Pig the dice game

Revision as of 15:52, 17 May 2022 by Depperm (talk | contribs)

The   game of Pig   is a multiplayer game played with a single six-sided die.   The object of the game is to reach   100   points or more.   Play is taken in turns.   On each person's turn that person has the option of either:

Pig the dice game
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.
  1. Rolling the dice:   where a roll of two to six is added to their score for that turn and the player's turn continues as the player is given the same choice again;   or a roll of   1   loses the player's total points   for that turn   and their turn finishes with play passing to the next player.
  2. Holding:   the player's score for that round is added to their total and becomes safe from the effects of throwing a   1   (one).   The player's turn finishes with play passing to the next player.


Create a program to score for, and simulate dice throws for, a two-person game.

Related task


Translation of: Python

<lang 11l>V playercount = 2 V maxscore = 100 V safescore = [0] * playercount V player = 0 V score = 0

L max(safescore) < maxscore

  V rolling = input(‘Player #.: (#., #.) Rolling? (Y) ’.format(
                     player, safescore[player], score)).trim(‘ ’).lowercase() C Set([‘yes’, ‘y’, ‘’])
  I rolling
     V rolled = random:(1 .. 6)
     print(‘  Rolled #.’.format(rolled))
     I rolled == 1
        print(‘  Bust! you lose #. but still keep your previous #.’.format(score, safescore[player]))
        (score, player) = (0, (player + 1) % playercount)
        score += rolled
     safescore[player] += score
     I safescore[player] >= maxscore
     print(‘  Sticking with #.’.format(safescore[player]))
     (score, player) = (0, (player + 1) % playercount)

print("\nPlayer #. wins with a score of #.".format(player, safescore[player]))</lang>


The same as in Python solution.


<lang ActionScript> package {

   import flash.display.Graphics;
   import flash.display.Shape;
   import flash.display.Sprite;
   import flash.events.Event;
   import flash.events.MouseEvent;
   import flash.text.TextField;
   import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize;
   import flash.text.TextFormat;

   public class PigTheDiceGame extends Sprite {
        * The name of the first player.
        * @private
       private var _name1:String = "Player 1";
        * The name of the second player.
        * @private
       private var _name2:String = "Player 2";
        * True if the next turn is of the second player, false if it is of the first player.
        * @private
       private var _isPlayer2:Boolean = false;
        * The score of the first player.
        * @private
       private var __p1Score:uint;
        * The score of the second player.
        * @private
       private var __p2Score:uint;
        * The number of points in the current turn.
        * @private
       private var __turnPts:uint;
        * The text field displaying the score of the first player.
        * @private
       private var _p1ScoreText:TextField;
        * The text field displaying the score of the second player.
        * @private
       private var _p2ScoreText:TextField;
        * The button which must be clicked for a player to roll the dice.
        * @private
       private var _rollButton:Sprite;
        * The button which must be clicked for a player to hold.
        * @private
       private var _holdButton:Sprite;
        * The text field displaying the name of the current player.
       private var _currentPlayerText:TextField;
        * The text field displaying the number of points in the current turn.
        * @private
       private var _ptsThisTurnText:TextField;
        * The dice.
        * @private
       private var _dice:Shape;
        * The number of points required to win the game.
        * @private
       private var _maxScore:uint = 100;
        * The text field displaying additional information about the game.
        * @private
       private var _statusText:TextField;
        * Creates a new PigTheDiceGame instance.
       public function PigTheDiceGame() {
           if ( stage ) _init();
           else addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, _init);
        * Function which constructs the dice game when the object is added to the stage.
        * @private
       private function _init(e:Event = null):void {
           // Border and background
           graphics.lineStyle(2, 0xFFCC00);
           graphics.drawRect(0, 0, 450, 280)
           x = 20;
           y = 20;
           // Text fields and labels
           var currentPlayerText:TextField = _createTextField(_name1 + "'s turn", 20, 0, 10, 0xDD0000, TextFieldAutoSize.CENTER, width);
           var p1ScoreLabel:TextField = _createTextField(_name1 + "'s score:", 15, 20, currentPlayerText.y + currentPlayerText.height + 20, 0x000000, TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT, 120);
           var p1ScoreText:TextField = _createTextField("0", 17, 135, p1ScoreLabel.y, 0xFF0000, TextFieldAutoSize.RIGHT, 50);
           var p2ScoreLabel:TextField = _createTextField(_name2 + "'s score:", 15, 20, p1ScoreText.y + p1ScoreText.height + 5, 0x000000, TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT, 120);
           var p2ScoreText:TextField = _createTextField("0", 17, 135, p2ScoreLabel.y, 0xFF0000, TextFieldAutoSize.RIGHT, 50);
           var ptsThisTurnLabel:TextField = _createTextField("Points in this turn:", 15, 20, p2ScoreText.y + p2ScoreText.height + 15, 0x000000, TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT, 120);
           var ptsThisTurnText:TextField = _createTextField("0", 17, 135, ptsThisTurnLabel.y, 0xFF0000, TextFieldAutoSize.RIGHT, 50);
           // Dice
           var dice:Shape = new Shape();
           dice.x = 201;
           dice.y = ptsThisTurnText.y + ptsThisTurnText.height + 30;
           dice.visible = false;
           var statusText:TextField = _createTextField("Start Play!", 15, 0, dice.y + 70, 0x0000A0, TextFieldAutoSize.CENTER, 450);
           // "Roll" button
           var rollButton:Sprite = new Sprite();
           var rollButtonText:TextField = _createTextField("Roll dice", 17, 0, 0, 0x000000, TextFieldAutoSize.CENTER, 100);
           rollButton.mouseChildren = false;
           rollButton.buttonMode = true;
           rollButton.graphics.lineStyle(1, 0x444444);
           rollButton.graphics.drawRect(0, 0, 100, rollButtonText.height);
           rollButton.x = 330;
           rollButton.y = 80;
           // "Hold" button
           var holdButton:Sprite = new Sprite();
           var holdButtonText:TextField = _createTextField("Hold", 17, 0, 0, 0x000000, TextFieldAutoSize.CENTER, 100);
           holdButton.mouseChildren = false;
           holdButton.buttonMode = true;
           holdButton.x = 330;
           holdButton.y = rollButton.y + rollButton.height + 10;
           rollButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _rollButtonClick);
           holdButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _holdButtonClick);
           _currentPlayerText = currentPlayerText;
           _p1ScoreText = p1ScoreText;
           _p2ScoreText = p2ScoreText;
           _ptsThisTurnText = ptsThisTurnText;
           _rollButton = rollButton;
           _holdButton = holdButton;
           _dice = dice;
           _statusText = statusText;
        * Creates a new text field.
        * @param text The text to be displayed in the text field.
        * @param size The font size of the text.
        * @param x The x-coordinate of the text field.
        * @param y The y-coordinate of the text field.
        * @param colour The text colour.
        * @param autoSize The text alignment mode.
        * @param width The width of the text field.
        * @return A TextField object.
        * @private
       private function _createTextField(text:String, size:Number, x:Number, y:Number, colour:uint, autoSize:String, width:Number):TextField {
           var t:TextField = new TextField();
           t.defaultTextFormat = new TextFormat(null, size, colour);
           t.autoSize = autoSize;
           t.x = x;
           t.y = y;
           t.width = width;
           t.text = text;
           t.height = t.textHeight + 5;
           return t;
        * Rolls the dice.
        * @return The result of the roll (1-6)
        * @private
       private function _rollDice():uint {
           // Since Math.random() returns a number between 0 and 1, multiplying it by 6 and then rounding down
           // gives a number between 0 and 5, so add 1 to it.
           var roll:uint = uint(Math.random() * 6) + 1;
           _dice.visible = true;
           var diceGraphics:Graphics = _dice.graphics;
           // Draw the dice.
           diceGraphics.lineStyle(2, 0x555555);
           diceGraphics.drawRect(0, 0, 48, 48);
           switch ( roll ) {
               case 1:
                   diceGraphics.drawCircle(24, 24, 3);
               case 2:
                   diceGraphics.drawCircle(16, 16, 3);
                   diceGraphics.drawCircle(32, 32, 3);
               case 3:
                   diceGraphics.drawCircle(12, 12, 3);
                   diceGraphics.drawCircle(24, 24, 3);
                   diceGraphics.drawCircle(36, 36, 3);
               case 4:
                   diceGraphics.drawCircle(16, 16, 3);
                   diceGraphics.drawCircle(16, 32, 3);
                   diceGraphics.drawCircle(32, 16, 3);
                   diceGraphics.drawCircle(32, 32, 3);
               case 5:
                   diceGraphics.drawCircle(12, 12, 3);
                   diceGraphics.drawCircle(24, 24, 3);
                   diceGraphics.drawCircle(36, 36, 3);
                   diceGraphics.drawCircle(36, 12, 3);
                   diceGraphics.drawCircle(12, 36, 3);
               case 6:
                   diceGraphics.drawCircle(16, 12, 3);
                   diceGraphics.drawCircle(16, 24, 3);
                   diceGraphics.drawCircle(16, 36, 3);
                   diceGraphics.drawCircle(32, 12, 3);
                   diceGraphics.drawCircle(32, 24, 3);
                   diceGraphics.drawCircle(32, 36, 3);
           return roll;
        * The score of the first player.
        * @private
       private function get _p1Score():uint {
           return __p1Score;
        * @private
       private function set _p1Score(value:uint):void {
           __p1Score = value;
           _p1ScoreText.text = String(value);
           if ( value >= _maxScore ) {
               _currentPlayerText.text = "Game over!";
               _statusText.text = _name1 + " wins!";
        * The score of the second player.
        * @private
       private function get _p2Score():uint {
           return __p2Score;
        * @private
       private function set _p2Score(value:uint):void {
           __p2Score = value;
           _p2ScoreText.text = String(value);
           if ( value >= _maxScore ) {
               _currentPlayerText.text = "Game over!";
               _statusText.text = _name2 + " wins!";
        * The number of points in the current turn.
        * @private
       private function get _turnPts():uint {
           return __turnPts;
        * @private
       private function set _turnPts(value:uint):void {
           __turnPts = value;
           _ptsThisTurnText.text = String(value);
           if ( _isPlayer2 && __p2Score + value >= _maxScore ) {
               _ptsThisTurnText.text = "0";
               _p2Score += value;
           else if ( ! _isPlayer2 && __p1Score + value >= _maxScore ) {
               _ptsThisTurnText.text = "0";
               _p1Score += value;
        * Function called when the "Roll dice" button is clicked.
        * @private
       private function _rollButtonClick(e:MouseEvent):void {
           var roll:uint = _rollDice();
           if ( roll == 1 ) {
               if ( _isPlayer2 ) {
                   _currentPlayerText.text = _name1 + "'s turn";
                   _statusText.text = _name2 + " rolls 1 and loses " + __turnPts + " points. " + _name1 + "'s turn now.";
               else {
                   _currentPlayerText.text = _name2 + "'s turn";
                   _statusText.text = _name1 + " rolls 1 and loses " + __turnPts + " points. " + _name2 + "'s turn now.";
               _isPlayer2 = ! _isPlayer2;
               _turnPts = 0;
           else {
               _turnPts += roll;
               _statusText.text = "";
        * Function called when the "Hold" button is clicked.
        * @private
       private function _holdButtonClick(e:MouseEvent):void {
           if ( _isPlayer2 ) {
               _currentPlayerText.text = _name1 + "'s turn";
               _statusText.text = _name2 + " holds and wins " + __turnPts + " points. " + _name1 + "'s turn now.";
               _p2Score += __turnPts;
           else {
               _currentPlayerText.text = _name2 + "'s turn";
               _statusText.text = _name1 + " holds and wins " + __turnPts + " points. " + _name2 + "'s turn now.";
               _p1Score += __turnPts;
           _dice.visible = false;
           _turnPts = 0;
           _isPlayer2 = ! _isPlayer2;


} </lang>


Uses Ada 2012.

The Package Pig

We first define a package Pig, which we also use in the player task Pig the dice game/Player.

Essentially, this package specifies two classes: Player provides the record keeping of the player's score saved so far, the points accumulated in the current round that may be added to the score, and the most recent roll. Actor is an abstract class to model the decision of rolling the dice once more or to save the current points into the score.

Also, there is a procedure Play to play the game, following whatever the actors do.

<lang Ada>package Pig is

  type Dice_Score is range 1 .. 6;
  type Player is tagged private; 
  function Recent(P: Player) return Natural;
  function All_Recent(P: Player) return Natural;
  function Score(P: Player) return Natural;
  type Actor is abstract tagged null record;
  function Roll_More(A: Actor; Self, Opponent: Player'Class) 

return Boolean is abstract;

  procedure Play(First, Second: Actor'Class; First_Wins: out Boolean);


  type Player is tagged record
     Score: Natural := 0;
     All_Recent: Natural := 0;
     Recent_Roll: Dice_Score := 1;
  end record;

end Pig;</lang>

The implementation of Pig is as follows:

<lang Ada>with Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random; package body Pig is

  function Score(P: Player) return Natural is (P.Score);
  function All_Recent(P: Player) return Natural is (P.All_Recent);
  function Recent(P: Player) return Natural is (Natural(P.Recent_Roll));
  function Has_Won(P: Player) return Boolean is (P.Score >= 100);
  package RND is new Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random(Dice_Score);
  Gen: RND.Generator; 

  procedure Roll(P: in out Player) is
     P.Recent_Roll := RND.Random(Gen);
     if P.Recent = 1 then 

P.All_Recent := 0;


P.All_Recent := P.All_Recent + P.Recent;

     end if;
  end Roll;
  procedure Add_To_Score(P: in out Player) is
     P.Score := P.Score + P.All_Recent;
     P.All_Recent := 0;
  end Add_To_Score;
  procedure Play(First, Second: Actor'Class; 

First_Wins: out Boolean) is

     P1, P2: Player;

Roll(P1); while First.Roll_More(P1, P2) and then P1.Recent > 1 loop Roll(P1); end loop; Add_To_Score(P1); exit when P1.Score >= 100; Roll(P2); while Second.Roll_More(P2, P1) and then P2.Recent > 1 loop Roll(P2); end loop; Add_To_Score(P2); exit when P2.Score >= 100;

     end loop;
     First_Wins := P1.Score >= 100;
  end Play;



end Pig;</lang>

Solving the Task

Now, to actually play the game, we need a procedure Play_Pig. Mainly, we derive a class Hand from the class Actor to implement manually playing the game.

<lang Ada>with Pig, Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Play_Pig is

  use Pig;
  type Hand is new Actor with record
     Name: String(1 .. 5);
  end record;
  function Roll_More(A: Hand; Self, Opponent: Player'Class) return Boolean;
  function Roll_More(A: Hand; Self, Opponent: Player'Class) return Boolean is
     Ch: Character := ' ';
     use Ada.Text_IO;
     Put(A.Name & " you:" & Natural'Image(Self.Score) &
           " (opponent:" & Natural'Image(Opponent.Score) &
           ") this round:" & Natural'Image(Self.All_Recent) &
           " this roll:" & Natural'Image(Self.Recent) &
           ";  add to score(+)?");
     return Ch /= '+';
  end Roll_More;
  A1: Hand := (Name => "Alice");
  A2: Hand := (Name => "Bob  ");
  Alice: Boolean;


  Play(A1, A2, Alice);
  Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line("Winner = " & (if Alice then "Alice!" else "Bob!"));

end Play_Pig;</lang>

Alice you: 0 (opponent: 0) this round: 3 this roll: 3;  add to score(+)? 
Alice you: 0 (opponent: 0) this round: 5 this roll: 2;  add to score(+)? 
Alice you: 0 (opponent: 0) this round: 10 this roll: 5;  add to score(+)? 
Alice you: 0 (opponent: 0) this round: 13 this roll: 3;  add to score(+)?+
Bob   you: 0 (opponent: 13) this round: 6 this roll: 6;  add to score(+)? 
Bob   you: 0 (opponent: 13) this round: 8 this roll: 2;  add to score(+)? 
Bob   you: 0 (opponent: 13) this round: 11 this roll: 3;  add to score(+)? 
Bob   you: 0 (opponent: 13) this round: 16 this roll: 5;  add to score(+)? 
Bob   you: 0 (opponent: 13) this round: 18 this roll: 2;  add to score(+)? 
Bob   you: 0 (opponent: 13) this round: 20 this roll: 2;  add to score(+)?+
Alice you: 13 (opponent: 20) this round: 2 this roll: 2;  add to score(+)?

... lots of more lines ...

Alice you: 76 (opponent: 66) this round: 8 this roll: 5;  add to score(+)? 
Alice you: 76 (opponent: 66) this round: 13 this roll: 5;  add to score(+)?+
Bob   you: 66 (opponent: 89) this round: 4 this roll: 4;  add to score(+)? 
Bob   you: 66 (opponent: 89) this round: 7 this roll: 3;  add to score(+)? 
Bob   you: 66 (opponent: 89) this round: 12 this roll: 5;  add to score(+)? 
Bob   you: 66 (opponent: 89) this round: 15 this roll: 3;  add to score(+)? 
Bob   you: 66 (opponent: 89) this round: 21 this roll: 6;  add to score(+)? 
Bob   you: 66 (opponent: 89) this round: 0 this roll: 1;  add to score(+)? 
Alice you: 89 (opponent: 66) this round: 6 this roll: 6;  add to score(+)? 
Alice you: 89 (opponent: 66) this round: 11 this roll: 5;  add to score(+)?+
Winner = Alice!


