Let be a vector of values of either 1 or 0 where the probability of any value being 1 is ; the probability of a value being 0 is therefore . Define a run of 1s as being a group of consecutive 1s in the vector bounded either by the limits of the vector or by a 0. Let the number of such runs in a given vector of length be .

Percolation/Mean run density
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Percolation Simulation
This is a simulation of aspects of mathematical percolation theory.

For other percolation simulations, see Category:Percolation Simulations, or:
1D finite grid simulation
Mean run density
2D finite grid simulations

Site percolation | Bond percolation | Mean cluster density

For example, the following vector has

[1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1]
 ^^^       ^   ^^^^^

Percolation theory states that


Any calculation of for finite is subject to randomness so should be computed as the average of runs, where .

For values of of 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, and 0.9, show the effect of varying on the accuracy of simulated .

Show your output here.

See also
  • s-Run on Wolfram mathworld.


<lang c>#include <stdio.h>

  1. include <stdlib.h>

// just generate 0s and 1s without storing them double run_test(double p, int len, int runs) { int r, x, y, i, cnt = 0, thresh = p * RAND_MAX;

for (r = 0; r < runs; r++) for (x = 0, i = len; i--; x = y) cnt += x < (y = rand() < thresh);

return (double)cnt / runs / len; }

int main(void) { double p, p1p, K; int ip, n;

puts( "running 1000 tests each:\n" " p\t n\tK\tp(1-p)\t diff\n" "-----------------------------------------------"); for (ip = 1; ip < 10; ip += 2) { p = ip / 10., p1p = p * (1 - p);

for (n = 100; n <= 100000; n *= 10) { K = run_test(p, n, 1000); printf("%.1f\t%6d\t%.4f\t%.4f\t%+.4f (%+.2f%%)\n", p, n, K, p1p, K - p1p, (K - p1p) / p1p * 100); } putchar('\n'); }

return 0; }</lang>

running 1000 tests each:
 p         n    K       p(1-p)       diff
0.1        100  0.0900  0.0900  -0.0001 (-0.06%)
0.1       1000  0.0899  0.0900  -0.0001 (-0.11%)
0.1      10000  0.0902  0.0900  +0.0002 (+0.17%)
0.1     100000  0.0900  0.0900  -0.0000 (-0.03%)

0.3        100  0.2110  0.2100  +0.0010 (+0.46%)
0.3       1000  0.2104  0.2100  +0.0004 (+0.19%)
0.3      10000  0.2100  0.2100  -0.0000 (-0.02%)
0.3     100000  0.2100  0.2100  -0.0000 (-0.01%)

0.5        100  0.2516  0.2500  +0.0016 (+0.66%)
0.5       1000  0.2498  0.2500  -0.0002 (-0.10%)
0.5      10000  0.2500  0.2500  +0.0000 (+0.01%)
0.5     100000  0.2500  0.2500  +0.0000 (+0.01%)

0.7        100  0.2162  0.2100  +0.0062 (+2.93%)
0.7       1000  0.2107  0.2100  +0.0007 (+0.33%)
0.7      10000  0.2101  0.2100  +0.0001 (+0.06%)
0.7     100000  0.2100  0.2100  -0.0000 (-0.02%)

0.9        100  0.0982  0.0900  +0.0082 (+9.07%)
0.9       1000  0.0905  0.0900  +0.0005 (+0.57%)
0.9      10000  0.0901  0.0900  +0.0001 (+0.09%)
0.9     100000  0.0900  0.0900  +0.0000 (+0.03%)


<lang cpp>#include <algorithm>

  1. include <random>
  2. include <vector>
  3. include <iostream>
  4. include <numeric>
  5. include <iomanip>

using VecIt = std::vector<int>::const_iterator ;

//creates vector of length n, based on probability p for 1 std::vector<int> createVector( int n, double p ) {

  std::vector<int> result( n ) ;
  std::random_device rd ;
  std::mt19937 gen( rd( ) ) ;
  std::uniform_real_distribution<> dis( 0 , 1 ) ;
  for ( int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) {
     double number = dis( gen ) ;
     if ( number <= p ) 

result[ i ] = 1 ;


result[ i ] = 0 ;

  return result ;


//find number of 1 runs in the vector int find_Runs( const std::vector<int> & numberVector ) {

  int runs = 0 ;
  VecIt found = numberVector.begin( ) ;
  while ( ( found = std::find( found , numberVector.end( ) , 1 ) ) 

 != numberVector.end( ) ) {

     runs++ ;
     while ( found != numberVector.end( ) && ( *found == 1 ) ) 

std::advance( found , 1 ) ;

     if ( found == numberVector.end( ) ) 

break ;

  return runs ;


int main( ) {

  std::cout << "t = 100\n" ;
  std::vector<double> p_values { 0.1 , 0.3 , 0.5 , 0.7 , 0.9 } ;
  for ( double p : p_values ) { 
     std::cout << "p = " << p << " , K(p) = " << p * ( 1 - p ) << std::endl ;
     for ( int n = 10 ; n < 100000 ; n *= 10 ) {

std::vector<double> runsFound ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < 100 ; i++ ) { std::vector<int> ones_and_zeroes = createVector( n , p ) ; runsFound.push_back( find_Runs( ones_and_zeroes ) / static_cast<double>( n ) ) ; } double average = std::accumulate( runsFound.begin( ) , runsFound.end( ) , 0.0 ) / runsFound.size( ) ; std::cout << " R(" << std::setw( 6 ) << std::right << n << ", p) = " << average << std::endl ;

  return 0 ;


t = 100
p = 0.1 , K(p) = 0.09
  R(    10, p) = 0.088
  R(   100, p) = 0.0931
  R(  1000, p) = 0.09013
  R( 10000, p) = 0.089947
p = 0.3 , K(p) = 0.21
  R(    10, p) = 0.225
  R(   100, p) = 0.2089
  R(  1000, p) = 0.21043
  R( 10000, p) = 0.20991
p = 0.5 , K(p) = 0.25
  R(    10, p) = 0.271
  R(   100, p) = 0.253
  R(  1000, p) = 0.25039
  R( 10000, p) = 0.250278
p = 0.7 , K(p) = 0.21
  R(    10, p) = 0.264
  R(   100, p) = 0.2155
  R(  1000, p) = 0.20829
  R( 10000, p) = 0.209977
p = 0.9 , K(p) = 0.09
  R(    10, p) = 0.167
  R(   100, p) = 0.0928
  R(  1000, p) = 0.09071
  R( 10000, p) = 0.090341


