(' '); continue; }

vsub(light, hit, ldist); decay = normalize(ldist); b = dot(norm, ldist) / decay * strength; if (b < 0) b = 0; else if (b > 1) b = 1; b += .2; if (b > 1) b = 0; else b = 1 - b; putchar(shades[(int)(b * (sizeof(shades) - 2))]); } putchar('\n'); }

       return 0;


Output :



Translation of: Java

<lang csharp>using System; using System.Drawing; using System.Drawing.Drawing2D; using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace Cuboid {

   public partial class Form1 : Form
       double[][] nodes = {
           new double[] {-1, -1, -1}, new double[] {-1, -1, 1}, new double[] {-1, 1, -1},
           new double[] {-1, 1, 1}, new double[] {1, -1, -1}, new double[] {1, -1, 1},
           new double[] {1, 1, -1}, new double[] {1, 1, 1} };
       int[][] edges = {
           new int[] {0, 1}, new int[] {1, 3}, new int[] {3, 2}, new int[] {2, 0}, new int[] {4, 5},
           new int[] {5, 7}, new int[] {7, 6}, new int[] {6, 4}, new int[] {0, 4}, new int[] {1, 5},
           new int[] {2, 6}, new int[] {3, 7}};
       private int mouseX;
       private int prevMouseX;
       private int prevMouseY;
       private int mouseY;
       public Form1()
           Width = Height = 640;
           StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen;
               ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint |
               ControlStyles.UserPaint |
           MouseMove += (s, e) =>
               prevMouseX = mouseX;
               prevMouseY = mouseY;
               mouseX = e.X;
               mouseY = e.Y;
               double incrX = (mouseX - prevMouseX) * 0.01;
               double incrY = (mouseY - prevMouseY) * 0.01;
               RotateCuboid(incrX, incrY);
           MouseDown += (s, e) =>
               mouseX = e.X;
               mouseY = e.Y;
           Scale(80, 120, 160);
           RotateCuboid(Math.PI / 5, Math.PI / 9);
       private void RotateCuboid(double angleX, double angleY)
           double sinX = Math.Sin(angleX);
           double cosX = Math.Cos(angleX);
           double sinY = Math.Sin(angleY);
           double cosY = Math.Cos(angleY);
           foreach (var node in nodes)
               double x = node[0];
               double y = node[1];
               double z = node[2];
               node[0] = x * cosX - z * sinX;
               node[2] = z * cosX + x * sinX;
               z = node[2];
               node[1] = y * cosY - z * sinY;
               node[2] = z * cosY + y * sinY;
       private void Scale(int v1, int v2, int v3)
           foreach (var item in nodes)
               item[0] *= v1;
               item[1] *= v2;
               item[2] *= v3;
       protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs args)
           var g = args.Graphics;
           g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
           g.TranslateTransform(Width / 2, Height / 2);
           foreach (var edge in edges)
               double[] xy1 = nodes[edge[0]];
               double[] xy2 = nodes[edge[1]];
               g.DrawLine(Pens.Black, (int)Math.Round(xy1[0]), (int)Math.Round(xy1[1]),
                       (int)Math.Round(xy2[0]), (int)Math.Round(xy2[1]));
           foreach (var node in nodes)
               g.FillEllipse(Brushes.Black, (int)Math.Round(node[0]) - 4,
                   (int)Math.Round(node[1]) - 4, 8, 8);



This code needs the BGI for Windows available at Colorado State University.

<lang cpp>

  1. include<graphics.h>
  2. include<iostream>

int main() {

   int k;
   initwindow(1500,810,"Rosetta Cuboid");
      std::cout<<"Enter ratio of sides ( 0 or -ve to exit) : ";
               bar3d(100, 100, 100 + 2*k, 100 + 4*k, 3*k, 1);
   return 0;




Library: quil

<lang clojure> (use 'quil.core)

(def w 500) (def h 400)

(defn setup []

 (background 0))

(defn draw []

 (translate (/ w 2) (/ h 2) 0)
 (rotate-x 0.7)
 (rotate-z 0.5)
 (box 100 150 200)  ; 2x3x4 relative dimensions

(defsketch main

 :title "cuboid"
 :setup setup
 :size [w h]
 :draw draw
 :renderer :opengl)





Translation of: Go

<lang d>import std.stdio, std.array;

void printCuboid(in int dx, in int dy, in int dz) {

   static cline(in int n, in int dx, in int dy, in string cde) {
       writef("%*s", n+1, cde[0 .. 1]);
       write(cde[1 .. 2].replicate(9*dx - 1));
       writefln("%*s", dy+1, cde[2 .. $]);
   cline(dy+1, dx, 0, "+-");
   foreach (i; 1 .. dy+1)
       cline(dy-i+1, dx, i-1, "/ |");
   cline(0, dx, dy, "+-|");
   foreach (_; 0 .. 4*dz - dy - 2)
       cline(0, dx, dy, "| |");
   cline(0, dx, dy, "| +");
   foreach_reverse (i; 0 .. dy)
       cline(0, dx, i, "| /");
   cline(0, dx, 0, "+-\n");


void main() {

   printCuboid(2, 3, 4);
   printCuboid(1, 1, 1);
   printCuboid(6, 2, 1);


   /                 /|
  /                 / |
 /                 /  |
+-----------------+   |
|                 |   |
|                 |   |
|                 |   |
|                 |   |
|                 |   |
|                 |   |
|                 |   |
|                 |   |
|                 |   |
|                 |   |
|                 |   |
|                 |   +
|                 |  /
|                 | /
|                 |/

 /        /|
+--------+ |
|        | |
|        | +
|        |/

  /                                                     /|
 /                                                     / |
+-----------------------------------------------------+  |
|                                                     |  +
|                                                     | /
|                                                     |/


Translation of: Ruby

<lang elixir>defmodule Cuboid do

 @x 6
 @y 2
 @z 3
 @dir %{-: {1,0}, |: {0,1}, /: {1,1}}
 def draw(nx, ny, nz) do
   IO.puts "cuboid #{nx} #{ny} #{nz}:"
   {x, y, z} = {@x*nx, @y*ny, @z*nz}
   area = Map.new
   area = Enum.reduce(0..nz-1, area, fn i,acc -> draw_line(acc, x,      0,   @z*i, :-) end)
   area = Enum.reduce(0..ny,   area, fn i,acc -> draw_line(acc, x,   @y*i, z+@y*i, :-) end)
   area = Enum.reduce(0..nx-1, area, fn i,acc -> draw_line(acc, z,   @x*i,      0, :|) end)
   area = Enum.reduce(0..ny,   area, fn i,acc -> draw_line(acc, z, x+@y*i,   @y*i, :|) end)
   area = Enum.reduce(0..nz-1, area, fn i,acc -> draw_line(acc, y,      x,   @z*i, :/) end)
   area = Enum.reduce(0..nx,   area, fn i,acc -> draw_line(acc, y,   @x*i,      z, :/) end)
   Enum.each(y+z..0, fn j ->
     IO.puts Enum.map_join(0..x+y, fn i -> Map.get(area, {i,j}, " ") end)
 defp draw_line(area, n, sx, sy, c) do
   {dx, dy} = Map.get(@dir, c)
   draw_line(area, n, sx, sy, c, dx, dy)
 defp draw_line(area, n, _, _, _, _, _) when n<0, do: area
 defp draw_line(area, n, i, j, c, dx, dy) do
   Map.update(area, {i,j}, c, fn _ -> :+ end)
   |> draw_line(n-1, i+dx, j+dy, c, dx, dy)


Cuboid.draw(2,3,4) Cuboid.draw(1,1,1) Cuboid.draw(2,4,1) Cuboid.draw(4,2,1)</lang>

cuboid 2 3 4:
     /     /     /|
    +-----+-----+ |
   /     /     /| +
  +-----+-----+ |/|
 /     /     /| + |
+-----+-----+ |/| +
|     |     | + |/|
|     |     |/| + |
+-----+-----+ |/| +
|     |     | + |/|
|     |     |/| + |
+-----+-----+ |/| +
|     |     | + |/
|     |     |/| +
+-----+-----+ |/
|     |     | +
|     |     |/
cuboid 1 1 1:
 /     /|
+-----+ |
|     | +
|     |/
cuboid 2 4 1:
       /     /     /|
      +-----+-----+ |
     /     /     /| +
    +-----+-----+ |/
   /     /     /| +
  +-----+-----+ |/
 /     /     /| +
+-----+-----+ |/
|     |     | +
|     |     |/
cuboid 4 2 1:
   /     /     /     /     /|
  +-----+-----+-----+-----+ |
 /     /     /     /     /| +
+-----+-----+-----+-----+ |/
|     |     |     |     | +
|     |     |     |     |/


Library: raylib
Works with: Factor version 0.99 development release 2019-07-10

<lang factor>USING: classes.struct kernel raylib.ffi ;

640 480 "cuboid" init-window

S{ Camera3D

   { position S{ Vector3 f 4.5 4.5 4.5 } }
   { target S{ Vector3 f 0 0 0 } }
   { up S{ Vector3 f 0 1 0 } }
   { fovy 45.0 }
   { type 0 }


60 set-target-fps

[ window-should-close ] [

       BLACK clear-background dup
           S{ Vector3 f 0 0 0 } 2 3 4 LIME draw-cube-wires

] until drop close-window</lang>




Translation of: PicoLisp

<lang go>package main

import "fmt"

func cuboid(dx, dy, dz int) {

   fmt.Printf("cuboid %d %d %d:\n", dx, dy, dz)
   cubLine(dy+1, dx, 0, "+-")
   for i := 1; i <= dy; i++ {
       cubLine(dy-i+1, dx, i-1, "/ |")
   cubLine(0, dx, dy, "+-|")
   for i := 4*dz - dy - 2; i > 0; i-- {
       cubLine(0, dx, dy, "| |")
   cubLine(0, dx, dy, "| +")
   for i := 1; i <= dy; i++ {
       cubLine(0, dx, dy-i, "| /")
   cubLine(0, dx, 0, "+-\n")


func cubLine(n, dx, dy int, cde string) {

   fmt.Printf("%*s", n+1, cde[:1])
   for d := 9*dx - 1; d > 0; d-- {
   fmt.Printf("%*s\n", dy+1, cde[2:])


func main() {

   cuboid(2, 3, 4)
   cuboid(1, 1, 1)
   cuboid(6, 2, 1)


cuboid 2 3 4:
   /                 /|
  /                 / |
 /                 /  |
+-----------------+   |
|                 |   |
|                 |   |
|                 |   |
|                 |   |
|                 |   |
|                 |   |
|                 |   |
|                 |   |
|                 |   |
|                 |   |
|                 |   |
|                 |   +
|                 |  /
|                 | /
|                 |/

cuboid 1 1 1:
 /        /|
+--------+ |
|        | |
|        | +
|        |/

cuboid 6 2 1:
  /                                                     /|
 /                                                     / |
+-----------------------------------------------------+  |
|                                                     |  +
|                                                     | /
|                                                     |/


<lang haskell>import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL import Graphics.UI.GLUT

-- Draw a cuboid. Its vertices are those of a unit cube, which is then scaled -- to the required dimensions. We only specify the visible faces, each of -- which is composed of two triangles. The faces are rotated into position and -- rendered with a perspective transformation.

type Fl = GLfloat

cuboid :: IO () cuboid = do

 color red   ; render front  
 color green ; render side
 color blue  ; render top

red,green,blue :: Color4 GLfloat red = Color4 1 0 0 1 green = Color4 0 1 0 1 blue = Color4 0 0 1 1

render :: [(Fl, Fl, Fl)] -> IO () render = renderPrimitive TriangleStrip . mapM_ toVertex

 where toVertex (x,y,z) = vertex $ Vertex3 x y z

front,side,top :: [(Fl,Fl,Fl)] front = vertices [0,1,2,3] side = vertices [4,1,5,3] top = vertices [3,2,5,6]

vertices :: [Int] -> [(Fl,Fl,Fl)] vertices = map (verts !!)

