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<syntaxhighlight lang="ada">
-- Redact text
-- J. Carter 2023 Apr
with Ada.Characters.Handling;
with Ada.Containers.Vectors;
with Ada.Strings.Fixed;
with Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
with Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Redact is
use Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
package Field_Lists is new Ada.Containers.Vectors (Index_Type => Positive, Element_Type => Unbounded_String);
function Parsed (Line : String) return Field_Lists.Vector;
-- Presumes that Line consists of fields speparated by 1 or more spaces (' ')
-- Returns a list of the parsed fields
function Redact (Word : in Field_Lists.Vector;
Pattern : in String;
Whole_Word : in Boolean;
Case_Sensitive : in Boolean;
Overkill : in Boolean)
return String;
-- Redacts the words or parts of words in Word containing Pattern
-- If Whole_Word, the entire word must match Pattern, and Overkill is ignored
-- Case_Sensitive determines whether or not the match is case sensitive
-- Overkill means the entire word is redacted even if only a part matches
function Parsed (Line : String) return Field_Lists.Vector is
Result : Field_Lists.Vector;
Start : Natural := Line'First;
Stop : Natural;
begin -- Parsed
All_Fields : loop
Start := Ada.Strings.Fixed.Index_Non_Blank (Line (Start .. Line'Last) );
exit All_Fields when Start = 0;
Stop := Ada.Strings.Fixed.Index (Line (Start .. Line'Last), " ");
if Stop = 0 then
Stop := Line'Last + 1;
end if;
Result.Append (New_Item => To_Unbounded_String (Line (Start .. Stop - 1) ) );
Start := Stop + 1;
end loop All_Fields;
return Result;
end Parsed;
function Redact (Word : in Field_Lists.Vector;
Pattern : in String;
Whole_Word : in Boolean;
Case_Sensitive : in Boolean;
Overkill : in Boolean)
return String is
subtype Lower is Character range 'a' .. 'z';
subtype Upper is Character range 'A' .. 'Z';
Pat : constant String := (if Case_Sensitive then Pattern else Ada.Characters.Handling.To_Lower (Pattern) );
Result : Unbounded_String;
Start : Positive; -- Start of a word, ignoring initial punctuation
Stop : Positive; -- End of a word, ignoring terminal punctuation
First : Natural; -- Start of partial match
Last : Natural; -- End of partial match
begin -- Redact
All_Words : for I in 1 .. Word.Last_Index loop
One_Word : declare
Raw : String := To_String (Word.Element (I) );
Woid : String := (if Case_Sensitive then Raw else Ada.Characters.Handling.To_Lower (Raw) );
begin -- One_Word
Start := Woid'First; -- Ignore initial punctuation
Find_Start : loop
exit Find_Start when Woid (Start) in Lower | Upper;
Start := Start + 1;
end loop Find_Start;
Stop := Woid'Last; -- Ignore terminal punctuation
Find_Stop : loop
exit Find_Stop when Woid (Stop) in Lower | Upper;
Stop := Stop - 1;
end loop Find_Stop;
if Whole_Word then
if Woid (Start .. Stop) = Pat then
Raw (Start .. Stop) := (Start .. Stop => 'X');
end if;
Last := Start - 1;
All_Matches : loop -- Multiple matches are possible within a single word
First := Ada.Strings.Fixed.Index (Woid (Last + 1 .. Stop), Pat);
exit All_Matches when First = 0;
Last := (if Overkill then Stop else First + Pattern'Length - 1);
if Overkill then
First := Start;
end if;
Raw (First .. Last) := (First .. Last => 'X');
end loop All_Matches;
end if;
Append (Source => Result, New_Item => Raw & (if I = Word.Last_Index then "" else " ") );
end One_Word;
end loop All_Words;
return To_String (Result);
end Redact;
subtype Pattern_String is String (1 .. 3);
type Pattern_List is array (1 .. 2) of Pattern_String;
Pattern : constant Pattern_List := ("Tom", "tom");
Line : constant String := "Tom? Toms bottom tomato is in his stomach while playing the " & '"' & "Tom-tom" & '"' &
" brand tom-toms. That's so tom.";
Word : constant Field_Lists.Vector := Parsed (Line);
begin -- Redact
All_Patterns : for Pat of Pattern loop
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Item => "Pattern: " & Pat);
Wholeness : for Whole in Boolean loop
Sensitivity : for Sense in Boolean loop
if Whole then
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Item => 'W' & (if Sense then 'S' else 'I') & "N: " & Redact (Word, Pat, Whole, Sense, False) );
Overkill : for Over in Boolean loop
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Item => (if Whole then 'W' else 'P') &
(if Sense then 'S' else 'I') &
(if Over then 'O' else 'N') & ": " &
Redact (Word, Pat, Whole, Sense, Over) );
end loop Overkill;
end if;
end loop Sensitivity;
end loop Wholeness;
end loop All_Patterns;
end Redact;
Pattern: Tom
PIN: XXX? XXXs botXXX XXXato is in his sXXXach while playing the "XXX-XXX" brand XXX-XXXs. That's so XXX.
PIO: XXX? XXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX is in his XXXXXXX while playing the "XXXXXXX" brand XXXXXXXX. That's so XXX.
PSN: XXX? XXXs bottom tomato is in his stomach while playing the "XXX-tom" brand tom-toms. That's so tom.
PSO: XXX? XXXX bottom tomato is in his stomach while playing the "XXXXXXX" brand tom-toms. That's so tom.
WIN: XXX? Toms bottom tomato is in his stomach while playing the "Tom-tom" brand tom-toms. That's so XXX.
WSN: XXX? Toms bottom tomato is in his stomach while playing the "Tom-tom" brand tom-toms. That's so tom.
Pattern: tom
PIN: XXX? XXXs botXXX XXXato is in his sXXXach while playing the "XXX-XXX" brand XXX-XXXs. That's so XXX.
PIO: XXX? XXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX is in his XXXXXXX while playing the "XXXXXXX" brand XXXXXXXX. That's so XXX.
PSN: Tom? Toms botXXX XXXato is in his sXXXach while playing the "Tom-XXX" brand XXX-XXXs. That's so XXX.
PSO: Tom? Toms XXXXXX XXXXXX is in his XXXXXXX while playing the "XXXXXXX" brand XXXXXXXX. That's so XXX.
WIN: XXX? Toms bottom tomato is in his stomach while playing the "Tom-tom" brand tom-toms. That's so XXX.
WSN: Tom? Toms bottom tomato is in his stomach while playing the "Tom-tom" brand tom-toms. That's so XXX.
Line 608 ⟶ 777:
[p|s|o] Tom? Toms XXXXXX XXXXXX is in his XXXXXXX while playing the "XXXXXXX" brand XXXXXXXX. That's so XXX
[p|i|o] XXX? XXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX is in his XXXXXXX while playing the "XXXXXXX" brand XXXXXXXX. That's so XXX</pre>
<syntaxhighlight lang="futurebasic">
include "NSLog.incl"
local fn Redact( string as CFStringRef, target as CFStringRef, whole as BOOL, icase as BOOL, over as BOOL ) as CFStringRef
ErrorRef err = NULL
CFStringRef w = @"p", i = @"s", o = @"n", result = NULL
NSRegularExpressionOptions options = 0
CFStringRef pattern = fn RegularExpressionEscapedPattern( target )
if whole == YES
pattern = fn StringWithFormat( @"%@%@%@", @"(?<![-[^[:punct:]\\s]])", pattern, @"(?![-[^[:punct:]\\s]])" )
w = @"w"
end if
if over == YES
pattern = fn StringWithFormat( @"%@%@%@", @"[-[^[:punct:]\\s]]*", pattern, @"[-[^[:punct:]\\s]]*+" )
o = @"o"
end if
if icase == YES Then options = NSRegularExpressionCaseInsensitive : i = @"i"
RegularExpressionRef regex = fn RegularExpressionWithPattern( pattern, options, @err )
if err then NSLog( @"%@", fn ErrorLocalizedDescription( err ) )
CFMutableStringRef mutStr = fn MutableStringWithString( string )
CFArrayRef matches = fn RegularExpressionMatches( regex, mutStr, 0, fn CFRangeMake( 0, len( mutStr ) ) )
long x, count = len(matches)
for x = 0 to count - 1
CFRange matchRange = fn ValueRange( fn ObjectValueForKey( matches[x], @"range" ) )
MutableStringReplaceOccurrencesOfString( mutStr, @".(?:\\u200d.)*+", @"X", NSRegularExpressionSearch, matchRange )
result = fn StringWithFormat( @"[%@|%@|%@] %@", w, i, o, mutStr )
end fn = result
CFStringRef tomTest
tomTest = @"Tom? Toms bottom tomato is in his stomach while playing the \"Tom-tom\" brand tom-toms. That's so tom."
