User:GarveyPatrickD/HoPL: Difference between revisions

From Rosetta Code
Content added Content deleted
m (Cleaned up Formula ALGOL)
Line 841:
| [[Formula ALGOL]]
| ALGOL dialect for algebraic manipulation
! HoPL !! IA !! Rosetta Code ||
| [ (ID:160/for060)]
| [ ✔]
| (FORmula TRANslation) - First major release
| [ (ID:161/ipl002)]
| [ ✔]
| [[IPL-II]]
| (Information Processing Language) Version 2
| [ (ID:162/ipl003)]
| [ ✔]
| [[IPL-III]]
| (Information Processing Language) Version 3
| [ (ID:163/for069)]
| [ ✔]
| (FORmula TRANslation) with string and character handling
| [ (ID:164/inf007)]
| [ ✔]
| [[Information Algebra]]
| Theoretical formalism for data processing
| [ (ID:165/kls001)]
| [ ✔]
| [[KLS]]
| (Knotted List Structures)
| [ (ID:166/mli002)]
| [ ✔]
| [[MLISP]]
| (Meta-expression LISt Processing)
| [ (ID:167/scl001)]
| [ ✔]
| [[SCL]]
| (Symbolic Communication Language)
| [ (ID:168/sha002)]
| [ ✔]
| [[SHADOW]]
| Syntax-directed compiler
| [ (ID:169/sim025)]
| [ ✔]
| [[SIMPAC]]
| (SIMulation PACkage)
! HoPL !! IA !! Rosetta Code ||

Revision as of 17:30, 18 January 2021


The History of Programming Languages

By HoPL number

HoPL - Internet Archive - Rosetta Code correspondence
HoPL IA Rosetta Code
(ID:0/) X Internal error
(ID:1/eni001) ENIAC stored program Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer
(ID:2/) X Internal error
(ID:3/pla010) Plankalkul Algebraic compiler for Z3 computer
(ID:4/a::001) A-0 Compiler for UNIVAC I (UNIVersal Automatic Computer)
(ID:5/aut007) AUTOCODE Symbolic assembly programming language for Manchester Mark 1
(ID:6/lan006) Laning and Zierler Algebraic "interpretive program" (compiler) for the MIT Whirlwind I
(ID:7/spe013) SPEEDCODING "first high-level programming language created for an IBM computer." John Backus IBM 701
(ID:8/for047) FORTRAN (FORmula TRANslation) compiler led by John Backus
(ID:9/) X Internal error
HoPL IA Rosetta Code
(ID:10/) X Internal error
(ID:11/a::002) A-2 UNIVAC compiler (UNIVersal Automatic Computer)
(ID:12/gip001) GIP (General Interpretive Programme) for English Electric DEUCE (Digital Electronic Universal Computing Engine)
(ID:13/ipl001) IPL (Information Processing Language) The first list-processing language.
(ID:14/lis005) LISP (LISt Processing) A list processing system with emphasis on recursion and formalism.
(ID:15/a::003) A-3 Mathematical problems
(ID:16/omn002) OMNICODE Autocoder for IBM 650
(ID:17/alg018) ALGOL 58 (ALGOrithmic Language)
(ID:18/apl001) APL (Array-centered Programing Language)
(ID:19/com007) COMIT String-handling and pattern-matching language
HoPL IA Rosetta Code
(ID:20/geo003) GEORGE (GEneral ORder GEnerator) Stack-oriented interpreter language for English Electric DEUCE (Digital Electronic Universal Computing Engine)
(ID:21/it:001) IT (Internal Translator) mathematical autocoder
(ID:22/paf001) PAF Conversational programming language
(ID:23/apt001) APT (Automatically Programmed Tools)
(ID:24/b::001) B-0 UNIVAC (UNIVersal Automatic Computer) English language compiler
(ID:25/cli007) CLIP (Compiler Language for Information Processing )
(ID:26/a::004) A-1 Compiler for UNIVAC I (UNIVersal Automatic Computer)
(ID:27/flo013) FLOW-MATIC Release name for B-0, Possibly the first English-like Data Processing language
(ID:28/for057) FORTRAN II (FORmula TRANslation) version 2
(ID:29/uni002) UNICODE UNIVAC (UNIVersal Automatic Computer) hybrid of FORTRAN (FORmula TRANslation) and MATH-MATIC, not the character set UNICODE.