verts :: [(Fl,Fl,Fl)] verts = [(0,0,1), (1,0,1), (0,1,1), (1,1,1), (1,0,0), (1,1,0), (0,1,0)]

transform :: IO () transform = do

 translate $ Vector3 0 0 (-10 :: Fl)
 rotate (-14) $ Vector3 0 0 (1 :: Fl)
 rotate (-30) $ Vector3 0 1 (0 :: Fl)
 rotate   25  $ Vector3 1 0 (0 :: Fl)
 scale 2 3 (4 :: Fl)
 translate $ Vector3 (-0.5) (-0.5) (-0.5 :: Fl)

display :: IO () display = do

 clear [ColorBuffer]
 perspective 40 1 1 (15 :: GLdouble)

main :: IO () main = do

 let name = "Cuboid"
 initialize name []
 createWindow name
 displayCallback $= display


Hack alert! I haven't even bothered to center the display. With larger resolutions and the viewmat script, this code can generate reasonable 2D displays with a different color for each face. <lang j> vectors =. ((% +/&.:*:"1) _1 1 0,:_1 _1 3) +/@:*"1/~ 2 3 4*=i.3

  ' .*o' {~  +/ 1 2 3* (|:"2 -."_ 1~ vectors) ([:*./ 1 = 0 1 I. %.~)"_ 1"_1 _ ]4j21 ,~"0/&:i: 4j41


Works with: Java version 8

<lang java>import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import static java.lang.Math.*; import javax.swing.*;

public class Cuboid extends JPanel {

   double[][] nodes = {{-1, -1, -1}, {-1, -1, 1}, {-1, 1, -1}, {-1, 1, 1},
   {1, -1, -1}, {1, -1, 1}, {1, 1, -1}, {1, 1, 1}};
   int[][] edges = {{0, 1}, {1, 3}, {3, 2}, {2, 0}, {4, 5}, {5, 7}, {7, 6},
   {6, 4}, {0, 4}, {1, 5}, {2, 6}, {3, 7}};
   int mouseX, prevMouseX, mouseY, prevMouseY;
   public Cuboid() {
       setPreferredSize(new Dimension(640, 640));
       scale(80, 120, 160);
       rotateCube(PI / 5, PI / 9);
       addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
           public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
               mouseX = e.getX();
               mouseY = e.getY();
       addMouseMotionListener(new MouseAdapter() {
           public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) {
               prevMouseX = mouseX;
               prevMouseY = mouseY;
               mouseX = e.getX();
               mouseY = e.getY();
               double incrX = (mouseX - prevMouseX) * 0.01;
               double incrY = (mouseY - prevMouseY) * 0.01;
               rotateCube(incrX, incrY);
   private void scale(double sx, double sy, double sz) {
       for (double[] node : nodes) {
           node[0] *= sx;
           node[1] *= sy;
           node[2] *= sz;
   private void rotateCube(double angleX, double angleY) {
       double sinX = sin(angleX);
       double cosX = cos(angleX);
       double sinY = sin(angleY);
       double cosY = cos(angleY);
       for (double[] node : nodes) {
           double x = node[0];
           double y = node[1];
           double z = node[2];
           node[0] = x * cosX - z * sinX;
           node[2] = z * cosX + x * sinX;
           z = node[2];
           node[1] = y * cosY - z * sinY;
           node[2] = z * cosY + y * sinY;
   void drawCube(Graphics2D g) {
       g.translate(getWidth() / 2, getHeight() / 2);
       for (int[] edge : edges) {
           double[] xy1 = nodes[edge[0]];
           double[] xy2 = nodes[edge[1]];
           g.drawLine((int) round(xy1[0]), (int) round(xy1[1]),
                   (int) round(xy2[0]), (int) round(xy2[1]));
       for (double[] node : nodes) {
           g.fillOval((int) round(node[0]) - 4, (int) round(node[1]) - 4, 8, 8);
   public void paintComponent(Graphics gg) {
       Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D) gg;
   public static void main(String[] args) {
       SwingUtilities.invokeLater(() -> {
           JFrame f = new JFrame();
           f.add(new Cuboid(), BorderLayout.CENTER);



Translation of: Java

<lang javascript><!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en">


   <meta charset="UTF-8">
       canvas {
           background-color: black;

</head> <body>

       var canvas = document.querySelector("canvas");
       canvas.width = window.innerWidth;
       canvas.height = window.innerHeight;
       var g = canvas.getContext("2d");
       canvas.addEventListener("mousemove", function (event) {
           prevMouseX = mouseX;
           prevMouseY = mouseY;
           mouseX = event.x;
           mouseY = event.y;
           var incrX = (mouseX - prevMouseX) * 0.01;
           var incrY = (mouseY - prevMouseY) * 0.01;
           rotateCuboid(incrX, incrY);
       var nodes = [[-1, -1, -1], [-1, -1, 1], [-1, 1, -1], [-1, 1, 1],
       [1, -1, -1], [1, -1, 1], [1, 1, -1], [1, 1, 1]];
       var edges = [[0, 1], [1, 3], [3, 2], [2, 0], [4, 5], [5, 7], [7, 6],
       [6, 4], [0, 4], [1, 5], [2, 6], [3, 7]];
       var mouseX = 0, prevMouseX, mouseY = 0, prevMouseY;
       function scale(factor0, factor1, factor2) {
           nodes.forEach(function (node) {
               node[0] *= factor0;
               node[1] *= factor1;
               node[2] *= factor2;
       function rotateCuboid(angleX, angleY) {
           var sinX = Math.sin(angleX);
           var cosX = Math.cos(angleX);
           var sinY = Math.sin(angleY);
           var cosY = Math.cos(angleY);
           nodes.forEach(function (node) {
               var x = node[0];
               var y = node[1];
               var z = node[2];
               node[0] = x * cosX - z * sinX;
               node[2] = z * cosX + x * sinX;
               z = node[2];
               node[1] = y * cosY - z * sinY;
               node[2] = z * cosY + y * sinY;
       function drawCuboid() {
           g.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
           g.translate(canvas.width / 2, canvas.height / 2);
           g.strokeStyle = "#FFFFFF";
           edges.forEach(function (edge) {
               var p1 = nodes[edge[0]];
               var p2 = nodes[edge[1]];
               g.moveTo(p1[0], p1[1]);
               g.lineTo(p2[0], p2[1]);
       scale(80, 120, 160);
       rotateCuboid(Math.PI / 5, Math.PI / 9);

</body> </html></lang>



Translation of: Python
Works with: Julia version 0.6

<lang julia>_pr(t::Dict, x::Int, y::Int, z::Int) = join((rstrip(join(t[(n, m)] for n in range(0, 3+x+z))) for m in reverse(range(0, 3+y+z))), "\n")

function cuboid(x::Int, y::Int, z::Int)

   t = Dict((n, m) => " " for n in range(0, 3 + x + z), m in range(0, 3 + y + z))
   xrow = vcat("+", collect("$(i % 10)" for i in range(0, x)), "+")
   for (i, ch) in enumerate(xrow) t[(i, 0)] = t[(i, 1+y)] = t[(1+z+i, 2+y+z)] = ch end
   yrow = vcat("+", collect("$(j % 10)" for j in range(0, y)), "+")
   for (j, ch) in enumerate(yrow) t[(0, j)] = t[(x+1, j)] = t[(2+x+z, 1+z+j)] = ch end
   zdep = vcat("+", collect("$(k % 10)" for k in range(0, y)), "+")
   for (k, ch) in enumerate(xrow) t[(k, 1+y+k)] = t[(1+x+k, 1+y+k)] = t[(1+x+k, k)] = ch end
   return _pr(t, x, y, z)


for (x, y, z) in [(2, 3, 4), (3, 4, 2), (4, 2, 3), (5, 5, 6)]

   println("\nCUBOID($x, $y, $z)\n")
   println(cuboid(x, y, z))


CUBOID(2, 3, 4)

    +  +1
   1  1 0
  0  0  +
++ ++
2+02+  +
1  1  1
0  0 0
+  ++

CUBOID(3, 4, 2)

  0   02
++  ++ 1
3+013+ 0
2   2  +
1   1  1
0   0 0
+   ++

CUBOID(4, 2, 3)

   1    10
  0    0 +
++   ++  2
1+0121+ 1
0    0 0
+    ++

CUBOID(5, 5, 6)

      4     43
     3     3 2
    2     2  1
   1     1   0
  0     0    +
++    ++     +
4+01234+    4
3     3    3
2     2   2
1     1  1
0     0 0
+     ++


Translation of: Java

<lang scala>// version 1.1

import java.awt.* import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter import java.awt.event.MouseEvent import javax.swing.*

class Cuboid: JPanel() {

   private val nodes = arrayOf(
       doubleArrayOf(-1.0, -1.0, -1.0),
       doubleArrayOf(-1.0, -1.0,  1.0),
       doubleArrayOf(-1.0,  1.0, -1.0),
       doubleArrayOf(-1.0,  1.0,  1.0),
       doubleArrayOf( 1.0, -1.0, -1.0),
       doubleArrayOf( 1.0, -1.0,  1.0),
       doubleArrayOf( 1.0,  1.0, -1.0),
       doubleArrayOf( 1.0,  1.0,  1.0)
   private val edges = arrayOf(
       intArrayOf(0, 1),
       intArrayOf(1, 3),
       intArrayOf(3, 2),
       intArrayOf(2, 0),
       intArrayOf(4, 5),
       intArrayOf(5, 7),
       intArrayOf(7, 6),
       intArrayOf(6, 4),
       intArrayOf(0, 4),
       intArrayOf(1, 5),
       intArrayOf(2, 6),
       intArrayOf(3, 7)
   private var mouseX: Int = 0
   private var prevMouseX: Int = 0
   private var mouseY: Int = 0
   private var prevMouseY: Int = 0
   init {
       preferredSize = Dimension(640, 640)
       background = Color.white
       scale(80.0, 120.0, 160.0)
       rotateCube(Math.PI / 5.0, Math.PI / 9.0)
       addMouseListener(object: MouseAdapter() {
           override fun mousePressed(e: MouseEvent) {
               mouseX = e.x
               mouseY = e.y
       addMouseMotionListener(object: MouseAdapter() {
           override fun mouseDragged(e: MouseEvent) {
               prevMouseX = mouseX
               prevMouseY = mouseY
               mouseX = e.x
               mouseY = e.y
               val incrX = (mouseX - prevMouseX) * 0.01
               val incrY = (mouseY - prevMouseY) * 0.01
               rotateCube(incrX, incrY)
   private fun scale(sx: Double, sy: Double, sz: Double) {
       for (node in nodes) {
           node[0] *= sx
           node[1] *= sy
           node[2] *= sz
   private fun rotateCube(angleX: Double, angleY: Double) {
       val sinX = Math.sin(angleX)
       val cosX = Math.cos(angleX)
       val sinY = Math.sin(angleY)
       val cosY = Math.cos(angleY)
       for (node in nodes) {
           val x = node[0]
           val y = node[1]
           var z = node[2]
           node[0] = x * cosX - z * sinX
           node[2] = z * cosX + x * sinX
           z = node[2]
           node[1] = y * cosY - z * sinY
           node[2] = z * cosY + y * sinY
   private fun drawCube(g: Graphics2D) {
       g.translate(width / 2, height / 2)
       for (edge in edges) {
           val xy1 = nodes[edge[0]]
           val xy2 = nodes[edge[1]]
           g.drawLine(Math.round(xy1[0]).toInt(), Math.round(xy1[1]).toInt(),
                      Math.round(xy2[0]).toInt(), Math.round(xy2[1]).toInt())
       for (node in nodes) {
           g.fillOval(Math.round(node[0]).toInt() - 4, Math.round(node[1]).toInt() - 4, 8, 8)
   override public fun paintComponent(gg: Graphics) {
       val g = gg as Graphics2D
       g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON)
       g.color = Color.blue


fun main(args: Array<String>) {

   SwingUtilities.invokeLater {
       val f = JFrame()
       f.defaultCloseOperation = JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE
       f.title = "Cuboid"
       f.isResizable = false
       f.add(Cuboid(), BorderLayout.CENTER)
       f.isVisible = true