Translation of: python

<lang d>import std.stdio, std.range, std.algorithm, std.random, std.math;

enum n = 100, p = 0.5, t = 500;

double meanRunDensity(in size_t n, in double prob) {

   return n.iota.map!(_ => uniform01 < prob)
          .array.uniq.sum / double(n);


void main() {

   foreach (immutable p; iota(0.1, 1.0, 0.2)) {
       immutable limit = p * (1 - p);
       foreach (immutable n2; iota(10, 16, 2)) {
           immutable n = 2 ^^ n2;
           immutable sim = t.iota.map!(_ => meanRunDensity(n, p))
                           .sum / t;
           writefln("t=%3d, p=%4.2f, n=%5d, p(1-p)=%5.5f, " ~
                    "sim=%5.5f, delta=%3.1f%%", t, p, n, limit, sim,
                    limit ? abs(sim - limit) / limit * 100 : sim*100);


t=500, p=0.10, n= 1024, p(1-p)=0.09000, sim=0.08949, delta=0.6%
t=500, p=0.10, n= 4096, p(1-p)=0.09000, sim=0.08976, delta=0.3%
t=500, p=0.10, n=16384, p(1-p)=0.09000, sim=0.08988, delta=0.1%

t=500, p=0.30, n= 1024, p(1-p)=0.21000, sim=0.20979, delta=0.1%
t=500, p=0.30, n= 4096, p(1-p)=0.21000, sim=0.21020, delta=0.1%
t=500, p=0.30, n=16384, p(1-p)=0.21000, sim=0.21005, delta=0.0%

t=500, p=0.50, n= 1024, p(1-p)=0.25000, sim=0.25016, delta=0.1%
t=500, p=0.50, n= 4096, p(1-p)=0.25000, sim=0.25026, delta=0.1%
t=500, p=0.50, n=16384, p(1-p)=0.25000, sim=0.24990, delta=0.0%

t=500, p=0.70, n= 1024, p(1-p)=0.21000, sim=0.21050, delta=0.2%
t=500, p=0.70, n= 4096, p(1-p)=0.21000, sim=0.20993, delta=0.0%
t=500, p=0.70, n=16384, p(1-p)=0.21000, sim=0.21009, delta=0.0%

t=500, p=0.90, n= 1024, p(1-p)=0.09000, sim=0.09019, delta=0.2%
t=500, p=0.90, n= 4096, p(1-p)=0.09000, sim=0.09047, delta=0.5%
t=500, p=0.90, n=16384, p(1-p)=0.09000, sim=0.09007, delta=0.1%


<lang scheme>

count 1-runs - The vector is not stored

(define (runs p n) (define ct 0) (define run-1 #t)

   (for ([i n])
       (if (< (random) p)
       (set! run-1 #t) ;; 0 case
       (begin ;; 1 case
           (when run-1 (set! ct (1+ ct)))
           (set! run-1 #f))))
   (// ct n))
mean of t counts

(define (truns p (n 1000 ) (t 1000))

   (// (for/sum ([i t]) (runs p n)) t))

(define (task)

   (for ([p (in-range 0.1 1.0 0.2)])
   (writeln '🔸 'p p 'Kp (* p (- 1 p)))
       (for ([n '(10 100 1000)])
       (printf "\t-- n %5d   →  %d" n (truns p n)))))


(task) ;; t = 1000
🔸     p     0.1     Kp     0.09    
 -- n    10 → 0.171
 -- n   100 → 0.0974
 -- n  1000 → 0.0907
🔸     p     0.3     Kp     0.21    
 -- n    10 → 0.2642
 -- n   100 → 0.2161
 -- n  1000 → 0.2105
🔸     p     0.5     Kp     0.25    
 -- n    10 → 0.2764
 -- n   100 → 0.2519
 -- n  1000 → 0.2503
🔸     p     0.7     Kp     0.21    
 -- n    10 → 0.2218
 -- n   100 → 0.2106
 -- n  1000 → 0.2098
🔸     p     0.9     Kp     0.09    
 -- n    10 → 0.087
 -- n   100 → 0.0894
 -- n  1000 → 0.0905


<lang factor>USING: formatting fry io kernel math math.ranges math.statistics random sequences ; IN: rosetta-code.mean-run-density

rising? ( ? ? -- ? ) [ f = ] [ t = ] bi* and ;
count-run ( n ? ? -- m ? )
   2dup rising? [ [ 1 + ] 2dip ] when nip ;
runs ( n p -- n )
   [ 0 f ] 2dip '[ random-unit _ < count-run ] times drop ;
rn ( n p -- x ) over [ runs ] dip /f ;
sim ( n p -- avg )
   [ 1000 ] 2dip [ rn ] 2curry replicate mean ;
theory ( p -- x ) 1 over - * ;
result ( n p -- )
   [ swap ] [ sim ] [ nip theory ] 2tri 2dup - abs
   "%.1f  %-5d  %.4f  %.4f  %.4f\n" printf ;
test ( p -- )
   { 100 1,000 10,000 } [ swap result ] with each nl ;
header ( -- )
   "1000 tests each:\np    n      K       p(1-p)  diff" print ;
main ( -- ) header .1 .9 .2 <range> [ test ] each ;

MAIN: main</lang>

1000 tests each:
p    n      K       p(1-p)  diff
0.1  100    0.0909  0.0900  0.0009
0.1  1000   0.0902  0.0900  0.0002
0.1  10000  0.0899  0.0900  0.0001

0.3  100    0.2111  0.2100  0.0011
0.3  1000   0.2101  0.2100  0.0001
0.3  10000  0.2100  0.2100  0.0000

0.5  100    0.2524  0.2500  0.0024
0.5  1000   0.2504  0.2500  0.0004
0.5  10000  0.2501  0.2500  0.0001

0.7  100    0.2149  0.2100  0.0049
0.7  1000   0.2106  0.2100  0.0006
0.7  10000  0.2100  0.2100  0.0000

0.9  100    0.0978  0.0900  0.0078
0.9  1000   0.0905  0.0900  0.0005
0.9  10000  0.0901  0.0900  0.0001


<lang fortran> ! loosely translated from python. We do not need to generate and store the entire vector at once. ! compilation: gfortran -Wall -std=f2008 -o thisfile thisfile.f08

program percolation_mean_run_density

 implicit none
 integer :: i, p10, n2, n, t
 real :: p, limit, sim, delta
 data n,p,t/100,0.5,500/
 do p10=1,10,2
    p = p10/10.0
    limit = p*(1-p)
    do n2=10,15,2
       n = 2**n2
       sim = 0
       do i=1,t
          sim = sim + mean_run_density(n,p)
       end do
       sim = sim/t
       if (limit /= 0) then
          delta = abs(sim-limit)/limit
          delta = sim
       end if
       delta = delta * 100
    end do
 end do


 integer function runs(n, p)
   integer, intent(in) :: n
   real, intent(in) :: p
   real :: harvest
   logical :: q
   integer :: count, i
   count = 0
   q = .false.
   do i=1,n
      call random_number(harvest)
      if (harvest < p) then
         q = .true.
         if (q) count = count+1
         q = .false.
      end if
   end do
   runs = count
 end function runs
 real function mean_run_density(n, p)
   integer, intent(in) :: n
   real, intent(in) :: p
   mean_run_density = real(runs(n,p))/real(n)
 end function mean_run_density

end program percolation_mean_run_density </lang>

$ ./f
  t    p      n p(1-p)    sim  delta%

500 0.10   1024  0.090  0.090  0.2
500 0.10   4096  0.090  0.090  0.2
500 0.10  16384  0.090  0.090  0.0

500 0.30   1024  0.210  0.210  0.2
500 0.30   4096  0.210  0.210  0.0
500 0.30  16384  0.210  0.210  0.0

500 0.50   1024  0.250  0.250  0.1
500 0.50   4096  0.250  0.250  0.1
500 0.50  16384  0.250  0.250  0.1

500 0.70   1024  0.210  0.210  0.1
500 0.70   4096  0.210  0.210  0.1
500 0.70  16384  0.210  0.210  0.0

500 0.90   1024  0.090  0.090  0.1
500 0.90   4096  0.090  0.090  0.4
500 0.90  16384  0.090  0.090  0.1


<lang go>package main

import (



var (

   pList = []float64{.1, .3, .5, .7, .9}
   nList = []int{1e2, 1e3, 1e4, 1e5}
   t     = 100


func main() {

   for _, p := range pList {
       theory := p * (1 - p)
       fmt.Printf("\np: %.4f  theory: %.4f  t: %d\n", p, theory, t)
       fmt.Println("        n          sim     sim-theory")
       for _, n := range nList {
           sum := 0
           for i := 0; i < t; i++ {
               run := false
               for j := 0; j < n; j++ {
                   one := rand.Float64() < p
                   if one && !run {
                   run = one
           K := float64(sum) / float64(t) / float64(n)
           fmt.Printf("%9d %15.4f %9.6f\n", n, K, K-theory)


p: 0.1000  theory: 0.0900  t: 100
        n          sim     sim-theory
      100          0.0883 -0.001700
     1000          0.0903  0.000300
    10000          0.0898 -0.000242
   100000          0.0900 -0.000024

p: 0.3000  theory: 0.2100  t: 100
        n          sim     sim-theory
      100          0.2080 -0.002000
     1000          0.2106  0.000600
    10000          0.2097 -0.000341
   100000          0.2100  0.000018

p: 0.5000  theory: 0.2500  t: 100
        n          sim     sim-theory
      100          0.2512  0.001200
     1000          0.2486 -0.001440
    10000          0.2500  0.000021
   100000          0.2500 -0.000025

p: 0.7000  theory: 0.2100  t: 100
        n          sim     sim-theory
      100          0.2108  0.000800
     1000          0.2086 -0.001370
    10000          0.2102  0.000247
   100000          0.2100 -0.000031

p: 0.9000  theory: 0.0900  t: 100
        n          sim     sim-theory
      100          0.0970  0.007000
     1000          0.0916  0.001580
    10000          0.0905  0.000501
   100000          0.0900  0.000050


<lang Haskell>import Control.Monad.Random import Control.Applicative import Text.Printf import Control.Monad import Data.Bits

data OneRun = OutRun | InRun deriving (Eq, Show)

randomList :: Int -> Double -> Rand StdGen [Int] randomList n p = take n . map f <$> getRandomRs (0,1)

 where f n = if (n > p) then 0 else 1

countRuns xs = fromIntegral . sum $

              zipWith (\x y -> x .&. xor y 1) xs (tail xs ++ [0])

calcK :: Int -> Double -> Rand StdGen Double calcK n p = (/ fromIntegral n) . countRuns <$> randomList n p

printKs :: StdGen -> Double -> IO () printKs g p = do

 printf "p= %.1f, K(p)= %.3f\n" p (p * (1 - p))
 forM_ [1..5] $ \n -> do
   let est = evalRand (calcK (10^n) p) g
   printf "n=%7d, estimated K(p)= %5.3f\n" (10^n::Int) est

main = do

 x <- newStdGen
 forM_ [0.1,0.3,0.5,0.7,0.9] $ printKs x


p= 0.1, K(p)= 0.090
n=     10, estimated K(p)= 0.000
n=    100, estimated K(p)= 0.130
n=   1000, estimated K(p)= 0.099
n=  10000, estimated K(p)= 0.090
n= 100000, estimated K(p)= 0.091
p= 0.3, K(p)= 0.210
n=     10, estimated K(p)= 0.200
n=    100, estimated K(p)= 0.250
n=   1000, estimated K(p)= 0.209
n=  10000, estimated K(p)= 0.209
n= 100000, estimated K(p)= 0.211
p= 0.5, K(p)= 0.250
n=     10, estimated K(p)= 0.200
n=    100, estimated K(p)= 0.290
n=   1000, estimated K(p)= 0.252
n=  10000, estimated K(p)= 0.250
n= 100000, estimated K(p)= 0.250
p= 0.7, K(p)= 0.210
n=     10, estimated K(p)= 0.300
n=    100, estimated K(p)= 0.200
n=   1000, estimated K(p)= 0.210
n=  10000, estimated K(p)= 0.209
n= 100000, estimated K(p)= 0.210
p= 0.9, K(p)= 0.090
n=     10, estimated K(p)= 0.200
n=    100, estimated K(p)= 0.090
n=   1000, estimated K(p)= 0.089
n=  10000, estimated K(p)= 0.095
n= 100000, estimated K(p)= 0.090

Icon and Unicon

The following works in both languages:

<lang unicon>procedure main(A)

   t := integer(A[2]) | 500
   write(left("p",8)," ",left("n",8)," ",left("p(1-p)",10)," ",left("SimK(p)",10))
   every (p := 0.1 | 0.3 | 0.5 | 0.7 | 0.9, n := 1000 | 2000 | 3000) do {
       Ka := 0.0
       every !t do {
           every (v := "", !n) do v ||:= |((?0.1 > p,"0")|"1")
           R := 0
           v ? while tab(upto('1')) do R +:= (tab(many('1')), 1)
           Ka +:= real(R)/n
       write(left(p,8)," ",left(n,8)," ",left(p*(1-p),10)," ",left(Ka/t, 10))



p        n        p(1-p)     SimK(p)   
0.1      1000     0.09000000 0.09021400
0.1      2000     0.09000000 0.08984799
0.1      3000     0.09000000 0.08993666
0.3      1000     0.21       0.21080999
0.3      2000     0.21       0.209953  
0.3      3000     0.21       0.210564  
0.5      1000     0.25       0.250024  
0.5      2000     0.25       0.25007399
0.5      3000     0.25       0.24975266
0.7      1000     0.21       0.21098799
0.7      2000     0.21       0.20987700
0.7      3000     0.21       0.21047333
0.9      1000     0.08999999 0.09016400
0.9      2000     0.08999999 0.09004800
0.9      3000     0.08999999 0.09023200


<lang J> NB. translation of python

NB. 'N P T' =: 100 0.5 500 NB. hypothetical example values, to aid comprehension...