<lang autohotkey>Gui, Font, s12, Verdana Gui, Add, Text, vPlayer0, Player 0 Gui, Add, Text, vSum0, 000 Gui, Add, Button, Default, Roll Gui, Add, Text, ys vLastRoll, Roll 0 Gui, Add, Text, vTurnSum, Sum 000 Gui, Add, Button, , Hold Gui, Add, Text, ys vPlayer1, Player 1 Gui, Add, Text, vSum1, 000 Gui, Add, Button, , Reload Gui, Show GuiControl, Disable, Player1

CurrentPlayer := 0 ButtonRoll: Loop 10 { Random, LastRoll, 1, 6 GuiControl, , LastRoll, Roll %LastRoll% Sleep 50 } If LastRoll != 1 { TurnSum += LastRoll GuiControl, , TurnSum, Sum %TurnSum% Return } TurnSum := 0 ButtonHold: Sum%CurrentPlayer% += TurnSum TurnSum := 0 GuiControl, , LastRoll, Roll GuiControl, , TurnSum, Sum %TurnSum% GuiControl, , Sum%CurrentPlayer%, % Sum%CurrentPlayer% If Sum%CurrentPlayer% >= 100 { MsgBox Player %CurrentPlayer% Won! GuiClose: ExitApp } GuiControl, Disable, Player%CurrentPlayer% CurrentPlayer := !CurrentPlayer GuiControl, Enable, Player%CurrentPlayer% Return

ButtonReload: Reload</lang>


<lang AWK>

  1. syntax: GAWK -f PIG_THE_DICE_GAME.AWK
  2. converted from LUA


   players = 2
   p = 1 # start with first player
   printf("Enter: Hold or Roll?\n\n")
   while (1) {
     printf("Player %d, your score is %d, with %d temporary points\n",p,scores[p],points)
     getline reply
     reply = toupper(substr(reply,1,1))
     if (reply == "R") {
       roll = int(rand() * 6) + 1 # roll die
       printf("You rolled a %d\n",roll)
       if (roll == 1) {
         printf("Too bad. You lost %d temporary points\n\n",points)
         points = 0
         p = (p % players) + 1
       else {
         points += roll
     else if (reply == "H") {
       scores[p] += points
       points = 0
       if (scores[p] >= 100) {
         printf("Player %d wins with a score of %d\n",p,scores[p])
       printf("Player %d, your new score is %d\n\n",p,scores[p])
       p = (p % players) + 1
     else if (reply == "Q") { # abandon game

} </lang>


Translation of: FreeBASIC

<lang BASIC256> numjugadores = 2 maxpuntos = 100 Dim almacenpuntos(3) almacenpuntos[1] = 1 almacenpuntos[2] = 1

Cls: Print "The game of PIG" Print "===============" + Chr(13) + Chr(10) Print "Si jugador saca un 1, no anota nada y se convierte en el turno del oponente." Print "Si jugador saca 2-6, se agrega al total del turno y su turno continúa." Print "Si jugador elige 'mantener', su total de puntos se añade a su puntuación, " Print " y se convierte en el turno del siguiente jugador." + Chr(10) Print "El primer jugador en anotar 100 o más puntos gana."&Chr(13)&Chr(10)

Do For jugador = 1 To 2 #numjugadores puntos = 0

While almacenpuntos[jugador] <= maxpuntos Print Print "Jugador "; jugador; ": (";almacenpuntos[jugador];",";puntos;")"; Input " ¿Tirada? (Sn) ", nuevotiro If Upper(nuevotiro) = "S" Then tirada = Int(Rand* 5) + 1 Print " Tirada:"; tirada If tirada = 1 Then Print Chr(10) + "¡Pierdes tu turno! jugador "; jugador; Print " pero mantienes tu puntuación anterior de "; almacenpuntos[jugador] Exit While End If puntos = puntos + tirada Else almacenpuntos[jugador] = almacenpuntos[jugador] + puntos Print " Te quedas con: "; almacenpuntos[jugador] If almacenpuntos[jugador] >= maxpuntos Then Print Chr(10) + "Gana el Jugador "; jugador; " con "; almacenpuntos[jugador]; " puntos." End End If Exit While End If End While Next jugador Until false </lang>


<lang c>

  1. include <stdio.h>
  2. include <stdlib.h>
  3. include <time.h>

const int NUM_PLAYERS = 2; const int MAX_POINTS = 100;

//General functions int randrange(int min, int max){

   return (rand() % (max - min + 1)) + min;


//Game functions void ResetScores(int *scores){

   for(int i = 0; i < NUM_PLAYERS; i++){
       scores[i] = 0;


void Play(int *scores){

   int scoredPoints = 0;
   int diceResult;
   int choice;
   for(int i = 0; i < NUM_PLAYERS; i++){
           printf("Player %d - You have %d total points and %d points this turn \nWhat do you want to do (1)roll or (2)hold: ", i + 1, scores[i], scoredPoints);
           scanf("%d", &choice);
           if(choice == 1){
               diceResult = randrange(1, 6);
               printf("\nYou rolled a %d\n", diceResult);
               if(diceResult != 1){
                   scoredPoints += diceResult;
                   printf("You loose all your points from this turn\n\n");
                   scoredPoints = 0;
           else if(choice == 2){
               scores[i] += scoredPoints;
               printf("\nYou holded, you have %d points\n\n", scores[i]);
       scoredPoints = 0;
       CheckForWin(scores[i], i + 1);


void CheckForWin(int playerScore, int playerNum){

   if(playerScore >= MAX_POINTS){
       printf("\n\nCONGRATULATIONS PLAYER %d, YOU WIN\n\n!", playerNum);


int main() {

   int scores[NUM_PLAYERS];
   return 0;




Player 1 - You have 0 total points and 0 points this turn
What do you want to do (1)roll or (2)hold: 1

You rolled a 2
Player 1 - You have 0 total points and 2 points this turn
What do you want to do (1)roll or (2)hold: 1

You rolled a 2
Player 1 - You have 0 total points and 4 points this turn
What do you want to do (1)roll or (2)hold: 1

You rolled a 4
Player 1 - You have 0 total points and 8 points this turn
What do you want to do (1)roll or (2)hold: 1

You rolled a 5
Player 1 - You have 0 total points and 13 points this turn
What do you want to do (1)roll or (2)hold: 2

You holded, you have 13 points

Player 2 - You have 0 total points and 0 points this turn
What do you want to do (1)roll or (2)hold: 1

You rolled a 5
Player 2 - You have 0 total points and 5 points this turn
What do you want to do (1)roll or (2)hold: 1

You rolled a 6
Player 2 - You have 0 total points and 11 points this turn
What do you want to do (1)roll or (2)hold: 1

You rolled a 3
Player 2 - You have 0 total points and 14 points this turn
What do you want to do (1)roll or (2)hold:


<lang csharp> using System; using System.IO;

namespace Pig {

class Roll { public int TotalScore{get;set;} public int RollScore{get;set;} public bool Continue{get;set;} }

class Player { public String Name{get;set;} public int Score {get;set;} Random rand;

public Player() { Score = 0; rand = new Random(); }

public Roll Roll(int LastScore){ Roll roll = new Roll(); roll.RollScore = rand.Next(6) + 1;

if(roll.RollScore == 1){ roll.TotalScore = 0; roll.Continue = false; return roll; }

roll.TotalScore = LastScore + roll.RollScore; roll.Continue = true; return roll; }

public void FinalizeTurn(Roll roll){ Score = Score + roll.TotalScore; } }

public class Game { public static void Main(String[] argv){ String input = null; Player[] players = new Player[2];

// Game loop while(true){ Console.Write("Greetings! Would you like to play a game (y/n)?"); while(input == null){ input = Console.ReadLine(); if(input.ToLowerInvariant() == "y"){ players[0] = new Player(); players[1] = new Player(); Console.Write("Player One, what's your name?"); input = Console.ReadLine(); players[0].Name = input; Console.Write("Player Two, what's your name?"); input = Console.ReadLine(); players[1].Name = input; Console.WriteLine(players[0].Name + " and " + players[1].Name + ", prepare to do battle!"); } else if (input.ToLowerInvariant() == "n"){ goto Goodbye; /* Not considered harmful */ } else { input = null; Console.Write("I'm sorry, I don't understand. Play a game (y/n)?"); } }

// Play the game int currentPlayer = 0; Roll roll = null; bool runTurn = true; while(runTurn){ Player p = players[currentPlayer]; roll = p.Roll( (roll !=null) ? roll.TotalScore : 0 ); if(roll.Continue){ if(roll.TotalScore + p.Score > 99){ Console.WriteLine("Congratulations, " + p.Name + "! You rolled a " + roll.RollScore + " for a final score of " + (roll.TotalScore + p.Score) + "!"); runTurn = false; } else { Console.Write(p.Name + ": Roll " + roll.RollScore + "/Turn " + roll.TotalScore + "/Total " + (roll.TotalScore + p.Score) + ". Roll again (y/n)?"); input = Console.ReadLine(); if(input.ToLowerInvariant() == "y"){ // Do nothing } else if (input.ToLowerInvariant() == "n"){ p.FinalizeTurn(roll); currentPlayer = Math.Abs(currentPlayer - 1); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(players[0].Name + ": " + players[0].Score + " " + players[1].Name + ": " + players[1].Score); Console.WriteLine(players[currentPlayer].Name + ", your turn begins."); roll = null; } else { input = null; Console.Write("I'm sorry, I don't understand. Play a game (y/n)?"); } } } else { Console.WriteLine(p.Name + @", you rolled a 1 and lost your points for this turn. Your current score: " + p.Score); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(players[0].Name + ": " + players[0].Score + " " + players[1].Name + ": " + players[1].Score); currentPlayer = Math.Abs(currentPlayer - 1); } }

input = null; } Goodbye: Console.WriteLine("Thanks for playing, and remember: the house ALWAYS wins!"); System.Environment.Exit(0); } } } </lang>


<lang cpp>

  1. include <windows.h>
  2. include <iostream>
  3. include <string>

//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- using namespace std;

//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const int PLAYERS = 2, MAX_POINTS = 100;

//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class player { public:

   player() { reset(); }
   void reset()

name = ""; current_score = round_score = 0;

   string getName()             { return name; }
   void setName( string n )     { name = n; }
   int getCurrScore()           { return current_score; }
   void addCurrScore()          { current_score += round_score; }
   int getRoundScore()          { return round_score; }
   void addRoundScore( int rs ) { round_score += rs; }
   void zeroRoundScore()        { round_score = 0; }


   string name;
   int current_score, round_score;

}; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class pigGame { public:

   pigGame() { resetPlayers(); }
   void play()

while( true ) { system( "cls" ); int p = 0; while( true ) { if( turn( p ) ) { praise( p ); break; }

++p %= PLAYERS; }

string r; cout << "Do you want to play again ( y / n )? "; cin >> r; if( r != "Y" && r != "y" ) return; resetPlayers(); }



   void resetPlayers()

system( "cls" ); string n; for( int p = 0; p < PLAYERS; p++ ) { _players[p].reset(); cout << "Enter name player " << p + 1 << ": "; cin >> n; _players[p].setName( n ); }

   void praise( int p )

system( "cls" ); cout << "CONGRATULATIONS " << _players[p].getName() << ", you are the winner!" << endl << endl; cout << "Final Score" << endl; drawScoreboard(); cout << endl << endl;

   void drawScoreboard()

for( int p = 0; p < PLAYERS; p++ ) cout << _players[p].getName() << ": " << _players[p].getCurrScore() << " points" << endl; cout << endl;

   bool turn( int p )

system( "cls" ); drawScoreboard(); _players[p].zeroRoundScore(); string r; int die; while( true ) { cout << _players[p].getName() << ", your round score is: " << _players[p].getRoundScore() << endl; cout << "What do you want to do (H)old or (R)oll? "; cin >> r; if( r == "h" || r == "H" ) { _players[p].addCurrScore(); return _players[p].getCurrScore() >= MAX_POINTS; } if( r == "r" || r == "R" ) { die = rand() % 6 + 1; if( die == 1 ) { cout << _players[p].getName() << ", your turn is over." << endl << endl; system( "pause" ); return false; } _players[p].addRoundScore( die ); } cout << endl; } return false;

   player	_players[PLAYERS];

}; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) {

   srand( GetTickCount() );
   pigGame pg;
   return 0;

} //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- </lang> Output:

Chuck: 14 points
Bob: 16 points

Chuck, your round score is: 0
What do you want to do (H)old or (R)oll? r

Chuck, your round score is: 6
What do you want to do (H)old or (R)oll? r

Chuck, your round score is: 11
What do you want to do (H)old or (R)oll? r

Chuck, your round score is: 16
What do you want to do (H)old or (R)oll?


<lang clojure>(def max 100)

(defn roll-dice []

 (let [roll (inc (rand-int 6))]
   (println "Rolled:" roll) roll))

(defn switch [player]

 (if (= player :player1) :player2 :player1))

(defn find-winner [game]

   (>= (:player1 game) max) :player1
   (>= (:player2 game) max) :player2
   :else nil))

(defn bust []

 (println "Busted!") 0)

(defn hold [points]

 (println "Sticking with" points) points)

(defn play-round [game player temp-points]

 (println (format "%s: (%s, %s).  Want to Roll? (y/n) " (name player) (player game) temp-points))
 (let [input (clojure.string/upper-case (read-line))]
   (if (.equals input "Y")
     (let [roll (roll-dice)]
       (if (= 1 roll)
         (play-round game player (+ roll temp-points))))
     (hold temp-points))))

(defn play-game [game player]

   (let [winner (find-winner game)]
     (if (nil? winner)
       (let [points (play-round game player 0)]
         (recur (assoc game player (+ points (player game))) (switch player)))
       (println (name winner) "wins!"))))

(defn -main [& args]

 (println "Pig the Dice Game.")
 (play-game {:player1 0, :player2 0} :player1))</lang>


<lang clu>% This program uses the RNG included in PCLU's "misc.lib".

pig = cluster is play

   rep = null
   own pi: stream := stream$primary_input()
   own po: stream := stream$primary_output()
   own scores: array[int] := array[int]$[0,0]
   % Seed the RNG with the current time
   init_rng = proc ()
       d: date := now()
       random$seed(d.second + 60*(d.minute + 60*d.hour))
   end init_rng
   % Roll die
   roll = proc () returns (int) 
       return(random$next(6) + 1)
   end roll
   % Read keypresses until one of the keys in 's' is pressed
   accept = proc (s: string) returns (char)
       own beep: string := string$ac2s(array[char]$[char$i2c(7), char$i2c(8)])
       while true do
           c: char := stream$getc(pi)
           if string$indexc(c,s) ~= 0 then 
               stream$putl(po, "")
           stream$puts(po, beep)
   end accept
   % Print the current scores
   print_scores = proc ()
       stream$puts(po, "\nCurrent scores: ")
       for p: int in array[int]$indexes(scores) do
           stream$puts(po, "Player " || int$unparse(p) 
                       || " = " || int$unparse(scores[p]) || "\t")
       stream$putl(po, "")
   end print_scores
   % Player P's turn
   turn = proc (p: int)
       stream$putl(po, "\nPlayer " || int$unparse(p) || "'s turn.")
       t: int := 0
       while true do
           r: int := roll()
           stream$puts(po, "Score: " || int$unparse(scores[p]))
           stream$puts(po, " Turn: " || int$unparse(t))
           stream$puts(po, " Roll: " || int$unparse(r)) 
           if r=1 then
               % Rolled a 1, turn is over, no points.
               stream$putl(po, " - Too bad!")
           % Add this roll to the score for this turn 
           t := t + r
           stream$puts(po, "\tR)oll again, or H)old? ")
           if accept("rh") = 'h' then
               % The player stops, and receives the points for this turn.
               scores[p] := scores[p] + t
       stream$putl(po, "Player " || int$unparse(p) || "'s turn ends.")
   end turn
   % Play the game
   play = proc ()  
       stream$putl(po, "Game of Pig\n---- -- ----")
       scores[1] := 0  % Both players start out with 0 points
       scores[2] := 0
       % Players take turns until one of them has a score >= 100 
       p: int := 1
       while scores[1] < 100 & scores[2] < 100 do
           turn(p) p := 3-p
       for i: int in array[int]$indexes(scores) do
           if scores[i] >= 100 then
               stream$putl(po, "Player " || int$unparse(i) || " wins!")
   end play

end pig

start_up = proc()


end start_up</lang>

Game of Pig
---- -- ----

Current scores: Player 1 = 0    Player 2 = 0

Player 1's turn.
Score: 0 Turn: 0 Roll: 6        R)oll again, or H)old? r
Score: 0 Turn: 6 Roll: 6        R)oll again, or H)old? h
Player 1's turn ends.

Current scores: Player 1 = 12   Player 2 = 0

Player 2's turn.
Score: 0 Turn: 0 Roll: 4        R)oll again, or H)old? r
Score: 0 Turn: 4 Roll: 4        R)oll again, or H)old? r
Score: 0 Turn: 8 Roll: 2        R)oll again, or H)old? h
Player 2's turn ends.

Current scores: Player 1 = 12   Player 2 = 10

Player 1's turn.
Score: 12 Turn: 0 Roll: 2       R)oll again, or H)old? r
Score: 12 Turn: 2 Roll: 5       R)oll again, or H)old? r
Score: 12 Turn: 7 Roll: 1 - Too bad!
Player 1's turn ends.

Current scores: Player 1 = 12   Player 2 = 10

Player 2's turn.
Score: 10 Turn: 0 Roll: 5       R)oll again, or H)old? r
Score: 10 Turn: 5 Roll: 5       R)oll again, or H)old? r
Score: 10 Turn: 10 Roll: 4      R)oll again, or H)old? h
Player 2's turn ends.

Current scores: Player 1 = 12   Player 2 = 24

Player 1's turn.
Score: 12 Turn: 0 Roll: 2       R)oll again, or H)old? r
Score: 12 Turn: 2 Roll: 1 - Too bad!
Player 1's turn ends.

Current scores: Player 1 = 12   Player 2 = 24

Player 2's turn.
Score: 24 Turn: 0 Roll: 5       R)oll again, or H)old? r
Score: 24 Turn: 5 Roll: 5       R)oll again, or H)old? r
Score: 24 Turn: 10 Roll: 5      R)oll again, or H)old? h
Player 2's turn ends.

Current scores: Player 1 = 12   Player 2 = 39

Player 1's turn.
Score: 12 Turn: 0 Roll: 3       R)oll again, or H)old? r
Score: 12 Turn: 3 Roll: 3       R)oll again, or H)old? r
Score: 12 Turn: 6 Roll: 3       R)oll again, or H)old? r
Score: 12 Turn: 9 Roll: 6       R)oll again, or H)old? h
Player 1's turn ends.

Current scores: Player 1 = 27   Player 2 = 39

Player 2's turn.
Score: 39 Turn: 0 Roll: 1 - Too bad!
Player 2's turn ends.

Current scores: Player 1 = 27   Player 2 = 39

Player 1's turn.
Score: 27 Turn: 0 Roll: 3       R)oll again, or H)old? r
Score: 27 Turn: 3 Roll: 1 - Too bad!
Player 1's turn ends.

Current scores: Player 1 = 27   Player 2 = 39

Player 2's turn.
Score: 39 Turn: 0 Roll: 1 - Too bad!
Player 2's turn ends.

Current scores: Player 1 = 27   Player 2 = 39

Player 1's turn.
Score: 27 Turn: 0 Roll: 1 - Too bad!
Player 1's turn ends.

Current scores: Player 1 = 27   Player 2 = 39

Player 2's turn.
Score: 39 Turn: 0 Roll: 4       R)oll again, or H)old? r
Score: 39 Turn: 4 Roll: 5       R)oll again, or H)old? r
Score: 39 Turn: 9 Roll: 3       R)oll again, or H)old? r
Score: 39 Turn: 12 Roll: 5      R)oll again, or H)old? h
Player 2's turn ends.

Current scores: Player 1 = 27   Player 2 = 56

Player 1's turn.
Score: 27 Turn: 0 Roll: 5       R)oll again, or H)old? r
Score: 27 Turn: 5 Roll: 5       R)oll again, or H)old? r
Score: 27 Turn: 10 Roll: 1 - Too bad!
Player 1's turn ends.

Current scores: Player 1 = 27   Player 2 = 56

Player 2's turn.
Score: 56 Turn: 0 Roll: 6       R)oll again, or H)old? r
Score: 56 Turn: 6 Roll: 5       R)oll again, or H)old? r
Score: 56 Turn: 11 Roll: 5      R)oll again, or H)old? r
Score: 56 Turn: 16 Roll: 4      R)oll again, or H)old? h
Player 2's turn ends.

Current scores: Player 1 = 27   Player 2 = 76

Player 1's turn.
Score: 27 Turn: 0 Roll: 2       R)oll again, or H)old? r
Score: 27 Turn: 2 Roll: 6       R)oll again, or H)old? r
Score: 27 Turn: 8 Roll: 3       R)oll again, or H)old? r
Score: 27 Turn: 11 Roll: 6      R)oll again, or H)old? h
Player 1's turn ends.

Current scores: Player 1 = 44   Player 2 = 76

Player 2's turn.
Score: 76 Turn: 0 Roll: 6       R)oll again, or H)old? r
Score: 76 Turn: 6 Roll: 2       R)oll again, or H)old? r
Score: 76 Turn: 8 Roll: 3       R)oll again, or H)old? r
Score: 76 Turn: 11 Roll: 2      R)oll again, or H)old? h
Player 2's turn ends.

Current scores: Player 1 = 44   Player 2 = 89

Player 1's turn.
Score: 44 Turn: 0 Roll: 4       R)oll again, or H)old? r
Score: 44 Turn: 4 Roll: 2       R)oll again, or H)old? r
Score: 44 Turn: 6 Roll: 5       R)oll again, or H)old? r
Score: 44 Turn: 11 Roll: 1 - Too bad!
Player 1's turn ends.

Current scores: Player 1 = 44   Player 2 = 89

Player 2's turn.
Score: 89 Turn: 0 Roll: 5       R)oll again, or H)old? r
Score: 89 Turn: 5 Roll: 2       R)oll again, or H)old? r
Score: 89 Turn: 7 Roll: 3       R)oll again, or H)old? r
Score: 89 Turn: 10 Roll: 5      R)oll again, or H)old? h
Player 2's turn ends.

Current scores: Player 1 = 44   Player 2 = 104
Player 2 wins!

Common Lisp

<lang lisp>(defconstant +max-score+ 100) (defconstant +n-of-players+ 2)

(let ((scores (make-list +n-of-players+ :initial-element 0))

     (current-player 0)
     (round-score 0))
    (format t "Player ~d: (~d, ~d). Rolling? (Y)"
            (nth current-player scores)
    (if (member (read-line) '("y" "yes" "") :test #'string=)
        (let ((roll (1+ (random 6))))
          (format t "~tRolled ~d~%" roll)
          (if (= roll 1)
                (format t
                        "~tBust! you lose ~d but still keep your previous ~d~%"
                        round-score (nth current-player scores))
                (setf round-score 0)
                (setf current-player
                      (mod (1+ current-player) +n-of-players+)))
              (incf round-score roll)))
          (incf (nth current-player scores) round-score)
          (setf round-score 0)
          (when (>= (apply #'max scores) 100)
          (format t "~tSticking with ~d~%" (nth current-player scores))
          (setf current-player (mod (1+ current-player) +n-of-players+)))))
 (format t "~%Player ~d wins with a score of ~d~%" current-player
         (nth current-player scores)))</lang>
Player 0: (0, 0). Rolling? (Y)
 Rolled 5
Player 0: (0, 5). Rolling? (Y)
 Rolled 6
Player 0: (0, 11). Rolling? (Y)n
 Sticking with 11
Player 1: (0, 0). Rolling? (Y)
 Rolled 4
Player 1: (0, 4). Rolling? (Y)
 Rolled 3
Player 1: (0, 7). Rolling? (Y)
 Rolled 6
Player 1: (0, 13). Rolling? (Y)n
 Sticking with 13
Player 0: (81, 0). Rolling? (Y)
 Rolled 2
Player 0: (81, 2). Rolling? (Y)
 Rolled 2
Player 1: (85, 0). Rolling? (Y)
 Rolled 3
Player 1: (85, 3). Rolling? (Y)
 Rolled 3
Player 1: (85, 6). Rolling? (Y)
 Rolled 5
Player 1: (85, 11). Rolling? (Y)
 Rolled 6
Player 1: (85, 17). Rolling? (Y)n

Player 1 wins with a score of 102


Translation of: Python

<lang d>void main() {

   import std.stdio, std.string, std.algorithm, std.random;
   enum maxScore = 100;
   enum playerCount = 2;
   immutable confirmations = ["yes", "y", ""];
   int[playerCount] safeScore;
   int player, score;
   while (true) {
       writef(" Player %d: (%d, %d). Rolling? (y/n) ", player,
              safeScore[player], score);
       if (safeScore[player] + score < maxScore &&
           confirmations.canFind(readln.strip.toLower)) {
           immutable rolled = uniform(1, 7);
           writefln(" Rolled %d", rolled);
           if (rolled == 1) {
               writefln(" Bust! You lose %d but keep %d\n",
                        score, safeScore[player]);
           } else {
               score += rolled;
       } else {
           safeScore[player] += score;
           if (safeScore[player] >= maxScore)
           writefln(" Sticking with %d\n", safeScore[player]);
       score = 0;
       player = (player + 1) % playerCount;
   writefln("\n\nPlayer %d wins with a score of %d",
            player, safeScore[player]);


 Player 0: (0, 0). Rolling? (y/n) 
   Rolled 6
 Player 0: (0, 6). Rolling? (y/n) 
   Rolled 5
 Player 0: (0, 11). Rolling? (y/n) 
   Rolled 1
 Bust! you lose 11 but keep 0

 Player 1: (0, 0). Rolling? (y/n) 
   Rolled 3
 Player 1: (0, 3). Rolling? (y/n) 
   Rolled 4
 Player 1: (0, 7). Rolling? (y/n) 
   Rolled 6
 Player 1: (0, 13). Rolling? (y/n) n
 Sticking with 13


 Player 0: (88, 0). Rolling? (y/n) 
   Rolled 6
 Player 0: (88, 6). Rolling? (y/n) 
   Rolled 4
 Player 0: (88, 10). Rolling? (y/n) 
   Rolled 3
 Player 0: (88, 13). Rolling? (y/n)

 Player 0 wins with a score of 101


Translation of: Go

Thanks JensBorrisholt for library System.Console. <lang Delphi>program Pig_the_dice_game;





 playerScores: TArray<Integer> = [0, 0];
 turn: Integer = 0;
 currentScore: Integer = 0;
 player: Integer;


 turn := Random(length(playerScores));
 writeln('Player ', turn, ' start:');
 while True do
   for var i := 0 to High(playerScores) do
     Console.ForegroundColor := TConsoleColor(i mod 15 + 1);
     Writeln(format('Player %2d has: %3d points', [i, playerScores[i]]));
   player := turn mod length(playerScores);
   Console.ForegroundColor := TConsoleColor(player mod 15 + 1);
   writeln(format('Player %d [%d, %d], (H)old, (R)oll or (Q)uit: ', [player,
     playerScores[player], currentScore]));
   var answer := Console.ReadKey.KeyChar;
   case UpCase(answer) of
         playerScores[player] := playerScores[player] + currentScore;
         writeln(format('    Player %d now has a score of %d.'#10, [player,
         if playerScores[player] >= 100 then
           writeln('    Player ', player, ' wins!!!');
         currentScore := 0;
         var roll := Random(6) + 1;
         if roll = 1 then
           writeln('    Rolled a 1. Bust!'#10);
           currentScore := 0;
           writeln('Press any key to pass turn');
           writeln('    Rolled a ', roll, '.');
           inc(currentScore, roll);
     writeln('  Please enter one of the given inputs.');
 writeln(format('Player %d wins!!!', [(turn - 1) mod Length(playerScores)]));


Player  0 has:  96 points
Player  1 has:  92 points

Player 1 [92, 8], (H)old, (R)oll or (Q)uit:
    Player 1 now has a score of 100.

    Player 1 wins!!!


<lang Eiffel> class PLAYER create set_name feature set_name(n:STRING) do name := n.twin set_points(0) end

strategy(cur_points:INTEGER) local current_points, thrown:INTEGER do io.put_string ("You currently have " +points.out+". %NDo you want to save your points? Press y or n.%N") io.read_line if io.last_string.same_string ("y") then set_points(cur_points) else io.put_string ("Then throw again.%N") thrown:=throw_dice if thrown= 1 then io.put_string("You loose your points%N") else strategy(cur_points+thrown) end end

end set_points (value:INTEGER) require value_not_neg: value >= 0 do points := points + value end

random: V_RANDOM -- Random sequence. once create Result end throw_dice: INTEGER do random.forth Result := random.bounded_item (1, 6) end

name: STRING points: INTEGER end </lang> <lang Eiffel> class PIG_THE_DICE

feature play local points, i: INTEGER do io.put_string("Welcome to the game.%N") initiate_players from

until winner/=void loop across player as p loop points:=p.item.throw_dice io.put_string ("%N" + p.item.name +" you throwed " + points.out + ".%N") if points =1 then io.put_string ("You loose your points.%N") else p.item.strategy(points) end if p.item.points >=100 then winner := p.item io.put_string ("%NThe winner is " + winner.name.out + ".%N") end end end end

initiate_players local p1,p2: PLAYER do create player.make (1, 2) create p1.set_name ("Player1") player.put (p1, 1) create p2.set_name ("Player2") player.put (p2, 2) end

player: V_ARRAY[PLAYER] winner: PLAYER end </lang> Test: <lang Eiffel> class APPLICATION inherit ARGUMENTS create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make local do create pig pig.initiate_players pig.play end pig: PIG_THE_DICE end </lang>

Welcome to the game.

Player1 you throwed 4.
You currently have 0.
Do you want to save your points? Press y or no.

Player2 you throwed 3.
You currently have 0.
Do you want to save your points? Press y or no.
Then throw again. 
Player2 you throwed 6.
You currently have 98.
Do you want to save your points? Press y or n.

The winner is Player2.


Some of the code (ex: quit/2) is only there to make play during development easier. Some (ex: player_name/1) is only there to make Pig_the_dice_game/Player easier. <lang Erlang> -module( pig_dice ).

-export( [game/1, goal/0, hold/2, player_name/1, players_totals/1, quit/2, roll/2, score/1, task/0] ).

-record( player, {name, score=0, total=0} ).

game( [_Player | _T]=Players ) ->

   My_pid = erlang:self(),
   erlang:spawn_link( fun() -> random:seed(os:timestamp()), game_loop( [#player{name=X} || X <- Players], 100, My_pid ) end ).

goal() -> 100.

hold( Player, Game ) -> Game ! {next_player, Player}.

players_totals( Game ) -> ask( Game, players_totals ).

player_name( Game ) -> ask( Game, name ).

quit( Player, Game ) -> Game ! {quit, Player}.

roll( Player, Game ) -> Game ! {roll, Player}.

score( Game ) -> ask( Game, score ).

task() ->

   Game = game( ["Player1", "Player2"] ),
   Play = erlang:spawn( fun() -> play_loop( Game ) end ),
   {pig, Result, Game} ->
   	erlang:exit( Play, kill ),
       task_display( Result ),



ask( Game, Question ) ->

   Game ! {Question, erlang:self()},
   {Question, Answer, Game} -> Answer

game_loop( [], _Goal, Report_pid ) -> Report_pid ! {pig, game_over_all_quite. erlang:self()}; game_loop( [#player{name=Name}=Player | T]=Players, Goal, Report_pid ) -> receive {name, Pid} -> Pid ! {name, Player#player.name, erlang:self()}, game_loop( Players, Goal, Report_pid ); {next_player, Name} -> New_players = game_loop_next_player( Player#player.total + Player#player.score, Players, Goal, Report_pid ), game_loop( New_players, Goal, Report_pid );

      {players_totals, Pid} ->

Pid ! {players_totals, [{X#player.name, X#player.total} || X <- Players], erlang:self()}, game_loop( Players, Goal, Report_pid ); {quit, Name} -> game_loop( T, Goal, Report_pid ); {roll, Name} -> New_players = game_loop_roll( random:uniform(6), Players ), game_loop( New_players, Goal, Report_pid ); {score, Pid} ->

              Pid ! {score, Player#player.score, erlang:self()},

game_loop( Players, Goal, Report_pid ) end.

game_loop_next_player( Total, [Player | T], Goal, Report_pid ) when Total >= Goal -> Report_pid ! {pig, [{X#player.name, X#player.total} || X <- [Player | T]]. erlang:self()}, []; game_loop_next_player( Total, [Player | T], _Goal, _Report_pid ) -> T ++ [Player#player{score=0, total=Total}].

game_loop_roll( 1, [Player | T] ) -> T ++ [Player#player{score=0}]; game_loop_roll( Score, [#player{score=Old_score}=Player | T] ) -> [Player#player{score=Old_score + Score} | T].

play_loop( Game ) -> Name = player_name( Game ), io:fwrite( "Currently ~p.~n", [players_totals(Game)] ), io:fwrite( "Name ~p.~n", [Name] ), roll( Name, Game ), Score = score( Game ), io:fwrite( "Rolled, score this round ~p.~n", [Score] ), play_loop_next( Score, Name, Game ), play_loop( Game ).

play_loop_command( {ok, ["y" ++ _T]}, _Name, _Game ) -> ok; play_loop_command( {ok, ["n" ++ _T]}, Name, Game ) -> hold( Name, Game ); play_loop_command( {ok, ["q" ++ _T]}, Name, Game ) -> quit( Name, Game ); play_loop_command( {ok, _T}, Name, Game ) -> play_loop_command( io:fread("Roll again (y/n/q): ", "~s"), Name, Game ).

play_loop_next( 0, _Name, _Game ) -> io:fwrite( "~nScore 0, next player.~n" ); play_loop_next( _Score, Name, Game ) -> play_loop_command( io:fread("Roll again (y/n/q): ", "~s"), Name, Game ).

task_display( Results ) when is_list(Results) ->

       [{Name, Total} | Rest] = lists:reverse( lists:keysort(2, Results) ),
       io:fwrite( "Winner is ~p with total of ~p~n", [Name, Total] ),
       io:fwrite( "Then follows: " ),
       [io:fwrite("~p with ~p~n", [N, T]) || {N, T} <- Rest];

task_display( Result ) -> io:fwrite( "Result: ~p~n", [Result] ). </lang>


Start of game:

2> pig_dice:task().
Currently [{"Player1",0},{"Player2",0}].
Name "Player1".
Rolled, score this round 3.
Roll again (y/n/q): y
Currently [{"Player1",0},{"Player2",0}].
Name "Player1".
Rolled, score this round 8.
Roll again (y/n/q): y
Currently [{"Player1",0},{"Player2",0}].
Name "Player1".
Rolled, score this round 14.
Roll again (y/n/q): n
Currently [{"Player2",0},{"Player1",14}].
Name "Player2".
Rolled, score this round 4.
Roll again (y/n/q): y
Currently [{"Player2",0},{"Player1",14}].
Name "Player2".
Rolled, score this round 6.
Roll again (y/n/q): y
Currently [{"Player2",0},{"Player1",14}].
Name "Player2".
Rolled, score this round 10.
Roll again (y/n/q): y
Currently [{"Player2",0},{"Player1",14}].
Name "Player2".
Rolled, score this round 16.
Roll again (y/n/q): y
Currently [{"Player2",0},{"Player1",14}].
Name "Player2".
Rolled, score this round 21.
Roll again (y/n/q): y
Currently [{"Player2",0},{"Player1",14}].
Name "Player2".
Rolled, score this round 24.
Roll again (y/n/q): y
Currently [{"Player2",0},{"Player1",14}].
Name "Player2".
Rolled, score this round 28.
Roll again (y/n/q): y
Currently [{"Player2",0},{"Player1",14}].
Name "Player2".
Rolled, score this round 0.

