Conway's Game of Life

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Conway's Game of Life
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Conways game of life is described here:

A cell C is represented by a 1 when alive or 0 when dead, in an m-by-m square array of cells. We calculate N - the sum of live cells in C's eight location neighbourhood, then cell C is alive or dead in the next generation based on the following table:

   C   N                 new C
   1   0,1             ->  0  # Lonely
   1   4,5,6,7,8       ->  0  # Overcrowded
   1   2,3             ->  1  # Lives
   0   3               ->  1  # It takes three to give birth!
   0   0,1,2,4,5,6,7,8 ->  0  # Barren

Assume cells beyond the boundary are always dead.

Although you should test your implementation on more complex examples such as the glider in a larger universe, show the action of the blinker (thre adjoining cells in a row all alive), over three generations, in a 3 by 3 grid.


<python>import random from collections import defaultdict

printdead, printlive = u'-#' maxgenerations = 3 cellcount = 3,3 celltable = defaultdict(int, {

(1, 2): 1,
(1, 3): 1,
(0, 3): 1,
} )
    1. Start States
  1. blinker

u = universe = defaultdict(int) u[(1,0)], u[(1,1)], u[(1,2)] = 1,1,1

    1. toad
  1. u = universe = defaultdict(int)
  2. u[(5,5)], u[(5,6)], u[(5,7)] = 1,1,1
  3. u[(6,6)], u[(6,7)], u[(6,8)] = 1,1,1
    1. glider
  1. u = universe = defaultdict(int)
  2. maxgenerations = 16
  3. u[(5,5)], u[(5,6)], u[(5,7)] = 1,1,1
  4. u[(6,5)] = 1
  5. u[(7,6)] = 1
    1. random start
  1. universe = defaultdict(int,
  2. # array of random start values
  3. ( ((row, col), random.choice((0,1)))
  4. for col in range(cellcount[0])
  5. for row in range(cellcount[1])
  6. ) ) # returns 0 for out of bounds

for i in range(maxgenerations):

   print "\nGeneration %3i:" % ( i, )
   for row in range(cellcount[1]):
       print "  ", .join(str(universe[(row,col)])
                           for col in range(cellcount[0])).replace(
                               '0', printdead).replace('1', printlive)
   nextgeneration = defaultdict(int)
   for row in range(cellcount[1]):
       for col in range(cellcount[0]):
           nextgeneration[(row,col)] = celltable[
               ( universe[(row,col)],
                 -universe[(row,col)] + sum(universe[(r,c)]
                                            for r in range(row-1,row+2)
                                            for c in range(col-1, col+2) )
               ) ]
   universe = nextgeneration</python>

Sample output:

Generation   0:

Generation   1:

Generation   2: