15 puzzle solver

From Rosetta Code
15 puzzle solver
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Your task is to write a program that finds a solution in the fewest moves possible to a random Fifteen Puzzle Game.
For this task you will be using the following puzzle:

15 14  1  6
 9 11  4 12
 0 10  7  3
13  8  5  2


 1  2  3  4
 5  6  7  8
 9 10 11 12
13 14 15  0

The output must show the moves' directions, like so: left, left, left, down, right... and so on.
There are 2 solutions with 52 moves:
finding either one, or both is an acceptable result.

Extra credit.

Solve the following problems:

 2  1  3  4
 5  6  7  8
 9 10 11 12
13 14 15  0


  0 12  9 13
 15 11 10 14
  3  7  2  5
  4  8  6  1


Staying Functional (as possible in C++)

The Solver

Translation of: FSharp

<lang cpp> // Solve Random 15 Puzzles : Nigel Galloway - October 11th., 2017 const int Nr[]{3,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3}, Nc[]{3,0,1,2,3,0,1,2,3,0,1,2,3,0,1,2}; using N = std::tuple<int,int,unsigned long,std::string,int>; void fN(const N,const int); const N fI(const N n){

 int           g = (11-std::get<1>(n)-std::get<0>(n)*4)*4;
 unsigned long a = std::get<2>(n)&((unsigned long)15<<g);
 return N (std::get<0>(n)+1,std::get<1>(n),std::get<2>(n)-a+(a<<16),std::get<3>(n)+"d",(Nr[a>>g]<=std::get<0>(n))?std::get<4>(n):std::get<4>(n)+1);

} const N fG(const N n){

 int           g = (19-std::get<1>(n)-std::get<0>(n)*4)*4;
 unsigned long a = std::get<2>(n)&((unsigned long)15<<g);
 return N (std::get<0>(n)-1,std::get<1>(n),std::get<2>(n)-a+(a>>16),std::get<3>(n)+"u",(Nr[a>>g]>=std::get<0>(n))?std::get<4>(n):std::get<4>(n)+1);

} const N fE(const N n){

 int           g = (14-std::get<1>(n)-std::get<0>(n)*4)*4;
 unsigned long a = std::get<2>(n)&((unsigned long)15<<g);
 return N (std::get<0>(n),std::get<1>(n)+1,std::get<2>(n)-a+(a<<4),std::get<3>(n)+"r",(Nc[a>>g]<=std::get<1>(n))?std::get<4>(n):std::get<4>(n)+1);

} const N fL(const N n){

 int           g = (16-std::get<1>(n)-std::get<0>(n)*4)*4;
 unsigned long a = std::get<2>(n)&((unsigned long)15<<g);
 return N (std::get<0>(n),std::get<1>(n)-1,std::get<2>(n)-a+(a>>4),std::get<3>(n)+"l",(Nc[a>>g]>=std::get<1>(n))?std::get<4>(n):std::get<4>(n)+1);

} void fZ(const N n, const int g){

 if (std::get<2>(n)==0x123456789abcdef0){
   int g{};for (char a: std::get<3>(n)) ++g;
   std::cout<<"Solution found with "<<g<<" moves: "<<std::get<3>(n)<<std::endl; exit(0);}
 if (std::get<4>(n) <= g) fN(n,g);

} void fN(const N n, const int g){

 const int i{std::get<0>(n)}, e{std::get<1>(n)}, l{std::get<3>(n).back()};
 switch(i){case  0: switch(e){case  0: switch(l){case 'l': fZ(fI(n),g); return;
                                                 case 'u': fZ(fE(n),g); return;
                                                 default : fZ(fE(n),g); fZ(fI(n),g); return;}
                              case  3: switch(l){case 'r': fZ(fI(n),g); return;
                                                 case 'u': fZ(fL(n),g); return;
                                                 default : fZ(fL(n),g); fZ(fI(n),g); return;}
                              default: switch(l){case 'l': fZ(fI(n),g); fZ(fL(n),g); return;
                                                 case 'r': fZ(fI(n),g); fZ(fE(n),g); return;
                                                 case 'u': fZ(fE(n),g); fZ(fL(n),g); return;
                                                 default : fZ(fL(n),g); fZ(fI(n),g); fZ(fE(n),g); return;}}
           case  3: switch(e){case  0: switch(l){case 'l': fZ(fG(n),g); return;
                                                 case 'd': fZ(fE(n),g); return;
                                                 default : fZ(fE(n),g); fZ(fG(n),g); return;}
                              case  3: switch(l){case 'r': fZ(fG(n),g); return;
                                                 case 'd': fZ(fL(n),g); return;
                                                 default : fZ(fL(n),g); fZ(fG(n),g); return;}
                              default: switch(l){case 'l': fZ(fG(n),g); fZ(fL(n),g); return;
                                                 case 'r': fZ(fG(n),g); fZ(fE(n),g); return;
                                                 case 'd': fZ(fE(n),g); fZ(fL(n),g); return;
                                                 default : fZ(fL(n),g); fZ(fG(n),g); fZ(fE(n),g); return;}}
           default: switch(e){case  0: switch(l){case 'l': fZ(fI(n),g); fZ(fG(n),g); return;
                                                 case 'u': fZ(fE(n),g); fZ(fG(n),g); return;
                                                 case 'd': fZ(fE(n),g); fZ(fI(n),g); return;
                                                 default : fZ(fE(n),g); fZ(fI(n),g); fZ(fG(n),g); return;}
                              case  3: switch(l){case 'd': fZ(fI(n),g); fZ(fL(n),g); return;
                                                 case 'u': fZ(fL(n),g); fZ(fG(n),g); return;
                                                 case 'r': fZ(fI(n),g); fZ(fG(n),g); return;
                                                 default : fZ(fL(n),g); fZ(fI(n),g); fZ(fG(n),g); return;}
                              default: switch(l){case 'd': fZ(fI(n),g); fZ(fL(n),g); fZ(fE(n),g); return;
                                                 case 'l': fZ(fI(n),g); fZ(fL(n),g); fZ(fG(n),g); return;
                                                 case 'r': fZ(fI(n),g); fZ(fE(n),g); fZ(fG(n),g); return;
                                                 case 'u': fZ(fE(n),g); fZ(fL(n),g); fZ(fG(n),g); return;
                                                 default : fZ(fL(n),g); fZ(fI(n),g); fZ(fE(n),g); fZ(fG(n),g); return;}}}

} void Solve(N n){for(int g{};;++g) fN(n,g);} </lang>

The Task

<lang cpp> int main (){

 N start(2,0,0xfe169b4c0a73d852,"",0);

} </lang>

Solution found with 52 moves: rrrulddluuuldrurdddrullulurrrddldluurddlulurruldrdrd

real    0m2.897s
user    0m2.887s
sys     0m0.008s

Time to get Imperative

The Solver

<lang cpp> // Solve Random 15 Puzzles : Nigel Galloway - October 18th., 2017 class fifteenSolver{

 const int Nr[16]{3,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3}, Nc[16]{3,0,1,2,3,0,1,2,3,0,1,2,3,0,1,2}, i{1}, g{8}, e{2}, l{4};
 int n{},_n{}, N0[85]{},N1[85]{},N3[85]{},N4[85];
 unsigned long N2[85]{};
 bool fU(){
   if (N2[n]==0x123456789abcdef0) return true; 
   if (N4[n]<=_n) return fN();
   return false;
 bool fZ(const int w){
   int a = n;
   if ((w&i)>0){fI(); if (fU()) return true; n=a;}
   if ((w&g)>0){fG(); if (fU()) return true; n=a;}
   if ((w&e)>0){fE(); if (fU()) return true; n=a;}
   if ((w&l)>0){fL(); return fU();}
   return false;
 bool fN(){
   switch(N0[n]){case  0: switch(N1[n]){case  0: switch(N3[n]){case 'l': return fZ(i);
                                                               case 'u': return fZ(e);
                                                               default : return fZ(i+e);}
                                        case  3: switch(N3[n]){case 'r': return fZ(i);
                                                               case 'u': return fZ(l);
                                                               default : return fZ(i+l);}
                                        default: switch(N3[n]){case 'l': return fZ(i+l);
                                                               case 'r': return fZ(i+e);
                                                               case 'u': return fZ(e+l);
                                                               default : return fZ(i+e+l);}}
                 case  3: switch(N1[n]){case  0: switch(N3[n]){case 'l': return fZ(g);
                                                               case 'd': return fZ(e);
                                                               default : return fZ(e+g);}
                                        case  3: switch(N3[n]){case 'r': return fZ(g);
                                                               case 'd': return fZ(l);
                                                               default : return fZ(g+l);}
                                        default: switch(N3[n]){case 'l': return fZ(g+l);
                                                               case 'r': return fZ(e+g);
                                                               case 'd': return fZ(e+l);
                                                               default : return fZ(g+e+l);}}
                 default: switch(N1[n]){case  0: switch(N3[n]){case 'l': return fZ(i+g);
                                                               case 'u': return fZ(g+e);
                                                               case 'd': return fZ(i+e);
                                                               default : return fZ(i+g+e);}
                                        case  3: switch(N3[n]){case 'd': return fZ(i+l);
                                                               case 'u': return fZ(g+l);
                                                               case 'r': return fZ(i+g);
                                                               default : return fZ(i+g+l);}
                                        default: switch(N3[n]){case 'd': return fZ(i+e+l);
                                                               case 'l': return fZ(i+g+l);
                                                               case 'r': return fZ(i+g+e);
                                                               case 'u': return fZ(g+e+l);
                                                               default : return fZ(i+g+e+l);}}}
 void fI(){
   int           g = (11-N1[n]-N0[n]*4)*4;
   unsigned long a = N2[n]&((unsigned long)15<<g);
   N0[n+1]=N0[n]+1; N1[n+1]=N1[n]; N2[n+1]=N2[n]-a+(a<<16); N3[n+1]='d'; N4[n+1]=N4[n]+(Nr[a>>g]<=N0[n++]?0:1);
 void fG(){
   int           g = (19-N1[n]-N0[n]*4)*4;
   unsigned long a = N2[n]&((unsigned long)15<<g);
   N0[n+1]=N0[n]-1; N1[n+1]=N1[n]; N2[n+1]=N2[n]-a+(a>>16); N3[n+1]='u'; N4[n+1]=N4[n]+(Nr[a>>g]>=N0[n++]?0:1);
 void fE(){
   int           g = (14-N1[n]-N0[n]*4)*4;
   unsigned long a = N2[n]&((unsigned long)15<<g);
   N0[n+1]=N0[n]; N1[n+1]=N1[n]+1; N2[n+1]=N2[n]-a+(a<<4); N3[n+1]='r'; N4[n+1]=N4[n]+(Nc[a>>g]<=N1[n++]?0:1);
 void fL(){
   int           g = (16-N1[n]-N0[n]*4)*4;
   unsigned long a = N2[n]&((unsigned long)15<<g);
   N0[n+1]=N0[n]; N1[n+1]=N1[n]-1; N2[n+1]=N2[n]-a+(a>>4); N3[n+1]='l'; N4[n+1]=N4[n]+(Nc[a>>g]>=N1[n++]?0:1);


 fifteenSolver(int n, int i, unsigned long g){N0[0]=n; N1[0]=i; N2[0]=g; N4[0]=0;}
 void Solve(){
   while (not fN()){n=0;++_n;}
   std::cout<<"Solution found in "<<n<<" moves: "; for (int g{1};g<=n;++g) std::cout<<(char)N3[g]; std::cout<<std::endl;

}; </lang>

The Task

<lang cpp> int main (){

 fifteenSolver start(2,0,0xfe169b4c0a73d852);

} </lang>

Solution found in 52 moves: rrrulddluuuldrurdddrullulurrrddldluurddlulurruldrdrd

real    0m0.795s
user    0m0.794s
sys     0m0.000s


<lang fsharp> // A Naive 15 puzzle solver using no memory. Nigel Galloway: October 6th., 2017 let Nr = [|3;0;0;0;0;1;1;1;1;2;2;2;2;3;3;3|] let Nc = [|3;0;1;2;3;0;1;2;3;0;1;2;3;0;1;2|] let rec Solve n =

 let rec fN (i,g,e,l,_) = seq {
   let   fI = let n = (11-g-i*4)*4
              let a = (e&&&(15UL<<<n))
              (i+1,g,e-a+(a<<<16),'d'::l,Nr.[(int (a>>>n))] <= i)
   let   fG = let n = (19-g-i*4)*4
              let a = (e&&&(15UL<<<n))
              (i-1,g,e-a+(a>>>16),'u'::l,Nr.[(int (a>>>n))] >= i)
   let   fE = let n = (14-g-i*4)*4
              let a = (e&&&(15UL<<<n))
              (i,g+1,e-a+(a<<<4), 'r'::l,Nc.[(int (a>>>n))] <= g)
   let   fL = let n = (16-g-i*4)*4
              let a = (e&&&(15UL<<<n))
              (i,g-1,e-a+(a>>>4), 'l'::l,Nc.[(int (a>>>n))] >= g)
   let   fZ (n,i,g,e,l) = seq{yield (n,i,g,e,l); if l then yield! fN (n,i,g,e,l)}
   match (i,g,l) with
     |(0,0,'l'::_) -> yield! fZ fI
     |(0,0,'u'::_) -> yield! fZ fE
     |(0,0,_)      -> yield! fZ fI; yield! fZ fE
     |(0,3,'r'::_) -> yield! fZ fI
     |(0,3,'u'::_) -> yield! fZ fL
     |(0,3,_)      -> yield! fZ fI; yield! fZ fL
     |(3,0,'l'::_) -> yield! fZ fG
     |(3,0,'d'::_) -> yield! fZ fE
     |(3,0,_)      -> yield! fZ fE; yield! fZ fG
     |(3,3,'r'::_) -> yield! fZ fG
     |(3,3,'d'::_) -> yield! fZ fL
     |(3,3,_)      -> yield! fZ fG; yield! fZ fL
     |(0,_,'l'::_) -> yield! fZ fI; yield! fZ fL
     |(0,_,'r'::_) -> yield! fZ fI; yield! fZ fE
     |(0,_,'u'::_) -> yield! fZ fE; yield! fZ fL
     |(0,_,_)      -> yield! fZ fI; yield! fZ fE; yield! fZ fL
     |(_,0,'l'::_) -> yield! fZ fI; yield! fZ fG
     |(_,0,'u'::_) -> yield! fZ fE; yield! fZ fG
     |(_,0,'d'::_) -> yield! fZ fI; yield! fZ fE
     |(_,0,_)      -> yield! fZ fI; yield! fZ fE; yield! fZ fG
     |(3,_,'l'::_) -> yield! fZ fG; yield! fZ fL
     |(3,_,'r'::_) -> yield! fZ fE; yield! fZ fG
     |(3,_,'d'::_) -> yield! fZ fE; yield! fZ fL
     |(3,_,_)      -> yield! fZ fE; yield! fZ fG; yield! fZ fL
     |(_,3,'d'::_) -> yield! fZ fI; yield! fZ fL
     |(_,3,'u'::_) -> yield! fZ fL; yield! fZ fG
     |(_,3,'r'::_) -> yield! fZ fI; yield! fZ fG
     |(_,3,_)      -> yield! fZ fI; yield! fZ fL; yield! fZ fG
     |(_,_,'d'::_) -> yield! fZ fI; yield! fZ fE; yield! fZ fL
     |(_,_,'l'::_) -> yield! fZ fI; yield! fZ fG; yield! fZ fL
     |(_,_,'r'::_) -> yield! fZ fI; yield! fZ fE; yield! fZ fG
     |(_,_,'u'::_) -> yield! fZ fE; yield! fZ fG; yield! fZ fL
     |_            -> yield! fZ fI; yield! fZ fE; yield! fZ fG; yield! fZ fL
 let n = Seq.collect fN n
 match (Seq.tryFind(fun(_,_,n,_,_)->n=0x123456789abcdef0UL)) n with
 |Some(_,_,_,n,_) -> printf "Solution found with %d moves: " (List.length n); List.iter (string >> printf "%s") (List.rev n); printfn ""
 |_               -> Solve (Seq.filter(fun (_,_,_,_,n)->not n) n)

Solve [(2,0,0xfe169b4c0a73d852UL,[],false)] </lang>

Solution found with 52 moves: rrrulddluuuldrurdddrullulurrrddldluurddlulurruldrdrd

see: Pretty Print of Optimal Soltion


This example is incorrect. Please fix the code and remove this message.