Score 0, next player.
Currently [{"Player1",14},{"Player2",0}].
Name "Player1".
Rolled, score this round 2.
Roll again (y/n/q): 


<lang focal>01.10 T "GAME OF PIG"! 01.20 S S(1)=0;S S(2)=0;S P=1 01.30 T !"PLAYER",%1,P," TURN BEGINS"! 01.40 D 3;I (99-S(P))1.7 01.50 S P=3-P 01.60 G 1.3 01.70 T !"THE WINNER IS PLAYER",%1,P,! 01.80 Q

02.10 S A=10*FRAN();S A=1+FITR(6*(A-FITR(A)))

03.10 S T=0 03.20 T "PLAYER",%1,P," SCORE",%3,S(P)," TURN",%3,T 03.25 D 2;T " ROLL",%1,A," " 03.30 I (A-2)3.55;S T=T+A 03.35 A "- R)OLL OR H)OLD",C 03.40 I (C-0R)3.45,3.2,3.45 03.45 I (C-0H)3.5,3.6,3.5 03.50 T "INVALID INPUT ";G 3.35 03.55 T "- TOO BAD!"!;S T=0 03.60 S S(P)=S(P)+T 03.65 T "PLAYER",%1,P," SCORE",%3,S(P)," TURN FINISHED"!</lang>


Works with: 4tH version 3.62.1

<lang forth>include lib/choose.4th include lib/yesorno.4th

turn ( n1 -- n2)
 ." Player " . ." is up" cr           \ which player is up
 0 begin                              \ nothing so far
   s" Rolling" yes/no?                \ stand or roll?
 while                                \ now roll the dice
   6 choose 1+ dup ." Rolling " . dup 1 =
   if drop drop 0 else + ." (" dup 0 .r ." )" then cr dup 0=
 until                                \ until player stands or 1 is rolled
pigthedice ( --)
 2 0 1 over                           \ setup players
 begin over turn + dup ." Total score: " . cr cr dup 100 < while 2swap repeat
 ." Player " swap . ." won with " . ." points." cr
 ." Player " swap . ." lost with " . ." points." cr
\ show the results



<lang freebasic> Const numjugadores = 2 Const maxpuntos = 100 Dim As Byte almacenpuntos(numjugadores), jugador, puntos, tirada Dim As String nuevotiro

Cls: Color 15: Print "The game of PIG" Print String(15, "=") + Chr(13) + Chr(10): Color 7 Print "Si jugador saca un 1, no anota nada y se convierte en el turno del oponente." Print "Si jugador saca 2-6, se agrega al total del turno y su turno continúa." Print "Si jugador elige 'mantener', su total de puntos se añade a su puntuación, " Print " y se convierte en el turno del siguiente jugador." + Chr(10) Print "El primer jugador en anotar 100 o más puntos gana." + Chr(13) + Chr(10): Color 7


   For jugador = 1 To numjugadores
       puntos = 0
       While almacenpuntos(jugador) <= maxpuntos
           Color 15: Print
           Print Using "Jugador #: (&_, &)"; jugador;almacenpuntos(jugador);puntos;: Color 11
           Input "  ¿Tirada? (Sn) ", nuevotiro
           If Ucase(nuevotiro) = "S" Then
               tirada = Int(Rnd* 5) + 1
               Print "  Tirada:"; tirada
               If tirada = 1 Then
                   Color 11: Print Chr(10) + "­¡Pierdes tu turno! jugador"; jugador; 
                   Print " pero mantienes tu puntuación anterior de "; almacenpuntos(jugador): Color 7
                   Exit While
               End If
               puntos = puntos + tirada
               almacenpuntos(jugador) = almacenpuntos(jugador) + puntos
               Print "  Te quedas con:"; almacenpuntos(jugador)
               If almacenpuntos(jugador) >= maxpuntos Then 
                   Color 14: Print Chr(10) + "Gana el jugador"; jugador; " con"; almacenpuntos(jugador); " puntos."
                   Sleep: End
               End If
               Exit While
           End If
   Next jugador

Loop </lang>


<lang Go>package main

import ( "fmt" "math/rand" "strings" "time" )

func main() { rand.Seed(time.Now().UnixNano()) //Set seed to current time

playerScores := [...]int{0, 0} turn := 0 currentScore := 0

for { player := turn % len(playerScores)

fmt.Printf("Player %v [%v, %v], (H)old, (R)oll or (Q)uit: ", player, playerScores[player], currentScore)

var answer string fmt.Scanf("%v", &answer) switch strings.ToLower(answer) { case "h": //Hold playerScores[player] += currentScore fmt.Printf(" Player %v now has a score of %v.\n\n", player, playerScores[player])

if playerScores[player] >= 100 { fmt.Printf(" Player %v wins!!!\n", player) return }

currentScore = 0 turn += 1 case "r": //Roll roll := rand.Intn(6) + 1

if roll == 1 { fmt.Printf(" Rolled a 1. Bust!\n\n") currentScore = 0 turn += 1 } else { fmt.Printf(" Rolled a %v.\n", roll) currentScore += roll } case "q": //Quit return default: //Incorrent input fmt.Print(" Please enter one of the given inputs.\n") } } fmt.Printf("Player %v wins!!!\n", (turn-1)%len(playerScores)) }</lang>


Currently hard coded for 2 players, but will work for multiple players <lang Groovy> class PigDice {

final static int maxScore = 100; final static yesses = ["yes", "y", "", "Y", "YES"]

static main(args) { def playersCount = 2 Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in) Map scores = [:] def current = 0 def player = 0 def gameOver = false def firstThrow = true Random rnd = new Random()

// Initialise the players' scores (0..(playersCount-1)).each{ it-> scores[it] = 0 }

// Game starts while (!gameOver) { def nextPlayer = false String ln

// Automatic rolls for the first dice roll if (firstThrow){ println "player ${player+1} Auto Rolling... " ln = 'y' firstThrow = false } else { println "player ${player+1} Rolling? Yes(y) or No(n) " ln = sc.nextLine() }

if (ln in yesses){ // if yes then roll the dice int rolled = rnd.nextInt(6) + 1 print "The Roll was $rolled --- "

if (rolled == 1) { println " Bust! Player ${player+1} loses $current but keep ${scores[player]}" current = 0 nextPlayer = true firstThrow = true } else { // dice rolls 2 to 6 current = current + rolled if ((current + scores[player]) > maxScore){ gameOver = true }else{ // as a session score gets larger the message returned changes switch (current){ case 6..15: print "Good. " break case 15..29: print "lucky! " break case 29..39: print "Great! " break default: print "Amazing " } println "Player ${player+1} now has $current this session (possible score of ${current + scores[player]})" } } } else{ // if no then bank the session score nextPlayer = true firstThrow = true scores[player] = scores[player] + current current = 0 println "chicken! player ${player+1} now has ${scores[player]} and $gameOver" println "Current scores :" for (i in scores){ println "player ${i.key + 1}| ${i.value} " } println "------------------------------"

} println ""

if (nextPlayer) { player = (player+1)%playersCount println "** Next player is ${player+1}" } }

// Game ends println "Player ${player+1} wins" } } </lang>


<lang Haskell> import System.Random (randomRIO)

data Score = Score { stack :: Int, score :: Int }

main :: IO () main = loop (Score 0 0) (Score 0 0)

loop :: Score -> Score -> IO () loop p1 p2 = do

 putStrLn $ "\nPlayer 1 ~ " ++ show (score p1)
 p1' <- askPlayer p1
 if (score p1') >= 100
   then putStrLn "P1 won!"
   else do
     putStrLn $ "\nPlayer 2 ~ " ++ show (score p2)
     p2' <- askPlayer p2
     if (score p2') >= 100
       then putStrLn "P2 won!"
       else loop p1' p2'

askPlayer :: Score -> IO Score askPlayer (Score stack score) = do

 putStr   "\n(h)old or (r)oll? "
 answer <- getChar
 roll   <- randomRIO (1,6)
 case (answer, roll) of
   ('h', _) -> do
     putStrLn $ "      => Score = " ++ show (stack + score)
     return $ Score 0 (stack + score)
   ('r', 1) -> do
     putStrLn $ " => 1 => Sorry - stack was resetted"
     return $ Score 0 score
   ('r', _) -> do
     putStr $ " => " ++ show roll ++ " => current stack = " ++ show (stack + roll)
     askPlayer $ Score (stack + roll) score
   _        -> do
     putStrLn "\nInvalid input - please try again."
     askPlayer $ Score stack score


Example output:

Player 1 ~ 0

(h)old or (r)oll? r => 5 => current stack = 5
(h)old or (r)oll? r => 5 => current stack = 10
(h)old or (r)oll? r => 3 => current stack = 13
(h)old or (r)oll? r => 4 => current stack = 17
(h)old or (r)oll? h      => Score = 17

Player 2 ~ 0

(h)old or (r)oll? r => 4 => current stack = 4
(h)old or (r)oll? r => 3 => current stack = 7
(h)old or (r)oll? r => 1 => Sorry - stack was resetted

Player 1 ~ 17

(h)old or (r)oll? r => 5 => current stack = 5
(h)old or (r)oll? r => 2 => current stack = 7
(h)old or (r)oll? h      => Score = 24


Player 1 ~ 52

(h)old or (r)oll? r => 4 => current stack = 4
(h)old or (r)oll? r => 3 => current stack = 7
(h)old or (r)oll? r => 4 => current stack = 11
(h)old or (r)oll? r => 4 => current stack = 15
(h)old or (r)oll? r => 1 => Sorry - stack was resetted

Player 2 ~ 97

(h)old or (r)oll? r => 4 => current stack = 4
(h)old or (r)oll? h      => Score = 101
P2 won!


<lang IS-BASIC>100 PROGRAM "Pig.bas" 110 RANDOMIZE 120 STRING PLAYER$(1 TO 2)*28 130 NUMERIC POINTS(1 TO 2),VICTORY(1 TO 2) 140 LET WINNINGSCORE=100 150 TEXT 40:PRINT "Let's play Pig!";CHR$(241):PRINT 160 FOR I=1 TO 2 170 PRINT "Player";I 180 INPUT PROMPT "Whats your name? ":PLAYER$(I) 190 LET POINTS(I)=0:LET VICTORY(I)=0:PRINT 200 NEXT 210 DO 220 CALL TAKETURN(1) 230 IF NOT VICTORY(1) THEN CALL TAKETURN(2) 240 LOOP UNTIL VICTORY(1) OR VICTORY(2) 250 IF VICTORY(1) THEN 260 CALL CONGRAT(1) 270 ELSE 280 CALL CONGRAT(2) 290 END IF 300 DEF TAKETURN(P) 310 LET NEWPOINTS=0 320 SET #102:INK 3:PRINT :PRINT "It's your turn, " PLAYER$(P);"!":PRINT "So far, you have";POINTS(P);"points in all." 330 SET #102:INK 1:PRINT "Do you want to roll the die? (y/n)" 340 LET KEY$=ANSWER$ 350 DO WHILE KEY$="y" 360 LET ROLL=RND(6)+1 370 IF ROLL=1 THEN 380 LET NEWPOINTS=0:LET KEY$="n" 390 PRINT "Oh no! You rolled a 1! No new points after all." 400 ELSE 410 LET NEWPOINTS=NEWPOINTS+ROLL 420 PRINT "You rolled a";ROLL:PRINT "That makes";NEWPOINTS;"new points so far." 430 PRINT "Roll again? (y/n)" 440 LET KEY$=ANSWER$ 450 END IF 460 LOOP 470 IF NEWPOINTS=0 THEN 480 PRINT PLAYER$(P);" still has";POINTS(P);"points." 490 ELSE 500 LET POINTS(P)=POINTS(P)+NEWPOINTS:LET VICTORY(P)=POINTS(P)>=WINNINGSCORE 510 END IF 520 END DEF 530 DEF CONGRAT(P) 540 SET #102:INK 3:PRINT :PRINT "Congratulations ";PLAYER$(P);"!" 550 PRINT "You won with";POINTS(P);"points.":SET #102:INK 1 560 END DEF 570 DEF ANSWER$ 580 LET K$="" 590 DO 600 LET K$=LCASE$(INKEY$) 610 LOOP UNTIL K$="y" OR K$="n" 620 LET ANSWER$=K$ 630 END DEF</lang>


<lang j>require'general/misc/prompt' NB. was require'misc' in j6

status=:3 :0

 'pid cur tot'=. y
  player=. 'player ',":pid
  potential=. ' potential: ',":cur
  total=. ' total: ',":tot
 smoutput player,potential,total


getmove=:3 :0

 whilst.1~:+/choice do.
   choice=.'HRQ' e. prompt '..Roll the dice or Hold or Quit? [R or H or Q]: '


NB. simulate an y player game of pig pigsim=:3 :0

 smoutput (":y),' player game of pig'
 while.100>>./scores do.
   for_player.=i.y do.
     smoutput 'begining of turn for player ',":pid=.1+I.player
     current=. 0
     whilst. (1 ~: roll) *. 'R' = move do.
       status pid, current, player+/ .*scores
       if.'R'=move=. getmove do.
         smoutput 'rolled a ',":roll=. 1+?6
         current=. (1~:roll)*current+roll end. end.
     scores=. scores+(current*player)+100*('Q'e.move)*-.player
     smoutput 'player scores now: ',":scores end. end.
 smoutput 'player ',(":1+I.scores>:100),' wins'


Example game:

<lang> pigsim 2 2 player game of pig begining of turn for player 1 player 1 potential: 0 total: 0 ..Roll the dice or Hold or Quit? [R or H or Q]: R rolled a 3 player 1 potential: 3 total: 0 ..Roll the dice or Hold or Quit? [R or H or Q]: R rolled a 6 player 1 potential: 9 total: 0 ..Roll the dice or Hold or Quit? [R or H or Q]: R rolled a 4 player 1 potential: 13 total: 0 ..Roll the dice or Hold or Quit? [R or H or Q]: R rolled a 6 player 1 potential: 19 total: 0 ..Roll the dice or Hold or Quit? [R or H or Q]: R rolled a 2 player 1 potential: 21 total: 0 ..Roll the dice or Hold or Quit? [R or H or Q]: H player scores now: 21 0 begining of turn for player 2 player 2 potential: 0 total: 0 ..Roll the dice or Hold or Quit? [R or H or Q]: R rolled a 3 player 2 potential: 3 total: 0

 Roll the dice or Hold or Quit? [R or H or Q]: R

rolled a 6 player 2 potential: 9 total: 0

 Roll the dice or Hold or Quit? [R or H or Q]: R

rolled a 4 player 2 potential: 13 total: 0 ..Roll the dice or Hold or Quit? [R or H or Q]: R rolled a 6 player 2 potential: 19 total: 0 ..Roll the dice or Hold or Quit? [R or H or Q]: R rolled a 3 player 2 potential: 22 total: 0 ..Roll the dice or Hold or Quit? [R or H or Q]: H player scores now: 21 22 begining of turn for player 1 player 1 potential: 0 total: 21 ..Roll the dice or Hold or Quit? [R or H or Q]: R


..Roll the dice or Hold or Quit? [R or H or Q]: R rolled a 6 player 1 potential: 22 total: 62 ..Roll the dice or Hold or Quit? [R or H or Q]: H player scores now: 84 90 begining of turn for player 2 player 2 potential: 0 total: 90 ..Roll the dice or Hold or Quit? [R or H or Q]: R rolled a 6 player 2 potential: 6 total: 90 ..Roll the dice or Hold or Quit? [R or H or Q]: R rolled a 6 player 2 potential: 12 total: 90 ..Roll the dice or Hold or Quit? [R or H or Q]: H player scores now: 84 102 player 2 wins</lang>


Translation of: D

<lang java>import java.util.*;

public class PigDice {

   public static void main(String[] args) {
       final int maxScore = 100;
       final int playerCount = 2;
       final String[] yesses = {"y", "Y", ""};
       int[] safeScore = new int[2];
       int player = 0, score = 0;
       Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
       Random rnd = new Random();
       while (true) {
           System.out.printf(" Player %d: (%d, %d) Rolling? (y/n) ", player,
                   safeScore[player], score);
           if (safeScore[player] + score < maxScore
                   && Arrays.asList(yesses).contains(sc.nextLine())) {
               final int rolled = rnd.nextInt(6) + 1;
               System.out.printf(" Rolled %d\n", rolled);
               if (rolled == 1) {
                   System.out.printf(" Bust! You lose %d but keep %d\n\n",
                           score, safeScore[player]);
               } else {
                   score += rolled;
           } else {
               safeScore[player] += score;
               if (safeScore[player] >= maxScore)
               System.out.printf(" Sticking with %d\n\n", safeScore[player]);
           score = 0;
           player = (player + 1) % playerCount;
       System.out.printf("\n\nPlayer %d wins with a score of %d",
               player, safeScore[player]);


Works with: Java version 8+

<lang java5>import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.stream.IntStream;

public interface PigDice {

 public static void main(String... arguments) {
   final int maxScore = 100;
   final int playerCount = 2;
   final String[] yesses = {"y", "Y", ""};
   final Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);
   final Random random = new Random();
   final int[] safeScore = new int[2];
   final int[] score = new int[2];
   IntStream.iterate(0, player -> (player + 1) % playerCount)
     .map(player -> {
       boolean isRolling = true;
       while (isRolling) {
           "Player %d: (%d, %d) Rolling? (y/n) ",
         isRolling =
           safeScore[player] + score[player] < maxScore
             && Arrays.asList(yesses).contains(scanner.nextLine())
         if (isRolling) {
           final int rolled = random.nextInt(6) + 1;
           System.out.printf("Rolled %d\n", rolled);
           if (rolled == 1) {
               "Bust! You lose %d but keep %d\n\n",
             return -1;
           } else {
             score[player] += rolled;
         } else {
           safeScore[player] += score[player];
           if (safeScore[player] >= maxScore) {
             return player;
           System.out.printf("Sticking with %d\n\n", safeScore[player]);
       score[player] = 0;
       return -1;
     .filter(player -> player > -1)
     .ifPresent(player ->
         "\n\nPlayer %d wins with a score of %d",


 Player 0: (0, 0) Rolling? (y/n) y 
 Rolled 3
 Player 0: (0, 3) Rolling? (y/n) Y
 Rolled 5
 Player 0: (0, 8) Rolling? (y/n) 
 Rolled 2
 Player 0: (0, 10) Rolling? (y/n) n
 Sticking with 10

 Player 1: (0, 0) Rolling? (y/n) 
 Rolled 1
 Bust! You lose 0 but keep 0

 Player 0: (10, 0) Rolling? (y/n) 
 Rolled 1
 Bust! You lose 0 but keep 10

 Player 1: (0, 0) Rolling? (y/n) 
 Rolled 4
 Player 1: (0, 4) Rolling? (y/n) 
 Rolled 5
 Player 1: (0, 9) Rolling? (y/n) 
 Rolled 1
 Bust! You lose 9 but keep 0


 Player 1: (96, 0) Rolling? (y/n) 
 Rolled 4
 Player 1: (96, 4) Rolling? (y/n) 
 Rolled 2
 Player 1: (96, 6) Rolling? (y/n) n

Player 1 wins with a score of 102


<lang Javascript>let players = [

 { name: , score: 0 },
 { name: , score: 0 }

]; let curPlayer = 1,

   gameOver = false;

players[0].name = prompt('Your name, player #1:').toUpperCase(); players[1].name = prompt('Your name, player #2:').toUpperCase();

function roll() { return 1 + Math.floor(Math.random()*6) }

function round(player) {

 let curSum = 0,
     quit = false,
 alert(`It's ${player.name}'s turn (${player.score}).`);
 while (!quit) {
     dice = roll();
     if (dice == 1) {
       alert('You roll a 1. What a pity!');
       quit = true;
     } else {
       curSum += dice;
       quit = !confirm(`
         You roll a ${dice} (sum: ${curSum}).\n
         Roll again?
       if (quit) {
         player.score += curSum;
         if (player.score >= 100) gameOver = true;

} // main while (!gameOver) {

 if (curPlayer == 0) curPlayer = 1; else curPlayer = 0;
 if (gameOver) alert(`
   ${players[curPlayer].name} wins (${players[curPlayer].score}).

