Symmetric difference: Difference between revisions

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<lang ksh>
# Symmetric difference - enumerate the items that are in A or B but not both.
# # Variables:
typeset -a A=( John Bob Mary Serena )
typeset -a B=( Jim Mary John Bob )
# # Functions:
# # Function _flattenarr(arr, sep) - flatten arr into string by separator sep
function _flattenarr {
typeset _arr ; nameref _arr="$1"
typeset _sep ; typeset -L1 _sep="$2"
typeset _buff
typeset _oldIFS=$IFS ; IFS="${_sep}"
echo "${_buff}"
# # Function _notin(_arr1, _arr2) - elements in arr1 and not in arr2
function _notin {
typeset _ar1 ; nameref _ar1="$1"
typeset _ar2 ; nameref _ar2="$2"
typeset _i _buff _set ; integer _i
_buff=$(_flattenarr _ar2 \|)
for((_i=0; _i<${#_ar1[*]}; _i++)); do
[[ ${_ar1[_i]} != @(${_buff}) ]] && _set+="${_ar1[_i]} "
echo ${_set% *}
# main #
AnB=$(_notin A B) ; echo "A - B = ${AnB}"
BnA=$(_notin B A) ; echo "B - A = ${BnA}"
echo "A xor B = ${AnB} ${BnA}"</lang>
{{out}}<pre>A - B = Serena
B - A = Jim
A xor B = Serena Jim</pre>