Liberty BASIC

Text solution <lang lb> Call cuboid 1,3,4


Sub cuboid width, height, depth

   wd=width*7+2: hi=height*3: dp=depth
   For i=1 To wd-2
       w$=w$+"-":h$=h$+" "
   px=dp+2:py=1:Locate dp+2,py:Print w$;
   For i=2 To hi+1
       Locate wd+dp+1,i:Print"|";
   Locate wd+dp+1, i: Print "+";
   For i=dp+1 To 1 Step -1
       py=py+1:Locate i,py:Print d$;
   For i=1 To dp
       Locate wd+(dp+1)-i,hi+d+2+i:Print "/";
   Locate 1, dp+2: Print w$;
   For i=dp+3 To hi+dp+2
       Locate 1,i:Print h$;
   Locate 1, dp+hi+3: Print w$

End Sub </lang>

    /       /|
   /       / |
  /       /  |
 /       /   |
+-------+    |
|       |    |
|       |    |
|       |    |
|       |    |
|       |    +
|       |   /
|       |  /
|       | /
|       |/

Graphic solution <lang lb> NoMainWin Global sw, sh sw = 400: sh = 400 WindowWidth = sw+6 WindowHeight= sh+32 Open "[RC] Draw Cuboid" For graphics_nsb_nf As #g

  1. g "Down; Fill black; TrapClose [xit]"
  2. g "when leftButtonDown [xit]"

Call drawCuboid 3,4,5


[xit] Close #g End

Sub drawCuboid width, height, depth

   wd = width*50
   ht = height*50
   dp = depth*20
   sx = Int((sw-(wd+dp))/2)
   sy = Int((sh-(ht-dp))/2)
   #g "Color 0 128 255; BackColor 0 128 255"
   #g "Place ";sx;" ";sy
   #g "boxFilled ";sx+wd;" ";sy+ht
   x1 = sx+dp : y1 = sy-dp
   x2 = x1+wd-1 : y2 = y1+1
   #g "Color 0 64 128"
   Call triFill sx,sy, x1,y1, x2,y2
   Call triFill sx,sy, x2,y2, sx+wd, sy
   #g "Color 0 96 192"
   x3 = x2: y3 = y2+ht
   Call triFill x2,y2, x3,y3, sx+wd-1, sy+ht-1
   Call triFill x2,y2, sx+wd-1, sy+ht-1, sx+wd-1, sy
   #g "Color white;BackColor black;Place 5 20"
   #g "\Size: ";width;", ";height;", ";depth

End Sub

Sub triFill x1,y1, x2,y2, x3,y3

   If x2<x1 Then x=x2: y=y2: x2=x1: y2=y1: x1=x: y1=y
   If x3<x1 Then x=x3: y=y3: x3=x1: y3=y1: x1=x: y1=y
   If x3<x2 Then x=x3: y=y3: x3=x2: y3=y2: x2=x: y2=y
   If x1<>x3 Then slope1=(y3-y1)/(x3-x1)
   If length<>0 Then
       For x = 0 To length
           #g "Line ";Int(x+x1);" ";Int(x*slope1+y1);" ";Int(x+x1);" ";Int(x*slope2+y1)
   End If
   y = length*slope1+y1 :length=x3-x2
   If length<>0 Then
       For x = 0 To length
           #g "Line ";Int(x+x2);" ";Int(x*slope1+y);" ";Int(x+x2);" ";Int(x*slope3+y2)
   End If

End Sub </lang>

In Logo, we can use the perspective function to make drawing 3D-objects easier.

Works with: MSWlogo

Simple implementation, just moving to the appropriate points every time. <lang logo>to cuboid :l1 :l2 :l3 cs perspective ;making the room ready to use setxyz :l1 0 0 setxyz :l1 :l2 0 setxyz 0 :l2 0 setxyz 0 0 0 setxyz :l1 0 0 setxyz :l1 0 -:l3 setxyz :l1 :l2 -:l3 setxyz :l1 :l2 0 setxyz 0 :l2 0 setxyz 0 :l2 -:l3 setxyz :l1 :l2 -:l3 end</lang> Example call to achieve task: <lang logo>cuboid 50 100 150</lang>


Rez a box on the ground, raise it up a few meters, add the following as a New Script. <lang LSL>vector vSCALE = <2.0, 3.0, 4.0>; default {

   state_entry() {



Ahhhhh; I always wondered what a Cuboid looked like, now I know!


Draw a Cuboid
A Cuboid in a Sandbox.


This creates a cuboid with one corner at (0,0,0) and the opposite at (2,3,4): <lang Maple>plots:-display(plottools:-parallelepiped([2, 0, 0], [0, 0, 4], [0, 3, 0]), orientation = [45, 60])</lang>

Mathematica / Wolfram Language

This creates a cuboid with one corner at (0,0,0) and the opposite at (2,3,4): <lang Mathematica>Graphics3D[Cuboid[{0,0,0},{2,3,4}]]</lang> Output would be fully-rendered, rotatable 3D in the notebook. Also, many aspects of the cuboid's appearance and lighting can be controlled quite easily. For those, see Mathematica's documentation in the program or on the web.


<lang maxima>load(draw)$

draw3d(xu_grid=100, yv_grid=100, surface_hide=true,

  palette=gray, enhanced3d=[x - z / 4 - y / 4, x, y, z],
  implicit(max(abs(x / 4), abs(y / 6), abs(z / 8)) = 1,


Translation of: PicoLisp

<lang nim>import strutils

proc cline(n, x, y: int, cde: string) =

 echo cde[0..0].align n+1,
   repeatChar(9*x-1, cde[1]),
   cde[0], cde[2..2].align y+1

proc cuboid(x, y, z: int) =

 cline y+1, x, 0, "+-"
 for i in 1..y: cline y-i+1, x, i-1, "/ |"
 cline 0, x, y, "+-|"
 for i in 0..4*z-y-3: cline 0, x, y, "| |"
 cline 0, x, y, "| +"
 for i in countdown(y-1, 0): cline 0, x, i, "| /"
 cline 0, x, 0, "+-\n"

cuboid 2, 3, 4 cuboid 1, 1, 1 cuboid 6, 2, 1</lang>

   /                 /|
  /                 / |
 /                 /  |
+-----------------+   |
|                 |   |
|                 |   |
|                 |   |
|                 |   |
|                 |   |
|                 |   |
|                 |   |
|                 |   |
|                 |   |
|                 |   |
|                 |   |
|                 |   +
|                 |  /
|                 | /
|                 |/

 /        /|
+--------+ |
|        | |
|        | +
|        |/

  /                                                     /|
 /                                                     / |
+-----------------------------------------------------+  |
|                                                     |  +
|                                                     | /
|                                                     |/


Drawing a cuboid is easy in openscad:

<lang openscad>// This will produce a simple cuboid cube([2,3,4]); </lang>


Output Cuboid1.png
Output Cuboid2.png

Plotting lines and scaling in PARI/GP is not designed for "cuboids". But you are welcome to play with parameters of this Cuboid() function.

Works with: PARI/GP version 2.7.4 and above

<lang parigp> \\ Simple "cuboid". Try different parameters of this Cuboid() function. \\ 4/11/16 aev Cuboid(a,b,c,u=10)={ my(dx,dy,ttl="Cuboid AxBxC: ",size=200,da=a*u,db=b*u,dc=c*u); print(" *** ",ttl,a,"x",b,"x",c,"; u=",u); plotinit(0); plotscale(0, 0,size, 0,size); plotcolor(0,7); \\grey plotmove(0, 0,0); plotrline(0,dc,da\2); plotrline(0,db,0); plotrline(0,-db,0); plotrline(0,0,da); plotcolor(0,2); \\black plotmove(0, db,da); plotrline(0,0,-da); plotrline(0,-db,0); plotrline(0,0,da); plotrline(0,db,0); plotrline(0,dc,da\2); plotrline(0,-db,0); plotrline(0,-dc,-da\2); plotmove(0, db,0); plotrline(0,dc,da\2); plotrline(0,0,da); plotdraw([0,size,size]); }

{\\ Executing: Cuboid(2,3,4,20); \\Cuboid1.png Cuboid(5,3,1,20); \\Cuboid2.png } </lang>

> Cuboid(2,3,4,20); \\Cuboid1.png
*** Cuboid AxBxC: 2x3x4; u=20
> Cuboid(5,3,1,20); \\Cuboid2.png
*** Cuboid AxBxC: 5x3x1; u=20


Translation of: Ada
Works with: Free_Pascal

<lang pascal>program Cuboid_Demo(output);

procedure DoCuboid(sWidth, sHeight, Depth: integer);

   widthScale  = 4;
   heightScale = 3;
   TPage = array of array of char;
   Cuboid: TPage;
   i, j: integer;
   Width, Height: integer;
   totalWidth, totalHeight: integer;
   Width  := widthScale  * sWidth;
   Height := heightScale * sHeight;    
   totalWidth  := 2 * Width + Depth + 3;
   totalHeight := Height + Depth + 3;
   setlength (Cuboid, totalHeight + 1);
   for i := 1 to totalHeight do
     setlength (Cuboid[i], totalwidth + 1);
   // points
   for i := low(Cuboid) to high(Cuboid) do
     for j := low(Cuboid[i]) to high(Cuboid[i]) do
       Cuboid[i,j] := ' ';
   Cuboid [1, 1]                      := '+';
   Cuboid [Height + 2, 1]             := '+';
   Cuboid [1, 2 * Width + 2]          := '+';
   Cuboid [Height + 2, 2 * Width + 2] := '+';
   Cuboid [totalHeight, Depth + 2]    := '+';
   Cuboid [Depth + 2, totalWidth]     := '+';
   Cuboid [totalHeight, totalWidth]   := '+';
   // width lines
   for I := 1 to 2 * Width do
      Cuboid [1, I + 1]                   := '-';
      Cuboid [Height + 2, I + 1]          := '-';
      Cuboid [totalHeight, Depth + I + 2] := '-';
   // height lines
   for I := 1 to Height do
      Cuboid [I + 1, 1]                  := '|';
      Cuboid [I + 1, 2 * Width + 2]      := '|';
      Cuboid [Depth + I + 2, totalWidth] := '|';
   // depth lines
   for I := 1 to Depth do
      Cuboid [Height + 2 + I, 1 + I]             := '/';
      Cuboid [1 + I, 2 * Width + 2 + I]          := '/';
      Cuboid [Height + 2 + I, 2 * Width + 2 + I] := '/';
   for i := high(Cuboid) downto 1 do
     for j := 1 to high(Cuboid[i]) do
       write (Cuboid[i,j]);


 writeln('1, 1, 1:');
 DoCuboid(1, 1, 1);
 writeln('2, 3, 4:');
 DoCuboid(2, 3, 4);
 writeln('6, 2, 1:');
 DoCuboid(6, 2, 1);


% ./Cuboid
1, 1, 1:
 /        /|
+--------+ |
|        | |
|        | +
|        |/ 
2, 3, 4:
    /                /|
   /                / |
  /                /  |
 /                /   |
+----------------+    |
|                |    |
|                |    |
|                |    |
|                |    |
|                |    +
|                |   / 
|                |  /  
|                | /   
|                |/    
6, 2, 1:
 /                                                /|
+------------------------------------------------+ |
|                                                | |
|                                                | |
|                                                | |
|                                                | |
|                                                | +
|                                                |/ 