newv =: (> ?@(#&0))~ NB. generate a random binary vector. Use: N newv P runs =: {: + [: +/ 1 0&E. NB. add the tail to the sum of 1 0 occurrences Use: runs V mean_run_density =: [ %~ [: runs newv NB. perform experiment. Use: N mean_run_density P

main =: 3 : 0 NB.Usage: main T

T =. y
smoutput'  T  P    N    P(1-P) SIM   DELTA%'
for_P. 10 %~ >: +: i. 5 do.
  LIMIT =. (* -.) P
  for_N. 2 ^ 10 + +: i. 3 do.
    SIM =. T %~ +/ (N mean_run_density P"_)^:(<T) 0
    smoutput 4 5j2 6 6j3 6j3 4j1 ": T, P, N, LIMIT, SIM, SIM (100 * [`(|@:(- % ]))@.(0 ~: ])) LIMIT

) </lang> Session:

  main 500
  T  P    N    P(1-P) SIM   DELTA%

 500 0.10  1024 0.090 0.090 0.1
 500 0.10  4096 0.090 0.090 0.2
 500 0.10 16384 0.090 0.090 0.2

 500 0.30  1024 0.210 0.210 0.2
 500 0.30  4096 0.210 0.209 0.3
 500 0.30 16384 0.210 0.210 0.1

 500 0.50  1024 0.250 0.250 0.2
 500 0.50  4096 0.250 0.250 0.1
 500 0.50 16384 0.250 0.250 0.2

 500 0.70  1024 0.210 0.210 0.0
 500 0.70  4096 0.210 0.210 0.2
 500 0.70 16384 0.210 0.210 0.2

 500 0.90  1024 0.090 0.091 1.1
 500 0.90  4096 0.090 0.090 0.1
 500 0.90 16384 0.090 0.090 0.1


Translation of: Python

<lang julia>using Printf, Distributions, IterTools

newv(n::Int, p::Float64) = rand(Bernoulli(p), n) runs(v::Vector{Int}) = sum((a & ~b) for (a, b) in zip(v, IterTools.chain(v[2:end], v[1])))

mrd(n::Int, p::Float64) = runs(newv(n, p)) / n

nrep = 500

for p in 0.1:0.2:1

   lim = p * (1 - p)
   for ex in 10:2:14
       n = 2 ^ ex
       sim = mean(mrd.(n, p) for _ in 1:nrep)
       @printf("nrep = %3i\tp = %4.2f\tn = %5i\np · (1 - p) = %5.3f\tsim = %5.3f\tΔ = %3.1f%%\n",
               nrep, p, n, lim, sim, lim > 0 ? abs(sim - lim) / lim * 100 : sim * 100)


nrep = 500	p = 0.10	n =  1024
p · (1 - p) = 0.090	sim = 0.090	Δ = 0.4%
nrep = 500	p = 0.10	n =  4096
p · (1 - p) = 0.090	sim = 0.090	Δ = 0.2%
nrep = 500	p = 0.10	n = 16384
p · (1 - p) = 0.090	sim = 0.090	Δ = 0.0%

nrep = 500	p = 0.30	n =  1024
p · (1 - p) = 0.210	sim = 0.211	Δ = 0.5%
nrep = 500	p = 0.30	n =  4096
p · (1 - p) = 0.210	sim = 0.210	Δ = 0.1%
nrep = 500	p = 0.30	n = 16384
p · (1 - p) = 0.210	sim = 0.210	Δ = 0.0%

nrep = 500	p = 0.50	n =  1024
p · (1 - p) = 0.250	sim = 0.250	Δ = 0.0%
nrep = 500	p = 0.50	n =  4096
p · (1 - p) = 0.250	sim = 0.250	Δ = 0.1%
nrep = 500	p = 0.50	n = 16384
p · (1 - p) = 0.250	sim = 0.250	Δ = 0.0%

nrep = 500	p = 0.70	n =  1024
p · (1 - p) = 0.210	sim = 0.209	Δ = 0.3%
nrep = 500	p = 0.70	n =  4096
p · (1 - p) = 0.210	sim = 0.210	Δ = 0.1%
nrep = 500	p = 0.70	n = 16384
p · (1 - p) = 0.210	sim = 0.210	Δ = 0.0%

nrep = 500	p = 0.90	n =  1024
p · (1 - p) = 0.090	sim = 0.090	Δ = 0.0%
nrep = 500	p = 0.90	n =  4096
p · (1 - p) = 0.090	sim = 0.090	Δ = 0.0%
nrep = 500	p = 0.90	n = 16384
p · (1 - p) = 0.090	sim = 0.090	Δ = 0.1%


Translation of: C

<lang scala>// version 1.2.10

import java.util.Random

val rand = Random() const val RAND_MAX = 32767

// just generate 0s and 1s without storing them fun runTest(p: Double, len: Int, runs: Int): Double {

   var cnt = 0
   val thresh = (p * RAND_MAX).toInt()
   for (r in 0 until runs) {
       var x = 0
       var i = len
       while (i-- > 0) {
           val y = if (rand.nextInt(RAND_MAX + 1) < thresh) 1 else 0
           if (x < y) cnt++
           x = y
   return cnt.toDouble() / runs / len


fun main(args: Array<String>) {

   println("running 1000 tests each:")
   println(" p\t   n\tK\tp(1-p)\t     diff")
   val fmt = "%.1f\t%6d\t%.4f\t%.4f\t%+.4f (%+.2f%%)"
   for (ip in 1..9 step 2) {
       val p = ip / 10.0
       val p1p = p * (1.0 - p)
       var n = 100
       while (n <= 100_000) {
           val k = runTest(p, n, 1000)
           println(fmt.format(p, n, k, p1p, k - p1p, (k - p1p) / p1p * 100))
           n *= 10


Sample output:

running 1000 tests each:
 p	   n	K	p(1-p)	     diff
0.1	   100	0.0908	0.0900	+0.0008 (+0.93%)
0.1	  1000	0.0900	0.0900	+0.0000 (+0.02%)
0.1	 10000	0.0899	0.0900	-0.0001 (-0.08%)
0.1	100000	0.0900	0.0900	-0.0000 (-0.05%)

0.3	   100	0.2112	0.2100	+0.0012 (+0.56%)
0.3	  1000	0.2096	0.2100	-0.0004 (-0.21%)
0.3	 10000	0.2101	0.2100	+0.0001 (+0.05%)
0.3	100000	0.2101	0.2100	+0.0001 (+0.03%)

0.5	   100	0.2522	0.2500	+0.0022 (+0.90%)
0.5	  1000	0.2504	0.2500	+0.0004 (+0.15%)
0.5	 10000	0.2500	0.2500	-0.0000 (-0.00%)
0.5	100000	0.2500	0.2500	+0.0000 (+0.00%)

0.7	   100	0.2162	0.2100	+0.0062 (+2.95%)
0.7	  1000	0.2106	0.2100	+0.0006 (+0.29%)
0.7	 10000	0.2101	0.2100	+0.0001 (+0.03%)
0.7	100000	0.2100	0.2100	+0.0000 (+0.01%)