Details: The task calls for a solution in the fewest moves which is 52 not 58

Brute force width-first search, probably not quite optimal, since the scoring algorithm may trim some better paths from the search space.
Shows first solution found. No multi-tile moves. <lang Phix>-- -- demo\rosetta\Solve15puzzle.exw -- ============================== -- constant udlr = {"up", "down", "left", "right"} sequence board = tagset(15)&0 integer pos = 16

integer collected = 0 sequence lines = repeat("",5)

procedure print_board(integer last) integer k = 2

   for i=1 to length(board) do
       string this = iff(i=pos?"   ":sprintf("%3d",{board[i]}))
       lines[k] &= this
       if mod(i,4)=0 then k+=1 end if
   end for
   collected += 1
   if collected=6 or last then
       lines = repeat("",5)
       collected = 0
       for i=2 to 5 do
           lines[i] &= "      "
       end for
   end if

end procedure

function move(integer d) integer valid = 0 integer stick = 0

   for k=1 to 8 by 2 do
       if board[k]!=k then exit end if
       if board[k+1]!=k+1 then exit end if
       stick = k+1
   end for
   integer new_pos = pos+{+4,-4,+1,-1}[d]
   if new_pos>=1 and new_pos<=16
   and (mod(pos,4)=mod(new_pos,4) -- same col, or row:
    or floor((pos-1)/4)=floor((new_pos-1)/4)) then
       {board[pos],board[new_pos]} = {board[new_pos],0}
       valid = pos>stick and new_pos>stick
       pos = new_pos
   end if
   return {valid,stick}

end function

constant posns = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,13,10,14,11,12,15}

function score(sequence board) integer res = 0, pos, act_pos

   for i=1 to 15 do
       pos = posns[i]
       act_pos = find(pos,board)
       res += (abs(mod(pos,4)-mod(act_pos,4))+
   end for
   return res

end function

if 0 then

   for i=1 to 5555555 do {}=move(rand(4)) end for      -- (25% are likely invalid)


   board = {15,14, 1, 6,
             9,11, 4,12,
             0,10, 7, 3,
            13, 8, 5, 2}
   pos = find(0,board)

end if atom t0 = time() integer pos0 = pos, s, valid, stick sequence board0 = board, boards = {{0,score(board),{},board,pos}}, new_boards, moves integer visited = new_dict() while 1 do

   new_boards = {}
   for i=1 to length(boards) do
       for c=1 to 4 do
           {?,?,moves,board,pos} = boards[i]
           {valid,stick} = move(c)
           if valid and getd_index(board,visited)=0 then
               moves &= c
               s = score(board)
               if s=0 then exit end if
               new_boards = append(new_boards,{8-stick,s,moves,board,pos})
           end if
       end for
       if s=0 then exit end if
   end for
   if s=0 then exit end if
   if length(new_boards)>16384 then
       boards = sort(new_boards)[1..16384]
       integer dsv = dict_size(visited)
       {?,s,{},board,pos} = boards[1]
       lines[1] = sprintf("thinking... %d boards visited, best score: %d (0=solved):",{dsv,s})
       boards = new_boards
   end if

end while

pos = pos0 board = board0 lines[1] = "solved!!: " print_board(0) for i=1 to length(moves) do

   integer mi = moves[i]
   string m = udlr[mi]
   string this = sprintf("move %d, %s:",{i,m})
   lines[1] &= sprintf("%-18s",{this})
   moves[i] = upper(m[1])
   {} = move(mi)

end for printf(1,"solved in %d moves (%d boards visited, %s)\n",{length(moves),dict_size(visited),elapsed(time()-t0)}) printf(1,"moves: %s\n",{moves}) {} = wait_key()</lang>

thinking... 39204 boards visited, best score: 1910 (0=solved):
 15     1  6
  8 14 11  4
  9 10  3 12
 13  5  7  2

thinking... 71666 boards visited, best score: 1760 (0=solved):
    15  1  6
  8 14 11  4
  9 10  3 12
 13  5  7  2

thinking... 103082 boards visited, best score: 1840 (0=solved):
 15  1  6
  8 14 11  4
  9 10  3 12
 13  5  7  2

solved in 58 moves (1330046 boards visited, 49.59s)