} </lang>


The game is built around the PigPlayer type, which contains the player information, including a reference to the strategy function, strat, that is to be used to determined whether a player is going to continue to roll. In this incarnation of the game, there is only one strategy function available, pig_manual, which gets this decision from user input. <lang Julia> type PigPlayer



function PigPlayer(a::String)

   PigPlayer(a, 0, pig_manual)


function scoreboard(pps::Array{PigPlayer,1})

   join(map(x->@sprintf("%s has %d", x.name, x.score), pps), " | ")


function pig_manual(pps::Array{PigPlayer,1}, pdex::Integer, pot::Integer)

   pname = pps[pdex].name
   print(pname, " there is ", @sprintf("%3d", pot), " in the pot.  ")
   print("<ret> to continue rolling? ")
   return chomp(readline()) == ""


function pig_round(pps::Array{PigPlayer,1}, pdex::Integer)

   pot = 0
   rcnt = 0
   while pps[pdex].strat(pps, pdex, pot)
       rcnt += 1
       roll = rand(1:6)
       if roll == 1
           return (0, rcnt, false)
           pot += roll
   return (pot, rcnt, true)


function pig_game(pps::Array{PigPlayer,1}, winscore::Integer=100)

   pnum = length(pps)
   pdex = pnum
   println("Playing a game of Pig the Dice.")
   while(pps[pdex].score < winscore)
       pdex = rem1(pdex+1, pnum)
       println(pps[pdex].name, " is now playing.")
       (pot, rcnt, ispotwon) = pig_round(pps, pdex)
       print(pps[pdex].name, " played ", rcnt, " rolls ")
       if ispotwon
           println("and scored ", pot, " points.")
           pps[pdex].score += pot
           println("and butsted.")
   println(pps[pdex].name, " won, scoring ", pps[pdex].score, " points.")


pig_game([PigPlayer("Alice"), PigPlayer("Bob")]) </lang>

Playing a game of Pig the Dice.
Alice has 0 | Bob has 0
Alice is now playing.
Alice there is   0 in the pot.  <ret> to continue rolling? 
Alice there is   3 in the pot.  <ret> to continue rolling? 
Alice there is   7 in the pot.  <ret> to continue rolling? 
Alice there is  13 in the pot.  <ret> to continue rolling? 
Alice there is  15 in the pot.  <ret> to continue rolling? 
Alice there is  18 in the pot.  <ret> to continue rolling?  
Alice played 5 rolls and scored 18 points.
Alice has 18 | Bob has 0
Bob is now playing.
Bob there is   0 in the pot.  <ret> to continue rolling? 
Bob played 1 rolls and butsted.
Alice has 18 | Bob has 0
Alice is now playing.
Alice there is   0 in the pot.  <ret> to continue rolling? 
Alice there is   2 in the pot.  <ret> to continue rolling? 
Alice played 2 rolls and butsted.
Alice has 54 | Bob has 94
Alice is now playing.
Alice there is   0 in the pot.  <ret> to continue rolling? 
Alice there is   3 in the pot.  <ret> to continue rolling? 
Alice there is   9 in the pot.  <ret> to continue rolling? 
Alice there is  12 in the pot.  <ret> to continue rolling? 
Alice there is  17 in the pot.  <ret> to continue rolling? 
Alice there is  22 in the pot.  <ret> to continue rolling? 
Alice there is  27 in the pot.  <ret> to continue rolling? 
Alice there is  31 in the pot.  <ret> to continue rolling?  
Alice played 7 rolls and scored 31 points.
Alice has 85 | Bob has 94
Bob is now playing.
Bob there is   0 in the pot.  <ret> to continue rolling? 
Bob there is   3 in the pot.  <ret> to continue rolling? 
Bob there is   5 in the pot.  <ret> to continue rolling? 
Bob there is   8 in the pot.  <ret> to continue rolling?  
Bob played 3 rolls and scored 8 points.
Bob won, scoring 102 points.


<lang scala>// version 1.1.2

fun main(Args: Array<String>) {

   print("Player 1 - Enter your name : ")
   val name1 = readLine()!!.trim().let { if (it == "") "PLAYER 1" else it.toUpperCase() }
   print("Player 2 - Enter your name : ")
   val name2 = readLine()!!.trim().let { if (it == "") "PLAYER 2" else it.toUpperCase() }
   val names = listOf(name1, name2)
   val r = java.util.Random()
   val totals = intArrayOf(0, 0)
   var player = 0
   while (true) {
       println("  Your total score is currently ${totals[player]}")
       var score = 0
       while (true) {
           print("  Roll or Hold r/h : ")            
           val rh = readLine()!![0].toLowerCase()
           if (rh == 'h') {
               totals[player] += score
               println("  Your total score is now ${totals[player]}")
               if (totals[player] >= 100) {
                   println("  So, ${names[player]}, YOU'VE WON!")
               player = if (player == 0) 1 else 0
           if (rh != 'r') {
               println("    Must be 'r'or 'h', try again")
           val dice = 1 + r.nextInt(6)
           println("    You have thrown a $dice")          
           if (dice == 1) {
               println("    Sorry, your score for this round is now 0")
               println("  Your total score remains at ${totals[player]}")
               player = if (player == 0) 1 else 0
           score += dice 
           println("    Your score for the round is now $score")


Player 1 - Enter your name : Donald
Player 2 - Enter your name : Barack

  Your total score is currently 0
  Roll or Hold r/h : r
    You have thrown a 6
    Your score for the round is now 6
  Roll or Hold r/h : r
    You have thrown a 2
    Your score for the round is now 8
  Roll or Hold r/h : r
    You have thrown a 4
    Your score for the round is now 12
  Roll or Hold r/h : r
    You have thrown a 2
    Your score for the round is now 14
  Roll or Hold r/h : r
    You have thrown a 4
    Your score for the round is now 18
  Roll or Hold r/h : r
    You have thrown a 6
    Your score for the round is now 24
  Roll or Hold r/h : h
  Your total score is now 24

  Your total score is currently 0
  Roll or Hold r/h : r
    You have thrown a 5
    Your score for the round is now 5
  Roll or Hold r/h : r
    You have thrown a 2
    Your score for the round is now 7
  Roll or Hold r/h : r
    You have thrown a 3
    Your score for the round is now 10
  Roll or Hold r/h : r
    You have thrown a 5
    Your score for the round is now 15
  Roll or Hold r/h : r
    You have thrown a 4
    Your score for the round is now 19
  Roll or Hold r/h : r
    You have thrown a 4
    Your score for the round is now 23
  Roll or Hold r/h : h
  Your total score is now 23

  Your total score is currently 24
  Roll or Hold r/h : r
    You have thrown a 5
    Your score for the round is now 5
  Roll or Hold r/h : r
    You have thrown a 5
    Your score for the round is now 10
  Roll or Hold r/h : r
    You have thrown a 4
    Your score for the round is now 14
  Roll or Hold r/h : r
    You have thrown a 1
    Sorry, your score for this round is now 0
  Your total score remains at 24
  Your total score is currently 81
  Roll or Hold r/h : r
    You have thrown a 1
    Sorry, your score for this round is now 0
  Your total score remains at 81

  Your total score is currently 85
  Roll or Hold r/h : r
    You have thrown a 5
    Your score for the round is now 5
  Roll or Hold r/h : r
    You have thrown a 2
    Your score for the round is now 7
  Roll or Hold r/h : r
    You have thrown a 3
    Your score for the round is now 10
  Roll or Hold r/h : r
    You have thrown a 3
    Your score for the round is now 13
  Roll or Hold r/h : r
    You have thrown a 5
    Your score for the round is now 18
  Roll or Hold r/h : h
  Your total score is now 103


Works with: lua version 5.1

Supports any number of players <lang lua>local numPlayers = 2 local maxScore = 100 local scores = { } for i = 1, numPlayers do scores[i] = 0 -- total safe score for each player end math.randomseed(os.time()) print("Enter a letter: [h]old or [r]oll?") local points = 0 -- points accumulated in current turn local p = 1 -- start with first player while true do io.write("\nPlayer "..p..", your score is ".. scores[p]..", with ".. points.." temporary points. ") local reply = string.sub(string.lower(io.read("*line")), 1, 1) if reply == 'r' then local roll = math.random(6) io.write("You rolled a " .. roll) if roll == 1 then print(". Too bad. :(") p = (p % numPlayers) + 1 points = 0 else points = points + roll end elseif reply == 'h' then scores[p] = scores[p] + points if scores[p] >= maxScore then print("Player "..p..", you win with a score of "..scores[p]) break end print("Player "..p..", your new score is " .. scores[p]) p = (p % numPlayers) + 1 points = 0 end end </lang>

M2000 Interpreter

<lang M2000 Interpreter> Module GamePig {

     Print "Game of Pig"
     \\ for simulation, feed the keyboard buffer with R and H
     simulate$=String$("R", 500)
     For i=1 to 100
           Insert Random(1,Len(simulate$)) simulate$="H"
     Next i
     Keyboard simulate$
     \\ end simulation
     while res$<>"Q" {
           Print "Player 1 turn"
           PlayerTurn(&Player1points, &player1sum)
           if res$="Q" then exit
           Print "Player 2 turn"
           if res$="Q" then exit
     If HaveWin then {
           If Player1Sum>Player2sum then {
                 Print "Player 1 Win"
           } Else Print "Player 2 Win"
     Sub Rolling()
           Print "dice=";dice
     End Sub
     Sub PlayOrQuit()
           Print "R -Roling Q -Quit"
           Repeat {
           } Until Instr("RQ", res$)>0
     End Sub
     Sub PlayAgain()
           Print "R -Roling H -Hold Q -Quit"
           Repeat {
           } Until Instr("RHQ", res$)>0
     End Sub
     Sub PlayerTurn(&playerpoints, &sum)
           If res$="Q" then Exit Sub
           While dice<>1 and res$="R" {
                 if dice>1 and playerpoints+sum>100 then {
                 } Else {
                       if res$="R" then Rolling()
           if dice=1 then playerpoints=0
     End Sub
     Sub Score()
           Print "Player1 points="; Player1sum
           Print "Player2 points="; Player2sum
     End Sub     

} GamePig </lang>


<lang maple>pig := proc() local Points, pointsThisTurn, answer, rollNum, i, win; randomize(); Points := [0, 0]; win := [false, 0]; while not win[1] do for i to 2 do if not win[1] then printf("Player %a's turn.\n", i); answer := ""; pointsThisTurn := 0; while not answer = "HOLD" do while not answer = "ROLL" and not answer = "HOLD" do printf("Would you like to ROLL or HOLD?\n"); answer := StringTools:-UpperCase(readline()); if not answer = "ROLL" and not answer = "HOLD" then printf("Invalid answer.\n\n"); end if; end do; if answer = "ROLL" then rollNum := rand(1..6)(); printf("You rolled a %a!\n", rollNum); if rollNum = 1 then pointsThisTurn := 0; answer := "HOLD"; else pointsThisTurn := pointsThisTurn + rollNum; answer := ""; printf("Your points so far this turn: %a.\n\n", pointsThisTurn); end if; end if; end do; printf("This turn is over! Player %a gained %a points this turn.\n\n", i, pointsThisTurn); Points[i] := Points[i] + pointsThisTurn; if Points[i] >= 100 then win := [true, i]; end if; printf("Player 1 has %a points. Player 2 has %a points.\n\n", Points[1], Points[2]); end if; end do; end do; printf("Player %a won with %a points!\n", win[2], Points[win[2]]); end proc;


Player 1's turn.
Would you like to ROLL or HOLD?
You rolled a 5!
Your points so far this turn: 5.

Would you like to ROLL or HOLD?
This turn is over! Player 1 gained 5 points this turn.

Player 1 has 5 points. Player 2 has 0 points.

Player 2's turn.
Would you like to ROLL or HOLD?
You rolled a 6!
Your points so far this turn: 6.

Would you like to ROLL or HOLD?
You rolled a 1!
This turn is over! Player 2 gained 0 points this turn.

Player 1 has 5 points. Player 2 has 0 points.

Player 1's turn.
Would you like to ROLL or HOLD?


Mathematica/Wolfram Language

<lang>DynamicModule[{score, players = {1, 2}, roundscore = 0,

 roll}, (score@# = 0) & /@ players; 
     Prepend[{#, score@#} & /@ players, {"Player", "Score"}], 
     Background -> {None, 2 -> Gray}], roundscore, 
    If[ValueQ@roll, Row@{"Rolled ", roll}, ""], 
     Row@{Button["Roll", roll = RandomInteger[{1, 6}]; 
        If[roll == 1, roundscore = 0; players = RotateLeft@players, 
         roundscore += roll]], 
       Button["Hold", score[players1] += roundscore; 
        roundscore = 0; 
        If[score[players1] >= 100, roll =.; 
         roundscore = Row@{players1, " wins."}, 
         players = RotateLeft@players]]}, 
     Button["Play again.", 
      roundscore = 0; (score@# = 0) & /@ players]]}]</lang>


<lang MiniScript>// Pig the Dice for two players. Player = {} Player.score = 0 Player.doTurn = function()

   rolls = 0
   pot = 0
   print self.name + "'s Turn!"
   while true
       if self.score + pot >= goal then
           print "   " + self.name.upper + " WINS WITH " + (self.score + pot) + "!"
           inp = "H"
           inp = input(self.name + ", you have " + pot + " in the pot.  [R]oll or Hold? ")
       end if
       if inp == "" or inp[0].upper == "R" then
           die = ceil(rnd*6)
           if die == 1 then
               print "   You roll a 1.  Busted!"
               print "   You roll a " + die + "."
               pot = pot + die
           end if
           self.score = self.score + pot
       end if
   end while

end function

p1 = new Player p1.name = "Alice" p2 = new Player p2.name = "Bob" goal = 100

while p1.score < goal and p2.score < goal

   for player in [p1, p2]
       print p1.name + ": " + p1.score + "  |  " + p2.name + ": " + p2.score
       if player.score >= goal then break
   end for

end while</lang>

Alice: 0  |  Bob: 0
Alice's Turn!
Alice, you have 0 in the pot.  [R]oll or Hold? 
   You roll a 4.
Alice, you have 4 in the pot.  [R]oll or Hold? 
   You roll a 5.
Alice, you have 9 in the pot.  [R]oll or Hold? 
   You roll a 5.
Alice, you have 14 in the pot.  [R]oll or Hold? h

Alice: 14  |  Bob: 0
Bob's Turn!
Bob, you have 0 in the pot.  [R]oll or Hold? 
   You roll a 6.
Bob, you have 6 in the pot.  [R]oll or Hold? 
   You roll a 4.
Bob, you have 10 in the pot.  [R]oll or Hold? 
   You roll a 4.
Bob, you have 14 in the pot.  [R]oll or Hold? 
   You roll a 6.
Bob, you have 20 in the pot.  [R]oll or Hold? h

Alice: 14  |  Bob: 20
Alice's Turn!
Alice, you have 0 in the pot.  [R]oll or Hold? 
   You roll a 1.  Busted!


Alice: 49  |  Bob: 90
Bob's Turn!
Bob, you have 0 in the pot.  [R]oll or Hold? 
   You roll a 5.
Bob, you have 5 in the pot.  [R]oll or Hold? 
   You roll a 3.
Bob, you have 8 in the pot.  [R]oll or Hold? 
   You roll a 6.


