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Smalltalk Syntax follows, [] Smalltalk Syntax
<div style="height:30ex;overflow:scroll"><pre>
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
! SmallTalk IV
! The first object-oriented programming language.
! "Smalltalk was developed in the Learning Research Group at Xerox's Palo
! Alto Research Center in the early 70s. The major ideas in Smalltalk
! are generally credited to Alan Kay with many roots in Simula, LISP
! and SketchPad. Dan Engalls wrote the first overlapping windows, opaque
! pop-up menus and BitBlt. Guess where Apple's OS and Microsoft Windows
! "found" their roots? Right, Smalltalk! Adele Goldberg and Dave Robson
! wrote the reference manuals for Smalltalk and were key development team
! members."
! - Randy Best, STIC Director
! "Why Smalltalk? Smalltalk uses a simplified version of English. Nouns
! and verbs. Object are the nouns. Verbs are messages sent from one
! object to the next. Easy as 1, 2, 3. It is no longer necessary to
! write cryptic programs. This means that almost anyone can learn to
! write Smalltalk programs."
! - Peter William Lount
! "I invented the term Object-Oriented, and I can tell you I did not have
! C++ in mind."
! - Alan Kay (Inventor of Smalltalk)
! The Smalltalk programming language was the first language to incorporate the
! concept of object-oriented programming. Developed in the Xerox labs at Palo
! Alto, Smalltalk was one of a series of ground-breaking ideas that defined
! modern computer science.
! In the language's metaphor, everything is an object and every interaction
! between objects are known as messages. Due to a strict adherence to this
! concept, Smalltalk is recognized as a pure object-oriented language.
! For more information, please visit:
! The SmallTalk grammar is amazingly simple with only three levels of
! operator precedence. In addition, the grammar contains no reserved words,
! and only a minimum of symbols. As a result, Smalltalk programs are mainly
! (if not entirely) defined by programmar-defined objects and method names.
! This is version IV of the grammar, which allows methods to be defined, but
! not yet the objects themselves.
! It should also be noted that comments in SmallTalk are defined as a series
! of characters delimited by Double-Quotes ("). The 'Comment Start' and
! 'Comment End' terminals in the normal GOLD Parser Builder Grammar cannot
! be used since the start and end terminals are identical. However, since
! they are identical, Smalltalk comments cannot be nested and the normal
! 'Whitespace' terminal can be used.
! Note: This is an ad hoc version of the grammar. If there are any flaws,
! please e-mail and I will update the grammar.
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------

"Name" = 'Smalltalk IV'
"Author" = 'Alan Kay'
"Version" = 'IV'
"About" = 'Smalltalk is considered one of the "purest" object-oriented'
| 'languages ever created.'

"Case Sensitive" = True

"Start Symbol" = <Program>

{Id Tail} = {Alphanumeric} + [_]
{String Chars} = {Printable} - ['']
{Selector Char} = [!%&*+/<=>?@\~,]
{Comment Char} = {Printable} + {Whitespace} - ["]

! The whitespace character has been modified to accept all double-quoted strings
Whitespace = {Whitespace}+ | '"'{Comment Char}*'"'

! The Keyword token is used in SmallTalk to represent a binary message. Essentially,
! this is an object defined operator
KeyWord = {Letter}{Id Tail}*':'

Identifier = {Letter}{Id Tail}*
BinarySelector = {Selector Char}+
IntegerLiteral = {Digit}+ | {Digit}+ 'r' {Integer Tail}+
FloatLiteral = {Digit}+ '.'{Digit}+ ( [edq] '-'? {Digit}+ )?
ScaledLiteral = {Digit}+ ( '.' {Digit}+ )? 's' ( {Digit}+ )?
QuotedString = '' ( {String Chars} | '' '' )* ''

! ---------------------------------------------------- Grammar rules
<Program> ::= <Temporaries> <Sentences>

<Temporaries> ::= '|' '|'
| '|' <Identifier List> '|'

<Identifier List> ::= <Identifier List> Identifier
| Identifier
<Sentences> ::= <Sentence List>

<Sentence List> ::= <Sentence List> <Expresion> '.'
| <Expresion> '.'
! ---------------------------------------------------- Expressions
<Expresion> ::= Identifier ':=' <Message Exp>
| Identifier ':=' <Primary>
| <Message Exp>
| <Primary>
<Primary> ::= Identifier
| <Literal>
| <Block>
| '(' <Message Exp> ')'
| '(' <Primary> ')'

<Message Exp> ::= <Unary Exp>
| <Binary Exp>
| <KeyWord Exp>
<Unary Exp> ::= <Primary> <Unary Exp List>

<Unary Exp List> ::= <Unary Exp List> <Unary Message>
| <Unary Message>
<Binary Exp> ::= <Unary Exp> <Binary Exp List>
| <Primary> <Binary Exp List>

<Binary Exp List> ::= <Binary Exp List> <Binary Message>
| <Binary Message>
<KeyWord Exp> ::= <Binary Exp> <KeyWord Message>
| <Primary> <KeyWord Message>
| <Unary Exp> <KeyWord Message>
! ---------------------------------------------------- Messages
<Unary Message> ::= <Unary Selector>
<Binary Message> ::= <Binary Selector> <Unary Exp>
| <Binary Selector> <Primary>
<KeyWord Message> ::= KeyWord <Binary Exp> <KeyWord Message>
| KeyWord <Primary> <KeyWord Message>
| KeyWord <Primary>
| KeyWord <Binary Exp>
| KeyWord <Unary Exp> <KeyWord Message>
| KeyWord <Unary Exp>
<Block> ::= '[' ':' Identifier '|' <Sentences> ']'
| '[' <Sentences> ']'

<Binary Selector> ::= BinarySelector

<Unary Selector> ::= Identifier

! ---------------------------------------------------- Literals
<Literal> ::= <Literal Item>
| '#' '(' ')'
| '#' '(' <Literal List> ')'

<Literal List> ::= <Literal List> <Literal Item>

<Literal Item> ::= IntegerLiteral
| QuotedString
| FloatLiteral
| ScaledLiteral
