VList: Difference between revisions

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(Added Kotlin)
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{{omit from|Openscad}}
{{omit from|Openscad}}
{{omit from|Tcl|You wouldn't do such a low-level data structure directly in Tcl normally}}
{{omit from|Tcl|You wouldn't do such a low-level data structure directly in Tcl normally}}

<lang scala>// version 1.1.3

class VList<T : Any?> {

private class VSeg {
var next: VSeg? = null
lateinit var ele: Array<Any?>

private var base: VSeg? = null
private var offset = 0

/* locate kth element */
operator fun get(k: Int): T {
var i = k
if (i >= 0) {
i += offset
var sg = base
while (sg != null) {
if (i < sg.ele.size) return sg.ele[i] as T
i -= sg.ele.size
sg = sg.next
throw IllegalArgumentException("Index out of range")
/* add an element to the front of VList */
fun cons(a: T): VList<T> {
if (this.base == null) {
val v = VList<T>()
val s = VSeg()
s.ele = arrayOf<Any?>(a)
v.base = s
return v
if (this.offset == 0) {
val l2 = this.base!!.ele.size * 2
val ele = arrayOfNulls<Any>(l2)
ele[l2 - 1] = a
val v = VList<T>()
val s = VSeg()
s.next = this.base
s.ele = ele
v.base = s
v.offset = l2 - 1
return v
this.base!!.ele[this.offset] = a
return this

/* obtain a new VList beginning at the second element of an old VList */
fun cdr(): VList<T> {
if (base == null) throw RuntimeException("cdr invoked on empty VList")
if (offset < base!!.ele.size) return this
val v = VList<T>()
v.base = this.base!!.next
return v

/* compute the size of the VList */
val size: Int
get() {
if (base == null) return 0
return base!!.ele.size * 2 - offset - 1

override fun toString(): String {
if (base == null) return "[]"
var r = "[${base!!.ele[offset]}"
var sg = base
var sl = base!!.ele.sliceArray(offset + 1..base!!.ele.lastIndex)
while (true) {
for (e in sl) r += " $e"
sg = sg!!.next
if (sg == null) break
sl = sg.ele
return r + "]"

fun printStructure() {
println("Offset: $offset")
var sg = base
while (sg != null) {
sg = sg.next

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
var v = VList<Int>()
println("Before adding any elements, empty VList: $v")

for (a in 6 downTo 1) v = v.cons(a)
println("Demonstrating cons method, 6 elements added: $v")

v = v.cdr()
println("Demonstrating cdr method, 1 element removed: $v")

println("Demonstrating size property, size = ${v.size}\n")
println("Demonstrating element access, v[3] = ${v[3]}\n")
v = v.cdr().cdr()
println("Demonstrating cdr method again, 2 more elements removed: $v")

Before adding any elements, empty VList: []
Offset: 0

Demonstrating cons method, 6 elements added: [1 2 3 4 5 6]
Offset: 1
[null, 1, 2, 3]
[4, 5]

Demonstrating cdr method, 1 element removed: [2 3 4 5 6]
Offset: 2
[null, 1, 2, 3]
[4, 5]

Demonstrating size property, size = 5

Demonstrating element access, v[3] = 5

Demonstrating cdr method again, 2 more elements removed: [4 5 6]
Offset: 0
[4, 5]
