Range expansion: Difference between revisions

(Added Arturo implementation)
Line 4,126:
{{works with|ORACLE 19c}}
This is not a particularly efficient solution, but it gets the job done.
<lang SQL>
This code is an implementation of "Range expansion" in SQL ORACLE 19c
p_list_of_sets -- input string
delimeter by default ","
function range_expansion(p_list_of_sets in varchar2)
return varchar2 is
v_list_of_sets varchar2(32767) := p_list_of_sets;
v_output varchar2(32767) ;
v_set_1 varchar2(2000) ;
v_set_1_min pls_integer;
v_set_1_max pls_integer;
function sort_set(p_in_str varchar2)
return varchar2 is
v_out varchar2(32767) := p_in_str;
with out_tab as
(select to_number(regexp_substr(str, '[^,]+', 1, rownum, 'c', 0) default null on conversion error) elem
(select p_in_str as str
from dual
connect by level <= regexp_count(str, '[^,]+')
select trim(both ',' from min(elem)||','||max(elem)) end
into v_out
from out_tab;
return v_out;
function sort_output(p_in_str varchar2)
return varchar2 is
v_out varchar2(32767) := p_in_str;
with out_tab as
(select distinct to_number(regexp_substr(str, '[^,]+', 1, rownum, 'c', 0) default null on conversion error) elem
(select p_in_str as str
from dual
connect by level <= regexp_count(str, '[^,]+')
select listagg(elem, ',') within group(order by elem) end
into v_out
from out_tab
where elem is not null;
return v_out;
v_list_of_sets := replace(v_list_of_sets, ' ', '') ;
v_list_of_sets := replace(v_list_of_sets, '+', '') ;
v_list_of_sets := replace(v_list_of_sets, ',', '|') ;
v_list_of_sets := regexp_replace(v_list_of_sets, '(\d{1,})-(\d{1,})', '\1,\2', 1, 0) ;
v_list_of_sets := regexp_replace(v_list_of_sets, '(\d{1,})--(\d{1,})', '\1,-\2', 1, 0) ;
while regexp_count(v_list_of_sets, '[^|]+') > 0
v_set_1 := regexp_substr(v_list_of_sets, '[^|]+', 1, 1) ;
v_list_of_sets := regexp_replace(v_list_of_sets, v_set_1, sort_set(v_set_1), 1, 1) ;
v_set_1 := sort_set(v_set_1) ;
continue loop_through_sets when v_set_1 is null;
v_set_1_min := least(to_number(regexp_substr(v_set_1, '[^,]+', 1, 1))
,to_number(regexp_substr(v_set_1, '[^,]+', 1, 2))
) ;
v_set_1_max := greatest(to_number(regexp_substr(v_set_1, '[^,]+', 1, 1))
,to_number(regexp_substr(v_set_1, '[^,]+', 1, 2))
) ;
for i in v_set_1_min..v_set_1_max
v_output := v_output||','||i;
end loop loop_for;
v_list_of_sets := regexp_replace(v_list_of_sets,v_set_1,'',1,1);
end loop loop_through_sets;
v_output := sort_output(v_output);
return trim(v_output);
select '-- Test ' as output from dual
union all
select lpad(' ', 65) || ' ==> ' || range_expansion(' ') as output from dual
union all
select lpad('-0,+0,-2 ,-1--2,3 ,-3, 2,-2', 65) || ' ==> ' || range_expansion('-0,+0,-2 ,-1--2,3 ,-3, 2,-2') as output from dual
union all
select lpad('0,-1,+2,-2', 65) || ' ==> ' || range_expansion('0,-1,2,-2') as output from dual
union all
select lpad('-D,-w23--1,+14q,15,17-20,3-5,7-11, +0, 2q, +4, 3,0 ,-0,-2 , -3', 65) || ' ==> ' || range_expansion('-D,-w23--1,+14q,15,17-20,3-5,7-11, +0, 2q, +4, 3,0 ,-0,-2 , -3') as output from dual
union all
select lpad('-6,-3--1,14,15,17-20,3-5,7-11', 65) || ' ==> ' || range_expansion('-6,-3--1,14,15,17-20,3-5,11-7') as output from dual
union all
--Test RosettaCode
select '-- Test RosettaCode' as output from dual
union all
select lpad('-6,-3--1,3-5,7-11,14,15,17-20', 65) || ' ==> ' || range_expansion('-6,-3--1,3-5,7-11,14,15,17-20') as output from dual
-- Test
-0,+0,-2 ,-1--2,3 ,-3, 2,-2 ==> -3,-2,-1,0,2,3
0,-1,+2,-2 ==> -2,-1,0,2
-D,-w23--1,+14q,15,17-20,3-5,7-11, +0, 2q, +4, 3,0 ,-0,-2 , -3 ==> -3,-2,-1,0,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,11,15,17,18,19,20
-6,-3--1,14,15,17-20,3-5,7-11 ==> -6,-3,-2,-1,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,11,14,15,17,18,19,20
-- Test RosettaCode
-6,-3--1,3-5,7-11,14,15,17-20 ==> -6,-3,-2,-1,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,11,14,15,17,18,19,20
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