HoPL IA Rosetta Code
(ID:30/ial001) IAL (International Algebraic Language) Subsequently renamed ALGOL.
(ID:31/lis006) LISP 1.5 LISP major release.
(ID:32/nel003) NELIAC (Navy Electronics Laboratory International ALGOL Compiler)
(ID:33/sim033) SIMPLE (Simulation of Industrial Management Problems with Lots of Equations)
(ID:34/sod001) SODA (Symbolic Optimum DEUCE Assembly) for the English Electric DEUCE (Digital Electronic Universal Computing Engine)
(ID:35/pac001) 9PAC Report generator for IBM 709
(ID:36/aco001) ACOM Early Autocode at GM
(ID:37/ade002) ADES (Automatic Digital Encoding System)
(ID:38/afa001) AFAC Algebraic autocode at GM Allison
(ID:39/alg008) Algebraic MIT Automatic Coding System
HoPL IA Rosetta Code
(ID:40/anc002) ANCP Datatron autocode
(ID:41/apx002) APX III Datatron autocode
(ID:42/ass005) ASSEMBLY Rochester Asssembler for IBM
(ID:43/bal007) BALITAC MIT compiler for the IBM 650
(ID:44/bap001) BAP Basic (or Berkeley) Assembly Programming
(ID:46/l::001) L3 Version 3 of the Bell high level interpreter
(ID:47/bio003) BIOR (Business Input-Output Rerun) Autocode for UNIVAC (UNIVersal Automatic Computer)
(ID:48/bac001) BACAIC (Boeing Airplane Company Algebraic Interpretive Coding) Algebraic system at Boeing
(ID:49/cag001) CAGE (autoCoding At GE) Optimising autocode for IBM 704 developed at General Electric Nov 1955
HoPL IA Rosetta Code
(ID:50/deu001) DEUCE Autocode Autocode for English Electric DEUCE (Digital Electronic Universal Computing Engine)
(ID:51/chi009) CHIP Wright ADC Interpeter for the UNIVAC 1103
(ID:52/com036) Comprehensive MIT Combined interactive and automatic coding system
(ID:53/cor009) CORBIE NBS coding system for IBM 704.
(ID:54/dai001) DAISY 201 Autocoder for Bendix G-15
(ID:55/dat006) DATACODE I Compiler for Burroughs/Datatron 200 series
(ID:56/dou002) DOUGLAS Macro-assembler for IBM 701 by Douglas Aircraft Company, Santa Monica, May 1953
(ID:57/dow001) DOW COMPILER Dow Chemicals Autocoder
(ID:58/dru001) DRUCO I (DRUm COmputer) Interpretive autocode for the IBM 650
(ID:59/dua001) DUAL-607 Los Alamos improvement of the SO2 system for the IBM 701, also drew on the Rochester assembler, hence DUAL (both systems).
HoPL IA Rosetta Code
(ID:60/ipl009) IPL-VI (Information Processing Language) Version 6
(ID:61/dyn004) DYNAMO (DYNAmic MOdels) simulation
(ID:62/eas004) EASE (Engineering Automatic System for Solving Equations) GM Allison autocode for IBM 650
(ID:63/eas007) EASIAC (EASy Instruction Automatic Computer) Autocoder for the Michigan U Midac.
(ID:64/eas015) EASY FOX (USAF Phonetic alphabet E(Easy) and F(Fox)) Rand autocode for Johhniac
(ID:65/eli001) ELI (Equitable Life Insurance) 705 autocode
(ID:66/erf001) ERFPI
(ID:67/esc002) ESCAPE Curtiss Wright interpretive autocode
(ID:68/fac006) FACT (Fully Automated Compiling Technique)
(ID:69/fai002) FAIR Kodak Eastman interpretive autocoder
HoPL IA Rosetta Code
(ID:70/fap001) FAP Lockheed interpreter for Univac 1103A
(ID:71/fas006) FAST (FORTRAN Automatic Symbol Translator) Fortran-to-assembly language translater for the IBM 650
(ID:72/fla003) FLAIR (Full LAnguage for the Instruction of Rockets) Assembler for IBM 650
(ID:73/fli003) FLIP (FLoating point Interpretive Program) Convair floating point system for the 1103 computers
(ID:74/flo006) FLOP (FLoating Octal Point) Lockheed macro assembler for a virtual machine running on the IBM 701 written by Robert Bozak.