0.9	   100	0.0982	0.0900	+0.0083 (+9.17%)
0.9	  1000	0.0911	0.0900	+0.0011 (+1.17%)
0.9	 10000	0.0902	0.0900	+0.0002 (+0.18%)
0.9	100000	0.0900	0.0900	-0.0000 (-0.02%)


<lang Mathematica>meanRunDensity[p_, len_, trials_] :=

Mean[Length[Cases[Split@#, {1, ___}]] & /@ 
   Unitize[Chop[RandomReal[1, {trials, len}], 1 - p]]]/len


 Grid[Join[[[:Template:P, n, K, diff]], 
   Table[{q, n, x = meanRunDensity[q, n, 100] // N, 
     q (1 - q) - x}, {n, {100, 1000, 10000, 100000}}], {}], 
  Alignment -> Left], {q, {.1, .3, .5, .7, .9}}]</lang>
p	n	K	diff
0.1	100	0.0905	-0.0005
0.1	1000	0.0900	-0.00001
0.1	10000	0.0902	-0.00015
0.1	100000	0.0901	-0.0001265

p	n	K	diff
0.3	100	0.2088	 0.0012
0.3	1000	0.2101	-0.00011
0.3	10000	0.2099	 0.000049
0.3	100000	0.2100	-0.0000352

p	n	K	diff
0.5	100	0.2533	-0.0033
0.5	1000	0.2515	-0.00146
0.5	10000	0.2501	-0.000131
0.5	100000	0.2500	-0.0000425

p	n	K	diff
0.7	100	0.2172 	-0.0072
0.7	1000	0.2106	-0.0006
0.7	10000	0.2098	 0.000194
0.7	100000	0.2102	-0.0002176

p	n	K	diff
0.9	100	0.0924	-0.0024
0.9	1000	0.0895	 0.00049
0.9	10000	0.0899	 0.00013
0.9	100000	0.0900	-0.0000144


Translation of: Go

<lang Nim>import random, strformat

const T = 100


 pList = [0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9]
 nList = [100, 1_000, 10_000, 100_000]

for p in pList:

 let theory = p * (1 - p)
 echo &"\np: {p:.4f}  theory: {theory:.4f}  t: {T}"
 echo "        n          sim     sim-theory"
 for n in nList:
   var sum = 0
   for _ in 1..T:
     var run = false
     for _ in 1..n:
       let one = rand(1.0) < p
       if one and not run: inc sum
       run = one
   let k = sum / (T * n)
   echo &"{n:9} {k:15.4f} {k - theory:10.6f}"</lang>
p: 0.1000  theory: 0.0900  t: 100
        n          sim     sim-theory
      100          0.0886  -0.001400
     1000          0.0907   0.000750
    10000          0.0903   0.000330
   100000          0.0900  -0.000013

p: 0.3000  theory: 0.2100  t: 100
        n          sim     sim-theory
      100          0.2135   0.003500
     1000          0.2086  -0.001390
    10000          0.2102   0.000180
   100000          0.2099  -0.000132

p: 0.5000  theory: 0.2500  t: 100
        n          sim     sim-theory
      100          0.2546   0.004600
     1000          0.2495  -0.000550
    10000          0.2502   0.000232
   100000          0.2500  -0.000032

p: 0.7000  theory: 0.2100  t: 100
        n          sim     sim-theory
      100          0.2148   0.004800
     1000          0.2110   0.001010
    10000          0.2105   0.000525
   100000          0.2099  -0.000077

p: 0.9000  theory: 0.0900  t: 100
        n          sim     sim-theory
      100          0.0968   0.006800
     1000          0.0916   0.001570
    10000          0.0903   0.000334
   100000          0.0901   0.000113


Translation of: C
Works with: Free Pascal

<lang pascal> {$MODE objFPC}//for using result,parameter runs becomes for variable.. uses



 MaxN = 100*1000;

function run_test(p:double;len,runs: NativeInt):double; var

  x, y, i,cnt : NativeInt;


 result := 1/ (runs * len);
 cnt := 0;
 for  runs := runs-1 downto 0 do
   x := 0;
   y := 0;
   for i := len-1 downto 0 do
     x := y;
     y := Ord(Random() < p);
     cnt := cnt+ord(x < y);
 result := result *cnt;


//main var

 p, p1p, K : double;
 ip, n : nativeInt;


 writeln( 'running 1000 tests each:'#13#10,
   ' p      n      K     p(1-p)   diff'#13#10,
 ip:= 1;
 while ip < 10 do
    p := ip / 10;
    p1p := p * (1 - p);
    n := 100;
    While n <= MaxN do
      K := run_test(p, n, 1000);
      writeln(Format('%4.1f %6d  %6.4f  %6.4f %7.4f (%5.2f %%)',
        [p, n, K, p1p, K - p1p, (K - p1p) / p1p * 100]));
      n := n*10;
    ip := ip+2;

end.</lang> Output

running 1000 tests each:
 p      n      K     p(1-p)   diff
 0.1    100  0.0894  0.0900 -0.0006 (-0.70 %)
 0.1   1000  0.0898  0.0900 -0.0002 (-0.17 %)
 0.1  10000  0.0900  0.0900  0.0000 ( 0.02 %)
 0.1 100000  0.0900  0.0900  0.0000 ( 0.04 %)

 0.3    100  0.2112  0.2100  0.0012 ( 0.57 %)
 0.3   1000  0.2101  0.2100  0.0001 ( 0.04 %)
 0.3  10000  0.2099  0.2100 -0.0001 (-0.04 %)
 0.3 100000  0.2099  0.2100 -0.0001 (-0.03 %)

 0.5    100  0.2516  0.2500  0.0016 ( 0.66 %)
 0.5   1000  0.2497  0.2500 -0.0003 (-0.14 %)
 0.5  10000  0.2501  0.2500  0.0001 ( 0.03 %)
 0.5 100000  0.2500  0.2500  0.0000 ( 0.01 %)

 0.7    100  0.2144  0.2100  0.0044 ( 2.08 %)
 0.7   1000  0.2107  0.2100  0.0007 ( 0.32 %)
 0.7  10000  0.2101  0.2100  0.0001 ( 0.02 %)
 0.7 100000  0.2100  0.2100  0.0000 ( 0.01 %)

 0.9    100  0.0978  0.0900  0.0078 ( 8.69 %)
 0.9   1000  0.0909  0.0900  0.0009 ( 0.96 %)
 0.9  10000  0.0901  0.0900  0.0001 ( 0.10 %)
 0.9 100000  0.0900  0.0900  0.0000 ( 0.02 %)


