Inheritance/Multiple: Difference between revisions

(Added COBOL example.)
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//functions here...
Lasso only allow single inheritance. But it supports the use of multiple traits and trays hand down the methods it has implemented provided that the type fulfills the requirements for the trait. []
<lang Lasso>
define trait_camera => trait {
require zoomfactor
provide has_zoom() => {
return .zoomfactor > 0
define trait_mobilephone => trait {
require brand
provide is_smart() => {
return .brand == 'Apple'
define cameraphone => type {
trait {
import trait_camera, trait_mobilephone
data public zoomfactor::integer = 0,
public brand::string
local(mydevice = cameraphone)
#mydevice -> brand = 'Apple'
#mydevice -> zoomfactor = 0
#mydevice -> has_zoom
'<br />'
#mydevice -> is_smart</lang>
-> false
Anonymous user