Create an object/Native demonstration

From Rosetta Code
Revision as of 09:21, 1 October 2010 by rosettacode>Dkf (→‎Tcl: Won't ever do this; omit)
Create an object/Native demonstration is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.


Create a Hash/Associative Array/Dictionary-like object, which is initialized with some default key/value pairs. The object should behave like a native Hash/Associative Array/Dictionary of the language, if any, but with follow difference:

  • No new item can be added;
  • Item cannot be deleted, (but native delete method may used to reset the item's value to default) ;


The objective is not just create such object, but to demonstarion the language's native way of object creation. For some language, the task should show how the so-called Magic Methods work.


This is a first demonstration of the task, but only implemented the functionality, not any native behavior, eg indexing. JavaScript experts may want to replace this one.

Works with: JavaScript version 1.7

<lang javascript>var keyError = new Error("Invalid Key Error (FixedKeyDict)") ;

function FixedKeyDict(obj) {

   var myDefault = new Object() ;
   var myData    = new Object() ;
   for(k in obj) {
       myDefault[k] = obj[k] ;
       myData[k]    = obj[k] ;
   var gotKey = function(k) {
       for(kk in myDefault) {
           if(kk == k) return true ;
       return false ;        
   } ;
   this.hasKey = gotKey ;
   var checkKey = function(k) {
           throw keyError ;
   } ;
   this.getItem = function(k) {
       checkKey(k) ;
       return myData[k];
   } ;
   this.setItem = function(k, v) {
       checkKey(k) ;
       myData[k] = v ;
   } ;
   this.resetItem = function(k) {
       checkKey(k) ;
       myData[k] = myDefault[k] ;      
   } ;
   this.delItem = this.resetItem ;
   this.clear   = function() {
       for(k in myDefault)
           myData[k] = myDefault[k] ;
   } ;
   this.iterator = function() {
       for(k in myDefault)
           yield (k);            
   } ;
   this.clone    = function() {
       return new FixedKeyDict(myDefault) ;
   this.toStr = function() {
       var s = "" ;
       for(key in myData)
           s = s + key + " => " + myData[key] + ", " ;
       return "FixedKeyDict{" + s + "}" ;
   } ; 


Test run:

<lang javascript> const BR = "

var pl = function(s) {

   document.write(s + BR) ;

} ;


") ;

var o = { foo:101, bar:102 } ;

var h = new FixedKeyDict(o) ;
pl("Fixed Key Dict Created") ;
pl("toString   : " + h.toStr()) ;
pl("get an item: " + h.getItem("foo")) ;
pl("check a key: " + h.hasKey("boo")) ;
pl("ditto      : " + h.hasKey("bar")) ;
h.setItem("bar", 999) ;
pl("set an item: " + h.toStr()) ;
pl("Test iterator (or whatever)") ;
for(k in h.iterator())
    pl("  " + k + " => " + h.getItem(k)) ;
var g = h.clone() ;
pl("Clone a dict") ;
pl("  clone    : " + g.toStr()) ;
pl("  original : " + h.toStr()) ;
h.clear() ;
pl("clear or reset the dict") ;
pl("           : " + h.toStr()) ;
try {
    h.setItem("NoNewKey", 666 ) ;
} catch(e) {
    pl("error test : " + e.message) ;

output :

Fixed Key Dict Created
toString   : FixedKeyDict{foo => 101, bar => 102, }
get an item: 101
check a key: false
ditto      : true
set an item: FixedKeyDict{foo => 101, bar => 999, }
Test iterator (or whatever)
  foo => 101
  bar => 999
Clone a dict
  clone    : FixedKeyDict{foo => 101, bar => 102, }
  original : FixedKeyDict{foo => 101, bar => 999, }
clear or reset the dict
           : FixedKeyDict{foo => 101, bar => 102, }
error test : Invalid Key Error (FixedKeyDict)