Translation of: Raku

<lang perl>sub R {

   my ($n, $p) = @_;
   my $r = join ,
   map { rand() < $p ? 1 : 0 } 1 .. $n;
   0+ $r =~ s/1+//g;


use constant t => 100;

printf "t= %d\n", t; for my $p (qw(.1 .3 .5 .7 .9)) {

   printf "p= %f, K(p)= %f\n", $p, $p*(1-$p);  
   for my $n (qw(10 100 1000)) {
       my $r; $r += R($n, $p) for 1 .. t; $r /= $n;
       printf " R(n, p)= %f\n", $r / t;


t= 100
p= 0.100000, K(p)= 0.090000
 R(n, p)= 0.095000
 R(n, p)= 0.088100
 R(n, p)= 0.089420
p= 0.300000, K(p)= 0.210000
 R(n, p)= 0.225000
 R(n, p)= 0.208800
 R(n, p)= 0.210020
p= 0.500000, K(p)= 0.250000
 R(n, p)= 0.289000
 R(n, p)= 0.249900
 R(n, p)= 0.248980
p= 0.700000, K(p)= 0.210000
 R(n, p)= 0.262000
 R(n, p)= 0.213200
 R(n, p)= 0.209690
p= 0.900000, K(p)= 0.090000
 R(n, p)= 0.177000
 R(n, p)= 0.096200
 R(n, p)= 0.091730


Translation of: zkl

<lang Phix>function run_test(atom p, integer len, runs)

   integer count = 0
   for r=1 to runs do
       bool v, pv = false
       for l=1 to len do
           v = rnd()<p
           count += pv<v
           pv = v
       end for
   end for
   return count/runs/len

end function

procedure main()

   printf(1,"Running 1000 tests each:\n")
   printf(1," p        n  K       p(1-p)       delta\n")
   for ip=1 to 10 by 2 do
       atom p = ip/10,
            p1p = p*(1-p)
       integer n = 100
       while n<=100000 do
           atom K = run_test(p, n, 1000)
           printf(1,"%.1f  %6d  %6.4f  %6.4f  %+7.4f (%+5.2f%%)\n",
                  {p, n, K, p1p, K-p1p, (K-p1p)/p1p*100})
           n *= 10
       end while
   end for

end procedure main()</lang>

Running 1000 tests each:
 p        n  K       p(1-p)       delta
0.1     100  0.0889  0.0900  -0.0011 (-1.20%)
0.1    1000  0.0896  0.0900  -0.0004 (-0.45%)
0.1   10000  0.0900  0.0900  -0.0000 (-0.02%)
0.1  100000  0.0900  0.0900  -0.0000 (-0.04%)

0.3     100  0.2112  0.2100  +0.0012 (+0.57%)
0.3    1000  0.2101  0.2100  +0.0001 (+0.07%)
0.3   10000  0.2101  0.2100  +0.0001 (+0.06%)
0.3  100000  0.2100  0.2100  -0.0000 (-0.01%)

0.5     100  0.2528  0.2500  +0.0028 (+1.13%)
0.5    1000  0.2500  0.2500  +0.0000 (+0.01%)
0.5   10000  0.2500  0.2500  +0.0000 (+0.00%)
0.5  100000  0.2500  0.2500  -0.0000 (-0.00%)

0.7     100  0.2174  0.2100  +0.0074 (+3.50%)
0.7    1000  0.2105  0.2100  +0.0005 (+0.26%)
0.7   10000  0.2101  0.2100  +0.0001 (+0.06%)
0.7  100000  0.2100  0.2100  +0.0000 (+0.01%)

0.9     100  0.0986  0.0900  +0.0086 (+9.53%)
0.9    1000  0.0908  0.0900  +0.0008 (+0.88%)
0.9   10000  0.0901  0.0900  +0.0001 (+0.11%)
0.9  100000  0.0900  0.0900  +0.0000 (+0.03%)


<lang python>from __future__ import division from random import random from math import fsum

n, p, t = 100, 0.5, 500

def newv(n, p):

   return [int(random() < p) for i in range(n)]

def runs(v):

   return sum((a & ~b) for a, b in zip(v, v[1:] + [0]))

def mean_run_density(n, p):

   return runs(newv(n, p)) / n

for p10 in range(1, 10, 2):

   p = p10 / 10
   limit = p * (1 - p)
   for n2 in range(10, 16, 2):
       n = 2**n2
       sim = fsum(mean_run_density(n, p) for i in range(t)) / t
       print('t=%3i p=%4.2f n=%5i p(1-p)=%5.3f sim=%5.3f delta=%3.1f%%'
             % (t, p, n, limit, sim, abs(sim - limit) / limit * 100 if limit else sim * 100))</lang>
t=500 p=0.10 n= 1024 p(1-p)=0.090 sim=0.090 delta=0.2%
t=500 p=0.10 n= 4096 p(1-p)=0.090 sim=0.090 delta=0.0%
t=500 p=0.10 n=16384 p(1-p)=0.090 sim=0.090 delta=0.1%

t=500 p=0.30 n= 1024 p(1-p)=0.210 sim=0.210 delta=0.0%
t=500 p=0.30 n= 4096 p(1-p)=0.210 sim=0.210 delta=0.0%
t=500 p=0.30 n=16384 p(1-p)=0.210 sim=0.210 delta=0.0%

t=500 p=0.50 n= 1024 p(1-p)=0.250 sim=0.251 delta=0.3%
t=500 p=0.50 n= 4096 p(1-p)=0.250 sim=0.250 delta=0.0%
t=500 p=0.50 n=16384 p(1-p)=0.250 sim=0.250 delta=0.0%

t=500 p=0.70 n= 1024 p(1-p)=0.210 sim=0.210 delta=0.0%
t=500 p=0.70 n= 4096 p(1-p)=0.210 sim=0.210 delta=0.1%
t=500 p=0.70 n=16384 p(1-p)=0.210 sim=0.210 delta=0.0%

t=500 p=0.90 n= 1024 p(1-p)=0.090 sim=0.091 delta=0.6%
t=500 p=0.90 n= 4096 p(1-p)=0.090 sim=0.090 delta=0.2%
t=500 p=0.90 n=16384 p(1-p)=0.090 sim=0.090 delta=0.0%


<lang racket>#lang racket (require racket/fixnum) (define t (make-parameter 100))

(define (Rn v)

 (define (inner-Rn rv idx b-1)
   (define b (fxvector-ref v idx))
   (define rv+ (if (and (= b 1) (= b-1 0)) (add1 rv) rv))
   (if (zero? idx) rv+ (inner-Rn rv+ (sub1 idx) b)))
 (inner-Rn 0 (sub1 (fxvector-length v)) 0))

(define ((make-random-bit-vector p) n)

  #:length n ((i n))
  (if (<= (random) p) 1 0)))

(define (Rn/n l->p n) (/ (Rn (l->p n)) n))

(for ((p (in-list '(1/10 3/10 1/2 7/10 9/10))))

 (define l->p (make-random-bit-vector p))
 (define Kp (* p (- 1 p)))
 (printf "p = ~a\tK(p) =\t~a\t~a~%" p Kp (real->decimal-string Kp 4))
 (for ((n (in-list '(10 100 1000 10000))))
   (define sum-Rn/n (for/sum ((i (in-range (t)))) (Rn/n l->p n)))
   (define sum-Rn/n/t (/ sum-Rn/n (t)))
   (printf "mean(R_~a/~a) =\t~a\t~a~%"
           n n sum-Rn/n/t (real->decimal-string sum-Rn/n/t 4)))

