Poker hand analyser: Difference between revisions

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joker Q♦ joker A♦ 10♦: straight-flush
joker 2♦ 2♠ joker q♦: four-of-a-kind
Unicode version with jokers. Also checks for Royal Flush (AKQJ10 suited).
<lang Rust>
fn main() {
let hands = vec![
"🂡 🂮 🂭 🂫 🂪",
"🃏 🃂 🂢 🂮 🃍",
"🃏 🂵 🃇 🂨 🃉",
"🃏 🃂 🂣 🂤 🂥",
"🃏 🂳 🃂 🂣 🃃",
"🃏 🂷 🃂 🂣 🃃",
"🃏 🂷 🃇 🂧 🃗",
"🃏 🂻 🂽 🂾 🂱",
"🃏 🃔 🃞 🃅 🂪",
"🃏 🃞 🃗 🃖 🃔",
"🃏 🃂 🃟 🂤 🂥",
"🃏 🃍 🃟 🂡 🂪",
"🃏 🃍 🃟 🃁 🃊",
"🃏 🃂 🂢 🃟 🃍",
"🃏 🃂 🂢 🃍 🃍",
"🃂 🃞 🃍 🃁 🃊",
for hand in hands{
println!("{} {}", hand, poker_hand(hand));
fn poker_hand(cards: &str) -> &str {
let mut suits = vec![0u8; 4];
let mut faces = vec![0u8; 15];
let mut hand = vec![];
for card in cards.chars(){
if card == ' ' { continue; }
let values = get_card_value(card);
if values.0 < 14 && hand.contains(&values) {
return "invalid";
faces[values.0 as usize]+=1;
if values.1 >= 0 {
suits[values.1 as usize]+=1;
if hand.len()!=5 {
return "invalid";
faces[13] = faces[0]; //add ace-high count
let jokers = faces[14];
//count suits
let mut colors = suits.into_iter()
.filter(|&x| x > 0).collect::<Vec<_>>();
colors[0] += jokers; // add joker suits to the highest one;
let is_flush = colors[0] == 5;
let mut is_straight = false;
//pointer to optimise some work
//avoids looking again at cards that were the start of a sequence
//as they cannot be part of another sequence
let mut ptr = 14;
while ptr>3{
let mut jokers_left = jokers;
let mut straight_cards = 0;
for i in (0..ptr).rev(){
if faces[i]==0 {
if jokers_left == 0 {break;}
jokers_left -= 1;
else if i==ptr-1 { ptr-=1; }
if straight_cards == 5 {
is_straight = true;
//count values
let mut values = faces.into_iter().enumerate().take(14).filter(|&x| x.1>0).collect::<Vec<_>>();
//sort by quantity, then by value, high to low
values.sort_unstable_by(|a, b| if b.1 == a.1 { (b.0).cmp(&a.0) } else { (b.1).cmp(&a.1)} );
let first_group = values[0].1 + jokers;
let second_group = if values.len()>1 {values[1].1} else {0};
match (is_flush, is_straight, first_group, second_group){
(_,_,5,_) => "five-of-a-kind",
(true, true, _, _) => if ptr == 8 {"royal-flush"} else {"straight-flush"},
(_,_,4,_) => "four-of-a-kind",
(_,_,3,2) => "full-house",
(true,_,_,_) => "flush",
(_,true,_,_) => "straight",
(_,_,3,_) => "three-of-a-kind",
(_,_,2,2) => "two-pair",
(_,_,2,_) => "one-pair",
_ => "high-card"
fn get_card_value(card: char) -> (i8,i8) {
// transform glyph to face + suit, zero-indexed
let base = card as u32 - 0x1F0A1;
let mut suit = (base / 16) as i8;
let mut face = (base % 16) as i8;
if face > 11 && face < 14 { face-=1; } // Unicode has a Knight that we do not want
if face == 14 { suit = -1; } //jokers do not have a suit
(face, suit)
🂡 🂮 🂭 🂫 🂪 royal-flush
🃏 🃂 🂢 🂮 🃍 three-of-a-kind
🃏 🂵 🃇 🂨 🃉 straight
🃏 🃂 🂣 🂤 🂥 straight
🃏 🂳 🃂 🂣 🃃 four-of-a-kind
🃏 🃂 🂢 🂮 🃍 three-of-a-kind
🃏 🂵 🃇 🂨 🃉 five-of-
🃏 🃂 🂣 🂤 🂥 straight-flush
🃏 🂳 🃂 🂣 🃃 one-pair
🃏 🃂 🂢 🂮 🃍 flush
🃏 🂵 🃇 🂨 🃉 straight
🃏 🃂 🂣 🂤 🂥 straight
🃏 🂳 🃂 🂣 🃃 straight-flush
🃏 🃂 🂢 🂮 🃍 four-of-a-kind
🃏 🂵 🃇 🂨 🃉 invalid
🃏 🃞 🃍 🃁 🃊 high-card
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