(ID:75/for073) FORTRUNCIBLE A cross between FORTRAN and RUNCIBLE for the IBM 650.
(ID:76/gep002) GEPURS (GEneral PURpose System) Autocoder on IBM 701
(ID:77/gp:001) GP (Generalized Programming) Compiler
(ID:78/gpx001) GPX (Generalized Programming eXtended) for the UNIVAC II
(ID:79/ill002) ILLIAC Assembly language for the ILLIAC ((ILLInois Automatic Computer).
HoPL IA Rosetta Code
(ID:80/int014) INTERCOM 1000 Autocode for the Bendix G-15
(ID:81/jaz001) JAZ Autocode for LGP-30.
(ID:82/jcs001) JCS-13 Rand macroassembler for IBM 701
(ID:83/jov001) JOVIAL (Jule's Own Version of IAL) Based on IAL (ALGOL 58).
(ID:84/k::001) K5 Algebraic assembler for UNIVAC Larc at Livermore
(ID:85/kis001) KISS (Keep It Short and Simple) Autocoder for IBM 650 developed by Chrysler
(ID:86/kom001) KOMPILER Livermore autocode - A. Kenton Elsworth, 1953, Livermore Laboratory
(ID:87/lis007) LISP 1.75 (LISt Processing)
(ID:88/lt:001) LT-2 (Logical Theorist) ported to the IBM 701 (?)
(ID:89/mac001) MAC (MIT Algebraic Compiler) for IBM 650
HoPL IA Rosetta Code
(ID:90/mac002) MAC (Mercury Automatic Coding) for the English Electric Mercury
(ID:91/mac023) Macro SAP Macro processing modification of SAP. Led to TRAC.
(ID:92/mad001) MAD (Michigan Algorithm Decoder)
(ID:93/mag008) MAGIC (Michigan Automatic General Interactive Coder)
(ID:94/mat017) MATRIX MATH Matrix algebra compiler for UNIVAC II
(ID:95/mis002) MISHAP Lockheed assembler package for UNIVAC 1103A
(ID:96/mit002) MITILAC (Massachusetts Institute of Technology Instrumentation Laboratory Automatic Coding)
(ID:97/mjs001) MJS Compiler for UNIVAC I developed at Lawrence Livermore Lab
(ID:98/mys001) MYSTIC Automatic encoder from Johns Hopkins for multiplatform use
(ID:99/nor001) NORC COMPILER (Naval Ordnance Research Calculator) compiler
HoPL IA Rosetta Code
(ID:100/nya001) NYAP (NYU (New York University) Autocode Program)
(ID:101/nyu002) NYU/OMNIFAX Hybrid of NYAP and OMNIFAX for UNIVAC II
(ID:102/omn003) OMNIFAX NYU Compiler for UNIVAC I , later incorporated into NYU/OMNIFAX
(ID:103/pac005) PACT I (Project for the Advancement of Coding Technique) which begat SHARE user group
(ID:104/pog001) POGO Autocoder for the Bendix G-15.
