Stack: Difference between revisions

5,779 bytes added ,  2 years ago
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finally: []</pre>
<lang ATS>(* Stacks implemented as linked lists. *)
(* A nonlinear stack type of size n, which is good for when you are
using a garbage collector or can let the memory leak. *)
typedef stack_t (t : t@ype+, n : int) = list (t, n)
typedef stack_t (t : t@ype+) = [n : int] stack_t (t, n)
(* A linear stack type of size n, which requires (and will enforce)
explicit freeing. (Note that a "peek" function for a linear stack
is a complicated topic. But the task avoids this issue.) *)
viewtypedef stack_vt (vt : vt@ype+, n : int) = list_vt (vt, n)
viewtypedef stack_vt (vt : vt@ype+) = [n : int] stack_vt (vt, n)
(* Proof that a given nonlinear stack does not have a nonnegative
size. *)
lemma_stack_t_param {n : int} {t : t@ype}
(stack : stack_t (t, n)) :<prf>
[0 <= n] void =
lemma_list_param stack
(* Proof that a given linear stack does not have a nonnegative
size. *)
lemma_stack_vt_param {n : int} {vt : vt@ype}
(stack : !stack_vt (vt, n)) :<prf>
[0 <= n] void =
lemma_list_vt_param stack
(* Create an empty nonlinear stack. *)
fn {}
stack_t_nil () = list_nil ()
(* Create an empty linear stack. *)
fn {}
stack_vt_nil () = list_vt_nil ()
(* Is a nonlinear stack empty? *)
fn {}
stack_t_is_empty {n : int} {t : t@ype}
(stack : stack_t (t, n)) :<>
[empty : bool | empty == (n == 0)]
bool empty =
case+ stack of
| list_nil _ => true
| list_cons _ => false
(* Is a linear stack empty? *)
fn {}
stack_vt_is_empty {n : int} {vt : vt@ype}
(* ! = pass by value; stack is preserved. *)
(stack : !stack_vt (vt, n)) :<>
[empty : bool | empty == (n == 0)]
bool empty =
case+ stack of
| list_vt_nil _ => true
| list_vt_cons _ => false
(* Push to a nonlinear stack that is stored in a variable. *)
fn {t : t@ype}
stack_t_push {n : int}
(stack : &stack_t (t, n) >> stack_t (t, m),
x : t) :<!wrt>
(* It is proved that the stack is raised one higher. *)
#[m : int | 1 <= m; m == n + 1]
void =
prval _ = lemma_stack_t_param stack
prval _ = prop_verify {0 <= n} ()
stack := list_cons (x, stack)
(* Push to a linear stack that is stored in a variable. Beware: if x
is linear, it is consumed. *)
fn {vt : vt@ype}
stack_vt_push {n : int}
(stack : &stack_vt (vt, n) >> stack_vt (vt, m),
x : vt) :<!wrt>
(* It is proved that the stack is raised one higher. *)
#[m : int | 1 <= m; m == n + 1]
void =
prval _ = lemma_stack_vt_param stack
prval _ = prop_verify {0 <= n} ()
stack := list_vt_cons (x, stack)
(* Pop from a nonlinear stack that is stored in a variable. It is
impossible (unless you cheat the typechecker) to pop from an empty
stack. *)
fn {t : t@ype}
stack_t_pop {n : int | 1 <= n}
(stack : &stack_t (t, n) >> stack_t (t, m)) :<!wrt>
(* It is proved that the stack is lowered by one. *)
#[m : int | m == n - 1]
t =
case+ stack of
| list_cons (x, tail) =>
stack := tail;
(* Pop from a linear stack that is stored in a variable. It is
impossible (unless you cheat the typechecker) to pop from an empty
stack. *)
fn {vt : vt@ype}
stack_vt_pop {n : int | 1 <= n}
(stack : &stack_vt (vt, n) >> stack_vt (vt, m)) :<!wrt>
(* It is proved that the stack is lowered by one. *)
#[m : int | m == n - 1]
vt =
case+ stack of
| ~ list_vt_cons (x, tail) => (* ~ = the top node is consumed. *)
stack := tail;
(* A linear stack has to be consumed. *)
extern fun {vt : vt@ype}
stack_vt_free$element_free (x : vt) :<> void
fn {vt : vt@ype}
stack_vt_free {n : int}
(stack : stack_vt (vt, n)) :<> void =
loop {m : int | 0 <= m}
.<m>. (* <-- proof of loop termination *)
(stk : stack_vt (vt, m)) :<> void =
case+ stk of
| ~ list_vt_nil () => begin end
| ~ list_vt_cons (x, tail) =>
stack_vt_free$element_free x;
loop tail
prval _ = lemma_stack_vt_param stack
loop stack
main0 () =
var nonlinear_stack : stack_t (int) = stack_t_nil ()
var linear_stack : stack_vt (int) = stack_vt_nil ()
implement stack_vt_free$element_free<int> x = begin end
overload is_empty with stack_t_is_empty
overload is_empty with stack_vt_is_empty
overload push with stack_t_push
overload push with stack_vt_push
overload pop with stack_t_pop
overload pop with stack_vt_pop
println! ("nonlinear_stack is empty? ", is_empty nonlinear_stack);
println! ("linear_stack is empty? ", is_empty linear_stack);
println! ("pushing 3, 2, 1...");
push (nonlinear_stack, 3);
push (nonlinear_stack, 2);
push (nonlinear_stack, 1);
push (linear_stack, 3);
push (linear_stack, 2);
push (linear_stack, 1);
println! ("nonlinear_stack is empty? ", is_empty nonlinear_stack);
println! ("linear_stack is empty? ", is_empty linear_stack);
println! ("popping nonlinear_stack: ", (pop nonlinear_stack) : int);
println! ("popping nonlinear_stack: ", (pop nonlinear_stack) : int);
println! ("popping nonlinear_stack: ", (pop nonlinear_stack) : int);
println! ("popping linear_stack: ", (pop linear_stack) : int);
println! ("popping linear_stack: ", (pop linear_stack) : int);
println! ("popping linear_stack: ", (pop linear_stack) : int);
println! ("nonlinear_stack is empty? ", is_empty nonlinear_stack);
println! ("linear_stack is empty? ", is_empty linear_stack);
stack_vt_free<int> linear_stack