Translation of: Go

<lang perl>sub cubLine ($$$$) {

   my ($n, $dx, $dy, $cde) = @_;
   printf '%*s', $n + 1, substr($cde, 0, 1);
   for (my $d = 9 * $dx - 1 ; $d > 0 ; --$d) {
       print substr($cde, 1, 1);
   print substr($cde, 0, 1);
   printf "%*s\n", $dy + 1, substr($cde, 2, 1);


sub cuboid ($$$) {

   my ($dx, $dy, $dz) = @_;
   printf "cuboid %d %d %d:\n", $dx, $dy, $dz;
   cubLine $dy + 1, $dx, 0, '+-';
   for (my $i = 1 ; $i <= $dy ; ++$i) {
       cubLine $dy - $i + 1, $dx, $i - 1, '/ |';
   cubLine 0, $dx, $dy, '+-|';
   for (my $i = 4 * $dz - $dy - 2 ; $i > 0 ; --$i) {
       cubLine 0, $dx, $dy, '| |';
   cubLine 0, $dx, $dy, '| +';
   for (my $i = 1 ; $i <= $dy ; ++$i) {
       cubLine 0, $dx, $dy - $i, '| /';
   cubLine 0, $dx, 0, "+-\n";


cuboid 2, 3, 4; cuboid 1, 1, 1; cuboid 6, 2, 1;</lang>

cuboid 2 3 4:
   /                 /|
  /                 / |
 /                 /  |
+-----------------+   |
|                 |   |
|                 |   |
|                 |   |
|                 |   |
|                 |   |
|                 |   |
|                 |   |
|                 |   |
|                 |   |
|                 |   |
|                 |   |
|                 |   +
|                 |  /
|                 | /
|                 |/

cuboid 1 1 1:
 /        /|
+--------+ |
|        | |
|        | +
|        |/

cuboid 6 2 1:
  /                                                     /|
 /                                                     / |
+-----------------------------------------------------+  |
|                                                     |  +
|                                                     | /
|                                                     |/

ASCII Art <lang perl>use 5.010;

  1. usage: script X Y Z [S]

sub cuboid {

   # Constant dimnesions of the cuboid
   my ($x, $y, $z) = map int, @_[0 .. 2];
   # ASCII characters
   # $c = corner point
   # $h = horizontal line
   # $v = vertical line
   # $d = diagonal line
   # $s = space (inside the cuboid)
   my ($c, $h, $v, $d, $s) = ('+', '-', '|', '/', shift(@ARGV) // q{ });
   say q{ } x ($z + 1), $c, $h x $x, $c;
   say q{ } x ($z - $_ + 1), $d, $s x $x, $d, $s x ($_ - ($_ > $y ? ($_ - $y) : 1)),
     $_ - 1 == $y ? $c : $_ > $y ? $d : $v for 1 .. $z;
   say $c, $h x $x, $c, ($s x ($z < $y ? $z : $y), $z < $y ? $v : $z == $y ? $c : $d);
   say $v, $s x $x, $v, $z > $y ? $_ >= $z ? ($s x $x, $c) : ($s x ($y - $_), $d)
     : $y - $_ > $z ? ($s x $z, $v) : ($s x ($y - $_), $y - $_ == $z ? $c : $d) for 1 .. $y;
   say $c, $h x $x, $c;


cuboid shift // rand 20, shift // rand 10, shift // rand 10;</lang>


    /  /|
   /  / |
  /  /  |
 /  /   +
+--+   /
|  |  /
|  | /
|  |/


Library: Phix/pGUI

Translated from XPL0.
Press space to toggle auto-rotate on and off, cursor keys to rotate manually, and +/- to zoom in/out. Simple orthogonal projection, no perspective.

<lang Phix>-- demo\rosetta\draw_cuboid.exw include pGUI.e

Ihandle dlg, canvas, hTimer cdCanvas cd_canvas

-- arrays: 3D coordinates of vertices sequence x = {-2.0, +2.0, +2.0, -2.0, -2.0, +2.0, +2.0, -2.0},

        y = {-1.5, -1.5, +1.5, +1.5,  -1.5, -1.5, +1.5, +1.5},
        z = {-1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0,  +1.0, +1.0, +1.0, +1.0},
        Segment = {1,2, 2,3, 3,4, 4,1, 5,6, 6,7, 7,8, 8,5, 1,5, 2,6, 3,7, 4,8}

atom Size = 50.0, -- drawing size

    Sz = 0.008,        -- tumbling speeds
    Sx =-0.013,        -- ""
    Sy =-0.013,        -- ""
    S = 2

procedure draw_cube(integer wx, wh)

   atom farthest = 0.0             -- find the farthest vertex
   integer farv, v1, v2, c, style
   for i=1 to 8 do
       if z[i]>farthest then farthest = z[i]  farv = i end if
   end for
   for v=1 to 2*12 by 2 do         -- for all the vertices...
       v1 = Segment[v]             -- get vertex number
       v2 = Segment[v+1]
       c = CD_RED
       style = CD_CONTINUOUS
       if v1=farv or v2=farv then 
           c = CD_BLUE
           style = CD_DASHED
       end if
       cdCanvasSetForeground(cd_canvas, c)
       cdCanvasLineStyle(cd_canvas, style)  
       atom x1 = x[v1]*Size+wx,
            y1 = y[v1]*Size+wh,
            x2 = x[v2]*Size+wx,
            y2 = y[v2]*Size+wh
   end for

end procedure

function canvas_action_cb(Ihandle canvas)

   integer {wx, wh} = sq_floor_div(IupGetIntInt(canvas, "DRAWSIZE"),2)
   return IUP_DEFAULT

end function

function canvas_map_cb(Ihandle canvas)

   atom res = IupGetDouble(NULL, "SCREENDPI")/25.4
   cd_canvas = cdCreateCanvas(CD_GL, "10x10 %g", {res})
   cdCanvasSetBackground(cd_canvas, CD_BLACK)
   return IUP_DEFAULT

end function

function canvas_unmap_cb(Ihandle canvas)

   return IUP_DEFAULT

end function

function canvas_resize_cb(Ihandle /*canvas*/)

   integer {canvas_width, canvas_height} = IupGetIntInt(canvas, "DRAWSIZE")
   atom res = IupGetDouble(NULL, "SCREENDPI")/25.4
   cdCanvasSetAttribute(cd_canvas, "SIZE", "%dx%d %g", {canvas_width, canvas_height, res})
   return IUP_DEFAULT

end function

function k_any(Ihandle /*ih*/, atom c)

   if c=K_ESC then 
       return IUP_CLOSE
   elsif c=K_UP then
       for i=1 to 8 do
           y[i] = y[i]+z[i]*Sx*S   -- rotate vertices in Y-Z plane
           z[i] = z[i]-y[i]*Sx*S
       end for
   elsif c=K_DOWN then
       for i=1 to 8 do
           y[i] = y[i]-z[i]*Sx*S   -- rotate vertices in Y-Z plane
           z[i] = z[i]+y[i]*Sx*S
       end for
   elsif c=K_LEFT then
       for i=1 to 8 do
           x[i] = x[i]+z[i]*Sy*S   -- rotate vertices in X-Z plane
           z[i] = z[i]-x[i]*Sy*S
       end for
   elsif c=K_RIGHT then
       for i=1 to 8 do
           x[i] = x[i]-z[i]*Sy*S   -- rotate vertices in X-Z plane
           z[i] = z[i]+x[i]*Sy*S
       end for
   elsif c='+' then
       Size += 5
   elsif c='-' then
       Size = max(10,Size-5)
   elsif c=' ' then
       IupSetInt(hTimer,"RUN",not IupGetInt(hTimer,"RUN"))
   end if
   return IUP_CONTINUE

end function

function timer_cb(Ihandle /*ih*/)

   for i=1 to 8 do
       x[i] = x[i]+y[i]*Sz*S   -- rotate vertices in X-Y plane
       y[i] = y[i]-x[i]*Sz*S
       y[i] = y[i]+z[i]*Sx*S   -- rotate vertices in Y-Z plane
       z[i] = z[i]-y[i]*Sx*S
       x[i] = x[i]+z[i]*Sy*S   -- rotate vertices in X-Z plane
       z[i] = z[i]-x[i]*Sy*S
   end for
   return IUP_IGNORE

end function

procedure main()

   canvas = IupGLCanvas()
   IupSetAttribute(canvas, "RASTERSIZE", "640x480")
   IupSetCallback(canvas, "ACTION", Icallback("canvas_action_cb"))
   IupSetCallback(canvas, "MAP_CB", Icallback("canvas_map_cb"))
   IupSetCallback(canvas, "UNMAP_CB", Icallback("canvas_unmap_cb"))
   IupSetCallback(canvas, "RESIZE_CB", Icallback("canvas_resize_cb"))
   dlg = IupDialog(IupVbox({canvas}))
   IupSetAttribute(dlg, "TITLE", "Draw Cuboid")
   IupSetCallback(dlg, "K_ANY",  Icallback("k_any"))
   IupSetAttribute(canvas, "RASTERSIZE", NULL)
   hTimer = IupTimer(Icallback("timer_cb"), 40)

end procedure main()</lang>


Two versions: the first uses a complete/rectangular grid and outputs at the end, whereas the second uses a slightly trickier line-by-line approach. <lang Phix>function draw_line(sequence res, integer x,y,dx,dy,len,c)

   string line = '+'&repeat(c,len-2)&'+'
   for i=1 to len do
       res[y,x] = line[i]
       y += dy; x += dx
   end for
   return res

end function

procedure ascii_cuboid(integer x,y,z)

   sequence res = repeat(repeat(' ',x+z+3),y+z+3)
   res = draw_line(res,    1,  z+2,+1,-1,z+2,'/')
   res = draw_line(res,  x+2,  z+2,+1,-1,z+2,'/')
   res = draw_line(res,  x+2,y+z+3,+1,-1,z+2,'/')
   res = draw_line(res,    1,  z+2, 0,+1,y+2,'|')
   res = draw_line(res,  x+2,  z+2, 0,+1,y+2,'|')
   res = draw_line(res,x+z+3,    1, 0,+1,y+2,'|')
   res = draw_line(res,  z+2,    1,+1, 0,x+2,'-')
   res = draw_line(res,    1,  z+2,+1, 0,x+2,'-')
   res = draw_line(res,    1,y+z+3,+1, 0,x+2,'-')

end procedure ascii_cuboid(0,0,0) ascii_cuboid(1,1,1) ascii_cuboid(2,1,2) ascii_cuboid(3,2,1)</lang>

 / /|
+-+ +
| |/
  /  /|
 /  / +
+--+ /
|  |/
 /   /|
+---+ |
|   | +
|   |/

And as promised a line-by-line solution. Same output. <lang Phix>procedure cuboid(integer x,y,z) -- -- +-+ -- 1) (with x -) -- / /| -- 2) (times z) -- Output an x by y by z cube such as +-+ + -- 3) (with x -) -- | |/ -- 4) (times y) -- +-+ -- 5) (with x -) -- -- Nb: trailing '+' shown on stage 3 can occur higher or lower. --

   integer mn = min(y,z)+1, mx = max(y,z)+1,
           stage = 1, -- (1..5 as above)
           pre = z+1, pad = -1, last = 1
   for l=1 to y+z+3 do
       integer c = "+/+|+"[stage]   -- (front/top corner/edge)
       puts(1,repeat(' ',pre)&c&repeat(iff(c='+'?'-':' '),x)&c&
              iff(pad>=0?repeat(' ',pad)&"|+/"[last]:"")&"\n")
       pre -= pre>0   -- (shrink the initial lhs space prefix)
       pad += (l<=mn)-(l>mx) -- +1 early on, -1 later, or both
       stage += (c='+') + (l=z+1 or l=y+z+2) -- (can skip 2&4)
       last += (last=2 or l=y+1 or l=y+z+2) -- ('|'->'+'->'/')
   end for

end procedure cuboid(0, 0, 0) cuboid(1, 1, 1) cuboid(2, 1, 2) cuboid(3, 2, 1)</lang>



<lang PicoLisp>(de cuboid (DX DY DZ)

  (cubLine (inc DY) "+" DX "-" 0)
  (for I DY
     (cubLine (- DY I -1) "/" DX " " (dec I) "|") )
  (cubLine 0 "+" DX "-" DY "|")
  (do (- (* 4 DZ) DY 2)
     (cubLine 0 "|" DX " " DY "|") )
  (cubLine 0 "|" DX " " DY "+")
  (for I DY
     (cubLine 0 "|" DX " " (- DY I) "/") )
  (cubLine 0 "+" DX "-" 0) )