NSLog( @"Test string:\n%@\n\nRedact 'Tom':", tomTest )
NSLog( @"%@", fn Redact( tomTest, @"Tom", YES, NO, NO ) )
NSLog( @"%@", fn Redact( tomTest, @"Tom", YES, YES, NO ) )
NSLog( @"%@", fn Redact( tomTest, @"Tom", NO, NO, NO ) )
NSLog( @"%@", fn Redact( tomTest, @"Tom", NO, YES, NO ) )
NSLog( @"%@", fn Redact( tomTest, @"Tom", NO, NO, YES ) )
NSLog( @"%@", fn Redact( tomTest, @"Tom", NO, YES, YES ) )
NSLog( @"\nRedact 'tom':" )
NSLog( @"%@", fn Redact( tomTest, @"tom", YES, NO, NO ) )
NSLog( @"%@", fn Redact( tomTest, @"tom", YES, YES, NO ) )
NSLog( @"%@", fn Redact( tomTest, @"tom", NO, NO, NO ) )
NSLog( @"%@", fn Redact( tomTest, @"tom", NO, YES, NO ) )
NSLog( @"%@", fn Redact( tomTest, @"tom", NO, NO, YES ) )
NSLog( @"%@", fn Redact( tomTest, @"tom", NO, YES, YES ) )
NSLogSetFont( fn FontWithName( @"Menlo", 18.0 ) )
NSLog( @"\n 🧑 👨 🧔 👨‍👩‍👦" )
NSLog( @"Redact '👨': %@", fn Redact( @"🧑 👨 🧔 👨‍👩‍👦", @"👨", YES, YES, YES ) )
NSLog( @"Redact '👨‍👩‍👦': %@", fn Redact( @"🧑 👨 🧔 👨‍👩‍👦", @"👨‍👩‍👦", YES, YES, YES ) )
Test string:
Tom? Toms bottom tomato is in his stomach while playing the "Tom-tom" brand tom-toms. That's so tom.
Redact 'Tom':
[w|s|n] XXX? Toms bottom tomato is in his stomach while playing the "Tom-tom" brand tom-toms. That's so tom.
[w|i|n] XXX? Toms bottom tomato is in his stomach while playing the "Tom-tom" brand tom-toms. That's so XXX.
[p|s|n] XXX? XXXs bottom tomato is in his stomach while playing the "XXX-tom" brand tom-toms. That's so tom.
[p|i|n] XXX? XXXs botXXX XXXato is in his sXXXach while playing the "XXX-XXX" brand XXX-XXXs. That's so XXX.
[p|s|o] XXX? XXXX bottom tomato is in his stomach while playing the "XXXXXXX" brand tom-toms. That's so tom.
[p|i|o] XXX? XXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX is in his XXXXXXX while playing the "XXXXXXX" brand XXXXXXXX. That's so XXX.
Redact 'tom':
[w|s|n] Tom? Toms bottom tomato is in his stomach while playing the "Tom-tom" brand tom-toms. That's so XXX.
[w|i|n] XXX? Toms bottom tomato is in his stomach while playing the "Tom-tom" brand tom-toms. That's so XXX.
[p|s|n] Tom? Toms botXXX XXXato is in his sXXXach while playing the "Tom-XXX" brand XXX-XXXs. That's so XXX.
[p|i|n] XXX? XXXs botXXX XXXato is in his sXXXach while playing the "XXX-XXX" brand XXX-XXXs. That's so XXX.
[p|s|o] Tom? Toms XXXXXX XXXXXX is in his XXXXXXX while playing the "XXXXXXX" brand XXXXXXXX. That's so XXX.
[p|i|o] XXX? XXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX is in his XXXXXXX while playing the "XXXXXXX" brand XXXXXXXX. That's so XXX.
🧑 👨 🧔 👨‍👩‍👦
Redact '👨': [w|i|o] 🧑 X 🧔 👨‍👩‍👦
Redact '👨‍👩‍👦': [w|i|o] 🧑 👨 🧔 X
Line 1,343 ⟶ 1,598:
[p│s│o] Tom? Toms XXXXXX XXXXXX is in his XXXXXXX while playing XXX "XXXXXXX" brand XXXXXXXX. XXXXXX so XXX.
[p│i│o] XXX? XXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX is in his XXXXXXX while playing XXX "XXXXXXX" brand XXXXXXXX. XXXXXX so XXX.
