Conway's Game of Life: Difference between revisions

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<lang Furor>
// Life simulator (game). Console (CLI) version.
// It is a 'cellular automaton', and was invented by Cambridge mathematician John Conway.
// The Rules
// For a space that is 'populated':
// Each cell with one or no neighbors dies, as if by solitude.
// Each cell with four or more neighbors dies, as if by overpopulation.
// Each cell with two or three neighbors survives.
// For a space that is 'empty' or 'unpopulated'
// Each cell with three neighbors becomes populated.
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Get the terminal-resolution:
terminallines -- sto tlin
terminalcolumns sto tcol
// .............................
// Verify the commandline parameters:
argc 3 < { #s ."Usage: " 0 argv print SPACE 1 argv print ." lifeshape-file.txt\n" end }
2 argv 'f !istrue { #s ."The given file ( " 2 argv print ." ) doesn't exist!\n" end }
startingshape 2 argv filetolist // read the file into the list
startingshape maxlinelength sto maxlinlen
neighbour @tlin @tcol createlist // Generate the stringarray for the neighbour-calculations
livingspace @tlin @tcol createlist // Generate the stringarray for the actual generations
cellscreen @tlin @tcol createscreen // Generate the stringarray for the visible livingspace
// Calculate offset for the shape ( it must be put to the centre):
@tlin startingshape~ - 2 / sto originlin
@tcol @maxlinlen - 2 / sto origincol
startingshape {{|
{{}} {{|}} {{-}} [[]] 32 > { 1 }{ 0 } sto emblem
livingspace @originlin {{|}} + @origincol {{-}} + @emblem [[^]]
// ==================================================================
{... // infinite loop starts
sbr §renderingsbr
topleft cellscreen !printlist
."Generation: " {...} print fflush // print the number of the generations.
neighbour 0 filluplist // fill up the neighbour list with zero value
// Calculate neighbourhoods
neighbour {{|
{{|}} {{-}} sbr §neighbors
{{}} {{|}} {{-}} @n [[^]] // store the neighbournumber
// Now, kill everybody if the neighbors are less than 2 or more than 3:
neighbour {{|
{{|}} {{-}} sbr §killsbr
// Generate the newborn cells:
neighbour {{|
{{}} {{|}} {{-}} [[]] 3 == { livingspace {{|}} {{-}} 1 [[^]] }
50000 usleep
//2 sleep
...} // infinite loop ends
// ==================================================================
sto innerindex sto outerindex
neighbour @outerindex @innerindex [[]] 2 < then §kill
neighbour @outerindex @innerindex [[]] 3 > then §kill
kill: livingspace @outerindex @innerindex 0 [[^]] rts
// ==========================================================
neighbors: // This subroutine calculates the quantity of neighborhood
sto y sto x zero n
livingspace @x ? @tlin -- @y ? @tcol -- [[]] sum n // upleft corner
livingspace @x ? @tlin -- @y [[]] sum n // upmid corner
livingspace @x ? @tlin -- @y ++ dup @tcol == { drop 0 } [[]] sum n // upright corner
livingspace @x @y ? @tcol -- [[]] sum n // midleft corner
livingspace @x @y ++ dup @tcol == { drop 0 } [[]] sum n // midright corner
livingspace @x ++ dup @tlin == { drop 0 } @y ? @tcol -- [[]] sum n // downleft corner
livingspace @x ++ dup @tlin == { drop 0 } @y [[]] sum n // downmid corner
livingspace @x ++ dup @tlin == { drop 0 } @y ++ dup @tcol == { drop 0 } [[]] sum n // downright corner
// ==========================================================
livingspace {{|
cellscreen {{|}} {{-}}
{{}} {{|}} {{-}} [[]] { '* }{ 32 } [[^]]
{ „startingshape” }
{ „livingspace” }
{ „cellscreen” }
{ „innerindex” }
{ „outerindex” }
{ „maxlinlen” }
{ „neighbour” }
{ „originlin” }
{ „origincol” }
{ „emblem” }
{ „tlin” }
{ „tcol” }
{ „x” } { „y” } { „n” }
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