(de cubLine (N C DX D DY E)

  (space N)
  (prin C)
  (do (dec (* 9 DX)) (prin D))
  (prin C)
  (space DY)
  (prinl E) )</lang>
: (cuboid 2 3 4)
   /                 /|
  /                 / |
 /                 /  |
+-----------------+   |
|                 |   |
|                 |   |
|                 |   |
|                 |   |
|                 |   |
|                 |   |
|                 |   |
|                 |   |
|                 |   |
|                 |   |
|                 |   |
|                 |   +
|                 |  /
|                 | /
|                 |/

: (cuboid 1 1 1)
 /        /|
+--------+ |
|        | |
|        | +
|        |/

: (cuboid 6 2 1)
  /                                                     /|
 /                                                     / |
+-----------------------------------------------------+  |
|                                                     |  +
|                                                     | /
|                                                     |/

Using OpenGL

Library: GLUT

<lang PicoLisp>(load "@lib/openGl.l")

(setq *AngleX -26.0 *AngleY 74.0) (setq *LastX 0 *LastY 0)

(glutInit) (glutInitDisplayMode (| GLUT_RGBA GLUT_DOUBLE GLUT_DEPTH)) (glutInitWindowSize 512 512) (glutInitWindowPosition 10 50) (glutCreateWindow "PicoLisp Cube")

(glClearColor 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0) # The background color (glEnable GL_DEPTH_TEST) (glEnable GL_LIGHTING) (glEnable GL_LIGHT0) (glDisable GL_CULL_FACE)



  '((Btn State X Y)
     (setq *LastX X  *LastY Y) ) )


  '((X Y)
     (inc '*AngleX (* (- Y *LastY) 1.0))
     (inc '*AngleY (* (- X *LastX) 1.0))
     (setq *LastX X  *LastY Y)
     (glutPostRedisplay) ) )


  '((Width Height)
     (glMatrixMode GL_PROJECTION)
     (gluPerspective 45.0 (*/ Width 1.0 Height) 1.0 10.0)
     (glMatrixMode GL_MODELVIEW)
     (glViewport 0 0 Width Height) ) )

(displayPrg (glClear (| GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT)) (glLoadIdentity) (glTranslatef 0.0 0.0 -3.0) (glRotatef *AngleX 1 0 0) (glRotatef *AngleY 0 1 0) (glutSolidCube 1.0)

(glDisable GL_LIGHTING) (glColor4f 0.4 0.4 0.4 1.0) (glutWireCube 1.002) (glEnable GL_LIGHTING)

(glFlush) (glutSwapBuffers) )



<lang POV-Ray>camera { perspective location <2.6,2.2,-4.2> look_at <0,-.5,0>

      aperture .05 blur_samples 100 variance 1/100000 focal_point <2,1,-2>}

light_source{< 60,20,-20> color rgb 2}

sky_sphere { pigment{ gradient z color_map{[0 rgb 0.3][.1 rgb <.7,.8,1>][1 rgb .2]} }}

box { <0,0,0> <3,2,4>

 texture { 
   pigment{ agate }
   normal { checker }
   finish { reflection {0.20 metallic 0.2} }
 translate <-1,-.5,-2> 



A cuboid in Processing is created with box(). It may be styled with stroke, fill, and lighting.

<lang Processing>size(500, 500, P3D); background(0); // position translate(width/2, height/2, -width/2); rotateZ(radians(15)); rotateY(radians(-30)); rotateX(radians(-25)); // optional fill and lighting colors noStroke(); fill(192, 255, 192); pointLight(255, 255, 255, 400, -400, 400); // draw box box(200, 300, 400);</lang>


Works with SWI-Prolog and XPCE. <lang Prolog>cuboid(D1,D2,D3) :- W is D1 * 50, H is D2 * 50, D is D3 * 50,

new(C, window(cuboid)),

% compute the size of the window Width is W + ceiling(sqrt(H * 48)) + 50, Height is H + ceiling(sqrt(H * 48)) + 50, send(C, size, new(_,size(Width,Height))),

%compute the top-left corner of the front face of the cuboid PX is 25, PY is 25 + ceiling(sqrt(H * 48)),

% colors of the faces new(C1, colour(@default, 65535, 0, 0)), new(C2, colour(@default, 0, 65535, 0)), new(C3, colour(@default, 0, 0, 65535)),

% the front face new(B1, box(W, H)), send(B1, fill_pattern, C1), send(C, display,B1, point(PX, PY)),

% the top face new(B2, hpara(point(PX,PY), W, D, C2)), send(C, display, B2),

% the left face PX1 is PX + W, new(B3, vpara(point(PX1,PY), H, D, C3)), send(C, display, B3),

send(C, open).

- pce_begin_class(hpara, path, "drawing of a horizontal parallelogram").

initialise(P, Pos, Width, Height, Color) :-> send(P, send_super, initialise), send(P, append, Pos), H is ceiling(sqrt(Height * 48)), get(Pos, x, X), get(Pos, y, Y), X1 is X + H, Y1 is Y - H, send(P, append, point(X1, Y1)), X2 is X1 + Width, send(P, append, point(X2, Y1)), X3 is X2 - H, send(P, append, point(X3, Pos?y)), send(P, append, Pos), send(P, fill_pattern, Color).

- pce_end_class.
- pce_begin_class(vpara, path, "drawing of a vertical parallelogram").

initialise(P, Pos, Height, Depth, Color) :-> send(P, send_super, initialise), send(P, append, Pos), H is ceiling(sqrt(Depth * 48)), get(Pos, x, X), get(Pos, y, Y), X1 is X + H, Y1 is Y - H, send(P, append, point(X1, Y1)), Y2 is Y1 + Height, send(P, append, point(X1, Y2)), Y3 is Y2 + H, send(P, append, point(X, Y3)), send(P, append, Pos), send(P, fill_pattern, Color).

- pce_end_class.</lang>
?- cuboid(2,3,4).

Pure Data

Requires `Gem` <lang Pure Data>

  1. N canvas 1 51 450 300 10;
  2. X obj 66 67 gemwin;
  3. X obj 239 148 cuboid 2 3 4;
  4. X obj 239 46 gemhead;
  5. X obj 239 68 scale 0.3;
  6. X msg 66 45 lighting 1 \, create \, 1;
  7. X obj 61 118 gemhead;
  8. X obj 61 140 world_light;
  9. X msg 294 90 1;
  10. X obj 239 90 t a b;
  11. X obj 239 118 accumrotate;
  12. X connect 2 0 3 0;
  13. X connect 3 0 8 0;
  14. X connect 4 0 0 0;
  15. X connect 5 0 6 0;
  16. X connect 7 0 9 1;
  17. X connect 7 0 9 2;
  18. X connect 7 0 9 3;
  19. X connect 8 0 9 0;
  20. X connect 8 1 7 0;
  21. X connect 9 0 1 0;

</lang> Displays a rotating cuboid.



Using generic PureBasic 2D-library. <lang PureBasic>Procedure Draw_a_Cuboid(Window, X,Y,Z)

 If Not (w And h): ProcedureReturn: EndIf
 xscale.f = w/(x+z/diag)*0.98
 yscale.f = h/(y+z/diag)*0.98
 If xscale<yscale
   Scale.f = xscale
   Scale = yscale
 x*Scale: Y*Scale: Z*Scale
 If StartDrawing(ImageOutput(0))
   c= RGB(250, 40, 5)
   ;- Calculate the cones in the Cuboid
   xk = w/50     : yk = h/50
   x0 = Z/2 + xk : y0 = yk
   x1 = x0 + X   : y1 = y0
   x2 = xk       : y2 = y0 + Z/2
   x3 = x2 + X   : y3 = y2
   x4 = x2       : y4 = y2 + Y
   x5 = x4 + X   : y5 = y4
   x6 = x5 + Z/2 : y6 = y5 - Z/2
   ;- Draw it
   ;- Fill the areas
   FillArea(x,y,-1,RGB(255, 0, 0))
   FillArea(x,y-z/2,-1,RGB(0, 0, 255))
   FillArea(x+z/2,y,-1,RGB(0, 255, 0))
 ;- Update the graphic


  1. WFlags = #PB_Window_SystemMenu|#PB_Window_SizeGadget
  2. title = "PureBasic Cuboid"

MyWin = OpenWindow(#PB_Any, 0, 0, 200, 250, #title, #WFlags)


 WEvent = WaitWindowEvent()
 If WEvent = #PB_Event_SizeWindow
   Draw_a_Cuboid(MyWin, 2, 3, 4)

Until WEvent = #PB_Event_CloseWindow

- Save the image?

UsePNGImageEncoder() respons = MessageRequester("Question","Save the image?",#PB_MessageRequester_YesNo) If respons=#PB_MessageRequester_Yes

 SaveImage(0, SaveFileRequester("","","",0),#PB_ImagePlugin_PNG,9)




<lang python>def _pr(t, x, y, z):

   txt = '\n'.join(.join(t[(n,m)] for n in range(3+x+z)).rstrip()
                   for m in reversed(range(3+y+z)))
   return txt

def cuboid(x,y,z):

   t = {(n,m):' ' for n in range(3+x+z) for m in range(3+y+z)}
   xrow = ['+'] + ['%i' % (i % 10) for i in range(x)] + ['+']
   for i,ch in enumerate(xrow):
       t[(i,0)] = t[(i,1+y)] = t[(1+z+i,2+y+z)] = ch
   if _debug: print(_pr(t, x, y, z))
   ycol = ['+'] + ['%i' % (j % 10) for j in range(y)] + ['+']
   for j,ch in enumerate(ycol):
       t[(0,j)] = t[(x+1,j)] = t[(2+x+z,1+z+j)] = ch
   zdepth = ['+'] + ['%i' % (k % 10) for k in range(z)] + ['+']
   if _debug: print(_pr(t, x, y, z))
   for k,ch in enumerate(zdepth):
       t[(k,1+y+k)] = t[(1+x+k,1+y+k)] = t[(1+x+k,k)] = ch
   return _pr(t, x, y, z)

_debug = False if __name__ == '__main__':

   for dim in ((2,3,4), (3,4,2), (4,2,3)):
       print("CUBOID%r" % (dim,), cuboid(*dim), sep='\n')</lang>
CUBOID(2, 3, 4)
    3  32
   2  2 1
  1  1  0
 0  0   +
+01+   3
2  2  2
1  1 1
0  00
CUBOID(3, 4, 2)
  1   13
 0   0 2
+012+  1
3   3  0
2   2  +
1   1 1
0   00
CUBOID(4, 2, 3)
   2    21
  1    1 0
 0    0  +
+0123+  2
1    1 1
0    00

Library: VPython

The cuboid (otherwise known as a "box" :)

Works with: Python version 2.7.5

Short version

<lang python>from visual import * mybox = box(pos=(0,0,0), length=4, height=2, width=3, axis=(-0.1,-0.1,0.1) ) scene.title = "VPython: cuboid"</lang>

Cuboid viewer

This has a lot of extras around the cuboid, so you can rotate the box (stepwise and continous), change the background, color, transparancy, material, show infos about scene and object, plus a selfrunning demo-mode that cycles thru everything. <lang python> from __future__ import print_function, division from visual import * import itertools

title = "VPython: Draw a cuboid" scene.title = title print( "%s\n" % title )

msg = """ Drag with right mousebutton to rotate view. Drag up+down with middle mousebutton to zoom. Left mouseclick to show info.