Translation of: Kotlin

<lang Nim>import random, strformat, strutils


stdout.write "Player 1 - Enter your name : " let name1 = block:

             let n = stdin.readLine().strip()
             if n.len == 0: "PLAYER 1" else: n.toUpper

stdout.write "Player 2 - Enter your name : " let name2 = block:

             let n = stdin.readLine().strip()
             if n.len == 0: "PLAYER 2" else: n.toUpper

let names = [name1, name2] var totals: array[2, Natural] var player = 0

while true:

 echo &"\n{names[player]}"
 echo &"  Your total score is currently {totals[player]}"
 var score = 0
 while true:
   stdout.write "  Roll or Hold r/h : "
   let rh = stdin.readLine().toLowerAscii()
   case rh
   of "h":
     inc totals[player], score
     echo &"  Your total score is now {totals[player]}"
     if totals[player] >= 100:
       echo &"  So, {names[player]}, YOU'VE WON!"
       quit QuitSuccess
     player = 1 - player
   of "r":
     let dice = rand(1..6)
     echo &"    You have thrown a {dice}"
     if dice == 1:
       echo "    Sorry, your score for this round is now 0"
       echo &"  Your total score remains at {totals[player]}"
       player = 1 - player
     inc score, dice
     echo &"    Your score for the round is now {score}"
     echo "    Must be 'r' or 'h', try again"</lang>
Player 1 - Enter your name : 
Player 2 - Enter your name : 

  Your total score is currently 0
  Roll or Hold r/h : r
    You have thrown a 4
    Your score for the round is now 4
  Roll or Hold r/h : r
    You have thrown a 6
    Your score for the round is now 10
  Roll or Hold r/h : h
  Your total score is now 10

  Your total score is currently 0
  Roll or Hold r/h : r
    You have thrown a 2
    Your score for the round is now 2
  Roll or Hold r/h : r
    You have thrown a 6
    Your score for the round is now 8
  Roll or Hold r/h : r
    You have thrown a 4
    Your score for the round is now 12
  Roll or Hold r/h : h
  Your total score is now 12

  Your total score is currently 10
  Roll or Hold r/h : r
    You have thrown a 4
    Your score for the round is now 4
  Roll or Hold r/h : r
    You have thrown a 5
    Your score for the round is now 9
  Roll or Hold r/h : r
    You have thrown a 5
    Your score for the round is now 14
  Roll or Hold r/h : h
  Your total score is now 24

  Your total score is currently 12
  Roll or Hold r/h : r
    You have thrown a 5
    Your score for the round is now 5
  Roll or Hold r/h : r
    You have thrown a 6
    Your score for the round is now 11
  Roll or Hold r/h : h
  Your total score is now 23


<lang objeck> class Pig {

 function : Main(args : String[]) ~ Nil {
   player_count := 2;
   max_score := 100;
   safe_score := Int->New[player_count];
   player := 0; score := 0;
   while(true) {
     safe := safe_score[player];
     " Player {$player}: ({$safe}, {$score}) Rolling? (y/n) "->PrintLine();
     rolling := IO.Console->ReadString();
     if(safe_score[player] + score < max_score & (rolling->Equals("y") | rolling->Equals("yes"))) {
       rolled := ((Float->Random() * 100.0)->As(Int) % 6) + 1;
       " Rolled {$rolled}"->PrintLine();
       if(rolled = 1) {
         safe := safe_score[player];
         "  Bust! you lose {$score} but still keep your previous {$safe}\n"->PrintLine();
         score := 0;
         player := (player + 1) % player_count;
       else {
         score += rolled;
     else {
       safe_score[player] += score;
       if(safe_score[player] >= max_score) {
       safe := safe_score[player];
       " Sticking with {$safe}\n"->PrintLine();
       score := 0;
       player := (player + 1) % player_count;
   safe := safe_score[player];
   "\n\nPlayer {$player} wins with a score of {$safe}"->PrintLine();

} </lang>

 Player 0: (0, 0) Rolling? (y/n) 
 Rolled 3
 Player 0: (0, 3) Rolling? (y/n) 
 Rolled 2
 Player 0: (0, 5) Rolling? (y/n) 
 Rolled 4
 Player 1: (56, 30) Rolling? (y/n) 
 Sticking with 86

 Player 0: (94, 0) Rolling? (y/n) 
 Rolled 6
 Player 0: (94, 6) Rolling? (y/n) 
 Rolled 4
 Player 1: (56, 30) Rolling? (y/n) 
 Sticking with 86

 Player 0: (94, 0) Rolling? (y/n) 
 Rolled 6
 Player 0: (94, 6) Rolling? (y/n) 


<lang ocaml>class player (name_init : string) =

   val name = name_init
   val mutable total = 0
   val mutable turn_score = 0
   method get_name = name
   method get_score = total
   method end_turn = total <- total + turn_score;
                     turn_score <- 0;
   method has_won = total >= 100;
   method rolled roll = match roll with
                         1 -> turn_score <- 0;
                        |_ -> turn_score <- turn_score + roll;

let print_seperator () =

 print_endline "#####";;

let rec one_turn p1 p2 =

 Printf.printf "What do you want to do %s?\n" p1#get_name;
 print_endline "  1)Roll the dice?";
 print_endline "  2)Or end your turn?";
 let choice = read_int () in
 if choice = 1 then
   let roll = 1 + Random.int 6 in
     Printf.printf "Rolled a %d\n" roll;
     p1#rolled roll;
     match roll with
       1 -> print_seperator ();
            one_turn p2 p1
      |_ -> one_turn p1 p2
 else if choice = 2 then
   match p1#has_won with
    false -> Printf.printf "%s's score is now %d\n" p1#get_name p1#get_score;
              one_turn p2 p1;
    |true -> Printf.printf "Congratulations %s! You've won\n" p1#get_name
   print_endline "That's not a choice! Make a real one!";
   one_turn p1 p2

Random.self_init (); let p1 = new player "Steven" and p2 = new player "John" in one_turn p1 p2;;</lang>


Works with: Free Pascal version 2.6.4

<lang pascal>program Pig;

const WinningScore = 100;

type DieRoll = 1..6; Score = integer; Player = record Name: string; Points: score; Victory: Boolean end;

{ Assume a 2-player game. } var Player1, Player2: Player;

function RollTheDie: DieRoll;

 { Return a random number 1 thru 6. }

begin RollTheDie := random(6) + 1 end;

procedure TakeTurn (var P: Player);

 { Play a round of Pig. }

var Answer: char; Roll: DieRoll; NewPoints: Score; KeepPlaying: Boolean; begin NewPoints := 0; writeln ; writeln('Its your turn, ', P.Name, '!'); writeln('So far, you have ', P.Points, ' points in all.'); writeln ; { Keep playing until the user rolls a 1 or chooses not to roll. } write('Do you want to roll the die (y/n)? '); readln(Answer); KeepPlaying := upcase(Answer) = 'Y'; while KeepPlaying do begin Roll := RollTheDie; if Roll = 1 then begin NewPoints := 0; KeepPlaying := false; writeln('Oh no! You rolled a 1! No new points after all.') end else begin NewPoints := NewPoints + Roll; write('You rolled a ', Roll:1, '. '); writeln('That makes ', NewPoints, ' new points so far.'); writeln ; write('Roll again (y/n)? '); readln(Answer); KeepPlaying := upcase(Answer) = 'Y' end end; { Update the player's score and check for a winner. } writeln ; if NewPoints = 0 then writeln(P.Name, ' still has ', P.Points, ' points.') else begin P.Points := P.Points + NewPoints; writeln(P.Name, ' now has ', P.Points, ' points total.'); P.Victory := P.Points >= WinningScore end end;

procedure Congratulate(Winner: Player); begin writeln ; write('Congratulations, ', Winner.Name, '! '); writeln('You won with ', Winner.Points, ' points.'); writeln end;

begin { Greet the players and initialize their data. } writeln('Lets play Pig!');

writeln ; write('Player 1, what is your name? '); readln(Player1.Name); Player1.Points := 0; Player1.Victory := false;

writeln ; write('Player 2, what is your name? '); readln(Player2.Name); Player2.Points := 0; Player2.Victory := false;

{ Take turns until there is a winner. } randomize; repeat TakeTurn(Player1); if not Player1.Victory then TakeTurn(Player2) until Player1.Victory or Player2.Victory;

{ Announce the winner. } if Player1.Victory then Congratulate(Player1) else Congratulate(Player2) end.</lang>


You can have as many players as you want, simply provide their names on the command line. <lang perl>#!perl use strict; use warnings; my @players = @ARGV; @players = qw(Joe Mike); my @scores = (0) x @players; while( 1 ) { PLAYER: for my $i ( 0 .. $#players ) { my $name = $players[$i]; my $score = $scores[$i]; my $roundscore = 1 + int rand 6; print "$name, your score so far is $score.\n"; print "You rolled a $roundscore.\n"; next PLAYER if $roundscore == 1; while($score + $roundscore < 100) { print "Roll again, or hold [r/h]: "; my $answer = <>; $answer = 'h' unless defined $answer; if( $answer =~ /^h/i ) { $score += $roundscore; $scores[$i] = $score; print "Your score is now $score.\n"; next PLAYER; } elsif( $answer =~ /^r/ ) { my $die = 1 + int rand 6; print "$name, you rolled a $die.\n"; next PLAYER if $die == 1; $roundscore += $die; print "Your score for the round is now $roundscore.\n"; } else { print "I did not understand that.\n"; } } $score += $roundscore; print "With that, your score became $score.\n"; print "You won!\n"; exit; } } __END__ </lang>


Initially a translation of Lua, but now quite different. <lang Phix>constant numPlayers = 2,

        maxScore = 100

sequence scores = repeat(0,numPlayers) printf(1,"\nPig The Dice Game\n\n") integer points = 0, -- points accumulated in current turn, 0=swap turn

       player = 1  -- start with first player

while true do

   integer roll = rand(6)
   printf(1,"Player %d, your score is %d, you rolled %d. ",{player,scores[player],roll})
   if roll=1 then
       printf(1," Too bad. :(\n")
       points = 0 -- swap turn
       points += roll
       if scores[player]+points>=maxScore then exit end if
       printf(1,"Round score %d. Roll or Hold?",{points})
       integer reply = upper(wait_key())
       if reply == 'H' then
           scores[player] += points
           points = 0 -- swap turn
       end if
   end if
   if points=0 then
       player = mod(player,numPlayers) + 1
   end if

end while printf(1,"\nPlayer %d wins with a score of %d!\n",{player,scores[player]+points})</lang>

Pig The Dice Game

Player 1, your score is 0, you rolled 2. Round score 2. Roll or Hold?R
Player 1, your score is 0, you rolled 5. Round score 7. Roll or Hold?R
Player 1, your score is 0, you rolled 3. Round score 10. Roll or Hold?R
Player 1, your score is 0, you rolled 4. Round score 14. Roll or Hold?H
Player 2, your score is 0, you rolled 5. Round score 5. Roll or Hold?R
Player 2, your score is 0, you rolled 1.  Too bad. :(
Player 1, your score is 14, you rolled 3. Round score 3. Roll or Hold?H
Player 2, your score is 86, you rolled 3. Round score 9. Roll or Hold?R
Player 2, your score is 86, you rolled 6.
Player 2 wins with a score of 101!


Translation of: D

<lang php>error_reporting(E_ALL & ~ ( E_NOTICE | E_WARNING ));

define('MAXSCORE', 100); define('PLAYERCOUNT', 2);

$confirm = array('Y', 'y', );

while (true) {

   printf(' Player %d: (%d, %d) Rolling? (Yn) ', $player,
           $safeScore[$player], $score);
   if ($safeScore[$player] + $score < MAXSCORE &&
           in_array(trim(fgets(STDIN)), $confirm)) {
       $rolled = rand(1, 6);
       echo " Rolled $rolled \n";
       if ($rolled == 1) {
           printf(' Bust! You lose %d but keep %d \n\n',
                   $score, $safeScore[$player]);
       } else {
           $score += $rolled;
   } else {
       $safeScore[$player] += $score;
       if ($safeScore[$player] >= MAXSCORE)
       echo ' Sticking with ', $safeScore[$player], '\n\n';
   $score = 0;
   $player = ($player + 1) % PLAYERCOUNT;

} printf('\n\nPlayer %d wins with a score of %d ',

   $player, $safeScore[$player]);


C:\UniServer\usr\local\php\php pig.php
 Player 0: (0, 0) Rolling? (Yn)
 Rolled 2
 Player 0: (0, 2) Rolling? (Yn)
 Rolled 1
 Bust! You lose 2 but keep 0

 Player 1: (0, 0) Rolling? (Yn)
 Rolled 2
 Player 1: (0, 2) Rolling? (Yn)
 Rolled 1
 Bust! You lose 2 but keep 0

 Player 0: (0, 0) Rolling? (Yn)
 Rolled 3
 Player 0: (0, 3) Rolling? (Yn)
 Rolled 6
 Player 0: (0, 9) Rolling? (Yn) n
 sticking with 9

 Player 1: (0, 0) Rolling? (Yn)
 Rolled 5
 Player 1: (0, 5) Rolling? (Yn)
 Rolled 3
 Player 1: (0, 8) Rolling? (Yn) n
 sticking with 8

 Player 1: (93, 0) Rolling? (Yn)
 Rolled 5
 Player 1: (93, 5) Rolling? (Yn)
 Rolled 3
 Player 1: (93, 8) Rolling? (Yn)

Player 1 wins with a score of 101


<lang python>#!/usr/bin/python3

See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pig_(dice)

This program scores and throws the dice for a two player game of Pig

from random import randint

playercount = 2 maxscore = 100 safescore = [0] * playercount player = 0 score=0

while max(safescore) < maxscore:

   rolling = input("Player %i: (%i, %i) Rolling? (Y) "
                   % (player, safescore[player], score)).strip().lower() in {'yes', 'y', }
   if rolling:
       rolled = randint(1, 6)
       print('  Rolled %i' % rolled)
       if rolled == 1:
           print('  Bust! you lose %i but still keep your previous %i'
                 % (score, safescore[player]))
           score, player = 0, (player + 1) % playercount
           score += rolled
       safescore[player] += score
       if safescore[player] >= maxscore:
       print('  Sticking with %i' % safescore[player])
       score, player = 0, (player + 1) % playercount

print('\nPlayer %i wins with a score of %i' %(player, safescore[player]))</lang>

Samples from a game
Player 0: (0, 0) Rolling? (Y) 
  Rolled 6
Player 0: (0, 6) Rolling? (Y) 
  Rolled 5
Player 0: (0, 11) Rolling? (Y) 
  Rolled 1
  Bust! you lose 11 but still keep your previous 0
Player 1: (0, 0) Rolling? (Y) 
  Rolled 3
Player 1: (0, 3) Rolling? (Y) 
  Rolled 4
Player 1: (0, 7) Rolling? (Y) 
  Rolled 6
Player 1: (0, 13) Rolling? (Y) n
  Sticking with 13
Player 0: (78, 10) Rolling? (Y) n
  Sticking with 88
Player 1: (63, 0) Rolling? (Y) 
  Rolled 6
Player 1: (63, 6) Rolling? (Y) 
  Rolled 1
  Bust! you lose 6 but still keep your previous 63
Player 0: (88, 0) Rolling? (Y) n
  Sticking with 88
Player 1: (63, 0) Rolling? (Y) n
  Sticking with 63
Player 0: (88, 0) Rolling? (Y) 
  Rolled 6
Player 0: (88, 6) Rolling? (Y) 
  Rolled 4
Player 0: (88, 10) Rolling? (Y) 
  Rolled 3
Player 0: (88, 13) Rolling? (Y) n

Player 0 wins with a score of 101


<lang racket>

  1. lang racket

(define (pig-the-dice #:print? [print? #t] . players)

 (define prn (if print? (λ xs (apply printf xs) (flush-output)) void))
 (define names (for/list ([p players] [n (in-naturals 1)]) n))
 (define points (for/list ([p players]) (box 0)))
 (with-handlers ([(negate exn?) identity])
   (for ([nm (in-cycle names)] [tp (in-cycle points)] [pl (in-cycle players)])
     (prn (string-join (for/list ([n names] [p points])
                         (format "Player ~a, ~a points" n (unbox p)))
                       "; " #:before-first "Status: " #:after-last ".\n"))
     (let turn ([p 0] [n 0])
       (prn "Player ~a, round #~a, [R]oll or [P]ass? " nm (+ 1 n))
       (define roll? (pl (unbox tp) p n))
       (unless (eq? pl human) (prn "~a\n" (if roll? 'R 'P)))
       (if (not roll?) (set-box! tp (+ (unbox tp) p))
           (let ([r (+ 1 (random 6))])
             (prn "  Dice roll: ~s => " r)
             (if (= r 1) (prn "turn lost\n")
                 (let ([p (+ p r)]) (prn "~a points\n" p) (turn p (+ 1 n)))))))
     (prn "--------------------\n")
     (when (<= 100 (unbox tp)) (prn "Player ~a wins!\n" nm) (raise nm)))))

(define (human total-points turn-points round#)

 (case (string->symbol (car (regexp-match #px"[A-Za-z]?" (read-line))))
   [(R r) #t] [(P p) #f] [else (human total-points turn-points round#)]))

(pig-the-dice #:print? #t human human) </lang>


(formerly Perl 6)

Works with: rakudo version 2015-09-30

<lang perl6>constant DIE = 1..6;

sub MAIN (Int :$players = 2, Int :$goal = 100) {

   my @safe = 0 xx $players;
   for |^$players xx * -> $player {

say "\nOK, player #$player is up now."; my $safe = @safe[$player]; my $ante = 0; until $safe + $ante >= $goal or prompt("#$player, you have $safe + $ante = {$safe+$ante}. Roll? [Yn] ") ~~ /:i ^n/ { given DIE.roll { say " You rolled a $_."; when 1 { say " Bust! You lose $ante but keep your previous $safe."; $ante = 0; last; } when 2..* { $ante += $_; } } } $safe += $ante; if $safe >= $goal { say "\nPlayer #$player wins with a score of $safe!"; last; } @safe[$player] = $safe; say " Sticking with $safe." if $ante;


}</lang> The game defaults to the specified task, but we'll play a shorter game with three players for our example:

> pig help
  pig [--players=<Int>] [--goal=<Int>]
> pig --players=3 --goal=20

OK, player #0 is up now.
#0, you have 0 + 0 = 0. Roll? [Yn] 
  You rolled a 6.
#0, you have 0 + 6 = 6. Roll? [Yn] 
  You rolled a 6.
#0, you have 0 + 12 = 12. Roll? [Yn] n
  Sticking with 12.

