Word break problem: Difference between revisions

Add Swift
(Add Swift)
Line 1,345:
mississippi: ["miss", "is", "sip", "pi"]
<lang swift>infix operator ??= : AssignmentPrecedence
public func ??= <T>(lhs: inout T?, rhs: T?) {
lhs = lhs ?? rhs
private func createString(_ from: String, _ v: [Int?]) -> String {
var idx = from.count
var sliceVec = [Substring]()
while let prev = v[idx] {
let s = from.index(from.startIndex, offsetBy: prev)
let e = from.index(from.startIndex, offsetBy: idx)
idx = prev
return sliceVec.reversed().joined(separator: " ")
public func wordBreak(str: String, dict: Set<String>) -> String? {
let size = str.count + 1
var possible = [Int?](repeating: nil, count: size)
func checkWord(i: Int, j: Int) -> Int? {
let s = str.index(str.startIndex, offsetBy: i)
let e = str.index(str.startIndex, offsetBy: j)
return dict.contains(String(str[s..<e])) ? i : nil
for i in 1..<size {
possible[i] ??= checkWord(i: 0, j: i)
guard possible[i] != nil else {
for j in i+1..<size {
possible[j] ??= checkWord(i: i, j: j)
if possible[str.count] != nil {
return createString(str, possible)
return nil
let words = [
] as Set
let testCases = [
for test in testCases {
print(" \(wordBreak(str: test, dict: words) ?? "did not parse with given words")")
a b cd
a b bc
a bc b cd
a cd bc
did not parse with given words</pre>