Next highest int from digits: Difference between revisions

(Added C solution)
Line 795:
for method 2 and n 7384440.
<lang scala>import java.math.BigInteger
import java.text.NumberFormat
fun main() {
for (s in arrayOf(
)) {
println("${format(s)} -> ${format(next(s))}")
private val FORMAT = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance()
private fun format(s: String): String {
return FORMAT.format(BigInteger(s))
private fun testAll(str: String) {
var s = str
println("Test all permutations of: $s")
val sOrig = s
var sPrev = s
var count = 1
// Check permutation order. Each is greater than the last
var orderOk = true
val uniqueMap: MutableMap<String, Int> = HashMap()
uniqueMap[s] = 1
while (next(s).also { s = it }.compareTo("0") != 0) {
if (s.toLong() < sPrev.toLong()) {
orderOk = false
uniqueMap.merge(s, 1) { a: Int?, b: Int? -> Integer.sum(a!!, b!!) }
sPrev = s
println(" Order: OK = $orderOk")
// Test last permutation
val reverse = StringBuilder(sOrig).reverse().toString()
println(" Last permutation: Actual = $sPrev, Expected = $reverse, OK = ${sPrev.compareTo(reverse) == 0}")
// Check permutations unique
var unique = true
for (key in uniqueMap.keys) {
if (uniqueMap[key]!! > 1) {
unique = false
println(" Permutations unique: OK = $unique")
// Check expected count.
val charMap: MutableMap<Char, Int> = HashMap()
for (c in sOrig.toCharArray()) {
charMap.merge(c, 1) { a: Int?, b: Int? -> Integer.sum(a!!, b!!) }
var permCount = factorial(sOrig.length.toLong())
for (c in charMap.keys) {
permCount /= factorial(charMap[c]!!.toLong())
println(" Permutation count: Actual = $count, Expected = $permCount, OK = ${count.toLong() == permCount}")
private fun factorial(n: Long): Long {
var fact: Long = 1
for (num in 2..n) {
fact *= num
return fact
private fun next(s: String): String {
val sb = StringBuilder()
var index = s.length - 1
// Scan right-to-left through the digits of the number until you find a digit with a larger digit somewhere to the right of it.
while (index > 0 && s[index - 1] >= s[index]) {
// Reached beginning. No next number.
if (index == 0) {
return "0"
// Find digit on the right that is both more than it, and closest to it.
var index2 = index
for (i in index + 1 until s.length) {
if (s[i] < s[index2] && s[i] > s[index - 1]) {
index2 = i
// Found data, now build string
// Beginning of String
if (index > 1) {
sb.append(s.subSequence(0, index - 1))
// Append found, place next
// Get remaining characters
val chars: MutableList<Char> = ArrayList()
chars.add(s[index - 1])
for (i in index until s.length) {
if (i != index2) {
// Order the digits to the right of this position, after the swap; lowest-to-highest, left-to-right.
for (c in chars) {
return sb.toString()
<pre>0 -> 0
9 -> 0
12 -> 21
21 -> 0
12,453 -> 12,534
738,440 -> 740,348
45,072,010 -> 45,072,100
95,322,020 -> 95,322,200
9,589,776,899,767,587,796,600 -> 9,589,776,899,767,587,900,667
3,345,333 -> 3,353,334
Test all permutations of: 12345
Order: OK = true
Last permutation: Actual = 54321, Expected = 54321, OK = true
Permutations unique: OK = true
Permutation count: Actual = 120, Expected = 120, OK = true
Test all permutations of: 11122
Order: OK = true
Last permutation: Actual = 22111, Expected = 22111, OK = true
Permutations unique: OK = true
Permutation count: Actual = 10, Expected = 10, OK = true</pre>