OK, player #1 is up now.
#1, you have 0 + 0 = 0. Roll? [Yn] 
  You rolled a 4.
#1, you have 0 + 4 = 4. Roll? [Yn] 
  You rolled a 6.
#1, you have 0 + 10 = 10. Roll? [Yn] 
  You rolled a 6.
#1, you have 0 + 16 = 16. Roll? [Yn] n
  Sticking with 16.

OK, player #2 is up now.
#2, you have 0 + 0 = 0. Roll? [Yn] 
  You rolled a 5.
#2, you have 0 + 5 = 5. Roll? [Yn] 
  You rolled a 1.
  Bust!  You lose 5 but keep your previous 0.

OK, player #0 is up now.
#0, you have 12 + 0 = 12. Roll? [Yn] 
  You rolled a 1.
  Bust!  You lose 0 but keep your previous 12.

OK, player #1 is up now.
#1, you have 16 + 0 = 16. Roll? [Yn] n

OK, player #2 is up now.
#2, you have 0 + 0 = 0. Roll? [Yn] 
  You rolled a 6.
#2, you have 0 + 6 = 6. Roll? [Yn] 
  You rolled a 6.
#2, you have 0 + 12 = 12. Roll? [Yn] 
  You rolled a 4.
#2, you have 0 + 16 = 16. Roll? [Yn] 
  You rolled a 6.

Player #2 wins with a score of 22!


This REXX program has the following features:

  • any number of human players can play
  • any number of computer players can play
  • human and computers can play together (humans always go first)
  • names of the human players can be specified
  • names of the computer players can be specified
  • the score needed to win may be specified
  • verbosity was chosen as it's assumed that a human is playing
  • code was written to allow for an   N   sided die
  • names are used for the die faces (in addition to the pip value)
  • a simple (but aggressive) strategy is used (that favors a human player)

<lang rexx>/*REXX program plays "pig the dice game" (any number of CBLFs and/or silicons or HALs).*/ sw= linesize() - 1 /*get the width of the terminal screen,*/ parse arg hp cp win die _ . '(' names ")" /*obtain optional arguments from the CL*/

                                                /*names with blanks should use an  _   */

if _\== then call err 'too many arguments were specified: ' _ @nhp = 'number of human players'  ; hp = scrutinize( hp, @nhp , 0, 0, 0) @ncp = 'number of computer players'  ; cp = scrutinize( cp, @ncp , 0, 0, 2) @sn2w = 'score needed to win'  ; win= scrutinize(win, @sn2w, 1, 1e6, 60) @nsid = 'number of sides in die'  ; die= scrutinize(die, @nsid, 2, 999, 6) if hp==0 & cp==0 then cp= 2 /*if both counts are zero, two HALs. */ if hp==1 & cp==0 then cp= 1 /*if one human, then use one HAL. */ name.= /*nullify all names (to a blank). */ L= 0 /*maximum length of a player name. */

      do i=1  for hp+cp                         /*get the player's names,  ...  maybe. */
      if i>hp  then @= 'HAL_'i"_the_computer"   /*use this for default name.           */
               else @= 'player_'i               /* "    "   "     "      "             */
      name.i = translate( word( strip( word( names, i) ) @, 1), , '_')
      L= max(L, length( name.i) )               /*use   L   for nice name formatting.  */
      end   /*i*/                               /*underscores are changed ──► blanks.  */

hpn=hp; if hpn==0 then hpn= 'no' /*use normal English for the display. */ cpn=cp; if cpn==0 then cpn= 'no' /* " " " " " " */

say 'Pig (the dice game) is being played with:' /*the introduction to pig-the-dice-game*/

         if cpn\==0  then  say  right(cpn, 9)     'computer player's(cp)
         if hpn\==0  then  say  right(hpn, 9)     'human player's(hp)

!.= say 'and the' @sn2w "is: " win ' (or greater).' dieNames= 'ace deuce trey square nickle boxcar' /*some slangy vernacular die─face names*/ !w= 0 /*note: snake eyes is for two aces. */

              do i=1  for die                   /*assign the vernacular die─face names.*/
              !.i= ' ['word(dieNames,i)"]"      /*pick a word from die─face name lists.*/
              !w= max(!w, length(!.i) )         /*!w ──► maximum length die─face name. */
              end   /*i*/

s.= 0 /*set all player's scores to zero. */ !w= !w + length(die) + 3 /*pad the die number and die names. */ @= copies('─', 9) /*eyecatcher (for the prompting text). */ @jra= 'just rolled a ' /*a nice literal to have laying 'round.*/ @ati= 'and the inning' /*" " " " " " " */

              /*═══════════════════════════════════════════════════let's play some pig.*/
  do game=1;     in.= 0;       call score       /*set each inning's score to 0; display*/
    do j=1  for hp+cp;         say              /*let each player roll their dice.     */
    say copies('─', sw)                         /*display a fence for da ole eyeballs. */
    it= name.j
    say it',  your total score (so far) in this pig game is: '        s.j"."
      do  until  stopped                        /*keep prompting/rolling 'til stopped. */
      r= random(1, die)                         /*get a random die face (number).      */
      != left(space(r !.r','),  !w)             /*for color, use a die─face name.      */
      in.j= in.j + r                            /*add die─face number to the inning.   */
      if r==1  then  do;  say it  @jra  !  ||  @ati  "is a bust.";    leave;   end
                          say it  @jra  !  ||  @ati  "total is: "     in.j
      stopped= what2do(j)                       /*determine or ask  to stop rolling.   */
      if j>hp  &  stopped  then say ' and'      name.j      "elected to stop rolling."
      end   /*until stopped*/
    if r\==1     then s.j= s.j + in.j           /*if not a bust, then add to the inning*/
    if s.j>=win  then leave game                /*we have a winner,  so the game ends. */
    end     /*j*/                               /*that's the end of the players.       */
  end       /*game*/

call score; say; say; say; say; say center(name.j "won! ", sw, '═')

              say;    say;            exit      /*stick a fork in it,  we're all done. */

/*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ s: if arg(1)==1 then return arg(3); return word(arg(2) 's',1) /*pluralizer.*/ /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ score: say; say copies('█', sw) /*display a fence for da ole eyeballs. */

         do k=1  for hp+cp                      /*display the scores  (as a recap).    */
         say 'The score for '    left(name.k, L)     " is "     right(s.k, length(win) ).
         end  /*k*/
       say copies('█', sw);           return    /*display a fence for da ole eyeballs. */

/*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ scrutinize: parse arg ?,what,min,max /*? is the number, ... or maybe not. */

           if ?==  |  ?==','   then return arg(5)
           if \datatype(?, 'N')  then call err what "isn't numeric: "    ?;        ?= ?/1
           if \datatype(?, 'W')  then call err what "isn't an integer: " ?
           if ?==0  & min>0      then call err what "can't be zero."
           if ?<min              then call err what "can't be less than"     min': '  ?
           if ?==0  & max>0      then call err what "can't be zero."
           if ?>max & max\==0    then call err what "can't be greater than"  max': '  ?
           return ?

/*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ what2do: parse arg who /*"who" is a human or a computer.*/

        if j>hp & s.j+in.j>=win    then  return 1     /*an  easy  choice  for HAL.     */
        if j>hp &     in.j>=win%4  then  return 1     /*a simple strategy for HAL.     */
        if j>hp                    then  return 0     /*HAL says, keep truckin'!       */
        say @ name.who', what do you want to do?        (a QUIT will stop the game),'
        say @ 'press  ENTER  to roll again,  or anything else to STOP rolling.'
        pull action;      action= space(action)       /*remove any superfluous blanks. */
        if \abbrev('QUIT', action, 1)  then return action\==
        say;    say;    say center(' quitting. ', sw, '─');    say;     say;      exit

/*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ err: say; say; say center(' error! ', max(40, linesize() % 2), "*"); say

                     do j=1  for arg();    say arg(j);    say;    end;    say;    exit 13</lang>

This REXX program makes use of   LINESIZE   REXX program (or BIF) which is used to determine the screen width (or linesize) of the terminal (console).
The   LINESIZE.REX   REXX program is included here   ──►   LINESIZE.REX.

output   when using the input of:     0   2   44   (   HAL   R2D2

[This plays a simulated game with no humans, two computers, and the score to win is 44, player names are specified.]

Pig (the dice game) is being played with:
        2 computer players
       no human players
and the score needed to win is:  44    (or greater).

The score for  HAL   is   0.
The score for  RdD2  is   0.

HAL,  your total score (so far) in this pig game is:  0.
HAL just rolled a  4 [square],  and the inning total is:  4
HAL just rolled a  5 [nickle],  and the inning total is:  9
HAL just rolled a  3 [trey],    and the inning total is:  12
 and HAL elected to stop rolling.

RdD2,  your total score (so far) in this pig game is:  0.
RdD2 just rolled a  4 [square],  and the inning total is:  4
RdD2 just rolled a  4 [square],  and the inning total is:  8
RdD2 just rolled a  4 [square],  and the inning total is:  12
 and RdD2 elected to stop rolling.

The score for  HAL   is  12.
The score for  RdD2  is  12.

HAL,  your total score (so far) in this pig game is:  12.
HAL just rolled a  2 [deuce],   and the inning total is:  2
HAL just rolled a  1 [ace],     and the inning is a bust.

RdD2,  your total score (so far) in this pig game is:  12.
RdD2 just rolled a  2 [deuce],   and the inning total is:  2
RdD2 just rolled a  1 [ace],     and the inning is a bust.

The score for  HAL   is  12.
The score for  RdD2  is  12.

HAL,  your total score (so far) in this pig game is:  12.
HAL just rolled a  6 [boxcar],  and the inning total is:  6
HAL just rolled a  5 [nickle],  and the inning total is:  11
 and HAL elected to stop rolling.

RdD2,  your total score (so far) in this pig game is:  12.
RdD2 just rolled a  2 [deuce],   and the inning total is:  2
RdD2 just rolled a  6 [boxcar],  and the inning total is:  8
RdD2 just rolled a  3 [trey],    and the inning total is:  11
 and RdD2 elected to stop rolling.

The score for  HAL   is  23.
The score for  RdD2  is  23.

HAL,  your total score (so far) in this pig game is:  23.
HAL just rolled a  1 [ace],     and the inning is a bust.

RdD2,  your total score (so far) in this pig game is:  23.
RdD2 just rolled a  6 [boxcar],  and the inning total is:  6
RdD2 just rolled a  5 [nickle],  and the inning total is:  11
 and RdD2 elected to stop rolling.

The score for  HAL   is  23.
The score for  RdD2  is  34.

HAL,  your total score (so far) in this pig game is:  23.
HAL just rolled a  6 [boxcar],  and the inning total is:  6
HAL just rolled a  1 [ace],     and the inning is a bust.

RdD2,  your total score (so far) in this pig game is:  34.
RdD2 just rolled a  1 [ace],     and the inning is a bust.

The score for  HAL   is  23.
The score for  RdD2  is  34.

HAL,  your total score (so far) in this pig game is:  23.
HAL just rolled a  6 [boxcar],  and the inning total is:  6
HAL just rolled a  6 [boxcar],  and the inning total is:  12
 and HAL elected to stop rolling.

RdD2,  your total score (so far) in this pig game is:  34.
RdD2 just rolled a  6 [boxcar],  and the inning total is:  6
RdD2 just rolled a  2 [deuce],   and the inning total is:  8
RdD2 just rolled a  2 [deuce],   and the inning total is:  10
 and RdD2 elected to stop rolling.

The score for  HAL   is  35.
The score for  RdD2  is  44.

════════════════════════════════════════════════RdD2 won! ═════════════════════════════════════════════════


<lang ring>

  1. Project : Pig the dice game

numPlayers = 2 maxScore = 100 safescore = list(numPlayers)

while true

        rolling = ""
        for player = 1 to numPlayers
             score = 0 
             while safeScore[player] < maxScore
                      see "Player " + player + " Rolling? (Y) "
                      give rolling
                      if upper(rolling) = "Y"
                         rolled = random(5)  + 1
                         see "Player " + player + " rolled " + rolled + nl
                         if rolled = 1 
                            see "Bust! you lose player " + player + " but still keep your previous score of " + safeScore[player] + nl
                         score = score + rolled
                         safeScore[player] = safeScore[player] + score

end see "Player " + player + " wins with a score of " + safeScore[player] </lang> Output:

Player 1 Rolling? (Y) y
Player 1 rolled 6
Player 1 Rolling? (Y) y
Player 1 rolled 5
Player 1 Rolling? (Y) y
Player 1 rolled 6
Player 1 Rolling? (Y) y
Player 1 rolled 4
Player 1 Rolling? (Y) y
Player 1 rolled 3
Player 1 Rolling? (Y) y
Player 1 rolled 3
Player 1 Rolling? (Y) y
Player 1 rolled 3
Player 1 Rolling? (Y) y
Player 1 rolled 3
Player 1 Rolling? (Y) y
Player 1 rolled 3
Player 1 Rolling? (Y) y
Player 1 rolled 2
Player 1 Rolling? (Y) y
Player 1 rolled 6
Player 1 Rolling? (Y) y
Player 1 rolled 2
Player 1 Rolling? (Y) y
Player 1 rolled 4
Player 1 Rolling? (Y) y
Player 1 rolled 5
Player 1 Rolling? (Y) y
Player 1 rolled 4
Player 1 Rolling? (Y) y
Player 1 rolled 1
Bust! you lose player 1 but still keep your previous score of 0
Player 2 Rolling? (Y) 



  • arbitrary number of players, max score, and die sides
  • players with names
  • transparent game logic

<lang ruby>class PigGame

 Player = Struct.new(:name, :safescore, :score) do
   def bust!() self.score = safescore end
   def stay!() self.safescore = score end
   def to_s() "#{name} (#{safescore}, #{score})" end
 def initialize(names, maxscore=100, die_sides=6)
   rotation = names.map {|name| Player.new(name,0,0) }
   rotation.cycle do |player|
     loop do
       if wants_to_roll?(player)
         puts "Rolled: #{roll=roll_dice(die_sides)}"
         if bust?(roll)
           puts "Busted!",
           player.score += roll
           if player.score >= maxscore
             puts player.name + " wins!"
         puts "Staying with #{player.safescore}!", 
 def roll_dice(die_sides) rand(1..die_sides) end
 def bust?(roll) roll==1 end
 def wants_to_roll?(player)
   print "#{player}: Roll? (Y) "


PigGame.new( %w|Samuel Elizabeth| )</lang>

Samples from a game
Samuel (0, 0): Roll? (Y) 
Rolled: 2
Samuel (0, 2): Roll? (Y) 
Rolled: 4
Samuel (0, 6): Roll? (Y) 
Rolled: 1

Elizabeth (0, 0): Roll? (Y) 
Rolled: 3
Elizabeth (0, 3): Roll? (Y) 
Rolled: 5
Elizabeth (0, 8): Roll? (Y) 
Rolled: 2
Elizabeth (0, 10): Roll? (Y) n
Staying with 10!

Samuel (0, 0): Roll? (Y) 
Rolled: 4
Samuel (0, 4): Roll? (Y) 
Rolled: 1

Elizabeth (10, 10): Roll? (Y) 
Rolled: 2
Elizabeth (10, 12): Roll? (Y) 
Rolled: 6
Elizabeth (10, 18): Roll? (Y) n
Staying with 18!
Elizabeth (83, 97): Roll? (Y) 
Rolled: 5
Elizabeth wins!


<lang runbasic>numPlayers = 2 maxScore = 100 dim safeScore(numPlayers)

[loop] for player = 1 to numPlayers

 score     = 0
 while safeScore(player) < maxScore
  input "Player ";player;" Rolling? (Y) ";rolling$
   if upper$(rolling$) = "Y" then
       rolled = int(rnd(0) * 5) + 1
       print "Player ";player;" rolled ";rolled
       if rolled = 1 then
           print "Bust! you lose player ";player;" but still keep your previous score of ";safeScore(plater)
           exit while
       end if
       score = score + rolled
       safeScore(player) = safeScore(player) + score
   end if

next player goto [loop] [winner] print "Player ";plater;" wins with a score of ";safeScore(player)</lang>


Works with: Rust version 2018

<lang Rust>use rand::prelude::*;

fn main() {

   println!("Beginning game of Pig...");
   let mut players = vec![
       Player::new(String::from("PLAYER (1) ONE")),
       Player::new(String::from("PLAYER (2) TWO")),
   'game: loop {
       for player in players.iter_mut() {
           if player.cont() {
               println!("\n# {} has {:?} Score", player.name, player.score);
           } else {
               println!("\n{} wins!", player.name);
               break 'game;
   println!("Thanks for playing!");


type DiceRoll = u32; type Score = u32; type Name = String;

enum Action {



  1. [derive(PartialEq)]

enum TurnStatus {



struct Player {

   name: Name,
   score: Score,
   status: TurnStatus,


impl Player {

   fn new(name: Name) -> Player {
       Player {
           score: 0,
           status: TurnStatus::Continue,
   fn roll() -> DiceRoll {
       // Simple 1d6 dice.
       let sides = rand::distributions::Uniform::new(1, 6);
   fn action() -> Action {
       // Closure to determine userinput as action.
       let command = || -> Option<char> {
           let mut cmd: String = String::new();
           match std::io::stdin().read_line(&mut cmd) {
               Ok(c) => c.to_string(),
               Err(err) => panic!("Error: {}", err),
       'user_in: loop {
           match command() {
               Some('r') => break 'user_in Action::Roll,
               Some('h') => break 'user_in Action::Hold,
               Some(invalid) => println!("{} is not a valid command!", invalid),
               None => println!("Please input a command!"),
   fn turn(&mut self) -> Score {
       let one = |die: DiceRoll| {
           println!("[DICE] Dice result is: {:3}!", die);
           println!("[DUMP] Dumping Score! Sorry!");
           println!("###### ENDING TURN ######");
       let two_to_six = |die: DiceRoll, score: Score, player_score: Score| {
           println!("[DICE] Dice result is: {:3}!", die);
           println!("[ROLL] Total    Score: {:3}!", (score + die));
           println!("[HOLD] Possible Score: {:3}!", (score + die + player_score));
       let mut score: Score = 0;
       'player: loop {
           println!("# {}'s Turn", self.name);
           println!("######  [R]oll   ######\n######  --OR--   ######\n######  [H]old   ######");
           match Player::action() {
               Action::Roll => match Player::roll() {
                   0 | 7..=u32::MAX => panic!("outside dice bounds!"),
                   die @ 1 => {
                       self.status = TurnStatus::End;
                       break 'player 0;
                   die @ 2..=6 => {
                       two_to_six(die, score, self.score);
                       self.status = TurnStatus::Continue;
                       score += die
               Action::Hold => {
                   self.status = TurnStatus::End;
                   break 'player score;
   fn resolve(&mut self) {
       self.score += self.turn()
   fn cont(&self) -> bool {
       self.score <= 100 || self.status == TurnStatus::Continue