→ text seps wip stack <span style="color:grey">@ wip is a flag for a word in progress</span>
≪ wip NOT 1 +
1 text SIZE '''FOR''' j
text j DUP SUB
'''IF''' seps OVER POS wip XOR '''THEN''' + '''ELSE''' 1 wip - 'wip' STO '''END'''
DEPTH stack - 3 + →LIST
≫ ≫ '<span style="color:blue">→TKN</span>' STO <span style="color:grey">@ ( "string" → { wordpos "word" "sep" "word" .. } )</span>
≪ ""
1 3 PICK SIZE '''FOR''' c
R→B #20h OR B→R CHR +
≫ '<span style="color:blue">LOWER</span>' STO
≪ → text pos rep
≪ pos 1 > text 1 pos 1 - SUB "" IFTE
rep +
text pos rep SIZE + OVER SIZE SUB +
≫ ≫ '<span style="color:blue">REPL</span>' STO <span style="color:grey">@ mimics HP-48+ instruction only for strings</span>
≪ DUP2 <span style="color:blue">LOWER</span> SWAP <span style="color:blue">LOWER</span> "" → token word lord loken xxx
≪ xxx 1 7 FS? 9 FS? OR token word IFTE SIZE '''START''' "X" + '''NEXT'''
'''IF''' 7 FC? 9 FC? AND '''THEN'''
'xxx' STO 1 SF loken token
8 FC? OVER word POS 4 PICK lord POS IFTE
'''IF''' DUP NOT '''THEN''' DROP 1 CF '''ELSE'''
'''IF''' 8 FS? '''THEN''' ROT OVER xxx <span style="color:blue">REPL</span> SWAP '''END'''
xxx <span style="color:blue">REPL</span>
'''UNTIL''' 1 FC? '''END'''
≫ ≫ '<span style="color:blue">XREPL</span>' STO <span style="color:grey">@ ( "word" "rd" → "woXX" | "XXXX" ) </span>
DUP t GET <span style="color:blue">LOWER</span>
2 '''STEP'''
≫ '<span style="color:blue">LOTKN</span>' STO <span style="color:grey">@ ( { "TOKENS" } → { "tokens" } ) </span>
≪ 7 9 '''FOR''' f f CF '''NEXT'''
'''IF''' DUP 1 DUP SUB "W" == '''THEN''' 7 SF '''END'''
'''IF''' DUP 2 DUP SUB "I" == '''THEN''' 8 SF '''END'''
'''IF''' 3 DUP SUB "O" == '''THEN''' 9 SF '''END'''
'''IF''' 8 FS? '''THEN''' <span style="color:blue">LOWER</span> '''END'''
SWAP " ,.?'≪≫" <span style="color:blue">→TKN</span> DUP <span style="color:blue">LOTKN</span>
→ word tokens lokens
≪ "" tokens 1 GET
tokens SIZE '''FOR''' w
8 FS? 'lokens' 'tokens' IFTE w GET
'''IF''' 3 PICK w 2 MOD == '''THEN'''
tokens w GET SWAP
'''IF''' word 7 FS? ≪ == ≫ ≪ POS ≫ IFTE '''THEN''' word <span style="color:blue">XREPL</span> '''END'''
≫ ≫ '<span style="color:blue">RDACT</span>' STO <span style="color:grey">@ ( "text" "word" "PAR" → "text" ) </span>
≪ "Tom? Toms bottom tomato is in his stomach while playing the ≪Tom-tom≫ brand tom-toms. That's so tom."
{ "WSN" "WIN" "PSN" "PIN" "PSO" "PIO" } → sentence cases
≪ { }
1 6 '''FOR''' k
sentence "Tom" cases k GET <span style="color:blue">RDACT</span> + '''NEXT'''
1 6 '''FOR''' k
sentence "tom" cases k GET <span style="color:blue">RDACT</span> + '''NEXT'''
≫ ≫ '<span style="color:blue">TASK</span>' STO
1: { "XXX? Toms bottom tomato is in his stomach while playing the ≪Tom-tom≫ brand tom-toms. That's so tom."
"XXX? Toms bottom tomato is in his stomach while playing the ≪Tom-tom≫ brand tom-toms. That's so XXX."
"XXX? XXXs bottom tomato is in his stomach while playing the ≪XXX-tom≫ brand tom-toms. That's so tom."
"XXX? XXXs botXXX XXXato is in his sXXXach while playing the ≪XXX-XXX≫ brand XXX-XXXs. That's so XXX."
"XXX? XXXX bottom tomato is in his stomach while playing the ≪XXXXXXX≫ brand tom-toms. That's so tom."
"XXX? XXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX is in his XXXXXXX while playing the ≪XXXXXXX≫ brand XXXXXXXX. That's so XXX."
"Tom? Toms bottom tomato is in his stomach while playing the ≪Tom-tom≫ brand tom-toms. That's so XXX."
"XXX? Toms bottom tomato is in his stomach while playing the ≪Tom-tom≫ brand tom-toms. That's so XXX."
"Tom? Toms botXXX XXXato is in his sXXXach while playing the ≪Tom-XXX≫ brand XXX-XXXs. That's so XXX."
"XXX? XXXs botXXX XXXato is in his sXXXach while playing the ≪XXX-XXX≫ brand XXX-XXXs. That's so XXX."
"Tom? Toms XXXXXX XXXXXX is in his XXXXXXX while playing the ≪XXXXXXX≫ brand XXXXXXXX. That's so XXX."
"XXX? XXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX is in his XXXXXXX while playing the ≪XXXXXXX≫ brand XXXXXXXX. That's so XXX." }
Line 1,527 ⟶ 1,871:
<syntaxhighlight lang="ecmascriptwren">import "./pattern" for Pattern
import "./str" for Str
import "./upc" for Graphemes
var join = { |words, seps|