(ID:105/que001) QUEASY (Quick and Easy)
(ID:106/qui002) QUICK Douglas Aircraft Company Autocode for 701
(ID:107/raw002) RAWOOP/SNAP Joining together of RAWOOP and SNAP
(ID:108/reg006) REG-SYMBOLIC Reg(ional) Symbolic assembler for IBM 704
(ID:109/rel003) RELATIVE Interpretive autocode at GM Allison
HoPL IA Rosetta Code
(ID:110/rel004) RELCODE Remington Rand assembler for UNIVAC I and II
(ID:111/run001) RUNCIBLE (Revised Unified New Compiler with IT Basic Language Extended)
(ID:112/sac001) SAC Electrodata assembler for Burroughs
(ID:113/sai001) SAIL Livermore Assembler for UNIVAC Larc
(ID:114/scr013) SCRIPT (Scientific and Commercial subRoutine Interpreter and Program Translator)
(ID:115/see001) SEESAW Autocode for the IBM 701
(ID:116/sha001) SHACO (Short Hand COding)
(ID:117/she003) SHELL Datatronic autocoder
(ID:118/sim034) SIMPLE Program Development System
(ID:119/sir001) SIR (Symbolic Interpretive Routines)
HoPL IA Rosetta Code
(ID:120/so:001) SO 2 Symbolic assembler for IBM 701
(ID:121/soa001) SOAP (Symbolic Optimal Assembly Program)
(ID:122/soh001) SOHIO (Standard oil Ohio) interpretive autocode for 705
(ID:123/spa006) SPAR (Symbolic Program and Assembly Routine)
(ID:124/spe010) SPEED Autocode for LGP-30
(ID:125/tit001) TITAN Macro autocode TITAN
(ID:126/spe015) SPEEDEX Assembler for 701
(ID:127/spu001) SPUR (Single Precision Unpacked Rounded) Floating Point Package
(ID:128/sta017) STAR (STAndard Routine)
(ID:129/sum003) Summer Session MIT Interactive coding system for Summer Session courses
HoPL IA Rosetta Code
(ID:130/sur003) SURGE (Sorter, Updater, Report GEnerator)
(ID:131/sym006) SYMBOLIC ASSEMBLY Symbolic assembler for IBM 705
(ID:132/tra020) TRANSCODE Autocoder at Toronto
(ID:133/tra023) TRANS-USE Univac 1103 macroassembler
(ID:134/ugl001) UGLIAC United Gas autocode
(ID:135/uni015) UNISAP Case Institute (UNIvac Symbolic Assembly Program)
(ID:136/use001) USE (Univac Scientific Exchange) user group Scientific Compiler
(ID:137/x::001) X-1 eXperimental Assembler For Univac II
(ID:138/aut042) Autostat Statistical Programming Language
(ID:139/cob004) COBOL (COmmon Business Oriented Language)
HoPL IA Rosetta Code
(ID:140/flp001) FLPL (FORTRAN List Processing Language)
(ID:141/gps003) GPSS (General Purpose Systems Simulator)
(ID:142/tab012) TABSOL (TABular Systems Oriented Language)
(ID:143/unc001) UNCOL (UNiversal Computer Oriented Language)
(ID:144/alp005) ALPHA Russian rich maths extension of Algol 60
(ID:145/bmd001) BMD (BioMeDical) computer programs
(ID:146/com022) Compact COBOL Standard subset of COBOL
(ID:147/hyt002) HYTRAN Analog simulation language
(ID:148/mad006) MADCAP Two dimensional maths and set language
(ID:149/mus005) Music Languages for musical sound synthesis
HoPL IA Rosetta Code
(ID:150/neb001) NEBULA (Natural Electronic BUsiness LAnguage)
(ID:151/pro020) PROGENY UNIVAC report generator
(ID:152/req002) Required-COBOL Minimal subset of COBOL (one of several). Later dropped entirely
(ID:153/sai003) SAINT (Symbolic Automatic INTegrator)
(ID:154/sla007) SLANG Compiler compiler system
(ID:155/sma002) SMALGOL (SMall ALGOL)
(ID:156/alp001) ALP (Autocode List-Processing)
(ID:157/bcn001) BC NELIAC NELIAC at UBC
(ID:158/for019) FORMAC (FORmula MAnipulation Compiler)
(ID:159/for034) Formula ALGOL ALGOL dialect for algebraic manipulation
HoPL IA Rosetta Code
(ID:160/for060) FORTRAN IV (FORmula TRANslation) - First major release
(ID:161/ipl002) IPL-II (Information Processing Language) Version 2
(ID:162/ipl003) IPL-III (Information Processing Language) Version 3
(ID:163/for069) FORTRAN V (FORmula TRANslation) with string and character handling
(ID:164/inf007) Information Algebra Theoretical formalism for data processing
(ID:165/kls001) KLS (Knotted List Structures)
(ID:166/mli002) MLISP (Meta-expression LISt Processing)
(ID:167/scl001) SCL (Symbolic Communication Language)
(ID:168/sha002) SHADOW Syntax-directed compiler
(ID:169/sim025) SIMPAC (SIMulation PACkage)
HoPL IA Rosetta Code