Functional Style, Tail recursive

Works with: Scala version 2.13
Library: Scala Concise

<lang Scala>object PigDice extends App {

 private val (maxScore, nPlayers) = (100, 2)
 private val rnd = util.Random
 private case class Game(gameOver: Boolean, idPlayer: Int, score: Int, stickedScores: Vector[Int])
 private def loop(play: Game): Unit =
   play match {
     case Game(true, _, _, _) =>
     case Game(false, gPlayer, gScore, gStickedVals) =>
       val safe = gStickedVals(gPlayer)
       val stickScore = safe + gScore
       val gameOver = stickScore >= maxScore
       def nextPlayer = (gPlayer + 1) % nPlayers
       def gamble: Game = play match {
         case Game(_: Boolean, lPlayer: Int, lScore: Int, lStickedVals: Vector[Int]) =>
           val rolled: Int = rnd.nextInt(6) + 1
           println(s" Rolled $rolled")
           if (rolled == 1) {
             println(s" Bust! You lose $lScore but keep ${lStickedVals(lPlayer)}\n")
             play.copy(idPlayer = nextPlayer, score = 0)
           } else play.copy(score = lScore + rolled)
       def stand: Game = play match {
         case Game(_, lPlayer, _, lStickedVals) =>
             (if (gameOver) s"\n\nPlayer $lPlayer wins with a score of" else " Sticking with")
               + s" $stickScore.\n")
           Game(gameOver, nextPlayer, 0, lStickedVals.updated(lPlayer, stickScore))
       if (!gameOver && Seq("y", "").contains(
           io.StdIn.readLine(f" Player $gPlayer%d: ($safe%d, $gScore%d) Rolling? ([y]/n): ").toLowerCase)
       ) loop(gamble )else loop(stand)
 loop(Game(gameOver = false, 0, 0, Array.ofDim[Int](nPlayers).toVector))



Works with: Tcl version 8.6
or alternatively with Tcl 8.5 and
Library: TclOO

<lang tcl>package require TclOO

oo::class create Player {

   variable me
   constructor {name} {

set me $name

   method name {} {

return $me

   method wantToRoll {safeScore roundScore} {}
   method stuck {score} {}
   method busted {score} {}
   method won {score} {}
   method rolled {who what} {

if {$who ne [self]} { #puts "[$who name] rolled a $what" }

   method turnend {who score} {

if {$who ne [self]} { puts "End of turn for [$who name] on $score" }

   method winner {who score} {

if {$who ne [self]} { puts "[$who name] is a winner, on $score" }



proc rollDie {} {

   expr {1+int(rand() * 6)}

} proc rotateList {var} {

   upvar 1 $var l
   set l [list {*}[lrange $l 1 end] [lindex $l 0]]

} proc broadcast {players message score} {

   set p0 [lindex $players 0]
   foreach p $players {

$p $message $p0 $score



proc pig {args} {

   set players $args
   set scores [lrepeat [llength $args] 0]
   while 1 {

set player [lindex $players 0] set safe [lindex $scores 0] set s 0 while 1 { if {$safe + $s >= 100} { incr safe $s $player won $safe broadcast $players winner $safe return $player } if {![$player wantToRoll $safe $s]} { lset scores 0 [incr safe $s] $player stuck $safe break } set roll [rollDie] broadcast $players rolled $roll if {$roll == 1} { $player busted $safe break } incr s $roll } broadcast $players turnend $safe rotateList players rotateList scores


}</lang> Demonstrating with human players: <lang tcl>oo::class create HumanPlayer {

   variable me
   superclass Player
   method wantToRoll {safeScore roundScore} {

while 1 { puts -nonewline "$me (on $safeScore+$roundScore) do you want to roll? (Y/n)" flush stdout if {[gets stdin line] < 0} { # EOF detected puts "" exit } if {$line eq "" || $line eq "y" || $line eq "Y"} { return 1 } if {$line eq "n" || $line eq "N"} { return 0 } }

   method stuck {score} {

puts "$me sticks with score $score"

   method busted {score} {

puts "Busted! ($me still on score $score)"

   method won {score} {

puts "$me has won! (Score: $score)"



pig [HumanPlayer new "Alex"] [HumanPlayer new "Bert"]</lang>

Sample output:
Alex (on 0+0) do you want to roll? (Y/n)y
Busted! (Alex still on score 0)
End of turn for Alex on 0
Bert (on 0+0) do you want to roll? (Y/n)
Bert (on 0+2) do you want to roll? (Y/n)
Bert (on 0+5) do you want to roll? (Y/n)
Bert (on 0+11) do you want to roll? (Y/n)
Bert (on 0+13) do you want to roll? (Y/n)
Bert (on 0+15) do you want to roll? (Y/n)
Bert (on 0+18) do you want to roll? (Y/n)
Bert (on 0+22) do you want to roll? (Y/n)n
Bert sticks with score 22
End of turn for Bert on 22
Bert (on 87+0) do you want to roll? (Y/n)
Bert (on 87+5) do you want to roll? (Y/n)
Bert (on 87+8) do you want to roll? (Y/n)
Bert has won! (Score: 101)
Bert is a winner, on 101


<lang vb> Option Explicit

Sub Main_Pig() Dim Scs() As Byte, Ask As Integer, Np As Boolean, Go As Boolean Dim Cp As Byte, Rd As Byte, NbP As Byte, ScBT As Byte

   'You can adapt these Const, but don't touch the "¤¤¤¤"
   Const INPTXT As String = "Enter number of players : "
   Const INPTITL As String = "Numeric only"
   Const ROL As String = "Player ¤¤¤¤ rolls the die."
   Const MSG As String = "Do you want to ""hold"" : "
   Const TITL As String = "Total if you keep : "
   Const RES As String = "The die give you : ¤¤¤¤ points."
   Const ONE As String = "The die give you : 1 point. Sorry!" & vbCrLf & "Next player."
   Const WIN As String = "Player ¤¤¤¤ win the Pig Dice Game!"
   Const STW As Byte = 100
   Randomize Timer
   NbP = Application.InputBox(INPTXT, INPTITL, 2, Type:=1)
   ReDim Scs(1 To NbP)
   Cp = 1
       ScBT = 0
           MsgBox Replace(ROL, "¤¤¤¤", Cp)
           Rd = Int((Rnd * 6) + 1)
           If Rd > 1 Then
               MsgBox Replace(RES, "¤¤¤¤", Rd)
               ScBT = ScBT + Rd
               If Scs(Cp) + ScBT >= STW Then
                   Go = True
                   Exit Do
               End If
               Ask = MsgBox(MSG & ScBT, vbYesNo, TITL & Scs(Cp) + ScBT)
               If Ask = vbYes Then
                   Scs(Cp) = Scs(Cp) + ScBT
                   Np = True
               End If
               MsgBox ONE
               Np = True
           End If
       Loop Until Np
       If Not Go Then
           Np = False
           Cp = Cp + 1
           If Cp > NbP Then Cp = 1
       End If
   Loop Until Go
   MsgBox Replace(WIN, "¤¤¤¤", Cp)

End Sub </lang>


Translation of: go

<lang vlang>import rand import rand.seed import os fn main() { rand.seed(seed.time_seed_array(2)) //Set seed to current time

mut player_scores := [0, 0] mut turn := 0 mut current_score := 0

for { player := turn % player_scores.len

answer := os.input("Player $player [${player_scores[player]}, $current_score], (H)old, (R)oll or (Q)uit: ").to_lower()

match answer {

           "h"{ //Hold
               player_scores[player] += current_score
               print("    Player $player now has a score of ${player_scores[player]}.\n")
               if player_scores[player] >= 100 {
                   println("    Player $player wins!!!")
               current_score = 0
               turn += 1
           "r"{ //Roll
               roll := rand.int_in_range(1, 7) or {1}
               if roll == 1 {
                   println("    Rolled a 1. Bust!\n")
                   current_score = 0
                   turn += 1
               } else {
                   println("    Rolled a ${roll}.")
                   current_score += roll
           "q"{ //Quit
           else{ //Incorrent input
               println("  Please enter one of the given inputs.")

} } println("Player ${(turn-1)%player_scores.len} wins!!!", ) }</lang>


Translation of: Kotlin
Library: Wren-ioutil
Library: Wren-str

<lang ecmascript>import "/ioutil" for Input import "/str" for Str import "random" for Random

var name1 = Input.text("Player 1 - Enter your name : ").trim() name1 = (name1 == "") ? "PLAYER1" : Str.upper(name1) var name2 = Input.text("Player 2 - Enter your name : ").trim() name2 = (name2 == "") ? "PLAYER2" : Str.upper(name2) var names = [name1, name2] var r = Random.new() var totals = [0, 0] var player = 0 while (true) {

   System.print("  Your total score is currently %(totals[player])")
   var score = 0
   while (true) {
       var rh = Str.lower(Input.option("  Roll or Hold r/h : ", "rhRH"))
       if (rh == "h") {
           totals[player] = totals[player] + score
           System.print("  Your total score is now %(totals[player])")
           if (totals[player] >= 100) {
               System.print("  So, %(names[player]), YOU'VE WON!")
           player = (player == 0) ? 1 : 0
       var dice = r.int(1, 7)
       System.print("    You have thrown a %(dice)")
       if (dice == 1) {
           System.print("    Sorry, your score for this round is now 0")
           System.print("  Your total score remains at %(totals[player])")
           player = (player == 0) ? 1 : 0
       score = score + dice
       System.print("    Your score for the round is now %(score)")



Sample (abridged) game:

Player 1 - Enter your name : Boris
Player 2 - Enter your name : Keir

  Your total score is currently 0
  Roll or Hold r/h : r
    You have thrown a 3
    Your score for the round is now 3
  Roll or Hold r/h : r
    You have thrown a 1
    Sorry, your score for this round is now 0
  Your total score remains at 0

  Your total score is currently 0
  Roll or Hold r/h : r
    You have thrown a 2
    Your score for the round is now 2
  Roll or Hold r/h : r
    You have thrown a 4
    Your score for the round is now 6
  Roll or Hold r/h : r
    You have thrown a 4
    Your score for the round is now 10
  Roll or Hold r/h : r
    You have thrown a 6
    Your score for the round is now 16
  Roll or Hold r/h : r
    You have thrown a 1
    Sorry, your score for this round is now 0
  Your total score remains at 0

  Your total score is currently 0
  Roll or Hold r/h : r
    You have thrown a 4
    Your score for the round is now 4
  Roll or Hold r/h : r
    You have thrown a 4
    Your score for the round is now 8
  Roll or Hold r/h : r
    You have thrown a 6
    Your score for the round is now 14
  Roll or Hold r/h : r
    You have thrown a 2
    Your score for the round is now 16
  Roll or Hold r/h : r
    You have thrown a 3
    Your score for the round is now 19
  Roll or Hold r/h : r
    You have thrown a 3
    Your score for the round is now 22
  Roll or Hold r/h : h
  Your total score is now 22


  Your total score is currently 63
  Roll or Hold r/h : r
    You have thrown a 2
    Your score for the round is now 2
  Roll or Hold r/h : r
    You have thrown a 3
    Your score for the round is now 5
  Roll or Hold r/h : r
    You have thrown a 5
    Your score for the round is now 10
  Roll or Hold r/h : r
    You have thrown a 2
    Your score for the round is now 12
  Roll or Hold r/h : r
    You have thrown a 3
    Your score for the round is now 15
  Roll or Hold r/h : r
    You have thrown a 3
    Your score for the round is now 18
  Roll or Hold r/h : r
    You have thrown a 4
    Your score for the round is now 22
  Roll or Hold r/h : h
  Your total score is now 85

  Your total score is currently 73
  Roll or Hold r/h : r
    You have thrown a 4
    Your score for the round is now 4
  Roll or Hold r/h : r
    You have thrown a 5
    Your score for the round is now 9
  Roll or Hold r/h : r
    You have thrown a 2
    Your score for the round is now 11
  Roll or Hold r/h : r
    You have thrown a 2
    Your score for the round is now 13
  Roll or Hold r/h : r
    You have thrown a 6
    Your score for the round is now 19
  Roll or Hold r/h : r
    You have thrown a 4
    Your score for the round is now 23
  Roll or Hold r/h : r
    You have thrown a 2
    Your score for the round is now 25
  Roll or Hold r/h : r
    You have thrown a 5
    Your score for the round is now 30
  Roll or Hold r/h : h
  Your total score is now 103


<lang XPL0>include c:\cxpl\codes; \intrinsic 'code' declarations integer Player, Die, Points, Score(2); [Score(0):= 0; Score(1):= 0; \starting scores for each player Player:= 1; \second player repeat Player:= if Player = 1 then 0 else 1; \next player

       Points:= 0;                                     \points for current turn
       loop    [Text(0, "Player ");  IntOut(0, Player+1);
               Text(0, " is up. Roll or hold (r/h)? ");
               OpenI(0);       \discard any chars in keyboard buffer (like CR)
               if ChIn(0) = ^h then quit               \default is 'r' to roll
               else    [Die:= Ran(6)+1;                \roll the die
                       Text(0, "You get ");  IntOut(0, Die);  CrLf(0);
                       if Die = 1 then [Points:= 0;  quit];
                       Points:= Points + Die;          \add up points for turn
                       Text(0, "Total points are ");  IntOut(0, Points);
                       Text(0, " for a tentative score of ");
                       IntOut(0, Score(Player)+Points);  CrLf(0);
       Score(Player):= Score(Player) + Points;         \show scores
       Text(0, "Player 1 has ");  IntOut(0, Score(0));
       Text(0, " and player 2 has ");  IntOut(0, Score(1));  CrLf(0);

until Score(Player) >= 100; Text(0, "Player "); IntOut(0, Player+1); Text(0, " WINS!!!"); ]</lang>


Player 1 is up. Roll or hold (r/h)? r
You get 5
Total points are 5 for a tentative score of 5
Player 1 is up. Roll or hold (r/h)? r
You get 6
Total points are 11 for a tentative score of 11
Player 1 is up. Roll or hold (r/h)? r
You get 6
Total points are 17 for a tentative score of 17
Player 1 is up. Roll or hold (r/h)? r
You get 6
Total points are 23 for a tentative score of 23
Player 1 is up. Roll or hold (r/h)? h
Player 1 has 23 and player 2 has 0
Player 2 is up. Roll or hold (r/h)? r
You get 2
Total points are 2 for a tentative score of 2
Player 2 is up. Roll or hold (r/h)? r
You get 6
Total points are 8 for a tentative score of 8
Player 2 is up. Roll or hold (r/h)? r
You get 1
Player 1 has 23 and player 2 has 0
Player 1 has 94 and player 2 has 57
Player 1 is up. Roll or hold (r/h)? r
You get 6
Total points are 6 for a tentative score of 100
Player 1 is up. Roll or hold (r/h)? h
Player 1 has 100 and player 2 has 57
Player 1 WINS!!!


Translation of: D

<lang zkl>const WIN=100, PLAYERS=2; players,safeScores:=Walker.cycle([0..PLAYERS-1]), PLAYERS.pump(List(),0); rollDie:=(1).random.fp(7); yes,player,score,S:=T("","y"),players.next(),0,0; tally:='wrap(player,score){ w:=safeScores[player]+=score; (w>=WIN) };


  print("Player %d: (%d, %d). Rolling? (y/n) ".fmt(player+1,S,score));
     rolled:=rollDie(); println(" Rolled a %d".fmt(rolled));

println(" Bust! You lose %d but keep %d\n".fmt(score,S));


score+=rolled; if(score + S>=WIN){ tally(player,score); break; } continue;

     if(tally(player,score)) break;
     println(" Sticking with %d\n".fmt(safeScores[player]));

} println("\n\nPlayer %d wins with a score of %d".fmt(player+1, safeScores[player]));</lang>

Player 1: (0, 0). Rolling? (y/n) 
 Rolled a 5
Player 1: (0, 5). Rolling? (y/n) 
 Rolled a 4
Player 1: (0, 9). Rolling? (y/n) 
 Rolled a 1
 Bust! You lose 9 but keep 0

Player 2: (0, 0). Rolling? (y/n) 
 Rolled a 1
 Bust! You lose 0 but keep 0

Player 1: (49, 0). Rolling? (y/n) 
 Rolled a 2
Player 1: (49, 2). Rolling? (y/n) 
 Rolled a 3
Player 1: (49, 5). Rolling? (y/n) 
 Rolled a 1
 Bust! You lose 5 but keep 49

Player 2: (49, 0). Rolling? (y/n) 
 Rolled a 6
Player 2: (49, 6). Rolling? (y/n) 
 Rolled a 4
Player 2: (49, 10). Rolling? (y/n) 
 Rolled a 2
Player 2: (49, 12). Rolling? (y/n) n
 Sticking with 61
Player 2: (99, 0). Rolling? (y/n) 
 Rolled a 1
 Bust! You lose 0 but keep 99

Player 1: (72, 0). Rolling? (y/n) 
 Rolled a 6
Player 1: (72, 6). Rolling? (y/n) 
 Rolled a 4
Player 1: (72, 10). Rolling? (y/n) n
 Sticking with 82

Player 2: (99, 0). Rolling? (y/n) 
 Rolled a 3

Player 2 wins with a score of 102