(module+ test

 (require rackunit)
 (check-eq? (Rn (fxvector 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1)) 3))</lang>
p = 1/10	K(p) =	9/100	0.0900
mean(R_10/10) =	3/40	0.0750
mean(R_100/100) =	221/2500	0.0884
mean(R_1000/1000) =	4469/50000	0.0894
mean(R_10000/10000) =	90313/1000000	0.0903

p = 3/10	K(p) =	21/100	0.2100
mean(R_10/10) =	231/1000	0.2310
mean(R_100/100) =	1049/5000	0.2098
mean(R_1000/1000) =	131/625	0.2096
mean(R_10000/10000) =	209873/1000000	0.2099

p = 1/2	K(p) =	1/4	0.2500
mean(R_10/10) =	297/1000	0.2970
mean(R_100/100) =	1263/5000	0.2526
mean(R_1000/1000) =	24893/100000	0.2489
mean(R_10000/10000) =	124963/500000	0.2499

p = 7/10	K(p) =	21/100	0.2100
mean(R_10/10) =	131/500	0.2620
mean(R_100/100) =	2147/10000	0.2147
mean(R_1000/1000) =	1049/5000	0.2098
mean(R_10000/10000) =	210453/1000000	0.2105

p = 9/10	K(p) =	9/100	0.0900
mean(R_10/10) =	169/1000	0.1690
mean(R_100/100) =	119/1250	0.0952
mean(R_1000/1000) =	4503/50000	0.0901
mean(R_10000/10000) =	89939/1000000	0.0899


Translation of: Fortran

<lang rexx>/* REXX */ Numeric Digits 20 Call random(,12345) /* make the run reproducable */ pList = '.1 .3 .5 .7 .9' nList = '1e2 1e3 1e4 1e5' t = 100 Do While plist<>

 Parse Var plist p plist
 Say ' '
 Say 'p:' format(p,2,4)'  theory:'format(theory,2,4)'  t:'format(t,4)
 Say '         n          sim     sim-theory'
 Do While nl<>
   Parse Var nl n nl
   Do i=1 To t
     Do j=1 To n
       If one & (run=0) Then
   Say format(n,10)'        ' format(sim,2,4)' 'format(sim-theory,2,6)
p:  0.1000  theory: 0.0900  t: 100
         n          sim     sim-theory
       100          0.0875 -0.002500
      1000          0.0894 -0.000560
     10000          0.0902  0.000237
    100000          0.0899 -0.000112

p:  0.3000  theory: 0.2100  t: 100
         n          sim     sim-theory
       100          0.2088 -0.001200
      1000          0.2116  0.001570
     10000          0.2101  0.000056
    100000          0.2099 -0.000120

p:  0.5000  theory: 0.2500  t: 100
         n          sim     sim-theory
       100          0.2557  0.005700
      1000          0.2513  0.001280
     10000          0.2497 -0.000267
    100000          0.2501  0.000107

p:  0.7000  theory: 0.2100  t: 100
         n          sim     sim-theory
       100          0.2171  0.007100
      1000          0.2095 -0.000490
     10000          0.2099 -0.000137
    100000          0.2103  0.000321

p:  0.9000  theory: 0.0900  t: 100
         n          sim     sim-theory
       100          0.0999  0.009900
      1000          0.0898 -0.000240
     10000          0.0906  0.000568
    100000          0.0908  0.000775


(formerly Perl 6) <lang perl6>sub R($n, $p) { [+] ((rand < $p) xx $n).squish }

say 't= ', constant t = 100;

for .1, .3 ... .9 -> $p {

   say "p= $p, K(p)= {$p*(1-$p)}";
   for 10, 100, 1000 -> $n {

printf " R(%6d, p)= %f\n", $n, t R/ [+] R($n, $p)/$n xx t



t= 100
p= 0.1, K(p)= 0.09
  R(    10, p)= 0.088000
  R(   100, p)= 0.085600
  R(  1000, p)= 0.089150
p= 0.3, K(p)= 0.21
  R(    10, p)= 0.211000
  R(   100, p)= 0.214600
  R(  1000, p)= 0.211160
p= 0.5, K(p)= 0.25
  R(    10, p)= 0.279000
  R(   100, p)= 0.249200
  R(  1000, p)= 0.250870
p= 0.7, K(p)= 0.21
  R(    10, p)= 0.258000
  R(   100, p)= 0.215400
  R(  1000, p)= 0.209560
p= 0.9, K(p)= 0.09
  R(    10, p)= 0.181000
  R(   100, p)= 0.094500
  R(  1000, p)= 0.091330


Translation of: Raku

<lang ruby>func R(n,p) {

   n.of { 1.rand < p ? 1 : 0}.sum;


const t = 100; say ('t=', t);

range(.1, .9, .2).each { |p|

   printf("p= %f, K(p)= %f\n", p, p*(1-p));
   [10, 100, 1000].each { |n|
       printf (" R(n, p)= %f\n", t.of { R(n, p) }.sum/n / t);


p= 0.100000, K(p)= 0.090000
 R(n, p)= 0.099000
 R(n, p)= 0.105000
 R(n, p)= 0.099810
p= 0.300000, K(p)= 0.210000
 R(n, p)= 0.301000
 R(n, p)= 0.289800
 R(n, p)= 0.300720
p= 0.500000, K(p)= 0.250000
 R(n, p)= 0.481000
 R(n, p)= 0.501800
 R(n, p)= 0.498260
p= 0.700000, K(p)= 0.210000
 R(n, p)= 0.695000
 R(n, p)= 0.698400
 R(n, p)= 0.701220
p= 0.900000, K(p)= 0.090000
 R(n, p)= 0.910000
 R(n, p)= 0.898500
 R(n, p)= 0.899080


<lang tcl>proc randomString {length probability} {

   for {set s ""} {[string length $s] < $length} {} {

append s [expr {rand() < $probability}]

   return $s


  1. By default, [regexp -all] gives the number of times that the RE matches

proc runs {str} {

   regexp -all {1+} $str


  1. Compute the mean run density

proc mrd {t p n} {

   for {set i 0;set total 0.0} {$i < $t} {incr i} {

set run [randomString $n $p] set total [expr {$total + double([runs $run])/$n}]

   return [expr {$total / $t}]


