Atomic updates: Difference between revisions

Add Common Lisp
m (Add reference to Rust rand library)
(Add Common Lisp)
Line 678:
(.start thread-eq)
(.start thread-rand)</lang>
=={{header|Common Lisp}}==
Depends on libraries in Quicklisp. STMX is a library that provides Software Transactional Memory.
<lang lisp>(ql:quickload '(:alexandria :stmx :bordeaux-threads))
(defpackage :atomic-updates
(:use :cl))
(in-package :atomic-updates)
(defvar *buckets* nil)
(defvar *running* nil)
(defun distribute (ratio a b)
"Atomically redistribute the values of buckets A and B by RATIO."
(let* ((sum (+ (stmx:$ a) (stmx:$ b)))
(a2 (truncate (* ratio sum))))
(setf (stmx:$ a) a2)
(setf (stmx:$ b) (- sum a2)))))
(defun runner (ratio-func)
"Continously distribute to two different elements in *BUCKETS* with the
value returned from RATIO-FUNC."
(loop while *running*
do (let ((a (alexandria:random-elt *buckets*))
(b (alexandria:random-elt *buckets*)))
(unless (eq a b)
(distribute (funcall ratio-func) a b)))))
(defun print-buckets ()
"Atomically get the bucket values and print out their metrics."
(let ((buckets (stmx:atomic (map 'vector 'stmx:$ *buckets*))))
(format t "Buckets: ~a~%Sum: ~a~%" buckets (reduce '+ buckets))))
(defun scenario ()
(setf *buckets* (coerce (loop repeat 20 collect (stmx:tvar 10)) 'vector))
(setf *running* t)
(bt:make-thread (lambda () (runner (constantly 0.5))))
(bt:make-thread (lambda () (runner (lambda () (random 1.0))))))</lang>
<lang lisp>ATOMIC-UPDATES> (scenario)
#<SB-THREAD:THREAD "Anonymous thread" RUNNING {10058441D3}>
ATOMIC-UPDATES> (loop repeat 3 do (print-buckets) (sleep 1))
Buckets: #(8 4 12 17 12 10 5 10 9 10 4 11 4 15 16 20 11 8 4 10)
Sum: 200
Buckets: #(2 12 24 7 8 3 13 6 8 31 0 9 7 11 12 8 8 12 15 4)
Sum: 200
Buckets: #(1 2 3 3 2 8 33 23 0 8 4 11 24 2 3 5 32 8 2 26)
Sum: 200