Bitmap/Bresenham's line algorithm

From Rosetta Code
Revision as of 20:52, 17 January 2009 by rosettacode>PauliKL (Vedit macro language added)
Bitmap/Bresenham's line algorithm
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Using the data storage type defined on this page for raster graphics images, draw a line given 2 points with the Bresenham's algorithm (definition on Wikipedia).


<ada> procedure Line (Picture : in out Image; Start, Stop : Point; Color : Pixel) is

  DX  : constant Float := abs Float (Stop.X - Start.X);
  DY  : constant Float := abs Float (Stop.Y - Start.Y);
  Err : Float;
  X   : Positive := Start.X;
  Y   : Positive := Start.Y;
  Step_X : Integer := 1;
  Step_Y : Integer := 1;


  if Start.X > Stop.X then
     Step_X := -1;
  end if;
  if Start.Y > Stop.Y then
     Step_Y := -1;
  end if;
  if DX > DY then
     Err := DX / 2.0;
     while X /= Stop.X loop
        Picture (X, Y) := Color;
        Err := Err - DY;
        if Err < 0.0 then
           Y := Y + Step_Y;
           Err := Err + DX;
        end if;
        X := X + Step_X;
     end loop;
     Err := DY / 2.0;
     while Y /= Stop.Y loop
        Picture (X, Y) := Color;
        Err := Err - DX;
        if Err < 0.0 then
           X := X + Step_X;
           Err := Err + DY;
        end if;
        Y := Y + Step_Y;
     end loop;
  end if;
  Picture (X, Y) := Color; -- Ensure dots to be drawn

end Line; </ada> The test program's <ada>

  X : Image (1..16, 1..16);


  Fill (X, White);
  Line (X, ( 1, 8), ( 8,16), Black);
  Line (X, ( 8,16), (16, 8), Black);
  Line (X, (16, 8), ( 8, 1), Black);
  Line (X, ( 8, 1), ( 1, 8), Black);
  Print (X);

</ada> sample output

      H H
     H   H
    H     HH
   H        H
  H          H
 H            H
H              H
 H            H
  H          H
   H        H
    H      H
    H     H
     H   H
      H H


<C>#define plot(x, y) put_pixel_clip(img, x, y, r, g, b)

  1. define swap_uint(a, b) do{ unsigned int tmp; tmp = a; a = b; b = tmp; }while(0)

void draw_line(

       image img,
       unsigned int x0, unsigned int y0,
       unsigned int x1, unsigned int y1,
       color_component r,
       color_component g,
       color_component b )


   unsigned short steep;
   steep = abs(y1 - y0) > abs(x1 - x0);
   if (steep) {
       swap_uint(x0, y0);
       swap_uint(x1, y1);
   if (x0 > x1) {
       swap_uint(x0, x1);
       swap_uint(y0, y1);
       int deltax = x1 - x0;
       int deltay = abs(y1 - y0);
       int error = deltax / 2;
       int ystep;
       int y = y0;
       int x;
       if (y0 < y1) ystep = 1; else ystep = -1;
       for (x = x0; x <= x1; ++x) {
           if (steep) plot(y,x); else plot(x,y);
           error = error - deltay;
           if (error < 0) {
               y = y + ystep;
               error = error + deltax;


  1. undef swap_uint
  2. undef plot</C>


defer steep         \ noop or swap
defer ystep         \ 1+ or 1-

: line ( x0 y0 x1 y1 color bmp -- )
  { color bmp }
  rot swap
  ( x0 x1 y0 y1 )
  2dup  - abs >r
  2over - abs r> <
  if         ['] swap	\ swap use of x and y
  else 2swap ['] noop
  then       is steep
  ( y0 y1 x0 x1 )
  2dup >
  if swap 2swap swap	\ ensure x1 > x0
  else    2swap
  ( x0 x1 y0 y1 )
  2dup >
  if   ['] 1-
  else ['] 1+
  then is ystep
  over - abs    { y deltay }
  swap 2dup - dup { deltax }
  2/ rot 1+ rot
  ( error x1+1 x0 )
  do  color i y steep bmp b!
      deltay -
      dup 0<
      if   y ystep to y
           deltax +
  drop ;
5 5 bitmap value test
0 test bfill
1 0 4 1 red test line
4 1 3 4 red test line
3 4 0 3 red test line
0 3 1 0 red test line
test bshow cr
 * **
*   *
** * 


fn plot img coord steep col =
    if steep then
        swap coord[1] coord[2]
    setPixels img coord col

fn drawLine img start end col =
    local steep = (abs (end.y - start.y)) > (abs (end.x - start.x))
    if steep then
        swap start.x start.y
        swap end.x end.y
    if start.x > end.x then
        swap start.x end.x
        swap start.y end.y
    local deltaX = end.x - start.x
    local deltaY = abs (end.y - start.y)
    local error = deltaX / 2.0
    local yStep = -1
    local y = start.y
    if start.y < end.y then
        yStep = 1
    for x in start.x to end.x do
        plot img [x, y] steep col
        error -= deltaY
        if error < 0 then
            y += yStep
            error += deltaX

myBitmap = bitmap 512 512 color:(color 0 0 0)
myBitmap = drawLine myBitmap [0, 511] [511, 0] #((color 255 255 255))
display myBitmap


<ocaml>let draw_line ~img ~color ~p0:(x0,y0) ~p1:(x1,y1) =

 let steep = abs(y1 - y0) > abs(x1 - x0) in
 let plot =
   if steep
   then (fun x y -> put_pixel img color y x)
   else (fun x y -> put_pixel img color x y)
 let x0, y0, x1, y1 =
   if steep
   then y0, x0, y1, x1
   else x0, y0, x1, y1
 let x0, x1, y0, y1 =
   if x0 > x1
   then x1, x0, y1, y0
   else x0, x1, y0, y1
 let delta_x = x1 - x0
 and delta_y = abs(y1 - y0) in
 let error = -delta_x / 2
 and y_step =
   if y0 < y1 then 1 else -1
 let rec loop x y error =
   plot x y;
   if x <= x1 then
     let error = error + delta_y in
     let y, error =
       if error > 0
       then (y + y_step), (error - delta_x)
       else y, error
     loop (succ x) y error
 loop x0 y0 error

Vedit macro language

//  Daw a line using Bresenham's line algorithm.
//  #1=x1, #2=y1; #3=x2, #4=y2

if (#4-#2 < #1-#3) {            // dy < -dx ?
    #99=#1; #1=#3; #3=#99       // swap start and end points
    #99=#2; #2=#4; #4=#99
#31 = abs(#3-#1)                // x distance
#32 = abs(#4-#2)                // y distance
if (#32 > #31) {                // steep angle, step by Y
    #33 = #32 / 2               // error distance
    if (#1 < #3) { #34=1 } else { #34=-1 }    // x step
    while (#2 <= #4) {
        Call("DRAW_PIXEL")      // #1=x, #2=y
        #33 -= #31
        if (#33 < 0) {
            #1 += #34           // move right
            #33 += #32
        #2++                    // move up
} else {                        // not steep, step by X
    #33 = #31 / 2
    if (#2 < #4) { #34=1 } else { #34=-1 }    // y step
    while (#1 <= #3) {
        #33 -= #32
        if (#33 < 0) {
            #2 += #34           // move up
            #33 += #31
        #1++                    // move right