  1. Parameter sweep with nested [foreach]

set runs 500 foreach p {0.10 0.30 0.50 0.70 0.90} {

   foreach n {1024 4096 16384} {

set theory [expr {$p * (1 - $p)}] set sim [mrd $runs $p $n] set diffpc [expr {abs($theory-$sim)*100/$theory}] puts [format "t=%d, p=%.2f, n=%5d, p(1-p)=%.3f, sim=%.3f, delta=%.2f%%" \ $runs $p $n $theory $sim $diffpc]

   puts ""


t=500, p=0.10, n= 1024, p(1-p)=0.090, sim=0.090, delta=0.07%
t=500, p=0.10, n= 4096, p(1-p)=0.090, sim=0.090, delta=0.06%
t=500, p=0.10, n=16384, p(1-p)=0.090, sim=0.090, delta=0.17%

t=500, p=0.30, n= 1024, p(1-p)=0.210, sim=0.210, delta=0.23%
t=500, p=0.30, n= 4096, p(1-p)=0.210, sim=0.210, delta=0.09%
t=500, p=0.30, n=16384, p(1-p)=0.210, sim=0.210, delta=0.01%

t=500, p=0.50, n= 1024, p(1-p)=0.250, sim=0.250, delta=0.10%
t=500, p=0.50, n= 4096, p(1-p)=0.250, sim=0.250, delta=0.07%
t=500, p=0.50, n=16384, p(1-p)=0.250, sim=0.250, delta=0.08%

t=500, p=0.70, n= 1024, p(1-p)=0.210, sim=0.211, delta=0.33%
t=500, p=0.70, n= 4096, p(1-p)=0.210, sim=0.210, delta=0.00%
t=500, p=0.70, n=16384, p(1-p)=0.210, sim=0.210, delta=0.01%

t=500, p=0.90, n= 1024, p(1-p)=0.090, sim=0.091, delta=1.61%
t=500, p=0.90, n= 4096, p(1-p)=0.090, sim=0.090, delta=0.08%
t=500, p=0.90, n=16384, p(1-p)=0.090, sim=0.090, delta=0.09%


Translation of: Kotlin
Library: Wren-fmt

<lang ecmascript>import "random" for Random import "/fmt" for Fmt

var rand = Random.new() var RAND_MAX = 32767

// just generate 0s and 1s without storing them var runTest = Fn.new { |p, len, runs|

   var cnt = 0
   var thresh = (p * RAND_MAX).truncate
   for (r in 0...runs) {
       var x = 0
       var i = len
       while (i > 0) {
           i = i - 1
           var y = (rand.int(RAND_MAX + 1) < thresh) ? 1 : 0
           if (x < y) cnt = cnt + 1
           x = y
   return cnt / runs / len


System.print("Running 1000 tests each:") System.print(" p\t n\tK\tp(1-p)\t diff") System.print("------------------------------------------------") var fmt = "$.1f\t$6d\t$.4f\t$.4f\t$+.4f ($+.2f\%)" for (ip in [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]) {

   var p = ip / 10
   var p1p = p * (1 - p)
   var n = 100
   while (n <= 1e5) {
       var k = runTest.call(p, n, 1000)
       Fmt.lprint(fmt, [p, n, k, p1p, k - p1p, (k - p1p) /p1p * 100])
       n = n * 10



Sample run:

Running 1000 tests each:
 p	   n	K	p(1-p)	     diff
0.1	   100	0.0919	0.0900	+0.0019 (+2.09%)
0.1	  1000	0.0902	0.0900	+0.0002 (+0.23%)
0.1	 10000	0.0900	0.0900	+0.0000 (+0.00%)
0.1	100000	0.0900	0.0900	-0.0000 (-0.03%)

0.3	   100	0.2109	0.2100	+0.0009 (+0.43%)
0.3	  1000	0.2102	0.2100	+0.0002 (+0.09%)
0.3	 10000	0.2100	0.2100	-0.0000 (-0.01%)
0.3	100000	0.2100	0.2100	+0.0000 (+0.00%)

0.5	   100	0.2527	0.2500	+0.0027 (+1.08%)
0.5	  1000	0.2497	0.2500	-0.0003 (-0.10%)
0.5	 10000	0.2501	0.2500	+0.0001 (+0.05%)
0.5	100000	0.2500	0.2500	-0.0000 (-0.01%)

0.7	   100	0.2166	0.2100	+0.0066 (+3.14%)
0.7	  1000	0.2107	0.2100	+0.0007 (+0.35%)
0.7	 10000	0.2101	0.2100	+0.0001 (+0.05%)
0.7	100000	0.2100	0.2100	+0.0000 (+0.01%)

0.9	   100	0.0970	0.0900	+0.0070 (+7.79%)
0.9	  1000	0.0910	0.0900	+0.0010 (+1.14%)
0.9	 10000	0.0901	0.0900	+0.0001 (+0.11%)
0.9	100000	0.0900	0.0900	+0.0000 (+0.04%)


Translation of: C

<lang zkl>fcn run_test(p,len,runs){

  cnt:=0; do(runs){
     pv:=0; do(len){
        v:=0 + ((0.0).random(1.0)<p);  // 0 or 1, value of V[n]
        cnt += (pv<v);  // if v is 1 & prev v was zero, inc cnt
        pv = v;
  return(cnt.toFloat() / runs / len);

}</lang> <lang zkl>println("Running 1000 tests each:\n" " p\t n\tK\tp(1-p)\t diff\n" "-----------------------------------------------"); foreach p in ([0.1..0.9,0.2]) {

  p1p:=p*(1.0 - p);
  n:=100; while(n <= 100000) {
     K:=run_test(p, n, 1000);
     "%.1f\t%6d\t%.4f\t%.4f\t%+.4f (%+.2f%%)".fmt(

p, n, K, p1p, K - p1p, (K - p1p) / p1p * 100).println();

     n *= 10;


Running 1000 tests each:
 p	   n	K	p(1-p)	     diff
0.1	   100	0.0903	0.0900	+0.0003 (+0.36%)
0.1	  1000	0.0900	0.0900	-0.0000 (-0.01%)
0.1	 10000	0.0901	0.0900	+0.0001 (+0.16%)
0.1	100000	0.0900	0.0900	+0.0000 (+0.01%)

0.3	   100	0.2115	0.2100	+0.0015 (+0.73%)
0.3	  1000	0.2105	0.2100	+0.0005 (+0.23%)
0.3	 10000	0.2098	0.2100	-0.0002 (-0.07%)
0.3	100000	0.2100	0.2100	+0.0000 (+0.00%)

0.5	   100	0.2521	0.2500	+0.0021 (+0.86%)
0.5	  1000	0.2503	0.2500	+0.0003 (+0.13%)
0.5	 10000	0.2500	0.2500	-0.0000 (-0.01%)
0.5	100000	0.2500	0.2500	-0.0000 (-0.00%)

0.7	   100	0.2151	0.2100	+0.0051 (+2.41%)
0.7	  1000	0.2103	0.2100	+0.0003 (+0.16%)
0.7	 10000	0.2100	0.2100	+0.0000 (+0.00%)
0.7	100000	0.2100	0.2100	-0.0000 (-0.01%)

0.9	   100	0.0979	0.0900	+0.0079 (+8.74%)
0.9	  1000	0.0911	0.0900	+0.0011 (+1.17%)
0.9	 10000	0.0902	0.0900	+0.0002 (+0.18%)
0.9	100000	0.0900	0.0900	-0.0000 (-0.00%)