Penrose tiling: Difference between revisions

Scala contribution added.
(julia example)
(Scala contribution added.)
Line 734:
(make-curve 500 4 20 80 (make-color 255 255 0) (make-color 0 0 0))</lang>
===Java Swing Interoperability===
{{libheader|Scala Java Swing interoperability}}
{{works with|Scala|2.13}}
<lang Scala>import java.awt.{BorderLayout, Color, Dimension, Graphics, Graphics2D, RenderingHints}
import java.awt.geom.Path2D
import javax.swing.{JFrame, JPanel}
import scala.math._
object PenroseTiling extends App {
private val (φ, ϑ) = ((1 + sqrt(5)) / 2, toRadians(36)) // golden ratio and 36 degrees
private val dist: Array[Array[Double]] = Array(Array(φ, φ, φ), Array(-φ, -1, -φ))
class PenroseTiling extends JPanel {
private val (w, h) = (700, 450)
private val tiles: Set[Tile] = deflateTiles(setupPrototiles(w, h), 5)
override def paintComponent(og: Graphics): Unit = {
def drawTiles(g: Graphics2D): Unit =
for (tile <- tiles) {
val path: Path2D = new Path2D.Double()
val distL = dist(
path.moveTo(tile.x, tile.y)
for {i <- 0 until 3
ω = tile.α + (i - 1) * ϑ}
tile.x + distL(i) * tile.size * cos(ω),
tile.y - distL(i) * tile.size * sin(ω))
g.setColor(if (tile.tileType == Type.Kite) else Color.yellow)
val g: Graphics2D = og.asInstanceOf[Graphics2D]
g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON)
private def setupPrototiles(w: Int, h: Int): Set[Tile] = (0 to 5).map(n =>
Tile(Type.Kite, (w / 2).toDouble, (h / 2).toDouble, Pi / 2 + ϑ + n * 2 * ϑ, w / 2.5)).toSet
private def deflateTiles(tls: Set[Tile], generation: Int): Set[Tile] =
if (generation > 0) {
val next = for {
tile <- tls
size = tile.size / φ
} yield {
def nx(factor: Int) = tile.x + cos(tile.α - factor * ϑ) * φ * tile.size
def ny(factor: Int) = tile.y - sin(tile.α - factor * ϑ) * φ * tile.size
tile.tileType match {
case Type.Dart =>
Seq(Tile(Type.Kite, tile.x, tile.y, tile.α + 5 * ϑ, size)) ++
(for (sign <- -1 to 1 by 2)
yield Tile(Type.Dart, nx(sign * 4), ny(sign * 4), tile.α - 4 * ϑ * sign, size))
case Type.Kite => (for (sign <- 1 to -1 by -2) yield {
Seq(Tile(Type.Dart, tile.x, tile.y, tile.α - 4 * ϑ * sign, size),
Tile(Type.Kite, nx(sign), ny(sign), tile.α + 3 * ϑ * sign, size))
deflateTiles(next.flatten, generation - 1)
} else tls
private case class Tile(tileType: Type.Type, x: Double, y: Double, α: Double, size: Double)
private object Type extends Enumeration {
type Type = Value
val Kite, Dart = Value
setPreferredSize(new Dimension(w, h))
new JFrame("Penrose Tiling") {
add(new PenroseTiling(), BorderLayout.CENTER)
Using the LSystem class defined at [ Hilbert curve].
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