Press x,X, y,Y, z,Z to rotate the box in single steps. Press b, c,o,m to change background, color, opacity, material. Press r,R to rotate, d,a for demo, automatic, space to stop. Press h to show this help, ESC or q to quit. """

  1. ...+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+...
    1. Rotate one step per keypress:

def rotX(obj, a) :

   obj.rotate( angle=a, axis=(1,0,0) )

def rotY(obj, a) :

   obj.rotate( angle=a, axis=(0,1,0) )

def rotZ(obj, a) :

   obj.rotate( angle=a, axis=(0,0,1) )
    1. Selection of background-colors:

bg_list = [color.gray(0.2), color.gray(0.4), color.gray(0.7), color.gray(0.9)] bg = itertools.cycle(bg_list) def backgr() :

   b = next(bg)
   scene.background = b
    1. Selection of colors:

col_list = [color.white, color.red, color.orange, color.yellow,

           color.green, color.blue, color.cyan,   color.magenta, 

col = itertools.cycle(col_list)

  1. c = col.next()
  2. c = next(col)

def paint(obj) :

   c = next(col)
   obj.color = c
    1. Selection of opacity / transparancy :

opa_list = [1.0, 0.7, 0.5, 0.2] opa = itertools.cycle(opa_list) def solid(obj) :

   o = next(opa)
   print("opacity =",o)
   obj.opacity = o
    1. Selection of materials:

mName_list = ["None",

             "marble" ]

mat_list = [ None,

             materials.marble ]

mName = itertools.cycle(mName_list) mat = itertools.cycle(mat_list) def surface(obj) :

   mM = next(mat)
   mN = next(mName)
   print("Material:", mN)
   obj.material = mM
   obj.mat      = mN
    1. Selection for rotation-angle & axis :

rotAng_list = [ 0.0, 0.005, 0.0, -0.005 ] rotDir_list = [ (1,0,0), (0,1,0), (0,0,1) ]

rotAng = itertools.cycle(rotAng_list) rotDir = itertools.cycle(rotDir_list)

rotAn = next(rotAng) # rotAn = 0.005 rotAx = next(rotDir) # rotAx = (1,0,0)

def rotAngle() :

   global rotAn
   rotAn = next(rotAng)

def rotAxis() :

   global rotAx
   rotAx = next(rotDir)
    1. List of keypresses for demo:
  1. demoC_list = [ "h", "c", "a", "o", "m", "b" ]

demoCmd_list = "rcbr"+"robr"+"rmR_r?" demoCmd = itertools.cycle(demoCmd_list) def demoStep() :

   k = next(demoCmd)
  1. ...+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+...

def objCount():

   for obj in scene.objects:
   return n

def objInfo(obj) :

   print( "\nObject:", obj )
   print( "Pos:",  obj.pos,   "Size:", obj.size )
   print( "Axis:", obj.axis,  "Up:",   obj.up )
   print( "Color", obj.color, obj.opacity )
   print( "Mat:",  obj.mat,   obj.material )

def sceneInfo(sc) :

   print( "\nScene:",  sc )
   print( ".width x height:",   sc.width, "x", sc.height )
   print( ".range:",   sc.range, ".scale:", sc.scale )
   print( ".center:",  sc.center )    # Camera
   print( ".forward:", sc.forward, ".fov:", sc.fov )
   print( "Mouse:",    sc.mouse.camera, "ray:", sc.mouse.ray )
   print( ".ambient:", sc.ambient )
   print( "Lights:",   sc.lights  )    # distant_light
   print( "objects:", objCount(), scene.objects )
  1. ...+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+...

scene.width = 600 scene.height = 400 scene.range = 4

  1. scene.autocenter = True
  2. scene.background = color.gray(0.2)

scene.background = next(bg)

autoDemo = -1

print( msg )

    1. Create cuboid (aka "box") :
  1. c = box() # using default-values --> cube
  2. c = box(pos=(0,0,0), length=4, height=2, width=3, axis=(-0.1,-0.1,0.1) )
    1. c = box(pos =( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ),
    2. size=( 4, 2, 3 ), # L,H,W
    3. axis=( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 ),
    4. up =( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 ),
    5. color = color.orange,
    6. opacity = 1.0,
    7. material= materials.marble
    8. )

c = box(pos =( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ),

        size=( 4, 2, 3 ),            # L,H,W
        axis=( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 ),
        up  =( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 )

print("Box:", c) paint(c) # c.color = color.red solid(c) # c.opacity = 1.0 surface(c) # c.material = materials.marble

rotX(c,0.4) # rotate box, to bring three faces into view rotY(c,0.6)

  1. sceneInfo(scene)
  2. objInfo(c)

print("\nPress 'a' to start auto-running demo.")

  1. ...+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+...

    1. Processing of input:

cCount = 0 def click():

   global cCount

scene.bind( 'click', click )

def keyInput():

   key = scene.kb.getkey()
   print( 'Key: "%s"' % key )
   if ( (key == 'esc') or (key == 'q') ) :
       print( "Bye!" )
   else :

scene.bind('keydown', keyInput)

def cmd(key):

   global autoDemo
   if (key == 'h') :  print( msg )
   if (key == '?') :  print( msg )
   if (key == 's') :  sceneInfo(scene)
   if (key == 'i') :  objInfo(c)
   if (key == 'x') :  rotX(c, 0.1)
   if (key == 'X') :  rotX(c,-0.1)
   if (key == 'y') :  rotY(c, 0.1)
   if (key == 'Y') :  rotY(c,-0.1)
   if (key == 'z') :  rotZ(c, 0.1)
   if (key == 'Z') :  rotZ(c,-0.1)
   if (key == 'c') :  paint(c)
   if (key == 'o') :  solid(c)
   if (key == 'm') :  surface(c)
   if (key == 'b') :  backgr()
   if (key == 'r') :  rotAngle()
   if (key == 'R') :  rotAxis()
   if (key == 'd') :  demoStep()
   if (key == 'a') :  autoDemo = -autoDemo
   if (key == 'A') :  autoDemo = -autoDemo
   if (key == ' ') :  stop()

def stop() :

   global autoDemo, rotAn
   autoDemo = -1
   while rotAn <> 0 :

r=100 t=0 while True: # Animation-loop

   t = t+1
   if rotAn != 0 :
       c.rotate( angle=rotAn, axis=rotAx )
   if t>=r :
       if autoDemo>0 :



<lang Racket>#lang racket/gui (require sgl/gl)

Macro to delimit and automatically end glBegin - glEnd contexts.

(define-syntax-rule (gl-begin-end Vertex-Mode statement ...)

 (let () (glBegin Vertex-Mode) statement ... (glEnd)))

(define (resize w h)

 (glViewport 0 0 w h))

(define (draw-opengl x y z)

 (glClearColor 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0)
 (glEnable GL_DEPTH_TEST)
 (define max-axis (add1 (max x y z)))
 (glMatrixMode GL_PROJECTION)
 (glOrtho (/ (- max-axis) 2) max-axis (/ (- max-axis) 2) max-axis (/ (- max-axis) 2) max-axis)
 (glMatrixMode GL_MODELVIEW)
 (glRotatef -45 1.0 0.0 0.0)
 (glRotatef 45 0.0 1.0 0.0)
 (gl-begin-end GL_QUADS
               (glColor3f 0 0 1)
               (glVertex3d x 0.0 z)
               (glVertex3d x y z)
               (glVertex3d x y 0.0)
               (glVertex3d x 0.0 0.0))
 (gl-begin-end GL_QUADS
               (glColor3f 1 0 0)
               (glVertex3d x 0.0 0.0)
               (glVertex3d x y 0.0)
               (glVertex3d 0.0 y 0.0)
               (glVertex3d 0.0 0.0 0.0)) 
 (gl-begin-end GL_QUADS
               (glColor3f 0 1 0)
               (glVertex3d x y 0.0)
               (glVertex3d x y z)
               (glVertex3d 0.0 y z)
               (glVertex3d 0.0 y 0.0)))

(define my-canvas%

 (class* canvas% ()
   (inherit with-gl-context swap-gl-buffers)
   (init-field (x 2) (y 3) (z 4))
   (define/override (on-paint)
       (lambda ()
         (draw-opengl x y z)
   (define/override (on-size width height)
       (lambda ()
         (resize width height))))
   (super-instantiate () (style '(gl)))))

(define win (new frame% (label "Racket Draw a cuboid") (min-width 300) (min-height 300))) (define gl (new my-canvas% (parent win) (x 2) (y 3) (z 4)))

(send win show #t)</lang>


(formerly Perl 6)

Works with: moar version 2015-11-27

<lang perl6>sub braille-graphics (%a) {

   my ($ylo, $yhi, $xlo, $xhi);
   for %a.keys -> $y {

$ylo min= +$y; $yhi max= +$y; for %a{$y}.keys -> $x { $xlo min= +$x; $xhi max= +$x; }

   for $ylo, $ylo + 4 ...^ * > $yhi -> \y {

for $xlo, $xlo + 2 ...^ * > $xhi -> \x { my $cell = 0x2800; $cell += 1 if %a{y + 0}{x + 0}; $cell += 2 if %a{y + 1}{x + 0}; $cell += 4 if %a{y + 2}{x + 0}; $cell += 8 if %a{y + 0}{x + 1}; $cell += 16 if %a{y + 1}{x + 1}; $cell += 32 if %a{y + 2}{x + 1}; $cell += 64 if %a{y + 3}{x + 0}; $cell += 128 if %a{y + 3}{x + 1}; print chr($cell); } print "\n";



sub cuboid ( [$x, $y, $z] ) {

   my \x = $x * 4;
   my \y = $y * 4;
   my \z = $z * 2;
   my %t;
   sub horz ($X, $Y) { %t{$Y     }{$X + $_} = True for 0 .. x }
   sub vert ($X, $Y) { %t{$Y + $_}{$X     } = True for 0 .. y }
   sub diag ($X, $Y) { %t{$Y - $_}{$X + $_} = True for 0 .. z }

   horz(0, z); horz(z, 0); horz(  0, z+y);
   vert(0, z); vert(x, z); vert(z+x,   0);
   diag(0, z); diag(x, z); diag(  x, z+y);

   say "[$x, $y, $z]";
   braille-graphics %t;


cuboid $_ for [2,3,4], [3,4,2], [4,2,3], [1,1,1], [8,1,1], [1,8,1], [1,1,8];</lang>



<lang Retro>3 elements d h w

spaces ( n- ) &space times ;
--- ( - ) '+ putc @w 2 * [ '- putc ] times '+ putc ;
? ( n- ) @h <> [ '| ] [ '+ ] if ;
slice ( n- ) '/ putc @w 2 * spaces '/ putc @d swap - dup spaces ? putc cr ;
|...|/ ( - ) @h [ '| putc @w 2 * spaces '| putc 1- spaces '/ putc cr ] iterd ;
face ( - )
  ---    @w 1+ spaces '/ putc cr
  ---    cr ;
cuboid ( whd- )
 !d !h !w cr
 @d 1+ spaces --- cr
 @d [ dup spaces slice ] iterd
 face ;

2 3 4 cuboid</lang>

    /    /|
   /    / |
  /    /  |
 /    /   +
+----+   / 
|    |  /  
|    | /   
|    |/    


<lang rexx>/*REXX program displays a cuboid (dimensions, if specified, must be positive integers).*/ parse arg x y z indent . /*x, y, z: dimensions and indentation.*/ x=p(x 2); y=p(y 3); z=p(z 4); in=p(indent 0) /*use the defaults if not specified. */ pad=left(, in) /*indentation must be non-negative. */

                       call show  y+2  ,        ,     "+-"
      do j=1  for y;   call show  y-j+2,     j-1,     "/ |"     ;       end  /*j*/
                       call show       ,     y  ,     "+-|"
      do z-1;          call show       ,     y  ,     "| |"     ;       end  /*z-1*/
                       call show       ,     y  ,     "| +"
      do j=1  for y;   call show       ,     y-j,     "| /"     ;       end  /*j*/
                       call show       ,        ,     "+-"

exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */ /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ p: return word( arg(1), 1) /*pick the first number or word in list*/ /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ show: parse arg #,$,a 2 b 3 c 4 /*get the arguments (or parts thereof).*/

      say pad || right(a, p(# 1) )copies(b, 4*x)a || right(c, p($ 0) + 1);         return</lang>

output   when using the input of:   2   3   4   35

                                      /        /|
                                     /        / |
                                    /        /  |
                                   +--------+   |
                                   |        |   |
                                   |        |   |
                                   |        |   |
                                   |        |   +
                                   |        |  /
                                   |        | /
                                   |        |/

output   when using the input of:   1   1   1

 /    /|
+----+ |
|    | +
|    |/

output   when using the input of:   6   2   1   25

                           /                        /|
                          /                        / |
                         +------------------------+  |
                         |                        |  +
                         |                        | /
                         |                        |/


