Code Golf: Code Golf: Difference between revisions

Added Ada solution
(Added Ada solution)
Line 13:
Without string literals, this is 60 bytes long.
<syntaxhighlight lang="11l">L(c)[37,9,2,3,70,33,9,10,0]{print(end' Char(code' c(+)102))}</syntaxhighlight>
With String literal:
<syntaxhighlight lang="ada">
with Ada.Text_IO;procedure C is begin Ada.Text_IO.Put("Code Golf");end;
71 characters
Without Character or String literals (all one line):
<syntaxhighlight lang="ada">
with Ada.Text_IO;procedure C is L:array(1 .. 9)of Integer:=(67,111,100,101,32,71,111,108,102);begin for C of L loop Ada.Text_IO.Put(Character'Val(C));end loop;end;
163 characters; this should be portable to all Ada compilers and all platforms
If we presume Linux, GNAT, and an executable name of "Code Golf", this can be shortened to (all one line):
<syntaxhighlight lang="ada">
with Ada.Command_Line;with Ada.Text_IO;procedure C is begin Ada.Text_IO.Put(Ada.Command_Line.Command_Name(3..11));end;
118 Characters
=={{header|6502 Assembly}}==