<lang ring>

  1. Project : Draw a cuboid

load "guilib.ring"

paint = null

new qapp

       win1 = new qwidget() {
                 setwindowtitle("Draw a cuboid")
                 label1 = new qlabel(win1) {
                 new qpushbutton(win1) {

func draw

       p1 = new qpicture()
              color = new qcolor() {
       pen = new qpen() {
       paint = new qpainter() {
       color = new qcolor()
       mybrush = new qbrush() {setstyle(1) setcolor(color)}
       paint.drawPolygon([[200,200],[300,200],[300,100],[200,100]], 0)
       color = new qcolor()
       mybrush = new qbrush() {setstyle(1) setcolor(color)}
       paint.drawPolygon([[200,100],[250,50],[350,50],[300,100]], 0)
       color = new qcolor()
       color.setrgb(0, 0, 255,255)
       mybrush = new qbrush() {setstyle(1) setcolor(color)}
       paint.drawPolygon([[350,50],[350,150],[300,200],[300,100]], 0)
       label1 { setpicture(p1) show() }

</lang> Output:



<lang ruby>X, Y, Z = 6, 2, 3 DIR = {"-" => [1,0], "|" => [0,1], "/" => [1,1]}

def cuboid(nx, ny, nz)

 puts "cuboid %d %d %d:" % [nx, ny, nz]
 x, y, z = X*nx, Y*ny, Z*nz
 area = Array.new(y+z+1){" " * (x+y+1)}
 draw_line = lambda do |n, sx, sy, c|
   dx, dy = DIR[c]
   (n+1).times do |i|
     xi, yi = sx+i*dx, sy+i*dy
     area[yi][xi] = (area[yi][xi]==" " ? c : "+")
 nz    .times {|i| draw_line[x,     0,   Z*i, "-"]}
 (ny+1).times {|i| draw_line[x,   Y*i, z+Y*i, "-"]}
 nx    .times {|i| draw_line[z,   X*i,     0, "|"]}
 (ny+1).times {|i| draw_line[z, x+Y*i,   Y*i, "|"]}
 nz    .times {|i| draw_line[y,     x,   Z*i, "/"]}
 (nx+1).times {|i| draw_line[y,   X*i,     z, "/"]}
 puts area.reverse


cuboid(2, 3, 4) cuboid(1, 1, 1) cuboid(6, 2, 1) cuboid(2, 4, 1)</lang>

cuboid 2 3 4:
     /     /     /|
    +-----+-----+ |
   /     /     /| +
  +-----+-----+ |/|
 /     /     /| + |
+-----+-----+ |/| +
|     |     | + |/|
|     |     |/| + |
+-----+-----+ |/| +
|     |     | + |/|
|     |     |/| + |
+-----+-----+ |/| +
|     |     | + |/ 
|     |     |/| +  
+-----+-----+ |/   
|     |     | +    
|     |     |/     
cuboid 1 1 1:
 /     /|
+-----+ |
|     | +
|     |/ 
cuboid 6 2 1:
   /     /     /     /     /     /     /|
  +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ |
 /     /     /     /     /     /     /| +
+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ |/ 
|     |     |     |     |     |     | +  
|     |     |     |     |     |     |/   
cuboid 2 4 1:
       /     /     /|
      +-----+-----+ |
     /     /     /| +
    +-----+-----+ |/ 
   /     /     /| +  
  +-----+-----+ |/   
 /     /     /| +    
+-----+-----+ |/     
|     |     | +      
|     |     |/       


Java Swing Interoperability

<lang Scala>import java.awt._ import java.awt.event.{MouseAdapter, MouseEvent}

import javax.swing._

import scala.math.{Pi, cos, sin}

object Cuboid extends App {

 SwingUtilities.invokeLater(() => {
   class Cuboid extends JPanel {
     private val nodes: Array[Array[Double]] =
       Array(Array(-1, -1, -1), Array(-1, -1, 1), Array(-1, 1, -1), Array(-1, 1, 1),
         Array(1, -1, -1), Array(1, -1, 1), Array(1, 1, -1), Array(1, 1, 1))
     private var mouseX, prevMouseX, mouseY, prevMouseY: Int = _
     private def edges =
       Seq(Seq(0, 1), Seq(1, 3), Seq(3, 2), Seq(2, 0),
         Seq(4, 5), Seq(5, 7), Seq(7, 6), Seq(6, 4),
         Seq(0, 4), Seq(1, 5), Seq(2, 6), Seq(3, 7))
     override def paintComponent(gg: Graphics): Unit = {
       val g = gg.asInstanceOf[Graphics2D]
       def drawCube(g: Graphics2D): Unit = {
         g.translate(getWidth / 2, getHeight / 2)
         for (edge <- edges) {
           g.drawLine(nodes(edge.head)(0).round.toInt, nodes(edge.head)(1).round.toInt,
             nodes(edge(1))(0).round.toInt, nodes(edge(1))(1).round.toInt)
         for (node <- nodes) g.fillOval(node(0).round.toInt - 4, node(1).round.toInt - 4, 8, 8)
       g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON)
     private def scale(sx: Double, sy: Double, sz: Double): Unit = {
       for (node <- nodes) {
         node(0) *= sx
         node(1) *= sy
         node(2) *= sz
     private def rotateCube(angleX: Double, angleY: Double): Unit = {
       val (sinX, cosX, sinY, cosY) = (sin(angleX), cos(angleX), sin(angleY), cos(angleY))
       for (node <- nodes) {
         val (x, y, z) = (node.head, node(1), node(2))
         node(0) = x * cosX - z * sinX
         node(2) = z * cosX + x * sinX
         node(1) = y * cosY - node(2) * sinY
         node(2) = node(2) * cosY + y * sinY
     addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
       override def mousePressed(e: MouseEvent): Unit = {
         mouseX = e.getX
         mouseY = e.getY
     addMouseMotionListener(new MouseAdapter() {
       override def mouseDragged(e: MouseEvent): Unit = {
         prevMouseX = mouseX
         prevMouseY = mouseY
         mouseX = e.getX
         mouseY = e.getY
         rotateCube((mouseX - prevMouseX) * 0.01, (mouseY - prevMouseY) * 0.01)
     scale(80, 120, 160)
     rotateCube(Pi / 5, Pi / 9)
     setPreferredSize(new Dimension(640, 640))
   new JFrame("Cuboid") {
     add(new Cuboid, BorderLayout.CENTER)



Translation of: Ruby

<lang ruby>const dirs = Hash("-" => [1,0], "|" => [0,1], "/" => [1,1])   func cuboid(nx, ny, nz) {

 say("cuboid %d %d %d:" % [nx, ny, nz])
 var(x, y, z) = (8*nx, 2*ny, 4*nz)
 var area = []
 var line = func(n, sx, sy, c) {
   var(dx, dy) = dirs{c}...
   for i (0..n) {
     var (xi, yi) = (sx + i*dx, sy + i*dy)
     area[yi] \\= [" "]*(x+y+1)
     area[yi][xi] = (area[yi][xi] == " " ? c : '+')


 0 .. nz-1 -> each {|i| line(x,       0,     4*i, "-") }
 0 .. ny   -> each {|i| line(x,     2*i, z + 2*i, "-") }
 0 .. nx-1 -> each {|i| line(z,     8*i,       0, "|") }
 0 .. ny   -> each {|i| line(z, x + 2*i,     2*i, "|") }
 0 .. nz-1 -> each {|i| line(y,       x,     4*i, "/") }
 0 .. nx   -> each {|i| line(y,     8*i,       z, "/") }


 area.reverse.each { |line|
    say line.join()

}   cuboid(2, 3, 4) cuboid(1, 1, 1) cuboid(6, 2, 1) cuboid(2, 4, 1)</lang>

A faster approach: <lang ruby>func cuboid (x=1,y=1,z=1,s=' ',c='+',h='-',v='|',d='/') {

   say("cuboid %d %d %d:" % (x, y, z))
   ' ' * z+1 + c + h*x + c -> say
   { |i|
       ' ' * (z - i + 1) + d + s*x + d +
             (s * (i - (i > y ? i-y : 1))) +
             (i - 1 == y ? c : (i > y ? d : v)) -> say
   c + h*x + c + (s * (z < y ? z : y) +
       (z < y ? v : (z == y ? c : d))) -> say
   { |i|
       v + s*x + v + (z > y
           ? (i >= z ? (s*x + c) : (s * y-i + d))
           : (y - i > z
               ? (s * z + v)
               : (s * y-i + (y-i == z ? c : d))
       ) -> say;
   c + h*x + c -> say


cuboid(2, 3, 4) cuboid(1, 1, 1) cuboid(6, 2, 1) cuboid(2, 4, 1)</lang>

cuboid 2 3 4:
    /  /|
   /  / |
  /  /  |
 /  /   +
+--+   /
|  |  /
|  | /
|  |/
cuboid 1 1 1:
 / /|
+-+ +
| |/
cuboid 6 2 1:
 /      /|
+------+ |
|      | +
|      |/
cuboid 2 4 1:
 /  /|
+--+ |
|  | |
|  | |
|  | +
|  |/


Library: Tk
Library: Tcllib (Package: math::linearalgebra)
Library: Tcllib (Package: math::constants)

<lang tcl>package require Tcl 8.5 package require Tk package require math::linearalgebra package require math::constants

  1. Helper for constructing a rectangular face in 3D

proc face {px1 py1 pz1 px2 py2 pz2 px3 py3 pz3 px4 py4 pz4 color} {

   set centroidX [expr {($px1+$px2+$px3+$px4)/4.0}]
   set centroidY [expr {($py1+$py2+$py3+$py4)/4.0}]
   set centroidZ [expr {($pz1+$pz2+$pz3+$pz4)/4.0}]
   list [list \

[list [expr {double($px1)}] [expr {double($py1)}] [expr {double($pz1)}]] \ [list [expr {double($px2)}] [expr {double($py2)}] [expr {double($pz2)}]] \ [list [expr {double($px3)}] [expr {double($py3)}] [expr {double($pz3)}]] \ [list [expr {double($px4)}] [expr {double($py4)}] [expr {double($pz4)}]]] \ [list $centroidX $centroidY $centroidZ] \ $color }

  1. How to make a cuboid of given size at the origin

proc makeCuboid {size} {

   lassign $size x y z
   list \

[face 0 0 0 0 $y 0 $x $y 0 $x 0 0 "#800000"] \ [face 0 0 0 0 $y 0 0 $y $z 0 0 $z "#ff8080"] \ [face 0 0 0 $x 0 0 $x 0 $z 0 0 $z "#000080"] \ [face $x 0 0 $x $y 0 $x $y $z $x 0 $z "#008000"] \ [face 0 $y 0 $x $y 0 $x $y $z 0 $y $z "#80ff80"] \ [face 0 0 $z $x 0 $z $x $y $z 0 $y $z "#8080ff"] }

  1. Project a shape onto a surface (Tk canvas); assumes that the shape's faces
  2. are simple and non-intersecting (i.e., it sorts by centroid z-order).

proc drawShape {surface shape} {

   global projection
   lassign $projection pmat poff
   lassign $poff px py pz
   foreach side $shape {

lassign $side points centroid color set pc [::math::linearalgebra::matmul $pmat $centroid] lappend sorting [list [expr {[lindex $pc 2]+$pz}] $points $color]

   foreach side [lsort -real -decreasing -index 0 $sorting] {

lassign $side sortCriterion points color set plotpoints {} foreach p $points { set p [::math::linearalgebra::matmul $pmat $p] lappend plotpoints \ [expr {[lindex $p 0]+$px}] [expr {[lindex $p 1]+$py}] } $surface create poly $plotpoints -outline {} -fill $color



  1. How to construct the projection transform.
  2. This is instead of using a hokey hard-coded version

namespace eval transform {

   namespace import ::math::linearalgebra::*
   ::math::constants::constants pi
   proc make {angle scale offset} {

variable pi set c [expr {cos($angle*$pi/180)}] set s [expr {sin($angle*$pi/180)}] set ms [expr {-$s}] set rotX [list {1.0 0.0 0.0} [list 0.0 $c $ms] [list 0.0 $s $c]] set rotY [list [list $c 0.0 $s] {0.0 1.0 0.0} [list $ms 0.0 $c]] set rotZ [list [list $c $s 0.0] [list $ms $c 0.0] {0.0 0.0 1.0}] set mat [scale $scale [mkIdentity 3]] set mat [matmul [matmul [matmul $mat $rotX] $rotY] $rotZ] return [list $mat $offset]



      1. End of definitions
  1. Put the pieces together

pack [canvas .c -width 400 -height 400] set cuboid [makeCuboid {2 3 4}] set projection [transform::make 15 50 {100 100 100}] drawShape .c $cuboid</lang> Output (cropped)

This becomes more engaging if the drawing is animated with a final driver piece like this (the definitions part of the code is identical to above): <lang tcl>pack [canvas .c -width 400 -height 400] set cuboid [makeCuboid {2 3 4}] wm protocol . WM_DELETE_WINDOW { exit } while 1 {

   incr i
   .c delete all
   set projection [transform::make $i 40 {150 150 100}]
   drawShape .c $cuboid
   after 50



Translation of: Ruby

<lang vb>x = 6 : y = 2 : z = 3

Sub cuboid(nx, ny, nz)

  WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "Cuboid " & nx & " " & ny & " " & nz & ":"
  lx = X * nx : ly = y * ny : lz = z * nz
  'define the array
  Dim area(): ReDim area(ly+lz, lx+ly)
  For i = 0 to ly+lz
     For j = 0 to lx+ly : area(i,j) = " " : Next
  'drawing lines
  For i = 0 to nz-1 : drawLine area, lx,      0,    Z*i, "-" : Next
  For i = 0 to ny   : drawLine area, lx,    y*i, lz+y*i, "-" : Next
  For i = 0 to nx-1 : drawLine area, lz,    x*i,      0, "|" : Next
  For i = 0 to ny   : drawLine area, lz, lx+y*i,    y*i, "|" : Next
  For i = 0 to nz-1 : drawLine area, ly,     lx,    z*i, "/" : Next
  For i = 0 to nx   : drawLine area, ly,    x*i,     lz, "/" : Next
  'output the cuboid (in reverse)
  For i = UBound(area,1) to 0 Step -1
     linOut = ""
     For j = 0 to UBound(area,2) : linOut = linOut & area(i,j) : Next
     WScript.StdOut.WriteLine linOut

End Sub

Sub drawLine(arr, n, sx, sy, c)

  Select Case c
     Case "-"
        dx = 1 : dy = 0
     Case "|"
        dx = 0 : dy = 1
     Case "/"
        dx = 1 : dy = 1
  End Select
  For i = 0 to n
     xi = sx + (i * dx) : yi = sy + (i * dy)
     If arr(yi, xi) = " " Then
        arr(yi, xi) = c
        arr(yi, xi) = "+"
     End If

End Sub

cuboid 2,3,4</lang>

Cuboid 2 3 4:
     /     /     /|
    +-----+-----+ |
   /     /     /| +
  +-----+-----+ |/|
 /     /     /| + |
+-----+-----+ |/| +
|     |     | + |/|
|     |     |/| + |
+-----+-----+ |/| +
|     |     | + |/|
|     |     |/| + |
+-----+-----+ |/| +
|     |     | + |/
|     |     |/| +
+-----+-----+ |/
|     |     | +
|     |     |/


Translation of: Go
Library: Wren-fmt

<lang ecmascript>import "/fmt" for Fmt

var cubLine = Fn.new { |n, dx, dy, cde|

   Fmt.write("$*s", n + 1, cde[0])
   for (d in 9*dx - 1...0) System.write(cde[1])
   Fmt.print("$*s", dy + 1, cde[2..-1])


var cuboid = Fn.new { |dx, dy, dz|

   Fmt.print("cuboid $d $d $d:", dx, dy, dz)
   cubLine.call(dy+1, dx, 0, "+-")
   for (i in 1..dy) cubLine.call(dy-i+1, dx, i-1, "/ |")
   cubLine.call(0, dx, dy, "+-|")
   for (i in 4*dz - dy - 2...0) cubLine.call(0, dx, dy, "| |")
   cubLine.call(0, dx, dy, "| +")
   for (i in 1..dy) cubLine.call(0, dx, dy-i, "| /")
   cubLine.call(0, dx, 0, "+-\n")


cuboid.call(2, 3, 4) cuboid.call(1, 1, 1) cuboid.call(6, 2, 1)</lang>

cuboid 2 3 4:
   /                 /|
  /                 / |
 /                 /  |
+-----------------+   |
|                 |   |
|                 |   |
|                 |   |
|                 |   |
|                 |   |
|                 |   |
|                 |   |
|                 |   |
|                 |   |
|                 |   |
|                 |   |
|                 |   +
|                 |  /
|                 | /
|                 |/

cuboid 1 1 1:
 /        /|
+--------+ |
|        | |
|        | +
|        |/

cuboid 6 2 1:
  /                                                     /|
 /                                                     / |
+-----------------------------------------------------+  |
|                                                     |  +
|                                                     | /
|                                                     |/

X86 Assembly

Sixty bytes handles it. <lang asm> 1 ;DRAWCUBE.ASM

     2                                  ;Assemble with: tasm, tlink /t
     3     0000                                 .model  tiny
     4     0000                                 .code
     5                                          .386
     6                                          org     100h
     7                                  ;assume: ax=0000h, bx=0000h, cx=00ff, and
     8                                  ; direction bit is clear (di increments)
     9                                                                  ;                  ____
    10           =0050                  X0      equ     80              ;                 /   /|
    11           =0050                  Y0      equ     80              ;                /   / |
    12           =0050                  wide    equ     80              ;         X0,Y0 +---+  |
    13           =0050                  tall    equ     80              ;               |   |  |
    14           =0028                  deep    equ     40              ;               |   | /
    15                                                                  ;               |___|/
    17     0100  B0 13                  start:  mov     al, 13h         ;set 320x200x8 graphic screen
    18     0102  CD 10                          int     10h
    19     0104  68 A000                        push    0A000h          ;point es to graphic memory segment
    20     0107  07                             pop     es
    22                                  ;Draw front of cuboid using horizontal lines
    23     0108  B3 50                          mov     bl, tall
    24     010A  BF C850                        mov     di, X0+(Y0+tall)*320 ;set pen to lower-left corner
    25     010D  B0 04                          mov     al, 4           ;use red ink
    26     010F  B1 50                  dc10:   mov     cl, wide        ;draw horizontal line
    27     0111  F3> AA                         rep     stosb           ;es:[di++], al; cx--
    28     0113  81 EF 0190                     sub     di, wide+320    ;move up to start of next line
    29     0117  4B                             dec     bx              ;at top of face?
    30     0118  75 F5                          jne     dc10            ;loop if not
    32     011A  B3 28                          mov     bl, deep
    33                                  ;Draw top using horizontal lines
    34     011C  B0 02                  dc20:   mov     al, 2           ;use green ink
    35     011E  B1 50                          mov     cl, wide        ;draw horizontal line
    36     0120  F3> AA                         rep     stosb           ;es:[di++], al; cx--
    38                                  ;Draw side using vertical lines
    39     0122  B0 09                          mov     al, 9           ;use bright blue ink
    40     0124  B1 50                          mov     cl, tall        ;draw vertical line
    41     0126  AA                     vl10:   stosb                   ;es:[di++], al
    42     0127  81 C7 013F                     add     di, 320-1       ;move down a pixel
    43     012B  E2 F9                          loop    vl10
    45     012D  81 EF 658F                     sub     di, wide+(tall+1)*320-1 ;move to start of next top line
    46     0131  4B                             dec     bx              ;at deep limit?
    47     0132  75 E8                          jne     dc20            ;loop if not
    49     0134  CD 16                          int     16h             ;wait for keystroke (ah=0)
    50     0136  B8 0003                        mov     ax, 0003h       ;restore normal text-mode screen
    51     0139  CD 10                          int     10h
    52     013B  C3                             ret                     ;return to DOS
    54                                          end     start




<lang XPL0>include c:\cxpl\codes; \intrinsic 'code' declarations real X, Y, Z, Farthest; \arrays: 3D coordinates of vertices int I, J, K, SI, Segment; def Size=50.0, Sz=0.008, Sx=-0.013; \drawing size and tumbling speeds [X:= [-2.0, +2.0, +2.0, -2.0, -2.0, +2.0, +2.0, -2.0];

Y:= [-1.5, -1.5, +1.5, +1.5,  -1.5, -1.5, +1.5, +1.5];
Z:= [-1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0,  +1.0, +1.0, +1.0, +1.0];

Segment:= [0,1, 1,2, 2,3, 3,0, 4,5, 5,6, 6,7, 7,4, 0,4, 1,5, 2,6, 3,7]; SetVid($101); \set 640x480 graphics with 256 colors repeat Farthest:= 0.0; \find the farthest vertex

       for I:= 0 to 8-1 do
           if Z(I) > Farthest then [Farthest:= Z(I);  SI:= I];
       Clear;                          \erase screen
       for I:= 0 to 2*12-1 do          \for all the vertices...
           [J:= Segment(I);  I:= I+1;  \get vertex number
           Move(fix(X(J)*Size)+640/2, fix(Y(J)*Size)+480/2);
           K:= Segment(I);
           Line(fix(X(K)*Size)+640/2, fix(Y(K)*Size)+480/2,
               if J=SI ! K=SI then $F009 \dashed blue\ else $C \red\);
       Sound(0, 1, 1);                 \delay 1/18 second to prevent flicker
       for I:= 0 to 8-1 do
           [X(I):= X(I) + Y(I)*Sz;     \rotate vertices in X-Y plane
            Y(I):= Y(I) - X(I)*Sz;
            Y(I):= Y(I) + Z(I)*Sx;     \rotate vertices in Y-Z plane
            Z(I):= Z(I) - Y(I)*Sx;

until KeyHit; \run until a key is struck SetVid(3); \restore normal text mode (for DOS) ]</lang>


Draws a wire frame PPM image, no hidden/dotted lines.
Uses the PPM class from http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Bitmap/Bresenham%27s_line_algorithm#zkl <lang zkl>var [const] M=50.0; fcn cuboid(w,h,z){

  w*=M; h*=M; z*=M; // relative to abs dimensions
  clr:=0xff0000;  // red facing rectangle
  bitmap.line(0,0, w,0, clr); bitmap.line(0,0, 0,h, clr);
  bitmap.line(0,h, w,h, clr); bitmap.line(w,0, w,h, clr);
  r,a:=(w+z).toFloat().toPolar(0);  // relative to the origin
  a,b:=r.toRectangular((30.0).toRad() + a).apply("toInt"); c:=a; d:=b+h;
  clr=0xff; // blue right side of cuboid
  bitmap.line(w,0, a,b, clr); bitmap.line(a,b, c,d, clr);
  bitmap.line(w,h, c,d, clr);
  clr=0xfff00; // green top of cuboid
  bitmap.line(0,h, e,d, clr); bitmap.line(c,d, e,d, clr);




ZX Spectrum Basic

<lang zxbasic>10 LET width=50: LET height=width*1.5: LET depth=width*2 20 LET x=80: LET y=10 30 PLOT x,y 40 DRAW 0,height: DRAW width,0: DRAW 0,-height: DRAW -width,0: REM Front 50 PLOT x,y+height: DRAW depth/2,height: DRAW width,0: DRAW 0,-height: DRAW -width,-height 60 PLOT x+width,y+height: DRAW depth/2,height</lang>